
Talk bubblesWhether we are conscious of it or not, we all use self-talk.  Sometimes we use it positively when facing fears or trying to increase our motivation.  But many times we are our own worst enemy and sabotage our best efforts through our self-talk.  This is an exercise that will help you to analyze your thoughts, your life and where your self-talk could be taking you.

What is your current self-talk?  You might not even be aware of it.  The thoughts or feelings (that don’t always make themselves into comprehensible words or sentences) you experience in your mind are powerful and you need to pay attention.  If you are stuck, if you are not making the kind of progress you desire, if you are not currently feeling the energy and joy you would like in your life, I suggest an exercise to pay more attention to your self-talk.  Over the next 10-30 days begin to note some of the things you say to yourself, or try to articulate some of the feelings you are experiencing.  Things like…

  • This pain is killing me.
  • The only thing that helps this pain is taking NSAIDs.
  • I’ve messed up.
  • It’s too late.
  • I can’t change.
  • This relationship can’t be fixed.
  • I’m so stuck.
  • I’m beyond redemption.
  • I catch every bug around.
  • My child is just clumsy.  (Not self-talk, but damaging ‘parent-talk’  whether it is stated or  just thought.)

Once you determine some of the tapes that are regularly playing in your brain and sometimes that slip out in conversation, write them down.

Now take each statement and ask yourself:

  1. Is this true?  Or is it a misinterpretation?  Define more exactly your situation.  Is this an actual fact?
  2. What do you become by believing this information?  How does it make you feel? How does it impact your experience of life?
  3. Realize that you are programming this thought into your brain.  What would life be like if this thought didn’t exist?
  4. Replace your old self-talk/thought with a newly framed look at your situation.

Old thought

New thought

This pain is killing me. My body is regenerating.
I’m never gonna get better. I get better everyday.
I don’t have any friends. I attract love and deep friendship.
This relationship is hopeless. This pain is part of my healing process.
This is a hopeless situation. God is at work in this situation.

This process will change your feelings.  You need to dial into a new brain channel.

Awareness of self-talk and deliberately challenging our automatic response is the first step towards changing in a very significant way.  Begin your conscious exploration of self-talk today.  Make a commitment to yourself to be more encouraging.  Look for information and ideas that help you see your life with all its potential.

What is the best new phrase you would like to repeat daily to yourself?

Boosting our Immune System

apple in waterWhere do we get information on how to boost the immune system?

If you trust some ‘experts’ you will make sure to get every injection against any disease in order to protect yourself.

If you look into ‘alternative’ approaches, you might be overwhelmed with information and could spend a lot of money to purchase all the different supplements recommended.

Like most topics faced by parents, we need to follow our hearts and seek true wisdom.  I believe wisdom comes from God through Jesus Christ.  He created our bodies and understands exactly how they function.  We live in a fallen world with disease, food shortages and greed.  Navigating the reality of the world we live in seems to be getting more difficult.  Who do we actually trust?  Many people are quick to demand “scientific validation.”  However, there are so many reports of bad science, false science, and biased science on both sides of every argument, so a non-scientist simply has to decide whom they are going to believe.

One thing I’ve noticed through the years is that a lot of information is surfacing and confirmed by a huge variety of people from many different disciplines and locations.  It is as if a body of wisdom is arising that people are universally finding helpful and then sharing – almost a natural peer review process.

I don’t claim to know everything.  I am just a fellow traveler and learner.  I have taken various supplements over the years, but I like to keep them at a minimum.  Here are some things I have found on my journey to boosting the immune system:


  1. Water.  Drink lots of clean water, especially first thing in the morning.  I choose spring water.  Solarized water or water treated with wheat grass might be good economical options to explore if spring water is not available.
  2. High quality food.  Organic food might be expensive, but sickness is very expensive. Choose the cleanest meats, wild caught fish, organic eggs, and raw dairy.
  3. Meat broths with organic meats.
  4. Healthy fats: avocado, coconut oil, cacao butter, olive oil. I haven’t yet tried red palm oil, but it is on the radar.
  5. Reduce/Eliminate processed foods, trans fats, GMOs, sugar, carbs, wheat, prescription drugs and over the counter medications.
  6. Superfoods whenever possible.  Superfoods are foods supplying high density nutrition.  I find combining them into a morning smoothie of fruit and vegetables is a very effective, sustainable solution. Spirulina, hemp seeds, cacao powder and nibs, aloe, goji berries, maca powder, Moringa berry powder, Chia seeds, honey.
  7. Vitamin D from sunshine exposure or D3 supplements when sunshine is not available.
  8. Probiotics in therapeutic or prophylactic doses, depending on your need.
  9. Regular exercise, especially to work up a sweat.
  10. Sauna if/when available.
  11. Dry skin brushing to boost lymphatic drainage.
  12. Cold burst at the end of a warm shower for as long as you can stand.
  13. Chiropractic: regular adjustments.
  14. Positively promote positive thoughts – don’t worry.
  15. Prayer and meditation.
  16. Harmonious relationships.
  17. Grounding by walking barefoot on the earth (especially beneficial for pain).
  18. Apple Cider Vinegar in salad dressing, or straight first thing in am
  19. Garlic – eat it whenever possible!
  20. Avoid Wheat. My husband swears this is one of the biggest reasons he has stopped getting colds and allergy symptoms.

At any symptoms of illness (don’t have to do them all, use what you have):

  1. Vitamin C in high doses (1 gram per hour of  sodium ascorbate, see more by Dr Suzanne Humphries on the best form of Vitamin C).
  2. Colloidal silver hourly.
  3. Extra Vitamin D3.
  4. Olive leaf extract (very high source of anti-oxidants).
  5. Oregano Oil (in carrier oil on bottom of feet).
  6. Essential oils (such as Thieves) on bottom of feet or temple.
  7. Cayenne pepper.

Washing your hands could possibly be on the list, but a little bit of dirt is good for the immune system.  I usually try to wash my hands after handling money or doing a lot of hand-shaking. I usually avoid antibacterial soaps.

I haven’t included links, but you can find information about a lot of these topics.  I appreciate all the people who have generously shared their knowledge and information with me over the years on keeping healthy.

Have I left anything important off my list?  What are your favorite immune boosters?

Raymond and Olga Klein promote a proactive approach to understanding and working with our immune system.


BibleWe all have bias; Some acknowledge their bias; some don’t; some choose to stay completely unaware; some are deceived; but we all have bias.

My personal bias is that Jesus Christ transformed my life. He is now the foundation I seek to build my life on. His word, given to us through the library we know as the Bible, is my foundation, my source, my filter.

There are many groups and individuals who claim something similar. I believe God has a plan and can transform anyone willing to rethink their life, turn to God, and gain a whole new life.  It is a process, so if you try to judge us, or any follower of Jesus Christ, you will still see flaws. I am not perfect. But God is guiding me daily.  He is transforming my thinking as I prioritize reading His word. He’s giving me a whole new life.

I love using a modified version of Prof Horner’s Bible Reading System that takes me through 10 different chapters from many different sections of this library. Jesus himself taught His followers the value of seeking God through the ancient Scriptures:

        How blessed are those who hear God’s voice
        And make God’s message their way of life. Jesus, Luke 11:28

For those of you who are new to some of these concepts, like the fact that you can have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, and that reading the Bible can provide a foundation for making all of life’s decisions, I can imagine two possible responses:

  1. Intrigue.  You want to learn more or want to experience this blessing personally.
  2. Scoff or dismiss. I can understand, but I would urge you to reconsider. Take some time to allow God to reveal Himself to you. What have you got to loose by opening a window to God?

I hope to write more about the energy and vitality I have gained through reading God’s Word and the special blessing I have received through using the 10 List System.

That is my bias. Are you aware of yours?

Have you tried reading the Bible for yourself?  Are you thinking of starting off 2014 with a new zeal for seeking God’s answers for your life?

I can…

I Can...


There are many things in my life that I have no control over.

For instance, I can’t change other people.  But I decided to make a list of things I can do; things God can help me do.

  • I can walk with integrity;
  • I can be an example of health, vitality and enthusiasm;
  • I can share winsomely with whoever God brings across my path; whomever God gives ears to hear;
  • I can have compassion – especially for those suffering damage from iatrogenic  causes;
  • I can help train others with similar passions to be sensitive spokespeople for health;
  • I can campaign;
  • I can educate myself;
  • I can make information clear and available;
  • I can share truth about God with fellow travelers – gradually with sensitivity;
  • I can write to impact;
  • I can seek to be a difference maker, continuously exploring ways of effectively making a difference with others.

Those are some of the things I can do.  I am sure I can think of some more.   Even if your current situation is not optimal, what are the things you can do?

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Doctors I admire

I’m sure this is only a partial list.  What medical professionals do you admire for their unrelenting presentation of truth? Please add your comment below.


Vaccine Safety

syringeAll vaccines have the legal classification of being unavoidably unsafe.  Dr Tony Bark

Trust parental instinct.  If something goes wrong, you are going to have to live with it for a long time.  We have had Public Health for about 50 years, but maternal instinct has been around for thousands of years.  Dr Andrew Wakefield

[A video with more quotes]

There are many thoughtful, highly trained medical professionals who are actively involved in caring for vaccine injured children  These professional have spent hours researching the history and science of vaccination and concluded that vaccines are to be approached with extreme caution.

This community consists of MDs, PhDs, DOs, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, parents and grandparents.  They have have learned from listening to parents and being wiling to release a mindset stuck in a paradigm that they were trained in.  Listening to parents and being willing to challenge the dogma they have been entrenched in, enables them to understand the science and history behind vaccines and understand what mechanisms are happening in the body when there are vaccine injuries.

Theses medical professionals supporting families with vaccine injury, like you and me, need to eat and enjoy living indoors, but they are not earning multimillions through connections with corporations.  These corporations are not liable for any damage, death or injury caused by vaccines.  If someone is supporting and promoting vaccines it is imperative that you explore any possible conflicts of interests.  Before you believe someone who claims to be a specialist, check out how their income is impacted through their connection with vaccine acceptance.

Vaccine damage is a reality – yet those who manufacture them are not held responsible, only given profits.  If your child is injured or dies as a result of vaccines you cannot seek any recourse from the manufacturers.  You can file a claim through the special vaccine court set up by the government, which has paid out over $2.5 B, but they only have settled 25% of the claims made to them.

Think about it.  You have to choose who to trust.  Take some time.  You can never unvaccinate.

What matters most to you when you consider vaccinating?

Coaching for Health

Fruit FaceIn the area of health we are bombarded with information, often competing and contradictory.  There are powerful forces at work to keep us confused, sick and dependent.

Most of us don’t have time to delve into the latest research and make sense of it.  Only when we, or someone we love is faced with a huge health challenge, do we get the motivation necessary to delve into the details and research what is truly healthy.  We also get the motivation needed to follow our new knowledge with action.

I have spent hours researching various aspects of health.  My body is my personal science experiment.  I put what I learn into practice as a part of my research.  I love sharing what I learn with others.

Children’s Health

I am particular passionate about raising healthy children.  I began my healthy parenting journey 31 years ago with reading Adele Davis’ book, Let’s Have Healthy Children and continue to endorse her approach to helping our children reach their unique potential through breastfeeding and providing whole foods in as close to their natural state as possible, while avoiding processed foods.  In our present day, I think Mrs Davis would be shocked by the state of children’s health in our country where childhood cancer, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, behavior disorders, etc are all reaching epidemic proportions.

I raised five children who are making wise nutritional choices as adults and parents themselves.  Feeding a family is a very difficult job in today’s world with so many quick, easy, tasty options tempting us.  Parents today face an enormously difficult task in raising healthy children.  Join me in a Journey of discovering optimal health for every member of the family.

A coach is someone trained and devoted to guiding others into increased competence, commitment, and confidence.  I’d love to help you reach your personal health goals.

How do you implement and encourage healthy nutrition in your family? Please let me know your ideas in the comments section below.

It Starts with the Shopping

Some really good thoughts about food…

I have grown to respect Marc Davids ideas about food after attending parts of his on-line Psychology of Eating course.  If you have ever struggled with your weight or desired to make changes, here is a great article that might help you see your situation in a new light and give you some perspective that will be highly beneficial in achieving the results you desire!

I’m still learning…

A Happy Dietary Ending




In order for God to extend my influence in many arenas He needs me to be wholly and humbly submitted to Him. One of the clearest evidences of my submission is seen in my heart and life response to “wives submit to your husbands, as to the Lord” (from Colossians 3).  God has given my husband greater physical strength, different biology, and different brain wiring.  God has also designated him to be the ’deciding vote’ in matters where we disagree.  Most people are familiar with a CEO or President in a company carrying more voting power AND more RESPONSIBILITY.

As I submit to my husband, I am not a doormat. I can present my case.  I can have a viewpoint that differs from my husband’s.  I know he values and seeks out my opinions.  But when we disagree (which is often) I can humbly submit, without any bitterness, resentment, nagging or manipulation, knowing that I am actually surrendering my desires in this issue to God.

Ultimately God can turn my husband’s heart. God may also be protecting me from something I am currently unaware of.

It’s not easy and I don’t always get it right (ask my children – or my husband).  As I seek to wholly surrender myself to Jesus, because of how He surrendered EVERYTHING for me, my faith in His ability to guide my life grows.

Surrender is a part of the journey, how have you learned submission and surrender?

The Value of Coaching – WOW!

Light image croppedI sort of thought, “I don’t really need coaching.” Coaching is about change. I don’t have a burning area of my life where I feel the need of help to make some changes. My life has been about not accepting the status quo and pushing the boundaries in most areas. I had natural births and even progressed to home births. I breastfed my children and then added nutritious healthy foods and tried to teach my children over the years what health was all about. After starting the first three children in schools, we bucked the system and have home schooled five children, four down, one with only a little of high school left to go. I am always learning and seeking new information and applying it to my life. I coach myself through my stuff.  I interact with God through His word and the guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit. I don’t really need a coach to help me work through issues.

In a brief previous encounter with coaching, I was very worried about what to say, how I would come across and what the coach’s personal opinion of me was going to be. I was reluctant to be real, but I didn’t know who I should try to be!

Wow. I was wrong.  Coaching is a powerful vehicle for so many reasons.

Coaching forces you to think through in advance the topic for your coaching session. This is a valuable exercise in and of itself. It forced me to think through the different aspects of my life and come up with one specific thing to focus the coaching call on. Completing a Coaching Prep Form was hard to do and it is easy to want to put it off or avoid it completely, but the exercise and discipline of doing it was very helpful.

In anticipation of the coaching call I was a bit nervous.  There seemed to be a lot going on in my emotions and my soul and focusing on the one thing for the call was hard. I was afraid I wasn’t going to gain any value from the experience. I was thinking it was going to be a waste of time – mine and the coach’s. If I had been paying money for the experience (which I wasn’t because it was part of our class “coaching practical”) I would have been tense in advance thinking that it was also going to be a waste of money.

I couldn’t have been more wrong! My experience has again reinforced to me that coaching is extremely valuable. Even though I was vague and had a hard time trying to find the best topic to use this ‘valuable’ time for, the opportunity of spending 30+ minutes entirely focused on me and my current issues was powerful beyond my ability to express it in words.

In regular ordinary life there are rare opportunities when we are able to connect with another human being and share what is on our heart – or in the depths of our soul. Usually another person can only handle limited amounts and in conversation will quickly jump to a similar experience they have had, or the may express their opinion about what we could try or what we ‘absolutely MUST DO’ – advise that we may or may not appreciate! These interchanges are normal and we all experience them. It is part of the give and take of close relationships and friendships.

Coaching is so different. A coach is devoted to you, the client, for the entire conversation. They are focused on your world, taking notes of the things you say, reminding you of who you are and your previous statements about your own reality. They do not advise or instruct – that is the furthest thing from their agenda. They desire to help you see your situation more clearly, in light of your past, your present and your future. Their goal is not to build or deepen the relationship of mutual friendship, so they do not have a strong need to share their current situation. Their only goal is to be a facilitator of your exploration and progress in life.

The coaching call is also structured. It is not just a rambling counseling session. The agenda is clear and you, the client, end the call with ‘something’. But the coach doesn’t have their own agenda about what that something must be. They don’t have a preconceived plan of action for you. They want to be a facilitator to help you find your own agenda, your own action point for the end of the session.

Again, I cannot express adequately in words how valuable such an experience was for me. I am thoroughly and completely convinced that the experience of relating to a coach can bring enormous value to anyone. Witnessing ‘coaching in progress’ has opened my eyes to this forward focused approach of helping others and I am wildly enthusiastic to share this treasure that I have been given.

If you would like to explore life coaching more….