Young Parents & Vaccine Information

Mom Dad Baby
[A true story related to me by the author]
Trust me, as a parent, it doesn’t feel good to have been lied to by doctors. I trusted them to keep my children safe. My heart hurts.
It’s not that parents are completely unintelligent. It’s the product of a young, inexperienced human being, becoming a parent, and the continuous brain washing and pressure as we try to decide what’s best for our children.
My son has an Autism observation meeting at the end of the month. I can’t even begin to explain how bad I feel. And I don’t know that vaccines were the only reason why he ended up how he is, but I suspect it. He was on track… Then at a certain age, he wasn’t.
Hep BI thought I was being a good parent. When I questioned vaccines at the doctor’s office, the doctor and nurses pushed them, saying it was for my children’s safety. I concluded that I was just being paranoid. I did think, when I signed that waiver regarding vaccine liability, it was weird. I thought ‘Why do I need to sign this? It doesn’t make sense…’
We refused the MMR vaccine, at the time, thinking THAT was the only problem vaccine. But I was SO wrong!
Hep B RisksMy husband and I held out on the Hepatitis B vaccine, but later decided to have our children vaccinated for it. Honestly, until now, I was unaware of how unnecessary, and potentially dangerous these, and other vaccines, were.
I am NOT anti-vaccine. I am PRO vaccine safety! But for now, I don’t want to vaccinate my children, anymore. Not until I know that some actual safety has been verified, legitimately! And I would love if it could stop being such a fight to not want to vaccinate. All parents should make their own decision on whether or not to vaccinate. My children are my own. I don’t need others in the world telling me what I should be doing to raise them properly. I carried them. They are mine.
Melinda Bowen
Before you give any vaccine for any reason, please read these important steps to take to Prepare for Vaccination.

Thanksgiving 2015

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and speaker, is passionate about health, Jesus, and joy. Becky writes about vaccines in order to help young parents navigate this confusing topic. 

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God’s Work in Me

Band conductorThese aren’t new thoughts. Just regurgitated thoughts God gave me on the process He takes us through. God is transforming us to become more like Himself.

But He doesn’t do it in a vacuum.

He doesn’t do it while I immerse myself in popular culture and social media.

How does God, through Jesus Christ, bring transformation to my life?

“And we all with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image, one degree of glory at a time. For it comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3: 18

He transforms us as we gaze and behold His image. I want to be more like Jesus. I want to learn how God views me, how much He loves me, and what He has planned for me. I eagerly and hungrily spend time contemplating Him and His perfection. I grow in understanding who He is and what He is like through His work in history, His work in Creation, His work in people, and His recorded Word.

We can’t improve ourselves. We gaze on Him, the author of our life, the Creator of everything and everyone around us, and His transforming power works on us, one degree at a time. Progressively.

Thank you Lord for removing the veil. Thank you for opening the access portal through Jesus. Thank you for opening my eyes to see the work You desire to do in the world today. Thank you for your ongoing transforming power through the Spirit who is at work today. Thank you that you have won the victory and I am invited to be in your victory procession.

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always lead us in triumphal procession and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ everywhere… Who is sufficient for such things?” 2 Corinthians 2:14

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and speaker, is passionate about health, Jesus, and joy. Becky blogs at and shares health information on her Facebook page.

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