2 Doctors: Who Do You Trust?

Watch this 3 minute video. Listen to Dr Offit answer a question by a pharmaceutical student who is concerned about protecting her customers from flu vaccine harm. Then hear Dr Moss report on actual flu vaccine injuries. 60% of all vaccine related injuries compensated by the VICP are for flu shots. A total $4Billion has been paid since 1988 for vaccine related injuries and death.

2 Doctors, two points of view. One doctor has been mentored by the ‘godfather’ of vaccines, Dr Stanley Plotkin. Both Dr Plotkin and Dr Offit received many millions of dollars upon the sale of their rota virus vaccine, although the exact amount has not been publicly disclosed. Dr Offit has ongoing ties to pharmaceutical corporations such as Merck. His livelihood is founded on his belief that vaccines are “safe and effective”. They are certainly safe and effective for him. Since vaccines are 100% liability free, he’s been safe from any claim on either the vaccine he designed and brought to market, or the vaccines marketed by his sponsor. They have also been very effective – effective at giving him a lifestyle, notoriety, and platform for pronouncing his message supporting vaccines.

Is that the kind of safety and effectiveness you are looking for in a vaccine?

Dr Moss took his personal time to speak before the West Virginia legislature. He donates a lot of time to try to help people understand that there is a risk with every vaccine injected. He has studied the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program payouts and injuries listed. He has studied the VAERS data base for reporting vaccine adverse events which was shown by a Harvard study to contain between 1%-10% of actual adverse events after vaccines. Most doctors and families are not aware of this reporting system and do not report adverse events.

Here is another brief video of Dr Moss giving testimony on hospital vaccination incentives and flu shot requirements at the West Virginia Education Committee the morning of Saturday, March 18, 2017. He might not be the most eloquent spokesperson, but you can feel the compassionate heart of this doctor. He has 34+ years of experience in providing true care for his patients.

I’m surprised to say I 100% agree with Dr Offit’s final statement in the following short video clip:

“It’s always the most vulnerable among us who pay for our ignorance.”

Have truer words ever crossed his lips?

I strongly disagree with many other statements Dr Offit makes such as this one, Paul Offit literally just said, “A scraped knee is a bigger immunological challenge than a vaccine” for a child!

As a parent, your most important job is to protect your child. There are forces in this world that want to devour your child. You might not believe this could happen in 2019. Get the facts. Research. Since 1986 vaccines have been 100% Liability Free. No entity is held responsible for any vaccine harm or even for death. Think about that. If there were 5 car seat manufacturers, and you are forced to accept their products, yet their products are 100% Liability Free, how would you feel? Do you think those car seat manufacturers are going to be motivated to higher safety standards?

We live in a corporate dominated world. Corporations rule most aspects of life in the USA. Corporations exist to make a profit for their shareholders. They are the largest force in the media. They dominate Congress in the USA and many other countries. The only person responsible for your child’s longterm health and well being is you. Research vaccines.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion! Becky writes, speaks, and shares information hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in the vaccine debate.

Hep B Vaccine Killed this Baby

This is an anonymous true account of one mother’s experience. This story has received a huge amount of shares on my Facebook Page, so I thought I would make a permanent place for it on my blog. To be clear – this is not MY story. It was shared with me by a mom in 2016. She gave me permission to publish her story anonomously.

This is my daughter. The first photo of her and I was before she received the Hep B vaccine. The second is the very last photo I got of her.

To me she looked almost sickly in the second photo. She passed that following morning between 6:50-7:20am 36hrs exactly after receiving the Hep B vaccine at 14 days old. She was only 4lbs 6oz which is contraindicated on the insert, no premature baby under 4.4lbs should receive this vaccine, no one with liver issues (she was still mildly jaundice). She hadn’t even reached her due date. I feel so robbed. My baby was stolen from me. My precious beautiful baby girl. My first daughter. I found out I was pregnant with her August 17th 2013. She was born at 34.5 weeks on 4/10/14. She passed 4/26/14. I was going to take her to the ER that morning if she was still lethargic like she was the day before. Unfortunately she never made it, because I TRUSTED her doctor. I called and he said she would be fine, it’s just from the vaccine. Yeah. It was from the vaccine. Little did I know it was causing her liver and heart to go into failure. I feel so much guilt. I think of all the things I COULD have done, all the things I SHOULD have done. I have a hard time forgiving myself, and accepting the fact it wasn’t my fault. But I feel like it was, I should have trusted my gut, because my gut was SCREAMING ‘don’t vaccinate her’, that’s why I had refused in the hospital, but they threatened me with CPS, told me I’d get my kids taken if I didn’t vaccinate. I’m not Hep B positive. Newborns don’t do drugs and don’t have sex. Why was it SO imperative to inject my preemie with the toxins that killed her? And the worst part is, I can’t even hold the doctor who forced it accountable! So moms, dads, and anyone else reading this, if you have any doubt, or if your gut/instinct is screaming ‘NO’, LISTEN. It’s there for a reason. Please listen to it, I wish I did, it may save your child’s life.” A heartbroken mother

Be prepared. Get the facts. Say NO to unnecessary vaccines. I’ve compiled information on the Hepatitis B vaccine to help you start your research. Don’t blindly believe me. But don’t believe those who push you to accept this shot for your precious baby either. Get the facts for yourself. You can always give a vaccine later, you can never ‘undo’ a vaccine once it is injected. Your child’s life is in YOUR HANDS. No one else will have to live with the outcome of your choice. I’ve collected more information for those interested in more information on vaccines here.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion! Becky writes, speaks, and shares information hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in the vaccine debate.



Flu Shot Tyranny?

Many hospital employees are being pushed into getting a flu shot. Some are faced with the option of being fired, or having a flu shot. If you are in this position, you need to know some facts. Christina Hildebrand with A Voice For Choice discusses the January 2018 HHS provision which stipulates that any entity receiving Federal funding must respect religious freedom, including religious exemptions for vaccines. She knows the facts and explains them well, including the process to file a complaint. The more people who REFUSE flu shots, the more hospitals will take note. Don’t let yourself be bullied.

Pam Popper shares encouragement because more and more health care workers are fighting against flu vaccine mandates and are winning lawsuits! EEOC cases are being settled out of court as hospitals are facing pressure brought by individual employees against mandating flu shots.

Is it safe? Every year flu shots cause adverse events. Many of these are reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which is available for public viewing. Many people have filed claims with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and received payments for death or injury caused by vaccines, a high percentage involves flu vaccines.

Watch this 4 minute video to help you make your decision:

Is the flu shot effective? The CDC’s own data shows the effectiveness of the flu shot varies from 10% – 60%. On the BEST years, 40% of people will receive no benefit from getting a flu shot.

Studies show that the flu shot rarely protects people from getting the flu and that increased vaccination does NOT reduce mortality in any age group. “We could not correlate increasing vaccination coverage after 1980 with declining mortality rates in any age group. Because fewer than 10% of all winter deaths were attributable to influenza in any season, we conclude that observational studies substantially overestimate [flu] vaccination benefit.” NIH study

Yet hospitals and other employers continue to try to mandate the flu vaccine for employees.

Can I avoid the flu without a flu shot? Absolutely. Our body’s immune system is able to keep us healthy without injecting toxic cocktails. Vitamin D3 supplementation, healthy clean food, clean water, sleep, and a healthy lifestyle will give your body the ability to defend against the flu and other viral infections.

Many people fear the flu. Yet 80% of all ‘flu-like’ illness is not caused by influenza A or B – the only strains covered by the flu shot. The National Vaccine Information Center has prepared a short explanation of the flu here and here.

At the very least, if you decide to accept a flu shot, ask for and read the vaccine package insert (vpi) which comes in the box from the manufacturer. Note the ingredients that are going to be injected into your body and note the known and reported adverse events so that you are aware of possible outcomes afterwards.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion!

WHAT IS THE IMPACT of injecting human DNA into our BABIES???

In the previous blog conclusive evidence was presented showing that some vaccines contain residual human fetal cell material from the growth mediums used in vaccine manufacture. Most people are unaware that the shots they inject into babies contain fragments of cells from human babies, and some even deny that this is true.

Four significant vaccines on the CDC recommended schedule [1] all contain human fetal tissue fragments, including both male and female DNA:

  • M-M-R®II: exclusively available in the USA since 1979 targeting measles, mumps, and rubella; 2 doses at 12 months and 5 years. [2]
  • Varivax®: the vaccine aimed to prevent chicken pox, added to the schedule in 1996; 2 doses at 12 months and 5 years.
  • Hepatitis A vaccine, approved in 1996, and added to the schedule for all babies in 2005; 2 doses given between 12 and 24 months. [3]
  • Pentacel® combined vaccine targeting diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), introduced in 2008. Four doses given at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months of age. [4]

The average baby is injected with 10 different human tissue-containing shots before they go to school. Eight of them before the age of two years. Surely such widespread use of this growth medium – human fetal cells – was thoroughly demonstrated to be safe – right?

Since 40 years have passed since the first vaccine containing human cell debris was introduced, there has been ample time to study how this vaccine containing human DNA fragments could be impacting those that are injected with it.

But, how much DNA is really in a vaccine? Isn’t it just infinitesimally small amounts?

DNA residuals in human fetal cell line manufactured vaccines

In addition to the ingredients listed on the package insert for Meruvax II® (rubella), we detected significant levels of human ssDNA (142 ± 8 ng/vial) as well as dsDNA (35 ±10 ng/vial) fragmented to ~215 base pairs in length. The MMR II® package insert discloses the presence of human fetal residuals [sic] [but not] how much cell substrate dsDNA or ssDNA contaminates each dose. In each vial of Havrix® [Hepatitis A vaccine], we detected ssDNA (301 ± 153 ng/vial) as well as dsDNA (44 ± 24 ng/vial) unfragmented residual DNA more than 48.5 K base pairs in length. The Havrix® package insert discloses the presence of human fetal cellular residuals from the MRC-5 cell line, but not the DNA contaminant levels specifically.[5]

The Varivax® vaccine [chicken pox] is manufactured using the human diploid cell line MRC5, and is contaminated with 2 micrograms of cell substrate double stranded DNA. Single stranded DNA levels are not reported in Merck’s Varivax Summary Basis for Approval document nor are the length of the DNA fragments contaminating the vaccine (Merck 2011). [5]

Vaccines that have been cultured on or manufactured using the WI-38 fetal cell line such as MeruvaxII®, MMRII®, Varivax®, Havrix® and Pentacel® are additionally contaminated with fragments of human endogenous retrovirus HERVK (Victoria et al., 2010). Recent evidence has shown that human endogenous retroviral transcripts are elevated in the brains of patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (Frank et al., 2005), [5]

According to EPA recommendations, birth year change points for prevalence of autistic disorder should drive consideration of environmental triggers, as for any disease (McDonald 2010).[5]

Scientists have been studying and learning that injected “human fetal DNA fragments are inducers of autoimmune reactions, while both DNA fragments and retroviruses are known to potentiate genomic insertions and mutations (Yolken et al., 2000; Kurth 1998; U S Food and Drug Administration 2011).” [5]

How has injecting male and female DNA fragments into ALL babies impacted their health? 

A detailed analysis of the data available and has found startling results. There are statistically obvious change points associated with the addition of fetal cell line vaccines and increased diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder: “Autistic disorder began to rise in the US after birth year 1978 (Newschaffer and Gurney 2005).” This corresponds to the introduction of the MMRII developed with two different fetal cell tissues. [5]

Additionally, “The US 1988.4 change point corresponded to the addition of a second dose of MMRII® to a measles vaccination campaign that increased compliance from ≤50 to 82% between birth years 1987 and 1989 (Centers for Disease Control 1989; Kaye and Jick 2001) as well as to the introduction of Poliovax in 1987. [5]

And, “The 1995.6 autistic disorder change point corresponded to the approval and introduction of the Varicella vaccine (Varivax®).” [5]

This chart summarizes the autism change points in relationship to the MMRII, the push for higher uptake of MMRII, and the chicken pox vaccine. [5]

Why aren’t the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), HHS (Federal Department of Health and Human Services), the CDC (Federal Center for Disease Control), or the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) concerned about fetal cell contamination in vaccines causing harm?

The primary measure of effectiveness for the CDC, FDA, and vaccine makers is focused on “serologic evidence of immunity,” or a blood test showing raised antibody titers. No vaccine has ever been investigated for mutagenic or carcinogenic properties – tested and tracked long-term to see if they damage the genetic material of the recipient, if they could be implicated in causing cancer, or if they could be linked to infertility later in life. [6]

Even with all the advances in genetic understanding since the mapping of the human genome in 2001, the HHS has undertaken NO FURTHER SAFETY STUDIES on these vaccines known to contain human fetal DNA fragments. Further, the HHS has done no safety studies at all on any vaccine for 30+ years.

Isn’t that interesting.

You might be asking, ‘But aren’t the vaccine manufacturers responsible for determining safety?’ Ever since the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, all liability was removed from vaccine manufacturers and the responsibility for vaccine safety was shifted to the HHS, who recently admitted, after being forced by a court order, that no safety testing of vaccines has been undertaken. [7]

In June 2018 I had three minutes during the public comment session at the ACIP meeting held three times a year at the CDC in Atlanta. I briefly presented some of the unintended consequences of the vaccine schedule, commonly known as “non specific effects.” It remains to be seen if this information will drive any change in recommendations.

The vaccine promoters have captured the media through controlling advertising revenue. Fear campaigns are promoted so that parents rush to stay up-to-date on vaccines without examining the ingredients. Doctors are busy and have confidence in the government regulatory agency recommendations. Has our cherished vaccine program helped children avoid short term infectious illness but caused an epidemic in longterm serious developmental impairment and auto-immune disorders?

If you have any fear of your child getting chicken pox, please read the description provided by the CDC: “The clinical course in healthy children is generally mild, with malaise, pruritus (itching), and temperature up to 102°F for 2 to 3 days.” [8]

Would you rather your child have a mild fever and have some itching, or inject them with human cellular debris containing DNA fragments – which has not been tested for whether or not it may adversely impact genetics, play a role in skyrocketing childhood cancers, or impact your future ability to have grandchildren?

So, today the public is pushed to continue to inject their babies with both male and female DNA, with no investigation of the possible mutagenic (genetic alteration) impact it might be having. We watch sky-rocketing rates of childhood cancer and donate money to those searching for ‘cures’. Many parents watch helplessly as their adult children struggle with infertility, but very few make any connection to vaccines. Vaccines were never studied to impact any of that.

Does this seem like “safe” science to you?

Please share this information widely.

I highly recommend that you read the full paper by Theresa Deisher on Impact of Environmental Factors on the Prevalence of Autistic Disorder after 1979 published in the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology on 9 July 2014.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. Becky also loves mountain biking and appreciates all comments and the rare donation which provides wonderful encouragement. 

[1] The 2018 (current) CDC vaccine schedule: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html#f3

[2] Complete vaccine package insert for the M-M-R®II, exclusively used in the USA since 1979. https://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/UCM123789.pdf

[3] Hepatitis Vaccine is manufactured by both Merck and GlaxoSmithKline. Havrix® by GSK was approved for use in the US in 1995; Vaqta® by Merck was approved in 1996. However, Hepatitis vaccine was for limited population groups and not part of the childhood immunization schedule nor recommended for use by any states. In 1999, 17 states began recommending/considering its use for children 24 months and older, and in 2005 it was included in the ACIP recommended vaccination schedule for children 12 months and older. http://soundchoice.org/scpiJournalPubHealthEpidem092014.pdf

“To produce each vaccine, cell culture-adapted virus is propagated in human fibroblasts, purified from cell lysates, inactivated with formalin, and adsorbed to an aluminum hydroxide adjuvant.” The GSK version also has a preservative, 2-phenoxyethanol. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/hepa.html

[4] Vaccine package insert for Pentacel combination vaccine https://www.fda.gov/downloads/biologicsbloodvaccines/vaccines/approvedproducts/ucm109810.pdf

[5] Deisher, Theresa A, et al. “Impact of Environmental Factors on the Prevalence of Autistic Disorder after 1979.” Sound Choice Pharmaceuticals, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 9 July 2014, http://soundchoice.org/scpiJournalPubHealthEpidem092014.pdf.

[6] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/rubella.html

[7] https://www.icandecide.org/health-and-human-services/

[8] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/varicella.html

A Loving Entreaty

I seek to lovingly make my case for why a person thoroughly convinced that vaccines are absolutely essential “because they have saved the lives of millions of children,” should re-evaluate their firmly held ideas about vaccines.

I am absolutely convinced. You are also absolutely convinced. One of us is wrong.

I am not accusing you of causing harm to children. I am not trying to load you with a burden of guilt. I am not assaulting your character, your competence, or your training. I am simply asking you to reexamine your stance on vaccines and ask yourself before God, “Is it possible that I could have been deceived?”

I come to this topic not as a doctor, but as a mother, a grandmother, a breastfeeding counsellor eager to help moms raise a healthy baby, and as a citizen journalist seeking to uncover the truth.

But mostly, I come to this topic as a devoted follower and believer in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes in 1980 to accept God’s grace and salvation though Jesus. As a thoroughly rebellious individual, I wholeheartedly dived into grace, seeking God’s direction, through the Holy Spirit, towards truth in every area of my life. Hard decisions were made easier because of my past wrong choices that were primarily guided by adhering to cultural norms. I questioned every culturally accepted practise, especially where it pertained to the babies God blessed my husband and I with.

Trying to change the mind of a resolute vaccine proponent is a huge assignment for which I need some help. I am not a doctor. That doesn’t make me less able to read and understand science and statistics, but it may make me less able to understand how thoroughly entrenched vaccine thinking is amongst those who have undertaken medical training. Thus, I have chosen a doctor who explains in detail his journey as he began asking questions about vaccines, and what he discovered as he explored with an inquiring mind.

Sam Eggertsen, MD

I’ve been accused of not understanding physiology and seeking to benefit from the fact that most of the population is vaccinated, thus keeping myself, my children, and my grandchildren safe from infectious disease even though we refuse vaccines. However, I believe the science that has been uncovered in the last 15 years presents facts showing the foundation for injecting vaccines is faulty. Dr Suzanne Humphries has done more research on vaccines than any medical professional known and does a brilliant job explaining both the physiology of the human body, detailed analysis of the most recent science available, and the mechanism of vaccines in light of the latest understanding of the gut microbiome, the blood brain barrier, aluminum safety, and many other topics. It will take some time to listen and comprehend her lectures. Some of her lectures I have watched and taken notes four times or more. If you are honestly interested in finding out the true state of vaccine safety and efficacy in light of all the recent science discovered, you can find a lot more of Dr Humphries’ videos for free on Youtube. She has also written two excellent books, Dissolving Illusions (a detailed historical analysis of polio) and Rising From the Dead (a fantastic autobiography reflecting on her training in medicine and her journey to question her training) both available on Amazon. One of the most exciting aspects of Dr Humphries’ story is her coming to find a relationship with Jesus Christ after she began her search for truth in the vaccine realm which she describes in her autobiography.

Suzanne Humphries, MD

There are so many reasons to be skeptical about vaccine safety. Each topic could be a complete book. I will list some of the most powerful, compelling points which convinced me that vaccines deserve to be questioned:

  1. Absolute immunity. The makers of vaccines were granted absolute immunity from lawsuits for any type of damage caused by their products in 1986. This has seriously reduced the motivation for manufacturers to ensure the safety of vaccines. It is a business plan to die for: a product recommended to millions, yet no liability.
  2. Acknowledged harm. Since 1988, after vaccine makers received protection, nearly $4 billion has been paid by the HHS to victims of vaccine injury and death. HHS was charged with the mantel of vaccine safety by the same act of Congress, which gave protection to the makers, and the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) was set up to compensate for known and expected vaccine harm.
  3. Lack of safety studies. In July 2018 HHS confirms they have not conducted any safety reports or studies on the improved safety of vaccines in over 30 years, as they were charged by Congress to do in 1986.
  4. Bloated schedule. In 1986 children were recommended to have a small number of vaccines. Since the makers have been protected from liability, the recommended vaccine schedule has ballooned. Children are now recommended to receive 72 vaccines by 18 years for 18 different infectious illnesses.
  5. Manufacture and delivery errors. Vaccine manufacture in inherently unsafe. Cold supply delivery chain is essential for many vaccines. Unsafe batches and unsafe delivery is a very real risk. The Cutter Incident and the Wyeth memo reveal some history of unsafe vaccines in the USA. Additionally, today many vaccines are made in China and the USA FDA has no jurisdiction over the safety. Chinese vaccines have had several serious wide-spread problems. An Italian study in 2017 demonstrates serious contamination in most vaccines analysed. [http://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/IJVV-04-00072.pdf]
  6. Administrative errors become increasingly problematic with the bloated schedule of vaccines given. In Texas a 4-month-old baby was given her recommended vaccines and was also injected with the HPV vaccine intended for her older brother. All the vaccines were put on a tray and all injected into baby. The doctor received no disciplinary action. The mother struggled with baby’s health. All connection to vaccines was denied, and CPS was called to initiate the removal of baby from the mother’s care. Sheila Ealey recounts how in 2000 her son, a twin, was given both MMR vaccines, as well as the DTaP and HIB at their routine one-year doctors visit. Somehow the office staff intended to give MMR shots to each twin, but injected her son with two MMR vaccines. He is severely neurologically impaired, while his twin sister excels in many areas. Administrative errors happen.
  7. Aluminum. There are many questionable ingredients in vaccines, perhaps in small amounts, too many to focus on in this list. One of the more troubling ingredients in vaccines is aluminum, added purposefully as an adjuvant in much larger quantities to ramp up the body’s immune response. If an infant receives all the vaccines on the CDC recommended schedule, the will be injected with 4,925 mcg of aluminum  by 18 months of life. The FDA stipulates a safe limit for intravenous feeding of 25 mcg per day. The aluminum content and quantity in vaccines has never been studied for safety or long-term impact. Current aluminum ‘studies’ are based on ingested aluminum in an adult. More on aluminum, by world renowned aluminum expert, Dr Christopher Exley, Keele University: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0946672X17308763]
  8. Human DNA fragments. Many vaccines are derived from the use of aborted human fetal cells. While attempts are made to remove these cells from the final vaccine product, there remains residual contamination of DNA fragments of both male and female aborted babies. The practise of developing pharmaceutical products from aborted fetal tissue may be abhorrent to many, but purposefully injecting DNA into infants with no long-term safety testing is proving to be extremely problematic and perhaps contributory to a host of issues, including auto-immune disorders and NDD. “In the US, autism has spiked up in 3 distinct years, called changepoints. The first changepoint occurred in 1981, the second in 19881, and the third in 1996. These spikes coincide with the introduction of vaccines that are produced in human fetal cells.” Dr Theresa Deisher
  9. Deception and Greed. Jeremiah warned us thousands of years ago, “the heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it.”Many of the NT writers also warn of deception based on greed. Here is just one example: “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.” 2 Peter 2:1-3. Throughout history people with power have sought to control, gain wealth, and gain more power through taking advantage of others. The reality of companies seeking profit over health is just as real today and can be easily verified by the track record of pharmaceutical companies and prescription drugs – for which lawsuits can be brought. If pharmaceutical manufacturers have pled guilty, or been fined billions of dollars in cases of purposefully perpetuating harm on a population in order to profit through the sale of a specific drug, why do we trust them absolutely in the area of vaccine manufacture? Jesus told us to judge by the fruit. Is the fruit of the pharmaceutical company above reproach? “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing but inside are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” Matt 7:15
  10. Unavoidably unsafe. The US Supreme Court ruled that vaccines were unavoidably unsafe, yet the media, the CDC, local pharmacies, doctors, and nurses continue to tell the public that “vaccines are safe and effective.” Somewhere, somehow, there is a disconnect. Both statements cannot be true. [https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf]
  11. VAERS. While the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System is a passive reporting system and cannot be an absolute marker of true vaccine reactions, the NIH estimates it accurately reflects only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events because most cases are not reported. https://healthit.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf
  12. Media slant. Orchestrated campaigns and the full weight of media seek to drive home one message. Why can’t their be rational discussion and honest questions on the topic of vaccine safety?
  13. Legislative Onslaught driven by Pharmaceutical companies. In the name of ‘safety for the children’ nearly every state is facing rabid lawmakers seeking to push through obviously pharma favorable bills.
  14. Fraud. Admitted fraud by the CDCWhistleblower, Dr William Thompson and the two scientists working on the MMR vaccine for Merck. Paul Thorsen is a major author of papers promoted by the CDC as proving vaccine safety, yet is wanted on many criminal counts by the FBI. See this 22 page report on the criminal activity of this CDC researcher: https://worldmercuryproject.org/wp-content/uploads/world-mercury-project-report-on-poul-thorsen-9-7-17.pdf
  15. Myth of Herd Immunity. Disease rates and vaccine rates in 1980 were low. Most adults were not up-to-date on vaccines, thus did not posses vaccine acquired immunity. Basically, because the overall vaccine rate in the population there was no ‘herd immunity’, yet there were not widespread outbreaks of disease. Herd immunity is a term that only accurately applies to the immunity acquired via natural exposure to diseases such as measles.
  16. Hepatitis B shot given to newborns on the first day of life. Please investigate this one vaccine. Why are mothers who test negative for Hepatitis B still encouraged to give their babies the Hep shot on the first day of life? This disease is well known to be primarily transmitted through sharing needles and sex. Why does a 24 hour old baby get injected? This vaccine contains 250 mcg of aluminum and has never been studied for long-term safety. Recent studies show a potential increase in neurological developmental disorders in animals who received the vaccine equivalent for their weight. These studies were repeated and the team found a latency period suggesting that greater neurological harm develops over time. This finding needs urgent attention. Until conclusive results are found, vaccine recommendation for babies of Hepatitis B negative mothers should be halted immediately. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29751176]
  17. SV40. Polio vaccines administered in the 1960s were contaminated with a cancer causing virus, simian virus 40. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Italian+vaccine+contaminated+2017]
  18. Vibrant health of non-vaccinated individuals. It is so obvious and it speaks for itself. Doctors who have a large non-vaccinated population note they are the healthiest of all the children they see by far. Non vaccinated individuals with adequate nutrition, clean water, and a healthy life-style are utilizing their God-given innate immune system for protection against illness. Additionally, breastfeeding is the designed method to feed babies and passes on immunological benefits that last a life-time.

If after investigating each of these 18 points, you are still absolutely convinced of the necessity and goodness of vaccines, we may just have to agree to disagree. I do not believe we should expose even one healthy child to harm in the hope of protecting many. The reality is that we may be exposing a far higher percentage to harm than we every thought possible.

I am absolutely convinced. You are absolutely convinced. One of us is wrong. One day, before God, we will find out.

This decision – whether to question vaccine safety and history or accept the mainstream point of view – is critically important to your personal health, your family’s health, generations to come, and our culture as a whole. Paul’s admonishment to the Ephesians seems appropriate to keep in mind as we delve into this topic:

Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for God’s wrath is coming on the disobedient because of these things. Therefore, do not become their partners. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light… Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:6-13; 15-16

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. Becky also loves mountain biking and appreciates donations which mainly encourage her. 


Vaccines and Eczema

Are we going backwards or forwards? Keep in mind as you read this precautionary policy from 1958 that they were only talking about a few vaccines, smallpox, polio and diphtheria. Today babies are given 36 vaccines against 14 different infections before they are two years old. The CDC has quite a lot of information about who should NOT get each vaccine, but nowhere do they mention eczema as a reason NOT to get vaccines.

In 1958 the American Academy of Pediatrics made the following statement:

1) No child with atopic eczema or other skin disorder should be vaccinated.
2) No child should be vaccinated if any member of his family has eczema or other skin disorder.
3) Parents of children with eczema should be notified at the onset of the disease of the danger from vaccination contact.
4) If a sibling of a child with atopic eczema is vaccinated, he must be completely separated from that child for at least 21 days.
5) Forms used by state and local health departments for parents’ consent to vaccination should include an appropriate warning of the contraindications.
6) Eczema vaccinatum should be a reportable disease.
7) Patients recently vaccinated must be excluded from pediatric wards containing patients with atopic eczema, other diseases of the skin, burns or healing surgical incisions.
8) Vaccination may be recommended at 2 months of age, especially for babies from strongly allergic families.

Received December 18, 1957.
Accepted February 18, 1958.
Copyright © 1958 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Read the abstract and access the full paper here.

It is somewhat comforting to know that the CDC recognizes there are some people who should NOT get a DTaP shot:

However, rarely have I ever heard of pediatricians expressing hesitancy about administering this shot or asking about these adverse events. Also, many times a “life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of DTaP” is denied as having been connected to the vaccine.

The bottom line is, in 1958 eczema was recognized as a signal that the immune system could not handle a vaccine. Today, it’s up to parents to educate and inform themselves on the true risk of vaccines in order to have a healthy baby. Parents will bear all the weight and responsibility for any vaccine harm.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Addendum. Helpful information if you have experienced eczema. https://thinkingmomsrevolution.com/thinking-moms-guide-red-flags-eczema/

This 2004 study purports to study vaccines and allergic responses such as eczema, but does not use a non-vaccinated control group. They compare DPT to MMR vaccines and make ‘adjustments’ for various factors. The ‘science’ seems to be designed to squelch all true understanding of the real risk of vaccines. Studies that have compared completely non vaccinated to vaccinated children show the non vaccinated to be significantly healthier. These studies have mostly been privately funded and are not recognized by government agencies who refuse to do their own study.

In the 20 minute video below Dr Shiva Ayyadurai provides a helpful informed explanation of the modern immune system and compares it to what was known about the immune system at the time of the development of vaccines. The truth is, doctors today are still operating under the old understanding and many will not associate auto-immune disorders like eczema to vaccines.

MIT PHD Explains the Reality of the Modern Immune System https://t.co/XHZhY17RXh— Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email (@va_shiva) January 2, 2020

Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity

A new book. This might be the perfect gift for your friend who is pregnant!

Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity for their children by Forrest Maready

I highly admire the work of Forrest Maready. He lives next door, in North Carolina (I live in South Carolina). His family has been profoundly adversely impacted by vaccines, which he only realized AFTER he began to research the topic extensively. He writes with a passion to convey the truth about the benefits of natural immunity and the unintended harm caused by our widespread vaccine recommendations. As a former vaccine proponent, he understands how difficult it is to encounter and process new information that challenges your underlying paradigms.

I have watched many of the 100s of videos he has made. I also met him personally at a meeting in Atlanta and found him to be a very smart, outside the box thinker. The world needs more people fully informed and gently sharing truth. If you read his book, and share it with others, together, we will make an impact!

“If you always wanted to give someone a short, cheap, easy-to-read explanation of why you’ve chosen natural immunity instead of vaccines, I’ve got a new book on Amazon! Only $7 and will change the mind of even the most skeptical mother-in-law!” Forrest Maready

Why are more parents choosing natural immunity for their children? When I first heard that people were purposefully not vaccinating their children, I was shocked. Vaccines have been described as the most incredible medical invention of all time—a miracle of science and technology that has saved the lives of untold millions. I couldn’t believe that seemingly intelligent, educated parents were purposefully foregoing vaccines for their children, and in fact, were so convinced these medical prodecures were harming us, they would go out of their way to try to convince others. When a close friend of mine told me that his infant child was going to be unvaccinated, I thought he was completely insane. After much coaxing, he convinced me to do my own research and challenge him on his beliefs. A few months later, I had read things about vaccines and disease that I had never heard before. Things that no one—including our pediatrician—had ever mentioned. I was convinced there was a giant conspiracy to try and discredit vaccines, but after diving headfirst into recent scientific research seldom mentioned in the news, I eventually came to believe much differently about vaccines and the diseases they are supposed to protect us from. This short book will take you along the same journey I made as I transitioned from a dedicated vaccinating parent to someone who now questions whether any vaccines are actually worth the risk, even in third world countries. It barely scratches the surface of this, the greatest debate of our time, but if nothing else, will give you a clear idea as to why an increasing number of parents are raising their children unvaccinated.

I personally have seen the obvious glowing health of non-vaccinated babies and children. In fact, my husband recently commented that a non-vaccinated baby we know stands out sharply in contrast to other babies of the same age because of his bright perceptive eyes, and vibrant glowing health. While many moms are struggling with breastfeeding, struggling for baby to gain weight, and struggling with many other challenges in the first year of life – which may or may not be connected with receiving so many vaccines – the non-vaccinated babies I have encountered rarely have these issues. Moms who have personally vaccinated one child, but made a choice to not give vaccines to subsequent children, are often amazed at the difference. Doctors who have large numbers of non-vaccinated babies and children in their practise have come to realise they are by far the most healthy children.

Those who choose not to vaccinate are not endangering the world, or taking advantage of the risk and sacrifice of others (as I have been accused). The best gift I can give to the world is a vibrant innate immune system. I support the immune system with clean eating and natural supplements. I do not fear infectious disease for myself, my children, or my grandchildren. Our bodies are designed to have a strong defensive strategy to combat disease when we seek to cooperate with it, and not override it with injecting very questionable ingredients.

Those who convey a sense of shock and horror for “the children who are immune compromised and not able to receive vaccines” need to do a lot more thinking about the issue, which would take at least another whole blog to address.

Be well. Be healthy. Inform yourself. Share truth with love.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion!




Honest Doctors

Where do honest doctors, seeking honest answers to vaccine questions end up?

While doctors receive limited training on vaccine science in medical school, they usually end up being avid supporters of the USA government recommended vaccine program which currently recommends 71 vaccines targeting 18 infectious illnesses[1]. The underlying message dominating medical training is that vaccines are good, vaccines are safe, and vaccines have saved millions of lives. Very rarely do doctors inquire as to the ingredients in vaccines, the impact these ingredients may have on the body in the short or longterm, and the reality of devastating vaccine injury. Most doctors are not familiar with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed in 1986 which provides indemnity to vaccine manufacturers and a way for the public to seek redress through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.[2]

Additionally, most doctors are not aware of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) or the fact that this system is limited because vaccine injuries are underreported.[3] Doctors do not know they should be on the look out for adverse reactions. They do not know that they should “report clinically important adverse events that occur after vaccination of adults and children, even if you are not sure whether the vaccine caused the adverse event.”[4]

However, there is a positive trend amongst doctors to add to their training and seek to educate themselves, on their own time, on the reality of vaccine harm and the lack of safety studies proving safety. After a thorough examination of the facts, many of these doctors devote thousands of hours to reading research papers and examining the abundant evidence of vaccine harm. Many doctors are concluding that the risk of harm from the vaccine is greater than the potential benefit of the vaccine. As more and more doctors are coming to this conclusion, they are seeing more and more non vaccinated children and are very surprised to notice that the fully non vaccinated children have overall better health than their vaccinated or partially vaccinated counterparts. This fact is usually quite a surprise to them, since they have been educated to believe that children must have vaccines to be healthy.

Coming to an awareness of vaccine reality can be a tumultuous process. The fact that vaccine makers are protected from liability, and the fact that government agencies, assisted by the media, seek always to frame vaccines in a positive light and may ignore or falsify claims of vaccine safety, can be a bitter pill to swallow.  It requires time to fully examine evidence, rather than beliefs. It requires an openness to question many dogmas that have been accepted as truth.

The good news is that more and more doctors who have reached such an awareness. Some are not yet confident to express their views publicly. They may fear censure or retaliation by a medical system, and corporate media controlled public, that could adversely impact their career and work prospects.

Other doctors are undeterred by the negative reactions and confidently share the research they have done and the reality of vaccine injury in the interest of public and individual health. I have compiled a list of 260+ doctors and scientists but have removed it from this blog. You can easily find many highly educated, intelligently doctors boldly speaking out by doing a search on Youtube.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 25 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

[1] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html

[2] https://www.congress.gov/bill/99th-congress/house-bill/5546

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4632204/

[4] https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html

Child Sacrifice in USA????

Child sacrifice was an integral part of ancient pagan worship. Most people living today find the entire concept abhorrent. But child sacrifice continues every single day. Children are sacrificed on the vaccine altar. This fact is well known and documented — a percentage of healthy babies injected with these ‘protective‘ chemical cocktails will die. How many is the acceptable percentage?

“You must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshipping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.” Deuteronomy‬ ‭12:31[1]‬ ‭

Why would ancient people sacrifice their children? Perhaps they were seeking the favor of the deity. Perhaps they were asking for protection, health, and abundance. Perhaps they feared the deity. Note the use and manipulation of these universal emotions and parental desires in the current vaccine promotion agenda.

The USA recommends more vaccines than any other country. The infant mortality rate in the USA is amongst the highest of all developed countries. Healthy babies will die as a result of receiving vaccines.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) will even pay out up to $250,000 per infant death by vaccine.[2]

Every vaccine carries a risk. The CDC, as of 2018, recommends 74 doses of vaccines for 18 different infectious illnesses between 0-18 years. Before your  baby is two years old, the CDC says they need 41 vaccines against 14 different infections, delivered via 24 needles. There is great risk of harm from the combined amounts of aluminum, other toxic substances, and contaminants, like human fetal cell fragments, in the vaccines. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a fund based on a contribution of 75 cents from every vaccine sold, that will compensate families in the USA if they can prove that their baby’s death resulted from the vaccines.[3] Each participant in the vaccine program, pays a ‘vaccine tax’ towards the inevitable injuries that WILL happen.

Vaccine injury happens.        How often?

No one really knows. Deaths related to vaccines are rarely admitted to be connected by the doctors who administer the shots. Medical personnel are trained to ignore obvious adverse events and often ridicule patients who insist there is a connection between the shot/s given and reactions that occur soon after. For most deaths of ‘unknown cause’ there is an autopsy, but coroners are encouraged not to find evidence of vaccine involvement in the sudden unexplained death of a previously healthy infant/child in close proximity to receiving the standard recommended vaccines.[4] In fact, in one case, the coroner told the grieving mother that while there was a special panel that could be run to determine if vaccines were involved in her son’s death, it would cost them $2,500. Since it is not standard procedure, the parents were responsible to pay this extra amount. The parents were dealing with $10,000 of funeral expenses and were not able to get these important test result. In other cases coroners do not run the tests when asked by parents and refuse to release tissue samples requested for further testing.

While deaths have been compensated by the VICP, the medical establishment in general is taught that vaccine reactions are ‘very very rare.’ They are trained to view the reactions following a vaccine as some strange phenomenon – but probably in no way related to the vaccines the healthy baby, child or teen was given. Thus, most parents do not file a claim with the VICP after the death of their baby. Doctors, nurses, and parents usually are unaware of the possibility of filing such a claim. However, there have been 1,268 claims filed for death from vaccines since 1988. A total of 19,456 claims for injury and death have been filed, with 6,030 receiving compensation.[5]

The process of receiving the $250,000 payout for a death from the fund is complex and challenging.[6] Parents who are struggling to come to terms with the sudden unexplained death of their otherwise healthy baby/child, which strangely correlates to the time of recent vaccines, often do not possess the physical and emotional strength necessary to complete the cumbersome application process. Submission of a claim requires a $400 payment up front.

Russian RoulletteSo the numbers of deaths and injures commonly reported doesn’t reflect the reality.

The truth is, every vaccine given is somewhat like a game of Russian roulette. Vaccines, however, are different in an important way. In Russian roulette, some of the barrels hold blanks, but in the vaccine game, every shot holds poison. The only question is what will this dose of poison do to this baby?[7]

If you are new to this topic, please explore other blogs written specifically for parents here. I am convinced parents have been so conditioned to fear infectious illness, and accept vaccines, that they end up oblivious of the true threat. They willingly offer their children on the vaccine altar, unaware and uninformed of the risks.

Paul, 1st Century, wrote some insightful instructions:

See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Jesus Christ. Colossians 2:8

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11

For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.  I Corinthians 10:33

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

[1] There are many passages in the Bible that refer to the practise of child sacrifice and God’s abhorrence of it.

[2] The age is not specified, but includes infant deaths: “Compensation varies, depending on the injury, and can include as much as $250,000 for pain and suffering, lost earnings, legal fees, and/or a reasonable amount for past and future care. For a death, you may receive as much as $250,000 for the estate and legal fees.” USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, How To File a Claim,  http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/fileclaim.html

[3] USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,  http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html

[4] In the tragic circumstance of you or anyone you know facing the death of a child after vaccine, a lot of helpful information has been compiled in A Parent’s Guide: What to do if Your Child Dies After VaccinationGuidelines to Autopsy Medical Tests, by Norma Ericsson, President SANE Vax & Catherine J Frompovich, Consumer Health Researcher & Author.

[5] US Dept of HHS, HRSA, Data and Statistics, updated 06/26/2018. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/data/index.html

[6] USDHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, How To File a Claim,  http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/fileclaim.html

[7] There are known increased risks of harm from vaccines, but the government has avoided most attempts to identify the risk factors for specific individuals. Known risks include, but are not limited to: a genetic predisposition based on mutation of the MTHFR gene, family history of autoimmune disorders, premature birth with other risk factors, family history of adverse events following vaccines.

Doctors Learn Vaccine Risk

Struggling to understand how good doctors can advise parents to follow dangerous medical practises? Dr Moss, highly qualified practising physician, and Professor teaching young doctors, has a unique understanding.

Another doctor explains his viewpoint of the direction of our country, especially the medical system and the desire for total control. His childhood experience of being forced to flee from Vietnam gives him insight into the direction of medical care and practice in this country.

Thank you to the Vaxxed Team for their tireless collection of real life stories of vaccine injury and awakening to the truth.

Dr Neides from Ohio was fired after writing a blog post in which he explains his adverse reaction to a flu vaccine and began asking questions about vaccine safety. The way he was treated by the medical establishment launched him into a detailed investigation of the history and safety of vaccines. In this segment of his talk, he makes 8 specific points regarding why he now questions vaccines.

Dr Neides warns us that Pharma is now racing to bring 140 new vaccines to the public. In many states there are campaigns to mandate vaccines for school attendance, as was passed by California in 2015. What are you doing to learn and share the truth?

What is your story?

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.