Choosing Wisely


The multitude of pressure faced by a new parent:

  • my mom says she vaccinated me and it’s the right thing to do;
  • all my friends vaccinated their children and they seem ok;
  • the media keeps reminding me I’m a good parent only if I vaccinate;
  • the nurses say it’s vitally important;
  • random strangers tell me I have to do it for the sake of everyone;
  • the CDC is a huge government organization, they couldn’t be wrong;
  • my doctor says vaccines are necessary;

I’ve heard so much about the diseases. I’m afraid for what might happen if my baby caught whooping cough, or measles, or chicken pox, or mumps, or, or, or, or

What’s a parent to do?

Every single parent who has faced these pressures has had to wrestle through mounds of information to understand all the factors involved.

Does each point of view above have valid scientific support?

Does the potential of vaccine injury exist?

Why would vaccines be labeled as “unavoidably unsafe” by the U.S. Supreme Court and why is there a separate court system for compensation for vaccine injury which has paid out nearly $4 billion since 1988?

Why would this special court pay out awards to 83 cases of autism, aka brain damage, from vaccine injury, yet continue to deny a link between autism and vaccines?

Have all the the opinion givers I am exposed to read the complete information, called a ‘vaccine insert,’ produced by the manufacturer which lists ingredients, side effects and contra-indications? That should be a minimum requirement for anyone injecting vaccines.

Do they understand how every ingredient in a vaccine might impact my child’s body and brain?

Has the person doing the injecting been trained in recognizing and responding to a vaccine injury?

Will any of these people provide financial, physical or emotional support in the event that my child is severely damaged because of the vaccine?

This is an important decision that you alone will bear the weight of. Be careful who you listen to. Don’t be afraid to ask questions until you are satisfied. Don’t ever let anyone push you through fear tactics. Don’t let anyone bully you. It’s not just autism we worry about. Is vaccination going to give my child robust health? Is there a better way to health?

You can always vaccinate later. You can never UN vaccinate. Soooo many parents wish they could have the opportunity to make this decision again.

Choose wisely.

Becky on stage

Author: Becky Hastings. I’m just a mom, pastor’s wife, grandmother, health promoter, breastfeeding counselor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world!

30 ways in 30 Days: Day 6

Best Invitation Ever

sunriseGod shows no favoritism. In every culture He accepts those who fear Him and do what is right…

We can have peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. Peter

John the Baptist appeared out of nowhere as a unique prophetic voice. He had a simple message: Repent from your sins. Turn to God.

In our crazy confused world, where everyone loves to make predictions, but no one comprehends the future, we all agree that evil is present and navigating life to happiness and success can be challenging.

There is nothing on earth that gives me too much hope. In fact, I keep finding out more and more information on the fearful state of our world: our health is under threat from all the toxic assault, large corporations put profit before health and operate with enormous freedom, masses of people are purposefully controlled and led by sinister forces, wars in places remote from me are complex and beyond my understanding – yet people are dying and arms manufacturers continue to profit. I could go on…

Despite the disturbing trends all around, I continue to find my hope in God. He alone has answers.

Approaching God is simple, just like the prophet John urged the people of his time: confess your sins. How have you participated in the evil rebellious world system? Are you ready to turn to God and seek His answers for every area of your life?

After Jesus was baptized a voice from heaven (yeah, spooky) said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy!”

When you become familiar with all that Jesus did and all that He said and you respond to Him with a huge YES, you will understand that the same joy God found in His Son, Jesus, He also finds in you. Imagine God speaking directly to you and about you:

_____________ (fill in your name)

You are My dearly loved child. You bring Me great JOY!


God, your Father

Some of the final words Jesus spoke to His followers after He rose from the dead:

I go to My Father AND your Father,

to My God and your God!


As the Father sent Me – I am sending you!

We are not alone. As Jesus was supported during His time on earth by His connection with God the Father, we are also supported. The power of God to fulfill His purposes is available to me – and to you!

How do you respond to John’s invitation to repent and turn to God?


Day 5 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days