Important Questions For Parents

Before you make your decision on whether or not to give your child a CV vaccine, here are some questions you may want to consider:

  • What risks are there to my child from actually getting a natural CV infection? 
  • What is the risk to my child of receiving a the product marketed as a Covid vaccine?
  • If one child has an adverse reaction, will my other children be at an increased risk?
  • What is myocarditis? Is it true that myocarditis is happening in young people after a vaccine? What is the long-term or short-term impact of myocarditis? Can a person heal from myocarditis?
  • How many boosters am I willing to receive? How many boosters will I be willing to give my children? 
  • Can I take the time to read information that does not support my point of view and ask if there is validity? Or must all information I am exposed to agree with my preferred narrative?
  • Are there other ways to help my child boost their immune system and optimize health other than vaccines?
  • How many cases of myocarditis have been reported to

There have been 837,593 reports of adverse events after the experimental liability free CV vaccine through October 22, 2021 in the USA. Each report takes time and detail to complete and there are specific warnings about providing false information on these reports. A Harvard study in conjunction with the CDC estimated that VAERs under reports so that all numbers could be multiplied by 10 – 100.

  • 17,619 deaths
  • 86,542 hospitalizations
  • 94,163 urgent care
  • 130,795 doctor office visits
  • 7,706 anaphylaxis
  • 10,465 Bell’s Palsy
  • 2,712 miscarriages
  • 8,656 Heart Attacks
  • 10,956 myocarditis/pericarditis
  • 27, 277 permanently disabled
  • 4,014 Thrombocytopenia/low platelet
  • 19,584 life threatening
  • 32,305 severe allergic reaction
  • 9,987 shingles

This father experienced tragedy when his son experienced an unexpected adverse event after receiving the jab that was supposed to provide ‘protection’ from harm. He thought he was doing the right thing, but his life was dramatically altered after his sons death shortly after receiving the shot. He speaks out to help other parents avoid his pain.

Can we actually trust government recommendations? Research Tuskegee. Investigate how vaccines have been tested on orphans and the infirm. Find out how those who have experienced vaccine adverse events have been treated.

Many pro vaccine people stepped up to get the vaccine and have experienced devastating life altering adverse events. Senator Ron Johnson held a Round Table event in Washington DC and invited the heads of all the major relevant government agencies and the media. The Department Heads did not accept the invitation. The major media outlets did not cover this event. But you can listen to medical and legal experts discuss the facts. You can also hear directly from Pfizer and Astra Zeneka trial participants and early recipients of this experimental injection. They have been shocked to find themselves experiencing serious adverse events and totally unsupported by trial organizers. You can find more of their stories here.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world. Please subscribe (below) so you don’t miss any future blogs!

Kick ‘um for Kids

Fresh lemons and ginger

Kick ‘um Juice is a ginger, hot pepper, turmeric and lemon juice that has amazing benefits as a health and immune boost. Many have used it effectively in their cancer protocols.

Combining ginger, turmeric, lemon, and honey with hot water is a great tea to drink when you experience any cold symptoms. These fresh ingredients bring many benefits whether you have a cold, or just want to stay healthy. Both ginger and turmeric are anti-inflammatory. Fresh lemons are a fabulous source of natural viatmin C.

Ginger root

I made a delicious ginger, lemon and honey drink, added fizzy water, and was refreshed with something similar to a homemade ginger ale. I didn’t have any turmeric, but if I had some I would have only added it to the last 5 minutes of simmering. If you don’t like fizzy, just drink it straight, or add water if desired.


Sliced ginger simmering in a covered pot
Sliced ginger simmering in a covered pot

Slice about an inch of fresh ginger really thin. Put in a pot and cover with about 1/2 gallon (1 liter) boiling water. Cover and simmer for 1/2 – 1 hour. The more ginger you use the stronger the ginger flavor. Turn off heat and allow to cool.

Add raw local honey to taste, perhaps 1/4 – 1/2 cup (honey has many benefits, including soothing coughs) and store in the refrigerator. When ready to serve, pour into a glass, add the juice of 1/2 fresh lemon. Add some fizzy water if desired. Or, for simplicity, add lemon and fizzy water and keep in a bottle with a tight lid and use throughout the day.

Optional: add cayenne pepper if you can handle the HOT! Cayenne pepper provides many benefits.

jar of honey

Always find raw local honey. Mass produced honey that you buy in a supermarket does not provide the same benefits as local raw honey. Find the best honey available in your area.

Drink for coughs. Drink to treat allergies. Drink for sore throats. Drink for headache. Drink for refreshment.

Busy moms need an easy way to help their little ones stay healthy. Having sick miserable children makes us all want an “instant solution”!

Natural remedies support the body’s ability to heal. Avoiding pharmaceutical and typical OTC medications results in long term health. All pharmaceutical products come with unwanted side effects.

If you have coughing children or are facing yet another round of colds, you’ve probably tried a lot of different ways to help them. I hope you will find this Ginger Ale an easy effective treatment! Here is another easy natural way of soothing cough and cold symptoms.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Is Rebellion Ever GOOD?

I have a confession: I’ve been a rebel – probably all my life! God turned my rebellion around in 1980 so that instead of rebelling against Him, I began to rebel against societal norms that had led me away from Him.

I rebelled by having natural births, then home births, breastfeeding for years, questioning the morality of birth control, choosing to be a SAHM rather than pursue a career, turning off the TV, NOT watching the news, making my own from scratch, homeschooling, volunteering rather than seeking a paycheck, and most recently, not following nonsense rules

Daily I praise God for His transforming salvation through Jesus Christ!

Rebellion can be so liberating! True freedom is righteous rebellion in Jesus! Rebels for Jesus need to unite. We are not such a small group. There are many who share our understanding. Compliance with tyranny and lies is NOT what following Jesus is about.

There is an enemy of our soul. Jesus was very clear: “the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy.” The enemy uses deception. The nature of deception is that you do not know you are being deceived. We have been blessed with a warfare manual that explains the conflict and gives us clear instructions on how to “wage good warfare.” For too long God’s people have tried too hard to be friends with the world, to follow social norms, and to ‘be nice.’ Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Our neighbors, colleagues, family members, etc are not our enemy. We have the belt of truth and the sword of the Spirit – God’s word – to expose the lies. We can stand firm in love. Standing firm is actually extremely loving. Bending to men is agreeing to lies and forsaking God’s righteousness.

 If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Messiah.

We live in crazy times. We drown in information, but face a derth of wisdom. God’s word provides clear wisdom. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. He gives freely to those who seek Him. Fear prevails because of a lack of faith. Faith will lead us to wisdom. We seek a savior for our current life situation because we want to remain comfortable. God has not called His people to a comfortable life. He has called us to a life of fearless following.

There are some bold pastors keeping their churches open. Members attend unafraid. Here is one warrior pastor who has been a missionary to the preborn for decades. He boldly declares the word of God and applies it to our current circumstances. Matt Trewhella pastors a church in Wisconsin and seeks to equip the body of Christ on his website Defy Tyrants.

In this 7 minute video he challenges a popular view that many Christians hold. You might not change your mind, but watch what he says so that you can formulate why you disagree.

There are also a multitude of medical and scientific professionals speaking out sharing facts dramatically different than what you will hear on the news or from government organizations. They risk a lot to share. One sweet gentlemen has put together an excellent video sharing his wisdom and insight. His sole goal is to help people stay healthy, yet this type of direct information is often purposefully banned — like book burnings of long ago. Dr Hotze explains in detail why the experimental liability-free gene therapy labelled as a ‘vaccine’ being pushed on the public using fear, panic, and mass hysteria is all about control, power, and money by the government and big business.

Paul urged the church in Thessalonica to test all the prophesies – or information – that they received. Is the church today doing enough digging to get the truth?

Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22

Compiled by Becky Hastings who collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

No Masks Please

My perspective differs significantly to ‘majority opinion’.

I have been pursuing health through a wide variety of healthy practices for decades. I have thoroughly searched scientific literature and concluded that wearing masks is not going to provide benefit, and can actually bring harm physically, psychologically, and relationally.

I believe that we should speak up and graciously explain our position.

The reason I do not wear a mask, and smile and interact with everyone I meet, is so I can be a benefit and blessing to others. God did not give us a spirit of fear. I do not fear a virus, nor am I a walking health hazard. God created our bodies with a need for oxygen, for face to face interactions, and to have community. I trust the immune system He designed and I practice good hygiene and respect for others.

Dig a little deeper into the actual infection fatality rate from the so-called unique virus – there is a >99% recovery rate for all ages. We need to disconnect from the fear driven mainstream media narrative. More people will die from despair related circumstances than from a virus. All cause mortality rate is lower in 2020 than it was in 2019. Look up stats for flu deaths this year. Almost non-existent. We really need discernment in knowing what information to trust.

Do not fear. God is not surprised by world events. There are many people who don’t wear masks and do not fear a virus. Find them. They will encourage you!

My three brothers and I, maskless, at a recent family gathering.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved. Blessed with a husband of 40 years, five precious babies all grown up, I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Previous posts regarding masks:

Do children need mind altering drugs?

Why Big Pharma loves Drugging Kids.

Do you know how many US children are being bombarded with psychiatric drugs?

Over 6 million children aged 0-17; Over 500,000 babies and toddlers aged 0-5.[1]

Data up to February 2020 reveals this is the number of children given prescription medications that WILL cause chemical imbalance in the brain, create addictions, and cause many other adverse side effects.

Are doctors getting our offspring hooked on addictive drugs at a far higher rate than the local drug dealers?

Why? Why are we drugging our children?

We can blame it on the medical industrial complex – children are an easy target for corporate profits.

We can blame it on doctors prescribing these medications.

We can blame it on insurance companies who reimburse for these medications.

We can blame it on agencies that receive government funding when children are prescribed these meds while in state custody.

We can blame it on parents who seek help and trust the system. Or parents that actually want an ‘instant fix’ to some behavior issues. Or parents that don’t discipline their children. Or parents struggling with their own addictions… So easy to blame the parents.

Or blame absent fathers.

Or we can blame teachers trying to control classroom behavior when all traditional measures of discipline are prohibited. Or an education system not designed to meet the needs and interests of children.

Some blame it on childbirth trauma. Or circumcision… Or vaccines

We can blame it on media exposure of children. Babies from young ages are given screens as babysitters. Or, media pushing drugs to parents. Or, media creating anxiety amongst the entire population.

Stop Psych Drugging of Children

There are so many people we can blame. There are very few who want to take responsibility.

The blame game rarely helps us personally solve problems. I urge all parents to inform themselves. I’ve had so many friends over the years that trusted their doctors and followed the agenda, giving their children psychotropic drugs. Often one drug leads to another. Behavior problems are not usually magically solved with drugs. Often behavior is still an issue. Side effects become an additional and far more long lasting and complex issue to deal with. So many families wish they could go back and change their initial decisions regarding accepting the very first psychiatric drug for their child – no matter what condition it was prescribed for, there are alternatives.[2]

The Bay Area News Group spent four months documenting the alarming use of psychiatric medications in California’s foster care system — and the impact on thousands of vulnerable children who continue to suffer the consequences. From Los Angeles to the Bay Area to Humboldt County, reporter Karen de Sá and photographer Dai Sugano interviewed more than 175 people, including dozens of current and former foster youth who were frequently moved and heavily medicated by a system that struggled to manage their complicated childhoods. Now, there’s a growing call for change among former foster youth, psychiatrists, public health nurses and youth advocates. The stories of lost childhoods and remarkable resilience provide compelling lessons on how California can better address their trauma and stop “Drugging Our Kids.”

What can we do? Here are some random ideas that pop into my head:

  • For one thing, don’t just take drugs for any and every condition. Understand that the industry that makes all your handy quick fixes – both prescription and OTC – is the same one that is drugging our children. Why do we support them? Why not boycott all pharmaceuticals? Only take them when it’s a life or death situation…
  • Learn how to live a natural healthy lifestyle. Help and encourage others to live an active healthy lifestyle.
  • Disinvest in pharmaceutical companies. Put your money behind your strong passions. Check your investment portfolio. Are you profiting from the deliberate harm of children by corporations that push addictive harmful drugs on children???? Place your vote with your wallet.
  • Spread the word. This situation didn’t develop overnight. It’s been a slow creep over decades. We need to speak truth boldly. Most people have no idea and need to be informed on how the pharmaceutical industry is exploiting children.
  • What else? If you have ideas to add to my list, please share them in the comments below. I read every comment and LOVE to hear your input.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved. Blessed with a husband of nearly 40 years, five precious babies, I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

[1] 6,726,189 children aged 0-17 years including 530,169 from ages 0-5 years prescribed psychiatric drugs. Data was taken from the IQVia Total Patient Tracker Database for Year 2019, extracted February 2020.…/children-on-psychiatric-drugs/

[2] The following article has links to many alternatives to drugging our children.

Assaulting Babies?

Think about all the assaults impacting a newborn baby today:

  1. Vitamin K given ASAP at birth;
  2. Hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of birth;
  3. 36 doses of vaccines targeting 14 infections BEFORE 18 MONTHS, never tested individually for safety, or proven safe given in combination, yet recommended by CDC
  4. Circumcision for many. A study following 342K boys for 9 years: Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark,
  5. Tylenol given for pain with vaccines and circumcision;
  6. A mom who receives flu or TDaP vaccines in pregnancy;
  7. Multiple ultrasounds in pregnancy;
  8. Poor latching and trauma that leads to lack of breastfeeding and receiving breastmilk substitutes which lack immune boosting and stem cells;
  9. Quick cord clamping reducing the blood volume and stem cells;
  10. Giving Tamiflu to children when they are sick;
  11. Birth trauma diminishing bonding opportunity with mom.

Boy’s have it particularly bad because of #3. All these “standard of care” treatments induce trauma and unnaturally stimulate the immune system.

Any wonder there is a ASD/ADHD epidemic?

More collections of information on longterm healthy choices for our babies:

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

A Nurse on Vaccines

The following is a verbatim account by Maureen Green who has given me permission to reprint her story.

I’ll never vaccinate again.

❤I’m a RN of 26 years.
-I’ve run flu vaccine clinics in the stores.
-I’ve run a vaccine clinic at a National Guard armory.
-My 3 adult children are fully Vaccinated (my youngest is missing 1 booster).
-I’ve worked in both adult care and pediatrics, hospital and home healthcare.

If I could do it all over again
I would NEVER vaccinate my children or myself.

💪In nursing school, I graduated Cum Laude from a prestigious Jesuit University with a 3.75 GPA. I was the last class of students who took the 2 day test for licensure and passed the first try. I’ve always been proud of myself in being a VERY conscientious nurse always doing right for my patients, guarding them from any and all harm, because I truly wanted to help them get better….as better as possible. I took my oath seriously!

🗣All we learned in nursing school was:
1) the schedule
2) side effects (the minor ones)
3) never, ever to give vaccines to anyone who is sick, feels like they’re getting sick or exposed to someone sick recently….or pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant
4) how to administer them…always pulling back on the plunger to make sure you aren’t in a blood vessel when injecting the solution. (I never see that being done anymore).

😱I never considered that vaccines had an ingredients list and truly beLIEved that everything I was taught about vaccines, was everything there was to know.
I naively thought vaccines contained:
1) viral/bacterial component
2) a small amount of immune stimulator (nothing harmful)
3) saline

I look back and think,
“How could I be so naive?”🤦

*I remember a time when we used to have patients sign the signature line ON THE INSERTS, rip them off and keep them and GIVE THE INSERTS to the patients. I don’t know when that practice stopped, replaced by a 8 x 11 sheet of paper, with minimal information.

*I remember holding down my children for the nurses to administer their shots so they could stay healthy. 😢
*I remember being so conscientious about their vaccines that I had them at their visits when they were due. 😞
*I remember 2 soldiers asking me why they always seemed to get sick after getting the flu vaccine and my robotic answer. They looked at each other almost as if to say “see, told you so”, and walked away.
*I remember, after recovering my health naturally with nutrition, and having already learned about Dr Max Gerson after my sister passed from brain cancer at 52yo, asking God what else don’t I know? 🤔

That was shortly after Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe came out.

*I remember the 3 months it took to finally watch it because I was horrified at the thought. 🙈
*I remember the sobs watching it. I remember the sobs many days and nights after that. 😭
*I remember the endless hours, days, months watching the Vaxxed stories while my kids were at school. 😭
*I remember the endless hours reading articles and comment sections, linking to research and more articles and posts and documentaries and videos. (Keep commenting – people are watching and learning in there – that’s where I found a lot of information to research!)❤
*I remember watching seminars and doctors and immunologists and researchers and….and….and…
So many nights up for 48 hours because I couldn’t put it away to sleep. There was too much to learn.

Sooooo much I wasn’t taught in nursing school.🙄

😞How could I have been so naive?

*I remember coming to the realization that my own children are vaccine injured:
Learning challenges
Auditory processing Delay
Severe Respiratory Distress
After 6 mos shots (DTaP)
Severe separation anxiety
Severe GERD
Gastrointestinal issues
Candida overgrowth
Not to mention my own issues:
6 autoimmune diseases
*And they didn’t have to have all the challenges they have.

😭Nothing is worse though, than the horror at the thought that, at my hands, someone could’ve been injured, or worst yet, died from a vaccine.

❤I became a nurse because I’ve always wanted to help people. I hate seeing suffering, I hate people being in pain. I want to alleviate suffering of any kind and that’s why I studied so hard, to know what I needed to know to help people. 🤦

That’s why I’ll always speak up now!

I’ve been the target of many trolls and troll groups. They don’t phase me. God has my back! He will protect me and my children. The armor of God will shield us from evil. I will honor God and all those I could be responsible for inadvertently harming by always being outspoken. I will do what I can to help others understand why I went from very much for vaccines to never consenting for another one again.

I had a dear friend and momma of a severely autistic boy ask me one time:
“How come you never said anything and stood up for us earlier in your nursing career?”
My answer:
“Because no one ever said anything to me. I seriously had no idea till 3 years ago.

🙇Please, keep talking to medical professionals. Lead them to the information. Ask them questions and help plant seeds of curiosity in their brains. Don’t give up on us. My turning point was when someone in an article comment thread asked me if I knew what MRC-5 and WI-38 are and what those are in. That’s all it took.

You never know when something you say with love and compassion will stick and set them on their own path of education and awareness. You never know what warrior you’re waking up and activating. We don’t know more than you, help us realize that!

—and Please, forgive us for our attitudes in reaction. We ARE taught that in nursing school! 

Journeyboost is maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.

Cars are Dangerous!

You might have heard this response from someone seeking to rationalize giving vaccines “It’s a gamble every time you get in the car with your children. In fact, car accidents are the leading cause of accidental death for children. Do you plan to stop driving them? Considering cars are 1000 times more dangerous than vaccines, I sure hope so.”

If the car seat and car makers were given immunity from lawsuits and no safety testing had been done for 30 years, then your comparison would be more accurate. Over $4 billion has been paid to compensate vaccine injury & death since 1989. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), charged by Congress with safety testing, recently admitted it has done NONE. No vaccines have been tracked for safety since the companies manufacturing them were given indemnity!! NO combination of vaccines recommended to babies and children have ever been tested for safety – even though we know that multiple drugs can have an overall negative impact. Vaccines are a far bigger gamble than you were told.

Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study.Hewitson L1, Lopresti BJ, Stott C, Mason NS, Tomko J.

Parents, please research vaccines as if your babies life depends on it. Not all babies can safely receive vaccines as currently recommended by your doctor and the CDC.

The Highwire’s ‘Ex-Vax Files’ Series highlights Catie Clobes, mother of three. Catie followed the #CDC’s recommendations, listened to her pediatrician, and less than 48 hours after her 6-month-old daughter Evee’s vaccinations, lost her baby. Refusing to accept a SIDS diagnosis, Catie shares her heart wrenching journey from “pro-vaxxer” to “ex-vaxxer.”

Compiled by Becky Hastings

What’s up in California?

It’s a sad day for California. And it’s a sad day for our country.”

To the democrats holding office in California: “Why in the world did any of you get into politics if it wasn’t about protecting children?”

Did you see any news reports of Robert Kennedy Jr’s Occupy Sacramento Press Conference on 9 September 2019? The legislative bodies suspended rules to rush through two bills (SB276 & SB714) despite thousands of concerned parents who showed up at the capitol to express strong protest against these bills. Some highlights from Bobbie Kennedy’s speech:

If we can give government and big industry the right to inject untested medical products with zero liability into our children coercively, where does the power of government end? What else can they order us to do? Abort babies for the good of society? Euthanize people for the good of society? Where is the legal rational boundary? Our country has signed multiple treaties stating that force cannot be used for any medical procedures without informed consent.

“Where are all the auto-immune diseases coming from? If it’s not the vaccines, where is it coming from 12% of my generation had chronic diseases (prior to 1986). Today 54% do. From HHS. The long list of epidemic chronic diseases amongst American children are also listed on the vaccine inserts.

All of these legislatures here – we went from office to office and talked to every single one of them. We answered every single question. We showed them in black and white the truth. This state is doing something horrendous.

Environmental issues. A war between large corporations who are trying to treat our planet as if it is a business in liquidation, convert our natural resources to cash, have a few years of pollution based prosperity for themselves and our children are going to have to pay for their joy ride with de-nuded landscapes, poor health, and huge clean up costs which are going to amplify over time and they will never be able to pay. That was my life’s battle. These corporations were commoditizing our landscapes.

“When I got sucked into this issue I saw something a 100 times worse. Not just oil companies trying to pave and commoditize our landscape, but big pharmaceutical companies – the most evil companies on earth – who are commoditizing our children. Who are giving our children this tsunami of chronic diseases and then making money. Telling us they are getting rid of infectious diseases like measles and chicken pox, but trading that for rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes and autism and ADD and ADHD. All of those infectious diseases are treatable and curable yet none of the chronic diseases that they are causing are treatable or curable. They are making $50B selling our kids these mandated vaccines that are untested and liability free, but they are making $500B a year selling them the epi-pens, the seizure medications, the Prozac, the Albuterol inhalers, the rheumatoid arthritis medications, the diabetes medications, that our children are addicted to for life because of these vaccines.

And we went through this with all of these democratic legislators. They knew what they were doing.

Compiled by Becky Hastings

I Didn’t Want to Believe It

Joni Beth Waldrop with Rosie

I see your cartoons and your posts about people who are questioning vaccines. I was you, just a little over 3 years ago. I saw it as a black and white issue with no room for debate. I thought ugly thoughts and stated my opinion plainly. I thought I had read the science, which of course was me reading abstracts of a handful of industry-funded, cherry-picked studies that did not contain true inert placebos. I read the CNN articles. I looked at the CDC website. I knew what the WHO was. There was absolutely no possible way in my mind that getting vaccines involved any risk worth my consideration. 

Then my beautiful daughter, Rosie, regressed into autism slowly, incrementally, and profoundly. I denied that vaccines played a role. I just couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. After a significant decline following a flu shot, I asked the nurse, awkwardly…

“Rosie really tanked after her flu shot. I don’t want to be one of those people, but could there be something to that?”

The nurse took a deep breath, and very diplomatically said,

“Vaccines create an immune response in the body and if her immune system was poor or struggling, it could affect her negatively.” 

Say what?! Enter doubt. Rosie’s immune system was terrible. During her short life she had already had many ear infections with multiple rounds of antibiotics. She had even contracted the rare Epiglottitis – two months before getting that flu shot. Epiglottis is “a rapidly progressive bacterial infection of the epiglottis and surrounding tissues that may lead to sudden respiratory obstruction and death” – something the HIB vaccine should have protected her from! Fail.

Rosie was due for a booster shot at this appointment and even my super mainstream doctor agreed we should pause her vaccinations! I decided to go home and do my research and make sure I felt confident to continue vaccines on the recommended schedule. 

I then began to slowly eat humble pie. If you would like to grab of a cup of coffee with me one day, I would spell out what my journey of discovery has been like—how it was retrospectively quite obvious that Rosie was negatively impacted after at least 2 and maybe 3 sets of her vaccinations. When your child is regressing, it’s difficult to know what you are looking at in the moment. Who would ever be expectantly watching for their child to lose skills?? You just one day realize that your child can’t do something anymore. I wasn’t looking for something to blame. The evidence was undeniable. 

I would not tell you what to do, but I would share the broader scope of the suppressed science that is available regarding vaccine safety (and the lack thereof). I would inform you of the unbelievable level of corruption involved in our government agencies (Did you know that the CDC owns vaccine patents?). I would point to the latest research showing how there is a mechanism whereby vaccines create immune activation events (really their whole purpose) and that some cases (How many? We don’t know yet!) of autism can be triggered by immune activation events in the brain. 

Did you know that families have been compensated a total of over $4B in vaccine court for vaccine injuries, some of which resulted in autism? Did you know that in 1986 vaccine manufacturers were feeling extreme pressure due to lawsuits for injury from vaccine. They appealed to the US government and Congress passed an act to take away the right to sue vaccine manufacturers directly? In order to receive any compensation from vaccine injury or death, there is a lengthy process whereby you have to petition the government for compensation (funded by a tax you pay on every vaccine), in a process where Department of Justice attorneys rake families over the coals.

Did you know that a lawsuit has been won against Health and Human Services, finding that the HHS failed to conduct ANY of the biannual vaccine safety reports required by this same act? Did you know that the vaccine schedule has exploded to 72 recommended doses by the age of 18? There’s no liability, so of course the schedule exploded. I had no idea

To say the science is settled is ridiculous. Nothing is settled in science, especially when the number of doses of vaccines is continually increasing. Autism rates are now shown to be as high as 1 in 36. Don’t tell me vaccines can’t trigger autism or regression without telling me what does. Genetics can only account for a predisposition and a tiny subset of autism. Our family is currently part of a huge autism genetics study and they continue to come up empty. What a waste!

Your autism, or your child’s autism may not have been caused or triggered by vaccines, but it’s unfair to whitewash countless people’s experiences of regression, side effects, and even death. It’s happening at frightening numbers, and you probably don’t know about it because mothers are scared to share these stories to a hateful public. And I will share with you that we don’t all blame one vaccine. How could we, when our children usually receive multiple vaccinations at once? I will remind you that only one vaccine has been studied in relation to autism: MMR. The “definitive” study on it was called out by a whistleblower for an illegal manipulation of data. Just today, an INDUSTRY-FUNDED study was released out of Denmark, which didn’t even have a true representation of the current autism rates in the study sample. It’s garbage, but you see the headline and you feel relieved, right? 

I’ll also share with you that this long term study was released in a timely manner on the night before a US Senate hearing on the ‘measles crisis’ with a completely one sided presentation resembling a PR stunt. Hundreds of parents and children were purposefully barred from attending. Is this one step toward trying to create a public demand to make philosophical/religious vaccine exemptions extremely burdensome? or remove them altogether.

Let me make this clear for you: The federal government is tossing around the idea of mandating medical procedures (vaccines) that are poorly studied and produced by manufacturers that have zero liability. Are you okay with the government mandating that I have Rosie continue to get vaccinations, given her history? Medical exemptions are not easy to come by if you are thinking she should be covered with that. Should she be sacrificed for what you may believe is the greater good? Should the government be allowed to make such mandates? Is this communist China? 

You ask…what about herd immunity? In terms of the hot-button measles, the scientific community used to believe one shot provided lifelong immunity. Then they realized some people didn’t even develop antibodies, so a booster was added to “clean up” the ones that didn’t have a good uptake the first time. Now they know that immunity wanes over time. When was your last booster? If you didn’t have a natural case of the measles, it is very likely that you, yourself, are no longer immune and not contributing to the “herd”. Are your children’s teachers up to date? The custodians? The cafeteria workers? The visiting parents? Again, likely no. But you can’t transmit what you don’t have, so we’re doing okay. People seem to think the unvaccinated are in some way harboring communicable diseases all the time. 

Herd immunity is also based on research of how natural immunity can work. Vaccine-derived herd immunity is wishful thinking. 

The Pharma-bought media want you to believe that I get all my information from Google and social media. I have read more than my fair share of books, there are many Pubmed articles online, and Google Scholar is fairly adequate for me to have access to studies. Would you respect my opinion more if I trekked over to the medical library and read the same things there? 

#WeDid is spreading awareness that vaccines can cause permanent brain injuries. Thousands of neurotypical children are becoming autistic from vaccines. Vaccines are not safe for a lot of children. Some children have no problems, but some do. Unfortunately, it’s like playing a game of Russian roulette on your child.

As for social media—thank God for a platform that allows families with stories like ours to find each other. 

Coming back to your posts—your flippant posting of cartoons and bullying of people who question vaccines is hurtful to families of vaccine injured children. You are entitled to post or say what you want of course, but you need to know that thousands of families grieve what they saw happen to their babies. The Pharma-bought media stabs us, and your posts feel like a twisting of the knife. 

I’m not mad. How could you know about all of this as — we all received the same mainstream mantra of “vaccines are safe and effective”?

I know you probably didn’t mean to hurt feelings and that you fear for your own children and the possibility of them contracting an illness. IT’S UNFAIR THAT WELL-MEANING PARENTS ARE BEING PITTED AGAINST WELL-MEANING PARENTS. 

We need to know the true benefit/risk ratio of all things we may choose to inject in our bodies so we can make conscientious decisions. We don’t have enough information. We should all ask: Are we trading short term illnesses (in whatever severity that may be) for chronic long term neurological disorders (and possibly so many other ailments)?

Please don’t ask me on Facebook to provide all the science that has taken me literally 3 years to sift through. I will not enter a “here’s my study”, “I don’t like your study” war. If you are genuinely curious, and I hope you are, I recommend J.B. Handley’s book: “How to End the Autism Epidemic” as a starting point. I ask you to read beyond study abstracts and CNN headlines. 

I don’t mean to be arrogant in my beliefs. I don’t have all the answers. I just know that the Lord wouldn’t let me rest in silence.

by Joni Beth Waldroup

Do you have a vaccine injury story? Please contact me if you would like to share it.

Compiled by Becky Hastings (with inspiration from a friend), avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant.