Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Blind leading blindThere are many kinds of people in the world. Perhaps they could be divided into 3 broad categories:

  1. those who never knowingly lie;
  2. those who lie occasionally;
  3. those who deliberately lie;
  4. those who perpetuate a lie because while they actually fall into category 1 above, they have believed a lie from someone who falls into category 3.

Human nature often encourages slight alterations of the truth. We want to present ourselves well. Sometimes we are not even aware that we are communicating a lie.

However, I want to focus on how to recognize those who fall into category 3. In my life I haven’t really encountered too many of this type, but as I am seeking to know and understand TRUTH in a broad range of topics, it is becoming increasingly clear that there are people who are purposefully and knowingly perpetuating lies for some motive which is not always apparent.

History is a great place to discover many lies, but it takes tenacity and digging for real evidence, to understand that some of the short paragraphs in our history books are actually more false than true.

For some time in the US we have been conditioned by our culture to believe what we are told, not to think for ourselves, and to accept the messages given by authorities without question. Dr John Taylor Gatto, a New York Teacher of the Year with over 30 years of experience, wrote about this in Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, which was first printed in 1991 and updated in 2002.[1]

At one time I thought spies and counter intelligence agents were purely fiction. When watching episodes of Chuck with my children, I never dreamed there were real people in the real world in similar operations, but unlike Chuck and Sara, they did not have good intentions, a good conscience, or seek to do the ‘right’ thing.

There are currently government psyops seeking to impact the way you and I think. A psyop is short for “psychological operation”. The people who are given the task of implementing such operations are often referred to as an OP, or operative.

There are some general characteristics of OPs that can help us to analyze information we receive to protect us from getting duped – and thus falling into category 4 above. OPs often do a great job of fitting in, looking normal, and appearing to have the same goals and purposes of the group which they infiltrate. They often seem like ‘the most trusted individuals of all.’

Some questions are too important to get wrong. It seems the number one point to remember is – Question everything and everyone.

If there are people in our country capable of perpetuating a great lie on the entire population, you can be sure that they are also capable of mounting a significant ‘disinformation movement’ in order to lead those who might discover the lie, down a different path – a path of their own making. It is an ALTERNATIVE path, but not a path to the real TRUTH.

Thus, in the maze of alternative information sources we must be careful to question. Just because someone labels himself or herself “alternative” does not always guarantee they are a truth seeker and truth proclaimer.

To be fair, some in the alternative media might be proclaiming lies – unknowingly – as in category 4.

Dr Judy Wood shares an important list of points to consider when evaluating information and seeking to know ‘who can I trust?'[2] This list can help provide discernment to discover if a person’s intent is to mislead, confuse, and divide. Disinformation specialists do not announce their intentions. They try to gain trust and get people to accept their ideas, then subtly lead them astray or cause a breakdown in an effective group. Even if you don’t claim to be a follower of Jesus, you can certainly see the truth of His words to his followers:  “Beware of false prophets, they come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inside are ferocious wolves.”[3]

  1. Does this person encourage me to think my own thoughts or do they want to pressure me to accept their thoughts as my opinion?
  2. Does this person support and encourage me to continue working independently or do they try to impede my research efforts?
  3. Does this person share facts and documented evidence or attack those with a different point of view?
  4. Does this person respect me if our opinions differ? Can they tolerate independent thought? Can we rationally discuss ideas when we differ?
  5. Does this person have any financial or career links to the points they are making?
  6. Do they resort to authority? “I’m a nurse” or “I’m a doctor” or “listen to a doctor”

Discussion in the field of vaccine research can be highly emotive. Many parents at one time were in category 4. They were lied to. They believed a lie. They believed vaccines were safe and effective, only to find they weren’t – at least in the case of their own child. They live with the pain of that decision every day of their lives as they deal with vaccine injury. To be fair, maybe their doctor also fell into category 4 – he also thought vaccines were safe and effective. However, doctors have been so conditioned, have been lied to and participated in the lie for so long, that they have a very hard time ever admitting vaccine injury – even when it is right in front of them with a patient collapsing with seizures after a vaccine or not able to walk or talk after a round of ‘boosters.’

MiSTRAL En.inddOur own personal health and safety is up to us. Strong forces stand to benefit more when we accept everything we are told by those in authority. They don’t want us to question for ourselves. That should be a big red flag in and of itself.

I wish strength and health to you and your family in your search for truth. I hope my writing might be a means of facilitating questioning and truth seeking. If you have always assumed there was a rock solid case for vaccine safety, I encourage you to seek to understand your advisor well. What are the motives or the financial ties of those who are giving your information? Don’t fall prey to the blind leading the blind.[4] If you plan on giving some vaccines please read this first. Blessings.

IMG_0423Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, and truth seeker with a passion for health, joy and Jesus Christ.

[1] John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down. 2001

[2] This is part of a list developed by Dr Judy Wood, How to Recognize an OP (Operative)  from her extensive search for truth in the 911 maze of information and disinformation.

[3] Matthew 7:15

[4] Luke 6:39 (ESV) “[Jesus] also told them a parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?'”

What to do if CPS Shows up at Your Door

Family HandsSometimes children are harmed in their homes. This does not make every parent a suspect. In our current hyper vigilant age, there are more parents being reported to CPS than ever before.

  • Loving parents who refuse a recommended medical treatment for their child can be reported by a doctor who might fear losing his license to practice medicine.
  • Neighbors or estranged family members may report a family despite the lack of grounds to support any allegations of abuse.
  • Parents with a sick child seeking a second opinion have been reported to CPS by hospital or medical authorities.

Family HeartSince more parents are experiencing a visit from CPS than ever before, and since sometimes those visits have resulted in the quick removal of children – despite no grounds to allegations of harm or abuse – it is critically important for every parent to have a good idea of how to respond to a CPS visit. Don’t think ‘it can’t happen to me.’ Take any visit by CPS seriously.

The most significant mistakes made by parents are usually in the very first encounter. If you can understand how to handle the very first encounter with CPS, you can increase your chances of maintaining your family’s rights and freedom. CPS will often seek to take a family by surprise. Be prepared.

holding the key1. THE KEY: Be polite & SAY AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. You might be terrified inside. You might be absolutely angry if you feel there is injustice going on, but the number one thing you can do is stay calm and be polite. Anything you say can be twisted. Do NOT DEFEND YOURSELF. Do NOT volunteer information.

2. Do NOT let them in your house. Be nice but STAY FIRM. Have one statement ready and repeat it over and over “I know you are just doing your job, but my main obligation is to my children and to help them avoid unnecessary trauma.” If they do not have a warrant and there is no obvious emergency, they are not allowed access to your home. If a police officer is with them, they all know it is illegal to enter a home unless you CONSENT, or unless they have a warrant, or can hear an emergency situation going on. DO NOT CONSENT. 

3. Ask permission to ask THEM questions. “I realize you are just doing your job. Would it be ok if I asked you a couple of questions?” Then, ask if you can record the conversation. If you need to get your cell phone, close the door and say, “I need to get something.” These are the questions to ask them:

  • “Firstly, do you have some identification? After you get their ID, write down their name, then ask, “Can you give me the name and phone number of your supervisor?” Write it all down. Take your time.
  • Next “What are the exact allegations that have been made against me? Federal law requires that I should be informed of any allegations against me.”
  • Ask them if they have a warrant. Be direct. “Do you have a warrant to search my home or speak to my children?” If they produce a warrant make sure it is signed by a judge and dated.

Without a warrant they must gain your consent to enter your home or speak to your children. They are doing their job. Their supervisor has instructed them to make this visit and they will use whatever tactic they feel will be effective to GET MORE INFORMATION AGAINST YOU. They may alternate between: trying to be nice, being firm, threatening or trying to bargain with you. Stay immune to every tactic. Be Nice, but know your rights. Do not get caught up in their games. Don’t engage them in any discussion, except on the questions above.

4. Tell them you are going to contact your attorney and when you get them on the phone, you will allow them to speak to your attorney. Close the door. Phone your attorney so the attorney can speak to the CPS case worker and help them to leave. Your attorney will know the law and remind the case worker of your rights. It is always a good idea to have an advocate on your side.

What do I do if I don’t have an attorney?

If you are a Christian and Homeschooling, you might like to consider joining Heritage Defense.[1] If you are homeschooling you might like to join Home School Legal Defense Association who will defend you against allegations by social services as they pertain to homeschooling. Both organizations require a monthly or yearly fee but are available for telephone help immediately in any emergency situation you might face.

I pray you will never need to use this information. Unfortunately, in the present time of extensive government involvement in the lives of parents, many parents have found themselves in complex situations with CPS. It is better to be forewarned and forearmed. Your number one desire is to protect your children from harm. Too often CPS has brought more harm than help.

Please share your tips for keeping your family safe from unwarranted intrusion in the comments below.

Becky Hastings

DSC_0062Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the very real dangers threatening the health and freedom of today’s parents, providing information to navigate towards joyful family living!


UPDATE: My blog post has been read and shared among nearly 500,000 viewers.

If you need legal help, here is a list of possible resources.

There is obviously a lot of concern on the topic of CPS and protecting your family. Whether you are currently being investigated by CPS, are a non-offending parent in an open CPS case, or are a mandated reporter, this post by Women’s Justice Center in California has some great tips for “Avoiding the Abuses of Child Protective Services“. The topics presented: A. Tips on How and Where to Report Child Abuse; B. Tips for dealing with CPS if CPS has already opened a case regarding abuse of your child; and C. Tips for getting the best possible representation from your court appointed attorney.

If you’ve never heard of CPS abuses, you might be interested to watch this 13 minute video presentation by Senator Nancy Schaefer from Georgia, highlighting some of her findings after investigating the CPS system for four years. Nancy and her husband were shot and killed in 2010 in what the authorities ruled was a murder suicide. Nancy had been speaking out against CPS abuses and had written a report entitled, The Corrupt Business of the Child Protective Services which focused “on the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS). However, I believe Child Protective Services nationwide has become corrupt and that the entire system is broken almost beyond repair. I am convinced parents and families should be warned of the dangers.”

“I have witnessed such injustice and harm brought to these families that I am not sure if I even believe reform of the system is possible! The system cannot be trusted. It does not serve the people. It obliterates families and children simply because it has the power to do so. Children deserve better. Families deserve better. It’s time to pull back the curtain and set our children and families free.”

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and the needy” Proverbs 31:8-9

[1] Interview with Bradley Pierce of Heritage Defense on Law and Liberty Radio. Preserving our Freedoms, Defending Our Heritage.

Vaccines & DNA

My heart is heavy as I write this. I do not claim to have all the answers. I know there are better ways to express this information, and I’m sure many of the facts could be refined to be more precisely accurate. However, the foundation of these facts is undisputed. I’d love ideas for how to better express them.

DNAIs our current schedule of vaccines containing animal DNA and residual virus particles a risk for our very survival?

Vaccines are known to contain foreign cell proteins in a variety of forms from aborted human fetal cell fragments to monkeys, pigs, dogs[1], insects[2], guinea pigs, cows, chicks, eagles and more. Every vaccine can contain a variety of these foreign proteins, DNA fragments and accompanying viruses known to infect these animals.[3]

Animals and animal cells have been used in creating vaccines from the earliest efforts to “protect” the population from infectious disease. There have always been residual amounts of these cells that are being injected intramuscularly into the body with every vaccine given.

What impact does injecting foreign proteins, DNA and virus have?

Close contact with animals has been known to cause transfer of viruses specific to animal populations to humans.[4] One concern (and there are many others) is that injecting these foreign animal cells, known to be vehicles for retroviruses particular to those animals, has a much broader impact on human health than has been recognized. Simian virus 40 (SV40) is a commonly known retro virus from monkey kidney cells. The n

Most people by now have probably heard of SV40 which came from rhesus monkeys that were used to grow the polio virus cells in the late 1950s in the process of vaccine manufacture. The CDC admitted that polio vaccines given in the early 1960s were contaminated with this virus and the impact is becoming more apparent as the millions of people injected is aging and experiencing specific cancers associated with SV40. Lab analysis of brain and other tumors confirms the presence of SV40.[6]

SV40 has also been found in the tumors of children with cancer today, although the vaccine has not been used for 40 years or so. How is this possible?

Either there is still residual SV40 in current vaccines, or these viruses have changed the human genome and have been passed from their mothers.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is now a serious risk for infection for babies. It is actually, Simian Coryza Virus, a virus common to monkeys which was renamed. It is a new viral risk for human children, unknown previously.

Is the animal DNA we have injected into our bodies, and that is being injected into our babies, negatively impacting our optimal health?

Keep in mind it has taken 50 years for scientists working in this field to realize (or admit) that these viruses are here and that they are causing sickness and cancer now. How long will it take to realize that the current contaminated vaccines have infected the human race?

There are many important questions raised, yet it is so taboo to ask questions regarding the vaccines recommended by the CDC that all scientific discourse is shut down. Has our vaccine program become the sacred cow? Are scientists, medical professionals and thinkers confined to staying in one paradigm in understanding this topic?

Can we release our infatuation with the idea of vaccines long enough to examine the true evidence and follow the science until we find answers to these important questions? Have we been ensnared by a lie?

However difficult, we need to have these discussions, especially in the Christian community.

Author: Becky Hastings, a truth seeking, ardent Christ following, wife, mother and grandmother, passionate to help the next generation raise healthy offspring for the glory of God.


[1] CDC: Cell-Based Flu Vaccines

[2] Insect cell technology is a versatile and robust vaccine manufacturing platform.

[3] You can examine the CDCs own list of ingredients and excipients, noticing these words: Bovine Extract, Bovine Serum Albumin, Fetal Bovine Serum, Calf Serum Protein, Egg Protein, Egg Albumin, Chick Kidney Cells, Monkey Kidney Tissue, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium, Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK), Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1), Human Serum Albumin, MRC 5 DNA and Cellular Protein (human fetal cells, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, and DNA. Complete list of all ingredients and excipients in vaccines from CDC.

[4] Viruses Transmissible From Laboratory Animals to Man, J. O’H. TOBIN, Lab. Anim. (1968) 2, 19-28.h, Public Health Laboratory, Withington Hospital, Manchester, 20. Downloaded from on April 28, 2015

[5] Simian Virus 40 (SV40): A Cancer Causing Monkey Virus from FDA-Approved Vaccines

[6] Simian Virus 40 and Human Disease

Health, Jesus, Vaccines: do they go together?

The following posts are all my attempts to share how my faith in Jesus Christ, my passion for health and my search for answers to vaccine questions intersect:

My Dear Friend – it’s about vaccines

The Shocking Truth About Aborted Human Cells and Vaccines

Baby napGod Values All Human Life

Calling All Christians

Urgency Versus Complacency

What Do We Do?

An Answer for the Vaccine Question

Answers When Tragedies Weigh Us Down

Struggles With Pain and Death

Our Designer

My Heart about Health

A Tribute to a Truth Warrior, Melanie Hamilton Baldwin, one of the founding members of The Thinking Moms Revolution, and earnest follower of Jesus Christ.

I will not Shrink Back

I’d love to hear your thoughts, please leave your comments below.

DSC_0062Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!

What Do we Do?

WDWD1When the Son of Man returns, how many will He find on earth who have faith? Luke 18:8

Jesus appeared to His followers many times during the 40 days after His death and resurrection.

In one of these encounters they asked him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?” Acts 1:6

They were thinking small. They were thinking of the history they knew. They were thinking of their own personal goals and aspirations. They wanted their country to be restored to its former glory. They thought they understood God’s will.

In the same way, many today are looking to God to restore America to its former glory.

I would argue that the glory of America is gone. The government has been taken over by corrupt entities with an agenda to dominate and control. This agenda is diametrically opposed to the views and aspirations of the majority of Americans.

This is not a situation that will be solved through political maneuvering. It is not going to be remediated through a change of political parties. The agenda of those with control is above politics and exert strong influence on both sides to manipulate towards their ends.

I believe Jesus’ purposes transcends the personal comfort of the American people. He is Lord. He has conquered death to be our Savior and fix our biggest problem, yet if we expect that His agenda is to repair our broken country, or help us to be comfortable, we are as naïve as the disciples.

Jesus answered: The Father alone [knows what is going on] and has the authority to set dates and times, and these details are not for you to know. Acts 1:7 

So what are we supposed to know and do in this crazy world we live in when we are faced with power-crazed domination?

Politics gone crazy, health care that is killing and maiming in massive numbers, poisoning through our food, water, air, drugs and even supposed ‘health and safety’ measures like vaccines? We have been lied to by main stream media, harassed by CPS, children kidnapped from innocent loving parents, spied on by our own government, and more. Is there any wonder we are fearful, untrusting, and suffering from anxiety?

Who do we trust?

Where do we turn for answers, hope, direction, wisdom, and safety?

The early disciples must have had similar fears, tension and anxiety.

Jesus told them: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. You will be MY WITNESSES, telling people everywhere ABOUT ME. Acts 1:7

Today we have the most incredible medium ever in the history of the world to share the message of Jesus.

124 Countries ReachedMy humble blog which is my small attempt to share truth and admittedly not all that impressive, certainly not perfect, just me, a solo operation with a few encouraging friends here and there. I’ve never received any monetary gain. I seek to share truth as God places it on my heart. I research, read and seek to understand. I share stories. I try to share my faith. Just this little blog has so far reached nearly 62,000 views by people throughout our world, accessed by people in 124 countries.

This is spiritual warfare people. (Ephesians 6)

We are in a spiritual battle.

The goal is not a comfortable life.

The goal is not the restoration of a nation you love.

The goal is your soul and the souls of every person on earth.

The enemy is powerful – BUT NOT ALL POWERFUL. Jesus Christ has supreme authority over all things (Colossians 1:15-20). He could immediately vanquish and restore His creation, BUT



WDWD4He has instructed and empowered His followers to share His message in this lost sick world.

The time may be short. Our comfortable life may be in jeopardy. Our mission is NOT to restore our comfortable life, but to help restore lost souls to Jesus.

How can we best respond to this mission?


The Gap. Good and Evil

ReflectionWe are all capable of evil. It’s not something many of us would admit.

Our natural state is to be in rebellion against God. When we are in this state we may not be aware of it, or of the evil that is impacting our lives. It’s usually easy to see the evil of others, but we remain oblivious to our own wrongs.

Paul was someone who was able to recognize his own sin and rebellion, because Jesus dramatically stopped him in his tracks when he was on an evil rampage to track down, imprison or kill anyone who was part of a new movement that followed Jesus Christ.

Jesus powerfully intervened in Paul’s life and brought a dramatic alteration that has powerfully impacted history. After Paul’s encounter with Jesus Christ, he went from being a persecutor intent on destroying those who followed Jesus, to an ardent proclaimer of this new message. His words are recorded for us in ancient documents written both from the perspective of close eyewitnesses and his own personal accounts. We learn the details of Paul’s encounter with God and how the mission and course of his life was drastically altered from the time of his encounter with Jesus until he died.

Many in our world today deny God. Or, if they admit to a possible “higher power,” they do not accept that Jesus Christ is our Creator, God’s revelation, plan, mystery and answer to man’s situation. They do not realize that this failure to respond to God’s gift of Jesus will ultimately separate them from their Creator.

Most people alive today have heard of Jesus. Most of us consider ourselves well-informed on most topics. When presented with a new angle on a subject with which we feel relatively knowledgeable, we often resist. Spiritual insight is given to those who seek it.

Paul was zealous with a spiritual zeal and Jesus dramatically poured life and light into his life so that he would see and understand the plans of God.

Paul summarized his mission that Jesus gave him:

  • To open the eyes of those who don’t understand the truth of God; and
  • Bring light to those who are oblivious to the work God has done through Jesus.

He said there are two kinds of people in the world and the gap that separates them is faith in Jesus Christ. (Acts 26:18)

2 Kinds PeopleAt one time every single person on earth was a member of the box on the left. Paul was a raging Christian-killer living in darkness, under the power of Satan, ruled by sin, facing sure judgment, all while he thought he was doing God’s will and bringing about God’s plans on earth. Up to this point, Paul had ardently conformed to the rules and structure of his religious traditions, completely unaware that he was on the wrong track.

I was once living in darkness, under the power of Satan, ruled by sin and facing sure judgment. I differed from Paul in that I had been taught about Jesus, but had turned my back on Him. I rejected the faith and knowledge that had been passed on to me by my parents. I thought I knew better. I became ensnared under the power of Satan to think that God’s way was not good and that I could find more happiness, success, and fulfillment on my own. I did not know I was becoming a slave to the power of Satan and that my life was ruled by sin.

finger-post-in-the-morning-sun-1553708-1279x852The only difference between those who remain in the box on the left and those who are in the box on the right, is faith. They have been set apart by faith in Jesus Christ. It is a spiritual transaction that may not be grasped intellectually. In fact, many that stubbornly refuse to explore the spiritual process of faith in Jesus will remain in darkness, under the power of Satan, ruled by sin and facing judgment.

It is not God’s desire for anyone to stay in the box on the left. He invites everyone to move, through faith, to the box on the right: to discover light, know the power of God, know forgiveness from sin, and have a place with God’s people forever.

David wrote of the reality of these two kinds of people, even though he didn’t fully understand God’s purpose and plan that we now have full access to, through Jesus:

Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts.
They have no fear of God at all.
In their blind conceit,
They cannot see how wicked they really are.
Everything they say is crooked and deceitful.
They refuse to act wisely or do good.
They lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots.
Their actions are never good.
They make no attempt to turn from evil.

Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens;
Your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
Your justice like the ocean depths.
You care for people and animals alike, O Lord.
How precious is your unfailing love, O God!
All humanity finds shelter
In the shadow of your wings.
You feed them from the abundance of your own house,
Letting them drink from your river of delights.

For you are the fountain of life,
The light by which we see.

Pour out your unfailing love on those who love you;
Give justice to those with honest hearts.
Don’t let the proud trample me
Or the wicked push me around.
Look Those who do evil have fallen!
They are thrown down, never to rise again.
David, Psalm 36

IMG_0423Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the true route to health, freedom and joyful family living!

Urgency versus Complacency

2000 years ago a man named John rose out of complete obscurity to proclaim an unusual and extremely urgent message.

CrossHe spoke with absolute confidence and power about someone who would come to prominence after Him. He didn’t fully understand the message he proclaimed, but his heart was tuned to God and he spoke as God led him. These are some of his pronouncements:

  • Someone is coming
  • He will separate the chaff from the wheat
  • He will clean up the threshing area
  • He will gather the wheat into his barn
  • He will burn the chaff with never-ending fire

The historical context in which he spoke was to a people experiencing oppression a dominant international force at the time, Rome. Many who heard his words expected a political clean up and an end to the Roman occupation of their land.

John spoke in metaphor so there can be much debate on his exact meaning, but there is no denying his sense of urgency and an impending judgment which would result in a positive experience for some and extreme judgment for others.

The same urgency was reiterated by Jesus, Paul, Peter and James in the writing we have preserved for us in the collection of books now known as the New Testament.

  • 2000 years have passed since these urgent words were recorded.
  • Many who claim to believe them have understandably slipped into complacency in their life.
  • It can be deduced that God did not bring a heaven here on earth experience during Jesus’ lifetime, as many expected. His mission was not for governmental or social reform and a clean-up mission. He didn’t do it 2000 years ago so is that His purpose today?

CrowdWhat is God’s mission? What was the urgent purpose started with the words of John the Baptist 2000 years ago? What does God want crowds of people to understand today?

From a complete reading of the historic collection of literature we call the Bible, we can see that God’s overall mission is calling individuals, one by one, to repent of their sin and follow Him. He created humans to worship Him. Perhaps the biggest sin committed by every human on earth is not worshipping God. Not seeking God in every area of life. Not surrendering unequivocally to God’s direction.

Faith surrenderPerhaps God is looking for simple faith which trumps hectic theological understanding and knowledge.

Too much theoretical discussion can lead to complacency. Children who have grown up in an environment formed on God’s truths (i.e. governments with a Judeo Christian foundation) can easily take the benefits for granted and feel protected because of the choices made by others who lived before them. God doesn’t want to be taken for granted. He wants every individual to surrender and allow Him to show them even more of His blessings.

His blessings do not translate into material accumulation. Sometimes we think those with the most stuff are favored by God, or we might think those with the most power are favored by God.

While there are many who live in the western world with an abundance that is easy to take for granted, the state of the world overall may arguably be considered more horrific than at any previous point in history.

  • The number of people, including young children, trapped in a life of slavery is a fact not easily acknowledged or understood by those of us who have never seen it.
  • Greed driven business has led to corruption beyond our imagination. Lives of people have become statistics willingly traded for bottom lines and growth of markets.
  • We live in a world where children are exposed to extreme violence and evil on a daily basis, either through media or their own personal experience.
  • Many eagerly call evil good and good evil. Confusion abounds on what is right and what is wrong. The motto seems to be whatever I can get away with and make a profit from is good.

So many of us are relatively comfortable and safe from these daily realities that it is easy for us to become complacent.

Paul traveled the world of his time urgently sharing what God had revealed to him. When Paul went to Ephesus he began to teach people about the Creator God. For a full understanding of all that Paul taught you can read through his many letters written during his lifetime, as well as the book of Acts where some of his speeches are recorded. He wrote his letters as a follow-up to encourage and instruct those who accepted his teaching and embraced Jesus Christ as God’s answer to the mess the world was in.

Paul’s teaching resulted in major life change for many people. As they surrendered to God and began to prioritize worshiping and serving God above all previous pursuits, they experienced a dramatic transformation. The things they had previously served became abhorrent to them. They realized that in their cultural traditions and rituals they had actually been serving God’s enemies and wanted to openly declare their new loyalty to the living God.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThey accumulated every item they owned which they associated with worshiping and following false gods and made a big bonfire. They included books instructing them in sorcery and incantations. They made a clear demarcation that they would only follow and worship the Creator God, source of all light.

This demonstration of dramatic life change was noticed by some powerful people. One significant leader, Demetrius, became worried because his business was founded on the concept of the local people continuing to serve false gods. If everyone in town accepted the truth of worshiping the Creator God as the only way to happiness and fulfillment in life, his business and livelihood would be ruined. He was not worried about truth or what was best for each person. He was worried about his profits and his bottom lines.

He called together everyone in his industry and stirred them up to act together to protect their industry and their future. He led them to mount an attack on the God followers and began spreading hatred and lies. Everyone in his industry was eager to join.

In reading this account in Acts 19 it is impossible for me not to think of the boardrooms of many corporations in the western world.

  • Secret meetings with alphabet agencies who are charged with protecting the population and delivering truth become vehicles of propaganda and indoctrination to support their corporate agendas.
  • Think tanks convened to figure out how to adjust data and invent new strategies to hide the truth from the unsuspecting public.
  • Deliberate plans orchestrated to discredit or remove all opponents.
  • Campaigns organized to target and attack using any and all means available.
  • Hectic marketing strategies devised to promote their agenda with a pretty face.
  • Money invested to ensure cooperation with mainstream media outlets and keep opposition silenced.
  • Writers planted to infiltrate social media channels to influence the public at every level of life.
  • Convincing everyone involved in the industry that those sharing the light and truth of God are dangerous to the corporate bottom line and future.
  • Profits, salaries, careers, reputations, and personal security are prioritized about truth and lives of the innocent.

Whistleblowers occasionally arise but are discounted and discredited. Most large corporations have legal armies that can outwit anyone with a heart to expose the truth.

We think we are very sophisticated because we live in a high-tech modern world and we have so many incredible inventions that make our life so easy. Yet it would seem that we are easily led into the same mindless chanting engaged in by the Ephesians:

“Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”

Today it might sound like this: ‘Great is our vaccine program.’ ‘We’ve conquered disease because we are so smart.’ ‘Great are our psychotropic drugs; we are making everyone’s life better.’ ‘You don’t need God.’ ‘You were created with an inadequate immune system.’ ‘Vaccinate everyone.’ ‘Our vaccines are great.’ ‘Drug everyone, especially children.’ ‘Our drugs are great.’

Money statueWhen a group of people, armed with a lot of money, seeks to spread their message on an unsuspecting population, they will make an impact.

When a group of people fiercely motivated by huge profits has a desire to make science support their beliefs, they can make it happen.

It doesn’t make them right.

Just because they are powerful, does not mean they are right.

There may be many good people involved in various aspects of these industries. That does not make the industry good. Every day I meet new families whose lives have been forever impacted by the errors of modern medical practice. Babies born healthy are subjected to vaccines promoted as safe and effective, yet how many young lives are sacrificed on an altar to a false god? Just because every baby receiving a vaccine does not die does not negate the thousands or hundreds of thousands who have died.

Seek God. Seek His truth. Beware of all evil associated with rejecting God.

Baby napThere is an urgency today. There are children being sacrificed every single day on the altar of greed. Babies are born healthy, injected with multiple doses of vaccines for which science attests to more danger than hoped for good, who die. Others are injured and severely impaired for life. Families are thrust into an unimagined life of suffering.

There is hope. But we need to educate each other so we can recognize truth versus lies.

Isaiah’s words written nearly 3000 years ago can inspire and encourage us even today:

Look, a righteous king is coming!
And honest princes will rule under him.
Each one will be like a shelter from the wind
and a refuge from the storm,
like streams of water in the desert
and the shadow of a great rock in a parched land.
Then everyone who has eyes will be able to see the truth,
and everyone who has ears will be able to hear it. Isaiah 32:1-3

I was once deceived, lost and enslaved by the world’s system. I believed the lies perpetuated in our culture. I was dramatically saved through the grace of God. He opened my eyes and has helped me to understand the truth and the joy of surrender to Him. I now seek to be like a great rock offering shade to those who live in a parched land. I want to be like a stream of water in the desert offering refreshment and life in the midst of draught. I want to help everyone to see the truth of God and come to a personal knowledge of His answer, Jesus Christ. I want to be a means of hope and healing to families that have suffered.

Paul’s words to Titus seem incredibly appropriate for us, nearly 2000 years later:

“We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness and devotion to God while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed. He gave His life to free us from every kind of sin to cleanse us, and to make us His very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.” Titus 2:12-14

Isaiah pageAgain Isaiah’s words strike a chord in my heart:

“In that day ungodly fools will not be heroes.
” [anybody think of celebrities?]
“Scoundrels will not be respected.” [Big corporate bosses? Corrupt politicians?]

“For fools speak foolishness
and make evil plans.
They practice ungodliness
and spread false teachings about the Lord.
They deprive the hungry of food
and give no water to the thirsty.
The smooth tricks of scoundrels are evil.
They plot crooked schemes.
They lie to convict the poor,
even when the cause of the poor is just.” (NVICP “vaccine court” proceedings? Alphabet agency officials?)
“But generous people plan to do what is generous,
and they stand firm in their generosity.

Listen, you women who lie around in ease.” (Parents whose kids aren’t vaccine injured?)
“Listen to me, you who are so smug.” (Pro vaxers on social media?)

“In a short time—just a little more than a year—
You careless ones will suddenly begin to care.
Tremble, you women of ease;
Throw off your complacency.
Strip off your pretty clothes,
and put on burlap to show your grief.” Isaiah 32:6-11

God is raising up righteous warriors for truth. He is calling people to stop placing their trust in false Gods and serve and worship Him alone. He provided Jesus so we could have a new life and a living relationship with our Creator God. Will you join Him? Will you surrender? Will you allow Him to guide you to the urgent task He has designed for you?

IMG_1723Sometimes those of us who understand the world this way can feel isolated and alone. We need to join together to encourage each other in the urgency of the task God has for us. His purpose is still to reveal His truth and call individuals into a relationship with Him. He can do that in the midst of the evil and suffering in our world, just as He did in the time of Paul. He wants His children to be lights in a dark place.

For the sake of the children.

This is Day 30 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days. See list below for the first 30 topics.

Head Shot BAuthor: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Navigating our present day world can be challenging, God’s timeless truths in the Bible are my guide.

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive or just have a question, please leave a comment below.

God values all human life

Light image croppedIn this blog I am going to explore one aspect where my faith collides with commonly accepted health practices.

In Genesis 9 God gave a very short list of instructions to Noah and the other seven people who survived the flood, which had destroyed the entire population of the earth. You might not believe in a literal flood. I believe there is ample evidence to support such a view, but even if you disagree, the summary of God’s instructions to this group of people is significant in its succinctness and focus; what it includes and what is doesn’t.

God places enormous value on respecting human life.

“And I will require the blood of anyone who takes another person’s life. If a wild animal kills a person, it must die and anyone who murders a fellow human must die. If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in His own image. Now be fruitful and multiply, and repopulate the earth.”

There are books and debates abounding on the topic of human life.

I would like to Fast forward to 2014 and look at ONE application of this fundamental principle conveyed by God in history.

If there is a drug which is deemed to be beneficial to 99 out of 100 people, but will kill 1 person, that is enough of a strong reason not to give that drug.

Poster BabyIf there is a drug or vaccine that is known to cause death in 1 out of 10,000 infants we cannot justify the use of this vaccine.

I am not sure of the exact statistics for death from drugs or vaccines. No one is. One study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by Dr Barbara Starfield in 2000 showed that properly prescribed prescription medicines caused 106,000 deaths per year. (Read the entire JAMA article and learn how the medical system itself is the third leading cause of death in the USA.)

It has been speculated that a great percentage of SIDS deaths worldwide can be attributed to vaccines, particularly the DTaP or DTP. There is a high correlation with SIDS deaths and the administration of these vaccines.

VAERS reports“There are over 5,000 reports of death following vaccination in the VAERS reports. The VAERS records reflect a correlation, which both by common sense and definition – a relationship not expected to exist on the basis of chance alone – demands sober consideration.” – See more Revelations by Shawn Siegel, a grandfather and avid vaccine safety researcher.

Vaccine inserts produced by the manufacturers of the following vaccines list death as one of the known adverse effects:

  • DTaP (SIDS)
  • HPV Vaccine
  • Flu Vaccines
  • Tripedia (see graphic below)
  • HepB
  • Smallpox (Vaccinia)

TripediaAny drug that has caused death and is known to cause death is an abomination to God’s design for human life.

Those who say that the benefit derived by the majority makes it acceptable for the few deaths (which may not actually be as few as they claim) are either deceived or unacquainted with God and His desire for human life. Even one death deliberately caused by injecting toxins into a fragile vulnerable infant is too many.

Matthew records that Jesus blesses those who welcome and protect children in His name. “And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matthew 18:5

He also said, as recorded by Luke, “It would be better for a person to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” Luke 17:2

DeathsWhen looking at public health and pharmaceutical recommendations we should seek before all things to First Do No Harm. Any remedy that causes death – even to a very small subgroup of the population – must be rejected. A deliberate death at the hands of the medical establishment is unconscionable.

Day 29 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive or just have a question, please leave a comment below.

Major Life Change

Fisherman skyThe leaders were very disturbed that Peter & John were teaching people that through Jesus there is a resurrection of the dead. Luke, Acts 4:2

Maybe Peter was saying something like this:

Hey guys, life is bad now, yes
The Romans are in charge and it sucks.
We thought Jesus was going to bring ‘em down.
Turns out He had different plans.
I, personally, was devastated.
When I saw them arrest Jesus I couldn’t believe it.
I flipped.
I did a complete 180 – completely turned on Him.
My hopes, dreams, investment …. all GONE.
I was crushed.
Deep deep pain.
I felt deserted, destroyed, lost.
But, then, I saw the empty grave.
Talk about an emotional whiplash:
So low to sooo high.
Then He appeared to us
Many times.
He taught us
All the pieces started to fit together
He explained everything
Everything is different now.
This world isn’t all there is.
This body isn’t all there is.
A resurrected life through Jesus is the goal.
This world will end.
This political system will end.
I’ve given up trying to fix it.
My new passion, purpose & life work is helping people
To KNOW and experience
You can arrest me.
You can kill me.
His power is BEYOND anything you could ever do to me.
I’ve seen Him.
Now I understand who He was
What He came to do
What He came to bring
For us
For everyone
I’d rather die trying to tell people
Than go back to my safe comfortable life as a fisherman
I could never do that
I’ve seen God
In a body
I’ve seen a dead man

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. Peter, Acts 4:12


For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eye witnesses to His majesty. Peter


We also have the prophetic record as something completely reliable and you would do well to pay attention to it until the daylight dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Peter


Day 28 of Encouraging people to Seek Jesus: 30 ways in 30 days

If you have been helped in any way through my musings, please give glory to God. If you find anything disappointing or offensive or just have a question, please leave a comment below.