Too Smart for God?

ChildWith all my heart I desire to connect with God. I didn’t always understand that it was actually a really simple process. It might not be easy, but it is simple. It might take a life-time to master, but Jesus made it clear in this prayer He prayed which was recorded by Matthew in chapter 11:

‘Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank You for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased You do it this way.’


Jesus continued, to His disciples:

My Father has entrusted everything to Me. No one truly knows the Son except the Father, and no one truly knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.”

What does it take to connect with God, our creative designer of infinite intelligence and complexity?

We have to admit we don’t know everything. As long as we think we are really really smart we won’t see the way to God.

I pray that everyone who reads these words would simply ask themselves,

  • Do I think I am smarter than God?
  • Do I think I know better than Him what to do?
  • Do I put more faith in men and their design than in God?
  • Do I think I can understand everything in history without God?

God is looking for childlike hope and trust in Him. He will never disappoint. He doesn’t mind if you want to take a very small baby step in His direction. He can handle that. He is looking for those small steps!

Child 2Jesus’ message was simple, but His action was powerful. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection are the reason we can have that childlike faith and approach God. You can read all about it in the collection of ancient writings we call the Bible. I hope you do.

Day 14 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve 


Thinking About Babies?

Happy Grandparents June 13Pre-pregnancy thoughts:

Who’s cute? Who’s sexy? Who likes who?

Baby thoughts:

Boy names? Girl names?

Nurseries, color schemes…

Car seats, strollers

Cloth or disposable?

Breast or alternative?

Babywraps, Baby monitors, Babysitters…

Baby Photographers – to capture every special moment –

A new camera – essential!

New cell phone WITH a better camera…

You might be an expectant mom, dad, grandma, aunt, good friend. Everyone shares the excitement over this new life, this brand new bundle of potential!

Are we researching and thinking about the most important things?

Are we getting the WHOLE TRUTH?

What medical procedures will your healthy newborn baby need?

If you don’t think about it, other people will have an agenda that they will automatically give you. It is best to think about it well in advance.

This could be the single most important topic your unborn baby needs YOU to know about. It deserves more research than any other significant purchase you might make for your new baby.

Flu shot in pregnancy? DTaP in pregnancy? Rubella shot? Rhogam shot? Vitamin K shot at birth? Antibiotic ointment in baby’s eyes at birth? Hepatitis B shot at birth (hepatitis, most of us don’t think about this in association with a baby because it’s the illness that prostitutes and IV drug users are at risk of developing)? 2 month well baby visits and the multiple injections, followed by 4 month multiple injections and 6 month multiple injections. Sorry to bombard you, but there is a LARGE NUMBER OF MEDICAL PROCEDURES someone else has already decided your healthy full-term newborn needs.

Expecting a baby can be such an exciting time. It is also natural to feel nervous and perhaps unprepared. There is the birth to consider and then everything after that is brand new and will involve a learning curve.

Please investigate vaccines before you allow anyone to inject your precious baby. Please do your own personal research. Asking your doctor or your friend their opinion doesn’t qualify as research. Reading the complete list of ingredients and reading the entire vaccine package insert for each shot is a great start. Joining an open frank discussion group can be a safe place to ask your questions without judgement or criticism.

Yes, it can be really hard and confusing to wade through a lot of information. People want to bombard you with information from all sides. Keep going until you find significant answers to the most important questions:

  • What are the ingredients in this shot?
  • Are there other ingredients too? (excipients)
  • What disease is it targeting?
  • What are my risks for this disease?
  • Are there risks in receiving this shot?
  • How will my baby’s immune system respond to this?
  • Are there any factors in our medical history that suggest this shot is not the best thing for us?
  • If I don’t give vaccines will my baby be healthy? Will my baby be at a great risk of catching some infectious illness?

Don’t just go along. Get answers from someone other than the person with the needle. You need some true unbiased research in making such important decisions.  AND

Watch for your fear level. Some information will create a fear response. It is never a good idea to make a decision based on fear. Take your time and seek knowledge that will guide you to making a rational decision. This is an emotive topic. But emotions aren’t the best guide to great decisions.

Listen for your intuition. YOU are responsible to protect your baby. YOU will live with the results of whatever decision you make. You have been given intuition. Tune in.

I wish you all the best for the health of you and your new baby. I LOVE babies. The picture on the top is my husband and I with our three grandchildren. We have one more we are expecting any day now! Love, Becky

30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines: Day 15