Confessions of a zombie nurse. Here is a riveting interview with a self confessed zombie nurse. She admits to being so programmed it took personal experience of multiple injuries over many years before she finally made the connection to exactly what impact vaccines had on her own health. Unfortunately her awakening did not happen until after her first son developed autism.
Jennifer Walter’s raw honesty is incredibly helpful. She is an amazing activist NOW, but her story will help you understand the ‘pro shot mania’ clearly seen in other medical professionals who obviously care about children, but are unable to SEE the harm – even when it is right in front of their eyes.
Jennifer is now an autism recovery consultant and extremely vocal about educating parents on the harm of vaccines and what can be done about it. She is a breath of fresh air: once blind, she now sees. She is not keeping this news to herself, but wants every parent to 1) understand the harm caused by vaccines, Rhogam shots during pregnancy, and vitamin K shots at birth; and 2) help parents recover their children from the toxic impact of these injections.
Journeyboost is authored and maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others to make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.
CDC has set up an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice. ACIP has no idea if it is safe to give multiple vaccines at once – because no study has been done. Yet for decades the members of ACIP have added vaccines. They publish recommendations that take for granted giving multiple vaccines at the same time. They advise doctors to give multiple vaccines with different antigens and different adjuvants injected into babies and children. Their caution? Just inject into different limbs – everything is fine.
Please watch this very brief exchange at an ACIP meeting where a new Hepatitis B vaccine with a new adjuvant is being added to the schedule. Do the two women guiding this meeting seem to be competent to answer difficult scientific questions on vaccine safety? I personally find this exchange very disturbing.
The CDC website and vocal vaccine promoters insist that the science has been settled and there is no connection between vaccines and autism. Yet Dr Bernadine Healy, a cardiologist, academic physician, and the first female Director of the National Institutes of Health, expressed a very different picture of the science stating “The question of autism and vaccines has not been answered.”
Dr Stanley Plotkin admitted in a deposition that there has been no study into the possible correlation between autism and the DTaP vaccine. In fact, there has only been one serious study of autism and vaccines which involved only one vaccine, the MMR. This is the study that the CDC whistleblower, Dr William Thompson, a senior research scientist at CDC, admitted the entire team committed scientific fraud. Vaxxed: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a detailed expose of the facts surrounding the whistleblower’s revelations.
So how safe are those vaccines which are daily being injected into our babies and children?
No one actually knows. Do you trust the giddy scientists that rely on – “well we always do it, just make sure you inject into different limbs” approach to safety? Or does approach seem more like relying on folklore? What is the true scientific approach? Science is always verifiable and repeatable. Science is never settled.
Journeyboost is authored and maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.
The following is a verbatim account by Maureen Green who has given me permission to reprint her story.
I’ll never vaccinate again.
❤I’m a RN of 26 years. -I’ve run flu vaccine clinics in the stores. -I’ve run a vaccine clinic at a National Guard armory. -My 3 adult children are fully Vaccinated (my youngest is missing 1 booster). -I’ve worked in both adult care and pediatrics, hospital and home healthcare.
If I could do it all over again I would NEVER vaccinate my children or myself.
💪In nursing school, I graduated Cum Laude from a prestigious Jesuit University with a 3.75 GPA. I was the last class of students who took the 2 day test for licensure and passed the first try. I’ve always been proud of myself in being a VERY conscientious nurse always doing right for my patients, guarding them from any and all harm, because I truly wanted to help them get better….as better as possible. I took my oath seriously!
🗣All we learned in nursing school was: 1) the schedule 2) side effects (the minor ones) 3) never, ever to give vaccines to anyone who is sick, feels like they’re getting sick or exposed to someone sick recently….or pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant 4) how to administer them…always pulling back on the plunger to make sure you aren’t in a blood vessel when injecting the solution. (I never see that being done anymore).
😱I never considered that vaccines had an ingredients list and truly beLIEved that everything I was taught about vaccines, was everything there was to know. I naively thought vaccines contained: 1) viral/bacterial component 2) a small amount of immune stimulator (nothing harmful) 3) saline
I look back and think, “How could I be so naive?”🤦
*I remember a time when we used to have patients sign the signature line ON THE INSERTS, rip them off and keep them and GIVE THE INSERTS to the patients. I don’t know when that practice stopped, replaced by a 8 x 11 sheet of paper, with minimal information.
*I remember holding down my children for the nurses to administer their shots so they could stay healthy. 😢 *I remember being so conscientious about their vaccines that I had them at their visits when they were due. 😞 *I remember 2 soldiers asking me why they always seemed to get sick after getting the flu vaccine and my robotic answer. They looked at each other almost as if to say “see, told you so”, and walked away. *I remember, after recovering my health naturally with nutrition, and having already learned about Dr Max Gerson after my sister passed from brain cancer at 52yo, asking God what else don’t I know? 🤔
*I remember the 3 months it took to finally watch it because I was horrified at the thought. 🙈 *I remember the sobs watching it. I remember the sobs many days and nights after that. 😭 *I remember the endless hours, days, months watching the Vaxxed stories while my kids were at school. 😭 *I remember the endless hours reading articles and comment sections, linking to research and more articles and posts and documentaries and videos. (Keep commenting – people are watching and learning in there – that’s where I found a lot of information to research!)❤ *I remember watching seminars and doctors and immunologists and researchers and….and….and… So many nights up for 48 hours because I couldn’t put it away to sleep. There was too much to learn.
Sooooo much I wasn’t taught in nursing school.🙄
😞How could I have been so naive?
*I remember coming to the realization that my own children are vaccine injured: ADHD Asthma Allergies Tonsillectomies Learning challenges Auditory processing Delay Stuttering Severe Respiratory Distress After 6 mos shots (DTaP) Severe separation anxiety Severe GERD Gastrointestinal issues Candida overgrowth Not to mention my own issues: 6 autoimmune diseases *And they didn’t have to have all the challenges they have.
😭Nothing is worse though, than the horror at the thought that, at my hands, someone could’ve been injured, or worst yet, died from a vaccine.
❤I became a nurse because I’ve always wanted to help people. I hate seeing suffering, I hate people being in pain. I want to alleviate suffering of any kind and that’s why I studied so hard, to know what I needed to know to help people. 🤦
That’s why I’ll always speak up now!
I’ve been the target of many trolls and troll groups. They don’t phase me. God has my back! He will protect me and my children. The armor of God will shield us from evil. I will honor God and all those I could be responsible for inadvertently harming by always being outspoken. I will do what I can to help others understand why I went from very much for vaccines to never consenting for another one again.
I had a dear friend and momma of a severely autistic boy ask me one time: “How come you never said anything and stood up for us earlier in your nursing career?” My answer: “Because no one ever said anything to me. I seriously had no idea till 3 years ago.“
🙇Please, keep talking to medical professionals. Lead them to the information. Ask them questions and help plant seeds of curiosity in their brains. Don’t give up on us. My turning point was when someone in an article comment thread asked me if I knew what MRC-5 and WI-38 are and what those are in. That’s all it took.
You never know when something you say with love and compassion will stick and set them on their own path of education and awareness. You never know what warrior you’re waking up and activating. We don’t know more than you, help us realize that!❤
—and Please, forgive us for our attitudes in reaction. We ARE taught that in nursing school!
Journeyboost is maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.
The forces promoting vaccines are ramping up their efforts and targeting children. Many of these children may have been spared from vaccine injury by their concerned parents. Some of them may have experienced a severe reaction to vaccines in early childhood giving parents reason to not continue vaccinating. Yet authorities are seeking to encourage these children to go behind their parents backs and find a way to get themselves vaccinated.
Forewarned is forearmed. Parents who have researched the true risk of vaccines need to take the next step and educate their children on the reliability of this information. This process can provide challenges because a child naturally trusts and they will have to choose whether to trust their parents or trust the authorities trying to lead them.
Imagine if your teen was having a severe reaction to a vaccine they received without your knowledge or consent and wouldn’t tell you about it.
The article gives the expectation that a vaccine is going to give you a reaction and you won’t feel good, yet says that is the way the vaccine works.
What do you think? What are some of the best strategies to help our children recognize truth?
Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods.
Apparently a
LOT of people require TB testing for work or job applications. Here is what
I’ve found:
There are 3 ways to test for TB: Skin test (risky injection of ‘science juice’), blood test (could be ‘expensive’), chest x-ray (consider cumulative radiation exposure but could be best option). Both skin test and blood test can sometimes give a false positive which would then require x-rays anyway. A chiropractor can do x-rays – perhaps a cheaper option and a wholistic chiropractor may be more aware of limiting radiation exposure.
The consensus is for QuantiFERON TB Gold blood test which only requires a blood draw. Pricing will vary with your location. Phone around to a few different labs and ask the price. You don’t need a doctor to order it. There is another test – see below.
Chest X-rays are accepted by most employers and are generally valid proof of no TB for two years.
More on the Skin & Blood tests with links
Skin Test:
There are two versions, Tubersol and Aplisol, both containing purified protein derivative, polysorbate 80 and phenol. Also, worth noting that the CDC has announced nationwide shortages of the purified protein derivative used in making these products. Could it mean TB testing and concern has increased exponentially?
Nationwide Shortage of Tuberculin Skin Test Antigens: CDC Recommendations for Patient Care and Public Health Practice, Weekly / June 21, 2019 / 68(24);552–553,
TUBERSOL contains: Purified protein derivative of M. tuberculosis 5 TU per 0.1 mL, Polysorbate 80 0.0006%, Phenol 0.22% to 0.35% w/v, in sterile isotonic phosphate buffered saline.
These may seem like minute amounts but Polysorbate 80 is used to open the blood brain barrier. Phenol is an extremely toxic chemical. Sometimes small amounts of poison can be extremely detrimental. Some people think the TB test is connected with later development of autoimmune diseases. Any eczema or family skin conditions are a good reason to avoid the skin test. Anyone who wants to preserve a robust innate immune system will want to avoid the skin test.
Blood test: “I order a blood test through Any Lab Test Now and take my results to employee health. Approx $80. Totally worth it.”
Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) are whole-blood tests that can aid in diagnosing Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. They do not help differentiate latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) from tuberculosis disease. Two IGRAs that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are commercially available in the U.S. and are acceptable alternatives “can be used in place of (but not in addition to) TST in all situations in which CDC recommends TST as an aid in diagnosing M. tuberculosis infection, with preferences and special considerations…”
QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT);
T-SPOT®.TB test (T-Spot)
The blood test “may be expensive” and may require you to pay out of pocket.
There is also a screening questionnaire for health care workers to help assess risk of infection. There is another set of diagnostic questions to help determine if there could be an underlying active TB infection. These were a little harder to find, and I don’t know how acceptable these would be for employment or job applications. I did find an interesting tip, the CDC does not recommend annual TB testing for health care workers! See a lot more information than you desire here.
Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods. Thankful to have a new son-in-law who asked me about TB tests!
There are some ‘scientific’ studies vaccine proponents can produce that may convince you there is no relationship between vaccines and SIDS, autism, and a host of other conditions listed on vaccine package inserts.
If these ‘studies’ are indeed 100% accurate, I wonder why the CDC won’t allow independent scientists access to the VSD (vaccine safety data link) started in 1990 to monitor the safety of vaccines?
I also question the loyalty of all employees producing such ‘science’ from the CDC and all members of the ACIP that make vaccine recommendations which impact millions worldwide.
If the vaccine industry is squeaky clean, why are the manufacturers indemnified from all harm their product may cause?
Why did the US Supreme Court rule in 2011 that “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe”? Why has the VICP become an aggressively difficult closed court instead of the quick recompense it was initially set up for?
Why did CDC ghost all the researchers from Harvard whom they had commissioned to research the accuracy of the VAERS data base and whom they had paid over a million dollars?
Why are government agencies which promote and protect vaccines attacking innocent parents instead of doing the safety studies and tracking vaccines using true placebos controls – the same way all other drugs are approved for use? Why has the entire schedule never been tested for safety?
Why is the character of those asking questions the primary target of those who endorse and profit from vaccines?
Why are top specialists in aluminum, stem cells, and toxicology, with no vested interested in the industry, summarily ignored or denounced?
So many questions. So few answers. So little rational conversation is happening on this topic. Why?
I don’t have all the answers. Parents need to know there are a LOT of questions. Please watch Vaxxed 2. This movie clearly demonstrates that there is a great deal of harm from vaccines that the ‘experts’ seem determined to ignore. The Vaxxed Team collected over 7,000 signatures on the bus used to travel the country and collect these stories on video. Real people who put real trust in vaccines until they realized the harm inflicted on their children. Don’t be ignorant or silent anymore.
Watch the original Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe to understand how this groundswell of families was created. An avalanche of human suffering uncovered.
Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, writes for the love of health, babies and Jesus.
Most people are unaware, but something significant changed when Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010. Nurses in hospitals are now required to ask every single patient upon arrival – for any and all reasons – if they have had a flu vaccine already this year (September – March) or a pneumococcal vaccine. If they report that they have not received these vaccines, it will be noted in the computer records and an order will automatically be generated to give the patient these vaccines. No doctor is consulted. It is the “Standard of Care” hospital policy. Since the CDC and most state Health Departments recommend flu shots yearly for all ages, this impacts everyone. Pneumococcal vaccines are promoted to those over the age of 65 and may also be offered to babies/young children since the CDC includes them in their recommendations. If you are at the hospital for elective surgery, a broken limb, or anything else, you will be targeted to get those vaccines.
How do you protect yourself?
Never sign an electronic signature pad when admitted to a hospital – the information in these ‘forms’ include giving permission for the administration of “biologics” which means you have just signed permission to be injected with vaccines.
Ask for a paper copy. Write clearly “No Biologics” and “No Vaccines” above your signature. I have heard of patients being told they cannot provide paper copies. In this instance you may continue to refuse to sign the electronic signature pad and see what they are able to come up with.
Some people aren’t willing to take any chances and suggest using a Sharpie permanent marker to write on both arms before elective surgery: “No Biologics” and “No Vaccines” so the nurse will have no doubt of your refusal! There have been too many cases of a nurse ‘forgetting’ or giving vaccines even after refusal. Take a photo of it written on your body – as proof of refusal!
The view point of most hospital facilities is that even if
someone already received a flu vaccine earlier in the season, or if their
vaccine status is “unknown” IT WON’T HURT TO BE VACCINATED TWICE. So, if you
are admitted to the hospital and you can’t remember if you have had a flu shot
this season, as long as you don’t refuse, you will get a flu shot on admission.
Nurses can also get permission from family members and give flu shots while the
patient is recovering from surgery.
It’s important that you make sure every family member knows
your desire to avoid all vaccines.
Also, patients admitted for trauma will get a TDaP in the ER
when they arrive UNLESS THE PATIENT OR THE FAMILY REFUSES at the time of the
trauma. Hospital “standard of care” policy for nearly all injuries, especially
those with a point of entry, is to order a TDaP/DTaP (depending on the age). So
even if you cut your hand washing dishes in soapy water, expect to be offered a
Vaccination is nurse driven. Hospital policy dictates that
nurses should be vigilant in regards to vaccines for all admissions. They are
instructed to assess vaccination status of all patients admitted to hospital.
The guideline used is that ALL PATIENTS GET A FLU SHOT on the second day in the
hospital from September – March (sometimes longer). Vaccines will be
administered unless REFUSED by the patient.
The key is that THE PATIENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE. But sometimes it requires extreme vigilance to exercise your right!
Smart doctors, smart nurses, and informed humans all REFUSE flu vaccines. Read the story of how one smart doctor figured out – after 3 years of getting sick after flu vaccines – that it was time to do some REAL RESEARCH. The information she found out after contacting the CDC flu division is profound. Flu vaccines don’t work. The CDC admits it.
Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods. Wife, mother, grandmother, life and health coach.
Please share your experience in the comments! Thanks
Every parent wants the best for their baby. No rational parent seeks to harm their infant. The tragic death of Evee Gayle Clobes reminds us that not all babies can safely receive the one-size-fits-all vaccine schedule.
Catie Clobes describes how she missed the warning signs after each round of vaccines Evee received. The signs of adverse impact on Evee are clear in hindsight, yet Catie was given no information on what to look for. She trusted the CDC schedule recommended by her doctor. Evee tragically died 36 hours after her 6 months shots. Like many parents, Catie didn’t make the connection when it was right in front of her eyes. Please don’t ignore the warning signs. If you know anyone that continues to give vaccines, at least share this information so they can be aware of the signs.
Here is an introduction to the very short life of Evee Gayle Clobes:
“On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, Catie Clobes of Howard Lake, Minnesota brought her happy, healthy, well-developed 6-month-old baby girl Evee Gayle Clobes to her well-baby checkup, whereupon the pediatrician declared her to be in “perfect health” with no problems or concerns. After Evee was examined by her pediatrician, the nurse administered her shots according to the CDC recommended schedule – 6 doses total, via Pediarix and Prevnar.”
Science is clear that there are risks to the many routine procedures performed on babies as a “standard of care” practice in the USA and many other countries.
“…vitamin K aims at rapid lowering of the international normalized ratio (INR) into a safe range to reduce the risk of major bleeding and therefore improving patient outcome without exposing the patient to the risk of thromboembolism due to overcorrection…” (Evee’s levels were sensitive to being “overcorrected”.) American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs
“Parenteral vitamin K1 (phytonadione) is used for anticoagulant reversal, and a boxed warning exists with intravenous and intramuscular administration due to the possibility of severe reactions, including fatalities. These reactions resemble hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis, including anaphylactoid reaction, and have led to shock and cardiac and/or respiratory arrest.”
The title of a study from 2007 makes it clear that there are adverse impacts: “Primary Immunization of Premature Infants with Gestational Age <35 Weeks: Cardiorespiratory Complications and C-Reactive Protein Responses Associated with Administration of Single and Multiple Separate Vaccines Simultaneously.”
16% of infants in the study experienced immunization-related cardiorespiratory events, and 11% required oxygen therapy.
“…infants were asymptomatic before immunization but had episodes of apnea, bradycardia, or [oxygen] desaturation after immunization…”
“[Cardiorespiratory event] level is expected to be elevated in the 48 hours following immunization. In a minority of infants immunized, cardiorespiratory events were associated with presumed need for intervention.”
“Possible Predictors of Cardiorespiratory Events after Immunization in Preterm Neonates.” Neonatology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2013,
“Motor Palsies of Cranial Nerves (Excluding VII) after Vaccination: Reports to the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.” Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Landes Bioscience, 2014,
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Simultaneous sudden infant death (SIDS) syndrome. “Twin girls (3.5-month-old) were found dead by their mother in their crib, both in supine position. The infants were identical twins and delivered at a hospital by cesarean section. Both infants were healthy and did not have any serious medical history. Two days prior to the incident, the twins had received the second dose of oral polio, DPT and the first dose of hepatitis B vaccines and they had fever on the first day of the vaccination and been given teaspoonful of acetaminophen.” “Simultaneous Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.” Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2007,
When first starting to make kefir from milk there is a learning curve to know what ‘ready’ looks like. I made this video to show a perfect batch of kefir and what it looks like. The quality of the video is what could be produced by my phone, but hopefully it will help!
Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods.
Will you commit 4 minutes a day for 30 days to a better you?
Do you have 4 minutes 6 days a week?
Will you replace your excuses with action?
This video outlines 5 simple exercises that you can do in 4 minutes. It’s claimed that this 4 minute workout will replace one hour in the gym! The key is to do them! Take it slow. Increase speed and repetitions ONLY as you are able. Determine to finish this 30 Day Challenge and meet the new YOU on the other side!
Some people like to weigh themselves, take ‘before photos’ or take measurements. If you want to do that, go ahead. However, one of the easiest measurements to notice is how your clothes fit and feel. After your first 30 days you will be seeing so much progress you will want to repeat it – and maybe add a few changes to your eating plan.
Remember to drink water every day to help your body ‘wash out’ and flush out the toxins. Let me know how your Waist disappears!
There are many benefits to a daily 4 minute exercise plan. I can’t wait for you to experience them!
Becky Hastings, avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker, reporter, Biblical Counselor.