Voices of Reason

MicrophoneIn light of the ever increasing push in the media telling parents to vaccinate and causing them to fear so many things about childhood, here is a voice of reason.

The interesting thing about this voice is that once upon a time she did vaccinate her baby and her daughter suffered a severe vaccine injury which forced her to spend thousands of hours researching the cause and the cure. She KNOWS what she is talking about. She is not making money from your decision.

Vaccine injury can impact your life forever. Be sure you are fully informed of the risks versus potential benefits of any medical procedure you accept for your child. Don’t just follow the recommendations routinely given.

Many parents WISH they could go back and make the decision over again. Unfortunately they can’t. So they do the next best thing – they spend INCREDIBLE time and energy trying to figure out how to get the message to new unsuspecting parents. Please listen and learn through their pain.

Take five minutes to read this.

Take 4 minutes 24 seconds to watch this video:


30 ways in 30 Days: Day 4

19 thoughts on “Voices of Reason

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