Major Life Change

Fisherman skyThe leaders were very disturbed that Peter & John were teaching people that through Jesus there is a resurrection of the dead. Luke, Acts 4:2

Maybe Peter was saying something like this:

Hey guys, life is bad now, yes
The Romans are in charge and it sucks.
We thought Jesus was going to bring ‘em down.
Turns out He had different plans.
I, personally, was devastated.
When I saw them arrest Jesus I couldn’t believe it.
I flipped.
I did a complete 180 – completely turned on Him.
My hopes, dreams, investment …. all GONE.
I was crushed.
Deep deep pain.
I felt deserted, destroyed, lost.
But, then, I saw the empty grave.
Talk about an emotional whiplash:
So low to sooo high.
Then He appeared to us
Many times.
He taught us
All the pieces started to fit together
He explained everything
Everything is different now.
This world isn’t all there is.
This body isn’t all there is.
A resurrected life through Jesus is the goal.
This world will end.
This political system will end.
I’ve given up trying to fix it.
My new passion, purpose & life work is helping people
To KNOW and experience
You can arrest me.
You can kill me.
His power is BEYOND anything you could ever do to me.
I’ve seen Him.
Now I understand who He was
What He came to do
What He came to bring
For us
For everyone
I’d rather die trying to tell people
Than go back to my safe comfortable life as a fisherman
I could never do that
I’ve seen God
In a body
I’ve seen a dead man

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. Peter, Acts 4:12


For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eye witnesses to His majesty. Peter


We also have the prophetic record as something completely reliable and you would do well to pay attention to it until the daylight dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Peter


Day 28 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive or just have a question, please leave a comment below.

Building Bridges

IMG_1687I just found one of those yellow proof of vaccination cards. I was born in 1960 and in 1979 I was injected with vaccinations purported to prevent Yellow Fever and Small Pox prior to a trip to South Africa with my family. We went for six months to live in the modern bustling city of Cape Town, and I am sure there had not been a case of either disease for more than 50 years, if ever.

Cape Town is not now and probably never has been a Yellow Fever area of concern. Small Pox vaccines were halted completely by the CDC in January 1980, one month after I was injected.

With unquestioning faith in the CDC’s travel recommendations, and complete ignorance of any possible concern regarding the ingredients in the injections, I stuck out my arm and received the two shots and got a yellow international certificate recording this transaction.

I probably accepted vaccinations even more readily than the general population (if that were possible) because my father was employed by the CDC as a medical doctor specializing in research in peri-natal virology. We even went to the CDC headquarters on Clifton Road in Atlanta, Georgia to get the shots before our trip!! Of course I had shots in school, so it was no big deal. We get shots, we’re Americans, that’s what we do.

After over 30 years of researching the impact of vaccines on health, it has been a huge struggle for me to actually go public in saying I believe all vaccines have a greater potential for harm than for benefit, both to the individual and to society.

The early virologists didn’t fully understand the immune system. The measurements they relied on, called titers, served to them as indicators of “immunization” or supposed ‘protection’. Yet recent sciences clearly demonstrates that titer levels in blood serum do not tell the whole story of immunity. Information accumulated in the last ten years about the immune system and the gut microbiome gives a completely new understanding of human immune function and our ability to fight bacteria and viruses. Additionally, the early vaccine researchers did not adequately understand the massive damage that vaccines could cause to the brain and immune system. In some cases, this can result in chronic lifelong disabilities due to the biochemical assault on the body. Adding vaccine upon vaccine over the years without ever exploring the combined impact, has had tragic consequences to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people.

This has been a huge struggle for me to come to terms with. I want to believe the CDC knew what they were doing and that they were concerned about the health of the individual as well as the health of the public. I have been forced to conclude that the CDC has become so strongly influenced by the manufacturers of vaccines to the point that they can no longer objectively look at the science, or in fact, devise any true scientific studies. Their policies reflect a marketing agenda which is prioritized above a concern for health. Their careers, and the careers of the doctors who follow their recommendations, depend on perpetuating the myths they have long believed.

My journey to TRUTH, or awakening, has had a lot of consequences and I reflect on it often. Like many others, I have become passionate about helping prevent further damage to babies. I’ve been voluntarily helping mothers breastfeed their babies for over 20 years, but I now want to help mothers realize that the vaccines they are allowing to be given to their Ignorancebabies are probably the main cause of latching problems at birth and have the potential to cause many other serious side effects to all babies. I want them to know that the potential of damage from vaccines given in pregnancy is HIGH and the safety testing nonexistent. I want to help parents come to understand what I know to be true. I realize this won’t be an easy trip for them either. When we learn that a public health agency does not value our health and does not follow true science, we feel betrayed. Some people prefer to live in the status quo rather than acknowledge the extent of betrayal that has been going on.

Sharing information on vaccinations can be a dangerous pursuit because there are many strong forces trying to continue marketing and distributing vaccines to those who are unaware. They also seek to silence and discredit those trying to spread truth. There is a lot of money at stake.

I have come up with a list of ideas that I hope will be helpful to bring truth to more people. This is not an exhaustive list and I’ve gleaned most of it from watching other activists in progress. I’d love to refine and add to this list as I receive more ideas.

1. Your Personal Struggle Trumps Advice & Opinions. Share your struggle. People relate more to a struggle than they will to advice or opinions. Try to remember how you first felt when you encountered the reality of the dangers of vaccines, BEFORE you try to push all the facts you’ve discovered. Respect where people are at. Generally, people don’t want to know our opinions and they don’t want to be told what to do.

2. Empathize with feelings. Acknowledge the fear, confusion, and betrayal people are feeling. Parents are trying to make the best decisions for their children. New parents are preyed upon. Many good people are giving them REALLY BAD advice. Don’t get angry with them! Find a way to understand their inner turmoil. Listen and reflect their feelings.

Opinions like armpits

3. Be kind to everyone. This is really hard to do especially if you think about extending kindness to those purveyors of misinformation or those directly profiting from the vaccine industry. But, when we slander them, we don’t actually make them look bad, it is a bad reflection on ourselves. We need to find a way to expose the truth without character assaults – however tempting it may seem. When we viciously attack others we lower our own credibility.

4. Work together. There are so many voices in this debate. We need to find those who are effectively sharing truth and work with them. We need to encourage them and extend our support for what they are doing. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) with Barbara Loe Fisher is one of the oldest organizations to educate parents. The Thinking Moms Revolution (TMR) is very active in sharing blogs and the reality of life with vaccine-injured children. There are MANY other great people devoted to this cause, including doctors, film makers, healers, parents and grandparents. The list is long, but when we find each other, come together, and share our experience, we will be stronger.

5. Target for effectiveness. Young doctors, medical students, nursing students, pastors, pregnant families, not yet pregnant twenty somethings, highschool and college students. Target key influencers. Share information a little at a time. Let’s figure out where we will get the most for our efforts. Look for interest and find fertile ground.

6. Take care of yourself – recharge. Most of us know that we need to take care of our body, mind and spirit. We need to eat clean, exercise regularly and de-stress. We need to forgive ourselves and others. Carrying the weight of our mission can impact our emotions and stress. We need to have a method to reduce stress to keep our immune system strong. Understanding ourselves and practicing healthy disciplines needs to be prioritized so we can stay strong.

7. Take care of your family. Family comes before causes. Your family has a limit of how much passion and information they are able to listen to! Take time to ask them questions and enter their world – even if it seems “trivial” in light of the serious mission you are on!

8. Remember the underprivileged. What about those who will never have access to the research? How can we warn the vast number of more disadvantaged people? This is very near and dear to my heart. I don’t have the answer to this question. It is great that the number of non-vaccinating parents is growing and that highly educated parents have the ability to research and make an informed choice, but how do we get this information out to a wider audience to make a big impact?

_DSC1724I’m certainly not perfect at executing this list – it’s a reminder for me just as much as anyone. I love babies. I love seeing healthy robust babies with an uncompromised immune system enjoying vibrant health. That is my passion.

Has my list sparked any ideas for you? How can we work together to continue to tear down this house of cards?

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate truth seeker, Christ follower, breastfeeding and health advocate.

I’d love your ideas and insight to add to my list! Please share in the comments below. I blog at and share information on my Facebook Page. Please like it!

30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines: Day 3 has been an incredible project for me. Not big, but significant. I pray it will impact many thousands of lives for good.

Friends on our Journey

FriendsWe all need people in our life to

Encourage us

Strengthen us

Keep us from being shaken by our current troubles.

Paul described Timothy as being someone like that for the people in Thessalonica.

We are stronger when we allow people to encourage us and when we give encouragement to others.

Is there anyone in your life who provides you with that sort of encouragement?

Is there a person to whom you are able to give that sort of encouragement?

I’m always looking for more encouragement in my life.

Together, what might God be able to accomplish through us?

We always have the comfort of Jesus, but we can provide tangible help and comfort to one another during the challenges we face in this life.

It isn’t always easy to follow Paul’s instruction to the Thessalonians, but this is what we can do for each other.


Day 22 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve.

How Many More Must Die?

DespairI’m not a historian, but I do like history. There is so much we can gain by increasing our understanding of history. A lot of history that we are exposed to has strong bias to one side of the story or another, so I always enjoy trying to explore various sides of history – especially in conflicts, of which there are many.

History is replete with examples of small groups of people holding power and authority over a larger group. This pattern has been repeated so often, one would think we could recognize it if it were happening to us.

Most of the history I’ve been taught is with an underlying assumption that “we are so smart now, that we would never be as stupid as all the people who did all these crazy things way back when.”

I’m not sure if anyone else ever had that impression or if it was unique to me. History is always taught from the point of view of superiority and a greater sense of sophistication which would prohibit the current generation – because it is so ‘advanced’ – from making any of the mistakes that are SO OBVIOUS in history.

Examples abound of a small group of people controlling and manipulating the larger group. During the Dark Ages, or Middle Ages, the Church and its priests held onto authority and did not allow questioning. The masses were not educated, could not read and were not permitted to have access to Bibles or knowledge, except what the priest wanted them to know. The church promoted their own authority and the authority of their traditions.

We are all familiar with feudal rule where a few privileged people held the power over all the rest. The story of Robin Hood captivated us because he was a man who dared to defy the authority and help those who were being abused and mistreated.The history of the world-wide slave trade is all about a small group of people yielding power over others for their personal benefit.

Even as close as WWII we see examples of a group of powerful people oppressing and abusing minority groups – with the full cooperation of most of the general public.

Has anything REALLY CHANGED? Is our society different today? Is it free for EVERYONE?

At this point in time we continue to see a very small percentage of the people able to yield considerable authority over most of the people and get them to do whatever they want.

Today the CDC makes sweeping health recommendations that impact every citizen of the USA and extend to most countries in the world. We have empowered this small ‘elite’ group of people, with some ‘outside advisors’ to pretty much dictate the health practices of our entire population. The average person is not encouraged to read the details of the debates on health, but rather to just to follow the CDC recommendations. The CDC doesn’t think the masses are able to understand the details in the vaccine inserts produced by the manufacturers, so they provide a dumbed down version called ‘information sheets’ FREE OF CHARGE – to be given to parents through doctors or clinics who provide the ‘RECOMMENDED shots.’

There is deliberate misuse of terms on many of the CDC publications with the word ‘immunization’ instead of vaccination. The CDC knows that not all vaccines result in effectively conferring immunity, but they want to be sure the public doesn’t become aware of the finer details, because the public, after all, can’t really understand the science anyway.

I am encouraged that there is a very strong and ever growing number of people who are realizing that the science behind vaccination is not as strong as the CDC, their doctors, and the vaccine manufacturers might want us to think. Among these are a great number of doctors themselves who have either watched the negative impact vaccines were having on their patients, or in many cases, ON THEIR OWN CHILDREN.

The CDC has always maintained that the percentage of children injured from a vaccine was extremely small. The CDC HAVE ALWAYS ACKNOWLEDGED AND ACCEPTED THAT THERE WILL BE SOME LEVEL OF INJURY. They don’t really care if the injury happens to your child, my child, or your doctor’s child. In the mind of those writing public policy it is a fair trade off – we lose a few here and there for the benefit of the larger number of people.

Now this may be a fine and good way to think – until it comes to be YOUR CHILD. I personally don’t think it is fine and good to RISK ANYONE’s CHILD. And I sure wouldn’t ask you to risk your child for my benefit. Yet, that is exactly what the CDC has been doing for well over 40 years.

Can't seeNow there is a further problem which they are not quite so ready to acknowledge. They think that MOST CHILDREN are safer with the vaccine than without it. That is a foundational assumption that they DARE NOT CHALLENGE. You see, if they think MOST are safer, then they also think the benefit to MOST is worth the PAIN, SUFFERING, and even DEATH, for just a few.

Child 2What doctors and parents of non-vaccinated children have witnessed firsthand for YEARS is that actually, this foundational argument is not SOUND. It is not based on SCIENCE. In fact, non-vaccinated children ARE MUCH HEALTHIER and much safer than VACCINATED children. Non-vaccinated children have less visits to doctors, less ear infections, less antibiotic use, less seizures, less diabetes, less obesity, less auto-immune disorders, less chronic illness, less SIDS and LESS NEGATIVE OUTCOMES ALL around.

Now the CDC will tell you that this is simply anecdotal evidence – YET they seem to be SO AFRIAD of confirming this conclusion, that THEY REFUSE TO ACTUALLY DO A STUDY COMPARING VACCINATED VERSUS UNVACCINATED children. There have been some studies: one in Holland looking at populations of non-vaccinated children; and looking at predominately unvaccinated groups of people like the Amish and Dr Meyer Eisenstein’s extremely large (10,000+) medical practice with no vaccination and no autism. All indications from these brief looks are that the non-vaccinated have outstanding health when compared to vaccinated children. Ask any mother or grandmother of both vaccinated and unvaccinated children – the differences are night and day obvious.

Admittedly there may be more factors involved in the degeneration of health of children today, particularly because of the toxins they are exposed to in food and our environment. HOWEVER, that is no reason not to conduct the study and to RE-LOOK the science behind vaccination.

Once upon a time doctors and the CDC said smoking was NOT BAD. Perhaps they should fire all government scientists who are afraid of learning the true result and get a team of unbiased TRUE SCIENTISTS who don’t have any connections with industry to take an unbiased look – for the health and welfare of our children. They need to put the health and welfare of ALL CHILDREN above their own career aspirations, their reputations, their funding, and anything else that is preventing them from seeking TRUTH.

In the middle ages the priests held the power and wanted to manipulate the masses for their own purposes. Today we have an elite who want to maintain their power, prestige, and position. They have too much vested interest to want to know the truth.

Furthermore, there is INTENSE PRESSURE from the pharmaceutical industry to maintain and EVEN INCREASE vaccination rates and numbers. The pharmaceutical companies enjoy 100% LIABILITY FREE PROFIT from their vaccines! They can make vast amounts of money but never have to pay a dime if their products injure or kill your child – they are legally blameless.

Why would they want to change anything?

How many MORE children are going to have to suffer sever injury, life-long brain damage or death before we hold these people accountable?

Will you entrust your child to their care – when they know your child just might be one of the ones injured?

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings. I am just a mom and a grandmother who loves to see healthy happy babies. It breaks my heart to see vaccine injured children. There are GROWING NUMBERS all around us. It is the biggest shame and greatest cause of sorrow.

30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines: Day 22


Water Anyone?

drinking waterIt has been said,

Lose your heatlh

I’m quite an avid health seeker, as those who know me best will attest – sometimes a little bit overboard and too enthusiastic.

I have written a lot about various ways to boost and enhance our health, but one of the simplest things we can do is often overlooked – because it is just so simple.


We all need good clean water. One of the best times to drink that good clean water is FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. I was reminded of this just yesterday when I read some research showing how many different illnesses can be positively impacted – just by drinking water first thing in the morning, and waiting 45 minutes before having breakfast.


How many do it? For those who have yet to make it a daily ritual – why haven’t you?

I could write a whole other blog about water, how I personally collect my own spring water, and other important aspects of drinking water, but I was struck by a spiritual correlation.

Just like our body needs pure clean water to thrive, and getting it first thing in the morning is ESPECIALLY beneficial, so our hearts and minds need the PURE CLEAN spiritual water we find in Jesus, usually through HIS WORD, the Bible. AND it is especially beneficial to have access FIRST thing in the morning.

If you are new to a faith journey I challenge you to prioritize time – you can decide how long – but prioritize time FIRST thing in the morning to focus on reading the Bible and getting your refreshing LIVING WATER through Jesus. One way might be to read one chapter from one of the Gospels and every day read the next chapter. There are other ways, but the important thing is to start.

This morning I was refreshed for hours through this one verse Paul included in his letter to the Romans (4:17):

As it is written: ‘I have made you [Abraham] a father of many nations.’ He [Abraham] is our father, in the sight of God, in whom he believed – the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.

We all know about Abraham, but the only reason we know about him is because God kept His promise to Him – God built nations of people through Abraham. Not because Abraham was so obedient – but because he demonstrated FAITH. He BELIEVED God.

But right now, God also sees me and He knows exactly what He can accomplish through me – and it is not the same as my current reality. “God calls things that are not as though they were.” I wonder what things God can call to be in my life?

What are the dreams that He has put in my heart? What dreams are in your heart? What are the longings or desires that ARE IMPOSSIBLE for us to accomplish on our own, but that God can easily accomplish – because He is the God who gives life to the dead!

Starting every single day with a dip into the living water will re-set your mind and your heart. Jesus said a lot about the importance of our hearts – these statements are all found in different chapters in Matthew:

“Whatever is in your heart determines what you will say.”

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.”

“You are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.”

Are you depressed? Downtrodden? Discouraged? Stuck? How are the words that you are speaking (even inside your own head) keeping you in that state?

“You are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.”

We need our hearts re-filled and re-charged EVERY SINGLE DAY – and especially first thing in the morning, so that our mouths can be filled with FAITH FILLED WORDS ALL DAY LONG.

What does God desire to accomplish through me and you? He has made it very clear in His word – that is another reason we need to keep reading it!

Light image croppedFor one thing we know for sure He wants to use us to represent Him as a fragrance of beauty wherever we go. We are to share our knowledge of God and of Jesus. He wants us to be salt and light. We need to repent of our own sinful tendencies and share the Good News of the forgiveness of sins with others. We are to love and forgive others – even when it is hard. We won’t ever be perfect. It is only His power in us that can do any of this!

We all have the same problem and it requires the same solution!

We need to recognize that we are sinners and we are not able to accomplish our own salvation. We need to repent, turn to God, and believe that through Jesus we can be made right and given a right relationship with Him!

Like Abraham, we “believe in God who brings the dead back to life and creates new things out of nothing!” What new things might God create in YOUR LIFE?

Day 20 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve.

Where are the WARNINGS?

needleEvery person in the USA is completely acclimatized to hearing and seeing marketing of all sorts of drugs on TV directly targeting consumers – AND very frequently! It has become so commonplace that most teens and twenty somethings think it is just the way life is. It probably doesn’t occur to most of those exposed to this continuous outpouring of pharmaceutical marketing (known as DTC – direct to consumer), that there is ONLY ONE OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WHERE THIS IS LEGAL.

That being said, what about all those dire warnings? How can people hear them and still want the drugs? Don’t they take the warnings seriously?

Maybe hearing the warnings over and over again desensitizes people to the seriousness of the warnings?

Imagine if there were advertisements for vaccines which included ALL the warnings at the end? It might read something like this, (with information based on the vaccine inserts supplied by manufacturer of the DtaP vaccine), this is the disclaimer:

This product is not suitable for anyone who:

  • has had a prior adverse reaction to the DTaP vaccine, or other similar vaccines;
  • has had an encephalopathy within 7 days of a previously administered similar vaccine;
  • has a progressive neurologic disorder.

Additionally, the aluminum adjuvant in the vaccine, used to stimulate the immune system, may

  • leave a hard lump at the injection site, which may be hot to the touch – this will typically dissipate in a few days, but
  • has been known to affect muscle pain and chronic fatigue, and, though rare,
  • may trigger development of autoimmune disease, such as multiple sclerosis (Multiple Sclerosis i.e. MS) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease);

Consult with your doctor at the first sign of any such reaction.

  • The vaccine recipient may also experience an involuntary, extended, bone-chilling cry for several hours sometime within the twenty-four hours following injection, often repeated over the following few days, which indicates brain inflammation, and may be followed by a lengthy period of regression – consult with your doctor.
  • The DTaP may cause a bulging fontanelle in infants – this typically subsides after a few days, but may indicate brain damage; be alert for unusual behaviors, and call your doctor should you detect any.
  • In infants, there are reports of associated SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) with the vaccine; do not place your infant face down until sixty days following the last of the three scheduled DTaP shots.
  • And, you may experience any combination of the following reported reactions, some of which may require hospitalization:
  • Hey!abdominal pain;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • apnea;
  • autism;
  • bacterial/viral infections;
  • convulsions;
  • disintegrative disorder;
  • coma;
  • abnormal EEG;
  • blood disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • eye movement disorder;
  • fever > 105 degree F;
  • hearing loss;
  • trouble walking;
  • narcolepsy;
  • pain, swelling and redness at injection site;
  • paralysis;
  • pneumonia;
  • impairment of psychomotor skills;
  • screaming; and
  • speech disorders.

This vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility, and there are currently 8150 reported associated deaths. It has not been tested or approved for use in pregnant women.

Additionally, each 0.5-mL does of this vaccine is known to contain

  • aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant (not more than 0.625 mg
  • aluminum by assay) and 4.5 mg of sodium chloride.
  • Each dose also contains ≤100 mcg of residual formaldehyde and
  • ≤100 mcg of polysorbate 80 (Tween 80).

The above disclaimer is based on the information provided in the manufacturers’ own inserts.

It really is important to be FULLY AWARE of EVERYTHING in a vaccine given to your child and of EVERY contraindication (i.e. reasons for which the vaccine manufacturers recommend NOT giving the vaccine). We all expect our doctors or nurses to know this information, but it is simply TOO much information and the responsibility for any possible vaccine injury will be completely ours.

You can find all the vaccine inserts for every single shot you are thinking about giving to your baby, your child or yourself. Please inform yourself of what are the possible outcomes.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not very comfortable absorbing eating or injecting aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, formaldehyde and polysorbate 80 – even in minute quantities. It just can’t be good.

Our #1 role is to protect our children. In order to do that, we need to be fully informed.

We need to know the warnings.

30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines: Day 21

I want more

Dog“To those who listen to My teaching,

More understanding will be given

And they will have an abundance of knowledge!” Jesus (Matthew 13:12)

Many people have deep needs today. Jesus desires to help.

But sometimes they resist the help He wants to give. Maybe they are afraid. Maybe they don’t believe. Maybe they are angry with God because they think He is part of the problem or caused their problem.

I LOVE reading the Bible every day (and sometimes listening to an audio version).

Jesus explained the difference between people who listen and people who WON’T:

“For those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. That is why I use these parables.”

“For they look, but they don’t really see.

They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand.

“This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says,

‘When you hear what I say

You will not understand

When you see what I do

You will not comprehend

For the hearts of these people are hardened

And their ears cannot hear

And they have closed their eyes –

So their eyes cannot see,

And their ears cannot hear,

And their hearts cannot understand,

And they cannot turn to me


But, blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it, and they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it.”

Jesus wants you to know all about Him, AND He wants to heal your heart.

But He doesn’t force Himself on you. He waits. He wants you to soften your heart and look for Him. Once you turn, you will notice many ways that He has been trying to get your attention – probably for a long time.

Jesus said “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10

I pray you will open your eyes, open your ears, listen, understand, and turn to Him so that He can heal your heart and bring peace to your soul.

Day 17 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve 


Jesus: Delusional, Liar, or God?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWho was Jesus? Or Who did Jesus Say He Was?

Jesus made many claims about Himself that we can read in accounts of His life written by four different ancient authors, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.* These accounts were all written not long after Jesus’ time on earth and give us four different viewpoints of the events that took place.

Jesus said that He was the Son of God, Son of Man, equal with God the Father, and God Himself.

Those are bold claims for anyone to make, but if the claims are true, it is vital that we pay attention.

Jesus’ closest followers had a hard time believing Him. Jesus asked them or challenged them about their faith on a couple of different occasions, “Where is your faith?”

But as they spent three continuous years with Him, traveling through the countryside, attending enormous gatherings and small intimate times with Him, they must have seen Him do THOUSANDS of miracles. Everywhere He went He healed people: raised dead people to life, gave sight to the blind, gave voice to the voiceless, made the deaf to hear, removed paralytic conditions of many years standing, etc.

The disciples saw Jesus do other miracles too. He fed thousands of people on two different occasions with the amount of a meager lunch for one person. He calmed a violent storm – making the wind and waves absolutely still. He turned water into the finest wine at a wedding.

John, one of the closest followers of Jesus and the one who lived longest after Jesus, wrote this:

Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25


The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him you will have life by the power of His name. John 20:30

It is very interesting to note that Jesus’ disciples never expected Jesus to die. He predicted His death and suffering, and told them several times what was going to happen to Him. But they couldn’t understand. They were totally unprepared when He was suddenly taken, tried and crucified. I wonder if they didn’t think and hope that He would break free and silence everyone somewhere along that agonizing stream of events – and that is why they kept following to watch and see when He might unleash powerful forces to get Himself free. They knew He could. They knew He had power over those who were hurting Him.

Since Jesus submitted to suffering and was killed, those closest to Him were devastated and the small faith that they had seemed to be extinguished. They withdrew quietly and were terrified that they too were going to be arrested and killed since they had been part of what they thought was a political movement to overthrow the Roman rule of Israel.

What changed? What took a cowering fearful handful of uneducated men and women that propelled them to start a movement that eventually conquered Rome? (Have you seen pictures of Rome and noticed all the crosses symbolizing Jesus’ death ALL OVER the city?) What happened that gave that rag tag bunch of people the clout to start a movement that has continued to this day with billions of followers of Jesus all over the world?

Those humble followers of Jesus came face to face with the resurrected Jesus. Jesus didn’t stay dead, but through His own power received life again after death. This life was a different life that we can’t fully comprehend, but the early follower, to whom He appeared, were changed forever. From then on they could not stop telling people about their risen Lord and Savior.

Their experience of the risen Lord Jesus Christ changed them forever and changed the world forever.

John said that believing in Jesus gives us life by the power of His name.

What is your experience and knowledge of Jesus?

Day 16 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve 

*Three of the authors, Matthew, Mark, and Luke were well acquainted with Jesus. Matthew and Mark were among His twelve closest chosen followers called ‘disciples.’ The fourth author, Luke, was an educated investigative reporter of that day who wanted to do a thorough account so that people like us could continue to read and learn about Jesus life and power today.

How’s Your Heart?

Sand Heart smallWhat was it like to spend time with Jesus on earth?

Matthew, one of the closest followers of Jesus wrote an account of many things he personally witnessed. In chapter 12 of Matthew’s account, Jesus and many followers were traveling by foot around the countryside and He healed “all the sick among them.”

Wow. What a great place it would have been to be front and center witnessing the healing power of Jesus. I know many today would love to feel the healing touch of Jesus on their body, or on the body of a loved one.

Matthew also records for us Isaiah’s prophecy about Jesus, in the same chapter:

Look at My Servant whom I have chosen.

He is My beloved who pleases Me.

I will put My Spirit upon Him,

And He will proclaim justice to the nations.

He will not fight or shout

Or raise His voice in public.

He will not crush the weakest reed

Or put out the flickering candle.

Finally, He will cause justice to be victorious

And His name will be the


Jesus was an example of how to be strong against the opposition of the religious leaders of His time for whom He gave sharpest criticism because they were leading vulnerable people astray.

But He was gentle with all who came to Him seeking healing, help or comfort. He was sensitive and did not crush the weakest among them.

God said He put His own Spirit upon Jesus. But followers of Jesus, even today, have been promised the same Spirit to guide, direct, and strengthen us. It is part of the spiritual mystery explained in many of Paul’s letters to the early Jesus followers.

God desires for us to join Him in His work in the world. It isn’t always apparent what God is doing until we tune in to the spiritual realities of our world. He is always at work and His primary work is in transforming hearts. Jesus said,

“Whatever is in your heart determines what you will say. A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for ever idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.” Matthew 12

I want hope to be in my heart, but sometimes I can get overwhelmed with fear or worry that can influence my heart. I want acceptance towards others to be in my heart, but sometimes I feel overcome with criticism or judgment.

The indicator of what is in my heart is the words that come out of my mouth. Jesus has conquered death and won a spiritual victory that He wants to share with me. Accepting His invitation allows me to journey with Him, with the Spirit of God always available to give me wisdom, self-control and comfort.

I just need to keep checking on my heart. What am I holding in my heart? How is my heart influencing my words? Am I allowing the Spirit of God to lead and direct my heart?

His intention is never to crush me, but to gently draw me and strengthen me. He wants to fill my heart with faith and confidence so that I can become more like Him. He wants me to be able to “proclaim justice” to the oppressed, to answer others without raising my voice or becoming unkind. He wants to use my life, my heart and my interactions to impact the world of today.

What an amazing privilege to have an opportunity to “tune in” my heart to the Spirit of God and have Him use me in the work He is doing in the world today.

Heart birdsHow is your heart?

Day 15 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve 



One essential to come to God

PresentThere is only one essential thing required when we approach God.

This is a difficult concept to fully grasp. We have a propensity to make things complicated. We love lists of rules. We have rules for ourselves – to guide and direct our own behavior. We might not think of them as ‘rules’, but we all operate with a set of principles that we feel are good and right.

We often apply our set of ‘rules’ to other people and when they treat us differently we feel offended. Wars are the result of nations feeling other nations are violating the accepted ‘rules.’

As parents we know there are certain ways of behaving that we need to ingrain into our children and we do our best to teach them. We find it exasperating when they don’t cooperate and we can spend a lot of time agonizing over how to guide or control the behavior of our children.

Society has a lot of rules for us and there are many authorities committed to seeing that we follow them. Recent advertisements on billboards remind me that if I don’t obey laws on the road, they will be delighted to catch me. Every year I am reminded that I need to present a financial account to my government or face penalties.

Many people think the Bible is full of rules and might cite the Ten Commandments as an example of the things you must do to please God. The Bible is a collection of ancient literature written over thousands of years by dozens of different authors with one unified intention: to reveal God to us and inform us of how we can have a relationship with Him.

Jesus came to earth to physically demonstrate God, to teach and gather followers and to die – much to His followers surprise and dismay. They didn’t realize that it was all a part of God’s plan for Jesus to die, but once they experienced the resurrected Jesus, everything He did came into perspective.

From that point on they put all their energy into conveying the message of God to everyone they could. Jesus was an integral part of that message.

So what did Jesus say was the ONE THING required to approach God?

Need. We must first recognize that we need Him. We need to know that we have a problem. I have to understand and recognize that I have a problem and I have no ability to fix myself.

We might have an obvious problem, a secret problem, or a problem concerning someone we love for whom we desperately need God’s help.

Matthew was someone who realized he had a big problem and responded to Jesus’ invitation to join him. He writes about it in a book about Jesus’ life and ministry that has been included in the collection of ancient literature we call the Bible. In chapter 9 he describes Jesus’ invitation to himself, as well as Jesus’ interaction with many other people and how they realized their need and received Jesus’ invitation and power.

That is all. That is the first step.

Jesus said “I have come to call those who know they are sinners.

“Healthy people don’t need a doctor – sick people do.” Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”

Everywhere Jesus went He taught and He healed. Many times our physical problems can drive us to God. The people who were healed by Jesus had to first acknowledge their need – often publically – and they had to have faith that Jesus could help. Jesus had power over the cruel circumstances they found themselves in. He brought hope and healing in the midst of their desperation.

I believe Jesus has the same power and the same compassion on people today. He can bring hope and healing in the midst of desperation, when we acknowledge we have a problem and we come to Him.

What prevents you from coming just a bit closer to Jesus today? Will you read Matthew chapter 9 and discover the variety of ways Jesus was able to help and heal?

Day 11 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve.