Our Designer

cosmosEvery aspect of Creation confirms to me an incredible designer.

Paul was deeply troubled by all the idols he saw as he walked around the city of Athens.

When I read about this in Acts 17, it resonated in my heart with the way I sometimes feel walking around some parts of our modern world. Paul was troubled because of all the idols he saw. We don’t think too much about idols, but I think there are many things in our world we put in a higher place than God. An idol is something that takes the place of God.

When I walk or drive around I am deluged with advertising for flu shots. This deeply troubles me. I walk through the supermarket and see all manner of toxic combinations sold as ‘food.’

I’m wondering if I am stretching parallels too far.

Paul told the Athenians that

God has no needs. He does not NEED anything FROM us. He, Himself, gives life and breath to everything, and satisfies every need. His purpose was for nations to seek after Him.

Can we see that our nation has also abandoned God for worthless idols?

  • Have we abandoned our immune system for harmful/toxic vaccines and medications?
  • Abandoned real food for processed packaged toxic laden food like products
  • Abandoned natural plants for genetically modified mystery results?

All because we CAN? Because we think we are so smart? Because we think we don’t need God, or what He provided? Because we fail to recognize Him as our Creator, our Designer and the Giver of all good things?

Do we think we know better and we can control and manipulate God and His Creation?

Do we even think we can comprehend ALL THAT HE IS?

Is He not GOD – far beyond our understanding?

24 “He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples, 25 and human hands can’t serve his needs—for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need. 26 From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries.

27 “His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. 28 For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ 29 And since this is true, we shouldn’t think of God as an idol designed by craftsmen from gold or silver or stone.

30 “God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him. 31 For he has set a day for judging the world with justice by the man he has appointed, and he proved to everyone who this is by raising him from the dead.” Acts 17

Just my ramblings on idols in our current context…

Day 12 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve 

Worse than death?

pregnant2To my dear pregnant friends

Is anything worse than the death of a baby?

I am really really sorry to have to write about this topic. Many doctors will categorically deny everything I am about to say. I wish every tragic story  of vaccine injury never happened. I feel a collective guilt for what families have endured through the death of perfectly healthy babies through vaccine injury. In no way do I want to minimize the pain of those who have lost babies; I hope I never offend you.

It is tragic when normal healthy babies die after receiving the recommended vaccines. There aren’t enough words to describe how terrible this is.

But, I have come to the conclusion that maybe, maybe, the ongoing severe vaccine injury resulting in permanent brain damage might be worse than the death of a baby. And even the intense vaccine induced brain damage types of autism that can show signs of recovery through biomedical interventions – but requires gargantuan effort, time and money to achieve, with sporadic progress, is a heavier load to bear than the grief caused by death.

I conclude that it is probably unfair to compare the two situations. Both are equally tragic. Both cause ENORMOUS ongoing pain and grief. But the daily struggle, 24/7, year after year, of caring for a vaccine injured child is something no one hopes for and most of us simply cannot comprehend.

It is so hard for those of us without experience to understand the pain and anguish of either situation, but a severely brain injured child due to vaccine injury is a tragedy that continues EVERY SINGLE DAY. The pain of a child with a severe vaccine injury is always front and center.

I can only imagine some of the emotions these parents must feel: Betrayal. Isolation. Helplessness. Exhaustion. Desperation. Anger. Hopelessness. Alienation. Victimized. Maligned. Condemned. Guilt. Crushed Dreams for their precious children.

IMG_1231I can’t fully know. I can only try to empathize with their experience by reading their stories. The Thinking Moms Revolution is the most incredible group of fierce parent warriors on our planet! I also know that my worst day, containing the biggest challenges I have ever faced, pales in comparison to what these brave warrior parents face EVERY SINGLE DAY.

There are many variables in their stories, but many share these similarities:

  • They believed their doctors and the health recommendations by the CDC so they took their children for routine vaccinations.
  • Their child had a severe reaction.
  • Their child lost speech abilities, many physical abilities, and lost all of their personality.
  • Their child had severe pain yet no ability to explain it.
  • Parents and their doctors had no understanding of what was causing the pain and how to help.
  • The disabilities continue, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
  • Every member of the family suffers. They can’t have a normal family life. 80% of the marriages end in divorce or separation because the pressure is just too great. Siblings bear an enormous weight.
  • Many of these children regress so badly they physically harm themselves and destroy property all around them. They often need to be physically restrained. AND then they grow up and they continue to have similar issues, yet now they are stronger and can cause injury to those who love them and are trying to care for them.
  • Many of these kids never get out of the diaper (nappy) stage. And some have a fascination for fecal matter that defies our imagination or desire to know about.
  • Parents are often blamed for their child’s state and are rarely well supported by the doctors who administered the vaccines.
  • They are shunned in public and pushed to give their kids more vaccines so that they will be “protected” or to “protect other children.”

This is the daily reality of thousands of parents, maybe hundreds of thousands. We don’t really know how many. They don’t have time to write about it (too much). But when they do, it is heart wrenching.

These parents need our understanding and our support. They need financial support because the cost of caring for a severely vaccine injured child can be OVERWHELMING. Very few of these parents have ever received compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, many denied after years of administrative efforts.

These parents should be awarded  compensation from the pharmaceutical companies for the damage caused by their toxic drug cocktails. Most will never receive justice or compensation. Vaccine manufacturers are shielded from all liability and can never be taken to court for any injury their shots cause. Doctors who administer them and the CDC that recommends them are all protected.

What are we doing? How can we allow this travesty of justice of epic proportions to continue? More parents continue getting their kids vaccinated EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Educate yourself. The parents of vaccine injured kids are doing their best to share their painful reality with you to help you avoid being yet another tragedy. Read their stories.

Never vaccinate because of fear, pressure, or bullying. Take your time. You can always vaccinate later if your research leads you to that decision. You can never un-vaccinate.

There are soooooo many families who wish to spare you the pain of living EVERY SINGLE DAY with a vaccine injured child. Please listen.

30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines: Day 13


Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die

UPDATE: An audio reading of this blog is now available on Youtube [May 2018]:

This is a really hard blog to write. I wish I didn’t have to. I wish it weren’t true. My eyes are filled with tears as I consider the reality of every word that I am going to share.

Healthy Babies Don’t Just Die,
Some Healthy Babies that get vaccinated Do

Poster Baby

This is sweet Gunner Wayne,

Born on January 14, 2014.

His life was cut short on March 13, 2014.

He received the shots recommended by the CDC and his doctor for infants his age:


and was dead less than 18 hours later.

His mom, Alicia LeAnn Bohn shares her story in the hope of helping other parents avoid the pain she experienced.

He went in for shots on March 12 at 4pm and we lost him the next morning at 9:30 am.

I urge parents and new parents to be, to do your research before you inject your child with a lethal set of cocktail shots. I would give anything to have this little boy back!! RESEARCH BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!

He never saw his 2 month birthday because of the 2 month recommended vaccines.

No one takes their child for shots recommended by experts in health to “protect” them from illness, expecting that their baby might DIE after receiving them.

Unfortunately is happens FAR TOO OFTEN. Exactly how often, we don’t know for many reasons:

  • Many, if not most, of these infant deaths in a normal healthy baby, soon after receiving vaccinations, are not reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) by their doctors.
  • VAERS actually says on their website that children are at greatest risk for certain medical adverse events including high fevers, seizures, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) between 2 and 6 months of age, but it is just a coincidence that they happen right after receiving multiple vaccines. While VAERS encourages doctors to report all events, the underlying message is that coincidences make it difficult to know if there was any connection to a vaccine.
  • Most of the time the cause of death is listed as SIDS and not attributed to the vaccines.
  • Parents are told that their baby’s death was not caused by vaccines and it takes them time to put the events together.

In the midst of their grief the parents are denied information and support to understand the cause of death and they are not given recourse to justice for their personal tragedy, since all vaccine manufacturers are protected from any and all liability for damages their products might inflict.

Mothers are uniting in their pain to help others. They are allowing their pain to bind them together with a strong mission to protect babies. There are many Facebook Groups that have been formed with the sole purpose of sharing these stories to bless and inform new parents. https://www.facebook.com/groups/AngelBabiesKids/ now has 340 members. It is an open group made especially for “OUR” ANGEL BABIES! I encourage you to visit their page and read some of the stories of babies lost to vaccine injuries. They are real. They are tragic. These moms are amazing to share their pain despite a lot of opposition by many. I support these moms in their mission of sharing the truth.

Alicia has also shared her story on the Vaccination Information Network.

There are no words to express comfort to these parents. We can’t possibly understand the personal pain and anguish they continue to feel every single day. We can admire them and support them in their efforts to let the world know the truth about what happened to their beautiful healthy babies. We can join with them to share their stories in the hopes of helping them save other babies. Please share with your pregnant friends.

Too many vaccines too early. Please do some research before making this important medical decision. Your baby’s health and LIFE may depend on it.

30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines: Day 12

DSC_0062postscript: Some readers of this blog have mistakenly assumed that I am the mother of Gunner Wade pictured above. His mom, Alicia, shared his story with me and, while I am not his mom, I wrote this blog with her permission, to increase awareness of vaccine injuries. My name is Becky and I am a mother of 5 mostly grown children and 3 grandchildren. If you were my adult children, this my message to you. Love, Becky

Follow up to this post:

One essential to come to God

PresentThere is only one essential thing required when we approach God.

This is a difficult concept to fully grasp. We have a propensity to make things complicated. We love lists of rules. We have rules for ourselves – to guide and direct our own behavior. We might not think of them as ‘rules’, but we all operate with a set of principles that we feel are good and right.

We often apply our set of ‘rules’ to other people and when they treat us differently we feel offended. Wars are the result of nations feeling other nations are violating the accepted ‘rules.’

As parents we know there are certain ways of behaving that we need to ingrain into our children and we do our best to teach them. We find it exasperating when they don’t cooperate and we can spend a lot of time agonizing over how to guide or control the behavior of our children.

Society has a lot of rules for us and there are many authorities committed to seeing that we follow them. Recent advertisements on billboards remind me that if I don’t obey laws on the road, they will be delighted to catch me. Every year I am reminded that I need to present a financial account to my government or face penalties.

Many people think the Bible is full of rules and might cite the Ten Commandments as an example of the things you must do to please God. The Bible is a collection of ancient literature written over thousands of years by dozens of different authors with one unified intention: to reveal God to us and inform us of how we can have a relationship with Him.

Jesus came to earth to physically demonstrate God, to teach and gather followers and to die – much to His followers surprise and dismay. They didn’t realize that it was all a part of God’s plan for Jesus to die, but once they experienced the resurrected Jesus, everything He did came into perspective.

From that point on they put all their energy into conveying the message of God to everyone they could. Jesus was an integral part of that message.

So what did Jesus say was the ONE THING required to approach God?

Need. We must first recognize that we need Him. We need to know that we have a problem. I have to understand and recognize that I have a problem and I have no ability to fix myself.

We might have an obvious problem, a secret problem, or a problem concerning someone we love for whom we desperately need God’s help.

Matthew was someone who realized he had a big problem and responded to Jesus’ invitation to join him. He writes about it in a book about Jesus’ life and ministry that has been included in the collection of ancient literature we call the Bible. In chapter 9 he describes Jesus’ invitation to himself, as well as Jesus’ interaction with many other people and how they realized their need and received Jesus’ invitation and power.

That is all. That is the first step.

Jesus said “I have come to call those who know they are sinners.

“Healthy people don’t need a doctor – sick people do.” Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”

Everywhere Jesus went He taught and He healed. Many times our physical problems can drive us to God. The people who were healed by Jesus had to first acknowledge their need – often publically – and they had to have faith that Jesus could help. Jesus had power over the cruel circumstances they found themselves in. He brought hope and healing in the midst of their desperation.

I believe Jesus has the same power and the same compassion on people today. He can bring hope and healing in the midst of desperation, when we acknowledge we have a problem and we come to Him.

What prevents you from coming just a bit closer to Jesus today? Will you read Matthew chapter 9 and discover the variety of ways Jesus was able to help and heal?

Day 11 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive – please let me know so I can improve.


How does faith begin?

ladderI am in the midst of an attempt to describe and encourage faith in Jesus Christ:                 30 different ways in 30 days.

I am afraid I am doing a very imperfect job. I’d really love any feedback you might have to offer. I’m serious! Please use the comments at the bottom!

There are many descriptions of faith given to us from the ancient writings grouped together to form the Bible.

Faith comes by hearing.” Another version puts it like this:

So faith proceeds from hearing, as we listen to the message about God’s Anointed.

When we are faced with a choice or a new possibility or path – like seeing the ladder in the picture, we want to know that the choice is able to bear my weight. If I decide to climb that rope ladder, am I sure it is stable enough to hold me?

Is it possible for you to take a leap of faith to consider that God might actually desire a relationship with you? That, in accepting His offer of a relationship, it might lead to a lot of good results in your life. Not necessarily the results we might order if it were possible to choose them, like on a menu. But results that we could look back on, after a period of time, and reflect that choosing a life of faith has yielded more good things than we could possibly have imagined.

So, even if you might not feel ready to begin a life of faith, maybe you could begin by simply reading more about the message God has preserved for us. All of the ancient writings point to His Son and keep telling us the story from many different angles.

We had a problem. We need to realize it and acknowledge it and turn to God. As we turn to Him in faith, He will open up insight and life to us through Jesus Christ. Everything begins and ends with Jesus. His invitation is to everyone no matter what nationality or religious background. He is not offering us a religion, but a relationship. There are no cultural barriers.

We don’t even need to believe to start. We can just start.

Faith comes through hearing. Are you willing to hear? If you’re not yet ready, are you ready to examine whether the ladder of faith is Jesus is secure enough to hold you?

But a right relationship based on faith sounds like this: “Do not say to yourselves, ‘Who will go up into heaven?’” (that is, to bring down the Anointed One), “or, ‘Who will go down into the abyss?’” (that is, to bring the Anointed One up from the dead).  But what does it actually say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the good news we have been called to preach to you). So if you believe deep in your heart that God raised Jesus from the pit of death and if you voice your allegiance by confessing the truth that “Jesus is Lord,” then you will be saved! Belief begins in the heart and leads to a life that’s right with God; confession departs from our lips and brings eternal salvation. Romans 10:7-11


Day 10 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days


Flu Shots in Pregnancy?

pregnantMany parents are experiencing a lot of confusion and stress in trying to make wise choices for their babies. There is an unbelievable amount of push for pregnant moms to get vaccines during pregnancy. This was UNHEARD until the last few years. As a breastfeeding advocate and health proponent I have tried to imagine how, when, and why there was such a big switch in policy that now ENCOURAGES all pregnant women to accept vaccines.

After tragic widespread birth defects resulting from drug use in pregnancy (one example being thalidomide), doctors became extremely cautious about recommending any drug for pregnant women.

So why did the recommendations change? Did someone study the flu shot when used by pregnant women? If you read the vaccine package insert you will find most of them state that the flu shot has never been studied for safety in pregnancy.

If you dig deeper into the statistics available you will find that there is a huge increase in miscarriage after receiving the flu shot.

Someone somewhere must have thought it was a good idea to give pregnant women “protection” from the flu. But I can’t help but wonder if this was a disinformation campaign to try and sell more flu shots, reduce the birth rate (by purposely promoting miscarriage), hide the correlation between infant vaccines and injury by injecting the moms with the toxic chemical cocktail before the baby is even born.

I guess I’ve been researching into vaccine science and vaccine safety too long and I have become cynical. Maybe there are good reasons, but for me, I’d far rather take my chances with my God given immune system, natural vitamin D, supplements of vitamin D3, and the actual flu virus, than any concoction man has put together to try and circumvent it. Vaccines are known to be unavoidably unsafe. Humans have survived for thousands of years without them. We can’t protect ourselves from every calamity in life, but I am certain I want to protect myself from the calamities caused by vaccines.

There is so much to read on the efficacy of the flu vaccine, the ingredients (including aborted human fetal cell tissue and other foreign proteins), I urge you to explore it extensively before complying with a flu shot. Ask your doctor to list the ingredients or the contra-indications, or even if they have read the package insert. Ask them who will be responsible if you have a reaction or a miscarriage.

I’ve written a brief blog with links to four great videos here. Take some time to investigate the facts and the science before you make up your mind.

September 2014 blog by the Thinking Moms Revolution – boy do I admire everything those brave warrior moms do!

Your baby is much too precious to risk to disinformation.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife of 35 years, mother to five plus two, grandmother to four so far, passionate about truth, health, and healthy babies. I’ve been a breastfeeding counselor for 23+ years. I love helping moms succeed in mothering through breastfeeding. I can’t keep quiet and watch moms struggle because of the pressure they face to throw themselves and their babies ‘under the pharmaceutical bus’ and hope for the best. Moms need to know the truth.

Vaccines in Pregnancy? Really??

This blog post is the 11th in a series of blogs I wrote in 2014 called, 30 ways in 30 Days, Exploring Vaccines. 


Faith in the midst of Adversity

Hope StreetWe faithfully preach the truth.

God’s power is working in us.

Our hearts ache, but we always have joy.

We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others.

We own nothing, and yet we have everything.

There are many stories of challenges and difficulties experienced by those who followed Jesus in the Bible. As a follower of Jesus Christ we are not promised great riches and a perfect life. We all want good things in life. We want health, happiness and security. Many believe that following God should bring all the good things we desire in life. It doesn’t always work that way. But, following God always brings His blessings in His way in His time. It also enables you to respond to the challenges you face with confidence, peace, and joy, despite the circumstances.

Paul and Silas were beaten, bruised and bleeding and locked in chains in a prison in Philippi. They couldn’t move, they hurt and they might have been getting some infections! Yet they choose to sing praises to God and pray in the midst of that suffering.

Our response to our suffering can speak volumes to those around us. In the case of Paul and Silas, the other prisoners, the jailer and the jailer’s entire family ended up listening and hearing about the gift God wanted to give them – all as a result of the suffering they had cheerfully endured.

I don’t know what your suffering is. I know many have suffered beyond my understanding. I do know that God never wastes a hurt and He can use your suffering to bless you and bless many others.

Will you surrender your suffering to the power of God to bring transformation?

A person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not people. Romans 2:29b


An indication of whether God has changed our hearts is our willingness to seek His praise rather than the good opinion of the people around us.

It is very easy to allow the opinions of those around us to influence the choices we make. I seek to surrender my heart and make choices to seek His praise and commendation rather than the commendation of men.

I pray you will be granted wisdom to know the next step God wants to lead you to in your current situation. God is generous with giving wisdom to those who ask.

Day 9 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days


In a Nutshell

Calm BabyRecently there was a question, In a nutshell, why did you choose not to vaccinate?

This is a bit of my history – thirty years into this research and understanding of science:

As a brand new 22 year old mom:

My gut told me it was not a good idea to inject a baby with a lot of unknowns when I had spent 9 months protecting the same baby from harmful ingredients while cradled in my womb, and had gone to Herculean effort to birth the same baby via natural means warning off all unwanted medical intervention, commonly recommended in the hospital, in order to protect him from the impact of pain meds, anesthesia, etc.

My gut told me that my milk was designed to give my baby all the immunological ingredients he needed to be healthy and that i didn’t need injections because God didn’t make a mistake in the design of my milk for my baby’s needs.

This is my attempt to help others understand the dangers of vaccination.

30 ways in 30 Days: Day 10


Current State of the World

News headlinesI read the Bible regularly and am continually amazed at how relevant this ancient literature is for today.

It seems like Solomon might have had a sneak preview on the state of our country:

I also noticed that under the sun there is evil in the courtroom. Yes, even the courts of law are corrupt! I said to myself, “in due season God will judge everyone, both good and bad, for all their deeds.”


Don’t be surprised if you see a poor person being oppressed by the powerful and if justice is being miscarried throughout the land. For every official is under orders from higher up, and matters of justice get lost in red tape and bureaucracy. Even the king milks the land for his own profit! Ecclesiastes 5

That last phrase is particularly interesting because Solomon was the king! He was talking about himself having the propensity to milk the land for his own profit.

Solomon recognized and warned us that power and position lend themselves to greed and corruption!

I think the founding fathers of the USA knew a bit about this, which is why they deliberated so long and hard to figure out a way of protecting people from their leaders. Unfortunately, over the  years it seems that corporate interests have managed to infiltrate our judicial and political systems to turn the balance of power in their favor. So the truth of these words is just as apparent in the democracy of the United States as it was in the monarchy of Solomon’s time.

What do we do? Is there any hope?

There are many other Scriptures that provide encouragement, wisdom and guidance. Here are some:

O Lord, I give my life to you.

I trust in you, my God!

Do not let me be disgraced

or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat.

No one who trusts in You will ever be disgraced,

but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Show me the right path, O Lord;

point out the road for me to follow.

Lead me by Your truth and teach me,

for You are the God who saves me.

All day long I put my hope in You. Psalm 25


The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive. Proverbs 20:27


In these challenging, uncertain times where evidence of injustice, greed, and misery can be seen in so many aspects of life, we can continue to have hope and offer hope. God’s Good News, promised long before, was delivered through Jesus. He desires the whole world to receive the news that He loves each one of us and invites us to a relationship with Him.

Ears to hear and eyes to see,

both are gifts from the Lord. Proverbs 20:12


If you currently don’t understand God’s plan, ask Him for ears to hear and eyes to see. He is faithful to respond to a willing heart.

Day 8 Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

Tetanus Links


Rusty nailsTetanus is one of those vaccines EVERYONE KNOWS you MUST have. But most of us have never thought about if there is scientific evidence to support this idea. We assume the doctors and scientists have all done their research and “they wouldn’t tell us to get it if it weren’t needed and weren’t good for us.”

Unfortunately, the need for pharmaceutical companies to make a profit for their shareholders, sometimes overrides their understanding and transmission of clear scientific facts. Independent research is very rare and most doctors receive their training through pharmaceutical funded medical schools. Much of what they learn is great. It’s hard to know where the true facts and where the indoctrination lie.

I remember the first time I heard someone say that EVEN TETANUS IS AN UNNECESSARY SHOT.  I was very surprised and thus began my research to find out the facts for myself.

I’m not sure how many doctors have really looked into the scientific evidence or if they just read in their textbooks and follow the protocols.

I’m certainly not trying to tell anyone what to do, but I just thought I would provide a few links so you can find more information from people a lot smarter than I am. This will also serve as a great reference for me to come and find all my tetanus info in one place!

[Edited: One very significant fact to consider about tetanus – if it were the life-saving essential vaccine that is absolutely necessary, why is it only available today (2019) in combination with diphtheria and/or pertussis? And why is there such a big push for tetanus shots when you go to the ER?]

1. An article: If you only want to read one link, this might be the one: Why You Never Need A Tetanus Vaccine, Regardless of Your Age or Location by Dave Mihalovic. This is a thoroughly documented thoughtful look at fact and fiction regarding the tetanus shot. A MUST READ for every parent by a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.

2. A Video: Great detailed information by Dr Sherri Tenpenny’s brief video. Dr Tennpenny has logged over 18,000 hours in vaccine research in addition to her medical training and experience. She is someone who reads ALL the details and explains what she learns in an understandable way. She once gave out “tetanus shots” like candy in the ER. Now she explains the science.

3. Another video: 11 minutes on Tetanus, Prevention, Wound Care and Vitamin C by Dr Suzanne Humphries. An internal medicine specialist who began to listen to her patients when they responded with vaccine injuries and has spent years of her life devoted to the truth about vaccines, illness and the route to true health.

4. A good summary with more links to explore by Guggie Daily, a blogger who provides a fresh, evidence-based perspective for today’s parents on a variety of early childhood topics.

5. An article by Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. in Immunology, Tetanus Shot: How Do We Know That It Works?

8. A Naturopathic understanding and approach to treating tetanus is outlined here by Ingri Cassel, Director, Vaccination Liberation, an organization dedicated to providing truth about vaccines.

Finally, it is critically important to understand that when you or your child are offered a “tetanus” shot in an emergency room situation because of some sort of injury that has been sustained, the shot they are actually offering is not a “tetanus only” vaccine. Today tetanus vaccine is available only as a combination vaccine: either TD (with diphtheria) or DTP, TDaP or DTaP. In all cases you will be getting much more than you bargained for and every shot contains other ingredients which could cause a response or injury in your body. There is no direct compensation, from either the manufacturer or doctor who administers the shot, for any injury you may experience after receiving it. They are protected from all liability, but you can file a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program within 3 years of the injury.

Next time I have a parent desperately wanting to figure out their wisest choice regarding tetanus, I can refer them to this page! My doctor friend summed it up like this:

In a nut shell, the spore can only release toxin under anaerobic conditions. Blood and air contains oxygen, allow the wound to bleed, clean wound with hydrogen peroxide, if stitches are not required let the area heal itself. When oxygen is present no spore can survive and thus no tetanus.

This mom summed it up pretty well – and showed who actually knew and understood more about tetanus.


One mom shares her horrific experience of being offered a “tetanus” shot in the ER and how it impacts her precious child.

30 ways in 30 Days: Day 9

A series of blogs about vaccines.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.