What’s up in California?

It’s a sad day for California. And it’s a sad day for our country.”

To the democrats holding office in California: “Why in the world did any of you get into politics if it wasn’t about protecting children?”

Did you see any news reports of Robert Kennedy Jr’s Occupy Sacramento Press Conference on 9 September 2019? The legislative bodies suspended rules to rush through two bills (SB276 & SB714) despite thousands of concerned parents who showed up at the capitol to express strong protest against these bills. Some highlights from Bobbie Kennedy’s speech:

If we can give government and big industry the right to inject untested medical products with zero liability into our children coercively, where does the power of government end? What else can they order us to do? Abort babies for the good of society? Euthanize people for the good of society? Where is the legal rational boundary? Our country has signed multiple treaties stating that force cannot be used for any medical procedures without informed consent.

“Where are all the auto-immune diseases coming from? If it’s not the vaccines, where is it coming from 12% of my generation had chronic diseases (prior to 1986). Today 54% do. From HHS. The long list of epidemic chronic diseases amongst American children are also listed on the vaccine inserts.

All of these legislatures here – we went from office to office and talked to every single one of them. We answered every single question. We showed them in black and white the truth. This state is doing something horrendous.

Environmental issues. A war between large corporations who are trying to treat our planet as if it is a business in liquidation, convert our natural resources to cash, have a few years of pollution based prosperity for themselves and our children are going to have to pay for their joy ride with de-nuded landscapes, poor health, and huge clean up costs which are going to amplify over time and they will never be able to pay. That was my life’s battle. These corporations were commoditizing our landscapes.

“When I got sucked into this issue I saw something a 100 times worse. Not just oil companies trying to pave and commoditize our landscape, but big pharmaceutical companies – the most evil companies on earth – who are commoditizing our children. Who are giving our children this tsunami of chronic diseases and then making money. Telling us they are getting rid of infectious diseases like measles and chicken pox, but trading that for rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes and autism and ADD and ADHD. All of those infectious diseases are treatable and curable yet none of the chronic diseases that they are causing are treatable or curable. They are making $50B selling our kids these mandated vaccines that are untested and liability free, but they are making $500B a year selling them the epi-pens, the seizure medications, the Prozac, the Albuterol inhalers, the rheumatoid arthritis medications, the diabetes medications, that our children are addicted to for life because of these vaccines.

And we went through this with all of these democratic legislators. They knew what they were doing.

Compiled by Becky Hastings