About Becky Hastings

I am a wife, a mom, a grandmother. I am passionate about Jesus and health - the two are intricately woven - and I am passionate about helping others who desire to learn more about both.

Our Microbiome

Scientists are only beginning to learn all the ways our Microbiome contributes to our health. The gene count of our microbial ‘guests’ outnumber our own genes 100:1! These friendly microbes help us to fight infections, rev up our immune system, and send signals to our cells.

This information was not available to those first studying infectious diseases and the early researchers in virology. Many aspects of health and illness are becoming clearer with our understanding of the HUGE role the human Microbiome plays.

Perhaps vaccines have a negative impact on the gut health leading to illness, allergies, auto-immune diseases, brain damage, etc. If scientists had the freedom to pursue science and not a predetermined political agenda, we would know more sooner. Unfortunately many consider government agencies like the CDC to be “industry hostages” where they are not free to pursue true science. They are told the results that must be obtained to continue their objectives. That is not science.

We need to learn how to boost our Microbiome if we want to experience a strong healthy immune system. Avoiding vaccines is always a good idea. Vaccines mostly enter via an injection into muscle, bypassing our immune system and do not give permeant protection. They also contain many toxic ingredients that can cause havoc to our immune response.

30 ways in 30 Days: Day 5



Jumping FreedomAccepting Jesus into your life – no matter what background or religious tradition you were raised with, is wonderfully freeing.

Through Jesus I am released from my attempts to please God or perform.

I don’t have to keep trying to do, or be, or accomplish anything at all.

When I accept Jesus Christ I rely on what He has already done for me.

I don’t have to have confidence in my abilities or my effort to succeed.

That doesn’t mean that I am actively trying to be a loser, but the pressure to do something and achieve sometime FOR God is off. I can’t do anything or achieve anything FOR God. He has already done it for me. No pressure now, just acceptance of what He has done and giving Him praise for the work HE is doing in me.

Until you have found this acceptance, you may never know what this freedom feels like.

Many religious traditions try to load us down with a list of rules or expectations we must live up to in order to earn God’s approval. Nothing could be further from the truth. Until we recognize that it is impossible to earn God’s favor by our own effort, we will always be in bondage to a system of rules.

People often use the Bible to add authority to their list of rules. This is an incorrect use of God’s message to us. God doesn’t need us to follow a list of rules or a set of requirements. He has given us Jesus and we need only rely on what He has already done for us.

This is the type of unconditional acceptance we all yearn for and are drawn to when we find it in people. It is the kind of acceptance every good parent seeks to give to their child (though we never manage perfectly).

Have you ever experienced that freedom? That acceptance?

Would you like to? I’d love to discuss this further with you.

Whatever happens, rejoice in the Lord…We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort.  Paul, Letter to the Philippians 3:1 & 3


Day 4 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

My Stabilizing Factor

BibleI guess it might seen strange to some, but I read an ancient text daily and feel it brings calm, peace, wisdom and insight into many areas of my life. This has been my practice and my discipline for many years and I continue to see multiple benefits every day.

The Bible is actually a library of 66 books, written by approximately 44 authors over a period of about 1500 years. The 39 books of the Old Testament were composed between 1400 and 400 B.C., the 27 books of the New Testament between A.D. 50 and A.D. 100.

The Bible gives me the best explanation for sin, suffering, and death, the three biggest challenges we face during our life.

How much do you know about the Bible?

If you’ve never read it, it’s not really a book and therefore it isn’t always the best idea to start at the beginning and read through to the end – although many people certainly have tried that method.

I usually suggest that people start by reading the books describing Jesus’ life, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which you will find at the beginning of the section called New Testament.

I like to read from several different books at the same time, which gives a larger perspective on the work of God over time.

When the different manuscripts were written they were not divided into verses or chapters, but these were added later to make referencing the works easier. Many times I will read one chapter from a variety of books each day rather than reading large sections of one book.

However you approach reading the Bible, it is valuable and helpful. There are many parts that can be difficult to understand, but as with any ancient manuscript, repeated reading brings clarity.

I encourage you to read the Bible. You’ve probably heard many references to it over the years, but have you ever read it for yourself?

We all need more wisdom in our lives, James, the brother of Jesus, told us about wisdom:

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5


Day 3 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

Voices of Reason

MicrophoneIn light of the ever increasing push in the media telling parents to vaccinate and causing them to fear so many things about childhood, here is a voice of reason.

The interesting thing about this voice is that once upon a time she did vaccinate her baby and her daughter suffered a severe vaccine injury which forced her to spend thousands of hours researching the cause and the cure. She KNOWS what she is talking about. She is not making money from your decision.

Vaccine injury can impact your life forever. Be sure you are fully informed of the risks versus potential benefits of any medical procedure you accept for your child. Don’t just follow the recommendations routinely given.

Many parents WISH they could go back and make the decision over again. Unfortunately they can’t. So they do the next best thing – they spend INCREDIBLE time and energy trying to figure out how to get the message to new unsuspecting parents. Please listen and learn through their pain.

Take five minutes to read this.

Take 4 minutes 24 seconds to watch this video:


30 ways in 30 Days: Day 4

It’s not just autism

Happy ChildMany people have heard so often the denials through mainstream media and ‘expert’ sources that ‘vaccines don’t cause autism’, that they assume anyone who refuses vaccines is ONLY worried about autism.

Most of those who refuse vaccines are concerned first and foremost about health and the life practices that will best support and promote health.

The children in the USA receive the highest number of vaccines in the world. No other country gives their children the number and variety of vaccines that the CDC recommends for babies and children born in the USA. Yet children living in the USA today are among the most unhealthy generation ever in this country.

Children suffer from earache, ear infections, asthma, diabetes, cancer, allergies, other auto-immune disorders, obesity, seizures, brain encephalitis, tics, learning disabilities, developmental delays, brain damage (including autism) and even death (SIDS) at unprecedented rates. The US infant mortality rate is now 23rd in the world.

What could possibly be causing our children to be so sick? There are a variety of possible explanations, but it would be foolish to categorically assume that the rate of vaccination of our children with multiple vaccines given at once and repeated multiple times before the age of two, is a totally safe procedure.

It’s not just autism those who refuse vaccines are worried about. It is the general state of health of our children and our nation. The autism rate is now estimated to be 1:28, but the obesity rate is nearly 1:2. You can search to find the statistics for many other childhood illnesses. We all know families devastated by childhood cancers, serious allergies, and sick children.

We want healthy children. Has anyone ever studied the combined impact of all the recommended vaccines on the longterm health of our most vulnerable members of society?

30 ways in 30 days. Day 3.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Knowledge of God and Blessing

bonding w babySometimes experiencing great blessing in our life can be harmful to our future and the future of our children.

The Lord told Moses to warn Joshua about the dangers of being too comfortable and too ‘blessed.’

For I will bring them into the land I swore to give their ancestors – a land flowing with milk and honey. There they will become prosperous, eat all the food they want, and become fat. But they will begin to worship other gods; they will despise me and break my covenant. And when great disasters come down on them this song will stand as evidence against them, for it will never be forgotten by their descendants. I know the intentions of these people, even now before they have entered the land I swore to give them. Deut 31:20-21

God allows us free choice – even when he knows our choices are going to be bad for us.

If you live in the USA or most ‘western’ situations you are blessed. If you have access to the Internet you are abundantly blessed.

What will you do with the blessings you have been given? Will you thank God for them and acknowledge Him as the giver of all good things in your life?

Will you take them for granted; keep seeking more and more and more with no regard for who God is and what He might desire for you?

As you begin to see God as the source of blessing He will lead you to ever greater knowledge, information and truth. Truth about Himself and the world that He made.

We all get to choose how we respond to the blessings we have.

Day 2 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

Day 1: Does it make sense to seek Jesus in 2014?

Does it make sense to seek Jesus in 2014?

giving handsThere is no doubt we are living in incredible times. Technological advances have made life very different than it was even 20 years ago. There are many good results we take for granted and enjoy every day.

But, if we are honest, we must admit that there is also evil and darkness in the world we live in. It is sometimes hard to figure out what is good and what is evil. Many things look good but turn out to be very harmful to us.

I am an avid seeker of health and truth. I desire to discern the good from evil in our current world. It is very difficult to find out that basic “facts” I have always taken for granted, are actually manipulations of information designed to impact my life and my actions.

In the midst of the masses of information and the uncertainty of the times we live, I have decided to seek Jesus Christ, in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. You might think this is a naïve decision or a submission to yet another manipulation technique. However, upon examining all the options, I have chosen this as my best course. I will attempt to explain some of my reasons.

The book of John is written by a disciple – very close follower – of Jesus as an eyewitness account of the events of Jesus’ life on earth. He explains towards the end of his account why he wrote it:

The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to those recorded in this book. These are written so that you many continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him, you will have life by the power of His name.

Imagine if these words were true. It would mean that God desires to grant you extraordinary power and life – beyond your imagination – in the midst of your current reality.

John recorded some of Jesus’ last words to His followers:

I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.


As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you.

Jesus was saying that we now have the same access to God as He did during His time on earth. I encourage you to read the entire book of John, which you can find on-line or in any version of the Bible. It is ancient literature and you might want to read through it more than once, or even regularly. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Find out how Jesus lived while He was on earth and what He desires for you to have, experience and do during your time here.

We all are given a limited number of days on earth. How will we use them?

Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

Can good people confidently give bad advice?

Cognitive DissonanceCognitive dissonance prevents most people from deeply examining facts about things they have always accepted and been told were good.

Cognitive dissonance keeps good medical doctors and nurses from acknowledging vaccine injury in the patients they treat.

They have been told repeatedly that vaccines are safe and effective. Even when the evidence of a serious life-threatening reaction is brought to their attention, they look for other ways to explain it.

So the heartbroken parents of twins who dutifully allowed them to be vaccinated with all the routine vaccinations and found their baby girl dead on the same night she had received her ‘twelve month vaccines’ were told it could not possibly have been due to the vaccines. Her death was SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome. This happened just a few weeks ago – 2014 – in my small town. No one questions. No newspapers report this tragic death. Life goes on.

SIDS was popularized to help with the cognitive dissonance. We don’t know why healthy babies die more often in close proximity to receiving routine vaccinations, especially the DTP or DtaP, but if we call it SIDS and explain it away, it keeps us from examining the foundation of our knowledge too closely and can keep parents from asking us too many questions. We just say, ‘we don’t know, it’s SIDS.’

Tragic. Educate yourself beyond the routine information given to you by the makers and purveyors of vaccines. Cognitive dissonance might be preventing them from knowing the truth. Your life, and the life of your child could depend on it.

I believe Jesus can open our minds and make us aware of the deception we have experienced which can help us get out of our state of cognitive dissonance. He can lead us into the TRUTH about all things.

Seek truth. Jesus Christ embodies truth and can lead you to truth in every single area of your life. God desires to work in you, to give you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. What do you have to lose by taking some time to read about the life of Jesus and learn why He came to earth and what He wanted His followers to know about the truth of life on earth?

Who else can we trust? Who else would you want to trust? What other options exist?

30 ways in 30 days. Day 2.

Day 1: Who do you trust?

Who do you trust for information?

DSC_0075Well-meaning caring people can be wrong.

In our age of information we are inundated with facts. Many of the facts we encounter are opposing and opposite. In the end we must CHOOSE who we want to believe.

McDonalds tells us their food is healthy and spends monstrous amounts marketing their fare to children and others. Supersize Me explores the fast food industry’s corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit.

When it comes to something as important as injecting your child with a chemical concoction unknown to you, you owe it to yourself and the health of your baby to ask: who is telling me what? What could be their motive in sharing this information?

It might not always be financial gain. Many sincere health professionals routinely urge young parents to vaccinate. On social media recently a young mom described her baby’s vaccine reaction, looking for help and understanding. Her baby required hospitalization for a high fever, high pitched abnormal screaming and a severe abscess at the injection site which had to be surgically drained. One sincere responder had no idea the potential harm her advice could cause:

I would like to add another comment as a Professional nurse immunizing babies, children and adults on a daily basis. The abscess formation is NOT an adverse reaction to a vaccine, but rather to a unacceptable injection technique or unhygienic performance of the procedure!!! Please do not misinterpret this as a “bad reaction” to a certain vaccine. If you or your children had been free of any related infections, just be thankful!! You were lucky.

These women were strangers to each other and were communicating via social media so I am assuming the ‘Professional nurse’ had no financial interest in this young mother’s future actions. However, everything she is and stands for is wrapped up in her role as “Professional nurse [who] immunizes babies, children and adults on a daily basis.” Her entire world is shaped on the foundation that vaccines are safe and effective and absolutely essential for all babies – even if they have such reactions.

I don’t exactly understand her comment about being thankful and “you were lucky.” My perspective is that the young mom could possibly be thankful for this strong evidence of vaccine injury by her baby so that she won’t give her baby any future vaccines, and lucky if her baby never develops more serious long-term common vaccine injury from this exposure, such as an auto-immune disorder, autism or developmental delays because of brain damage, diabetes, severe allergies, etc.

The ‘Professional nurse’ had previously, to her credit, expressed sympathy to the mom,

I am so sorry about the pain and agony you and your baby had to endure! This is not a “normal” side-effect of vaccination, but vax is of the utmost importance, do not just avoid further vaccination, maybe just use another clinic???

She totally ignored the high fever and high pitched screaming. She is giving deplorable advice in telling this mom to keep vaccinating because it “is of the utmost importance.” The vaccine manufacturers actually list such reactions to vaccines as a contraindication to future vaccines. What recourse would the young mom have if she follows this sincere ‘Professional nurse’s’ suggestion and the next set of vaccines results in some permanent disability for which the mom and family alone will have to bear the entire weight?

I also wonder about all her other patients. How many of those babies, children and adults whom she has injected with vaccines (which are not “immunizations” – they just hope they lead to a level of immune response, but often fail) had a serious reaction? Just because she is well intentioned does not mean she is blameless. Before I inject you with a toxic chemical cocktail I will make certain I read ALL the research and EVERY WORD of the vaccine package insert. If I have any doubt I will keep researching.

A mom expects her health care providers to have done the basic research into the medical procedure they are recommending for her baby.

  • She assumes they have researched in detail the risk of the disease versus the risk of the shot.
  • She assumes they know every single ingredient and its potential for harm to her baby.
  • She assumes they are aware of what an adverse reaction might look like and are competent to quickly recognize and treat a vaccine injury.

Most of these expectations are pipe dreams. Most of what our professionals know is what they have been told by the CDC (whose own top scientist, William Thompson, recently admitted he has lied and has been encouraged to lie regarding scientific studies he published while employed by the CDC – see #CDCwhistleblower) the WHO and vaccine manufacturers. Even the training doctors and nurses receive is based on information, opinions, and beliefs perpetuated by the vaccine industry.

Some of those who give us information have obvious ties to industry and stand to gain from our choices. Other times the links are more difficult to discern. A parent is an advocate for the health of their own baby. That is their primary responsibility. Parents with vaccine injured children feel betrayed by all the authority figures who assured them that vaccinating is a harmless way to help their baby stay healthy (watch their stories #hearthiswell). Many of these authority figures are good people, but they have also been lied to and many have accepted the lies for so long they find it impossible to recognize the truth of the danger of vaccinations.

I feel a lot more confident in listening to moms who have agonized over their seriously vaccine injured child. They have spent countless hours researching the cause of their child’s abnormality and have woken up to the fact that the vaccine industry is based on lies, smoke and mirrors. They have nothing to gain from sharing their pain and waging an ongoing campaign to educate and inform new parents. In fact many of them are vilified, criticized and abused because of trying to warn others. Their goal is simply to help others avoid the same agony and suffering they have been through.

Not Anti VaxI don’t like to be “anti” anything. Sometimes I admit I am forced to be ‘anti’ greed, dishonesty, lies, and falsifying science to promote an agenda or support a position. I get angry when young parents are led astray and pressured to go against their hearts and intuitions because people in authority tell them to. I urge you to think carefully about the source of your information. Just because someone has good intentions does not mean they are well informed. The health of your baby and your future depends on understanding the information for yourself. We need to question everything. Just because people are nice does not mean they are right.

30 ways in 30 days.

My Foundation

Heart birdsI heard someone I respect describing the brilliance of the “Infinite presence and benevolence” in a talk about health, particularly about detoxing our body and how amazing the body was at this function. The speaker was particularly awed by the fact that the body was capable of isolating and expelling chemicals that have only been developed in the last 50 years, demonstrating this “infinite presence” during the “evolutionary process.” Hearing this speaker, who shared a lot of practical, helpful information, made me want to describe what I believe about this “infinite presence and benevolence”!

I believe in a Creator and Designer who understands every intricate complexity of every system and every cell of every human body. He has COMPLETE understanding of the human brain – things modern scientists are just beginning to understand and figure out – my Designer knows it all!

cosmosThis awesome Creator not only understands humans, He comprehends every detail of all the planets, galaxies, space and beyond. In fact, He set them all in motion and understands the science of every aspect of how exactly they hang in their particular place, doing exactly what they do.

I sometimes get overwhelmed by technology and having to learn new devises or operating systems. There are sooooo many areas of life I just take on faith – the operation of a car, an airplane, architectural design, etc!  However, when I feel small in my abilities, I remember that my God knows the design and optimal operation of every single technical device or invention ever created by any man. He knows the content of every PhD thesis and every peer-reviewed scientific paper ever written AND He understands which parts are fact and which is false.

My Creator knows the function and intricacy of every cell, every nutrient, every chemical toxin, and all functions in the body contributing to health or illness. He has absolute power and is able to heal any illness. His powerful ability to heal was thoroughly documented by eye-witness accounts.

Other random facts that sometimes pop into my mind – my Creator knows every musical combination ever devised. He understands the harmonies and discord in the music of every culture on earth.

He knows every wise word ever conveyed and every deception ever perpetuated.

He is the Creator and author of all life; the giver of wisdom; healer; sustainer; matchless powerful energy and life source that I want to be connected with every day, every hour, every minute.

AvatarDo you remember the movie Avatar? The native humanoid “Na’vi” had neural links with the creatures they ride (dire horses and banshees) and have to plug into them via tentacle-like structures on their heads. These vital connections empowered them to perform great feats together. Seeing this movie (years ago) gave me a figurative picture of the type of creative infusion our Designer wants to have with us! This connection has to potential to be far more powerful than what the fictional Na’vi experienced!

The desire of my heart is to help others experience the reality of this vital connection with my awesome, powerful, benevolent CREATOR.

When you analyze your life with all its challenges and complexities, what else actually matters?