Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity

A new book. This might be the perfect gift for your friend who is pregnant!

Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity for their children by Forrest Maready

I highly admire the work of Forrest Maready. He lives next door, in North Carolina (I live in South Carolina). His family has been profoundly adversely impacted by vaccines, which he only realized AFTER he began to research the topic extensively. He writes with a passion to convey the truth about the benefits of natural immunity and the unintended harm caused by our widespread vaccine recommendations. As a former vaccine proponent, he understands how difficult it is to encounter and process new information that challenges your underlying paradigms.

I have watched many of the 100s of videos he has made. I also met him personally at a meeting in Atlanta and found him to be a very smart, outside the box thinker. The world needs more people fully informed and gently sharing truth. If you read his book, and share it with others, together, we will make an impact!

“If you always wanted to give someone a short, cheap, easy-to-read explanation of why you’ve chosen natural immunity instead of vaccines, I’ve got a new book on Amazon! Only $7 and will change the mind of even the most skeptical mother-in-law!” Forrest Maready

Why are more parents choosing natural immunity for their children? When I first heard that people were purposefully not vaccinating their children, I was shocked. Vaccines have been described as the most incredible medical invention of all time—a miracle of science and technology that has saved the lives of untold millions. I couldn’t believe that seemingly intelligent, educated parents were purposefully foregoing vaccines for their children, and in fact, were so convinced these medical prodecures were harming us, they would go out of their way to try to convince others. When a close friend of mine told me that his infant child was going to be unvaccinated, I thought he was completely insane. After much coaxing, he convinced me to do my own research and challenge him on his beliefs. A few months later, I had read things about vaccines and disease that I had never heard before. Things that no one—including our pediatrician—had ever mentioned. I was convinced there was a giant conspiracy to try and discredit vaccines, but after diving headfirst into recent scientific research seldom mentioned in the news, I eventually came to believe much differently about vaccines and the diseases they are supposed to protect us from. This short book will take you along the same journey I made as I transitioned from a dedicated vaccinating parent to someone who now questions whether any vaccines are actually worth the risk, even in third world countries. It barely scratches the surface of this, the greatest debate of our time, but if nothing else, will give you a clear idea as to why an increasing number of parents are raising their children unvaccinated.

I personally have seen the obvious glowing health of non-vaccinated babies and children. In fact, my husband recently commented that a non-vaccinated baby we know stands out sharply in contrast to other babies of the same age because of his bright perceptive eyes, and vibrant glowing health. While many moms are struggling with breastfeeding, struggling for baby to gain weight, and struggling with many other challenges in the first year of life – which may or may not be connected with receiving so many vaccines – the non-vaccinated babies I have encountered rarely have these issues. Moms who have personally vaccinated one child, but made a choice to not give vaccines to subsequent children, are often amazed at the difference. Doctors who have large numbers of non-vaccinated babies and children in their practise have come to realise they are by far the most healthy children.

Those who choose not to vaccinate are not endangering the world, or taking advantage of the risk and sacrifice of others (as I have been accused). The best gift I can give to the world is a vibrant innate immune system. I support the immune system with clean eating and natural supplements. I do not fear infectious disease for myself, my children, or my grandchildren. Our bodies are designed to have a strong defensive strategy to combat disease when we seek to cooperate with it, and not override it with injecting very questionable ingredients.

Those who convey a sense of shock and horror for “the children who are immune compromised and not able to receive vaccines” need to do a lot more thinking about the issue, which would take at least another whole blog to address.

Be well. Be healthy. Inform yourself. Share truth with love.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion!




Vaccines & Autism: Connection or Collusion?

Did CDC collude with HHS and IOM to obfuscate the facts, while at the same time awarding one family ±$20M in damages when vaccines caused regressive autism? Hannah Poling’s father was a neurologist. Bailey Banks’ family also received compensation for vaccine injury. His symptoms are also ASD.

This is all old news, yet the majority of parents who obediently take their children for vaccine injections, have NO IDEA that millions of dollars have been paid out to at least 1,322 families for vaccine injury that caused brain damage – something like ASD. While some families received compensation for vaccine injury – the 5,000 families that sought justice through the Autism Omnibus proceedings in the VICP were denied. Dr Brian Hooker is one of those parents whose son developed regressive vaccine induced autism and he was part of the Omnibus proceedings denied by the VICP. Since his son’s vaccine injury he has tirelessly researched the facts, the studies, and the data – and he has the credentials to do so because he is a research scientist with a PhD. He speaks openly about CDC collusion with Dr Suzanne Humphries in this 4 minute video:

In a 2009 piece published by the Huffington Post, Robert F Kennedy Jr reports:

“an explosive investigation by CBS News has found that since 1988, the vaccine court has awarded money judgments, often in the millions of dollars, to thirteen hundred and twenty two families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines. In many of these cases, the government paid out awards following a judicial finding that vaccine injury lead to the child’s autism spectrum disorder.” https://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-and-david-kirby/vaccine-court-autism-deba_b_169673.html

Autism Speaks reports on some of the details of the Hannah Poling case:

“Hannah was developing typically until a regressive episode at 18 months that closely followed the 9 vaccinations she received at a well-baby visit. Further testing revealed that Hannah 1) developed autism and 2) had the metabolic signature of a mitochondrial disorder which may have made her vulnerable to injury from the vaccines themselves or the fever that commonly accompanies vaccines and many childhood illnesses.” Autism Speaks

The Federal ‘Vaccine Court’ officials conceded that Hannah’s underlying mitochondrial dysfunction was aggravated by her vaccines, leading to fever and an “immune stimulation that exceeded metabolic reserves.” http://www.ageofautism.com/2010/09/autism-speaks-mangles-the-poling-decision-nyt-blog-adds-insult.html

Rosanne Lindsay states the facts clearly:

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Most families who suffer injury or death from vaccines have at least two things in common: 1) they were denied informed-consent by their doctor (package insert) so they could not make an informed-choice, and 2) they were not told that any adverse reaction should be reported by a doctor to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the database that compiles information on each vaccine injury and death.

Without informed consent, parents feel rushed to judgment. They do not know that combining childhood vaccines at one visit is not safe. They do not learn that each vaccine contains multiple antigens (i.e., pneumococcal vaccine contains 13 antigens), carcinogens (formaldehyde), antibiotics, fetal tissue cells, and heavy metals (aluminum, mercury). They are not told that since 1990, the VAERS database has received more than 500,000 reports of suspected adverse reactions to vaccines. Or that VAERS is a passive reporting system that reflects a 50-fold underreporting of adverse events representing only 1% of actual events. Without real information, parents do not question the growing vaccine schedule deemed “safe and effective” and Congress has no incentive to abolish a Vaccine Court that serves to hide the truth about a growing vaccine-injury epidemic. [see more http://www.natureofhealing.org/cdc-vaccine-court-create-epidemic-autism/


If you are just beginning your exploration of the truth about vaccines, you might find this ‘Table of Contents‘ page helpful.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

TDaP for Grandparents, etc.

Your child is having a baby. You can’t wait to meet your new grand baby. BUT, you’ve been told you should get a TDaP to “protect the new baby”. Is that a good idea for your health? (if you don’t want to read, skip to the end and watch the video)

There are two different vaccines on the market offered to adults. Neither has been tested to see if it could possible cause cancer, mutagenesis (gene changes) or infertility. I know you probably aren’t concerned about infertility at your age, but cancer…

  • Adacel by Sanofi Pasteur contains 330 mcg aluminum. View the complete vaccine package insert here.
  • Boostrix by GlaxoSmithKline contains 390 mcg aluminum. View the complete vaccine package insert here.

Both contain inactivated bacteria and were released in 2005 for age 10 to 64 years. Adacel is NOT approved for individuals 65 years and older. In addition to the bacterial components and the aluminum, Adacel contains “≤5 mcg residual formaldehyde, <50 ng residual glutaraldehyde and 3.3 mg (0.6% v/v) 2-phenoxyethanol (not as a preservative).”Boostrix’s other seriously concerning ingredients are: 4.5 mg of sodium chloride, ≤100 mcg of residual formaldehyde, and ≤100 mcg 382  polysorbate 80 (Tween 80). Polysorbate 80 is known to open the blood brain barrier which is why it is used in cancer therapy which attempts to target brain tumors. The combination of aluminum and polysorbate 80 could have a SERIOUS NEGATIVE IMPACT on AGING BRAINS!

Is the amount of 330 mcg or 390 mcg of aluminum safe?

There is no experimental scientific evidence of any kind that proves this amount of aluminum is safe to inject into any age person.

“Curiously, if you were to perform a simple search of the scientific literature available on aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate prior to 1970, you can find studies such as this one, where it is being used to produce experimental epilepsy and seizures in monkeys. Or this one, where it was found to cause neurofibrillary degeneration of nerve cells (which is known to lead to the development of Alzheimer’s). Or this one, in which it was described that there were “difficulties” in mass-vaccinating children with aluminum-containing vaccines, due to febrile reactionsaluminum cysts at the site of injection, post-vaccination encephalopathy (brain dysfunction, disease, or disorder), paralytic poliomyelitis of the injected limb, and other unfavorable results…

There’s an endless amount of research on experimentation with aluminum for various purposes, but when it comes to real information on what might be a safe limit of injection, the literature is lacking.” Think Love Healthy

Please see the entire blog by ThinkLoveHealthy.com for a lot more detailed referenced information on the history of aluminum safety.

When it comes to injecting aluminum there is no scientific study that has ever been done to determine safe limits. Babies currently are given up to 1200 mcg of aluminum in just one ‘well baby’ visit at 2 months. This is 48 times the safe limit set by the FDA of 25 mcg. Babies receive further shots with similar amounts of aluminum repeated at 4 and 6 month visits!!

There is no evidence to say that aluminum is safe for babies, their parents, or their grandparents. There is no way to know if an individual will be adversely impacted. Aluminum is present in every brain of individuals with Alzheimer’s studied by Dr Christopher Exley. Dr Exley also found the highest levels of aluminum ever seen in the brains of those suffering with autism.

Far more could be written about whether the TDaP is even effective in preventing the transmission of pertussis bacteria to the precious new baby. If you have any doubt and are still thinking of getting it, please watch this video on the scientific basis of effectiveness of the vaccine.

If the above video link is not working, try this one: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BncDakVIQgq8/

I put this information together very quickly primarily to help a new good friend who is struggling with a request from her daughter in law to get the TDaP to ‘protect’ her son’s first child. We are praying the parents will seek wisdom with regard to vaccines! If you have a loved one convinced vaccines are good, I wrote this for you.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Common Sense for New Parents

Every parent – well 98% – want what is best for their baby. But it is confusing to know WHAT is BEST?

In this 5 minute video I share my heart with new parents. Don’t take my word for it. Investigate everything I say. Get to know the reasons people think vaccines are a good idea. Get to know the body of evidence that shows there is more unintended harm from vaccines than is generally acknowledged by government regulatory bodies.

Learn discernment. Take your time. Delay your decision until you are absolutely sure that what you are doing has been proven to be safe – beyond any shadow of doubt. Your baby is worth it. Your baby will thank you.

Take more time to research vaccines than the time you take to decorate baby’s room; more than research car seats; more than researching the latest cell phone. This could be the single most important decision you make for your child. You can do this. You can read the vaccine package inserts and understand exactly what the ingredients are in the vaccines. Ask questions. Don’t rely on ‘expert’ opinion. Only you, as the parents, will live 100% with the consequence of your choice. There is no ‘do over’. No second chance.

All my love,


ps I’ve prepared a ‘table of contents’ if you’d like to explore more information on vaccines.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.


If I could get vaccine proponents to read just one thing…

Aluminum in vaccines. How much? How safe?

[For an auditory reading of this blog] Edit 30 August 2023. Just realized the video my friend and fellow activist to help educate parents on vaccine reality, has been removed. Must be really really good, helpful, lifesaving information! Glad to report the blog is still here and available to read for yourself.

These basic questions should cause most parents, doctors, nurses, and grandparents to begin asking serious questions about the vaccines recommended for babies and children, especially in light of a remarkable paper just published in March 2018 which evaluates safety standards for aluminum in vaccines.[1]

Some things to note:

The DTaP shot on its own contains 170 – 625 mcg of aluminum depending on the manufacturer. You can get the exact amount from the vaccine package insert (vpi) for the brand your doctor is using. It is recommended that babies receive the DTaP at 2, 4, 6, 18 months and another shot at 4-6 years – for a total of 5 shots. Do the math: 5X the number you find in the vpi.

Some doctors like to give a combined shot like Pediarix or Pentacel because ‘it causes baby less distress to have less needles at once’ or something like that. Please note that the amount of aluminum in these shots is 850 mcg and 330 mcg respectively. Do the math if this combined shot is recommended for more than one dose for your baby.

Hepatitis B is given routinely on the first day of life – before breastfeeding is well established – and is followed up with 2 more doses for a total of 750 mcg of aluminum. Researching this disease and the history of this vaccine reveals concerning information.

Note how many doses of Hib and Pneumococcus are going to be given to your baby and do the math for those shots too.

PLEASE. Add up the total amount of aluminum that will be injected into your baby if you follow the doctors’ schedule. Do this mathematical exercise BEFORE you agree to any shot. Ask your doctor to do the math. Your doctor was not taught about the toxicity of aluminum or how it impacts the baby.

Aluminum has been considered GRAS (generally regarded as safe) and necessary – because without it there will not be the same level of blood titer increase. However, dosing for aluminum in vaccines was not worked out for safety according to the baby’s body weight. The amount of aluminum considered to be acceptable in vaccines is based on studies of INGESTION of aluminum in animals.[1]

If parents are concerned about hepatitis infections, diphtheria infections, tetanus infections, hib infections, meningitis, and pertussis infections for their brand new baby, there is a multitude of information that can help you understand and treat these illnesses in our modern day. Most of these diseases decreased in numbers and severity long before the vaccines were introduced. Similar infectious illnesses for which no vaccine was made, also decreased. Studying accurate graphs of the incidence of these infectious illnesses show that the decrease in all of them had more to do with clean water, improved sanitation practices, and better nutrition than with the vaccine. Not all doctors recommend vaccines.

You may find this latest analysis of aluminum safety in vaccines as interesting and shocking as I did.[1] I find encouragement that there are honest scientists seeking honest answers regarding the safety of aluminum in vaccines.

For more detailed information go to Reconsideration of the Immunotherapeutic Pediatric Safe Dose Levels of Aluminum by James Lyons-Weiler and Robert Ticketson, published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology in March 2018. Thanks to HighWire with Del Bigtree for bringing this information to my attention and to James Lyons-Weiler for researching and presenting this information.

If after reading this, you still want to inject your baby or yourself with vaccines, please read this first as it outlines ways to prepare that could possibility mitigate some of the adverse side effects of vaccines.

Becky Hastings, blogger, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety, health, and wellness.

[1] Lyons-Weiler, James, and Robert Ricketson. “Reconsideration of the Immunotherapeutic Pediatric Safe Dose Levels of Aluminum.” Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, Urban & Fischer, 8 Mar. 2018, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0946672X17300950.

Is Public Health BEST Served by Vaccines?

Posted below is a recent conversation I had with a public health academic. I felt it was worthy to share. Please add your insight on how vaccines impact public health in the comment section. One point I failed to mention in this conversation is that graphs accurately depicting health data show that rates of deaths due to infectious illness had experienced dramatic decreases prior to the introduction of vaccines. This includes disease for which no vaccines were ever successfully developed. Something to explore further another time…

“I’m an evidenced based practice researcher and public health professor. One that’s actually contributed to textbooks on public health issues. I’ll be honest, you stating that scientists “know about the public health risks of vaccines, but choose not to say anything.” is a disturbing and definitive statement for someone who doesn’t work in the field.

Public health practitioners, vaccinologists, and immunologists, spend their life’s work trying to meet the health needs of the population. Yes, there are risks to taking vaccines, as there are with any type of medication or drug. In this particular scenario, the benefits of vaccines far outweigh those risks. Period. The End.

You know how people determined that? Evidence based practice through clinical trials and countless years of scientific research. Years and years of labor intensive quality science.

You want to talk about Wakefield? He’s a disgrace to the scientific community and evidence based practice. Want to know why his article got retracted from one of the most reputable scientific journals in the country? Because he falsified his methods and results. That is not ok!

I suggest you go to reputable peer-reviewed research if you’re really interested in the issue. You won’t find one article that indicates that vaccines cause autism? Not a one. Correlation also doesn’t imply causation, but you won’t find reputable research that indicates that, either.”

Wow. It’s really awesome that you are so committed to public health, and actually lecture students on this topic. I am sure you will want to make 100% sure every fact you share is thoroughly substantiated. I’m just a mom, a grandmother, a truth seeker and sharer, and a breastfeeding counselor for 23 years. You are also correct, generalizations should not be made because they are not helpful and do not prove points. I apologize for my generalized statement.

Yes, I understand that many in the field of public health spend their lives trying to figure out how to improve health in populations. My father spent his entire career working for the CDC. He was an MD who chose to become a research scientist in the area of virology. He and I had many conversations about the public health benefits and risks of vaccines. Back then we had to share paper copies of research we could find. The internet just makes information so much more accessible. I also wholeheartedly endorse evidence based research – and question all evidence that is presented.

Interesting that you say there is not one article to indicate “that vaccines cause autism”. I don’t think I had ever made the point that they do, nor has Dr Wakefield. My main focus is NOT that vaccines cause autism, but that vaccines cause a wide range of serious injury, including debilitating auto-immune conditions, allergies, and long term impacts – far more than the public is led to understand – and that the risks of the vaccine should be seriously evaluated to determine if they are actually greater than the risk of having the infectious disease with appropriate effective treatment. More and more researchers in the field are coming to understand that autism is a neuroinflammatory condition. Official channels poured so much money into finding a genetic connection, but after over a decade of research, seem to have concluded that there is no clear genetic cause, although certain gene mutations, such as the MTHFR could make some more at risk.

Have you read the published work by Dr Chris Shaw? I’ve linked a very short video where he summarizes his findings. Using the latest available information and technology, he looked at the impact of injecting rats with amounts of aluminum that would compare with the amounts of aluminum currently injected into babies in the CDC recommended schedule of vaccines. He was pretty shocked by the result. The most startling part of his research is the complete lack of response. No one criticized his methods, told him where/how he was wrong. Just complete silence. You should check it out. Of course you will probably find, if you ‘search on the internet’ people who criticize him. I’m sure you can wade through to find the true facts.

Another very interesting case is the case of Hannah Poling. Her father was a neurologist and the Poling’s made a claim to the NVICP – I’m sure you know what that is, but for others, it is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program set up in 1988 to pay out families whose children were killed or injured by vaccines. To date it has paid out $3.9 billion dollars to those who manage to prove their claim of damage due to vaccines while arguing against Department of Justice lawyers in a closed courtroom without full access to the legal process of disclosure. Anyway, Hannah Poling’s case was interesting because she regressed into autism following vaccines with serious permanent disabilities and her family was awarded a significant amount to compensate for her claim. I think it was determined that she has a ‘mitochondria disorder’ which was why the vaccines had caused the autism-like symptoms. A law professor, Mary Holland from NYU School of Law, then published a detailed analysis of the NVICP data and found that about 86 other cases matching the diagnosis of autism have been paid by this ‘vaccine court. Interesting. The lawyers and judge must have been convinced that the vaccines caused their autism symptoms.

Did you know that Congressman Posey has received ±100,000 pages of documents from Dr William Thompson, Senior Research Scientist at CDC, and that he was awarded whistleblower status by President Obama? He admitted that his epidemiological study was fraudulent and that the study authors, including Frank De Stefano and Colleen Boyle, destroyed data in order to hide the evidence of harm from vaccines. Actually, I think he stated that Colleen Boyle refused to attend the ‘destroy the evidence’ meeting, so all the other lower ranking authors had to do that job. He explained quite clearly the different role players, the disturbing results they found, and what they were told – from their bosses – to destroy. One of the specific facts they were especially eager to hide was the connection between African American boys and a higher risk of autism if they received their vaccines on time. I believe the figure is about 300% increase for that group.

Another interesting Scientist who has published in this field is Poul Thorsen. He worked at the CDC and has his name on some epidemiological papers. He is currently one of the top 10 most wanted fugitives on the FBI’s website for his role in embezzlement against the CDC, yet the CDC keeps promoting his studies.

Did you know that US Government departments, including the CDC and NIH, hold patents on over 20 vaccines and therefore benefit financially?

And, as to Dr Wakefield being a disgrace to the medical community, I don’t think you could be more wrong. I don’t think you will find a more compassionate, selfless humanitarian in the world. Despite all the assaults – like this one – on him personally and professionally, he continues his struggle to help those dealing with devastating neurological damage. You should really find out what the parents of his patients think about him. Imagine if someone were saying those types of remarks about you without even knowing you?

And finally, what I should have said, is that the 54 scientists called together to CDC’s secret meeting at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center in June 2000 were all in the realm of ‘public health officials’ and they all were appraised of the latest findings by a young CDC epidemiologist, Dr. Thomas Verstraeten. He presented his research demonstrating a clear ‘signal’ between vaccines and neurological damage that just ‘would not go away.’ The 200+ pages of the transcript from that meeting, freely available to the public through FOIA requests, demonstrates exactly how much they did know and how they responded to this information. Especially poignant was the response by the WHO representative – arguably the most significant public health official of all –

“But there is now the point at which the research results have to be handled, and even if this committee decides that there is no association and that information gets out, the work has been done and through the freedom of information that will be taken by others and will be used in other ways beyond the control of this group. And I am very concerned about that as I suspect that it is already too late to do anything regardless of any professional body and what they say…My mandate as I sit here in this group is to make sure at the end of the day that 100,000,000 are immunized with DTP, Hepatitis B and if possible Hib, this year, next year and for many years to come, and that will have to be with thimerosal containing vaccines unless a miracle occurs and an alternative is found quickly and is tried and found to be safe.” – Dr. John Clements, World Health Organization, Simpsonwood, GA, June 7, 2000

Strange that as a serious public health official, he was more committed to getting vaccines into children than looking into the possible harm those vaccines were causing. Dr Thomas Verstraeten, the lead CDC epidemiologist analyzing the Generation Zero data showing a high correlation between mercury and autism, was frustrated by the focus of participants on managing information, liability, and reputations, rather than on science and data. He wrote this in an email on July 14, 2000 to Dr. Phillipe Grandjean:

“Unfortunately, I have witnessed how many experts, looking at this thimerosal issue, do not seem bothered to compare apples to pears at the best and insist that if nothing is happening in these studies [referring to some old science on other types of mercury exposure] then nothing should be feared of thimerosal.

I do not wish to be the advocate of the anti-vaccine lobby and sound like being convinced that thimerosal is or was harmful, but at least I feel we should use sound scientific argumentation and not let our standards be dictated by our desire to disprove an unpleasant theory.”

I applaud you if you have read this far. I’m happy to discuss anything further. I’m sure I don’t know as much as you do, and I haven’t read all your text books, but I am 100% committed to finding the truth and helping parents have healthy happy babies. I believe we achieve the best health, as individuals and as communities, by boosting the innate immune system and the body’s own defense against infectious disease. It is critically important to understand the two different branches of immunity and how vaccines impact overall health and immune response. So much has been discovered in the last 10 years that many of the foundations on which vaccines were developed must be allowed to be questioned. Science is never settled. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists and doctors who have spent thousands of hours reviewing all vaccine related science and seeking to make sense of the devastation in the wake of vaccines.

One of these is Dr Aaby. With others, he published a paper in 2017 on research to understand the impact of vaccination in a retrospective look at Guinea Bissau. But since you are current in the field of public health, I guess you may have already read it. His conclusion must have been disturbing for him since he is such a strong proponent of vaccines.

Another scientist examined the evidence and was forced to change his opinion. As a world leading researcher in the area of aluminum toxicity, the words of Dr Chris Exley are profound: I did not see a role for aluminum in autism. And I didn’t see a role for aluminum in vaccines in autism. I have to change my mind now on both of these. I have to change my mind that aluminum has a role in autism. I believe it now does. –Dr Chris Exley, 2017

So many doctors, pediatricians and others, who have taken the time to review the literature for themselves – and not just the promotional material provided by the manufacturers – have started speaking out about their observations. Dr Bob Zajac is one. In this interview he makes some amazing observations, particularly of note is that in his pediatric practice, the fully vaccinated children are the sickest, partially vaccinated are healthier, but the healthiest by far are the non-vaccinated children.

I sincerely pray that all who read this will continue their own research until they are satisfied that the risks of the vaccine are lower than the risk of getting the actual disease, with the up-to-date effective inexpensive treatment options available to us today. A lifetime of vaccine injury carries an emotional, physical, and financial cost that is an enormous burden to the individual and the public. Don’t take my word for it. Research the facts for yourself (I have compiled some info as a starting point, for those who would find this helpful). If you do decide to vaccinate someone you love, please read this to make sure you are fully informed on many aspects not known or shared by those administering the vaccine, and read this to prepare to reduce the possible risk of vaccine harm.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

28 Essentials to know BEFORE vaccinating your child

All parents considering vaccines for their baby/child or for themselves, should be fully informed of these facts prior to giving the shots. This is not a complete list. I am sure there are many more things that could be added. Please add your additional points to the comments.

1. I understand that the pharmaceutical company who made this vaccine has NO liability if it injures or kills my child, or the recipient of the vaccine. Neither the doctor who administers the shot nor the government agencies recommending this vaccine can be held liable for injury or death.
2. If a recipient is killed or hurt by a vaccine in the USA, and I am able to prove it in The Office of Special Masters of the US Court of Federal Claims, popularly known as ‘vaccine court’, the HHS will allocate funds via the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), acquired from the public through a ‘vaccine tax’. This process requires legal representation and may take several years. In Canada very little payment is paid for a dead or injured child.
3. I understand that many vaccines contains neurotoxins such as aluminum in amounts that far exceed “safe levels” deemed by the FDA and EPA. Aluminum is also osteotoxic (toxic to bone development).
4. I understand that this vaccine may contain known carcinogenic ingredients and all vaccine package inserts clearly states “This vaccine has not be tested for carcinogenicity”.
5. I understand that cancer rates in children have been skyrocketing, yet no studies have been done to determine if vaccines are connected with early childhood cancers.
6. I understand that some vaccines are made using cell lines developed using aborted fetal cells and that these vaccines contain residual amounts of DNA fragments from both aborted baby boy and girl cells. Studies of the impact of injecting human DNA are extremely concerning.
7. I understand that some vaccines are derived from animal and insect tissue, or grown with eggs and contains fragments of these foreign proteins.
8. I understand that getting this vaccine does not guarantee protection from the disease and that many vaccinated children contract the infectious disease it was intended to prevent.
9. I understand that my child could be a carrier of the disease s/he was vaccinated for and spread it through “shedding” (from live virus vaccines such as MMR) or as an asymptomatic carrier (DTaP) for up to six weeks.
10. I understand that my doctor may get monetarily rewarded for having a high percentage of his/her patients who are fully vaccinated.
11. I understand that if my child is injured by a vaccine, most doctors are not trained to recognize and treat such an injury, are not aware of the process to report such an injury to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), nor understand how to properly document the injury to prove such an injury in ‘vaccine court’.
12. I understand that my doctor has no incentive to acknowledge vaccine injury or spend the time necessary to complete the paper work required to report an injury, or assist me in making a claim for an injury.
13. I understand that according to a study by the NIH, vaccine injury is severely under-reported.
14. I understand that while all medical professionals employed to inject vaccines are required by law to report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths and serious health problems following vaccination to VAERS, it is estimated that less than 10 percent, of all vaccine-related health problems are ever reported to VAERS. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, or technicians administering vaccines have had little training in recognizing a vaccine injury and little incentive to report a child/infant injury/death caused directly by the vaccine. Additionally, many medical examiners purposefully hide vaccine involvement in death evaluations.
15. I understand that pharmaceutical companies have no incentive to make their product safer because they hold no personal liability regarding any damages the vaccine does to children or adults.
16. I understand that pharmaceutical companies spend up to 4x more on marketing and advertising than they do on research.
17. I understand that corporate media gets 70% of their advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies.
18. I understand that corporate media does not want to lose revenue, certainly not 70% of it.
19. I understand that when pharmaceutical companies conduct a study (on their own product) it is in their best interest to have a favorable outcome and that not all data discovered during trials is published.
20. I understand that the current vaccine schedule as recommended by the CDC has never been tested for safety.
21. I understand that even one vaccine could cause injury or death in some cases, and my child could be one of them. I understand that vaccine injury or vaccine induced death are often listed as side effects on vaccine package inserts (VPI) and that most medical professionals have not read the full VPI and do not supply it to parents prior to administering vaccines. All VPIs for every vaccine are available online from the FDA.
22. I have not had full informed consent unless my doctor has informed me of all the risks and side effects and has reviewed the VPI with me.
23. I understand that if my child dies from this vaccine and I am able to prove it, I will be awarded no more than $250,000. This will involve a lengthy process and will require legal representation who must prove that the death was due to the vaccine while arguing against a legal team working for the Department of Justice in a secret ‘Vaccine Court’ decided on by a ‘Special Master’.
24. I understand that from 1988 up to March 30, 2018. $3.9 billion has been paid out by the NVICP for vaccine injuries and deaths. Many other claims made to the NVICP were denied, including 5,000 in the autism omnibus case, despite the fact that the NVICP has paid out many cases of diagnosed regressive autism due to vaccines. “A law professor, Mary Holland from NYU School of Law, then published a detailed analysis of the NVICP data and found that about 86 other cases matching the diagnosis of autism have been paid by this ‘vaccine court. Interesting. The lawyers and judge must have been convinced that the vaccines caused their autism symptoms.” from here.
25. I understand vaccines have NEVER been proven to improve immunity or health as compared to not vaccinating and that this one study, which would cost very little time and money to conduct, is the ONLY study our government and vaccine makers REFUSE to do: vaccinated versus non (never) vaccinated.
26. I understand that because no research exists to prove vaccines improve immunity, I’m vaccinating my child based on factors, other than the proven research. Although many reasons can be cited for vaccinating, from blind faith to not having enough time to get informed, having research to prove that vaccines are safe and effective can’t be a reason to vaccinate because that research simply doesn’t exist. I understand I’m vaccinating for reasons having nothing to do with the research.
27. I understand that I’m placing my trust in an industry that has pleaded guilty in many cases related to the safety of their products (drugs) and have been ordered to pay out billions of dollars as compensation to their victims.
28. I understand that many doctors who have spent time analyzing the vaccine safety research are now speaking out about the known harm that vaccines can cause.

If, after knowing all this information, you still choose, or are forced, to vaccinate your child, or yourself, please read this blog, Preparing to Vaccinate, to prepare. There are some measure that may reduce the potential harm from vaccines.

Please share. Parents will generally not receive this information via their doctors or media outlets. Parents need ALL information in order to make an informed decision about vaccines. I have no ads on my page and receive no money in any way by researching and compiling this information; it is a labor of love.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Vaccine Questions

My first attempt at a vaccine information video. In less than 10 minutes I try to ask some critically important questions that every parent might find helpful to consider. Let me know how you feel about it! Comments always welcome.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife to John for 36 years, mother of five naturally born breastfed babies, grandmother of six, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a volunteer breastfeeding counselor since 1993, Becky is devoted to helping parents, especially mothers, make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies.

The Vitamin K PUSH

Many parents find they are being pushed to accept the vitamin K shot for their newborn. A variety of claims are made by health care professionals, including “It’s just a vitamin” and “Your baby could die without the shot.” Parents are rightfully concerned. No parent wants to inflict harm on their baby, or deprive them from a life-giving procedure. But is vitamin K absolutely safe and absolutely necessary? Is there anything safer?

There are two versions of vitamin K given to newborns. One contains a preservative benzoyl alcohol and one contains polysorbate 80. These ingredients are of particular concern for those investigating the safety of this injection. “Polysorbate 80 is a surfactant known to facilitate access through the blood brain barrier and has been linked to sterility and other issues.” Benzoyl alcohol could contribute to neonatal jaundice.

Phytonadione by Hospira, Inc.

Version 1: The following information comes directly from the manufacturer’s information sheet for phytonadione by Hospira, Inc. which you can find in full HERE. Notice that this product contains 9 mg of benzoyl alcohol.

Pediatric Use

Hemolysis, jaundice, and hyperbilirubinemia in neonates, particularly those that are premature, may be related to the dose of Vitamin KInjection. Therefore, the recommended dose should not be exceeded (see ADVERSE REACTIONS and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).

Adverse Reactions

Deaths have occurred after intravenous and intramuscular administration. (See Box Warning.)

Transient “flushing sensations” and “peculiar” sensations of taste have been observed, as well as rare instances of dizziness, rapid and weak pulse, profuse sweating, brief hypotension, dyspnea, and cyanosis.

Pain, swelling, and tenderness at the injection site may occur.

The possibility of allergic sensitivity including an anaphylactoid reaction, should be kept in mind.


Hypersensitivity to any component of this medication.


Benzyl alcohol as a preservative in Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride Injection has been associated with toxicity in newborns. Data are unavailable on the toxicity of other preservatives in this age group. There is no evidence to suggest that the small amount of benzyl alcohol contained in Vitamin K1 Injection (Phytonadione Injectable Emulsion, USP), when used as recommended, is associated with toxicity.

Link to complete drug insert: https://www.drugs.com/pro/vitamin-k1.html

Phytonadione by International Medication Systems, Limited

Version 2: The ‘preservative free’ version is manufactured by International Medication Systems, Limited and contains 10 mg of polysorbate 80.

The complete description with warnings and adverse events can be found here.


There is particular concern about the administration of either vitamin K shot prior to giving the newborn the CDC recommended Hepatitis B vaccine. There are many aspects of routine newborn care which have not been studied to determine if the combination could be dangerous or cause a reaction when given together. Please research every standard of care procedure for your precious baby to make sure it has been proven to be SAFE.

“Vaccines can have adverse side-effects, and these are predominantly associated with the inclusion of chemical additives such as aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. The objective of this study was to establish an in vitro model system amenable to mechanistic investigations of cytotoxicity induced by hepatitis B vaccine…” Hepatitis B vaccine induces apoptotic death in Hepa1–6 cells, Apoptosis, An International Journal on Programmed Cell Death

What if the administration of the vitamin K shot containing polysorbate 80 provides greater permeability to the infant brain so that the aluminum contained in the Hepatitis B vaccine can cause greater damage? This is just a question. But these questions need answers.

Some perspective on the vitamin K injection by Theo Farmer . . . .

I’d like to provide some perspective on the use of the vitamin K shot with babies. In particular, when a doctor says “there is a chance your baby will bleed to death if they don’t get this shot…,” what does that mean?

If you study the attached paper [1] for a while, it seems to me that it boils down to this: if you don’t take vitamin K inhibiting drugs when you’re pregnant and your baby is adequately breastfed, then the chance of them developing a bleeding disorder is 1/15,000 or maybe 1/20,000. There are other factors mentioned, like the incidence goes up if the baby is not adequately fed, but if you’re healthy and the baby is healthy and eating, doctors can still say “there’s a chance” when there is a 1 in 20,000 chance. Also, the paper is ambiguous about how many cases are mild cases and how many result in damage to the child.

To put into perspective the chance “1 in 20,000”: if you had a room in a clinic where one baby was born per day, every baby born in that room for 54 years would be given a vitamin K shot in order to prevent a bleeding disorder in just one baby.

With this 54 year perspective in mind, parents should ask themselves these kinds of questions: in 54 years of giving vitamin K shots, how many of those shots will cause problems? How many will be contaminated in manufacturing? What are the other ingredients besides Vitamin K and what is the chance they cause issues? What are the complications that arise simply by poking babies with needles for 54 years? Are there psychological implications to the child later in life? And then the best question: is there a valid reason that human babies are born deficient in vitamin K (God doesn’t make mistakes)?
And all this leads to a pivotal question: If this doctor has been taught to push this shot for every baby for 54 years to prevent one from excessive bleeding, can he be trusted in general?

From Wikipedia: “Lies, damned lies, and statistics” is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments.”

Is there anything safer than vitamin K to protect a baby from brain bleeds?

Dr Suzanne Humphries explains clearly how the biggest factor involved in the vitamin K debate is the necessity of delayed cord clamping. When a baby’s cord is clamped immediately, it deprives baby of up to 1/3 of their total blood volume. By allowing the cord to stay attached at least until it stops pulsating, the baby receives all the blood they need. Additionally, baby receives essential stem cells which can move through the blood and initiate repair to any cells damaged from birth trauma. The stem cells are a brilliant heritage for baby and will contribute to longterm health. Stem cell therapy is a cutting edge field. Parents are often encouraged to harvest stem cells at the time of birth. Yet, very few doctors understand or explain to parents that the best heritage they can give their baby at birth is DELAYED CORD CLAMPING and successful breastfeeding. Additionally, mom can supplement her own vitamin K during pregnancy and after, by eating foods that supply this essential nutrient.

Edited to add: If you decide you want to give vitamin K order the liquid form. Take it to the hospital with you. Even if you decide NOT to give any vitamin K and you are birthing in a hospital, it might be a good idea to have the liquid form with you to appease those who are pushing you. Whether you give it or not, you can explain that you have the liquid version and you prefer to use that.

Let’s research and get the FACTS so that we can make informed decisions for the longterm health of our precious babies. More info on vitamin K here and here.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife to John for 36 years, mother of five naturally born breastfed babies, grandmother of six, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a volunteer breastfeeding counselor since 1993, Becky is devoted to helping parents, especially mothers, make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies.


[1]  Lippi, Giuseppe, and Massimo Franchini. “Vitamin K in Neonates: Facts and Myths.” Blood Transfusion, Edizioni SIMTI – SIMTI Servizi Srl, Jan. 2011, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3021393/. Accessed 4 November 2017.

Do Germs Make Us Sick?

I’ve done a lot of research, reading, and personal experimenting with regard to health, and how to stay healthy. I’ve raised five children and have been blessed to have six grandchildren – so far. My quest for health was gradually awakened through a Nutritional Chemistry Course I attended at Vanderbilt University in 1979.

Over the years I’ve often heard of the ‘germ versus terrain’ theory and of the interactions between Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp. Pasteur is credited with the germ theory which has been a dominant influence on medicine. Beauchamp maintained and demonstrated that it was not the germ that determines the extent of an  illness, but the terrain, or condition of the host, which determines the susceptibility and extent of an illness.

The video below contains one of the best explanations of the Germ versus Terrain Theory (Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp) that I’ve heard. It is part of the story of Casi Renee, born 1995, died 1999 due to vaccine injury. I’ve cued the video at the point of describing an interaction between Pasteur and Béchamp, but feel free to watch the entire story. This mom used the tragedy of her daughter’s death to speak out and educate other parents on the potential harm of vaccines.

Our culture is phobic about killing germs – demonstrated by the use of hand sanitizers and other cleaning products. But what if the food we eat, the drugs we take, the vaccines we inject, and the chemicals we are exposing ourselves to through common household chemicals are actually making us MORE susceptible to illness? I’m all for washing hands. I wash mine after being out and about, before preparing food, etc. But how we get sick and how severely sick we become at any given time might be based on lifestyle, nutrition, and the environment of our body for the germs that are all around us. What kind of a host are you?

Becky Hastings, wife to John for 36 years, mother of five naturally born breastfed babies, grandmother of six, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a volunteer breastfeeding counselor since 1993, Becky is devoted to helping parents, especially mothers, make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies.