Vaccine Risk Awareness Goes Mainstream

Due to the tireless strategic efforts of many vaccine risk aware truth tellers, the truth about vaccine risk is beginning to hit the mainstream media and the mainstream public. More people are questioning vaccines than ever before.

Watch this 10 minute mainstream video report by Sheryl Attkisson with bombshell revelations of fraud by DOJ attorneys in the ‘vaccine court.’ This report was aired on mainstream television on January 6, 2019. The supporting information is verified by the Dr Zimmerman’s affidavit, linked below.

You can read Dr Zimmerman’s full sworn Affidavit here. Dr Zimmerman is the world-renowned pro-vaccine pediatric neurologist specializing in autism. As an expert witness for the government defending vaccines in vaccine court in 2007, he told the government that vaccines can cause autism in “exceptional” cases, but says the government later hid the information and misrepresented his opinion. His affidavit is signed September 2018.

There is a lot to this story. In the case in which Dr Zimmerman was scheduled to appear as an expert witness for the government, there were 5000 families represented in what is known as the Autism Omnibus Proceedings. The Department of Justice lawyers ignored Dr Zimmerman’s statements that he had changed his mind and now believed there was a connection between vaccines and autism for some susceptible children. Rather than share this information, or have him testify again, they fired him to prevent his opinion validating the representative case and thus blocked 5000 families from receiving justice and compensation for vaccine harm.

This information is critically important for everyone, but especially for anyone charged with making decisions for new babies. Please share. We will not be getting an announcement from the CDC any time soon, but Dr Zimmerman is one expert who once believed there was no connection between vaccines and autism. Then he began to listen to many of his patients and review the scientific information. He realized his former position was wrong. He changed his mind based on the scientific reality. The government does not want parents to hear his findings.

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, avid reader, health promoter, and seeker of truth through Jesus Christ. Navigating health information can be confusing. Becky writes and speaks to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in many aspects of modern medical recommendations.

For more information:

“A world-renowned pro-vaccine medical expert is the newest voice adding to the body of evidence suggesting that vaccines can cause autism in certain susceptible children.”

Children’s Health Defense describes specific Action Steps you can take to share this information.

This one hour video contains a discussion with key role-layers in this case. Del Bigtree interviews Robert F Kennedy, Rolf Hazlehurst, JB Handley, and Jenny McCarthy on some of the details of how the government hid the vaccine/autism link and sought to bury the information from public knowledge.

Vaccines Contain Fetal Cells

Life size replica of baby at 12 week gestation.

Many deny. Dr Richard Pan stated in the CA legislature (was he under oath??) that it was a myth that vaccines contain aborted human fetal cells. Many doctors state something similar. Even a well known Christian author who writes science text books, denies the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines. Dr Paul Offit, a primary vaccine spokesperson, actually admits the use of fetal cells, but said there were only 2 abortions involved and they were a long time ago.

Watch this short video excerpt where 3 minutes in, Dr Stanley Plotkin admits that well over 76 abortions took place in the development of the Varicella, Rubella, MMR, and Hepatitis A vaccines. His testimony is part of a 9 hour deposition which he volunteered to do in a child custody case in Michigan involving vaccines in January 2018. He confirms in this statement that his experiments involved lung tissue, skin tissue, tongue tissue, and tissue from other body parts of these healthy babies who were aborted at 3+ months gestation.

Perhaps most surprising is Dr Plotkin’s complete disregard – at any point in his illustrious vaccine career – to investigate whether injecting human DNA fragments could have a deleterious nonspecific effect (unintended consequences, in lay terms). In correspondence, he dismisses the extensive work of Dr Theresa Deischer who notes clear signals in the population after the introduction of vaccines containing aborted fetal cell fragment debris. I summarized some of her conclusions in a previous blog. On what basis does he dismiss her? She’s well known to be Anti-Vax. I don’t think she started out against vaccines, but she allowed the science to influence her opinion of vaccine safety – which any honest scientist would do.

Dr Plotkin admits being an atheist and shows disdain for those having a religious conviction against the principle of using aborted human cells for scientific experimentation. The vaccine package inserts list aborted fetal cell fragments in the ingredients. And here, the man who states publicly that his vaccine text book is more reliable than the Bible, admits there were a very large number of abortions involved in the development of vaccines.

Would you buy your baby shoes made with human baby skin?

Is it ok to have human fetal cells in any product?

It is clear that abortions provided a foundation for vaccine science and that vaccines continue to contain aborted fetal cell fragments. You can find more details here.

Christians. We need to talk. Do you think injecting babies with both male and female DNA fragments is a good idea? Do we NEED this procedure in order to keep our babies healthy? How is this different from sacrificing babies to Molech? I’d love to hear your views.

My goal is not to provoke guilt in anyone. We don’t know what we don’t know. But please, do not let your actions, guided by the medical advice you received, continue to dominate your current outlook. Young parents need wise information. Young Christian families depend on Christians they look up to. We owe it to them to be fully informed. Can we really afford to ONLY listen to the spokespeople for the $60 billion vaccine industry? Please take a few hours to review this critically important topic.

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, avid reader, health promoter, and seeker of truth through Jesus Christ. Navigating health information can be confusing. Becky writes, speaks, and shares, hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in many aspects of modern medical recommendations.

CPS for Refusing Vaccines?

One of my readers shared a powerful example of how to respond when a medical professional threatens you with a call to CPS for not accepting vaccines:

If a doctor or nurse threatens to file a CPS report when you do not want to vaccinate your child.
1) Start recording the conversation immediatelyand tell them “I am now recording for your safety and my safety”.
2) Then say, “Excuse me, I want to make sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that if I agree to let you administer those vaccines today [more powerful if you list the specific vaccines that have been discussed], that we will walk out of here with no problems, but if I refuse the vaccines, that you will call CPS and file a report?” [[let them answer]]
3) Next: “If you call CPS or file a report with them, exactly what are you going to be claiming in the report?” [[let them answer]]
4) “Are you aware of the informed consent laws for our state?[1, 2] Are you familiar with the Nuremberg Code [3], and what it says about informed consent, and do you understand the implications of your statement and what it means for a medical professional to use methods of coercion & intimidation to get consent for a medical procedure?”

At this point you may be quite shaken and emotionally distraught. If you are still rock solid and confident – congratulations! My reader concluded with this approach:

“5) Then you say, “We’re done here. I am under duress and I will not be threatened or manipulated to consent to any medical procedures, nor will I be signing any documents, and if you do not let me leave, and if you file a CPS report with false claims, I will call my attorney, and report you to the medical board of our state for attempted coercion which is ILLEGAL.”

I agree that you need to leave the office ASAP. However, at ALL TIMES you need to be confident and respectful. Doctors have been through such rigorous training that they have a hard time listening to patients and are quick to interpret any disagreement or questioning as ‘crazy’. Being right about your rights no longer guarantees your freedom from harassment in our country. You do not want to be unnecessarily adversarial. You need to be absolutely STRONG and careful about how your actions and words will be interpreted by a thoroughly indoctrinated medical professional. Perhaps an exit strategy like this may be a better option:

“We need to leave now.” (stand up, get yourself ready to follow through on those words immediately). “I need to speak to my partner (if your partner is with you, say, “We need time to discuss this.”) “I/We need to consult with my/our lawyer about legal requirements in our state. I’m/We’re going to think about what you have advised.” If you are receiving pressure to sign any type of waiver or form, say “We cannot sign anything right now, but we can take the form and read through it.” Walk out.

Save some emotional energy because at this point you probably have to stop by the billing desk to organize the payment of your office visit. Be strong. Be prepared. You CAN protect your children!

Too many parents are facing wrongful removal of their children. You do not want to unnecessarily harm your children by consenting to give vaccines through fear, pressure and coercion, but you also do not want to necessarily ‘poke’ a vindictive medical professional!

Of course, if you do not take your baby to wellness visits you will not be faced with pressure to give them vaccines. Many parents are able to find respectful medical professionals for their babies/children. I hope you never need this information, but if you ever find yourself facing CPS officials at your door, this blog outlines how to handle such a situation.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion! Becky writes, speaks, and shares information hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in the vaccine debate.

  1. “For an individual to give valid informed consent, three components must be present: disclosure, capacity and voluntariness.
    • Disclosure requires the researcher to supply each prospective subject with the information necessary to make an autonomous decision and also to ensure that the subject adequate understands the information provided. This latter requirement implies that a written consent form be written in lay language suited for the comprehension skills of subject population, as well as assessing the level of understanding through conversation.
    • Capacity pertains to the ability of the subject to both understand the information provided and form a reasonable judgment based on the potential consequences of his/her decision.
    • Voluntariness refers to the subject’s right to freely exercise his/her decision making without being subjected to external pressure such as coercion, manipulation, or undue influence.”
  2. Take some time to review the laws for your state in advance.
  3. From


Choosing Your Baby’s Doctor

Many parents blindly trust doctors. Others mistrust all of them. How can parents find a doctor who respects their parenting decisions even if they may differ from standard medical advice or experience?

Some parents are informed of true vaccine risks versus benefits prior to pregnancy and childbirth and are able to avoid vaccines entirely; other parents notice vaccine injury and decide to discontinue giving further vaccines. Parents who follow standard medical practice, and allow their baby to be injected with vaccines, whether bullied into it or not, often experience deep feelings of betrayal on top of the trauma of dealing with a vaccine injury. They never expected that such a ‘nice doctor’ could recommend such a devastating procedure for their healthy baby. Many parents with children injured or killed by vaccines are further traumatized by the denial of the real and obvious vaccine injury by the ‘nice doctor’. Some parents are kicked out of a medical practice for refusing to accept more vaccines for their baby.

Parents who understand the true risk of vaccines seek to find a doctor for their baby who will respect their decision, if not fully support it.

If you are searching for a doctor who will support your non mainstream ideas regarding parental choice, you might want to adopt a stealth approach. Use vague words when asking questions like, “I’m looking for a doctor who supports a more natural holistic approach to health for my child.” Many parents have found they need to keep their child’s vaccine status quiet in order to protect their baby/child from ‘well meaning’ but ignorant people who could cause unwanted complications. By keeping our family’s vaccine status close to our chest until we get to know people, we provide greater protection for our young children.

Ways to identify doctors who accept non-vaccinated children without ever pushing vaccines.

Firstly, I don’t have lists of doctors, but there are a lot of respectful doctors available. Word of mouth is probably the best way to locate a potential doctor in your area. Some good ways (not guaranteed) to find an open-minded doctor:

1) Ask on local FB groups that have a more natural/crunchy leaning.
2) Ask moms from a La Leche League or other breastfeeding support group/meeting
3) Ask about doctors at a local health food store or co-op
4) Consider finding a “family” doctor or “general practitioner” who often have a more accepting attitude of family choices.
5) Look for some labels that indicate a differently thinking doctor like ‘Integrative’, ‘Functional Medicine’, or ‘Physical Medicine’. Practices with this type of ‘label’ may include chiropractors and have a more of a ‘team’ approach to achieving health.
6) Many families find regular chiropractic visits are more beneficial than pediatrician visits.
7) One option is to skip well visits completely.

Good questions to ask:

How does Dr _____ encourage natural immunity and health in babies and children? (good answers include supporting/encouraging exclusive breastfeeding, delaying or avoiding vaccines, attention to good nutrition and avoiding processed foods, elderberry or other immune boosting supplements, good sleep and hygiene practices, etc.)

What is Dr ____ approach to fevers in babies and children? Fevers are beneficial and yet many doctors and parents rush to give fever reducers which could actually cause further harm.

What does Dr _____ think of using vitamin C in high doses? While this might not be a ‘deal breaker’, knowledge of the effectiveness of vitamin C in babies and children is an indication that this doctor has researched beyond the standard training of medical school.

A bonus question regarding childhood cancers. I’m not sure of how to approach such a question, but it is becoming an increasing concern to parents that if a child is diagnosed with cancer they have very few treatment options (radiation, chemotherapy, and/or surgery). Many parents have faced the threat or reality of forced removal of their child by CPS/DCF if they seek second opinions or alternative therapies to treat their child’s cancer. My children are now grown, but it would be wise to get an awareness of your child’s doctor’s opinion on the growing incidence of cancers amongst children, causes and best options for treatment. I pray you will never need this information.

The provides helpful information on vaccine requirements and exemptions for each state. There may be local vaccine truth activist organizations or individuals that you can connect with. Finding other vaccine truth activists near you can be a great resource in many ways.

Doctors are highly regarded in our culture and can play a significant role in our parenting decisions. It’s important to find a doctor who encourages you, respects your parenting instincts, and truly has your baby’s health as their top priority. Not all pediatricians have taken the time necessary to research the complexities of vaccines for themselves. They trust what their training and professional organizations tell them. I wish you well in your search for such a person. Here is an example of an amazing doctor.

Please leave a comment with your suggestions for ways to find a doctor, and good questions to ask in your search!

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies, including which vaccines to choose. Becky loves mountain biking and appreciates donations, which mainly encourage her.

More Waffles

As I said in my previous waffle recipe, all recipes are a work in progress.

My latest version (below) has an additional egg and less butter. They were easy to make and devoured by the grandchildren.

I’ve added an easy reference so you can make a double or 1.5 batch. The Belgium flip style waffle maker can be turned upside down as soon as you pour in the batter. It makes THE BEST WAFFLES EVER! I found one made by Hamilton Beach for only $19.99. Truly the lightest waffles because the batter is forced down! My waffle pictures present imperfect waffles because I found pouring less batter causes more expansion. The result may look imperfect, but is most delicious!

I started writing my recipes in chart form, with multiple batch sizes, as an easy way to make the recipe clear and consistent for my children during our homeschooling years (1997-2017). I hope you understand what I’m saying! Quick and easy, is my goal.

I had 2 assistant cooks this morning, my nearly 4 and nearly 2 year old grandchildren, yet we still managed to stick to the recipe AND record it for posterity! The waffles were devoured by all!


These two pictures were taken from another batch of waffles that I made later, since we forgot to take pictures! For this batch I used 1 1/2 cups Bobs gluten free flour. It worked well.

Waffles are great with fruit, yogurt, butter, and syrup – or any combination of those that you like! Waffles are also great with Nancy’s organic pro-biotic cream cheese and organic fruit spread!

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies, including which vaccines to choose. Becky loves mountain biking and appreciates donations, which mainly encourage her.

Vitamin K at Birth?

I’m not telling you what to do. But please research, read, and investigate what standard procedures will be done to your baby BEFORE you give birth. A vitamin K injection soon after birth has been recommended for over 40 years. Some nurses have been so indoctrinated into thinking it is ONLY good, and never causes harm, that they resort to secretly administering these shots to parents who refuse. The following Facebook comment is verified as being the actual statement from a nurse working in Labor and Delivery for over 30 years:

One not so obvious implication with this nurse’s ‘well intentioned’ action is that she does not record giving the injection into the patient chart. Imagine if another nurse on a different shift has the same mindset? What if baby were actually given 2 or more vitamin K shots because it wasn’t recorded?

Parents. Inform yourself. Make your own choices. But if you go to a hospital make sure you have a reliable baby body guard who 100% agrees to uphold your wishes. Don’t take any chances. A baby body guard should be incredibly strong – unbending – while very respectful, since medical personnel often get their pride wounded when someone disagrees with them. A baby body guard NEVER leaves baby’s side. It is important to designate someone to this position because a mom may not be able to perform this role in the first few hours or sometimes days, after birth. Dad, grandmother, doula, or good friend are possible choices for this important role.

Did you know….The United States Food and Nutrition Board established the adequate intake (AI) level for vitamin K based on consumption levels of healthy individuals for babies 0-6 months at 2mcg. The injection routinely given to newborns contains 1mg (1000mcg) of vitamin K1.

Vitamin K is promoted to ‘protect’ baby from very rare brain bleeds, but is the vitamin K shot completely safe?

Click to read the ingredient list directly from the packaging.

There are two versions of the shot commonly used in US hospitals. The ‘preservative free’ version is manufactured by Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and contains 10mg of polysorbate 80.

Here is the black box warning:

The other vitamin K injection, phytonadione by Hospira, Inc., contains 9 mg of benzoyl alcohol (as a preservative) which will target baby’s liver and often leads to baby developing jaundice in the first 2 days of life. Additionally, the impact on the liver may be exacerbated by the 250 mcg of aluminum in the Hepatitis B shot which is also recommended to be given to baby on the first day of life.

The black box warning for this injection.

Does it make sense to inject every single baby with something that could harm them to protect them from something that occurs so rarely we don’t even keep stats on it? 

For more information on whether the vitamin K injection is a good idea for your baby, several key aspects of vitamin need to be explored:

  • The role of injected vitamin K in thickening the blood which prevents the delivery of baby’s own stem cells to the vital work of repair, especially to the brain, of birth trauma.
  • The critical importance of delayed cord clamping (until cord stops pulsating, which may take up to 10 minutes).
  • The amount of vitamin K in the injection.
  • The other ingredients in the injections such as polysorbate 80 which is known to open the tight junctures in the brain allowing other ingredients to pass the blood brain barrier.
  • Repeated exposure of polysorbate 80 and its role in anaphylactic shock. This ingredient is in the DTaP combination vaccine given in five doses starting at 2 months. It is also an ingredient in the HPV vaccine, which has one of the highest number of vaccine adverse events reported to VAERS.

I’ve collected information with citations in previous blogs:

Vitamin K in Brief
The Vitamin K Push
Vitamin K Links

Are there alternatives to injecting vitamin K? Many moms are comfortable with increasing their own stores of vitamin K by eating lots of green leafy vegetables late in pregnancy. Breastfeeding is so important for every aspect of baby’s longterm health, and will also convey the right amount of vitamin K. If you still feel fearful of not giving your baby the standard vitamin K injection, you can choose to give baby oral vitamin K instead.

In 1992, the Netherlands eliminated the vitamin K shot in favor of administration of 1 mg oral Vitamin K at birth followed by daily doses of 25 mcg from week 1 to 3 months of age in breastfed infants (source).

In Switzerland, a slightly different oral vitamin K protocol is used, which consists of weekly 1 mg oral doses for 2-3 months.

The result of this change?  No cases of Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding  (VKDB) – even late onset!

If your healthcare provider is leading you to believe that there aren’t safe and effective alternatives to the toxic vitamin K shot, time to call them out on their ignorance.

Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of our lifetime. Once an injection is given, it cannot be taken back. Please research exactly what you want your baby to be injected with BEFORE you have to make the decision. Parents need to increase their intuition and decrease their reliance on medical doctors.

Why Are American Doctors so Clueless?

The infant mortality rate in the US is absolutely abysmal, ranking in 34th place after countries like Singapore, the Czech Republic, South Korea, Croatia, and Cuba. This despite having “the best” medicine in the world—and spending more than any other country on health care to boot. It’s quite clear that Americans have a lot to learn with regards to what makes for a healthy baby.

Long-term health does not at all appear to be correlated with getting an abundance of injections. We’re missing something, and I believe that something is really fundamental and basic. Many Americans do not trust their bodies to do what nature intended their bodies to do. The human body is imbued with the power to self heal, if given adequate support.

All my love,
Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. Becky loves mountain biking and appreciates donations, which mainly encourage her.

WHAT IS THE IMPACT of injecting human DNA into our BABIES???

In the previous blog conclusive evidence was presented showing that some vaccines contain residual human fetal cell material from the growth mediums used in vaccine manufacture. Most people are unaware that the shots they inject into babies contain fragments of cells from human babies, and some even deny that this is true.

Four significant vaccines on the CDC recommended schedule [1] all contain human fetal tissue fragments, including both male and female DNA:

  • M-M-R®II: exclusively available in the USA since 1979 targeting measles, mumps, and rubella; 2 doses at 12 months and 5 years. [2]
  • Varivax®: the vaccine aimed to prevent chicken pox, added to the schedule in 1996; 2 doses at 12 months and 5 years.
  • Hepatitis A vaccine, approved in 1996, and added to the schedule for all babies in 2005; 2 doses given between 12 and 24 months. [3]
  • Pentacel® combined vaccine targeting diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), introduced in 2008. Four doses given at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months of age. [4]

The average baby is injected with 10 different human tissue-containing shots before they go to school. Eight of them before the age of two years. Surely such widespread use of this growth medium – human fetal cells – was thoroughly demonstrated to be safe – right?

Since 40 years have passed since the first vaccine containing human cell debris was introduced, there has been ample time to study how this vaccine containing human DNA fragments could be impacting those that are injected with it.

But, how much DNA is really in a vaccine? Isn’t it just infinitesimally small amounts?

DNA residuals in human fetal cell line manufactured vaccines

In addition to the ingredients listed on the package insert for Meruvax II® (rubella), we detected significant levels of human ssDNA (142 ± 8 ng/vial) as well as dsDNA (35 ±10 ng/vial) fragmented to ~215 base pairs in length. The MMR II® package insert discloses the presence of human fetal residuals [sic] [but not] how much cell substrate dsDNA or ssDNA contaminates each dose. In each vial of Havrix® [Hepatitis A vaccine], we detected ssDNA (301 ± 153 ng/vial) as well as dsDNA (44 ± 24 ng/vial) unfragmented residual DNA more than 48.5 K base pairs in length. The Havrix® package insert discloses the presence of human fetal cellular residuals from the MRC-5 cell line, but not the DNA contaminant levels specifically.[5]

The Varivax® vaccine [chicken pox] is manufactured using the human diploid cell line MRC5, and is contaminated with 2 micrograms of cell substrate double stranded DNA. Single stranded DNA levels are not reported in Merck’s Varivax Summary Basis for Approval document nor are the length of the DNA fragments contaminating the vaccine (Merck 2011). [5]

Vaccines that have been cultured on or manufactured using the WI-38 fetal cell line such as MeruvaxII®, MMRII®, Varivax®, Havrix® and Pentacel® are additionally contaminated with fragments of human endogenous retrovirus HERVK (Victoria et al., 2010). Recent evidence has shown that human endogenous retroviral transcripts are elevated in the brains of patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (Frank et al., 2005), [5]

According to EPA recommendations, birth year change points for prevalence of autistic disorder should drive consideration of environmental triggers, as for any disease (McDonald 2010).[5]

Scientists have been studying and learning that injected “human fetal DNA fragments are inducers of autoimmune reactions, while both DNA fragments and retroviruses are known to potentiate genomic insertions and mutations (Yolken et al., 2000; Kurth 1998; U S Food and Drug Administration 2011).” [5]

How has injecting male and female DNA fragments into ALL babies impacted their health? 

A detailed analysis of the data available and has found startling results. There are statistically obvious change points associated with the addition of fetal cell line vaccines and increased diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder: “Autistic disorder began to rise in the US after birth year 1978 (Newschaffer and Gurney 2005).” This corresponds to the introduction of the MMRII developed with two different fetal cell tissues. [5]

Additionally, “The US 1988.4 change point corresponded to the addition of a second dose of MMRII® to a measles vaccination campaign that increased compliance from ≤50 to 82% between birth years 1987 and 1989 (Centers for Disease Control 1989; Kaye and Jick 2001) as well as to the introduction of Poliovax in 1987. [5]

And, “The 1995.6 autistic disorder change point corresponded to the approval and introduction of the Varicella vaccine (Varivax®).” [5]

This chart summarizes the autism change points in relationship to the MMRII, the push for higher uptake of MMRII, and the chicken pox vaccine. [5]

Why aren’t the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), HHS (Federal Department of Health and Human Services), the CDC (Federal Center for Disease Control), or the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) concerned about fetal cell contamination in vaccines causing harm?

The primary measure of effectiveness for the CDC, FDA, and vaccine makers is focused on “serologic evidence of immunity,” or a blood test showing raised antibody titers. No vaccine has ever been investigated for mutagenic or carcinogenic properties – tested and tracked long-term to see if they damage the genetic material of the recipient, if they could be implicated in causing cancer, or if they could be linked to infertility later in life. [6]

Even with all the advances in genetic understanding since the mapping of the human genome in 2001, the HHS has undertaken NO FURTHER SAFETY STUDIES on these vaccines known to contain human fetal DNA fragments. Further, the HHS has done no safety studies at all on any vaccine for 30+ years.

Isn’t that interesting.

You might be asking, ‘But aren’t the vaccine manufacturers responsible for determining safety?’ Ever since the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, all liability was removed from vaccine manufacturers and the responsibility for vaccine safety was shifted to the HHS, who recently admitted, after being forced by a court order, that no safety testing of vaccines has been undertaken. [7]

In June 2018 I had three minutes during the public comment session at the ACIP meeting held three times a year at the CDC in Atlanta. I briefly presented some of the unintended consequences of the vaccine schedule, commonly known as “non specific effects.” It remains to be seen if this information will drive any change in recommendations.

The vaccine promoters have captured the media through controlling advertising revenue. Fear campaigns are promoted so that parents rush to stay up-to-date on vaccines without examining the ingredients. Doctors are busy and have confidence in the government regulatory agency recommendations. Has our cherished vaccine program helped children avoid short term infectious illness but caused an epidemic in longterm serious developmental impairment and auto-immune disorders?

If you have any fear of your child getting chicken pox, please read the description provided by the CDC: “The clinical course in healthy children is generally mild, with malaise, pruritus (itching), and temperature up to 102°F for 2 to 3 days.” [8]

Would you rather your child have a mild fever and have some itching, or inject them with human cellular debris containing DNA fragments – which has not been tested for whether or not it may adversely impact genetics, play a role in skyrocketing childhood cancers, or impact your future ability to have grandchildren?

So, today the public is pushed to continue to inject their babies with both male and female DNA, with no investigation of the possible mutagenic (genetic alteration) impact it might be having. We watch sky-rocketing rates of childhood cancer and donate money to those searching for ‘cures’. Many parents watch helplessly as their adult children struggle with infertility, but very few make any connection to vaccines. Vaccines were never studied to impact any of that.

Does this seem like “safe” science to you?

Please share this information widely.

I highly recommend that you read the full paper by Theresa Deisher on Impact of Environmental Factors on the Prevalence of Autistic Disorder after 1979 published in the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology on 9 July 2014.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. Becky also loves mountain biking and appreciates all comments and the rare donation which provides wonderful encouragement. 

[1] The 2018 (current) CDC vaccine schedule:

[2] Complete vaccine package insert for the M-M-R®II, exclusively used in the USA since 1979.

[3] Hepatitis Vaccine is manufactured by both Merck and GlaxoSmithKline. Havrix® by GSK was approved for use in the US in 1995; Vaqta® by Merck was approved in 1996. However, Hepatitis vaccine was for limited population groups and not part of the childhood immunization schedule nor recommended for use by any states. In 1999, 17 states began recommending/considering its use for children 24 months and older, and in 2005 it was included in the ACIP recommended vaccination schedule for children 12 months and older.

“To produce each vaccine, cell culture-adapted virus is propagated in human fibroblasts, purified from cell lysates, inactivated with formalin, and adsorbed to an aluminum hydroxide adjuvant.” The GSK version also has a preservative, 2-phenoxyethanol.

[4] Vaccine package insert for Pentacel combination vaccine

[5] Deisher, Theresa A, et al. “Impact of Environmental Factors on the Prevalence of Autistic Disorder after 1979.” Sound Choice Pharmaceuticals, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 9 July 2014,




Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity

A new book. This might be the perfect gift for your friend who is pregnant!

Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity for their children by Forrest Maready

I highly admire the work of Forrest Maready. He lives next door, in North Carolina (I live in South Carolina). His family has been profoundly adversely impacted by vaccines, which he only realized AFTER he began to research the topic extensively. He writes with a passion to convey the truth about the benefits of natural immunity and the unintended harm caused by our widespread vaccine recommendations. As a former vaccine proponent, he understands how difficult it is to encounter and process new information that challenges your underlying paradigms.

I have watched many of the 100s of videos he has made. I also met him personally at a meeting in Atlanta and found him to be a very smart, outside the box thinker. The world needs more people fully informed and gently sharing truth. If you read his book, and share it with others, together, we will make an impact!

“If you always wanted to give someone a short, cheap, easy-to-read explanation of why you’ve chosen natural immunity instead of vaccines, I’ve got a new book on Amazon! Only $7 and will change the mind of even the most skeptical mother-in-law!” Forrest Maready

Why are more parents choosing natural immunity for their children? When I first heard that people were purposefully not vaccinating their children, I was shocked. Vaccines have been described as the most incredible medical invention of all time—a miracle of science and technology that has saved the lives of untold millions. I couldn’t believe that seemingly intelligent, educated parents were purposefully foregoing vaccines for their children, and in fact, were so convinced these medical prodecures were harming us, they would go out of their way to try to convince others. When a close friend of mine told me that his infant child was going to be unvaccinated, I thought he was completely insane. After much coaxing, he convinced me to do my own research and challenge him on his beliefs. A few months later, I had read things about vaccines and disease that I had never heard before. Things that no one—including our pediatrician—had ever mentioned. I was convinced there was a giant conspiracy to try and discredit vaccines, but after diving headfirst into recent scientific research seldom mentioned in the news, I eventually came to believe much differently about vaccines and the diseases they are supposed to protect us from. This short book will take you along the same journey I made as I transitioned from a dedicated vaccinating parent to someone who now questions whether any vaccines are actually worth the risk, even in third world countries. It barely scratches the surface of this, the greatest debate of our time, but if nothing else, will give you a clear idea as to why an increasing number of parents are raising their children unvaccinated.

I personally have seen the obvious glowing health of non-vaccinated babies and children. In fact, my husband recently commented that a non-vaccinated baby we know stands out sharply in contrast to other babies of the same age because of his bright perceptive eyes, and vibrant glowing health. While many moms are struggling with breastfeeding, struggling for baby to gain weight, and struggling with many other challenges in the first year of life – which may or may not be connected with receiving so many vaccines – the non-vaccinated babies I have encountered rarely have these issues. Moms who have personally vaccinated one child, but made a choice to not give vaccines to subsequent children, are often amazed at the difference. Doctors who have large numbers of non-vaccinated babies and children in their practise have come to realise they are by far the most healthy children.

Those who choose not to vaccinate are not endangering the world, or taking advantage of the risk and sacrifice of others (as I have been accused). The best gift I can give to the world is a vibrant innate immune system. I support the immune system with clean eating and natural supplements. I do not fear infectious disease for myself, my children, or my grandchildren. Our bodies are designed to have a strong defensive strategy to combat disease when we seek to cooperate with it, and not override it with injecting very questionable ingredients.

Those who convey a sense of shock and horror for “the children who are immune compromised and not able to receive vaccines” need to do a lot more thinking about the issue, which would take at least another whole blog to address.

Be well. Be healthy. Inform yourself. Share truth with love.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion!




Speaking Truth to Power

I was privileged to be able to attend the ACIP (Advisory Committee for Immunisation Pratices) held in June 2018 at the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) in Atlanta, Georgia.This appointed committee is responsible for the recommended schedule of vaccines for children and adults in the USA and now includes 18 different vaccines given in about 62 doses during a child’s first 18 years of life. By 18 months of age this committee recommends a child receive 34 vaccines.[1]

As part of the agenda, time is allowed for Public Comment at the end of each day. The two day meeting is available to live stream. Someone kindly recorded my comments from the two sessions and put them together in a video.

I share with you, not because I think I did a great job or to get your congratulations. This is absolutely essential information that needs to be delivered to every parent making vaccine decisions. There are complex non-specific effects from vaccines. For the lay person, that means, there are unintended consequences. Yet, the ACIP, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the HHS, the IOM, the AAP, the AAFP, ACOG, and other esteemed institutions, which claim to promote and protect health, ARE ALL IGNORING powerful evidence of harm. This behaviour has been well entrenched. More and more solid research and evidence is being reported and should be raising serious concerns about the combination of vaccines given, the amount of aluminum in the schedule, the role of human fetal cell contamination, and the serious consequences of giving vaccines to premature babies, etc. Yet all these austere bodies continue to support this enormous toxic burden foisted upon the bodies of babies and children.

It truly must stop. It must be re-evaluated. Yet I felt as if the 14 members of ACIP barely listened to my comments. Will they continue to remain wilfully ignorant of the harm being inflicted on far too many children?  Their two day agenda included discussions of many more vaccines they want to introduce, including a 3rd MMR vaccine because they admit that the vaccine is NOT WORKING! Cutting back or analysing their current recommendations seems far from a priority.

New efforts to push vaccines are particularly disturbing, especially the one from the Americal College of Nurse-Midwives Resources on Immunizations pronouncing “Vaccines are SAFE for you and your baby, even during PREGNANCY!”, a blatant falsehood since vaccines have never been studied for safety during pregnancy and all ingredients are known to cross the placenta and the blood brain barrier of the vulnerable developing infant.

Please share. Please pray. Please protect your baby, and your neighbours’ baby.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.


[1] If you have never looked at the details of the CDC schedule, I highly recommend you review for yourself this 8 page document with many notes on each vaccine. Every time I review the contents, count the number of shots and doses, my chest grows tight.

TDaP for Grandparents, etc.

Your child is having a baby. You can’t wait to meet your new grand baby. BUT, you’ve been told you should get a TDaP to “protect the new baby”. Is that a good idea for your health? (if you don’t want to read, skip to the end and watch the video)

There are two different vaccines on the market offered to adults. Neither has been tested to see if it could possible cause cancer, mutagenesis (gene changes) or infertility. I know you probably aren’t concerned about infertility at your age, but cancer…

  • Adacel by Sanofi Pasteur contains 330 mcg aluminum. View the complete vaccine package insert here.
  • Boostrix by GlaxoSmithKline contains 390 mcg aluminum. View the complete vaccine package insert here.

Both contain inactivated bacteria and were released in 2005 for age 10 to 64 years. Adacel is NOT approved for individuals 65 years and older. In addition to the bacterial components and the aluminum, Adacel contains “≤5 mcg residual formaldehyde, <50 ng residual glutaraldehyde and 3.3 mg (0.6% v/v) 2-phenoxyethanol (not as a preservative).”Boostrix’s other seriously concerning ingredients are: 4.5 mg of sodium chloride, ≤100 mcg of residual formaldehyde, and ≤100 mcg 382  polysorbate 80 (Tween 80). Polysorbate 80 is known to open the blood brain barrier which is why it is used in cancer therapy which attempts to target brain tumors. The combination of aluminum and polysorbate 80 could have a SERIOUS NEGATIVE IMPACT on AGING BRAINS!

Is the amount of 330 mcg or 390 mcg of aluminum safe?

There is no experimental scientific evidence of any kind that proves this amount of aluminum is safe to inject into any age person.

“Curiously, if you were to perform a simple search of the scientific literature available on aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate prior to 1970, you can find studies such as this one, where it is being used to produce experimental epilepsy and seizures in monkeys. Or this one, where it was found to cause neurofibrillary degeneration of nerve cells (which is known to lead to the development of Alzheimer’s). Or this one, in which it was described that there were “difficulties” in mass-vaccinating children with aluminum-containing vaccines, due to febrile reactionsaluminum cysts at the site of injection, post-vaccination encephalopathy (brain dysfunction, disease, or disorder), paralytic poliomyelitis of the injected limb, and other unfavorable results…

There’s an endless amount of research on experimentation with aluminum for various purposes, but when it comes to real information on what might be a safe limit of injection, the literature is lacking.” Think Love Healthy

Please see the entire blog by for a lot more detailed referenced information on the history of aluminum safety.

When it comes to injecting aluminum there is no scientific study that has ever been done to determine safe limits. Babies currently are given up to 1200 mcg of aluminum in just one ‘well baby’ visit at 2 months. This is 48 times the safe limit set by the FDA of 25 mcg. Babies receive further shots with similar amounts of aluminum repeated at 4 and 6 month visits!!

There is no evidence to say that aluminum is safe for babies, their parents, or their grandparents. There is no way to know if an individual will be adversely impacted. Aluminum is present in every brain of individuals with Alzheimer’s studied by Dr Christopher Exley. Dr Exley also found the highest levels of aluminum ever seen in the brains of those suffering with autism.

Far more could be written about whether the TDaP is even effective in preventing the transmission of pertussis bacteria to the precious new baby. If you have any doubt and are still thinking of getting it, please watch this video on the scientific basis of effectiveness of the vaccine.

If the above video link is not working, try this one:

I put this information together very quickly primarily to help a new good friend who is struggling with a request from her daughter in law to get the TDaP to ‘protect’ her son’s first child. We are praying the parents will seek wisdom with regard to vaccines! If you have a loved one convinced vaccines are good, I wrote this for you.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.