Why I’m an Activist

CDC Truth Rally 2016A Guest Blog featuring Marcella Piper-Terry, a tireless researcher and a mom of a vaccine injured child who helps other families impacted by vaccine injury find healing.

I remember how I felt the first time it really sunk in that vaccines were causing autism, and a whole host of other neuro-developmental, immunological, gastrointestinal and behavioral disorders.
That was the day my life and my path changed forever.
It felt like I had discovered this HUGE secret.
It was well before Facebook and I wasn’t connected to anyone else who “knew.” At least not anyone I knew.
All I needed to do was tell them.
I had no idea how difficult that would be.
I really had no idea how resistant and how angry people would be.
That was an eye-opener.
I was naive enough to think that this whole thing was a mistake.
I thought the vaccine program was “something good that just had unintended consequences” and even though vaccines were “good for most people” there were some people (like my family, myself, my children, my patients) who just couldn’t handle them.
In our family, I believed it was because we had been previously exposed to lead. That’s how I “discovered” the problems with vaccines. I thought it was just that certain people couldn’t handle them because of the synergistic effects of mercury, aluminum, and lead (or other exposures to environmental toxins).
Because I already knew a lot about what lead does to the body, when I started looking at mercury (which is many times more toxic than lead), it made sense. Because of my science and research background, I understood.
From that moment forward, it became my mission to try and help other people understand.
It was a long time after that initial “Aha!” moment that I had my second BIG “Aha!”
Because I still thought that vaccines were basically “good for most people,” I spent a lot of time trying to determine who the children might be that were more vulnerable to vaccine-injury. In my work, over several years, I had developed a very lengthy Child Developmental History Form. It’s now more than 20 pages long and contains a LOT of questions. I became obsessed with finding the common factors in the children I saw – and later, in the children of my friends on Facebook – who regressed or became very ill after vaccinations.
I am a researcher and that’s what I do. I research. I gather information and I examine it. I look for patterns. I try to problem-solve and this was the biggest problem I had ever tried to figure out.
My goal… the reason I was trying so hard, is because I still believed this was a mistake. All that had to be done was to TELL our government what was happening and they would change it.
Then I learned about Simpsonwood.[1]
And I heard Dr. Bernadine Healy talk about her colleagues at The Institute of Medicine and how they knew there were subsets of vulnerable children and they were refusing to do the research that might identify those children.
And I started reading the published research that was done by those at The CDC.
And I realized.
It’s not that they don’t know.
It’s that they don’t care.
It’s been a few years since I came to that second realization and I have to say it was even more painful than the first. Maybe it’s because I’m just very naive, or because I really do want to believe in the goodness of people, it was extremely difficult for me to grasp that all the stuff I had been fed as a child growing up about how great it is to be an American, and to be “free” in this “great land of opportunity” was… well… complete and utter BS.
At this moment, my brain just went to Michael Jackson and “All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us.”
The sooner we realize that, the better.
I hope and pray those who are much younger than I are also much wiser and less trusting.
On October 13, 2016, I will be gassing up my car and making the 6 hour drive to Atlanta, where I will stand outside the CDC with parents, grandparents, children, and activists from around the country. We will hold our signs. We will blow our whistles. We will talk to the media. We will tell our stories. We will be visible and vocal.
Will it stop the carnage?
not immediately
Will it get William Thompson subpoenaed?[2]
not immediately
Nothing will accomplish the end of the corruption that is harming children around the world in a single day. But that does not mean we stop trying.
The corruption that is harming our children is deeper and darker than anything this world has ever seen. No single event will stop it. But together, multiple events and multiple voices in multiple places WILL make a difference.
Every time we speak. Every time we march. Every time we protest. Every time we travel to our state houses. Every time we go to meetings and put our truth out there, we reach others who would not otherwise hear.
I have stood on corners with signs many times. Often by myself.
Every single time, I have felt it was time well spent.
I’ve been asked a few times about the upcoming rally in Atlanta, “Is it going to accomplish anything?”
The answer to that is, “Absolutely.”
We will educate passers-by. We will educate CDC employees. We will empower and strengthen each other. We will hug and laugh and talk and meet people we’ve only known through social media.
And we will grow our numbers through our advocacy.
Because truth cannot be hidden indefinitely.
We are on the right side and we WILL win this war.
CDC Truth Rally 2016One conversation and one corner at a time.
10/14/16. Be there.
For details and to register for the Saturday Educational Summit, please go to http://cdctruth.info/
#cdcTRUTH  #cdcWhistleblower  #VaxXed  #HearUs  #OneIssue

Author: Marcella Piper-Terry. For more valuable research and insights into the vaccine debate visit Marcella’s web-site at http://vaxtruth.org

[1] You can read the entire Simpsonwood Transcript (200+ pages) or a summary of the incriminating statements made by 50+ experts, including medical doctors, attending a secret meeting convened by the CDC in June 2000. The reason for the meeting was to discuss the troubling scientific data that had been collected and showed a “strong signal” between vaccines and later neurological damage or delays in children. These experts openly discuss the unfortunate reality and the impact it could have on their cherished vaccine program.

[2] Read more about Dr William Thompson, CDC Whistleblower here.