Confessions of a zombie nurse. Here is a riveting interview with a self confessed zombie nurse. She admits to being so programmed it took personal experience of multiple injuries over many years before she finally made the connection to exactly what impact vaccines had on her own health. Unfortunately her awakening did not happen until after her first son developed autism.
Jennifer Walter’s raw honesty is incredibly helpful. She is an amazing activist NOW, but her story will help you understand the ‘pro shot mania’ clearly seen in other medical professionals who obviously care about children, but are unable to SEE the harm – even when it is right in front of their eyes.
Jennifer is now an autism recovery consultant and extremely vocal about educating parents on the harm of vaccines and what can be done about it. She is a breath of fresh air: once blind, she now sees. She is not keeping this news to herself, but wants every parent to 1) understand the harm caused by vaccines, Rhogam shots during pregnancy, and vitamin K shots at birth; and 2) help parents recover their children from the toxic impact of these injections.
Journeyboost is authored and maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others to make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.
CDC has set up an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice. ACIP has no idea if it is safe to give multiple vaccines at once – because no study has been done. Yet for decades the members of ACIP have added vaccines. They publish recommendations that take for granted giving multiple vaccines at the same time. They advise doctors to give multiple vaccines with different antigens and different adjuvants injected into babies and children. Their caution? Just inject into different limbs – everything is fine.
Please watch this very brief exchange at an ACIP meeting where a new Hepatitis B vaccine with a new adjuvant is being added to the schedule. Do the two women guiding this meeting seem to be competent to answer difficult scientific questions on vaccine safety? I personally find this exchange very disturbing.
The CDC website and vocal vaccine promoters insist that the science has been settled and there is no connection between vaccines and autism. Yet Dr Bernadine Healy, a cardiologist, academic physician, and the first female Director of the National Institutes of Health, expressed a very different picture of the science stating “The question of autism and vaccines has not been answered.”
Dr Stanley Plotkin admitted in a deposition that there has been no study into the possible correlation between autism and the DTaP vaccine. In fact, there has only been one serious study of autism and vaccines which involved only one vaccine, the MMR. This is the study that the CDC whistleblower, Dr William Thompson, a senior research scientist at CDC, admitted the entire team committed scientific fraud. Vaxxed: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a detailed expose of the facts surrounding the whistleblower’s revelations.
So how safe are those vaccines which are daily being injected into our babies and children?
No one actually knows. Do you trust the giddy scientists that rely on – “well we always do it, just make sure you inject into different limbs” approach to safety? Or does approach seem more like relying on folklore? What is the true scientific approach? Science is always verifiable and repeatable. Science is never settled.
Journeyboost is authored and maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.
Apparently a
LOT of people require TB testing for work or job applications. Here is what
I’ve found:
There are 3 ways to test for TB: Skin test (risky injection of ‘science juice’), blood test (could be ‘expensive’), chest x-ray (consider cumulative radiation exposure but could be best option). Both skin test and blood test can sometimes give a false positive which would then require x-rays anyway. A chiropractor can do x-rays – perhaps a cheaper option and a wholistic chiropractor may be more aware of limiting radiation exposure.
The consensus is for QuantiFERON TB Gold blood test which only requires a blood draw. Pricing will vary with your location. Phone around to a few different labs and ask the price. You don’t need a doctor to order it. There is another test – see below.
Chest X-rays are accepted by most employers and are generally valid proof of no TB for two years.
More on the Skin & Blood tests with links
Skin Test:
There are two versions, Tubersol and Aplisol, both containing purified protein derivative, polysorbate 80 and phenol. Also, worth noting that the CDC has announced nationwide shortages of the purified protein derivative used in making these products. Could it mean TB testing and concern has increased exponentially?
Nationwide Shortage of Tuberculin Skin Test Antigens: CDC Recommendations for Patient Care and Public Health Practice, Weekly / June 21, 2019 / 68(24);552–553,
TUBERSOL contains: Purified protein derivative of M. tuberculosis 5 TU per 0.1 mL, Polysorbate 80 0.0006%, Phenol 0.22% to 0.35% w/v, in sterile isotonic phosphate buffered saline.
These may seem like minute amounts but Polysorbate 80 is used to open the blood brain barrier. Phenol is an extremely toxic chemical. Sometimes small amounts of poison can be extremely detrimental. Some people think the TB test is connected with later development of autoimmune diseases. Any eczema or family skin conditions are a good reason to avoid the skin test. Anyone who wants to preserve a robust innate immune system will want to avoid the skin test.
Blood test: “I order a blood test through Any Lab Test Now and take my results to employee health. Approx $80. Totally worth it.”
Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) are whole-blood tests that can aid in diagnosing Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. They do not help differentiate latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) from tuberculosis disease. Two IGRAs that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are commercially available in the U.S. and are acceptable alternatives “can be used in place of (but not in addition to) TST in all situations in which CDC recommends TST as an aid in diagnosing M. tuberculosis infection, with preferences and special considerations…”
QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT);
T-SPOT®.TB test (T-Spot)
The blood test “may be expensive” and may require you to pay out of pocket.
There is also a screening questionnaire for health care workers to help assess risk of infection. There is another set of diagnostic questions to help determine if there could be an underlying active TB infection. These were a little harder to find, and I don’t know how acceptable these would be for employment or job applications. I did find an interesting tip, the CDC does not recommend annual TB testing for health care workers! See a lot more information than you desire here.
Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods. Thankful to have a new son-in-law who asked me about TB tests!
Most people are unaware, but something significant changed when Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010. Nurses in hospitals are now required to ask every single patient upon arrival – for any and all reasons – if they have had a flu vaccine already this year (September – March) or a pneumococcal vaccine. If they report that they have not received these vaccines, it will be noted in the computer records and an order will automatically be generated to give the patient these vaccines. No doctor is consulted. It is the “Standard of Care” hospital policy. Since the CDC and most state Health Departments recommend flu shots yearly for all ages, this impacts everyone. Pneumococcal vaccines are promoted to those over the age of 65 and may also be offered to babies/young children since the CDC includes them in their recommendations. If you are at the hospital for elective surgery, a broken limb, or anything else, you will be targeted to get those vaccines.
How do you protect yourself?
Never sign an electronic signature pad when admitted to a hospital – the information in these ‘forms’ include giving permission for the administration of “biologics” which means you have just signed permission to be injected with vaccines.
Ask for a paper copy. Write clearly “No Biologics” and “No Vaccines” above your signature. I have heard of patients being told they cannot provide paper copies. In this instance you may continue to refuse to sign the electronic signature pad and see what they are able to come up with.
Some people aren’t willing to take any chances and suggest using a Sharpie permanent marker to write on both arms before elective surgery: “No Biologics” and “No Vaccines” so the nurse will have no doubt of your refusal! There have been too many cases of a nurse ‘forgetting’ or giving vaccines even after refusal. Take a photo of it written on your body – as proof of refusal!
The view point of most hospital facilities is that even if
someone already received a flu vaccine earlier in the season, or if their
vaccine status is “unknown” IT WON’T HURT TO BE VACCINATED TWICE. So, if you
are admitted to the hospital and you can’t remember if you have had a flu shot
this season, as long as you don’t refuse, you will get a flu shot on admission.
Nurses can also get permission from family members and give flu shots while the
patient is recovering from surgery.
It’s important that you make sure every family member knows
your desire to avoid all vaccines.
Also, patients admitted for trauma will get a TDaP in the ER
when they arrive UNLESS THE PATIENT OR THE FAMILY REFUSES at the time of the
trauma. Hospital “standard of care” policy for nearly all injuries, especially
those with a point of entry, is to order a TDaP/DTaP (depending on the age). So
even if you cut your hand washing dishes in soapy water, expect to be offered a
Vaccination is nurse driven. Hospital policy dictates that
nurses should be vigilant in regards to vaccines for all admissions. They are
instructed to assess vaccination status of all patients admitted to hospital.
The guideline used is that ALL PATIENTS GET A FLU SHOT on the second day in the
hospital from September – March (sometimes longer). Vaccines will be
administered unless REFUSED by the patient.
The key is that THE PATIENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE. But sometimes it requires extreme vigilance to exercise your right!
Smart doctors, smart nurses, and informed humans all REFUSE flu vaccines. Read the story of how one smart doctor figured out – after 3 years of getting sick after flu vaccines – that it was time to do some REAL RESEARCH. The information she found out after contacting the CDC flu division is profound. Flu vaccines don’t work. The CDC admits it.
Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods. Wife, mother, grandmother, life and health coach.
Please share your experience in the comments! Thanks
Vaccines currently recommended/mandated for school attendance: • Tetanus: a disease that that is non contagious; • Hepatitis B: a disease not spread easily in a school setting and for which children with active cases of Hepatitis B are allowed to attend school; • Pertussis, Diphtheria, Polio: diseases for which the vaccine is not capable of preventing transmission of infection; • Rubella: a vaccine that has never been studied for clinical effectiveness; • Mumps: a vaccine not efficacious enough to impart the required threshold of herd immunity; • Measles: a vaccine not durable enough to ensure long-term protection of the majority of vaccinated students from developing a modified form of the disease; • Chickenpox: a vaccine not utilized by other developed countries for mass vaccination.
If you look at it this way you see how unreasonable this policy is. The current CDC vaccine policy is not grounded in medical ethics, is not grounded in understanding of what vaccines can and cannot achieve, and cannot be claimed to be founded on ‘science’. Vaccine education currently discounts inconvenient FACTS and protects a multi billion-dollar industry peddling a liability free product. Why?
In this talk Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD uses the CDC’s own studies and other accepted peer reviewed scientific data sources to prove these claims.
Posted by Becky Hastings in the interests of education for parents.
You might have heard this response from someone seeking to rationalize giving vaccines “It’s a gamble every time you get in the car with your children. In fact, car accidents are the leading cause of accidental death for children. Do you plan to stop driving them? Considering cars are 1000 times more dangerous than vaccines, I sure hope so.”
If the car seat and car makers were given immunity from lawsuits and no safety testing had been done for 30 years, then your comparison would be more accurate. Over $4 billion has been paid to compensate vaccine injury & death since 1989. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), charged by Congress with safety testing, recently admitted it has done NONE. No vaccines have been tracked for safety since the companies manufacturing them were given indemnity!! NO combination of vaccines recommended to babies and children have ever been tested for safety – even though we know that multiple drugs can have an overall negative impact. Vaccines are a far bigger gamble than you were told.
Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study.Hewitson L1, Lopresti BJ, Stott C, Mason NS, Tomko J.
Parents, please research vaccines as if your babies life depends on it. Not all babies can safely receive vaccines as currently recommended by your doctor and the CDC.
The Highwire’s ‘Ex-Vax Files’ Series highlights Catie Clobes, mother of three. Catie followed the #CDC’s recommendations, listened to her pediatrician, and less than 48 hours after her 6-month-old daughter Evee’s vaccinations, lost her baby. Refusing to accept a SIDS diagnosis, Catie shares her heart wrenching journey from “pro-vaxxer” to “ex-vaxxer.”
A Q&A by David Maxfield from Crucial Skills: How to discuss immunizations with reluctant parents inspired me to write my own Q&A. I have a high regard for their work even though I hold an opposing view on this particular topic. His answer to a question posed by a vaccine promoting health care professional provides valuable insight on how to converse instead of argue. I pose a question from a vaccine informed parent and edited the wording he provided in his answer. If you visit the link please read my comment, and take a minute to leave your own respectful comment!
Dear David,
With the recent rise of hype in the media promoting vaccines and looming mandates, I am concerned children will be harmed as a result.
With 36 yrs exploring this topic, I am troubled by how many ‘experts’ are not more curious about vaccine safety. Has the belief that “vaccines are safe & effective & save millions of lives” been challenged with personal research review by those who hold this view? I don’t understand how they can push a point of view without a thorough examination of what exactly parents are objecting to and why. Parents who witness injury know the case for vaccines is extremely flawed. Many have become experts on vaccine risk, yet may find it difficult to hold a conversation because of their passion.
Public health officials seem more committed to getting vaccines into children than looking into the possible harm. How can I converse about this topic so that all parties involved can discover truth?
Concerned mother, grandmother, researcher, and writer
Dear concerned mother, grandmother, researcher, and writer,
It’s not just vaccines that cause communication breakdowns. We see breakdowns across our culture, which makes your question especially relevant. Some tips that may help your discussions:
You Can’t Win an Argument. It’s a paradox that it becomes harder, instead of easier, to convince someone when you are supremely confident in your own point of view. Many of us have firsthand experience with this reality. Dale Carnegie expanded this insight, “You can’t win an argument.” Here is how a conversation can turn into an argument:
I ask the parent/doctor/nurse why they want to give vaccines or question a vaccine promoter about vaccines.
Reasons are given in support of vaccines.
I attack their reasons and try to add information on vaccine harm.
They attack my points and defend theirs.
I attack theirs and defend mine.
Rinse and repeat.
No one wins
In trying to win an argument I’ve fallen into what’s called the Persuasion Trap. I have become the champion for my cause and pushed the other party into being a champion for the opposite cause. The result is an argumentative cycle no one seems to win – in fact, each person could finish with a strengthened view of his or her own position.
Motivational Interviewing. Motivational Interviewing is an approach that is designed to avoid the Persuasion Trap. Instead of taking sides, it helps the pro vaccine pusher explore and resolve the ambivalence they must feel regarding vaccines. It conveys respect while maintaining and holding the position that it’s the parent who will make the final judgment. The goal is to engage the vaccine promoter with his or her own intrinsic motivation. Below are a few principles you can use:
Ask for Permission. When you are told “It’s time for vaccines” or someone is providing pressure for you to give vaccines, don’t launch into an argument. Instead, ask permission to discuss it further. This helps avoid an argument and conveys respect.
Explore their Ambivalence. Most thoughtful experienced vaccine promoters must have some thoughts about the reality of vaccine injury. Make it safe for them to voice their possibly deeply hidden concerns. This establishes your role as educator, rather than opponent. Below are how these first two elements might sound in a conversation with a healthcare provider. You can imagine using a similar approach for family or friends:
YOU: Your said my child is due for a _____ vaccine today. Would it be okay if we discussed it?
PARENT: [I have no idea what they will say! Let’s go with] Okay.
YOU: Many of your peers feel vaccines are entirely safe and totally effective. Your training has launched your career as a health care provider and you see that vaccines play an integral part of providing that care. You are concerned about parents who refuse vaccines and worried that it will cause specific risk to that child and perhaps to a larger population because of one child not receiving vaccines. These are valid concerns. If I were in your shoes, I would probably share your views. What do you see as the pros and cons of a person not getting vaccines?
Perhaps draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and write the pros on the left and cons on the right side of the line as they provide them. This helps the person turn their vague feelings and fears into a finite number of specific concerns—concerns that can be addressed.
Paraphrase to Ensure Understanding. Summarize each concern. This makes sure you understand it and also demonstrates that you are listening. “So, correct me if I’m wrong, but you are worried that a child who does not receive a measles vaccine will be at risk of death? You are concerned that if a few children don’t get the measles vaccine a widespread outbreak will result in many people getting sick and perhaps many dying? You have concerns that parents do not understand the gravity of their decision to avoid vaccines and that they are unnecessarily putting their child at risk? Is that right?”
Address Each Concern with Facts. But first, ask for permission (again), “Would you mind if I provided you with more information about the risk of vaccine injury from recently published sources?” Have a few salient facts memorized and offer to send the papers. Provide all clarifying information in a nonjudgmental way.
Consider the Messenger. Ask yourself whether you are the right person to provide the facts. If you are a parent who has personally witnessed vaccine injury, a person who has received compensation through VICP, or a person who has spent thousands of hours researching the topic, you may consider yourself credible, but beware that your listener may not see you as credible. A health professional will generally value information provided by other health professionals. If you have had multiple children and some are vaccine injured and others who did not receive vaccines are vibrantly healthy, you may want to share your own personal observations. It might sound like this: I understand my small data sample is not science, but after my first child was vaccine injured I didn’t give vaccines to my others. The thing that astounds me every single day is the vibrant health of my non vaccinated children. I am absolutely certain that health is not the result of getting an injection of so many chemicals on a regular basis.”
If you don’t think the person sees you as a credible messenger, then use information that comes from more credible sources. Provide a handout from Learn the Risk, Informed Consent Action Network, Children’s Health Defense, or NVIC. You may also encourage the person to investigate recent studies by Dr Aaby on long-term health after vaccines, Dr Theresa Deisher on DNA fragments in vaccines, or Dr Chris Exley and Dr Chris Shaw on aluminum in vaccines. Another resource for someone truly interested in exploring the topic is a video presentation by Dr Sam Eggertsen from Washington state focused on helping health care providers understand vaccine hesitant parents which answers the question “Why Do Parents Refuse To Vaccinate Their Children?”
Final Affirmation/Acknowledgement. “I applaud you for having this discussion with me. I am happy to discuss anything further. I’m sure I don’t know as much as you. I don’t have your training and haven’t read all your medical textbooks, but I am 100% committed to finding the truth. I also want to help parents have healthy happy babies – which I am sure is also your goal. I believe we achieve the best health, as individuals and as communities, by boosting the innate immune system and the body’s own defense against infectious disease. Avoiding chemicals in our food, air, water, and what we inject into our body – all of which burden our natural detox system – seems a wise approach in the pursuit of health.”
Consider Multiple Influences. You asked how to have a conversation with a vaccine promoter. These conversations are important, but they’re only one aspect of a comprehensive influence strategy. If your mission is to inform the public and especially new parents of the reality of vaccine injury you could employ a combination of strategies at the Personal, Social, and Structural levels. These would include conversations, but also involve community leaders within schools, churches, and sports teams. They would also include discussions with lawmakers and policy makers. I pray this information will be helpful in getting people to thoroughly investigate the truth on this issue. Let me know if you try any of these suggestions, and how they work for you!
As your child approaches specific milestones – usually in age, you will hear from family, friends, your trusted pediatrician, that it is now “time for “11 year old shots”.
Most parents take this in stride. They understand their child may have some hesitancy, and help them psychologically prepare for the procedure in advance. Since the CDC has been recommending vaccines since most parents were children, we accept that they are a normal part of life.
Should parents ask any more questions about these “recommended 11 year old shots”? What about the new additional ‘off to college’ shots?
Your child may feel a little anxious about it. You may even feel a bit nervous about the visit. But have you taken a little time to ask some questions about these recommendations?
Firstly what shots did you get when you were 11?
What shots are being recommended for your 11 year old?
What diseases will they prevent? Is the protection from these diseases 100% guaranteed?
Is there any known risk of adverse reactions to the shots?
Has the combination of shots recommended for my child been studied thoroughly and tested so we can be confident that it is harmless to give multiple shots at the same visit?
Are some shots relatively new?
What has been the safety track record so far?
What are the ingredients in the specific vaccines recommended? How was the vaccine manufactured? Where was the vaccine manufactured?
As a parent you are probably fairly careful about what your child eats. You are also careful about your child’s friends, environment, and general safety. Injecting ingredients into your child’s body is actually a lot more serious than we have always thought: We got vaccines, our children get vaccines, no big deal. There are so many developments in science since the time we were children that we need to take some time to explore a lot of issues around the vaccine discussion.
The most important aspect of life is health. We want to guard and treasure our child’s health. I encourage you, as a loving dedicated parent, to take some time to learn about:
The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which serves to protect vaccine manufacturers from all liability for the products injected into children as recommended by the CDC.
Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS). A registry of voluntary reporting of vaccine injury.
The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The compensation system set up after the 1986 Act as a means to compensate families who experienced death or injury from vaccines. As of 2019 over $4 billion has been paid out for vaccine injury through this closed court system.
Study the actual diseases and learn how you can treat them safely and effectively.
Just think about it. There is no other product you use for your family that the manufacturer is 100% liability free. Experts admit that some children will be harmed from vaccines. The exact percentage of children is routinely stated as very low. The reality of vaccine injury is a topic IGNORED and hidden rather than studied. Too many families have learned the hard way that vaccines cause injury far more frequently than expected.
Information is power. When you know the facts in this discussion you will not be led by fear. Fear has been the primary motivating factor in selling vaccines to the public. Should we fear these diseases or should we fear those who profit from selling a liability free product virtually mandated on the entire population?
As a Christian, I have a responsibility to warn you about what I have discovered from thousands of hours of research, reading, and studying this information. You owe it to your children to become informed. I am happy to provide more information.
Becky Hastings, avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant.
All our representatives and senators need to understand the heroic acts of families seeking to protect their children in the same way as Representative Heidi Sampson from Maine.
I see your cartoons and your posts about people who are questioning vaccines. I was you, just a little over 3 years ago. I saw it as a black and white issue with no room for debate. I thought ugly thoughts and stated my opinion plainly. I thought I had read the science, which of course was me reading abstracts of a handful of industry-funded, cherry-picked studies that did not contain true inert placebos. I read the CNN articles. I looked at the CDC website. I knew what the WHO was. There was absolutely no possible way in my mind that getting vaccines involved any risk worth my consideration.
Then my beautiful daughter, Rosie, regressed into autism slowly, incrementally, and profoundly. I denied that vaccines played a role. I just couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. After a significant decline following a flu shot, I asked the nurse, awkwardly…
“Rosie really tanked after her flu shot. I don’t want to be one of those people, but could there be something to that?”
The nurse took a deep breath, and very diplomatically said,
“Vaccines create an immune response in the body and if her immune system was poor or struggling, it could affect her negatively.”
Say what?! Enter doubt. Rosie’s immune system was terrible. During her short life she had already had many ear infections with multiple rounds of antibiotics. She had even contracted the rare Epiglottitis – two months before getting that flu shot. Epiglottis is “a rapidly progressive bacterial infection of the epiglottis and surrounding tissues that may lead to sudden respiratory obstruction and death” – something the HIB vaccine should have protected her from! Fail.
Rosie was due for a booster shot at this appointment and even my super mainstream doctor agreed we should pause her vaccinations! I decided to go home and do my research and make sure I felt confident to continue vaccines on the recommended schedule.
I then began to slowly eat humble pie. If you would like to grab of a cup of coffee with me one day, I would spell out what my journey of discovery has been like—how it was retrospectively quite obvious that Rosie was negatively impacted after at least 2 and maybe 3 sets of her vaccinations. When your child is regressing, it’s difficult to know what you are looking at in the moment. Who would ever be expectantly watching for their child to lose skills?? You just one day realize that your child can’t do something anymore. I wasn’t looking for something to blame. The evidence was undeniable.
I would not tell you what to do, but I would share the broader scope of the suppressed science that is available regarding vaccine safety (and the lack thereof). I would inform you of the unbelievable level of corruption involved in our government agencies (Did you know that the CDC owns vaccine patents?). I would point to the latest research showing how there is a mechanism whereby vaccines create immune activation events (really their whole purpose) and that some cases (How many? We don’t know yet!) of autism can be triggered by immune activation events in the brain.
Did you know that families have been compensated a total of over $4B in vaccine court for vaccine injuries, some of which resulted in autism? Did you know that in 1986 vaccine manufacturers were feeling extreme pressure due to lawsuits for injury from vaccine. They appealed to the US government and Congress passed an act to take away the right to sue vaccine manufacturers directly? In order to receive any compensation from vaccine injury or death, there is a lengthy process whereby you have to petition the government for compensation (funded by a tax you pay on every vaccine), in a process where Department of Justice attorneys rake families over the coals.
Did you know that a lawsuit has been won against Health and Human Services, finding that the HHS failed to conduct ANY of the biannual vaccine safety reports required by this same act? Did you know that the vaccine schedule has exploded to 72 recommended doses by the age of 18? There’s no liability, so of course the schedule exploded. I had no idea.
To say the science is settled is ridiculous. Nothing is settled in science, especially when the number of doses of vaccines is continually increasing. Autism rates are now shown to be as high as 1 in 36. Don’t tell me vaccines can’t trigger autism or regression without telling me what does. Genetics can only account for a predisposition and a tiny subset of autism. Our family is currently part of a huge autism genetics study and they continue to come up empty. What a waste!
Your autism, or your child’s autism may not have been caused or triggered by vaccines, but it’s unfair to whitewash countless people’s experiences of regression, side effects, and even death. It’s happening at frightening numbers, and you probably don’t know about it because mothers are scared to share these stories to a hateful public. And I will share with you that we don’t all blame one vaccine. How could we, when our children usually receive multiple vaccinations at once? I will remind you that only one vaccine has been studied in relation to autism: MMR. The “definitive” study on it was called out by a whistleblower for an illegal manipulation of data. Just today, an INDUSTRY-FUNDED study was released out of Denmark, which didn’t even have a true representation of the current autism rates in the study sample. It’s garbage, but you see the headline and you feel relieved, right?
I’ll also share with you that this long term study was released in a timely manner on the night before a US Senate hearing on the ‘measles crisis’ with a completely one sided presentation resembling a PR stunt. Hundreds of parents and children were purposefully barred from attending. Is this one step toward trying to create a public demand to make philosophical/religious vaccine exemptions extremely burdensome? or remove them altogether.
Let me make this clear for you: The federal government is tossing around the idea of mandating medical procedures (vaccines) that are poorly studied and produced by manufacturers that have zero liability. Are you okay with the government mandating that I have Rosie continue to get vaccinations, given her history? Medical exemptions are not easy to come by if you are thinking she should be covered with that. Should she be sacrificed for what you may believe is the greater good? Should the government be allowed to make such mandates? Is this communist China?
You ask…what about herd immunity? In terms of the hot-button measles, the scientific community used to believe one shot provided lifelong immunity. Then they realized some people didn’t even develop antibodies, so a booster was added to “clean up” the ones that didn’t have a good uptake the first time. Now they know that immunity wanes over time. When was your last booster? If you didn’t have a natural case of the measles, it is very likely that you, yourself, are no longer immune and not contributing to the “herd”. Are your children’s teachers up to date? The custodians? The cafeteria workers? The visiting parents? Again, likely no. But you can’t transmit what you don’t have, so we’re doing okay. People seem to think the unvaccinated are in some way harboring communicable diseases all the time.
Herd immunity is also based on research of how natural immunity can work. Vaccine-derived herd immunity is wishful thinking.
The Pharma-bought media want you to believe that I get all my information from Google and social media. I have read more than my fair share of books, there are many Pubmed articles online, and Google Scholar is fairly adequate for me to have access to studies. Would you respect my opinion more if I trekked over to the medical library and read the same things there?
As for social media—thank God for a platform that allows families with stories like ours to find each other.
Coming back to your posts—your flippant posting of cartoons and bullying of people who question vaccines is hurtful to families of vaccine injured children. You are entitled to post or say what you want of course, but you need to know that thousands of families grieve what they saw happen to their babies. The Pharma-bought media stabs us, and your posts feel like a twisting of the knife.
I’m not mad. How could you know about all of this as — we all received the same mainstream mantra of “vaccines are safe and effective”?
I know you probably didn’t mean to hurt feelings and that you fear for your own children and the possibility of them contracting an illness. IT’S UNFAIR THAT WELL-MEANING PARENTS ARE BEING PITTED AGAINST WELL-MEANING PARENTS.
We need to know the true benefit/risk ratio of all things we may choose to inject in our bodies so we can make conscientious decisions. We don’t have enough information. We should all ask: Are we trading short term illnesses (in whatever severity that may be) for chronic long term neurological disorders (and possibly so many other ailments)?
Please don’t ask me on Facebook to provide all the science that has taken me literally 3 years to sift through. I will not enter a “here’s my study”, “I don’t like your study” war. If you are genuinely curious, and I hope you are, I recommend J.B. Handley’s book: “How to End the Autism Epidemic” as a starting point. I ask you to read beyond study abstracts and CNN headlines.
I don’t mean to be arrogant in my beliefs. I don’t have all the answers. I just know that the Lord wouldn’t let me rest in silence.
by Joni Beth Waldroup
Do you have a vaccine injury story? Please contact me if you would like to share it.
Compiled by Becky Hastings (with inspiration from a friend), avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant.