Can you get a vaccine exemption for your workplace?

Vaccine mandates violate bodily autonomy

More and more people are being told that they must accept a flu vaccine in order to work in a specific place. Most hospitals and health care settings now have policies to mandate vaccines. Here is an example of a letter sent to an employer on the topic of the flu vaccine. My friend was successful in getting a religious exemption with this letter. He was hired and given a religious exemption but did have to agree to wear a mask for 6 months of the year.

As a Christian, I perceive the Bible to be a holy book of the words of God written through people. As such, its contents are significant as it relates to their implications on how I live my life. In the First book of Corinthians, written approximately between A.D. 53-55, the apostle Paul instructed the new Christians in the Roman-colonized city of Corinth of the following:

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” (1Cor 6:19-20).

Later, in the Second book of Corinthians, Paul writes about maintaining purity in body:

“Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” (2Cor 7:1).

As I interpret the first verse, Paul is explaining that, as Christians, we have God’s “Spirit” within us. He therefore uses the metaphor of a temple because, prior to the coming of Jesus Christ, the “Spirit” of God was written to have dwelled in the holy temples constructed within the Jewish communities. When God manifested as a man in Christ on earth and then returned to Heaven, he left the “Spirit of God” in His place to dwell in us, so now we no longer need the physical temples and buildings: instead, we are the temple, a phenomenon explained throughout all of the New Testament of the Bible. 

Just like the ancient Jewish temple buildings, we must therefore honor our bodies as dwelling places of God: We must honor our body by what we do and what we put into them. A significant aspect of this means being vigilant about what I put into my body, as I seek to honor its health, just as keepers of God’s temple would keep the building containing God pure and honoring of His presence. For me, this means avoiding toxins and impurities. I include the influenza vaccine in my list of impurities/toxins that I cannot agree to inject into my body, as it contains substances such as Thimerosal (mercury derivative), Formaldehyde (toxin), Aluminum, and in some Ethylene Glycol (aka antifreeze – toxin) ( Though some of these substances may be found naturally occurring in the body, that is a process that I trust my body to carry out naturally as I ingest pure foods. I do not believe injecting them, even in small amounts, is healthy. 

There are many vaccine ingredients. As an informed parent we are careful about the ingredients in the food we give to our children. What are we allowing to be injected into them? Please take some time to review the ingredients here.

Compiled by Becky Hastings, devoted to Jesus, wife, mother, grandmother, truth and health seeker, and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing. Our longterm health is vitally important. Who and what we believe will impact our choices. Wisdom and discernment is required.

Crucial Conversations

A Q&A by David Maxfield from Crucial Skills: How to discuss immunizations with reluctant parents inspired me to write my own Q&A. I have a high regard for their work even though I hold an opposing view on this particular topic. His answer to a question posed by a vaccine promoting health care professional provides valuable insight on how to converse instead of argue. I pose a question from a vaccine informed parent and edited the wording he provided in his answer. If you visit the link please read my comment, and take a minute to leave your own respectful comment!

Dear David, 

With the recent rise of hype in the media promoting vaccines and looming mandates, I am concerned children will be harmed as a result.

With 36 yrs exploring this topic, I am troubled by how many ‘experts’ are not more curious about vaccine safety. Has the belief that “vaccines are safe & effective & save millions of lives” been challenged with personal research review by those who hold this view? I don’t understand how they can push a point of view without a thorough examination of what exactly parents are objecting to and why. Parents who witness injury know the case for vaccines is extremely flawed. Many have become experts on vaccine risk, yet may find it difficult to hold a conversation because of their passion.

Public health officials seem more committed to getting vaccines into children than looking into the possible harm. How can I converse about this topic so that all parties involved can discover truth?

Concerned mother, grandmother, researcher, and writer

Dear concerned mother, grandmother, researcher, and writer,

It’s not just vaccines that cause communication breakdowns. We see breakdowns across our culture, which makes your question especially relevant. Some tips that may help your discussions:

You Can’t Win an Argument. It’s a paradox that it becomes harder, instead of easier, to convince someone when you are supremely confident in your own point of view. Many of us have firsthand experience with this reality. Dale Carnegie expanded this insight, “You can’t win an argument.” Here is how a conversation can turn into an argument:

  • I ask the parent/doctor/nurse why they want to give vaccines or question a vaccine promoter about vaccines.
  • Reasons are given in support of vaccines.
  • I attack their reasons and try to add information on vaccine harm.
  • They attack my points and defend theirs.
  • I attack theirs and defend mine.
  • Rinse and repeat.
  • No one wins

In trying to win an argument I’ve fallen into what’s called the Persuasion Trap. I have become the champion for my cause and pushed the other party into being a champion for the opposite cause. The result is an argumentative cycle no one seems to win – in fact, each person could finish with a strengthened view of his or her own position.

Motivational Interviewing. Motivational Interviewing is an approach that is designed to avoid the Persuasion Trap. Instead of taking sides, it helps the pro vaccine pusher explore and resolve the ambivalence they must feel regarding vaccines. It conveys respect while maintaining and holding the position that it’s the parent who will make the final judgment. The goal is to engage the vaccine promoter with his or her own intrinsic motivation. Below are a few principles you can use:

Ask for Permission. When you are told “It’s time for vaccines” or someone is providing pressure for you to give vaccines, don’t launch into an argument. Instead, ask permission to discuss it further. This helps avoid an argument and conveys respect. 

Explore their Ambivalence. Most thoughtful experienced vaccine promoters must have some thoughts about the reality of vaccine injury. Make it safe for them to voice their possibly deeply hidden concerns. This establishes your role as educator, rather than opponent. Below are how these first two elements might sound in a conversation with a healthcare provider. You can imagine using a similar approach for family or friends:

YOU: Your said my child is due for a _____ vaccine today. Would it be okay if we discussed it? 

PARENT: [I have no idea what they will say! Let’s go with] Okay. 

YOU: Many of your peers feel vaccines are entirely safe and totally effective. Your training has launched your career as a health care provider and you see that vaccines play an integral part of providing that care. You are concerned about parents who refuse vaccines and worried that it will cause specific risk to that child and perhaps to a larger population because of one child not receiving vaccines. These are valid concerns. If I were in your shoes, I would probably share your views. What do you see as the pros and cons of a person not getting vaccines? 

Perhaps draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and write the pros on the left and cons on the right side of the line as they provide them. This helps the person turn their vague feelings and fears into a finite number of specific concerns—concerns that can be addressed.

Paraphrase to Ensure Understanding. Summarize each concern. This makes sure you understand it and also demonstrates that you are listening. “So, correct me if I’m wrong, but you are worried that a child who does not receive a measles vaccine will be at risk of death? You are concerned that if a few children don’t get the measles vaccine a widespread outbreak will result in many people getting sick and perhaps many dying? You have concerns that parents do not understand the gravity of their decision to avoid vaccines and that they are unnecessarily putting their child at risk? Is that right?”

Address Each Concern with Facts. But first, ask for permission (again), “Would you mind if I provided you with more information about the risk of vaccine injury from recently published sources?” Have a few salient facts memorized and offer to send the papers. Provide all clarifying information in a nonjudgmental way.

Consider the Messenger. Ask yourself whether you are the right person to provide the facts. If you are a parent who has personally witnessed vaccine injury, a person who has received compensation through VICP, or a person who has spent thousands of hours researching the topic, you may consider yourself credible, but beware that your listener may not see you as credible. A health professional will generally value information provided by other health professionals. If you have had multiple children and some are vaccine injured and others who did not receive vaccines are vibrantly healthy, you may want to share your own personal observations. It might sound like this: I understand my small data sample is not science, but after my first child was vaccine injured I didn’t give vaccines to my others. The thing that astounds me every single day is the vibrant health of my non vaccinated children. I am absolutely certain that health is not the result of getting an injection of so many chemicals on a regular basis.”

If you don’t think the person sees you as a credible messenger, then use information that comes from more credible sources. Provide a handout from Learn the Risk, Informed Consent Action Network, Children’s Health Defense, or NVIC. You may also encourage the person to investigate recent studies by Dr Aaby on long-term health after vaccines, Dr Theresa Deisher on DNA fragments in vaccines, or Dr Chris Exley and Dr Chris Shaw on aluminum in vaccines. Another resource for someone truly interested in exploring the topic is a video presentation by Dr Sam Eggertsen from Washington state focused on helping health care providers understand vaccine hesitant parents which answers the question “Why Do Parents Refuse To Vaccinate Their Children?”

Final Affirmation/Acknowledgement. “I applaud you for having this discussion with me. I am happy to discuss anything further. I’m sure I don’t know as much as you. I don’t have your training and haven’t read all your medical textbooks, but I am 100% committed to finding the truth. I also want to help parents have healthy happy babies – which I am sure is also your goal. I believe we achieve the best health, as individuals and as communities, by boosting the innate immune system and the body’s own defense against infectious disease. Avoiding chemicals in our food, air, water, and what we inject into our body – all of which burden our natural detox system – seems a wise approach in the pursuit of health.”

Consider Multiple Influences. You asked how to have a conversation with a vaccine promoter. These conversations are important, but they’re only one aspect of a comprehensive influence strategy. If your mission is to inform the public and especially new parents of the reality of vaccine injury you could employ a combination of strategies at the Personal, Social, and Structural levels. These would include conversations, but also involve community leaders within schools, churches, and sports teams. They would also include discussions with lawmakers and policy makers. I pray this information will be helpful in getting people to thoroughly investigate the truth on this issue. Let me know if you try any of these suggestions, and how they work for you!


Vaccine Truth Seeker

Questions Every Doctor and Parent Should Ask About Aluminum

  • Is injecting aluminum compounds safe?
  • Is it safe to inject aluminum combined with other toxic chemicals into the human body?
  • Has it been well tested and proven safe?
  • How much aluminum will accumulate in your body if you follow the entire CDC schedule?
  • Do you know how much aluminum your child can handle?
  • What happens once the aluminum is injected into the body?
  • Where does it go?
  • How do you get the aluminum out once injected?
  • What kind of symptoms or illnesses can come from having too much aluminum in your body?
  • Can you stop the inflammation or autoimmunity in the body once it has started?
  • Are you up to date on the most recent aluminum research?

Some vaccines contain aluminum compounds. For example:

  1. Aluminum Hydroxide (Al(OH)3), usually 500 mcg per dose.
  2. Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate (HAlO5P), usually 250 mcg per dose
  3. Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate (AlHO9PS-3), usually 225 mcg per dose

How much aluminum adjuvant are you getting in vaccines?

  • At Birth 250 mcg
  • 2 Months 1225 mcg
  • 4 Months 975 mcg
  • 6 Months 1000 mcg
  • 12 Months 600 mcg
  • 15 Months 625 mcg
  • 18 Months 250 mcg
  • Grand Total of 4,925 mcg of aluminum compound by 18 months of age.

Those amounts were taken from vaccine manufacturer’s product inserts and the CDC’s 2016 childhood vaccine schedule, per Neil Miller, author Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies.

Is injecting aluminum salts safe? It has never been determined safe by the FDA or CDC.

Then why is it allowed in vaccines? In 1926, Alexander Glenny started adding aluminum salts as an adjuvant because it appeared to increase the body’s immune response. Aluminum continued to be used in similar vaccines for many years. In 1975, the FDA granted “GRAS” (Generally Recognized as Safe) status to eleven different aluminum compounds, including aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate. Thus, aluminum is used in vaccines because it was grandfathered in, not because it was extensively tested by the FDA and was then determined safe. The CDC points to the FDA and says that vaccines are licensed by the FDA, and the vaccines meet FDA standards. The CDC has not tested the aluminum adjuvant, yet they recommend it.

“There is no known safe limit of injection of aluminum adjuvants. It has never been scientifically or experimentally determined. When it comes to vaccines, the amount used is based on efficacy, NOT safety. Based on the only limit that exists – not for an intramuscular injection of a vaccine, but an FDA regulation on parenteral IVs given to premature infants which is set at 4-5mcg/kg aluminum per day – children are receiving far more aluminum in one “well-child visit” than is considered safe to prevent central nervous system toxicity.” ASHLEY EVERLY, A TOXICOLOGIST

“Since the 1920s, aluminum salts have been used primarily as the adjuvant in most childhood vaccines to optimize the body’s immune response to the injected disease. Aluminum is now known to be neurotoxic and the root cause of many serious illnesses including MS and Alzheimer. The aluminum adjuvant was only tested for 28 days, on two rabbits, and their remains have mysteriously disappeared. What the pharmaceutical companies don’t make public is how the aluminum adjuvant was never rigorously tested before going on the market.” — quoted from the documentary called Injecting Aluminum. Watch the documentary. HTTP://CINEMALIBRESTUDIO.COM/INJECTING-ALUMINUM/

from Christopher Exley PhD….

“In fact, for almost everything else you can think of, you have to do that, you have to demonstrate that something is safe first. That has never been necessary for aluminum, it has never been demonstrated that aluminum is safe. No, there’s never been any legislation in order to do that, and this is a historical thing.

In fact, the adjuvant does not require clinical approval at all. It is the vaccine preparation which requires clinical approval, so you may put any adjuvant into a vaccine, it will then go through a clinical approval process and if it gets approved with that adjuvant, regardless of what it is, whether it’s an aluminum adjuvant or another, then it’s the vaccine that will be clinically approved, not the adjuvant.” CHRISTOPHER EXLEY PHD

“I think we’ve reached the time now where we really should be having a moratorium on the use of aluminum in vaccines. It just needs to be stopped. We need to say, ‘Enough’s enough.’ I’m not anti-vaccine, I just want safe vaccines and unfortunately aluminum was sort of grandfathered in as safe. I was thinking of writing a book on aluminum actually. So there are hundreds and hundreds of articles on aluminum toxicity. I think in the 1940’s and 1950’s, there was just a study or two. Those studies didn’t go well. Rats who were injected with aluminum died very quickly. It was sort of swept away and lost in the archives of research and aluminum ended up being the preferred adjuvant. It was sort of grandfathered in as safe and we’ve never really gone back and challenged that assumption. The time I think is now to really do that.

Autoimmunity takes time and I think aluminum is probably one of the biggest known triggers of autoimmune problems. You know the entire book Vaccines and Autoimmunity by Dr. Shoenfeld? There are hundreds of studies and he documents quite clearly how this is a real issue.

This is the misunderstanding that is still being perpetuated by most doctors and the CDC if you go to their website, they tell you aluminum is safe. They’re referring to aluminum that you ingest, in other words, you take it by mouth, it goes through your gut. Our intestinal tract is set up to keep toxins out. So very little of the aluminum that you eat actually enters your body.”–“So that was my first sort of “Aha” and horror about aluminum.”DR PAUL THOMAS

As food allergies are skyrocketing in children, it is interesting to note that in a 2015 study from Norway, scientists wanted the quickest way to give lab rats a food allergy so they could study various food allergy suppression drugs on them. Since rats aren’t born with food allergies, the most effective method was clear: inject the rats with egg protein and aluminum adjuvant, and they will soon be allergic to eggs.

The title of the study: Development and characterization of an effective food allergy model in Brown Norway rats says it all, but you can read the entire study here:

Aluminum is a neurotoxin. Injecting aluminum is harmful to your immune system. Aluminum compounds are used as adjuvants in vaccines to hyper stimulate the immune system — by design. The body’s reaction is systemic and indiscriminate, which means it can trigger responses to other proteins not originally intended. It can trigger attacks to self-proteins leading to autoimmunity. It can cause inflammation that may or may not shut off. This can happen anywhere in the body, including the brain. When injected, macrophages ‘eat’ aluminum particles and carry it to other parts of the body — it can cross the blood brain barrier and cause brain inflammation. Injected aluminum bio-accumulates in the body (i.e.: brain, glands, tissues, lymph, organs, bone and fat). You may not see the damage immediately so you won’t know until later. How much is too much for your child? Everyone has a different body burden and tipping point. When you reach that point, symptoms will appear. Do you know what yours is? If you have the MTHFR mutations, your ability to detox toxins is decreased.

Note: Injecting is not the same as ingesting. Injected aluminum is absorbed 100% compared to .04% absorbed if ingested. Don’t forget when you combine aluminum with other toxins, it becomes more toxic — that’s called synergistic toxicity. The safety of CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule remains untested for safety in clinical trials to this day.

Research the problems with injecting aluminum and synergistic toxicity. Find out what these doctors/scientists say:

For more information watch these documentaries: 

There are also contamination issues combined with aluminum harm. Look up…

Compiled by Becky Hastings with help from a friend. Becky is a wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. She has a passion for discovering truth and helping parents understand how routine medical recommendations can impact their babies and children.


  • Mice show problems after being injected with aluminum compounds.
  • Sheep show problems after being injected with aluminum compounds.
  • Humans show problems after being injected with aluminum compounds in the Gardasil 9 clinical trials (Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate-AAHS (AlHO9PS-3), usually 225 mcg per dose).

Then, how is it safe? If aluminum is safe then no mice, no sheep, and no humans would show any problems with injected aluminum. “Severe neuron necrosis” and aluminum in the nerve tissue were found in the sheep injected with aluminum. Sheep died. Why?

The following information is from a longer article entitled, Attacking Ourselves:Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us by Celeste McGovern, an award-winning independent journalist in Scotland.


Aluminum has been added to vaccines since about 1926 when Alexander Glenny and colleagues noticed it would produce better antibody responses in vaccines than the antigen alone. Glenny figured the alum was inducing what he called a “depot effect” – slowing the release of the antigen and heightening the immune response. For 60 years his theory was accepted dogma. Over the same time, the vaccine schedule grew decade on decade, but few ever questioned the effects of injecting aluminum into the body, which is strange considering its known toxicity.

A PubMed search on aluminum and “toxicity” turns up 4,258 entries. Its neurotoxicity is well documented. Aluminum adversely impacts memory, cognition, psychomotor control; damages the blood brain barrier; activates brain inflammation; and depresses mitochondrial function. Significant research suggests aluminum is a key player in the formation of the amyloid “plaques” and tangles in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Aluminum is implicated in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, autism, and has been demonstrated to induce allergy.

When kidney dialysis patients were accidentally infused with aluminum containing fluids, they developed “dialysis-induced encephalopathy” (DAE) with neurological symptoms: speech abnormalities, tremors, memory loss, impaired concentration and behavioural changes. Many of the patients eventually went into comas and died. The lucky ones survived: when the source of toxicity, aluminum, was removed from their dialysis they recovered rapidly.

With these new observations, researchers began investigating the adjuvant effects of aluminum and in the past decade there has been a flurry of research. Far from being a sandbag that holds the antigen for a while and then gets excreted, it turns out that aluminum salts trigger a storm of defence action. Within hours of injection of the same aluminum oxyhydroxide in vaccines into mice, for example, armies of specialized immune cells are on the move, calling in grid coordinates for more specialist assault forces. Within a day, a whole host of immune system commandos are in play — neutrophils, eosinophils, inflammatory monocytes, myeloid and dendritic cells, activating lymphocytes and secreting proteins called cytokines. The cytokines themselves cause collateral damage but they send out signals, directing cell-to-cell communication and recruiting other cells into action. If the next phase of the attack is launched: fibroblast growth factor, interferons, interleukins, platelet derived growth factor, transforming growth factor and tumour necrosis factor might all be engaged. There is evidence that poorly understood and pesky inflammasomes (currently a topic of cutting edge cancer causation research) such as the Nod-like receptor 3 (NLRP) are activated too, but it is all still too early to say exactly what they’re doing.

New research emerging from University of British Columbia has found that aluminum adjuvant injected into mice can alter the expression of genes associated with autoimmunity. In their recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, immunologists at the University of Colorado found that even host DNA is recruited into the aluminum assault, that it rapidly coats injected alum, triggering effects that scientists have barely scratched the surface of understanding.

This mobility or “translocation” of aluminum in the body is perhaps the most disturbing of the mounting evidence in current aluminum research. In 1998, French researcher Romain Gherardi and his colleagues observed an emerging condition of unknown origin which presented in patients post-vaccination with Chronic Fatigue like symptoms including swollen lymph nodes, joint and muscle pain and exhaustion. Tissue biopsies of the patients’ deltoid revealed lesions up to 1 cm in diameter and unique from similar lesions of other diseases. They went to the lab for analysis and to Gherardi’s astonishment, they mainly consisted of macrophages – large white blood cells in the immune system whose job is to swallow up foreign invaders in the body. Enclosed in the cellular fluid of these phagocytes were agglomerates of nanocrystals of aluminum.

Gherardi and his colleagues began injecting mice with aluminum to see what happened. Their research published in 2013 revealed that the metal particles were engulfed by macrophages and formed MMF-like granulomas that dispersed — to distant lymph nodes, spleen, liver and eventually the brain. “This strongly suggests that long-term adjuvant biopersistence within phagocytic cells is a prerequisite of slow brain translocation and delayed neurotoxicity,” writes Gherardi in his February 2015 review of the relevant research in Frontiers in Neurology.

A more frightening animal study of aluminum is that of Spanish veterinary researcher Lluis Lujan’s study of ovine ASIA. After huge numbers of sheep in Spain died in 2008 in the wake of a compulsory multiple vaccine campaign against bluetongue, Lujan set out to find out what killed them – and he began by inoculating them with aluminum.

His 2013 study found that only 0.5% of sheep inoculated with aluminum vaccines showed immediate reactions of lethargy, transient blindness, stupor, prostration and seizures – “characterized by a severe meningoencephalitis, similar to post vaccine reactions seen in humans.” Most of them recovered, temporarily, but postmortem exams of the ones who didn’t revealed acute brain inflammation.

The delayed onset “chronic” phase of the disease affected far more of the sheep — 50-70% of flocks and sometimes virtually 100% of animals within a given flock, usually including all of those who had previously recovered. The reaction was frequently triggered by exposure to cold and began with restlessness and compulsive wool-biting, then progressed to acute redness of the skin, generalized weakness, extreme weight loss and muscle tremors, and finally, entered the terminal phase where the animals went down on their front quarters, became comatose and died. Post-mortem examinations revealed “severe neuron necrosis” and aluminum in the nerve tissue.

The immune system’s reaction to aluminum “represents a major health challenge,” Gerhardi declares in his recent review, and he adds that “attempts to seriously examine safety concerns raised by the bio-persistent character and brain accumulation of alum particles have not been made… A lot must be done to understand how, in certain individuals, alum-containing vaccines may become insidiously unsafe.”

Look up the research done by these scientists/experts…

For more information watch these documentaries:

Compiled by Becky Hastings with help from a friend. Becky is a wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. She has a passion for discovering truth and helping parents understand how routine medical recommendations can impact their babies and children.

Vaccine Ingredients

You’ve been told – probably many times – that vaccines are safe. So, what exactly is in that syringe being injected into the body of someone you love? Do you know? Does your doctor know? The following is a list directly from the CDC of the ingredients in all vaccines. The color coding will help you determine which vaccines contain human cell derivatives such as aborted fetal cell debris (including male and female DNA fragments), animal proteins, possible allergy irritants, and antibiotics.

Orange: Animal-derived 💗 Pink: Derived from humans cells 💛 Yellow: Toxic to humans 💚 Green: Allergy irritant 💙 Blue: Antibiotic

I always urge parents to double check all information – regardless of the source. Don’t believe me, but be sure to spend more time researching vaccines than you do any other item you may purchase for your baby – such as a car seat. Your baby’s health is too valuable to take any chances. Too many parents have learned the hard way that the risk of vaccines is actually quite high.

If you do decide your baby needs a vaccine, please research whether a Hepatitis B vaccine on the first day of life is a necessity for YOUR baby. Is YOUR baby truly at risk for Hepatitis B – an infection primarily shared through sexual promiscuity and the sharing of needles?

Before giving any vaccine at any time, take 3 minutes to read through these steps you can take prior to getting vaccines to help protect your baby. One of the biggest things you can do is to be aware that giving Tylenol (acetaminophen) in conjunction with vaccines greatly increases the risk of a vaccine reaction.

I have no vested interests in this topic. I write to educate and share information to empower parents to make wise choices for the life-long health and wellbeing of their family. Vaccine makers are 100% liability free. If their products cause any harm for any reason you cannot sue them or make any claim against them. Pause. Think about that.

Compiled by Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant!

Is Measles a Threat?

With all the measles hype, I needed to compile information so parents can have confidence in the decisions they make for their children.

Worried about Measles?

Did you know 10-13 people die each year from a falling vending machine?? 

Or, that 450 die each year by falling out of bed??

Your chances of dying of measles symptoms in America is miniscule. There has been less than 1 death per year from complications arising from a measles infection in the last 8 years.

Furthermore, in 1960 prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine, the rate of measles deaths in the US population of 179,300,000 was .0000021, hardly a threat.

If you have adequate Vitamin A, your chance of dying from a deficiency is ZERO.

A healthy well nourished baby/child with adequate vitamin A levels may contract measles, but it will result in a mild infection which will then provide life-long natural immunity. Even Dr Paul Offit had measles!

Watch this 8 minute video of “Measles Back in the Day” to understand how society viewed a measles infection.

Before the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, even doctors and scientists considered measles to be a mild, mostly benign illness. Read a description of measles from 1959, published in the British Medical Journal.

Did you know that historically there has always been opposition to vaccines? Parents, please do your own research. Why is the media pushing us to fear a measles infection? Why are we not told about the risk of harm from the vaccine? Some groups of children are more susceptible to harm, yet the public is not informed. Find a list of Pubmed articles at the end of this blog showing measles autism associations.

Did you know that there is a wealth of scientific papers demonstrating that Vitamin A protects against measles and reduces the impact of the illness? A list is provided at the end of this blog. Studies also show that having a measles infection as a child can have a protective benefit against certain types of cancers.[1]

Amidst all the hype about the danger of measles, what is the message pushed on the public? GET YOUR VACCINE. Yet, very little to nothing is said about the real risk of vaccine injury. The following graphic illustrates the actual reports of injury and death in the USA from the MMR vaccines as reported to the VAERS – a system which is estimated by a Harvard study to receive between 1-10% of actual events occurring after vaccines. Compare these statistics to the risk of death from measles of .0000021.

To be fair, those who receive a MMR vaccine – which contains a live virus – may receive some immunity for a limited amount of time, but the immunity wanes requiring ‘booster’ vaccines. As the data from VAERS clearly demonstrates, there are many risks associated with the MMR, MMRII and ProQuad vaccines – all routinely given to our babies and children. There is a link to the Merck MMRII vaccine package insert at the end of this blog. I always encourage parents to read the complete vaccine package insert for any vaccine they are considering giving to their baby/child.

There are serious concerns about the human DNA fragments in the MMMR vaccine because the virus was grown using aborted human fetal cell lines. This is both an ethical, religious and medical concern. Other vaccines that contain human DNA fragment debris are Hepatitis A, varicella (chickenpox), Pentacel, Rubella, and shingles vaccines.

So what’s your best strategy to help your baby/child stay healthy and avoid a serious measles infection? Boost your immune system and pay attention to vitamin A!

Boost your natural sources of vitamin A like sweet potatoes, grass fed organic (if possible) liver, and other foods high in vitamin A.

We all want healthy babies. We need to be extremely careful that we are not deceived and fall into the traps of those who seek to profit from our children.

I’m 76. When I was a child, people knew what to do when someone got the measles. Stay calm, preferably in bed in a darkened room so your eyes wouldn’t be harmed. Definitely stay out of the sun – anyway that is what my parents and grandparents did with us. We all got measles. No harm at all came to any of us, to our cousins, or to our friends. J Storey

Compiled by Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, truth activist. Navigating health information can be confusing. Becky writes and speaks because of her faith in Jesus Christ and her desire to warn parents of potentially harmful modern medical recommendations. Becky receives no renumeration for this work! While there is a ‘donate’ button this website, it has yet to be tested!

[1] The Unreported Health Benefits of Measles

A short list of papers on Vitamin A and measles infections:

Vitamin A reduces both morbidity and mortality in children 6mo – 5y

Vitamin A reduces pneumonia symptoms in measles cases of Zambian children (2002)

Low vitamin A IMPACTS severity of measles – known since 1992.

Complication rates are increased by immune deficiency disorders, malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency (2004)

A 25 yo man with severe measles improved after IM vitamin A administration. Vitamin A deficiency is a known risk factor for measles. (2017)

A study from Africa showing vitamin A deficiency associated with increased mortality, with a greater effect in boys than in girls. (2012)

“Measles is a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality. Vitamin A deficiency is a recognized risk factor for severe measles infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends administration of an oral dose of vitamin A (200,000 international units (IU), or 100,000 IU in infants) each day for two days to children with measles when they live in areas where vitamin A deficiency may be present…two doses were associated with a reduced risk of mortality and pneumonia-specific mortality in children under the age of two years.”

Malnourished are most at risk for fatality from measles infections

More information on the actual rate of measles

Measles overview

We hear repeatedly ‘there is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism’, yet we can read these government published studies which implicate vaccines as a cause of Autism:

Merck MMRII vaccine package insert

What’s in Vitamin K???

You may be skeptical about this information. That’s good. I encourage you to be skeptical. Here are a lot of links you can study and draw your own conclusions. Thanks to Lowell Hubbs

URGENT: If you do nothing else, please watch this 8 minute video which explains WHY the vitamin K shot was added as standard birth practice after the introduction of the Hepatitis B shot at birth in the USA. Allison Jones gives a clear thorough chemical analysis of the ingredients and explains how they impact the body. What are we doing to our precious newborns on the first day of life? The ‘vitamin K’ shot contains the same ingredients found in moth balls and is injected into our babies to hide the harm caused by the 50 lb dose of injected Hepatitis B vaccine recommended for every baby. Every person who understands this process will refuse. Please share with unsuspecting parents.

If that video didn’t convince you, Check out the following information:

VaxXed Stories: Dr. Suzanne Humphries in this 13 minute video talks about Cord Clamping & Vitamin K. Her time as a volunteer in Guatemala shaped how she views childbirth, particularly regarding delayed cord-clamping and Vitamin K.

Here’s more:

Vitamin K Shot ‘Ruins Family’s Life’
Consider the Dangers of Vitamin K Shot at Birth: And the Simple Solution…/consider-dangers-vitamin-k-sh…/
Synthetic vitamin K shot for my baby? No thanks
How Toxic Are Vitamin K and Hepatitis B Injections?…/how-toxic-are-vitamin-k-a…/
SUBJECT: Newborns: Vitamin K Injection Dangers
Skip that Newborn Vitamin K Shot…/
Should My Newborn Get A Vitamin K Shot?
Vitamin K
Research Article
BMJ 1992; 305 dos: (Published 08 August 1992)
Cite this as: BMJ 1992;305:341
Childhood cancer, intramuscular vitamin K, and pethidine given during labour.
CONCLUSIONS–The only two studies so far to have examined the relation between childhood cancer and intramuscular vitamin K have shown similar results, and the relation is biologically plausible. The prophylactic benefits against haemorrhagic disease are unlikely to exceed the potential adverse effects from intramuscular vitamin K. Since oral vitamin K has major benefits but no obvious adverse effects this could be the prophylaxis of choice.
Read more:

Previous blogs on the topic of vitamin K:

Compiler: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, avid reader, health promoter. I seek the truth available through Jesus Christ and try my best to live it and share it. This information is highly significant. Please share.

Are aborted baby parts in vaccines?

14 week gestation

The short factual answer is, YES.

Babies were specifically harvested from their mother’s wombs to provide living human cells as a desirable growth medium for vaccine development in the 1960s. Furthermore, the end product produced today contains some of the actual human DNA fragments used in the development of these products because it is impossible to fully purify a vaccine from all the human cellular debris. The DNA fragments are injected into the body with the rest of the components of the vaccines.

It’s true. While vaccines are pushed as a way to prevent infectious illness in children, most people are not aware that many vaccines are built on aborted human fetal tissue. Furthermore, parents are not told that this ‘preventative measure’ is known to kill some and harm countless numbers of others.

The rubella vaccine was the first vaccine derived from aborted human fetal cells. The rubella vaccine was added as the “R” to the MMRII licensed for use in 1979. This vaccine, exclusively used in the USA and used widely throughout the world, contains both RA27/3 cells (congenital rubella virus derived from an aborted baby) and WI-38 the first cell line used as a growth medium in vaccine development, derived from lung cells harvested from an aborted female baby.

MRC-5, the name of a second cell line used in vaccine development was developed in the U.K. using lung fibroblast cells from a male baby aborted at 14 week gestation (the size of the photo at the top of the page) for ‘psychiatric reasons’. Sometimes referred to as “human diploid cells,” MRC-5 is used in the manufacture of many vaccines, including Pentacle vaccine (since 2008), Hepatitis A and A/B combination vaccines (since 1995), polio vaccine (Poliovax, 1987), and shingles vaccine for adults (2006).

In 1995 Varivax, manufactured by Merck, targeting the varicella or chicken pox virus, derived from aborted human fetal tissue was approved for the USA market and added to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) schedule. This vaccine was developed using both WI-38 cells harvested from a female baby, and MRC-5 cells harvested from the lung fibroblast cells of a 14 week gestation male baby.

Havrix, a Hepatitis A vaccine, propagated in human fibroblasts from the MRC-5 line was approved for use in limited populations groups in 1996. In 2005 ACIP expanded the recommendation for the Hepatitis A vaccine to include all babies in the USA. [1]

“Pentacel® contains inactivated polio viruses grown on the MRC-5 human fetal cell line. Since 2008, Pentacel® is recommended for children at 2, 4 and 6 months of age, and may account for the recent idea that scientists have become more adept at diagnosing autism at younger age. Diagnosis at younger age may more likely be the result of introducing human fetal cell vaccine contaminates to younger children.” [2]

Even today, the CDC confidently describes the rubella vaccine in their pink book:

“The RA 27/3 rubella vaccine is a live attenuated virus. It was first isolated in 1965 at the Wistar Institute from a rubella-infected aborted fetus. The virus was attenuated by 25–30 passages in tissue culture, using human diploid fibroblasts. It does not contain duck, chicken or egg protein.” Previous rubella versions contained duck embryo, dog kidney or rabbit kidney cells. [3]

The scientists were not concerned about the possible long-term impact of injecting foreign human DNA into a developing baby. The vaccine package insert for this vaccine continues to state, nearly 40 years later, “M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.” [4]

Surely, in 40 years there has been ample time to study how this vaccine, containing human DNA fragments, could be impacting those that are injected with it.

It has been suggested that there was only one abortion that provided the tissue necessary to produce the cell lines used in vaccine development. This is a side issue. But, a closer look reveals that a total of at least 80 separate, elective abortions recorded were involved in the research and final production of the present day rubella vaccine: 21 from the original WI-1 through WI-26 fetal cell lines that failed, plus WI-38 itself, plus 67 from the attempts to isolate the rubella virus.

As a further attestation to the reality of the scientific use of aborted human fetal tissue, it is noted that these cells lines are still available to purchase on-line today:

RA27/3 congenital rubella virus infected cells:

WI-38 human female fetal lung cells:

MRC 5 cell line male lung fibroblast cells:

WHAT IS THE IMPACT of injecting human DNA into our BABIES???

See the next blog….

The previous blog in this series examines the choice we make in using vaccines as a ‘preventative measure’.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. Becky also loves mountain biking and appreciates donations which mainly encourage her. 

[1] Hepatitis A is manufactured by both Merck and GSK and was first approved in 1996 for limited population groups. “To produce each vaccine, cell culture-adapted virus is propagated in human fibroblasts, purified from cell lysates, inactivated with formalin, and adsorbed to an aluminum hydroxide adjuvant.” The GSK version also has a preservative, 2-phenoxyethanol.

[2] Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979. Theresa A. Deisher*, Ngoc V. Doan, Angelica Omaiye, Rumiko Toyama and Sarah Bwabye, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, 1749 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109, USA.Received 13 May, 2014; Accepted 9 July, 2014

[3] CDC description and history of rubella vaccine

[4] Complete vaccine package insert for the MMRII

A Loving Entreaty

I seek to lovingly make my case for why a person thoroughly convinced that vaccines are absolutely essential “because they have saved the lives of millions of children,” should re-evaluate their firmly held ideas about vaccines.

I am absolutely convinced. You are also absolutely convinced. One of us is wrong.

I am not accusing you of causing harm to children. I am not trying to load you with a burden of guilt. I am not assaulting your character, your competence, or your training. I am simply asking you to reexamine your stance on vaccines and ask yourself before God, “Is it possible that I could have been deceived?”

I come to this topic not as a doctor, but as a mother, a grandmother, a breastfeeding counsellor eager to help moms raise a healthy baby, and as a citizen journalist seeking to uncover the truth.

But mostly, I come to this topic as a devoted follower and believer in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes in 1980 to accept God’s grace and salvation though Jesus. As a thoroughly rebellious individual, I wholeheartedly dived into grace, seeking God’s direction, through the Holy Spirit, towards truth in every area of my life. Hard decisions were made easier because of my past wrong choices that were primarily guided by adhering to cultural norms. I questioned every culturally accepted practise, especially where it pertained to the babies God blessed my husband and I with.

Trying to change the mind of a resolute vaccine proponent is a huge assignment for which I need some help. I am not a doctor. That doesn’t make me less able to read and understand science and statistics, but it may make me less able to understand how thoroughly entrenched vaccine thinking is amongst those who have undertaken medical training. Thus, I have chosen a doctor who explains in detail his journey as he began asking questions about vaccines, and what he discovered as he explored with an inquiring mind.

Sam Eggertsen, MD

I’ve been accused of not understanding physiology and seeking to benefit from the fact that most of the population is vaccinated, thus keeping myself, my children, and my grandchildren safe from infectious disease even though we refuse vaccines. However, I believe the science that has been uncovered in the last 15 years presents facts showing the foundation for injecting vaccines is faulty. Dr Suzanne Humphries has done more research on vaccines than any medical professional known and does a brilliant job explaining both the physiology of the human body, detailed analysis of the most recent science available, and the mechanism of vaccines in light of the latest understanding of the gut microbiome, the blood brain barrier, aluminum safety, and many other topics. It will take some time to listen and comprehend her lectures. Some of her lectures I have watched and taken notes four times or more. If you are honestly interested in finding out the true state of vaccine safety and efficacy in light of all the recent science discovered, you can find a lot more of Dr Humphries’ videos for free on Youtube. She has also written two excellent books, Dissolving Illusions (a detailed historical analysis of polio) and Rising From the Dead (a fantastic autobiography reflecting on her training in medicine and her journey to question her training) both available on Amazon. One of the most exciting aspects of Dr Humphries’ story is her coming to find a relationship with Jesus Christ after she began her search for truth in the vaccine realm which she describes in her autobiography.

Suzanne Humphries, MD

There are so many reasons to be skeptical about vaccine safety. Each topic could be a complete book. I will list some of the most powerful, compelling points which convinced me that vaccines deserve to be questioned:

  1. Absolute immunity. The makers of vaccines were granted absolute immunity from lawsuits for any type of damage caused by their products in 1986. This has seriously reduced the motivation for manufacturers to ensure the safety of vaccines. It is a business plan to die for: a product recommended to millions, yet no liability.
  2. Acknowledged harm. Since 1988, after vaccine makers received protection, nearly $4 billion has been paid by the HHS to victims of vaccine injury and death. HHS was charged with the mantel of vaccine safety by the same act of Congress, which gave protection to the makers, and the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) was set up to compensate for known and expected vaccine harm.
  3. Lack of safety studies. In July 2018 HHS confirms they have not conducted any safety reports or studies on the improved safety of vaccines in over 30 years, as they were charged by Congress to do in 1986.
  4. Bloated schedule. In 1986 children were recommended to have a small number of vaccines. Since the makers have been protected from liability, the recommended vaccine schedule has ballooned. Children are now recommended to receive 72 vaccines by 18 years for 18 different infectious illnesses.
  5. Manufacture and delivery errors. Vaccine manufacture in inherently unsafe. Cold supply delivery chain is essential for many vaccines. Unsafe batches and unsafe delivery is a very real risk. The Cutter Incident and the Wyeth memo reveal some history of unsafe vaccines in the USA. Additionally, today many vaccines are made in China and the USA FDA has no jurisdiction over the safety. Chinese vaccines have had several serious wide-spread problems. An Italian study in 2017 demonstrates serious contamination in most vaccines analysed. []
  6. Administrative errors become increasingly problematic with the bloated schedule of vaccines given. In Texas a 4-month-old baby was given her recommended vaccines and was also injected with the HPV vaccine intended for her older brother. All the vaccines were put on a tray and all injected into baby. The doctor received no disciplinary action. The mother struggled with baby’s health. All connection to vaccines was denied, and CPS was called to initiate the removal of baby from the mother’s care. Sheila Ealey recounts how in 2000 her son, a twin, was given both MMR vaccines, as well as the DTaP and HIB at their routine one-year doctors visit. Somehow the office staff intended to give MMR shots to each twin, but injected her son with two MMR vaccines. He is severely neurologically impaired, while his twin sister excels in many areas. Administrative errors happen.
  7. Aluminum. There are many questionable ingredients in vaccines, perhaps in small amounts, too many to focus on in this list. One of the more troubling ingredients in vaccines is aluminum, added purposefully as an adjuvant in much larger quantities to ramp up the body’s immune response. If an infant receives all the vaccines on the CDC recommended schedule, the will be injected with 4,925 mcg of aluminum  by 18 months of life. The FDA stipulates a safe limit for intravenous feeding of 25 mcg per day. The aluminum content and quantity in vaccines has never been studied for safety or long-term impact. Current aluminum ‘studies’ are based on ingested aluminum in an adult. More on aluminum, by world renowned aluminum expert, Dr Christopher Exley, Keele University: []
  8. Human DNA fragments. Many vaccines are derived from the use of aborted human fetal cells. While attempts are made to remove these cells from the final vaccine product, there remains residual contamination of DNA fragments of both male and female aborted babies. The practise of developing pharmaceutical products from aborted fetal tissue may be abhorrent to many, but purposefully injecting DNA into infants with no long-term safety testing is proving to be extremely problematic and perhaps contributory to a host of issues, including auto-immune disorders and NDD. “In the US, autism has spiked up in 3 distinct years, called changepoints. The first changepoint occurred in 1981, the second in 19881, and the third in 1996. These spikes coincide with the introduction of vaccines that are produced in human fetal cells.” Dr Theresa Deisher
  9. Deception and Greed. Jeremiah warned us thousands of years ago, “the heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it.”Many of the NT writers also warn of deception based on greed. Here is just one example: “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.” 2 Peter 2:1-3. Throughout history people with power have sought to control, gain wealth, and gain more power through taking advantage of others. The reality of companies seeking profit over health is just as real today and can be easily verified by the track record of pharmaceutical companies and prescription drugs – for which lawsuits can be brought. If pharmaceutical manufacturers have pled guilty, or been fined billions of dollars in cases of purposefully perpetuating harm on a population in order to profit through the sale of a specific drug, why do we trust them absolutely in the area of vaccine manufacture? Jesus told us to judge by the fruit. Is the fruit of the pharmaceutical company above reproach? “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing but inside are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” Matt 7:15
  10. Unavoidably unsafe. The US Supreme Court ruled that vaccines were unavoidably unsafe, yet the media, the CDC, local pharmacies, doctors, and nurses continue to tell the public that “vaccines are safe and effective.” Somewhere, somehow, there is a disconnect. Both statements cannot be true. []
  11. VAERS. While the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System is a passive reporting system and cannot be an absolute marker of true vaccine reactions, the NIH estimates it accurately reflects only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events because most cases are not reported.
  12. Media slant. Orchestrated campaigns and the full weight of media seek to drive home one message. Why can’t their be rational discussion and honest questions on the topic of vaccine safety?
  13. Legislative Onslaught driven by Pharmaceutical companies. In the name of ‘safety for the children’ nearly every state is facing rabid lawmakers seeking to push through obviously pharma favorable bills.
  14. Fraud. Admitted fraud by the CDCWhistleblower, Dr William Thompson and the two scientists working on the MMR vaccine for Merck. Paul Thorsen is a major author of papers promoted by the CDC as proving vaccine safety, yet is wanted on many criminal counts by the FBI. See this 22 page report on the criminal activity of this CDC researcher:
  15. Myth of Herd Immunity. Disease rates and vaccine rates in 1980 were low. Most adults were not up-to-date on vaccines, thus did not posses vaccine acquired immunity. Basically, because the overall vaccine rate in the population there was no ‘herd immunity’, yet there were not widespread outbreaks of disease. Herd immunity is a term that only accurately applies to the immunity acquired via natural exposure to diseases such as measles.
  16. Hepatitis B shot given to newborns on the first day of life. Please investigate this one vaccine. Why are mothers who test negative for Hepatitis B still encouraged to give their babies the Hep shot on the first day of life? This disease is well known to be primarily transmitted through sharing needles and sex. Why does a 24 hour old baby get injected? This vaccine contains 250 mcg of aluminum and has never been studied for long-term safety. Recent studies show a potential increase in neurological developmental disorders in animals who received the vaccine equivalent for their weight. These studies were repeated and the team found a latency period suggesting that greater neurological harm develops over time. This finding needs urgent attention. Until conclusive results are found, vaccine recommendation for babies of Hepatitis B negative mothers should be halted immediately. []
  17. SV40. Polio vaccines administered in the 1960s were contaminated with a cancer causing virus, simian virus 40. []
  18. Vibrant health of non-vaccinated individuals. It is so obvious and it speaks for itself. Doctors who have a large non-vaccinated population note they are the healthiest of all the children they see by far. Non vaccinated individuals with adequate nutrition, clean water, and a healthy life-style are utilizing their God-given innate immune system for protection against illness. Additionally, breastfeeding is the designed method to feed babies and passes on immunological benefits that last a life-time.

If after investigating each of these 18 points, you are still absolutely convinced of the necessity and goodness of vaccines, we may just have to agree to disagree. I do not believe we should expose even one healthy child to harm in the hope of protecting many. The reality is that we may be exposing a far higher percentage to harm than we every thought possible.

I am absolutely convinced. You are absolutely convinced. One of us is wrong. One day, before God, we will find out.

This decision – whether to question vaccine safety and history or accept the mainstream point of view – is critically important to your personal health, your family’s health, generations to come, and our culture as a whole. Paul’s admonishment to the Ephesians seems appropriate to keep in mind as we delve into this topic:

Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for God’s wrath is coming on the disobedient because of these things. Therefore, do not become their partners. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light… Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:6-13; 15-16

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. Becky also loves mountain biking and appreciates donations which mainly encourage her. 


TDaP for Grandparents, etc.

Your child is having a baby. You can’t wait to meet your new grand baby. BUT, you’ve been told you should get a TDaP to “protect the new baby”. Is that a good idea for your health? (if you don’t want to read, skip to the end and watch the video)

There are two different vaccines on the market offered to adults. Neither has been tested to see if it could possible cause cancer, mutagenesis (gene changes) or infertility. I know you probably aren’t concerned about infertility at your age, but cancer…

  • Adacel by Sanofi Pasteur contains 330 mcg aluminum. View the complete vaccine package insert here.
  • Boostrix by GlaxoSmithKline contains 390 mcg aluminum. View the complete vaccine package insert here.

Both contain inactivated bacteria and were released in 2005 for age 10 to 64 years. Adacel is NOT approved for individuals 65 years and older. In addition to the bacterial components and the aluminum, Adacel contains “≤5 mcg residual formaldehyde, <50 ng residual glutaraldehyde and 3.3 mg (0.6% v/v) 2-phenoxyethanol (not as a preservative).”Boostrix’s other seriously concerning ingredients are: 4.5 mg of sodium chloride, ≤100 mcg of residual formaldehyde, and ≤100 mcg 382  polysorbate 80 (Tween 80). Polysorbate 80 is known to open the blood brain barrier which is why it is used in cancer therapy which attempts to target brain tumors. The combination of aluminum and polysorbate 80 could have a SERIOUS NEGATIVE IMPACT on AGING BRAINS!

Is the amount of 330 mcg or 390 mcg of aluminum safe?

There is no experimental scientific evidence of any kind that proves this amount of aluminum is safe to inject into any age person.

“Curiously, if you were to perform a simple search of the scientific literature available on aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate prior to 1970, you can find studies such as this one, where it is being used to produce experimental epilepsy and seizures in monkeys. Or this one, where it was found to cause neurofibrillary degeneration of nerve cells (which is known to lead to the development of Alzheimer’s). Or this one, in which it was described that there were “difficulties” in mass-vaccinating children with aluminum-containing vaccines, due to febrile reactionsaluminum cysts at the site of injection, post-vaccination encephalopathy (brain dysfunction, disease, or disorder), paralytic poliomyelitis of the injected limb, and other unfavorable results…

There’s an endless amount of research on experimentation with aluminum for various purposes, but when it comes to real information on what might be a safe limit of injection, the literature is lacking.” Think Love Healthy

Please see the entire blog by for a lot more detailed referenced information on the history of aluminum safety.

When it comes to injecting aluminum there is no scientific study that has ever been done to determine safe limits. Babies currently are given up to 1200 mcg of aluminum in just one ‘well baby’ visit at 2 months. This is 48 times the safe limit set by the FDA of 25 mcg. Babies receive further shots with similar amounts of aluminum repeated at 4 and 6 month visits!!

There is no evidence to say that aluminum is safe for babies, their parents, or their grandparents. There is no way to know if an individual will be adversely impacted. Aluminum is present in every brain of individuals with Alzheimer’s studied by Dr Christopher Exley. Dr Exley also found the highest levels of aluminum ever seen in the brains of those suffering with autism.

Far more could be written about whether the TDaP is even effective in preventing the transmission of pertussis bacteria to the precious new baby. If you have any doubt and are still thinking of getting it, please watch this video on the scientific basis of effectiveness of the vaccine.

If the above video link is not working, try this one:

I put this information together very quickly primarily to help a new good friend who is struggling with a request from her daughter in law to get the TDaP to ‘protect’ her son’s first child. We are praying the parents will seek wisdom with regard to vaccines! If you have a loved one convinced vaccines are good, I wrote this for you.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.