Are You Prepared for Vaccines?

New baby heldIf you are preparing for your baby’s next well baby visit, you probably know about the shots. The CDC recommends vaccines against infectious illnesses and most are given as a series of shots starting at the 2 month well baby visit (Hepatitis B shots are recommended at birth for all infants). There is a lot of conflicting information available on the topic of vaccines. While the CDC, the media, and many doctors claim vaccines are safe and effective, many parents are convinced the shots caused harm to their baby. There are some good ways to reduce the possibility of vaccine harm. Please read the whole list, because there are many important points at the end, but I didn’t know the order to put them in, or which might be the most important for YOU to know.

  1. Be informed. Make sure you know which shots are being recommended for your baby. Keep your own records so that you can make sure your baby is never given duplicate shots. Administrative errors do happen.
  2. Record the batch numbers of the vaccines given to your baby.  A batch number is provided by the manufacturer in order to keep track of possible reactions.
  3. Apply ice immediately, or ASAP, to the injection site.
  4. Avoid acetaminophen, aka TYLENOL (USA) or PARACETAMOL (SA, UK), no matter who recommends it. Acetaminophen/Tylenol/Paracetamol depletes glutathione which is critically important in the role of detoxing the brain. Please research this, especially if your health professional recommends giving a product containing acetaminophen. Carefully read the contents of all OTC drugs. You will be surprised at how many contain acetaminophen. More details on Acetaminophen here.
  5. Give high doses of Vitamin C before, and long-term after. Vitamin C is perfectly safe and can reduce some negative symptoms. Toddlers and babies can be given 1 g/day of sodium ascorbate spread throughout the day or give 2 times the RDI/day of a Vitamin C Complex. See Dr Suzanne Humphries for excellent information on safe use of Vitamin C. I’ve summarized vitamin C dose recommendations here.
  6. Give probiotics for at least 2 weeks afterwards. Add probiotic foods to family meals.
  7. Breastfeed as much as possible. Continue with breastfeeding for as long as possible. Breast milk is full of probiotics and many other factors that are critically important to boost your baby’s immune system. Nursing a baby at the breast is beneficial for comfort and healing. Many mothers find their baby wants to nurse nearly constantly after receiving shots.
  8. Luca Bugarin after shotsTake a full-face photograph of your child BEFORE the vaccine. Many subtle signs of vaccine injury can be clearly seen in the face immediately, or in the days following the injections, if we are paying attention. Notice particularly the eyes and the mouth. Sometimes vaccine damage is seen in eyes pulling in different directions or the mouth pulling up or down, in a similar way to those who have experienced a stroke. Many parents notice a pallor or lack of vitality in the face of their child following vaccines. If you see a difference in your child, that can be a strong signal that future vaccines could cause even greater harm.
  9. Take video of your child’s most advanced actions or skills. Record their speech or verbal ability. Sometimes children have a serious reaction to a vaccine and are sick for several weeks and it becomes difficult to remember what they were capable of before they received the vaccines.
  10. Explore your family history. Are there any i) Autoimmune diseases, ii) Eczema, iii) High-pitched screaming after vaccines, iv) Bowel disturbances, etc. Thousands of parents have found out the hard way that these symptoms can signal a possible adverse reaction in a family. Vaccine harm can be cumulative, which means the potential for harm can increase with each future vaccine.
  11. Get genetic testing for MTHFR gene. People with a “defective MTHFR gene have an impaired ability to produce the MTHFR enzyme (estimates range from 20%-70% or more). This can make it more difficult to break down and eliminate not only synthetic folic acid but other substances like heavy metals.”[1] Since vaccines are known to contain heavy metals, it is wise to have at least a simple saliva test to determine your MTHFR gene response.
  12. Consider delaying vaccines.The older a baby is, the better; the heavier a baby is, the better. Vaccines are known to cause more damage to younger and lower weight babies.
  13. Limit the number of shots. Perhaps no more than one at a time. This will enable you to pinpoint which vaccine causes a poor reaction. Vaccine damage is individual but can also be cumulative. Some babies seem to be fine after receiving many injections; others react to only one shot. Limiting the number will give you more precise information on how your baby is responding.
  14. Investigate the frequency and risk of the diseases. Do you know what diseases the CDC recommends shots for? Do you know the risk of the disease and if there is a way to treat your baby if s/he were to catch the diseases? This information is critically important so you can make an informed choice.
  15. Read the complete vaccine insert, especially the ingredient list. Ask your doctor if they have read the complete insert for each vaccine they are recommending. This is a lengthy document which is available from each vaccine manufacturer for each vaccine, or combination vaccine (more than one disease covered in the shot) that they produce. These documents are available from you doctor if you request one. They come with the vaccines, or you can read them from the FDA site on-line if you know the name of the shot your doctor is planning to give.
  16. Learn about why vaccines are the only medical treatment for which the manufacturer has zero liability.  Most parents are unaware of the existence of the NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program), VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System), and the fact that vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued if their products cause damage or death. Pharmaceutical manufacturers, the CDC who recommends their products, and the doctors who administer the products are 100% liability free. This 5 minute video, How the Vaccine Court Works, which describes the National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and the impact it has had on those who are injured by vaccines.
  17. Car Seat 2Research adverse reactions. Unfortunately vaccine injury is a reality for thousands, perhaps millions of families. There are many biomedical procedures and protocols families are finding beneficial for healing their children from vaccine injury, but it can be an exhausting, confusing, and expensive field to navigate.
  18. Investigate detox procedures. When neurotoxins lodge in the brain, gut, or tissues, it can be removed, but there are many safety precautions you need to be aware of. Many families are achieving incredible healing from serious neurological damage caused by vaccines, but it comes with a tremendous emotional, physical, and financial cost. One mom, whom I know personally, now has a fully functioning 15-year-old. He was diagnosed on the autism spectrum at age 2. While he is now in mainstream education and is considered healed from autism, the family has spent close to $1 million for all the therapies, treatments, supplements, etc. to achieve this incredible recovery. There are resources written by parents who are succeeding at detoxing children from vaccine damage [2]
  19. Investigate exemptions, religious or philosophical, in your state or country. 47 states in the USA allow non-medical exemptions for school. You do not have to be a member of a specific religion or explain the details of your religious objection in order to claim a religious exemption for vaccines. You can get more information on vaccine exemptions from the National Vaccine Information Center (

Lora's 3 BoysIf you don’t know anyone impacted by vaccine injury, or if your children seem fine after getting shots, please thank God that your child has not been injured.

For some it only took one shot to send them into the spiral known as serious vaccine injury. Some families were selective about the shots and delayed them, yet their child was still injured. For others it was a progressive combination of vaccines. These families would give anything to go back in time and make the vaccine decision again.

One mom, L.G., learned about vaccine injury personally:

“I received the Hepatitis B series in my late teens because I ‘had’ to have it for college, which I later learned is a LIE. Additionally, these shots were given to prevent a disease I was never at risk for. It had been years since my last vaccines, but that series triggered my autoimmune disease. I developed an arthritis there is no cure for, that is predicted to be chronic and debilitating for the rest of my life, possibly putting me in constant pain and causing me to be unable to walk or move freely. I am currently doing well but must avoid dietary triggers, get regular exercise and rest. I’m taking a mild medication that has the potential to damage my liver. My pro-vaccine rheumatologist even agreed the vaccines I received as a teen were likely a cause/trigger for my arthritis. I just want everyone to know, if you consent to give the vaccines, you take on the responsibility for any negative outcomes for yourself; no one else is liable, the pharmaceutical companies are completely protected.”

Our doctors, the media, and the CDC tell us babies need vaccines to be safe and healthy. The reality is that there is a level of risk in giving vaccines and the CDC is fully aware of that risk. Many parents accept what they are told. Others question. Some families have differing opinions on the need for vaccines with one spouse in favor, and the other opposed.

Take your time. Do the research necessary for you to make a confident decision in what is best for the health of your baby. 

Becky on stageBecky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world!

Other informative posts on vaccines and your baby:

[1] See more at: What is an MTHFR gene mutation?

[2] “Fight Autism and Win” by Jan Martin and Tressie Taylor. This book “walks parents through the process of detoxing mercury and how to handle issues like yeast and adrenal fatigue in children. The success rate for this protocol is very good!” Julie Hill

Young Parents & Vaccine Information

Mom Dad Baby
[A true story related to me by the author]
Trust me, as a parent, it doesn’t feel good to have been lied to by doctors. I trusted them to keep my children safe. My heart hurts.
It’s not that parents are completely unintelligent. It’s the product of a young, inexperienced human being, becoming a parent, and the continuous brain washing and pressure as we try to decide what’s best for our children.
My son has an Autism observation meeting at the end of the month. I can’t even begin to explain how bad I feel. And I don’t know that vaccines were the only reason why he ended up how he is, but I suspect it. He was on track… Then at a certain age, he wasn’t.
Hep BI thought I was being a good parent. When I questioned vaccines at the doctor’s office, the doctor and nurses pushed them, saying it was for my children’s safety. I concluded that I was just being paranoid. I did think, when I signed that waiver regarding vaccine liability, it was weird. I thought ‘Why do I need to sign this? It doesn’t make sense…’
We refused the MMR vaccine, at the time, thinking THAT was the only problem vaccine. But I was SO wrong!
Hep B RisksMy husband and I held out on the Hepatitis B vaccine, but later decided to have our children vaccinated for it. Honestly, until now, I was unaware of how unnecessary, and potentially dangerous these, and other vaccines, were.
I am NOT anti-vaccine. I am PRO vaccine safety! But for now, I don’t want to vaccinate my children, anymore. Not until I know that some actual safety has been verified, legitimately! And I would love if it could stop being such a fight to not want to vaccinate. All parents should make their own decision on whether or not to vaccinate. My children are my own. I don’t need others in the world telling me what I should be doing to raise them properly. I carried them. They are mine.
Melinda Bowen
Before you give any vaccine for any reason, please read these important steps to take to Prepare for Vaccination.

Thanksgiving 2015

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and speaker, is passionate about health, Jesus, and joy. Becky writes about vaccines in order to help young parents navigate this confusing topic. 

Popular blogs on the topic of vaccines:

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God’s Work in Me

Band conductorThese aren’t new thoughts. Just regurgitated thoughts God gave me on the process He takes us through. God is transforming us to become more like Himself.

But He doesn’t do it in a vacuum.

He doesn’t do it while I immerse myself in popular culture and social media.

How does God, through Jesus Christ, bring transformation to my life?

“And we all with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image, one degree of glory at a time. For it comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3: 18

He transforms us as we gaze and behold His image. I want to be more like Jesus. I want to learn how God views me, how much He loves me, and what He has planned for me. I eagerly and hungrily spend time contemplating Him and His perfection. I grow in understanding who He is and what He is like through His work in history, His work in Creation, His work in people, and His recorded Word.

We can’t improve ourselves. We gaze on Him, the author of our life, the Creator of everything and everyone around us, and His transforming power works on us, one degree at a time. Progressively.

Thank you Lord for removing the veil. Thank you for opening the access portal through Jesus. Thank you for opening my eyes to see the work You desire to do in the world today. Thank you for your ongoing transforming power through the Spirit who is at work today. Thank you that you have won the victory and I am invited to be in your victory procession.

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always lead us in triumphal procession and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ everywhere… Who is sufficient for such things?” 2 Corinthians 2:14

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and speaker, is passionate about health, Jesus, and joy. Becky blogs at and shares health information on her Facebook page.

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For Women Only

Toblerone Triangle croppedQuarrelsome or Nagging Wife

It’s better to live alone in the desert
    than with a quarrelsome, complaining wife. Proverbs 21:19

Marriage is difficult. We’ve been working on it for 35+ years and I still have so much to learn! Reading this verse in Proverbs about the nagging wife, usually brings to mind incidents of OTHER women. Rarely have I thought I might BE that woman.

As I listened to the audio Bible of Proverbs 21 last week, I believe the Spirit of God gave me a fresh insight and deeper understanding of the nagging wife.

When we hear the words “nagging wife” or “quarrelsome wife” most of us women, have an idea of what that is. We may also know someone who fits that description. But,

What does a man perceive as quarrelsome/nagging?

In particular, what might your man perceive as nagging?

Having recently read most of the old book with old-fashioned ideas, Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin, I came up with this list of possible things men might perceive as nagging.

Reminders of his shortcomings in any area of life. Maybe even something as simple as reminding him that he left the milk on the counter, or left the garage door open. Additionally, almost every man will feel nagged by any reminder, however subtle or unintentional, that reflects negatively on his current role of provider. For instance, reminding him that you are making great personal sacrifices because you have such a small budget, or reminding him of how little money you managed to spend, etc. While you may genuinely feel your efforts need to be commended, they may come across as reminders that he is not providing the family with the abundance he would like to.

A wife is often the one and only place a man will reveal his deepest thoughts/feelings/insecurities/vulnerabilities. We must guard these as a sacred treasure, not to be shared with others. Never to be spoken of in anything that may be interpreted to be demeaning or belittling. Anything that reminds him in a negative way of the vulnerability he has shared with you will most certainly be interpreted as nagging.

While we must guard the treasures shared with us by our husbands, we must not allow them to burden us. We must release those deep secrets into the care of our Lord Jesus who has only affection for us. We must not hold on and allow our husband’s insecurities to weigh us down. We must learn to answer with faith and encouragement both for the sake of our husband and for our own sake.

Another action that could be interpreted as ‘nagging’ by our husband is any attempt to share information or “teach”. Most efforts to bring information or expertise and share it, usually backfire. Generally a man does not desire to learn anything from his wife. If he does want to learn from you, he will certainly ask you, in which case you must share the skills you have gained in a humble patient way. Never patronize him, or speak down to him for not knowing something you know. Never bring him new information, as if you have something really important to teach him. When we bring new information to a man he interprets that as highlighting his weaknesses. What a man wants to hear from his wife is how awesome he is. He only wants to discuss things that directly relate to him and build him up. Everywhere he turns in the world he finds challenges, competition, complaints and criticism. From his wife he wants bolstering. He wants a viewpoint that sees him as the hero.

Other common things woman may inadvertently do that can be interpreted as nagging include talking to him as if he is one of the children, making any disparaging remark about his academic abilities, his financial abilities or past mistakes, any negative reference to his physical appearance or presentation, and unsolicited reminders of any sort. Even when we have good motivations, he doesn’t want to have his actions questioned, “You aren’t going to eat that are you?” or “You aren’t eating now are you?”

Encouraging is probably the polar opposite of nagging. Our goal should never be maintaining a neutral position, but to be robustly encouraging. Encouragement is not only conveyed through the words we say. Encouragement does not hinge on our intentions behind our words. The litmus test for encouragement is how your man hears and interprets your words and intentions. While every man has the same landscape of hopes, dreams, drives and insecurities (For Women Only, Revised and Updated Edition: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men by Shaunti Feldhahn), every man is different and a puzzle for his wife to navigate. Your unique and valuable position as a wife means learning what words and actions your husband finds encouraging.

Learning how to respond in an encouraging, non-nagging manner does not mean squashing all your thoughts and feelings inside. It does not mean disappearing into a non-person state. As a wife you have a unique position and opportunity to be the one light of encouragement in your man’s life. If you see yourself in this position of honor, you will reap benefits beyond your imagination.

Whole FamilyAuthor Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and speaker, is passionate about health, Jesus, and joy. Becky blogs at and shares health information on her Facebook page. Please like journeyboost on Facebook!