The REAL epidemic

One in every 16 Irish boys has autism: Crisis worse than COVID-19 and nobody cares.

Robert Kennedy Jr gets straight to the heart of the issue in this hard hitting piece published on 28 May 2020. His law firm has vast experience in taking on large corporations profiting by taking advantage of average people. He speaks clearly and has many times asked for those he speaks against to take him to court. So far he seems to have no one challenge his claims. Some outrageous statements made by Mr Kennedy in this piece would be libelous if they were not true:

  1. Tony Fauci has played a key role in covering up the harm caused by giving vaccines to babies under 6 months.
  2. In 2009 NIH’s Autism Coordinating Committee voted in $16 million to study the links between autism and vaccines but Tom Insel killed the studies. (Studies to determine the safety of injecting babies and toddlers with 38 vaccines by age 2 have NEVER been planned or implemented.)
  3. Fauci and Insel have committed some of the most consequential criminal conspiracies in history. Children’s Health Defense will bring these criminals to justice.
  4. The autism crisis dwarfs COVID-19.
  5.  CDC’s massive 1999 study of the VSD—America’s largest medical database—showed that children receiving the Hep B vaccine in their first 30 days had an 1135% increased risk for an autism diagnosis. CDC and Pharma knew at that moment that vaccines were causing the epidemic.
  6. Individuals charged with protecting public health “hid the VSD study, closed the database to independent scientists and commissioned a sketchy cabal of tobacco scientists, grifters, felons and Pharma biostitutes to gin up dozens of fraudulent vaccine studies purporting to “prove that vaccines don’t cause autism.”

Do you see any sort of a pattern? Do government agencies charged with protecting public health have any concern for the health and wellbeing of babies and children?

The media keeps tight control on information available to the public. Media is supported primarily by pharmaceutical advertising.

Doctors are trained in the pharmaceutical dominated system. They receive very little in-depth information on the realities of vaccine induced illnesses raging amongst children. Their careers are established on ‘going along with the standards of care’. Doctors asking questions or expressing concern are reminded of the fate of such a stance through the example of Andrew Wakefield.

Parents read reassuring information touting vaccine safety and trust the ‘experts’. Doctors are trained in techniques to push (sometimes bully) parents into compliance.

Babies and children experience immense harm.

Families are left with the responsibility of dealing with the devastation. All stakeholders involved in promoting and pushing vaccines are 100% liability free.

Politicians ignore massive attempts by parents to inform them. THOUSANDS of parents have made the rounds of offices in their states. Well informed parents present scientific information and true stories of the harm caused by vaccines and are ignored. Bills have been passed against vaccine exemptions for school under the guise of ‘protecting public health’ by politicians firmly bought out by pharmaceutical interests. California, New York, and Maine have recently passed legislation removing religious exemptions for children to attend school. For many years only Mississippi and West Virginia had such stiff laws, where many parents have been working trying to add religious exemptions..

Fighting this epidemic is important. We cannot stand idly by and watch millions of children being led as lambs to the slaughter. Each one reach one. Lovingly share the reality of the vaccine epidemic with as many as you can. Ask God to show you who, when, where, how. Know a few facts and urge those you are speaking with to investigate this topic more than any other aspect of life as they bring a new life into the world. New parents need all the FACTS. Christians need to know that accepting vaccines means injecting human DNA from aborted babies. Everyone needs to know how injecting foreign DNA impacts the body. Injecting known toxic substances into our most vulnerable needs to be questioned.

More people are waking up to the reality of vaccine harm than ever before. The current ‘crisis’ has been a turning point for many.

The main stream media are pushing a vaccine as the “real solution” for COVID-19. This demonstrates flawed thinking and perhaps a long term agenda by some. God reigns supreme over all governments and authorities. God uses His people to bring light to this dark world. I pray He will use us to protect children. God desires His people to be fruitful and multiple. Taking care of our children, protecting them from the wiles of the enemy, is our most significant task.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Elephants amongst us

Click this image to read the complete article.
Thus, rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human fetal cells.
Dr Theresa Deisher, et al

The Belfast Telegraph reports some astounding facts.

This article evoked a feeling for me that there is a large ‘elephant in the room’ which must never be mentioned. Read through the entire article and you will find not one mention of the possible link between the increase in autism amongst school children and the routine vaccines given to those same Irish children. The truth is, worldwide we are injecting children with increasing amounts of toxic substances under the ideological belief that ‘vaccines are safe and effective and needed’ for a healthy child.

Increased paternal age and DSM revisions were not related to rising autistic disorder prevalence.
Dr Theresa Deisher, et al

Here is a 2014 study which explores a possible reason for this massive increase in autism rates happening around the world.

Excerpts from the paper that I found most interesting are in the box below, but you can read the full 14 page research paper published in the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology by Dr Theresa Deisher and her team.

Theresa Deisher began her investigation based on science. She allowed scientific analysis to lead her to surprising conclusions about the impact of injecting babies and children with human cell fragments from aborted tissue used for vaccine development. Why is this information ignored?

An 82% increase of Northern Ireland schoolchildren is describing an EPIDEMIC of HUGE proportions. There is no such thing as a genetic epidemic. This statistic points to an environmental problem.

If we notice an epidemic in a herd of animals we investigate EVERY possible cause in order to get to the root of the problem. The health or lack of health amongst a herd of animals is generally going to impact the bottom line of the owner. When a herd of humans suffers ill health there is an opposite reality – MANY STAND TO GAIN. Human illness is a thriving industry.

Vaccines are the single product throughout the world that provide total protection to the manufacturer in the event of any negative impact of their product. If a batch of vaccines is faulty – no problem, the manufacturer is not going to be implicated. If vaccines have not been stored properly or are not administered correctly – no problem. There is no event connected with any vaccine added to the CDC recommended childhood schedule that can be prosecuted. All vaccines that make it onto this schedule are shielded from all liability. All adverse events following vaccines are born entirely by the individual receiving them, or in the case of a child, the family.

There is a process by which some have received compensation for vaccine injuries or deaths in the USA known as the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This program passed in Congress in 1986, began payouts in 1988, and has paid out well over $4,000,000,000 for those who have: 1) known about this program; 2) filed their petition within 2 years; 3) were able to find a lawyer to represent them in this often agonizingly slow process (many years); and 4) were able to prove to the satisfaction of the Special Master of this hidden court, against the arguments of Department of Defense Legal Team, that their claim is valid. In this hidden court there is no process of full discovery from the manufacturer on any details relating to safety, testing, product manufacturing protocols, or anything else. Additionally, each case is heard privately and claimants are unaware of the outcome of other cases which may be very similar to their own.

Buyer beware.

Please don’t learn the hard way – through personal experience of vaccine injury. Please research this topic more thoroughly than any other topic related to the health and wellbeing of you precious family.

Becky Hastings, avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant.

Edited on 28 May 2020 to add the following:

An Italian research group has also investigated the fetal cells in one specific vaccine, Priorix Tetra® vaccine which relies on the 1966 MRC5 fetal cell line. They discuss the details of their findings here

My conclusion is that when this grand experiment began in the 1960s – of using fetal tissue from aborted human babies as a growth medium for viruses to assist in the development of vaccines, the level of understanding of the human immune system, the human genome, and many other biological details were out of their range of thinking — let alone understanding. Scientists and researchers thought they were gifting humanity with disease avoidance and prevention through vaccines, but in reality, what have they actually brought about with the injection of human DNA fragments into our most precious, most vulnerable members of society? Will the establishment continue to ignore? Will individuals continue to trust?


A picture showing how to inject a baby under the age of 12 months at one visit.  IPV in the left arm, PCV 13 and Hep B for right thigh, Hib and DTaP for  left thigh, and rotavirus orally.

CDC has set up an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice. ACIP has no idea if it is safe to give multiple vaccines at once – because no study has been done. Yet for decades the members of ACIP have added vaccines. They publish recommendations that take for granted giving multiple vaccines at the same time. They advise doctors to give multiple vaccines with different antigens and different adjuvants injected into babies and children. Their caution? Just inject into different limbs – everything is fine.

Please watch this very brief exchange at an ACIP meeting where a new Hepatitis B vaccine with a new adjuvant is being added to the schedule. Do the two women guiding this meeting seem to be competent to answer difficult scientific questions on vaccine safety? I personally find this exchange very disturbing.

The CDC website and vocal vaccine promoters insist that the science has been settled and there is no connection between vaccines and autism. Yet Dr Bernadine Healy, a cardiologist, academic physician, and the first female Director of the National Institutes of Health, expressed a very different picture of the science stating “The question of autism and vaccines has not been answered.” 

Dr Stanley Plotkin admitted in a deposition that there has been no study into the possible correlation between autism and the DTaP vaccine. In fact, there has only been one serious study of autism and vaccines which involved only one vaccine, the MMR. This is the study that the CDC whistleblower, Dr William Thompson, a senior research scientist at CDC, admitted the entire team committed scientific fraud. Vaxxed: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a detailed expose of the facts surrounding the whistleblower’s revelations.

So how safe are those vaccines which are daily being injected into our babies and children?

No one actually knows. Do you trust the giddy scientists that rely on – “well we always do it, just make sure you inject into different limbs” approach to safety? Or does approach seem more like relying on folklore? What is the true scientific approach? Science is always verifiable and repeatable. Science is never settled.

Journeyboost is authored and maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.

Protect Your Baby’s Brain

blue-angel full size

As a parent your number one priority is the health of your child.

As a government organization the CDCs number one priority is to maintain their vaccine schedule – at all costs. You could call this self preservation. Their careers, income, reputation and much more are at stake. To them, the lives of a few children, or the robust health of many children are not as important as maintaining their point of view, their reputation, their existence as a government organization.

These two priorities conflict. Parents desperately need the facts.

When thinking about the health of your child, the most important thing you need to consider is how best to protect your baby’s developing brain. Our world is full of toxic assaults, so we need to be as wise as possible in reducing potential harm to our children’s brains. When thinking about vaccines, your primary question should be, ‘What are the ingredients in this, and how can they impact my baby’s brain?’

I am trying to say this in a loving gentle way, as if each one of you were one of my adult children.

Many parents and grandparents ask questions along the lines of “If you had to choose just the ‘good’ vaccines which ones would you choose?” or “If I’m going to delay and just selectively give ‘some’ vaccines, which ones are really important to give?”

My question to you, is, if the mechanism of the function of vaccines is flawed, is it not flawed across the board? If the basic understanding of the immune system is flawed, if our understanding of how injecting neurotoxins and other harmful chemicals into an infant’s system is flawed, then would there be one vaccine that might be the exception?

Car Seat 2It’s like you are saying, mostly I reject ‘hocus pocus potions,’ but in the case of a couple of big bad diseases, I am sooooo terrified of them that I need to use a hocus pocus potion just for those.

Since pharmaceutical companies have no (zero, nada, nothing) liability for their vaccines, they have no incentive for improving safety and efficacy. The safety studies required for vaccines is significantly less than what is required for pharmaceutical drugs – and we all know at least some of the horror stories of drugs that were approved for use, but later recalled for the harm, or death, they caused. We have all heard of at least one of the many lawsuits and cases brought against pharmaceutical companies for one reason or another. Most of them have paid incredibly large fines for admissions of guilt. All these facts combined, yet we still trust these companies? We still support their products and believe they are only going to provide what is good for our precious babies?

When we decide to give our child a ‘delayed’ or ‘selective’ vaccine schedule, is it because, in this case, in this one instance for this one disease, I’m sure they’ve made a good product; I am sure that this vaccine I am choosing to voluntarily inject in my baby or child will safely deliver the protection I desperately seek?

Please examine the logic in this. Here are some searching questions:

  • Is this a response of overwhelming fear that has hit me as a result of the media hype, or my social circle hype? Any action prompted by fear should be carefully examined.
  • Am I basing my decision on facts and available evidence?
  • Do I understand exactly how the immune system develops? (see Dr Suzanne Humphries brilliant lectures which thoroughly examine the science of the infant’s immune development.)
  • Have I read the latest science that shows the amazing link between the gut and the brain, microorganisms and health, etc.?
  • Have I fully read every package insert for all the shots I am considering? Have I concluded that the potential benefit outweighs the risk, or am I merely going on the advice of my ‘very nice doctor‘, or a ‘very pushy’ family member?
  • Do I know all the ingredients in the shot that I am considering for my child?
  • Have I researched these ingredients and the impact they could have especially on my baby’s brain?
  • If my child were to develop the illness I fear, is there a safe, effective, non harmful treatment option?

Dr Nils Bergman, pioneer of Kangaroo Mother Care, emphasizes that the most important role of parents is to protect the brain of their baby. The parent alone is the primary steward of the infant/child brain. Your number one job is to protect your baby’s brain from all outside attack. Pregnant women spend nine months carefully protecting their unborn baby from all types of potential harm. Wise parents don’t allow a stranger to hold their baby. Someone without experience of a brand new baby often doesn’t understand the important of supporting an infant’s head and neck. That’s why we are so careful. We carefully monitor when our older children want to hold the new baby. Also, a parent would never knowingly allow anything into the mount of their baby that could harm the brain.

Parents spend hours researching car seats because they want to make sure baby’s brain will be protected in the event of a crash. Parents insist their children wear bike helmets to protect their brain while biking!

In the same way, make sure you have done a thorough job of understanding the impact of every single vaccine you think about injecting into your baby. Think especially about the impact it could have on your baby’s brain.

Becky Isaac 11 months

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!