Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die

UPDATE: An audio reading of this blog is now available on Youtube [May 2018]:

This is a really hard blog to write. I wish I didn’t have to. I wish it weren’t true. My eyes are filled with tears as I consider the reality of every word that I am going to share.

Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die,
Some Healthy Babies that get vaccinated Do

Poster Baby

This is sweet Gunner Wayne,

Born on January 14, 2014.

His life was cut short on March 13, 2014.

He received the shots recommended by the CDC and his doctor for infants his age:


and was dead less than 18 hours later.

His mom, Alicia LeAnn Bohn shares her story in the hope of helping other parents avoid the pain she experienced.

He went in for shots on March 12 at 4pm and we lost him the next morning at 9:30 am.

I urge parents and new parents to be, to do your research before you inject your child with a lethal set of cocktail shots. I would give anything to have this little boy back!! RESEARCH BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!

He never saw his 2 month birthday because of the 2 month recommended vaccines.

No one takes their child for shots recommended by experts in health to “protect” them from illness, expecting that their baby might DIE after receiving them.

Unfortunately is happens FAR TOO OFTEN. Exactly how often, we don’t know for many reasons:

  • Many, if not most, of these infant deaths in a normal healthy baby, soon after receiving vaccinations, are not reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) by their doctors.
  • VAERS actually says on their website that children are at greatest risk for certain medical adverse events including high fevers, seizures, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) between 2 and 6 months of age, but it is just a coincidence that they happen right after receiving multiple vaccines. While VAERS encourages doctors to report all events, the underlying message is that coincidences make it difficult to know if there was any connection to a vaccine.
  • Most of the time the cause of death is listed as SIDS and not attributed to the vaccines.
  • Parents are told that their baby’s death was not caused by vaccines and it takes them time to put the events together.

In the midst of their grief the parents are denied information and support to understand the cause of death and they are not given recourse to justice for their personal tragedy, since all vaccine manufacturers are protected from any and all liability for damages their products might inflict.

Mothers are uniting in their pain to help others. They are allowing their pain to bind them together with a strong mission to protect babies. There are many Facebook Groups that have been formed with the sole purpose of sharing these stories to bless and inform new parents. now has 340 members. It is an open group made especially for “OUR” ANGEL BABIES! I encourage you to visit their page and read some of the stories of babies lost to vaccine injuries. They are real. They are tragic. These moms are amazing to share their pain despite a lot of opposition by many. I support these moms in their mission of sharing the truth.

Alicia has also shared her story on the Vaccination Information Network.

There are no words to express comfort to these parents. We can’t possibly understand the personal pain and anguish they continue to feel every single day. We can admire them and support them in their efforts to let the world know the truth about what happened to their beautiful healthy babies. We can join with them to share their stories in the hopes of helping them save other babies. Please share with your pregnant friends.

Too many vaccines too early. Please do some research before making this important medical decision. Your baby’s health and LIFE may depend on it.

30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines: Day 12

DSC_0062postscript: Some readers of this blog have mistakenly assumed that I am the mother of Gunner Wade pictured above. His mom, Alicia, shared his story with me and, while I am not his mom, I wrote this blog with her permission, to increase awareness of vaccine injuries. My name is Becky and I am a mother of 5 mostly grown children and 3 grandchildren. If you were my adult children, this my message to you. Love, Becky

Follow up to this post:

One essential to come to God

PresentThere is only one essential thing required when we approach God.

This is a difficult concept to fully grasp. We have a propensity to make things complicated. We love lists of rules. We have rules for ourselves – to guide and direct our own behavior. We might not think of them as ‘rules’, but we all operate with a set of principles that we feel are good and right.

We often apply our set of ‘rules’ to other people and when they treat us differently we feel offended. Wars are the result of nations feeling other nations are violating the accepted ‘rules.’

As parents we know there are certain ways of behaving that we need to ingrain into our children and we do our best to teach them. We find it exasperating when they don’t cooperate and we can spend a lot of time agonizing over how to guide or control the behavior of our children.

Society has a lot of rules for us and there are many authorities committed to seeing that we follow them. Recent advertisements on billboards remind me that if I don’t obey laws on the road, they will be delighted to catch me. Every year I am reminded that I need to present a financial account to my government or face penalties.

Many people think the Bible is full of rules and might cite the Ten Commandments as an example of the things you must do to please God. The Bible is a collection of ancient literature written over thousands of years by dozens of different authors with one unified intention: to reveal God to us and inform us of how we can have a relationship with Him.

Jesus came to earth to physically demonstrate God, to teach and gather followers and to die – much to His followers surprise and dismay. They didn’t realize that it was all a part of God’s plan for Jesus to die, but once they experienced the resurrected Jesus, everything He did came into perspective.

From that point on they put all their energy into conveying the message of God to everyone they could. Jesus was an integral part of that message.

So what did Jesus say was the ONE THING required to approach God?

Need. We must first recognize that we need Him. We need to know that we have a problem. I have to understand and recognize that I have a problem and I have no ability to fix myself.

We might have an obvious problem, a secret problem, or a problem concerning someone we love for whom we desperately need God’s help.

Matthew was someone who realized he had a big problem and responded to Jesus’ invitation to join him. He writes about it in a book about Jesus’ life and ministry that has been included in the collection of ancient literature we call the Bible. In chapter 9 he describes Jesus’ invitation to himself, as well as Jesus’ interaction with many other people and how they realized their need and received Jesus’ invitation and power.

That is all. That is the first step.

Jesus said “I have come to call those who know they are sinners.

“Healthy people don’t need a doctor – sick people do.” Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”

Everywhere Jesus went He taught and He healed. Many times our physical problems can drive us to God. The people who were healed by Jesus had to first acknowledge their need – often publically – and they had to have faith that Jesus could help. Jesus had power over the cruel circumstances they found themselves in. He brought hope and healing in the midst of their desperation.

I believe Jesus has the same power and the same compassion on people today. He can bring hope and healing in the midst of desperation, when we acknowledge we have a problem and we come to Him.

What prevents you from coming just a bit closer to Jesus today? Will you read Matthew chapter 9 and discover the variety of ways Jesus was able to help and heal?

Day 11 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve.