Is Public Health BEST Served by Vaccines?

Posted below is a recent conversation I had with a public health academic. I felt it was worthy to share. Please add your insight on how vaccines impact public health in the comment section. One point I failed to mention in this conversation is that graphs accurately depicting health data show that rates of deaths due to infectious illness had experienced dramatic decreases prior to the introduction of vaccines. This includes disease for which no vaccines were ever successfully developed. Something to explore further another time…

“I’m an evidenced based practice researcher and public health professor. One that’s actually contributed to textbooks on public health issues. I’ll be honest, you stating that scientists “know about the public health risks of vaccines, but choose not to say anything.” is a disturbing and definitive statement for someone who doesn’t work in the field.

Public health practitioners, vaccinologists, and immunologists, spend their life’s work trying to meet the health needs of the population. Yes, there are risks to taking vaccines, as there are with any type of medication or drug. In this particular scenario, the benefits of vaccines far outweigh those risks. Period. The End.

You know how people determined that? Evidence based practice through clinical trials and countless years of scientific research. Years and years of labor intensive quality science.

You want to talk about Wakefield? He’s a disgrace to the scientific community and evidence based practice. Want to know why his article got retracted from one of the most reputable scientific journals in the country? Because he falsified his methods and results. That is not ok!

I suggest you go to reputable peer-reviewed research if you’re really interested in the issue. You won’t find one article that indicates that vaccines cause autism? Not a one. Correlation also doesn’t imply causation, but you won’t find reputable research that indicates that, either.”

Wow. It’s really awesome that you are so committed to public health, and actually lecture students on this topic. I am sure you will want to make 100% sure every fact you share is thoroughly substantiated. I’m just a mom, a grandmother, a truth seeker and sharer, and a breastfeeding counselor for 23 years. You are also correct, generalizations should not be made because they are not helpful and do not prove points. I apologize for my generalized statement.

Yes, I understand that many in the field of public health spend their lives trying to figure out how to improve health in populations. My father spent his entire career working for the CDC. He was an MD who chose to become a research scientist in the area of virology. He and I had many conversations about the public health benefits and risks of vaccines. Back then we had to share paper copies of research we could find. The internet just makes information so much more accessible. I also wholeheartedly endorse evidence based research – and question all evidence that is presented.

Interesting that you say there is not one article to indicate “that vaccines cause autism”. I don’t think I had ever made the point that they do, nor has Dr Wakefield. My main focus is NOT that vaccines cause autism, but that vaccines cause a wide range of serious injury, including debilitating auto-immune conditions, allergies, and long term impacts – far more than the public is led to understand – and that the risks of the vaccine should be seriously evaluated to determine if they are actually greater than the risk of having the infectious disease with appropriate effective treatment. More and more researchers in the field are coming to understand that autism is a neuroinflammatory condition. Official channels poured so much money into finding a genetic connection, but after over a decade of research, seem to have concluded that there is no clear genetic cause, although certain gene mutations, such as the MTHFR could make some more at risk.

Have you read the published work by Dr Chris Shaw? I’ve linked a very short video where he summarizes his findings. Using the latest available information and technology, he looked at the impact of injecting rats with amounts of aluminum that would compare with the amounts of aluminum currently injected into babies in the CDC recommended schedule of vaccines. He was pretty shocked by the result. The most startling part of his research is the complete lack of response. No one criticized his methods, told him where/how he was wrong. Just complete silence. You should check it out. Of course you will probably find, if you ‘search on the internet’ people who criticize him. I’m sure you can wade through to find the true facts.

Another very interesting case is the case of Hannah Poling. Her father was a neurologist and the Poling’s made a claim to the NVICP – I’m sure you know what that is, but for others, it is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program set up in 1988 to pay out families whose children were killed or injured by vaccines. To date it has paid out $3.9 billion dollars to those who manage to prove their claim of damage due to vaccines while arguing against Department of Justice lawyers in a closed courtroom without full access to the legal process of disclosure. Anyway, Hannah Poling’s case was interesting because she regressed into autism following vaccines with serious permanent disabilities and her family was awarded a significant amount to compensate for her claim. I think it was determined that she has a ‘mitochondria disorder’ which was why the vaccines had caused the autism-like symptoms. A law professor, Mary Holland from NYU School of Law, then published a detailed analysis of the NVICP data and found that about 86 other cases matching the diagnosis of autism have been paid by this ‘vaccine court. Interesting. The lawyers and judge must have been convinced that the vaccines caused their autism symptoms.

Did you know that Congressman Posey has received ±100,000 pages of documents from Dr William Thompson, Senior Research Scientist at CDC, and that he was awarded whistleblower status by President Obama? He admitted that his epidemiological study was fraudulent and that the study authors, including Frank De Stefano and Colleen Boyle, destroyed data in order to hide the evidence of harm from vaccines. Actually, I think he stated that Colleen Boyle refused to attend the ‘destroy the evidence’ meeting, so all the other lower ranking authors had to do that job. He explained quite clearly the different role players, the disturbing results they found, and what they were told – from their bosses – to destroy. One of the specific facts they were especially eager to hide was the connection between African American boys and a higher risk of autism if they received their vaccines on time. I believe the figure is about 300% increase for that group.

Another interesting Scientist who has published in this field is Poul Thorsen. He worked at the CDC and has his name on some epidemiological papers. He is currently one of the top 10 most wanted fugitives on the FBI’s website for his role in embezzlement against the CDC, yet the CDC keeps promoting his studies.

Did you know that US Government departments, including the CDC and NIH, hold patents on over 20 vaccines and therefore benefit financially?

And, as to Dr Wakefield being a disgrace to the medical community, I don’t think you could be more wrong. I don’t think you will find a more compassionate, selfless humanitarian in the world. Despite all the assaults – like this one – on him personally and professionally, he continues his struggle to help those dealing with devastating neurological damage. You should really find out what the parents of his patients think about him. Imagine if someone were saying those types of remarks about you without even knowing you?

And finally, what I should have said, is that the 54 scientists called together to CDC’s secret meeting at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center in June 2000 were all in the realm of ‘public health officials’ and they all were appraised of the latest findings by a young CDC epidemiologist, Dr. Thomas Verstraeten. He presented his research demonstrating a clear ‘signal’ between vaccines and neurological damage that just ‘would not go away.’ The 200+ pages of the transcript from that meeting, freely available to the public through FOIA requests, demonstrates exactly how much they did know and how they responded to this information. Especially poignant was the response by the WHO representative – arguably the most significant public health official of all –

“But there is now the point at which the research results have to be handled, and even if this committee decides that there is no association and that information gets out, the work has been done and through the freedom of information that will be taken by others and will be used in other ways beyond the control of this group. And I am very concerned about that as I suspect that it is already too late to do anything regardless of any professional body and what they say…My mandate as I sit here in this group is to make sure at the end of the day that 100,000,000 are immunized with DTP, Hepatitis B and if possible Hib, this year, next year and for many years to come, and that will have to be with thimerosal containing vaccines unless a miracle occurs and an alternative is found quickly and is tried and found to be safe.” – Dr. John Clements, World Health Organization, Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

Strange that as a serious public health official, he was more committed to getting vaccines into children than looking into the possible harm those vaccines were causing. Dr Thomas Verstraeten, the lead CDC epidemiologist analyzing the Generation Zero data showing a high correlation between mercury and autism, was frustrated by the focus of participants on managing information, liability, and reputations, rather than on science and data. He wrote this in an email on July 14, 2000 to Dr. Phillipe Grandjean:

“Unfortunately, I have witnessed how many experts, looking at this thimerosal issue, do not seem bothered to compare apples to pears at the best and insist that if nothing is happening in these studies [referring to some old science on other types of mercury exposure] then nothing should be feared of thimerosal.

I do not wish to be the advocate of the anti-vaccine lobby and sound like being convinced that thimerosal is or was harmful, but at least I feel we should use sound scientific argumentation and not let our standards be dictated by our desire to disprove an unpleasant theory.”

I applaud you if you have read this far. I’m happy to discuss anything further. I’m sure I don’t know as much as you do, and I haven’t read all your text books, but I am 100% committed to finding the truth and helping parents have healthy happy babies. I believe we achieve the best health, as individuals and as communities, by boosting the innate immune system and the body’s own defense against infectious disease. It is critically important to understand the two different branches of immunity and how vaccines impact overall health and immune response. So much has been discovered in the last 10 years that many of the foundations on which vaccines were developed must be allowed to be questioned. Science is never settled. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists and doctors who have spent thousands of hours reviewing all vaccine related science and seeking to make sense of the devastation in the wake of vaccines.

One of these is Dr Aaby. With others, he published a paper in 2017 on research to understand the impact of vaccination in a retrospective look at Guinea Bissau. But since you are current in the field of public health, I guess you may have already read it. His conclusion must have been disturbing for him since he is such a strong proponent of vaccines.

Another scientist examined the evidence and was forced to change his opinion. As a world leading researcher in the area of aluminum toxicity, the words of Dr Chris Exley are profound: I did not see a role for aluminum in autism. And I didn’t see a role for aluminum in vaccines in autism. I have to change my mind now on both of these. I have to change my mind that aluminum has a role in autism. I believe it now does. –Dr Chris Exley, 2017

So many doctors, pediatricians and others, who have taken the time to review the literature for themselves – and not just the promotional material provided by the manufacturers – have started speaking out about their observations. Dr Bob Zajac is one. In this interview he makes some amazing observations, particularly of note is that in his pediatric practice, the fully vaccinated children are the sickest, partially vaccinated are healthier, but the healthiest by far are the non-vaccinated children.

I sincerely pray that all who read this will continue their own research until they are satisfied that the risks of the vaccine are lower than the risk of getting the actual disease, with the up-to-date effective inexpensive treatment options available to us today. A lifetime of vaccine injury carries an emotional, physical, and financial cost that is an enormous burden to the individual and the public. Don’t take my word for it. Research the facts for yourself (I have compiled some info as a starting point, for those who would find this helpful). If you do decide to vaccinate someone you love, please read this to make sure you are fully informed on many aspects not known or shared by those administering the vaccine, and read this to prepare to reduce the possible risk of vaccine harm.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

28 Essentials to know BEFORE vaccinating your child

All parents considering vaccines for their baby/child or for themselves, should be fully informed of these facts prior to giving the shots. This is not a complete list. I am sure there are many more things that could be added. Please add your additional points to the comments.

1. I understand that the pharmaceutical company who made this vaccine has NO liability if it injures or kills my child, or the recipient of the vaccine. Neither the doctor who administers the shot nor the government agencies recommending this vaccine can be held liable for injury or death.
2. If a recipient is killed or hurt by a vaccine in the USA, and I am able to prove it in The Office of Special Masters of the US Court of Federal Claims, popularly known as ‘vaccine court’, the HHS will allocate funds via the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), acquired from the public through a ‘vaccine tax’. This process requires legal representation and may take several years. In Canada very little payment is paid for a dead or injured child.
3. I understand that many vaccines contains neurotoxins such as aluminum in amounts that far exceed “safe levels” deemed by the FDA and EPA. Aluminum is also osteotoxic (toxic to bone development).
4. I understand that this vaccine may contain known carcinogenic ingredients and all vaccine package inserts clearly states “This vaccine has not be tested for carcinogenicity”.
5. I understand that cancer rates in children have been skyrocketing, yet no studies have been done to determine if vaccines are connected with early childhood cancers.
6. I understand that some vaccines are made using cell lines developed using aborted fetal cells and that these vaccines contain residual amounts of DNA fragments from both aborted baby boy and girl cells. Studies of the impact of injecting human DNA are extremely concerning.
7. I understand that some vaccines are derived from animal and insect tissue, or grown with eggs and contains fragments of these foreign proteins.
8. I understand that getting this vaccine does not guarantee protection from the disease and that many vaccinated children contract the infectious disease it was intended to prevent.
9. I understand that my child could be a carrier of the disease s/he was vaccinated for and spread it through “shedding” (from live virus vaccines such as MMR) or as an asymptomatic carrier (DTaP) for up to six weeks.
10. I understand that my doctor may get monetarily rewarded for having a high percentage of his/her patients who are fully vaccinated.
11. I understand that if my child is injured by a vaccine, most doctors are not trained to recognize and treat such an injury, are not aware of the process to report such an injury to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), nor understand how to properly document the injury to prove such an injury in ‘vaccine court’.
12. I understand that my doctor has no incentive to acknowledge vaccine injury or spend the time necessary to complete the paper work required to report an injury, or assist me in making a claim for an injury.
13. I understand that according to a study by the NIH, vaccine injury is severely under-reported.
14. I understand that while all medical professionals employed to inject vaccines are required by law to report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths and serious health problems following vaccination to VAERS, it is estimated that less than 10 percent, of all vaccine-related health problems are ever reported to VAERS. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, or technicians administering vaccines have had little training in recognizing a vaccine injury and little incentive to report a child/infant injury/death caused directly by the vaccine. Additionally, many medical examiners purposefully hide vaccine involvement in death evaluations.
15. I understand that pharmaceutical companies have no incentive to make their product safer because they hold no personal liability regarding any damages the vaccine does to children or adults.
16. I understand that pharmaceutical companies spend up to 4x more on marketing and advertising than they do on research.
17. I understand that corporate media gets 70% of their advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies.
18. I understand that corporate media does not want to lose revenue, certainly not 70% of it.
19. I understand that when pharmaceutical companies conduct a study (on their own product) it is in their best interest to have a favorable outcome and that not all data discovered during trials is published.
20. I understand that the current vaccine schedule as recommended by the CDC has never been tested for safety.
21. I understand that even one vaccine could cause injury or death in some cases, and my child could be one of them. I understand that vaccine injury or vaccine induced death are often listed as side effects on vaccine package inserts (VPI) and that most medical professionals have not read the full VPI and do not supply it to parents prior to administering vaccines. All VPIs for every vaccine are available online from the FDA.
22. I have not had full informed consent unless my doctor has informed me of all the risks and side effects and has reviewed the VPI with me.
23. I understand that if my child dies from this vaccine and I am able to prove it, I will be awarded no more than $250,000. This will involve a lengthy process and will require legal representation who must prove that the death was due to the vaccine while arguing against a legal team working for the Department of Justice in a secret ‘Vaccine Court’ decided on by a ‘Special Master’.
24. I understand that from 1988 up to March 30, 2018. $3.9 billion has been paid out by the NVICP for vaccine injuries and deaths. Many other claims made to the NVICP were denied, including 5,000 in the autism omnibus case, despite the fact that the NVICP has paid out many cases of diagnosed regressive autism due to vaccines. “A law professor, Mary Holland from NYU School of Law, then published a detailed analysis of the NVICP data and found that about 86 other cases matching the diagnosis of autism have been paid by this ‘vaccine court. Interesting. The lawyers and judge must have been convinced that the vaccines caused their autism symptoms.” from here.
25. I understand vaccines have NEVER been proven to improve immunity or health as compared to not vaccinating and that this one study, which would cost very little time and money to conduct, is the ONLY study our government and vaccine makers REFUSE to do: vaccinated versus non (never) vaccinated.
26. I understand that because no research exists to prove vaccines improve immunity, I’m vaccinating my child based on factors, other than the proven research. Although many reasons can be cited for vaccinating, from blind faith to not having enough time to get informed, having research to prove that vaccines are safe and effective can’t be a reason to vaccinate because that research simply doesn’t exist. I understand I’m vaccinating for reasons having nothing to do with the research.
27. I understand that I’m placing my trust in an industry that has pleaded guilty in many cases related to the safety of their products (drugs) and have been ordered to pay out billions of dollars as compensation to their victims.
28. I understand that many doctors who have spent time analyzing the vaccine safety research are now speaking out about the known harm that vaccines can cause.

If, after knowing all this information, you still choose, or are forced, to vaccinate your child, or yourself, please read this blog, Preparing to Vaccinate, to prepare. There are some measure that may reduce the potential harm from vaccines.

Please share. Parents will generally not receive this information via their doctors or media outlets. Parents need ALL information in order to make an informed decision about vaccines. I have no ads on my page and receive no money in any way by researching and compiling this information; it is a labor of love.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Is anyone investigating the safety of aluminum in vaccines? YES!

Please watch and share the following 2 minute video where Dr Chris Shaw explains what his team found in experiments of injecting aluminum in amounts equivalent to vaccines into rodents. They found a great deal of harm, particularly to the brain.

As you can see, this great Youtube was removed from YouTube. Here is a different 4 minute video containing an explanation from Dr Shaw on some of the issues of aluminum when injected. Dr Shaw is followed by Dr Exley discussing his findings after bisecting brains of individuals who had died with a diagnosis of autism.

Foremost aluminum research Dr Chris Exley discusses in this 2 minute video provides a brief explanation of the value of aluminum as a metal but the lack of safety testing for use in injecting it into the body.

The most profound and disturbing aspect of this published scientific research is the complete silence by those promoting vaccines – Pharma and regulatory agencies. Complete silence. They had no rebuttals. They had no proof to offer on the safety of aluminum. They have no defense. They continue to choose to willfully ignore the harm caused by injecting aluminum into babies. Parents, grandparents — ALL thinking people — need to inform themselves. Your doctor may also be ignorant. The CDC chooses to continue recommending vaccines despite knowing the harm.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Chemical Free Cleaning

Is it possible to clean without cleaning products containing strong chemicals?

Do you know how many chemicals you are exposed to every day? If I stop using chemicals do I have to buy expensive ‘alternative products’?

I first learned about the concept of toxic chemical exposure in our own homes in the late 1990s when I read a book called The Cure for All Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark.

I’ve gradually reduced the chemical products in my home and for personal care. I’ve come to realize that so many of the things I thought were essential to cleaning a home, were actually just strong marketing ideas. I confess I’m not the best at cleaning and keeping a home clean.

Cloths AFTER completing 8 sides.

Recently I invited a few ladies over and in trying to see my home from a visitor’s eyes, I realized my 4 large windows were quite dirty – embarrassingly dirty. I just hadn’t noticed it. The amazing thing I wanted to share is that I was able to complete the entire job, get amazingly clean windows, in a fairly short space of time, with only water! Really. All it takes is water. For serious grime, you could add vinegar, but I found water to work just fine.

My clean windows and amazing view.

What I did: I used two old face cloths. One was rinsed in hot water and used to ‘wash’ the glass. I had 4 large windows (8 sides) and I only rinsed the cloth out 8 times. The second dry cloth was used first to dry, then to lightly polish all 8 sides. No more specialized window cleaning products for me. Water works!

I’ve been using this method for quite some time on bathroom mirrors. No streaks. First wipe with hot wet cloth, then dry/polish with a dry clean cloth.

Are you inspired to try?

Another amazing tip I’ve learned is that simple inexpensive items can work in many ways to partner with you in the cleaning process. Here are 2 of my favorites:

That’s Arm & Hammer baking soda in a shaker jar for easy use. I bought the jar at Dollar Tree for one dollar. The bag of baking soda wasn’t too much more and can be used in kitchens, bathrooms, laundry, etc. It can even be added to your bath to soak in.

The green thing is a nylon netting scrubby I crochet. That scrubby can handle dishes, pots, pans, bathroom sinks, etc. It’s gentle and effective. Scrubbies last a long time and can get washed in a washing machine or dish washer. They are quick and easy to make and are great as gifts.

That’s it. That’s all I have. Don’t be intimidated by cleaning. Keep some baking soda in your bathroom and under your kitchen sink. Keep your supplies in a bucket wherever you need them so cleaning is easy! Aim to reduce your chemical exposure as much as possible. There has never been any study on how the multitude of chemicals we are exposed to every day can impact our body – but we know it can’t be good!

There are a lot of people trying to sell you lots of products for a chemical free life, but I encourage you to start with water and be thrilled at the results!

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. Becky pursues health and wellness for herself and coaches others in their pursuit of their own health goals.









Are Pediatricians Experts on Vaccines?

A guest post by vaccine researcher, truth teller, grandfather, Shawn Siegel.

Unless he* has researched for himself, as many have, asking a pediatrician for vaccine information is like asking a plumber how to fix a carburetor; he may know, but only if he’s self-taught. Every one of the many doctors who now speak openly against vaccinations – and the numbers are growing – started out thinking they were safe and effective.

Fresh out of medical school, MD’s are vaccine ignorant, in particular from the perspective of a parent trying to get a handle on the risks involved. Some people – most often, children and babies – are killed by vaccines, yet medical schools teach nothing about the reality, nature, or extent of vaccine death and injury. The Merck Manual lists vaccines as a cause of encephalitis, and brain damage – neurological injury, which is at the heart of much vaccine damage – yet medical schools teach nothing about it. Immunologists study autoimmunity by injecting lab animals with adjuvants such as aluminum, because they’re known to trigger rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, yet medical schools teach doctors that your newborn baby should be administered a vaccine containing aluminum adjuvant literally within hours of birth, and about twenty more times before they’re two years old.

The industry takes great freedom with vaccine definitions. The brazen, almost defiant attitude of exercising that liberty, that power, could be attributed to the fact that they are absolved from all damage resulting from vaccines. The manufacturers are well aware that their words result in confusion and misdirection of both parents and pediatricians. Parents assume that vaccines provide immunity, because they’re called immunizations. But the Merriam Webster defines immunize as:

Immunize: To give (someone) a vaccine to prevent infection by a disease.

So, the prevention of disease mentioned in the definition is an assumption; an assertion; a ruse; sleight of hand. Immunization is the act of vaccination – it has nothing to do with immunity to disease. To immunize means to inject someone with food proteins, disease antigens, known neurotoxins and other contaminants, depositing them directly into the capillary beds of the muscles, from which they’re quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, where they don’t belong; where they thwart the proper function of the immune system, which is the engine of recovery from illness. It doesn’t just sound like an incredibly stupid and dangerous idea, it is! The only reason they continue to get away with it is because, with rare exception, vaccine injuries don’t happen instantly, as typically do the injuries that might be sustained in an automobile accident. Were they to occur immediately, we wouldn’t have to deal with the issue at all, for those who administered vaccines would long ago have been beaten and pummeled by the community, and taught that their behavior was unacceptable.

When it comes to vaccines, we’re on our own. Research. Educate.

by Shawn Siegel

Both Shawn and I seek to share vaccine truth to uninformed parents in order to protect them. Everyday stories like this continue to happen all over our country, and the world: 

My son suffered what I believe to be a vaccine injury just a few days ago. He received 4 vaccines at his 12 month visit (Hib, PCV, MMR and Varicella) [this is 4 shots/needles but actually 6 vaccines]. He was in so much pain from the back to back shots that he never took a breath. He turned blue, his eyes rolled back and he went into a seizure for 2 1/2 minutes right there in the doctor’s office. Doctors and nurses ran in, supplied oxygen, had a crash cart ready and he finally came back to. The doctors insisted it was a seizure from a “breath holding spell,” but my husband and I aren’t believing them. Could a reaction set in this quickly? Wondering if anyone has had a similar injury. I’ve started detox baths, elderberry and probiotics. Any other suggestions on getting the heavy metals out of his little body? We feel absolutely horrible and can never stomach another vaccine. A mom

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

*The male pronoun has been used for simplicity, the author fully understands that pediatricians can be male and female.


Pediatrician Speaks Openly About Vaccine Harm

Dr Bob Zajac is a board certified pediatrician. Prior to his seven years of medical training, he earned a PhD in Special Education. He also earned a MBA. He is highly qualified to speak on the neurological impact of vaccines AND the amount of income potential that can be generated by vaccines.

Dr Zajac admits to being a former vaccine bully, believing vaccines confer immortality and not giving vaccines would cause all the babies in the world to die. He regrettably confesses that he knew very little about the vaccines he was pushing, but that all changed when he experienced vaccine injury first hand in his patients. He witnessed a perfectly normal baby regress into severe autism after his twelve month vaccines. He also had a baby die a few hours after receiving vaccines which was attributed by the coroner, without questioning, to SIDS.

Dr Bob is the father of eight children and along the way he became more cautious about giving vaccines to his own children and refused to give any new vaccines recently released on the market. He started to realize that the vaccine injury rate is far greater than admitted by the CDC. Once he started to read the vaccine inserts, and review published science, he was appalled to realize that there were far more assumptions about vaccine safety than actual scientific proof. Many aspects of safety have not been studied at all, and some aspects are studied, but in quite small numbers, yet these vaccines are routinely given to millions of healthy babies.

Dr Bob graciously admits many parents know a lot more about vaccine science than he does since they may spend hours every day researching the topic. This is a dramatic shift from the arrogance he possessed early in his medical career.

Some other critically important points made by Dr Bob Zajac:

  • The fully vaccinated children in his practice are the sickest, partially vaccinated are healthier, but the healthiest by far are the non-vaccinated.
  • The estimated lost profit to his clinic because of not pushing vaccines and allowing non vaccinated patients is now around $1.7 million each year. He gets reduced rates from insurance because of reduced numbers of fully vaccinated children.
  • A profit is made on each shot given.
  • Discussing vaccines with parents costs a clinic more in productivity.
  • Informed consent and patient choice is essential, yet is missing in most doctor-patient interactions regarding vaccines.
  • Pediatricians and those who give vaccines declare that vaccines are safe, yet they are hurting children. They don’t know the harm they are inflicting.
  • The vaccine industry is the only industry in this country with no liability. Accountability for vaccines is the only way to drive safety.
  • As a faith based person, Dr Bob is stressed about end times when he will have to answer about how he treats the children in his practice. This inspires and motivates him to continue vaccine safety education with his patients even if it means reduced revenue for his clinic.

Dr Zajac is one of a growing number of doctors taking the time to inform themselves of the actual science regarding vaccines, and speaking out about vaccine harm. He is a true hero.

Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I share recipes and homespun teaching videos.


One Cause of All Disease?

In this amazing talk Dr Zach Bush describes his journey as a traditionally trained medical doctor, specialising in treating people with serious chronic illness such as Type 2 Diabetes. His life was forever changed when he began asking questions, and finding answers outside of his training. When we are seeking truth we should be prepared to have some well entrenched paradigms shattered. It can be an unsettling process.

In this video from 2015, “Dr. Bush explains the unifying science behind devastating changes in the food, farming, and medical industries, introducing the breakthrough science of bacteria and their communication with the body’s defense systems. The industrial storm of the last 70 years has left the human gut and immune systems vulnerable to injury. Two synergistic toxins in our food and water systems have exploited this vulnerability, resulting in direct damage to the tight junctions that compose the natural firewalls at the gut/blood and blood/brain barriers. The correlations between diet, gut bacteria, and autism have been long-recognized. This new science reveals the mechanisms behind this relationship. The novel science of bacterial communication is the foundation for a new class of dietary supplements that go beyond what has been available.”

This might be two year old information, but many of us need to “catch up” with the latest knowledge and understanding of how environmental toxins are harming our guts leading to devastating health in all generations.

Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I share recipes and homespun teaching videos.

Help Sickness is Coming

At the first sign of any type of illness: runny nose, cough, upset stomach, lack of energy, fever, sore throat, sore ears, cold sore (fever blister), headache, etc.

It’s important to take FAST ACTION to offset the duration and extent of the potential illness. For me, fast action does not mean running to a doctor or pharmacy for the typical cold and flu medicines! There are so many cheaper, better alternatives we have available!

As mothers, we need to help our children identify any potential symptoms and come quickly for home remedies. The sooner we start, the more we reduce the symptoms! Our children will also learn to assist their body in the healing process on their own, and be able to bring quick healing to our grandchildren! As a grandmother there isn’t much better than watching your children raise vibrant healthy children!

  1. Begin vitamin C therapy. The critical thing to remember is that the dose and the frequency are extremely important. Don’t delay. Get started on vitamin C. Have vitamin C on hand. I’ve written extensively about what dose, what brands, etc. in my What Dose of Vitamin C? blog.
  2. Avoid Tamiflu. It is 1) expensive; 2) ineffective in reducing the duration of flu; and 3) can be potentially dangerous for some individuals.[1]
  3. Avoid pain/fever reducers, especially for children. Acetaminophen actually depletes the body of glutathione which is an important amino acid that helps our body clean up and remove offending substances. I’ve written about that in this blog, How Safe is Acetaminophen?
  4. Give elderberry syrup. There are many prepared elderberry products available. For a cheaper option you can purchase your own elderberries and make your own syrup to keep on hand in your refrigerator.
  5. Keep well hydrated. If the patient is a baby, breastfeed often and don’t worry too much about solids. Coconut water (not coconut milk) is an excellent way to rehydrate for children and adults. Choose the best brand you can find with the no added sugar and least extra ingredients. Avoid sucralose containing products because they are poisonous and immune suppressing.
  6. REDUCE or REMOVE SUGAR. This is a good thing we can do most of the time to stay healthy, but is essential when we feel any symptoms of illness. At the first sign of any symptoms is the time for the brain to sound a RED ALERT “sugar is poison to me especially right now.”
  7. NO Pasteurized milk. Butter, eggs, hard cheese and fermented kefir are good.
  8. Think soup. Or curry. Try to consume bone broth and natural spices, and soup, stew or curry is a great way to achieve this. Give the patient their favorite soup. Most of us have heard that chicken soup is good when you are sick – it is true, but you might want to make your own.
  9. Avoid flour. Have you chicken soup without the noodles. Don’t have bread sticks. As much as possible avoid ALL processed foods and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, organic preferred.
  10. Make your own flu shot. Depending on the age and taste preferences, here are some great ingredients to include in your flu shot: lemon juice, pineapple juice (no sugar), cayenne pepper, jalapeño pepper, ginger, garlic, honey, turmeric, cinnamon, coconut oil. Combine them in whatever way you like. Choose the ones you like most. Food is your best medicine. I’m working on a recipe for a Hot Chai Chocolate drink.
  11. Honey. For anyone over 12 months, honey is beneficial, especially good for coughs. Don’t buy mass produced honey. Local raw honey is your best option. Find a local bee keeper and talk to him about where his bees harvest. It is important that they don’t have access to fields doused with Roundup. Vitamin C powder can be added to honey to make it more acceptable.
  12. Drink Herbal teas
  13. Colloidal Silver. If you feel an antibiotic might be needed, first try colloidal silver.
  14. Essential oils. I’m not an EO expert, but there are many oils that are beneficial. Lavender is especially good and safe for children. A few drops on the bottom of the feet, behind the ears, on the chest and throat can be beneficial and soothing. Learn about EO safety, ways to dilute, and have a few on hand. Some of my favorites are peppermint, frankincense, and tea tree. You don’t need to break the bank and buy every oil available. Most oils provide a variety of benefits and work with our body to assist in reclaiming health.
  15. Fresh air, time outdoors is essential, depending on the severity of the current illness, and the weather.
  16. Good sleep. Sleep requires an entire blog of its own, but getting plenty of rest is extremely beneficial. Symptoms of illness are a signal to prioritize an early bed time and limit exposure to screens – especially prior to bed time to maximize good sleep.
  17. Movement is critically important to keep our lymph system running. Walk, dance, take the stairs, do a few toe rises or squats – just find some ways to move regularly.
  18. Vitamin D. In the winter months we are not able to synthesize vitamin D from the sun. I’ve written more about Vitamin D in this blog.

Remember, healthy foods are the best way to stay healthy. Symptoms of illness are a reminder to get back to a healthy eating plan!

Don’t think you have to do every single thing on the list, but do what you can, what works for you and your family! Have a healthy winter!


Oh, and it goes without saying (if you’ve read anything on my blog) that if you want to have super health, and give your children life-long health and wellness, avoid all vaccines. Vaccines artificially stimulate your immune system, insert toxic chemicals into your body, and for some people, end up causing death, serious injury, or life-long auto-immune disorders.


Author: Becky Hastings, wife to John for 37 years, mother of five naturally born breastfed babies, grandmother of six, passionate follower of Jesus, truth, and HEALTH. 


[1] Helpful Articles/Links on Tamiflu

Gluten Free Banana Bread

This recipe is gluten free, but does contain eggs and dairy. If you are also dairy free, you can substitute the milk with water (really – it doesn’t make a difference, or coconut or almond milk). If you also avoid eggs, you can substitute chia seeds, but I haven’t experimented with that.

Many people find tremendous health benefits from avoiding gluten. However, even gluten free processed flours should not really be a staple in most of our regular daily eating plans. However, it’s nice to have an occasional treat, or a way to spoil grandchildren when they come to visit!

I’ve made this recipe twice and it is really easy, moist, and delicious!

Also, I’ve NEVER had a loaf pop out of a pan more easily in one complete piece. That is saying a lot since I’ve been baking quick loaves for about 40 years! This recipe is based on another gluten free recipe, but I significantly reduced the amount of flour and increased the eggs. Perhaps every loaf I’ve ever made in the past was too dry because I had followed a recipe and put TOO MUCH FLOUR into it! Every day is another opportunity to learn.


Gluten Free Banana Bread

Liquid ingredients: Combine in a bowl (mash the bananas) or blend gently.

bananas (frozen and thawed works well)
Organic* of course
Butter, coconut oil or a combination
Maple syrup
Milk (or water)

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl:

1 ¼
Gluten free flour (½ cup each white rice & coconut, 1/8 cup each tapioca & potato flours)
1 ¼
Organic whole gluten free oats
Organic sugar
Aluminum free baking powder
Turmeric (optional, but everything benefits from turmeric!)
¼ – ½
Chopped Walnuts
 **Tbl = Tablespoon. ***tsp = teaspoon, approximately 5 ml


Stir dry ingredients, then combine with the liquid ingredients and stir until just mixed (never over mix quick breads). Pour batter into a buttered loaf pan (I used glass). Bake at 350 for 45 minutes, turn down the oven temperature to 325 and bake for 15 more minutes, until toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow to sit for 10 minutes, then loosen the sides with a knife (or Cutco spatula spreader) and remove from the pan onto a wire rack to cool. ENJOY! With butter or plain.

*I try to purchase and use only organic ingredients as far as I am able. A quick note on organic ingredients. The reason it is important to avoid non-organic foods is because of the glyphosate (which is in Roundup) is generally sprayed on all crops that are not organic. Most of us have a glyphosate burden that can wreak havoc with our longterm health. Eating organic only has been shown to significantly reduce the amount of glyphosate your body has to deal with and leads to robust health – mental and physical. Many people think organic is a fad, is too expensive, and one man I spoke to in the grocery store was repulsed by the idea of organic because he thought it would not be enjoyable to eat! The good news is 1) there is more and more organic options available in local grocery stores with better and better labels; 2) the price is not so much higher than non-organic brands, but when considering the cost we all need to realize that the cost of sickness today is extremely high; 3) organic actually tastes and FEELS better!

DSC_0062Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, seeker of truth and health. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the very real dangers threatening the health and freedom of today’s parents, providing information to navigate towards joyful family living!  Posted 31 January 2017

Vaccine Questions

My first attempt at a vaccine information video. In less than 10 minutes I try to ask some critically important questions that every parent might find helpful to consider. Let me know how you feel about it! Comments always welcome.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife to John for 36 years, mother of five naturally born breastfed babies, grandmother of six, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a volunteer breastfeeding counselor since 1993, Becky is devoted to helping parents, especially mothers, make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies.