Gardasil Injury is REAL

diane-harper-on-hpvThere are so many similarities in all of these Gardasil Injury stories. They were pushed and bullied to get the Gardasil vaccine by a doctor they trusted. They were told, “This vaccine will prevent you from getting cancer.” Consumers must be warned. The marketing promoting this shot is aiming at young people and their parents with a strong push. However parents must be discerning. This vaccine is harming girls, and boys, on a grand scale. Every family must research the truth.

Below is a collection of videos recounting severe vaccine injury after Gardasil. When these girls, and one boy, experienced severe reactions after the vaccine, all connection to the Gardasil shots were repeatedly denied by the medical professionals. These girls were in severe pain. Symptoms varied widely, and were horrific. Many of these girls were not able to get out of bed, not able to go to school, couldn’t walk, have serious ongoing digestive issues, and many other serious results. Seeking medical care resulted in multiple visits to doctors, specialists, and often psychiatrists because the conclusion was that all the symptoms were ‘just in their head’ or a result of stress. They call it “Conversion Disorder” because the many specialists cannot find a reason for the severe physical symptoms, but refuse to investigate the possibility that it could be caused by all the aluminum in the Gardasil vaccine, along with the other ingredients.

Any supposed ‘benefit’ from this shot is not worth the vast suffering that too many families have experienced as a result of Gardasil vaccine. This vaccine should be re-called immediately, as it has been in other countries.

Meet the girls (and one boy) injured by Gardasil:

Jacqueline Duncan was a dedicated dancer; vibrant, healthy, full of energy and vitality. Now she spends most of her days in bed. She is in constant pain and has no energy. In 2011, while she was sick, she was pushed to get the Gardasil vaccine. The doctor said to her father, “So you want your daughter to get cancer?” She was given the 2nd shot in 2013. The doctors she saw while in extreme pain just treated her like it was all in her head. Today she is 19 years old and only recently learned about the reality of Gardasil injury syndrome impacting thousands of girls after they were injected. Gardasil injury damages the entire family.

Caitlyn Kerry was pushed into getting the Gardasil vaccine, but was never warned how drastic the changes in her life would be. She had all three of the Gardasil doses.  She just turned sixteen and her life has been totally derailed for the last two years. She was a Green Belt in Karate, walked extensively, enjoyed life, school and her family. Her mom is a special education teacher in the same high school. Now, she continues to struggle daily with severe pain, often confined to a wheelchair and severe seizures. She cannot walk, or do Karate.

Kerry Hughes, 15 was pushed and bullied to get the Gardasil shot in addition to the TDaP and Meningitis vaccines in 2013. The doctor assured her the only side effects would be a sore arm and maybe some dizziness. The reaction was progressive and gradual. Diagnosed with “conversion disorder” which is the medical way of saying, ‘it’s all in your head.’ She know experiences daily headaches, deep muscle pain, POTS,

Britt Fiste from Ohio eloquently describes her horrific experience of serious longterm disability caused by the Gardasil vaccine which she was pushed to get by the doctor at the age of 21. She had two of the three doses of Gardasil and now lives with constant pain. “Why can’t they admit that what they are doing is wrong? It shouldn’t be about money, it should be about human beings. The medical field was created to save lives, not destroy them, but this Gardasil vaccine is destroying lives.”

Leah, from Ohio, was 11 when she was given the Gardasil vaccine in 2013. She got all three doses, despite many many extreme side effects, all denied by the many doctors she visited.

Caitlin paid the ultimate price after years of horrific suffering brought on by the Gardasil vaccine. Her mom’s tells the full story to Polly in Atlanta.

Colton, from Utah, was also pushed to get the Gardasil shot. Gardasil is now recommended for boys from the age of nine. Colton was 13, healthy and strong. He received all three doses of the Gardasil vaccine. After the third dose he has a severe reaction which has changed his life forever. After the Gardasil injury he must wear this breathing apparatus permanently. Colton was hospitalised for 88 days with severe paralysis. His doctor did acknowledge the connection to the Gardasil vaccine and reported it to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). The doctors continue to try to get Colton and his mom to accept the flu vaccine.

Five years ago Jennifer, a 25-year-old married mother with a three-year old daughter, was bullied into accepting the Gardasil vaccine. She refused at first, but the nurse’s pitch that it was “Anti-Cancer” finally made her agree to receive it. Within 48 hours she was in the hospital. She didn’t make the connection to the Gardasil vaccine. After the third dose (yes, she got all three, never putting together the severe reaction she had to the first two) she has been continuously sick with seizures, vision loss, numbness, internal tremors, brain fog, insomnia, fatigue. Believing the doctors denials, it took the family two years to understand the connection of her extreme disability and the Gardasil vaccine.

The medical establishment is not unaware of the injuries caused by Gardasil. This video, Not a Coincidence, was made by the Canary Party in 2013 and clearly describes the devastating harm caused by this vaccine, including deaths. Yet our government regulators ignore the harm in favor of pushing and promoting the vaccine at the behest of the pharmaceutical giants profiting from this carnage.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Chia Breakfast


A refrigerator stocked with six portions of Chia Breakfast! What a great way to start the day!

We all love fast food.  Many times we NEED fast food.  We have a deadline, a place to be, an important reason to be there, but not enough time for eating our healthy breakfast. Chia is a great plant based source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids and is extremely versatile.

img_3350It is time to think differently.  What can I make that is fast, nutritious, good for me, AND will travel well? Chia breakfast to go.  The following is more of a guide than a recipe – personalise this process and make it your own! My quantities are only rough estimates – I very rarely measure anything!

Foundation ingredients:

  • Chia seeds (about 1/2 T per serving)
  • Water to cover
  • Homemade kefir or plain yogurt (±1/3 Cup per serving)
  • Nuts
Chopped fresh ginger, jalapeño pepper, and turmeric

Chopped fresh ginger, jalapeño pepper, and turmeric

  • Goji Berries, Raisins or other dried fruit
  • Seeds, sunflower or pumpkin
  • Honey
  • Fruit, chopped (apple, pear, pineapple)
  • Berries, fresh or frozen (cherries, blueberries, strawberries, etc.)
  • Veggies, chopped especially celery, cucumber, or kale. Celery is a great to add because it naturally helps pull metals from the body i.e. ‘detox’ and I love the crunch it provides!
  • Ginger, chopped fresh
Fresh Turmeric

Fresh Turmeric

Optional ingredients, adjust to taste:

  • Cinnamon (boosts metabolism)
  • Salt (Himalayan for mineral boost)
  • Turmeric (fresh is available, great anti-inflammatory)
  • Jalapeño pepper, fresh, chopped (anti viral)
  • Coconut, fresh or large flake
  • Coconut oil (A great brain boost, stir in fast after you add the veggies, so it doesn’t clump!)
  • Hemp seeds (also known as Hemp Hearts)
  • 1 Tbl raw cacao powder
  • 1 Tbl raw maca powder
  • Flax seeds, ground (not too much)

For those who are more hard-core focus on more veggies (celery, cucumber, kale), more superfoods and less fruit. Adding hemp can be expensive, but it provides a great energy source. We’re all at different stages of our journey, but I think most people will be able to find some way to modify this concept so that they can enjoy it.  If you decide to have eggs for breakfast, or want to do “intermittent fasting”, you could always save your chia breakfast for lunch!

img_3349If it seems like a lot of effort, remember, you are preparing breakfast for several days in advance. I like to organise my breakfast ingredients into three categories: refrigerator, freezer, and pantry. This helps me streamline the preparation process.

I wrote about my previous Chia Breakfast variations here and here and here

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Is Giving Multiple Vaccines at Once Safe?

seizure-babyMy goal is to educate parents so that this doesn’t happen to you. Please share with anyone you know who is pregnant or has a new baby. Sometimes grandparents also need an education. While it can be hard to educate those we love who may have different viewpoints, there are some strategies that are more effective than others.

Facts every parent needs to know:

  1. Not all babies handle vaccines well.
  2. The entire vaccine schedule has NEVER been tested for safety. Every day 2, 4, 6, 12, and 18 month old babies are injected with MULTIPLE vaccines, yet this combination has never been tracked or studied for safety given in this way. By 6 months a baby will receive 34 vaccines via 16 needles* containing 60 antigens. (See more: The USA/CDC Vaccine Schedule)

Please educate yourself on the safety and the risks versus benefits of vaccines BEFORE you need to. Learn about the reality of vaccine injury from parents who have personal direct experience. The following story was written in October 2016, from a mom who watched her daughter react to the shots given to her at the four month ‘well baby appointment.’

I was fine with Vaccines until my daughter got sick. She was perfectly healthy at birth and everything was fine. Her Pediatrician said she was just perfect. I took her to her 2 month appointment and she got her shots. After that I didn’t notice anything, or perhaps the symptoms weren’t so obvious. Anyways, we went on October 3 to her next doctor’s appointment and she got her 4 month shots. I already didn’t like how the nurse jabbed them in her thighs. We took her home afterward and put her down for a nap. When she woke up she was inconsolable. That’s when I noticed she was jerking. I thought it was from the pain and I did the best I could to comfort her. The jerking did not stop, and I kept thinking it would wear off. By Friday I decided to call the doctor and they told me at first it couldn’t have been the vaccines it had to be gas. No way. I called again and they told me to take her to the ER. So I did. Now after an EEG, MRI, and several labs for metabolic disorders and genetic testing, we are waiting for answers. Normal MRI. The labs are taking longer to come back. The EEG said that the jerks are myoclonic seizures. I personally think it’s the vaccines and in particular I think it’s the aluminum in the vaccines. That’s why we are waiting on a test for aluminum. What’s crazy is how hard we have to press them to do the test. They are convinced, because of her small size, she must have something else going on. Her head size is at the 5th percentile and her weight is at the 10th. Her height is normal. I think it was the vaccinations and how her body handles the aluminum. I’m going to have to do a lot of research now on vaccines. I’m so glad I found this group. I just thought I’d share my story. Still in the hospital. I will let you know what we find out. KAS, baby’s mom



The idea that giving so many vaccines at once could cause damage might be new to you. If you want to delay shots. You can. If you want to give less shots you can. You are the parent and have the right to decide what preventative medical treatments are best for your baby. If you decide to give any vaccine for any reason, please read this first so that you can try and minimise the impact on your precious baby. A paren’t most significant role is to protect the brain of their most vulnerable young infants.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

*Sometimes vaccines are combined into a multiple combination such as PEDIARIX and INFANRIX, so the actual number of needles used could vary slightly.


The USA/CDC Vaccine Schedule

newborn skin to skin

What shots are recommended for my new baby?

What shots does my baby actually need?

Start your research with the first vaccines suggested for babies and the illnesses that you feel most concerned about and work through them all.

The current recommended shots for newborns in the first few hours of life in the USA are:

  1. Vitamin K
  2. Hepatitis B (1st of 3 doses).

At 2 months it is recommended that babies be vaccinated with:

  1. Hep B (2nd of 3 doses)
  2. Rotavirus (RV, 1st of 3 oral doses)
  3. Diptheria, Tetanus, & acellular Pertussis (DTaP, 3 different antigens, 1st of 5 doses)
  4. Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib, 1st of 3 or 4 doses)
  5. Pneumococcal conjugate (PVC13, 13 different antigens, 1st of 4 doses)
  6. Inactivated poliovirus (IPV, 1st of 3 doses)

That is a total of 8 vaccines (±5 needles*) with a total of 20 antigens given to a 2 month old baby regardless of size (how much they weigh) or gestation period (preemies through full-term babies are all given the exact same dose).

At 4 months it is recommended that your baby gets a repeat of all of the above, except Hep B for a total of 7 vaccines (±4 needles*) with 19 different antigens.

At 6 months there is a little flexibility, but your baby usually gets a repeat of all the vaccines given at 2 months:

  1. Hep B (3rd of 3 doses)
  2. Rotavirus (3rd of 3 oral doses)
  3. DTaP (3 different antigens, 3rd of 5 doses)
  4. Hib (3rd of 3 or 4 doses)
  5. PCV13 (13 different antigens, 3rd of 4 doses)
  6. IPV (3rd of 3 doses)

A total of 8 vaccines (±5 needles*) with 20 different antigens.

At 6 months a flu shot is also recommended. Babies are recommended to have two flu shots, four weeks apart, and thereafter they are recommended to have a flu shot every year of their life.  Each flu shot contains approximately 3 antigens, including the controversial H1N1. All multi-dose flu shots contains approximately to 25mcg of mercury in the form of thimerosal. The thimerosal in the flu shot and the aluminum in the other vaccines can stimulate synergistic toxicity. Flu shots have been shown by the Cochrane Collaboration (an up to date, detailed look at all the scientific evidence and research) to be ineffective in protecting young children from the flu.

By 6 months a cumulative total of 24 vaccines (±17 needles*) with 62 antigens is delivered to most babies. 

Most parents are not aware of how many shots nor what they contain. Many doctors are not even familiar with the ingredients in the vaccines and the possible adverse events to be aware of, yet they confidently assert that they are all safe. The combination of all these shots has never been tested for safety.

At 12 or 15 months your baby could be given:

  1. His (4th of 4 doses)
  2. PVC13 (13 antigens, 4th of 4 doses)
  3. Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR, 3 antigens, 1st of 2 doses)
  4. Varicella for Chicken Pox (VAR, 1st of 2 doses)
  5. Hepatitis A (HepA, 1st of 2 doses)

A total of 7 vaccines (±5 needles*) with 19 different antigens.

At 18 months your baby could be given:

  1. DTaP (4th of 5 doses)
  2. Hepatitis A (2nd of 2 doses)
  3. Flu Vaccine (yearly)

A total of 5 vaccines (±3 needles*) with 7 different antigens.

Before your  baby is two years old, the CDC says they need 36 vaccines against 14 different infections, delivered via 24 needles, and containing 91 different antigens.

Between 4 to 6 years children are recommended to get repeat boosters for

  1. DTaP (5th dose)
  2. Polio (4th dose)
  3. MMR (2nd dose)
  4. Varicella (2nd dose)

A total of 8 vaccines (±4 needles*) with 8 different antigens.

In total, by the time your child goes to school they will have received 46 doses of vaccines (±29 needles*) with 100 different antigens. These injections bombard the immature immune system which is expected to recognise and mount a specific defense against each one. See further CDC complete recommended vaccination schedule chart.[1]

Children are recommended to get additional vaccines at 11 years old: Meningococcal, TDaP (the adult form of DTaP, a ‘booster’), and HPV vaccine (3 doses). Please research these shots carefully before accepting them for your children at this very sensitive stage of life.

Some questions you might want to ask your doctor or any older people who are advising you to give your baby all the shots on the schedule on time;

  1. Why have there been so many vaccinations added since I was a child?
  2. What were the results of studies looking at the combined impact of all of these vaccines injected at the same visit? (To date there have been no studies on the combined cumulative impact of all these vaccines).
  3. If my baby has a serious reaction, who is responsible? How will I get medical care if it is needed? (The CDC, your doctor and all vaccine manufacturers have zero liability in the event of any bad reaction to vaccines given. The parents are 100% responsible for the risk of vaccine injury.)
  4. What signs should I be aware of after a vaccine that might suggest a bad reaction?
  5. How have doctors been trained to recognize vaccine reactions?
  6. Do you know how to report an adverse reaction to vaccines throuth VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)?

One reason this information is overwhelming is because most of us got shots when we were children. We think the shots they want to give our babies are pretty much the same as what we had. We are not familiar with the current recommended schedule. Take some time to familiarise yourself with the schedule, with each disease, and the risks of having the disease versus the risk of the vaccine.

An additional factor to consider is that there have been no studies on the carcinogenic impact of most vaccines – i.e. is there a likelihood that this vaccine, or this combination of vaccines could increase childhood cancer rates? It has not been studied.

Additionally, vaccines have not been studied to determine if they will impact the future fertility of your child.

Hopefully this short summary has been helpful for you as you seek to navigate the maze of information to you on the BEST way to keep your baby safe and healthy. Many parents are shocked to realise the number of vaccines now recommended for children. Vaccines are NOT required for school attendance in 47 states. A religious exemption can be submitted by anyone regardless of your religious affiliation, or no religious affiliation. All states must accept a religious exemption in lieu of vaccines except CA, MS, and WV.

I know new parents need lots of sleep. They don’t need to be losing sleep because of fear about vaccinations. As you gain information on this subject, you will be able to make a confident decision so you can sleep peacefully at night! If you do decide to give your baby any vaccine for any reason, please read this first so that you can take some important steps to help protect your baby. Remember, the older the better, the heavier the better, the fewer the better.

Please post any questions below.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

*Sometimes vaccines are combined into a multiple combination such as PEDIARIX and INFANRIX, so the actual number of needles used could vary slightly.

[1] CDC 2016 Schedule copy