Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die Part 2

Due to the enormous response of my previous blog, Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die, I have decided to feature other babies who have had a similar experience with a baby dying after a bad vaccine reaction.

I don’t enjoy the macabre and it is painful to review information and facts on every single case, but I have a strong desire to prevent further babies from being harmed in this way.

Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die,

Some Healthy Babies that get vaccinated Do

Johnny bright & questioningMeet Johnny, son of Monique Bloem who lives in Jburg, South Africa.

Born 5 April 2014

His life was cut short on Monique’s birthday,

20 May 2014.

He received the “6 week” shots recommended in South Africa for ALL healthy newborns: OPV(1), RV (1), and  DTaP-IPV/Hib(1) and died the very next day.

Monique was thrilled with her newborn son and of course, wanted to do everything she could for his health and welfare. She dutifully took him for his “6 weeks” recommended shots. At birth he had already received the OPV(0), BCG and Vitamin K injection.

It was all too much for his little body. The doctors said the cause of death was brain hemorrhage. He had reacted within an hour of receiving the shots, crying and struggling with breathing. They took him to the hospital, but were told it was ok, he was fine. The nurses said he was ok, so they accepted it and took Jonny home where he continued struggling with his breathing the whole night.

The next day he appeared somewhat better, but later, while she was wearing Johnny on her chest she realized he had stopped breathing. She rushed to the hospital while giving him CPR. The doctors managed to revive him but not for long. He was having seizures and they had to say goodbye.

Johnny casketIt is Monique’s hope that her son’s death will be a means to help other mother’s think about this choice to give their healthy baby so many vaccines:

“This was the most hardest thing to deal with – saying goodbye to my angel – this was impossible. How did I lose him?

“We knew it was the vaccine coz he was healthy before it and all they said was he had a heart attack. No one wanted to admit it was the vaccine. But he was healthy one minute and the next he was dead. He was healthy all the other days. My life has never been the same. I feel dead inside after his death.

Johnny 1

“I want other parents to know the your babies don’t need to get the vaccines. They will be fine. Please just make sure you look after your babies and love them coz I didn’t get that opportunity with my son.” Monique Bloem

30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines: Day 17

Jesus: Delusional, Liar, or God?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWho was Jesus? Or Who did Jesus Say He Was?

Jesus made many claims about Himself that we can read in accounts of His life written by four different ancient authors, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.* These accounts were all written not long after Jesus’ time on earth and give us four different viewpoints of the events that took place.

Jesus said that He was the Son of God, Son of Man, equal with God the Father, and God Himself.

Those are bold claims for anyone to make, but if the claims are true, it is vital that we pay attention.

Jesus’ closest followers had a hard time believing Him. Jesus asked them or challenged them about their faith on a couple of different occasions, “Where is your faith?”

But as they spent three continuous years with Him, traveling through the countryside, attending enormous gatherings and small intimate times with Him, they must have seen Him do THOUSANDS of miracles. Everywhere He went He healed people: raised dead people to life, gave sight to the blind, gave voice to the voiceless, made the deaf to hear, removed paralytic conditions of many years standing, etc.

The disciples saw Jesus do other miracles too. He fed thousands of people on two different occasions with the amount of a meager lunch for one person. He calmed a violent storm – making the wind and waves absolutely still. He turned water into the finest wine at a wedding.

John, one of the closest followers of Jesus and the one who lived longest after Jesus, wrote this:

Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25


The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him you will have life by the power of His name. John 20:30

It is very interesting to note that Jesus’ disciples never expected Jesus to die. He predicted His death and suffering, and told them several times what was going to happen to Him. But they couldn’t understand. They were totally unprepared when He was suddenly taken, tried and crucified. I wonder if they didn’t think and hope that He would break free and silence everyone somewhere along that agonizing stream of events – and that is why they kept following to watch and see when He might unleash powerful forces to get Himself free. They knew He could. They knew He had power over those who were hurting Him.

Since Jesus submitted to suffering and was killed, those closest to Him were devastated and the small faith that they had seemed to be extinguished. They withdrew quietly and were terrified that they too were going to be arrested and killed since they had been part of what they thought was a political movement to overthrow the Roman rule of Israel.

What changed? What took a cowering fearful handful of uneducated men and women that propelled them to start a movement that eventually conquered Rome? (Have you seen pictures of Rome and noticed all the crosses symbolizing Jesus’ death ALL OVER the city?) What happened that gave that rag tag bunch of people the clout to start a movement that has continued to this day with billions of followers of Jesus all over the world?

Those humble followers of Jesus came face to face with the resurrected Jesus. Jesus didn’t stay dead, but through His own power received life again after death. This life was a different life that we can’t fully comprehend, but the early follower, to whom He appeared, were changed forever. From then on they could not stop telling people about their risen Lord and Savior.

Their experience of the risen Lord Jesus Christ changed them forever and changed the world forever.

John said that believing in Jesus gives us life by the power of His name.

What is your experience and knowledge of Jesus?

Day 16 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve 

*Three of the authors, Matthew, Mark, and Luke were well acquainted with Jesus. Matthew and Mark were among His twelve closest chosen followers called ‘disciples.’ The fourth author, Luke, was an educated investigative reporter of that day who wanted to do a thorough account so that people like us could continue to read and learn about Jesus life and power today.