Record numbers of deaths and disabilities have been reported to the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System since the rollout of the experimental products urged on the entire world beginning in 1921. Billions of dollars have been made from this liability free product. Below you can see the top 10 reported events as of January 21, 2023.
Urgent Care
Doctor Office Visits
Bell’s Palsy
Heart Attacks
Permanently Disabled
Data obtained on January 21, 2023 from
Eleanor McBean reports on a man-made epidemic in Kansas City in 1921! I’ve been investigating the history of vaccines from different perspectives. You can read more here (A Different View of History) and here (More History).
One reason why people rarely hear anything against vaccination is that those who raise a voice against it are silenced.
“In the fall of 1921 the health of the city was unusually good, but dull for the doctors. So the Jackson Medical Society met and resolved to make an epidemic in the city.
According to the record:
“It is further recommended that wide publicity be given, stating that vaccination is a preventitive of smallpox and urging the absolute necessity of vaccination for every man, woman and child in the city.
Those who investigated this fake, doctor-made epidemic searched for cases of smallpox to justify this vaccination drive, but could not find one case in the city.
The scare-head vaccination propaganda showed a picture of a child covered with sores (probably from empetigo, psoriasis or congenital syphilis), and called it smallpox. People are easily frightened when public officials tell them a disease is contagious and is in their midst. The fear vanishes when people learn the truth. Smallpox is not contagious, and compulsory vaccination is illegal. (See the chapter on smallpox for information on tests which proved smallpox and other diseases are not contagious, and can be avoided with the right knowledge and application of that knowledge, given in the big book, “VACCINATION CONDEMNED BY COMPETENT DOCTORS.”
Most people do not question the decision of their doctors and public officials so they trustingly put their lives and the lives of their children into the hands of the unprincipled drug vendors. The results were disastrous for the people but good for the doctors. The hospitals were soon filled with vaccine poisoned people and the doctors had business all winter.
According to the record, the doctors made $500,000 from that Kansas City vaccination spree, not counting the millions of dollars from the hospital cases.”
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
My recent post A Different View of History is getting a lot of views. I’m not sure how it’s being shared, but I’m glad it is. Often I use my blog as a place to store information that I find for future reference and if others find it helpful, I am thankful.
I got the polio vaccine in the 1960s. My parents thought it was the responsible thing to do. My father worked for the CDC in public health for his entire career. He believed that what they were doing was helpful to the health and welfare of babies.
I believe it is time to do more historic investigations into so-called ‘virus outbreaks’. A 2003 article by Jim West does an excellent job of covering several commonly used pesticide poisons in vogue at the time of the ‘polio’ outbreak in the USA which led to the polio vaccine. Has this vaccine been a cash cow for a non-existent virus? Was the actual cause of the symptoms labeled ‘polio’ toxicity from exposure to poisons used in agriculture? I’ve included only a very brief excerpt. Please read the entire article and formulate your own opinion. The facts presented in the media and the historic perspective many of us have accepted all our life may not coney the entire story.
“It was even known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the milk. With this foreknowledge the series of catastrophic events that followed the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history, should not have surprised the experts. Yet, far from admitting a causal relationship so obvious that in any other field of biology it would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite, the overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign. . . .
“Early in 1949, as a result of studies during the previous year, the author published reports implicating DDT preparations in the syndrome widely attributed to a ‘virus-X’ in man, in ‘X-disease’ in cattle and in often fatal syndromes in dogs and cats. The relationship was promptly denied by government officials, who provided no evidence to contest the author’s observations but relied solely on the prestige of government authority and sheer numbers of experts to bolster their position. . . .
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
The history of vaccines that we have been presented through our general education is based on a foundation of “vaccines have saved millions of lives and are thoroughly tested, safe and effective.” Digging into actual historical accounts presents a completely different point of view. The people pushing the ‘acceptable vaccine narrative’ have either 1) never investigated the facts and are ignorant, or 2) they are focussed on profit (either directly or through their career choices) from a product that will harm many, but is liability free because of laws passed to protect the manufacturers. No doctor, educator, or vaccine manufacturer will ever be held responsibile or accountable for the information they share since vaccines were given government protection through the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. The following quote from Eleanor McBean gives an entirely different perspective on early vaccines:
The stricken soldiers would probably all have recovered if they had avoided doctors and their poison medication and suppressive methods. Unfortunately, they were sent to the army hospitals and drugged to death by the doctors, who know nothing about the true principles of health and natural healing. The doctors, then as well as now, mistake the symptoms for the disease and give drugs to suppress the symptoms instead of letting the internal healing mechanism do its work to bring about normalcy. The doctors think they must do something to bring down the fever and give certain drugs to stop the coughing and other drugs to stop the diarrhea. All these damaging medical methods block the elimination of poison waste, and death or permanent injury is the result.
After the heavy toll of lives, when they learned that all the tricks of medical science (?) had completely failed, the Army was resourceful enough to realize that they would have to give some attention to health measures if they were to survive as a living army. So they set up a rigorous regimen of hygiene, sanitation and improved nutrition. This sensible program reduced the incidence of typhoid to less than 3 cases per 1,000. This marked decline in disease was brought about in less than 10 years, from 1899 to 1908. And this was done without one injection of anti-typhoid vaccine being administered, or any other vaccine.
In contrast to this remarkable record of disease prevention, we find that after vaccination became compulsory in the Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly, but all other vaccinal diseases increased at an alarming rate.
I encourage you to follow the link and read more of the information she provides.
No writer perfectly conveys historical truth, but by exposing ourselves to understanding the many facets of history, we will be better able to discern current events. Here is a list of the books written by Eleanor McBean. Many can be found on the internet for free.
1957 The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean ISBN 0-7873-0594-4
1957 The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine (Chapter 10 of Poisoned Needle)
Little known or investigated facts included in Vaccines the Biggest Medical Fraud in History (above):
Listed below are public health statistics (U.S. Public Health Reports) from the four states which adopted compulsory vaccination, and the figures from Los Angeles, California (similar results in other states available from books listed at the back of this booklet):
1958: 119 cases of polio before compulsory shots
1959: 386 cases of polio after compulsory shots
1958: 17 cases of polio before compulsory shots
1959: 52 cases of polio after compulsory shots
1958: 45 cases of polio before compulsory shots
1959: 123 cases of polio after compulsory shots
1958: 78 cases of polio before compulsory shots
1959: 313 cases of polio after compulsory shots
1958: 89 cases of polio before shots
1959: 190 cases of polio after shots
The decline of smallpox, as with many other infectious diseases, including diphtheria and scarlet fever, coincided with the sanitation reforms which were instituted in the late 1880s. Where obtainable, government health records from around the world showed that during the periods of the most intense and widespread vaccination, the incidence of and death rates from smallpox were highest. For instance, in Kansas City and Pittsburgh during the 1920s, lawsuits were initiated, and won, against doctors and medical societies for declaring smallpox epidemics when there were none, and for creating epidemics with their vaccination drives.
Before 1903, smallpox was almost unknown in the Philippines, with occurrences in less than 3% of the population, and that in a mild form. The U.S. military went in and began vaccinating, and by 1905 the Philippines had its first major epidemic. Vaccination was made compulsory in 1910. From 1905 to 1923, the mortality rate ranged from 25-75%, depending on the count from the various islands. “The mortality rate was the highest in the cities where vaccination was most intense.” Dr. W.W. Keen reported 130,264 cases and 74,369 deaths from smallpox in 1921.
Japan adopted compulsory vaccinations in 1872 when they had only a few cases of smallpox. By 1892 they had the largest smallpox epidemic in their history with 165,774 cases and 29,979 deaths.
Australia banned the smallpox vaccine after some children were killed by it, and in the following 15 years in unvaccinated Australia there were only 3 cases of smallpox.
The smallpox vaccine was discontinued in the United States after Dr. Henry Kempe reported to Congress in 1966 that fewer people were dying from the disease than from vaccination.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
#diedsuddenly A link to the documentary by Stew Peters is available at the end of this blog.
I wish I wasn’t posting this link to a one hour video released on 21 November 2022. I’m not sure everyone should watch it. The contents are extremely disturbing, yet I believe many facts are presented that we need to ponder.
My hesitation in sharing is at least two fold. Firstly, many people are not ready to be exposed to this information. The presentation, even if 100% factual and accurate, is designed to cause alarm. People with absolute faith and trust in the current authorities and government institutions may be unable to process the facts contained in this documentary. Others may be too squeamish or sensitive to experience the realities presented. Further, there is a lot of extraneous video footage which would be hard to verify and seems to be compiled as a method of ‘piling on’ to incite fear. Fear and anxiety were what drove a LOT of people to accept the experimental jab. Is purposefully perpetuating fear the best way to share truthful information?
Secondly, I believe the makers of this documentary left out some vitally important information. There isn’t much hope in this presentation. We are not given any solutions or any direction at the end. Many people who were duped, tricked, cajoled, or coerced into accepting the experimental jabs may react to this information with extreme despair or hopelessness. They may even react in anger at those who share it and blindly continue to believe the experimental medical procedure was their best decision – all in an attempt to ‘save face’. Others of us, who have loved ones that got jabbed, may despair about their prospects for life and health. The part of the story missing is “Can anything be done to ameliorate the consequences of the jabs?” I believe the answer is yes, and the producers of the documentary would have done us a better service if they had at least pointed in the direction of the many health professionals helping victims of the jab to recover. Steve Kirsch, who features in the documentary, has been interviewing many alternative health care providers on his weekly VSRF podcast and explores how they are actively helping people recover after they recognize their injuries.
However, with those warnings in mind, I believe this information needs to be available for people to make informed decisions. Some parts that impacted me most profoundly:
The evidence from many independent embalmers of strange anomalies in the blood is profound and should be carefully considered. Is there any other explanation for the bizarre appearance of these previously unknown clotting substances? This information is not freely available to the general public and has not been conveyed through any media. While extremely disturbing, the reality of the facts must be squarely considered.
I found the statistics and facts about the rates of still birth extremely chilling. A California nurse whistleblower describes how prior to the experimental shot availability they would see around one still birth per month. The same hospital began seeing around 20 per month and sent an email out to staff with the expectation that the rate would increase. To think that ‘health care’ providers are still recommending this shot to any woman before or during the child-birthing age is unconscionable. We need to warn women and girls of the very specific clear harms to their future ability to bear children.
So how do we view this information? My dominant thought after watching the World Premiere: Died Suddenly was “Lord God, Help us to recognize evil and STAND in YOUR VICTORY!”
The documentary traces the reality of many facts of history and the plans of powerful people who have stated publicly their desire to reduce population. Christians are well aware that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle. However, many Christians are completely unable to see how the evil forces are actively at work in the world today. Jesus’ warning has never been more relevant: “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inside are ferocious wolves.”
My suggestion: Watch and pray. Jesus also told us to do that. After watching, pray and ask God to direct you in how best to respond. My daily reading included Exodus 23 where several principles stuck out to me:
Don’t go along with the crowd.
Don’t spread false reports.
God promises to be with the Israelites as they enter and live in enemy territory. Jesus reiterates this promise in John 14 when he says the Holy Spirit will be given to His followers after He leaves. The Spirit is our Counsellor and Helper.
God’s promise was that He would be the protector and healer of His followers. Medical science is not our savior.
Worship the Lord your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away disease from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span. Exodus 23: 25-26
We are living in a society that has become dominated by forces that align with spiritual darkness and God’s adversary. However, Jesus forever conquered the enemy. We can live in victory as we walk securely following God. For those who did accept an experimental jab – for whatever reason – perhaps the most important decision to be made is to repent. We can acknowledge that only God can truly protect us from illness. Fear is a tool of the enemy of our soul. After repentance, our next decision is to stand firm and accept no further jabs. Millions of people were threatened with the loss of a job, but what is a job if you have lost your health? Or lost your life? There are ALWAYS more jobs, but we only have one life.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
Most parents in the west have been led to believe that a fever is bad and when a baby or child gets a fever, there are appropriate ‘baby’ fever reducers that should be given. New parents are advised by doctors and nurses on how and when to give over the counter (OTC) pharmaceuticals to babies for a variety of reasons. Many parents feel that if they do NOT give their baby these ‘baby’ pharmaceutical products widely available at grocery stores and pharmacies, they are not ‘good’ parents. Because the medical profession has not understood the value of a fever, many parents have been led down a path that they didn’t expect – sometimes including longterm chronic illness.
What is fever? What is the appropriate loving response for a parent when their baby or child develops a fever?
“Giving Tylenol to a babe for fever is equivalent to shooting your own attack dog when he’s going after a home intruder! Fevers are important.”
Dr Larry Palevsky is a NYS licensed pediatrician, who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness. He has been promoting health naturally for decades and has discovered valuable information that he passes on to parents. The following points about fever are from his website, where you will find even more detailed explanation of the beneficial role of fever in childhood.
GENERAL GUIDANCE IF YOUR CHILD IS SICK: “Do less. Stimulate less. Speak less. Eat less.” “Drink more. Sleep more. Rest more. Breathe more.”
Stop your daily routine and encourage your child, and your family members, to rest.
Provide a safe and comfortable environment for your child to process the illness.
Encourage plenty of fluids (water, tea, broth, soup, breast milk). If your child is on formula, you may need to either stop the formula completely, or feed fewer ounces through the illness.
Turn the volume down. Reduce activity levels, noise, excitement, schedules, chores, and tasks to a minimum.
Turn the lights down. Maintain a calm, quiet, peaceful environment for your child’s nervous system to heal.
Stay indoors; play quiet games. Going outside can be too much of an energetic overload for your child’s body when sick, and may prolong and intensify the stress on his body.
Give your child a warm bath, several times per day if necessary, and stay with your child as much as possible. Lay low, and watch your child closely. Be mindful of cool or cold drafts when getting out of the bath.
Regarding supplements, it is best to stop most, if not all of the supplements that your child is taking. You will need to use your judgment in making this decision.
Do not force your child to eat. When children are sick or not feeling well, their digestive systems slow down. Food is one of the last things children are interested in when they have a fever or don’t feel well. Just ensure fluid intake, and don’t push foods. Their bodies will tell you when they are ready to start eating again. And, most importantly, avoid sugar, including juices, flour and dairy products, and fried foods, when your child is sick, as these foods tend to increase stress, dehydration, and mucus production in the body, which will prolong, or worsen, the course of illness.
Observe your child for mental status changes.
Please remember that the resolution of illness can take some time. The more patience you have, the more closely you observe your child, and the more you efficiently remove the stressors in your child’s environments, the greater you will impact the length of recovery for your child’s illness.
You may need to cancel plans, stay home, and not participate in previously planned activities so your child can rest and heal at home in her own comfortable, safe environment. The most important thing you can do as a parent is to provide your child with a safe environment in which healing can occur.
Make the first day your child feels better a slow day. Stay home and rest for the first 24 hours that the symptoms of illness have finally abated. Try not to rush back into the daily routine of life.
Re: Acute Illness: Dr. Palevsky often remarks that “children need to be allowed to experience symptoms of acute illness in order for their bodies to appropriately cleanse the waste and toxins from their systems, and so they can go forward in their lives toward greater optimal health and wellness.” Rarely does Dr. Palevsky ever need to prescribe antibiotics for children in his practice. On average, he writes one antibiotic prescription per year. This is because he has come to understand that most illnesses in children are not caused by infections, and therefore, don’t require antibiotic treatment. Dr. Palevsky recommends that parents read this section of his website in great detail so that they can better understand and address any perceived challenges to their children’s health.
Dr Palevsky has a lot of experience and includes much more helpful information on the details of the body’s detox process on his website, including information on ear pain, coughs, diarrhea and vomiting. Many parents find it difficult to act against their strong programming of “avoiding a fever at all costs”. They may feel that their child is suffering and all they want to do is give them some relief. However, the short term difficulty of a fever will build long term health. Taking a short cut – by giving fever reducers – is actually going to adversely impact long term health. The action of Tylenol reduces glutathione in the body – an important anti-oxidant containing three amino acids that helps in the detox process. Giving Tylenol (aka acetaminophen, Paracetamol, Panadol) can result in your child being sick for longer, as well as other harmful impacts that parents are seldom warned about:
Estimates suggest 90% of infants are given Tylenol (aka acetaminophen). Pregnant women are encouraged that Tylenol is safe to take during pregnancy. Yet, there has been virtually no thorough investigation of the neurological consequences. There are 16 human studies which suggest brain developmental harm from use in pregnancy.Read more of the potential harm from this commonly used OTC treatment.
I believe 99% of all parents ONLY want what is best for their children. Navigating the information and discerning what is truly best is not always easy. There are many forces competing for our attention, allegiance, and money. Every parent will benefit from tuning into their gut instincts, seeking God’s wisdom, and asking a lot of questions. Most of us were not trained in critical thinking skills in our ‘education’ and have been subjected to a lot of marketing and propaganda pushed on us as “health information.”
A wise person said, critical thinking is all about believing more true things and believing less untrue things. We will spend the rest of our lives honing these skills!
I’d love to hear your personal experience of nursing a child through fever. I’ve watched both my five children, and our nine grandchildren receive a lot of TLC when sick and bounce back quickly from most illnesses. Fever reducing meds were never a part of my home first aid kit!
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved from the life of a rebel. I’ve been blessed with a husband of 41 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world. Be sure to subscribe to stay in touch!
Globally to date, ‘the virus’ is killing less than 1% of the people infected. Even fewer deaths than that have occurred in the US. Not >1% of the population mind you – >1% of those infected. And we know it’s primarily killing the infirm, the elderly, and the obese.
Obesity kills more people than ‘the virus’; drastically more when coupled with ‘it’. There’s the emergency – obesity – ….but no one is forcing lap bands on people, or bringing back rigorous PE programs to our schools or places of work.
Meanwhile the vaccine has caused over 1.1 million adverse reactions serious enough to be reported to VAERS, including over 2,600 deaths, 12,000 heart attacks, and 32,000 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis (permanent heart damage) as of 4 Feb 2022.
So, has the experimental jab ‘worked’? Is it a successful product? Successful at what? For who?
Asking questions and critical thinking is an imperative. Blindly trusting can be extremely dangerous.
Children have an even lower risk than adults and there can be no sound justification for giving this experimental jab to any child. The GOOD NEWS is that the FDA has delayed the scheduled meeting to discuss authorization of this jab for children from 6 months to 5 years. I did a quick search and found 5963 VAERS reports of injuries reported for ages 5 – 21. Some parents have been convinced that giving this dangerous experimental injection is the right thing. The media and medical systems seem to be highly supportive and promoting this. I believe the best way to help parents is through one on one conversations. Here are some important talking points for all parents from Children’s Health Defense.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved from the life of a rebel. I’ve been blessed with a husband of 41 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world. Be sure to subscribe to stay in touch!
What do stats show about facts? Analysis of VAERS data by experienced statisticians shows some alarming patterns. What can we be sure of?
“Countries that have authorized experimental injections for the alleged treatment or prevention of the alleged bundle of symptoms called “Covid-19” have given immunity to Big Pharma. That means, no prosecution or damages for harm caused.
In that environment, it has been discovered that Big Pharma has been conducting “lethal dose” “trials” on human beings by hiding “toxic” and “super toxic” experimental drugs of all kinds in among the lots of “Covid” injections with intent to kill, and gather data on the killings.
Big Pharma has labeled these hidden batches with code numbers so they can track the expected deaths to the batches, so they will know which experimental drug at what dosage has done the killing.”
A discussion of these facts and the implications with German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and Dr Sam White from the UK can be found here. More videos on this topic can be found here or here.
I have friends (in multiple countries) who are thoroughly persuaded that everything that has been presented to them through the media and government sources is true. They also state that accepting the vaccine is a good idea for their personal health, protection, and freedom to participate in society. They stress that getting the jab is the virtuous, caring responsibility of all people and imply – directly or indirectly – that those who are not willing to participate are being selfish.
They do not want more information and seem impervious to questions that do not endorse or support their way of thinking. I wanted to put this information together in a post for those who are interested in understanding some of the statistics that you will not find in the mainstream. If you want to take a deeper dive into the statistics involved in the vaccine discussion, this 2+ hour video interview with Dr Mike Yeadon, former scientific researcher with Pfizer, will be enlightening:
The group of statisticians investigating the VAERS data has released a website where you can get specific toxicity information on the individual vaccine lots. Doctors and pharmacists should be asked to check out the toxicity all lots of the vaccines they are providing. How Bad is My Batch?
While it is true that the concept of vaccines is never mentioned in the Bible, the Bible gives us a foundation to understand what we are facing today. We have an enemy. His aim is to steal (life and happiness), kill (our bodies and spirits), and destroy (individuals, families, society) by any and all means (John 10:9). He is an expert liar (John 8:44). But he, and his minions, are not able to directly inflict harm on us. As children of God we have protection from God. But the enemy is able to trick God’s children into their own demise. He promises life and freedom. The enemy never delivers on his promises. The enemy uses fear to push us towards his agenda.
We do not need to cower in fear of the enemy. He is not powerful. He uses tricks to get us to agree to his plans. But, His tactics are repeated, making them obvious when you know what to look for. He told Eve that God was holding out on her and that there was much more to be gained by accepting his offer and eating the forbidden fruit. Adam stood silently by, watching his woman accepting the trick. Read, or re-read, Genesis 1 – 3 to understand the foundation of the devil’s tactics with mankind from the beginning.
Christians need to be aware of the evil. How often have we stood idly by in order not to face harassment in this PC dominated culture? But evil has propagated. Evil has always been attempting to lead the population into fear and destruction. These Time Magazine covers chronicle the recent attempts to generate such fear.
These modern day attempts to inflict a virus on the population at large did not gain the traction that we see worldwide from 2020. There are probably many reasons for this. Social media has played a role. Indebtedness on an individual and country level plays a role. People with power to protect, careers to protect, etc. will go along in order not to experience personal sacrifice. Pride, greed, and systemic corruption all play roles in the ability of the enemy to propagate lies to so many innocent, trusting people throughout the world.
Asking questions is vital. Critical thinking is seeking to believe more true things and believe less false things. We need to be able to understand contradictory information and discern truth. I believe Jesus Christ when He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He healed many blind people. Even His disciples who spent so much time with Him, didn’t fully understand the meaning of all of His teaching. They were not able to grasp it. As ‘modern’ Christians our pride can cause us to think we know everything. We need to humbly ask God to open our eyes. May we say with the blind begger, “Lord, I want to see.” (Luke 18:41)
We also desperately need the Holy Spirit to lead and guide every thought and every decision we make. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be given to those who accept and follow Him. I search the ancient Scriptures to learn more of the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. John 14 and 1 John are good places to start.
I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that God wants His people to stand against evil. “Have nothing to do with the godless deeds of darkness, rather expose them.” (see more from Ephesians 5 in the turquoise box).
Here is a pastor who faced a tyrant in Zimbabwe who has insight into how Christians can discern and respond to tyrants.
“Once tyranny reveals itself, you know you are on a trajectory that will only intensify.”
Why it is important to recognize where we are at and what these indicators are pointing to.
“The way to fight against darkness and evil is with truth and light.”
We are all responsible before God to pursue truth and righteous.
There are many places in Scripture where evil was rampant in the culture and society. Some instances I’ve read recently include Josiah, as king of Judah (2 Kings 23); Daniel, inscripted into the enemy advisory force from a young age; and Nehemiah, serving a foreign king and learning of the heartache and suffering of his people in Jerusalem. These leaders had a surprising response. They all prayed with personal repentance and confession of sin. They claimed a shared responsibility for the evil that had taken hold in their lifetimes. They then sought to hear and obey God’s direction in their life. They played important roles in leading people to seek and honor God.
We desperately need revival. We need to be part of God’s work on the earth at this time. He is still building His kingdom and inviting people to receive forgiveness of sins and life through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Repentance is the starting point.
We can proclaim this truth to a lost hurting world. More people are seeking truth than ever before. I pray you will be given power, just as promised by Jesus in Acts 1, to be God’s faithful witness to every person God brings across your path. God will open ears, minds, and hearts. We are privileged to proclaim the truth of His love and goodness.
To open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. Acts 26:18
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved from the life of a rebel. I’ve been blessed with a husband of 41 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world. Please subscribe (below) so you don’t miss any future blogs!
Please heed this serious warning and share with other parents and grandparents. You may be bombarded with marketing information promoting this product for your child. Please consider that the product is:
My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.
I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I’m vaccinated for COVID and I’m generally pro-vaccination. I have devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.
After this, I will be posting the text of this statement so you can share it with your friends and family.
Before you inject your child – a decision that is irreversible – I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created:
There are three issues parents need to understand:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including
Their brain and nervous system
Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots
Their reproductive system, and
This vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system
The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable
You can’t fix the lesions within their brain
You can’t repair heart tissue scarring
You can’t repair a genetically reset immune system, and
This vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family
The second thing you need to know about is the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested.
We need at least 5 years of testing/research before we can really understand the risks
Harms and risks from new medicines often become revealed many years later
Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history
One final point: the reason they’re giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie.
Your children represent no danger to their parents or grandparents
It’s actually the opposite. Their immunity, after getting COVID, is critical to save your family if not the world from this disease
In summary: there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives.
The risk/benefit analysis isn’t even close.
As a parent and grandparent, my recommendation to you is to resist and fight to protect your children.
End of statement by Dr Robert Malone
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world. Please subscribe (below) so you don’t miss any future blogs!
Before you make your decision on whether or not to give your child a CV vaccine, here are some questions you may want to consider:
What risks are there to my child from actually getting a natural CV infection?
What is the risk to my child of receiving a the product marketed as a Covid vaccine?
If one child has an adverse reaction, will my other children be at an increased risk?
What is myocarditis? Is it true that myocarditis is happening in young people after a vaccine? What is the long-term or short-term impact of myocarditis? Can a person heal from myocarditis?
How many boosters am I willing to receive? How many boosters will I be willing to give my children?
Can I take the time to read information that does not support my point of view and ask if there is validity? Or must all information I am exposed to agree with my preferred narrative?
Are there other ways to help my child boost their immune system and optimize health other than vaccines?
There have been 837,593 reports of adverse events after the experimental liability free CV vaccine through October 22, 2021 in the USA. Each report takes time and detail to complete and there are specific warnings about providing false information on these reports. A Harvard study in conjunction with the CDC estimated that VAERs under reports so that all numbers could be multiplied by 10 – 100.
17,619 deaths
86,542 hospitalizations
94,163 urgent care
130,795 doctor office visits
7,706 anaphylaxis
10,465 Bell’s Palsy
2,712 miscarriages
8,656 Heart Attacks
10,956 myocarditis/pericarditis
27, 277 permanently disabled
4,014 Thrombocytopenia/low platelet
19,584 life threatening
32,305 severe allergic reaction
9,987 shingles
This father experienced tragedy when his son experienced an unexpected adverse event after receiving the jab that was supposed to provide ‘protection’ from harm. He thought he was doing the right thing, but his life was dramatically altered after his sons death shortly after receiving the shot. He speaks out to help other parents avoid his pain.
Can we actually trust government recommendations? Research Tuskegee. Investigate how vaccines have been tested on orphans and the infirm. Find out how those who have experienced vaccine adverse events have been treated.
Many pro vaccine people stepped up to get the vaccine and have experienced devastating life altering adverse events. Senator Ron Johnson held a Round Table event in Washington DC and invited the heads of all the major relevant government agencies and the media. The Department Heads did not accept the invitation. The major media outlets did not cover this event. But you can listen to medical and legal experts discuss the facts. You can also hear directly from Pfizer and Astra Zeneka trial participants and early recipients of this experimental injection. They have been shocked to find themselves experiencing serious adverse events and totally unsupported by trial organizers. You can find more of their stories here.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world. Please subscribe (below) so you don’t miss any future blogs!
Children are likely at a higher risk of injury from the ‘prevention’ than from the disease itself: Increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, hospitalization, swelling of the heart. Longterm consequences on health and future fertility are unknown. Rates of reports of myopericarditis far exceed the expectations of the CDC.
Watch this one minute video where CARDIOLOGIST DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH EXPLAINS HOW MYOCARDITIS DIFFERS WHEN CAUSED BY NATURAL INFECTION. “Studies suggest the lipid nano particles from the vaccine go directly to the heart. The body attacks the heart causing dramatic EKG changes. A totally different syndrome after the vaccine. Vaccine induced myocarditis is a big deal… in children it is way more serious and prominent than a post covid [natural infection] mycarditis.”
For a disease that 99.9973% of children survive.
Again, what’s the point?
A product that no one is prepared to take responsibility for. The manufacturers, licensing bodies and promoters are all 100% liability free.
If your child is harmed, the entire responsibility rests on you – the parent.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.