Faith in the midst of Adversity

Hope StreetWe faithfully preach the truth.

God’s power is working in us.

Our hearts ache, but we always have joy.

We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others.

We own nothing, and yet we have everything.

There are many stories of challenges and difficulties experienced by those who followed Jesus in the Bible. As a follower of Jesus Christ we are not promised great riches and a perfect life. We all want good things in life. We want health, happiness and security. Many believe that following God should bring all the good things we desire in life. It doesn’t always work that way. But, following God always brings His blessings in His way in His time. It also enables you to respond to the challenges you face with confidence, peace, and joy, despite the circumstances.

Paul and Silas were beaten, bruised and bleeding and locked in chains in a prison in Philippi. They couldn’t move, they hurt and they might have been getting some infections! Yet they choose to sing praises to God and pray in the midst of that suffering.

Our response to our suffering can speak volumes to those around us. In the case of Paul and Silas, the other prisoners, the jailer and the jailer’s entire family ended up listening and hearing about the gift God wanted to give them – all as a result of the suffering they had cheerfully endured.

I don’t know what your suffering is. I know many have suffered beyond my understanding. I do know that God never wastes a hurt and He can use your suffering to bless you and bless many others.

Will you surrender your suffering to the power of God to bring transformation?

A person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not people. Romans 2:29b


An indication of whether God has changed our hearts is our willingness to seek His praise rather than the good opinion of the people around us.

It is very easy to allow the opinions of those around us to influence the choices we make. I seek to surrender my heart and make choices to seek His praise and commendation rather than the commendation of men.

I pray you will be granted wisdom to know the next step God wants to lead you to in your current situation. God is generous with giving wisdom to those who ask.

Day 9 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days


In a Nutshell

Calm BabyRecently there was a question, In a nutshell, why did you choose not to vaccinate?

This is a bit of my history – thirty years into this research and understanding of science:

As a brand new 22 year old mom:

My gut told me it was not a good idea to inject a baby with a lot of unknowns when I had spent 9 months protecting the same baby from harmful ingredients while cradled in my womb, and had gone to Herculean effort to birth the same baby via natural means warning off all unwanted medical intervention, commonly recommended in the hospital, in order to protect him from the impact of pain meds, anesthesia, etc.

My gut told me that my milk was designed to give my baby all the immunological ingredients he needed to be healthy and that i didn’t need injections because God didn’t make a mistake in the design of my milk for my baby’s needs.

This is my attempt to help others understand the dangers of vaccination.

30 ways in 30 Days: Day 10