
Group.Coaching-350-x-320Sometimes we all need a boost.

A life coach is someone to

  • help you take a look at your life,
  • help you to understand what powers your dreams and desires, and
  • help you implement the action steps you seek.

If you are interested in taking some growth steps in your life, a life coach might be just what you are looking for.

Individual life coaching sessions are an opportunity for those who are ready to implement serious changes in their life and want to realize those changes faster and easier.  Most clients seek coaching for a minimum of three months and many find coaching so beneficial that they continue for much longer.  It doesn’t matter where you live since all that is required is a telephone or Skype line to make a regular connection.   Learn more about what other clients have experienced through life coaching with Becky.

Group Coaching provides many of the same benefits as individual coaching with the opportunity to create a community on your journey. A Group is made up of a limited number of participants who meet together either in person or via a telephone conference call on a regular structured basis to achieve individual growth, usually in a specific area of focus.  Each participant does individual work on their personal life goals in the supportive environment with the mutual encouragement of a group committed to helping them achieve their goals. Since many of our challenges are similar, the work that we see others do can help and inspire our own journey.

Group Coaching can give you a huge jump-start towards making significant changes or taking steps of growth at a more affordable cost.

Fees for individual and group coaching are currently discounted by about 50% as I continue to learn and gain experience in this exciting beneficial field.

You can schedule a free 30 minute inquiry call to help you understand more about what life coaching is all about and whether individual or group coaching will be beneficial to you at this stage of life.