Current State of the World

News headlinesI read the Bible regularly and am continually amazed at how relevant this ancient literature is for today.

It seems like Solomon might have had a sneak preview on the state of our country:

I also noticed that under the sun there is evil in the courtroom. Yes, even the courts of law are corrupt! I said to myself, “in due season God will judge everyone, both good and bad, for all their deeds.”


Don’t be surprised if you see a poor person being oppressed by the powerful and if justice is being miscarried throughout the land. For every official is under orders from higher up, and matters of justice get lost in red tape and bureaucracy. Even the king milks the land for his own profit! Ecclesiastes 5

That last phrase is particularly interesting because Solomon was the king! He was talking about himself having the propensity to milk the land for his own profit.

Solomon recognized and warned us that power and position lend themselves to greed and corruption!

I think the founding fathers of the USA knew a bit about this, which is why they deliberated so long and hard to figure out a way of protecting people from their leaders. Unfortunately, over the  years it seems that corporate interests have managed to infiltrate our judicial and political systems to turn the balance of power in their favor. So the truth of these words is just as apparent in the democracy of the United States as it was in the monarchy of Solomon’s time.

What do we do? Is there any hope?

There are many other Scriptures that provide encouragement, wisdom and guidance. Here are some:

O Lord, I give my life to you.

I trust in you, my God!

Do not let me be disgraced

or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat.

No one who trusts in You will ever be disgraced,

but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Show me the right path, O Lord;

point out the road for me to follow.

Lead me by Your truth and teach me,

for You are the God who saves me.

All day long I put my hope in You. Psalm 25


The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive. Proverbs 20:27


In these challenging, uncertain times where evidence of injustice, greed, and misery can be seen in so many aspects of life, we can continue to have hope and offer hope. God’s Good News, promised long before, was delivered through Jesus. He desires the whole world to receive the news that He loves each one of us and invites us to a relationship with Him.

Ears to hear and eyes to see,

both are gifts from the Lord. Proverbs 20:12


If you currently don’t understand God’s plan, ask Him for ears to hear and eyes to see. He is faithful to respond to a willing heart.

Day 8 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

Tetanus Links


Rusty nailsTetanus is one of those vaccines EVERYONE KNOWS you MUST have. But most of us have never thought about if there is scientific evidence to support this idea. We assume the doctors and scientists have all done their research and “they wouldn’t tell us to get it if it weren’t needed and weren’t good for us.”

Unfortunately, the need for pharmaceutical companies to make a profit for their shareholders, sometimes overrides their understanding and transmission of clear scientific facts. Independent research is very rare and most doctors receive their training through pharmaceutical funded medical schools. Much of what they learn is great. It’s hard to know where the true facts and where the indoctrination lie.

I remember the first time I heard someone say that EVEN TETANUS IS AN UNNECESSARY SHOT.  I was very surprised and thus began my research to find out the facts for myself.

I’m not sure how many doctors have really looked into the scientific evidence or if they just read in their textbooks and follow the protocols.

I’m certainly not trying to tell anyone what to do, but I just thought I would provide a few links so you can find more information from people a lot smarter than I am. This will also serve as a great reference for me to come and find all my tetanus info in one place!

[Edited: One very significant fact to consider about tetanus – if it were the life-saving essential vaccine that is absolutely necessary, why is it only available today (2019) in combination with diphtheria and/or pertussis? And why is there such a big push for tetanus shots when you go to the ER?]

1. An article: If you only want to read one link, this might be the one: Why You Never Need A Tetanus Vaccine, Regardless of Your Age or Location by Dave Mihalovic. This is a thoroughly documented thoughtful look at fact and fiction regarding the tetanus shot. A MUST READ for every parent by a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.

2. A Video: Great detailed information by Dr Sherri Tenpenny’s brief video. Dr Tennpenny has logged over 18,000 hours in vaccine research in addition to her medical training and experience. She is someone who reads ALL the details and explains what she learns in an understandable way. She once gave out “tetanus shots” like candy in the ER. Now she explains the science.

3. Another video: 11 minutes on Tetanus, Prevention, Wound Care and Vitamin C by Dr Suzanne Humphries. An internal medicine specialist who began to listen to her patients when they responded with vaccine injuries and has spent years of her life devoted to the truth about vaccines, illness and the route to true health.

4. A good summary with more links to explore by Guggie Daily, a blogger who provides a fresh, evidence-based perspective for today’s parents on a variety of early childhood topics.

5. An article by Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. in Immunology, Tetanus Shot: How Do We Know That It Works?

8. A Naturopathic understanding and approach to treating tetanus is outlined here by Ingri Cassel, Director, Vaccination Liberation, an organization dedicated to providing truth about vaccines.

Finally, it is critically important to understand that when you or your child are offered a “tetanus” shot in an emergency room situation because of some sort of injury that has been sustained, the shot they are actually offering is not a “tetanus only” vaccine. Today tetanus vaccine is available only as a combination vaccine: either TD (with diphtheria) or DTP, TDaP or DTaP. In all cases you will be getting much more than you bargained for and every shot contains other ingredients which could cause a response or injury in your body. There is no direct compensation, from either the manufacturer or doctor who administers the shot, for any injury you may experience after receiving it. They are protected from all liability, but you can file a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program within 3 years of the injury.

Next time I have a parent desperately wanting to figure out their wisest choice regarding tetanus, I can refer them to this page! My doctor friend summed it up like this:

In a nut shell, the spore can only release toxin under anaerobic conditions. Blood and air contains oxygen, allow the wound to bleed, clean wound with hydrogen peroxide, if stitches are not required let the area heal itself. When oxygen is present no spore can survive and thus no tetanus.

This mom summed it up pretty well – and showed who actually knew and understood more about tetanus.


One mom shares her horrific experience of being offered a “tetanus” shot in the ER and how it impacts her precious child.

30 ways in 30 Days: Day 9

A series of blogs about vaccines.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.