Who Me?

“As high as the heavens are about the earth, so are My thoughts higher than your thoughts and My ways higher than your ways.” Isaiah 55:9

What does God desire? Is there ONE thing God desires more than anything else?

Repentance. What is it? A recognition and acknowledgment that I have done wrong, that I have been pursuing the wrong path. Even my best efforts, my noblest deeds, apart from my Creator, are of no credit or value to Him. HE must be my starting point, my inspiration.

True repentance denotes a change of mind. Not a whimsical change, an enduring, lasting change. I must realize I am not good; I need a new heart and mind to even grasp what defines ‘good.’ Jesus clearly stated that we cannot embrace God, our Creator, without fully accepting and embracing Jesus Himself. Refusing to repent of the basic flaws in our thinking prevents us from fully receiving all the Creator desires to bestow on us.

Repentance is HARD! It challenges us to the core of who we think we are. The older we are, the more challenging it will be, because the foundation of all we profess to know about ourselves and the world around us, must shift to allow the light of Jesus Christ to re-interpret everything.

How do I being? Honestly. Perhaps like this,

“Lord God, my Maker, I don’t really believe my biggest problem is me, or that I need to repent. But I have a desire burning in my heart to know You, to please You, and to do good. Help me start where I am. Reveal Yourself and Your truth to me. I’m not convinced that Jesus is the exclusive access point to You, but I’m willing to explore. Since You designed me and all I see, I accept that You are higher and greater. If You indeed can be known by me, I accept Your offer. Lead me.”

Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Seeking to practice repentance every day!

Best Wellness Tip EVER!

Kefir is an amazing living food that provides multiple benefits especially when ingested every day. Kefir is known to play a curative role in diabetes, cancer, autism, gastritis, IBS, arthritis, and many more. In fact regularly ingesting kefir might be the single most beneficial thing you can do to ensure wellness!

Kefir has the benefits of a pro-biotic since it is rich in vitamins, minerals and polysaccharides, with a diversity of bacteria, yeast and mould which are beneficial to the human micro-biome.

Kefir provides over 70 different pro-biotic species which keep harmful bacteria in check, help bring healing to the gut, and enhance immune function. Even people who are lactose intolerant are able to consume kefir because the live organisms consume the lactose leaving it 97% lactose free.

Making kefir is simple – far easier than making yogurt – but you can use it in all the same ways as yogurt, or just drink it straight to make sure you get the daily benefits. Add to soup, stews, waffles, breakfast, salad dressings, etc.

Your kefir grains are often dehydrated for travel and delivery.

  • To revitalize your kefir grains, place in a glass jar and pour in milk – leaving about a 1 inch space at the top. Cover with a piece of paper towel held by a rubber band. Choose the size of jar based on the amount of kefir you desire. A bigger jar of milk will take longer than a smaller jar.
  • Leave the jar sitting on the kitchen counter. Kefir is ready when you shake the jar and it jiggles. The first batch from dried grains may take slightly longer, but generally kefir is ready in 24 – 36 hours.
  • If you leave kefir for too long – several days – it can separate into ‘curds’ and ‘whey’. It is still fine to consume, just mix. Or if you like it thick you can pour off the whey, or use it in soup or baking, and have a thick creamy kefir.
  • Once kefir is firm you can remove the grains and begin your next batch.
  • To remove the grains you can try with a plastic fork, simply stir around and see if you find the firm kefir grains. This works if the grains are near the top. Other times it is more difficult to find and you need to work the kefir through a plastic Place a large funnel into a clean glass jar then put the plastic colander on top. Pour in the kefir in batches and use a spatula to push it through the holes. You will know when you find the grains because they will not go through the holes!
  • If you don’t have time to strain, but the kefir is firm, place the jar ‘as is’ into the refrigerator. It will be fine for many days like that, until you have a chance to strain it.
  • If you know you are going to be away from home for a week or more, or you just want a bit of a break from making kefir, you want to keep your kefir grains alive. Place the kefir grains in a jar, pour milk just to cover, put on a top and keep it in the refrigerator. It will hibernate. When you are ready to make your next batch of kefir, pour out the milk, rinse the grains in spring/filtered water or fresh milk, then place in a glass jar and start at the top. Never expose your kefir to tap water than contains fluoride.
  • When kefir grains have multiplied they will work faster in producing the thick kefir. You can divide the grains, share some of your grains with a friend, add them to smoothies, freeze some in milk, or dry them. To share fresh kefir grains simply put them in a jar of milk, or pure water if they won’t be there for too long. The milk provides food to the living organisms.
  • To dry them, after straining rinse with pure water or fresh milk, place them on a piece of parchment paper. It will dry in a few days. Dried kefir grains can safely be mailed in an envelope so you can share with family or friends far away!

Historically, kefir grains originate in the Caucasus Mountains between Russian and Georgia where the local people have consumed kefir and experienced remarkable health throughout history. “The census of 1970, revealed that 5,000 centenarians then lived in the Caucasus.”[1] Because of the beneficial probiotics in kefir, regular “consumption reinforces the intestinal flora, helps with digestion, restores the digestive system and strongly stimulates the immune system.” [2]

Kefir grains were considered part of the family’s wealth and the tribe’s wealth and they were passed on from generation to generation. For centuries the people of the northern Caucasus enjoyed this food without sharing it with anyone else. Other peoples occasionally heard strange tales of this unusual beverage, which was said to have magical properties. Marco Polo mentioned kefir in the chronicles of his travels in the East.[1]

The BIG Bonus!

From my reading, it would seem that homemade kefir made using raw cow’s milk provides a good source of GCMAF, which has been used to treat and heal autism and other serious brain disorders. GCMAF is a harmless and naturally occurring glycoprotein with a profound potential to heal. It is produced in human breast milk and plays a significant role in innate immunity. All higher order animals have this glycoprotein which functions to transport Vitamin D to all the cells in our body, including our immune cells. Lack of this protein causes immune suppression.

Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I share recipes and homespun teaching videos.

[1] Sharla. Kefir – The Mystical Side. Web. 11 Aug. 2017. .

[2] Sekkal-Taleb, Nezha. “Chemical and microbiological composition of Kefir and its natural benefits.” Mediterranean Journal of Biosciences1.4 (2016): 174-83. Web. 11 Aug. 2017. .

Be Bold, Share Truth!

I overheard an expectant father mention that his first baby was due in September.  He was excited about picking up a large package — a gift in anticipation for the arrival of his new baby. We happened to be exiting the post office at about the same time.

I boldly started a conversation with this total stranger by asking his permission: “Would you mind if I shared some unsolicited information with you?”

He answered, “Sure.”

So I started, “Please research vaccines before you agree to give them to your new baby.”

And you know what – HE WANTED TO KNOW MORE! He asked questions. He was receptive. He was APPRECIATIVE. He wanted to get the name of my website. He wanted to take my card. He was 100% supportive of his wife breastfeeding and wanted to share information about our local breastfeeding support group with her.

He totally understood that fact that there are some irregularities between the pharmaceutical industry and our government which might not be in our best interests, and was not at all offended by my approaching him. He was THANKFUL.

So, GO FOR IT. Look out for new parents. Take the bold plunge. ASK them if you can share some important information with them. Get their permission and approach gently. Parents need to be warned about the risk and potential harm of the recommended vaccine schedule.

Every parent genuinely wants the very best for their children, but they don’t have all the facts.

Becky on stageBecky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world!

Shots for Babies

These are the actual shots that were prepared for a 16 month old who was “behind” on her vaccines. She was given all these vaccines on the same day: DPaT (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), Hib (Haemophilus influenza type B), IPV (Inactivated poliovirus), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Varicella (chicken pox), Hepatitis A, and PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate).

Parents unquestioningly line up their children to receive this many shots. It is routine for the doctor’s office staff to inject this many needles using both arms and both legs of baby while holding them down with force. Some babies and children actually die within hours or days after this chemical assault injected into their body. Many have serious immediate reactions which may have lifelong negative impacts. Other children seem to be ‘fine’ but return to the pediatrician’s office over time with ADD, ADHD, autism, diabetes, and various other illnesses, and they continue to be injected with yet more vaccines – all on the CDC schedule – but no one connects the dots. Referrals are made to occupational and speech therapy, and children are diagnosed with speech or developmental delay, and autism and many other auto-immune conditions or allergies.

Rarely do parents, or doctors, stop to ask WHY?

Please educate yourself, and all the pregnant or potentially pregnant people you know – BEFORE they face this many injections for their precious baby at one time. This schedule has never been studied in combination and US children are sicker than ever.
Read more about Navigating the Vaccine Information.


Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I share recipes and homespun teaching videos.


Straining Milk Kefir Video

I just made a homespun video to show you how easy it is to strain out your milk kefir grains. This must be done after every batch of kefir so that you can make another batch! The kefir grains will multiply over time so that you will be able to share the joys of kefir making with your friends.

I’ve posted other information on kefir, including some of my favorite recipes:

I prefer to use local jersey raw milk because there are many benefits. Recently I have learned that one of the benefits is that it contains GCMAF. Do some research on the benefits!

Many people who have been diagnosed with CDif or other serious intestinal infections are looking for kefir. You can become a source of kefir grains as you spread the wonder of kefir!

Let me know if you have questions about kefir!

Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I share recipes and homespun teaching videos.



Identifying Vaccine Injury

Some symptoms of vaccine injury are obvious.[1] Others are not. If you or anyone you know experiences a baby or child death soon after vaccines, there are some tests that can be done to determine if the death is connected to vaccines. Evidence of an association is required to pursue a case with the Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation program and there is a strict time limit for claims – two years for deaths and three years for injuries.[2] These tests are briefly described further down along with a link to the Parents Guide: What to do if Your Child Dies After Vaccination, Guidelines to Autopsy Medical Tests Parents Immediately Should Require (Guidelines) [3].

Some babies/children demonstrate immediate behavior changes including illness, pain, fever, or seizures soon after receiving vaccines, sometimes within minutes or hours. Other babies/children may demonstrate a decline over time, may develop allergies, neurological impairment, gastrointestinal disorders, or other auto-immune illnesses. For the injuries that develop over time, vaccination is often overlooked. Because the CDC and others promoting vaccines are adamant that ‘vaccines are safe and effective’ tests and research to examine a possible link between vaccines and illness are often denied.

Many vaccine injuries can take months to become apparent. If you must give vaccines, for any reason, please read this or this before you take your baby/child for injections, so that you can prepare to offset any possible negative impact. It is highly recommended to keep a health journal before and after vaccinations and list all allergies, food intolerance or aversions, unusual behavior, sleep patterns, skin conditions, gut status, etc. Small things mean a lot. Keep copies of all medical records. Ask for a copy of the record after all visits to a doctor.

Adults may be able to sue vaccine producers for vaccine injury [4] and you can probably sue for injury to your pets, but because of the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, you cannot directly sue the vaccine manufacturers or those giving the vaccinations when a child is killed or injured by vaccines.

While most doctors of the past 50 years are not trained to acknowledge or identify vaccine injury, many are learning through experience to identify vaccine injury. Parents are also extremely in tune with their baby and are able to recognize even subtle changes in development after vaccines. Videos of your baby/child provide excellent proof of neurologic impact from vaccines.

For many, the worst-case scenario is for a healthy happy infant or child to die soon after vaccines. These cases are often termed “Sudden Infant Death” (SIDS) or Sudden unexplained death in childhood (SUDC). This term is defined as the death of a child over the age of 12 months and was officially adopted in 2005 in Pediatric and Developmental Pathology after a talk from 1999 in which Dr Henry Krous asked “Post-Infancy SIDS: Is it on the rise?” [4]

One can’t help but ask, does the increase in the number of vaccines play a role in these deaths?

Before your  baby is two years old, the CDC says they need 36 vaccines against 14 different infections, delivered via 24 needles, and containing 91 different antigens.

By the time children are six years old, a child receives 46 vaccines with a combination of ingredients that has never once been tested for safety. Could this increase have anything to do with this unexplained devastating new childhood diagnosis of SUDC?

If a baby/child dies soon after vaccines it is very important that the correct tests are done including tests for CRP (C-reactive protein), liver enzymes, cytokines panel, brain tissue samples and more. See this comprehensive Guidelines for details of all medical tests and information on attorney recommendations. [3]

“With the current practice of injecting several multi-valent vaccines [often as many as 9 separate vaccines] into an infant or toddler during the same office visit, some recipients’ central nervous systems (CNS) apparently become overloaded and/or the brain suffers dramatic injury from multiple neurotoxins and other toxic chemicals crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB); others experience severe allergic reactions to one or more of the vaccine components. Encephalopathy or anaphylaxis can occur with fatal results.” [3]

Parents are usually in shock immediately after the sudden death of their baby/child. The government will often perform an autopsy, but the parents need to know “they have every right to request the pathologist perform post-mortem blood and tissue assays/analyses” as described in the Guidelines. [3]

“Parents may need an attorney’s legal help and/or intervention to get the proper tests performed. Nevertheless, parents have every legal right to request an autopsy be performed, including certain tests looking for toxins, similar to what is done in drug overdose deaths. Parents also have the right to request storage of samples for future tests that are developed as new scientific discoveries are made.” [3]

Chances are, if you are reading this, you or a loved one has personal experience with an unexplained death after vaccines. This is an incredibly difficult time and the agony can be multiplied to learn that a procedure you follow for your baby/child, in the interest of keeping them healthy, is one that could potentially have caused their death. My heart aches for the thousands of deaths of babies and young children every single year soon after their vaccines, and I pray these parents will find the answers they need, and will be able to help educate other parents on this subject.

Becky on stageBecky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world!


[1] Heartbreaking Stories of Vaccine Injury. Link Accessed 07/04/2017. http://vaccine-injury.info/about.cfm

[2] Link accessed 07/04/2017. http://vaccinelaw.com/lawyer/2016/03/25/Filing-a-Claim/5-Things-to-Know-if-You-Have-Suffered-a-Vaccine-Injury-_bl24192.htm

[3] Link accessed 07/04/2017. Ericsson, Norma and Frompovich, Catherine J. Guidelines to Autopsy Medical Tests Parents Immediately Should Require an Autopsy That Includes Certain Tests. ©2012. https://vactruth.com/2012/08/21/autopsy-medical-tests/

[4] Link accessed 07/04/2017. Rapport, Jon. Victims of Vaccine Damage Can Sue Manufacturers in the U.S. It’s happening now. http://www.robertscottbell.com/government/victims-of-vaccine-damage-can-sue-manufacturers-in-the-us-its-happening-now-by-jon-rappoport/

[4] Link accessed 07/04/2017. Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudden_unexplained_death_in_childhood


Vulnerable Brains

“The early environment for a human infant is particularly important. In fact, the most vulnerable time for a human’s brain development in terms of environmental impact is from the period of birth and for several months after, in this fourth trimester. It is in this time that a human needs to avoid serious stressors, and it is when nurturing is so critical. There is a continued need for protection throughout childhood, of course, but the closer to the day of the, the more important affection is.”[1]

Does it make any sense to inject known neurotoxins into a baby on the first day of life? Or at 3 months? A babies’ brain is in such a critically vulnerable state at this time and needs to be protected. It is the parents most critically important role – to protect their babies’ brains. Every procedure must be evaluated in the light of the impact it could have on the very vulnerable brain.

Babies routinely receive three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine which contains 0.25 mg aluminum as aluminum hydroxide starting on the first day of life, again at one month, and six months.

Babies also are routinely injected with Vitamin K within hours of birth. There are two brands of vitamin K.  Hospira, contains 9 mg of benzyl alcohol as preservative which damages the liver and contributes to the high frequency of infants who develop jaundice within two days of birth. The other brand, Amphastar,  contains polysorbate 80 and propylene glycol. Both are seriously dangerous neurotoxins. Polysorbate is known to open the blood brain barrier and when given in conjunction with aluminum, the hazard is drastically increased.

Many researchers are now suggesting that giving mothers vitamin K in during pregnancy provides protection and is far safer than subjecting every baby to a Vitamin K shot at birth (which carries a black box warning due to risk of side effects).[2]

In the rare circumstances when vitamin K is recommended, “oral Vitamin K is as effective as injectable Vitamin K and its usage is recommended in our country to reduce complications and costs of parenteral therapy.”[3]

Please research the risk versus benefit of ALL medical procedures recommended for your precious baby – especially in that critically important 4th Trimester – or the first 3 months of life.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, and passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety

[1] Fallon, James. The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist’s Personal Journey Into the Dark Side of the Brain, New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2013. p. 98. Print.

[2] Motohara K, Takagi S, Endo F, Kiyota Y, Matsuda I. Oral supplementation of vitamin K for pregnant women and effects on levels of plasma vitamin K and PIVKA-II in the neonate. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1990 Jul;11(1):32-6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2388129

[3] Malik S, et al. Comparative study of oral versus injectable vitamin K in neonates. Indian Pediatr. 1992. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/1428134/

Granola – How to Make Your Own

Standing in the cereal aisle of any major food store can be an overwhelming perplexing experience, especially for those of us who aim to choose healthy non-chemical laden food for our families. There are many ‘natural’ cereals to choose from, so we begin reading the labels. What do we find?

soy, canola oil, other unhealthy oils, non-pronounceable ingredients, lots of sugar, preservatives.

Finding healthy granola seems easy – until you start reading the labels. What is the answer? Is there a brand I can trust?  If you finally find a mostly natural granola with a short list of mostly acceptable ingredients, when you look at the price, and work out how many servings it will give your family, you find another long pause as you consider the economics and your budget. Such is the stress of grocery shopping with health and economy in mind.

Making your own ‘fast foods’ for breakfast can be extremely easy, very satisfying, and by far your healthiest option. If you have children, you are BUSY, but one of your best time-saving resources will one day be your children! Teach your children to make this recipe for the whole family.

I’ve written the following recipe in three versions: small, medium and large to make it easy to double or triple the recipe depending on your need.

Some notes about the ingredients:

  • In order to ensure that we are not consuming large amounts of glyphosate (from Roundup) I HIGHLY RECOMMEND choosing organic options for all ingredients. Buying organic also sends a message to retailers, suppliers, growers, etc. that we want healthy food without harmful chemicals. Eventually, if enough people vote with their wallets, price reductions and increased availability will follow.
  • Local, raw honey is the healthiest sweetener, but if you have a large family and a small budget, you may opt to choose organic sugar. Honey is generally considered to be sweeter, so you may need slightly more sugar to reach your desired sweetness.
  • The addition of water (of course non-fluoridated, pure water is the ONLY option you would ingest, how to find it is the topic of another blog) to the liquid ingredients stretches the recipe to make it go further, but you can reduce the amount of water and increase the healthy oils and sweetener for a more indulgent granola.
GRANOLA from the Hastings Family Kitchen
½ – ¾ cup 1 – 1 ½ cup 1 ½ – 2 ¼ cup Honey (or slightly more organic brown sugar)
2/3 cup 1 1/3 cup 2 cups Coconut oil, butter or a combination
2/3 cup 1 1/3 cup 2 cups Water
1 Tablespoon 1 ½ T 2 T Molasses
½ teaspoon 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp Vanilla
Combine these ingredients in a saucepan. Heat over low heat until the sugar dissolves fully. Remove from heat. Add 1 tsp vanilla.
In a huge bowl combine:
1 box (500 g) 2 boxes (1 kg) 3 boxes (1.5 kg) Oats
1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp Cinnamon
Pinch Pinch + Pinch ++ Salt
½ cup 1 cup 1 ½ cup Unsweetened Coconut such as Bob’s Red Mill

Seeds: hemp hearts, sunflower, pumpkin, and/or sesame. You can also add dried fruit like raisins, and/or any nuts you like. You can add them either before or after cooking, but raisins are usually nicer to add after. I don’t add any raisins or nuts because of different individual preferences (ie some family members complain!). Add nuts and raisins to individual servings, as desired.


In a large bowl mix dry ingredients well. Pour the liquid mixture over and stir thoroughly. Distribute into deep baking trays – 1, 2 or 3 depending on the recipe size you have used. Bake at 350 F for 20 – 30 minutes, but stir thoroughly every 10 minutes and check for even browning. After approximately 30 minutes, stir and turn the oven off, but leave the pans in the oven to cool and for the granola to dry (as long as it looks like it is not burning).

Once the granola is cool and thoroughly dry, break apart and store in airtight containers.   If you make more than you can use in a couple of weeks, store part of it in the freezer.


Let me know about your experiments in making your own granola! I have written about other breakfast ideas such as Chia Breakfast and Waffles.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate seeker of Jesus, truth and health. Most of my writing is aimed at helping young families find health and joy through making wise choices. Sometimes I share recipes!

Toasted Coconut Chocolate Gooey Treats

There are so many wonderful things about making and eating your own raw chocolate creations. NO GUILT about eating your creations might top the list. Because the ingredients are good – and good for you, there is no need to feel guilty! You can also tailor any recipe to exactly the taste you love.

Feel free to modify the recipe I created after seeing something similar.

The ingredients.

I use local raw honey because it is good in so many ways and makes the top 10 Superfood list by David Wolfe. You can adjust the amount if you prefer it more or less sweet. I avoid sugar as much as possible and I don’t like to substitute with sugar substitutes, even the ‘natural’ ones.

I use fresh ground ‘peanut only’ peanut butter, avoiding the processed brands which add other ingredients like sugar or oils.

Salt always means Himalayan salt because it comes with other minerals.

I soak the walnuts (when I remember) for a few minutes – up to 24 hours – because it gives them a nice texture, and reduces phytates making them even more beneficial. Walnuts provide nutrients to improve brain function and are a good choice to add to your snacks.

Toasting your raw coconut is easy and adds a boost to the taste. I make sure my coconut has no added sugar. I enjoy buying Bob’s Red Mill coconut flakes because Bob’s is employee owned and I want them to succeed! To toast your coconut, simply place it in a large skillet and cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until it gets a beautiful golden brown color. Be sure to transfer it to a new bowl immediately since it can scorch quickly!

I use raw milk (the creamy top layer is best!) because that is what I have, but any milk will work.

Coconut oil (extra virgin organic) is also excellent for your brain and most of us need to eat more good fats. Contrary to the popular philosophy that dominated US culture for years, fats make you feel satisfied and you end up eating less.

Raw cacao powder has so many benefits with the mineral content and off the charts ORAC scores. Do some research – eating raw chocolate is a good daily habit! Making your own ensures you know exactly what you are eating.

Here’s what you do, prepare a coconut mixture, which will go on the bottom and the top. Prepare the chocolate mixture for the center.

Coconut layer

  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 1 tablespoon molasses
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 3 cups toasted coconut
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (soak in water first – if you remember!)
  • ½ tsp vanilla

Melt butter and coconut oil gently, add honey, molasses and salt, stir until well combined. Add coconut and walnut and stir thoroughly. Put 2/3 of the mixture into a pan (line with parchment paper). Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Chocolate layer

  • ½ Cup coconut oil
  • ½ Cup peanut butter
  • ½ Cup raw cacao powder
  • ¼ Cup honey
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ Cup milk (almond, coconut, or dairy)

Melt coconut oil, peanut butter, and honey just enough to combine thoroughly. Add salt and milk and stir well. Pour over hardened coconut mixture and spread around gently. Sprinkle the remaining 1/3 coconut mixture on the top. Put in the refrigerator to harden.

It doesn’t take too long to harden, then you can cut into squares and arrange on a tray or place into an air tight container and store in the refrigerator. The bars will melt if left out for too long, and they might be a little bit crumbly so be sure to eat with a plate or napkin underneath.

Enjoy – guilt free! Satisfying, delicious, nutritious!

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, and passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. From time to time Becky shares easy recipes that can help you have a healthier life!


Pregnant? Who Do You Trust?


The CDC has been recommending two vaccines for pregnant women: The TDaP and the flu shot. Is it safe to give these vaccines?

Please inform yourself. Your doctor trusts the CDC. Is the CDC information on pregnancy and vaccines trustworthy?

Some basic questions every pregnant woman, potential new parent, grandparent, etc needs to consider:

  • Has the CDC done safety investigations on vaccine impact during pregnancy?
  • Why is there now such a big push to give vaccines in pregnancy when previously ALL medication was discouraged during pregnancy?
  • What are the potentially harmful ingredients in a specific vaccine and what is the impact it might have on a developing baby?
  • How much time has my care giver devoted to investigating the true risk versus potential benefit of these vaccines? Have they taken time to investigate beyond just repeating the CDC recommendations?
  • If mercury in tuna and other seafood should be avoided, why is it promoted as safe to be injected?
  • Have other women experienced serious adverse events after accepting vaccines?
  • Is the pertussis vaccine (included in the TDaP/DTaP) effective in protecting a newborn from contracting whooping cough?
  • Is whooping cough always deadly for a young infant? Are there any steps that could protect a baby from whooping cough other than a vaccine?

Every parent wants what is best for their newborns. We want to protect them from illness. Unfortunately our world has become extremely complicated and there are huge industries devoted to pushing products on people. We investigate which car seat is safest. We compare the car we will buy based on safety ratings. In the same way, we need to investigate all products recommended to us by anyone, even our very nice doctor.

More information to help you explore the topic of having a SAFE, HEALTHY, HAPPY, CONTENTED, SMART baby:

To My Newly Pregnant Friend
Preparing to Vaccinate
Which Vaccines are Safe?
My Dear Friend
My personal objections to vaccines

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, seeker of truth, health and joy. I seek answers to difficult questions, engaging in discussions some would rather avoid. As a breastfeeding counselor for nearly 24 years, I have a special passion for helping new parents have a happy healthy baby!