We Didn’t Know We Could Refuse

Izabella Jayde Reimer October 6, 2017 – January 6, 2018

A true account of Izabella’s death by her father, Samuel Adam Reimer

I want the full story out there.  It’s been a little over a year. She is very much missed every day. She was only 3 months old to the day when she passed away.

My wife and I had started noticing a lot of infants and toddlers passing away and people saying it was from vaccines. We were worried, but we didn’t think it would happen to us. We sat in the parking lot before her 2 month vaccine appointment. She had received the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth. We discussed both our opinions on the matter. Neither of us wanted to do it. But I decided on doing it anyways because I didn’t know I could refuse.

I sat in the car with my older two kids. My wife went into the appointment with our Izabella and after about an hour she came out. She received all the vaccines recommended on the CDC schedule for two months. She wasn’t the same. Not like my other two when they had their shots. A few days went by and she was absolutely inconsolable. Day in and day out. My wife, Izzy, and I were sleep deprived. She was always crying and not her normal self. Overly hungry all the time and my wife couldn’t keep up with breastfeeding. One night all 5 of us went to bed. My wife, Izzy, and I finally got to bed at about 2-4am. I honestly don’t remember the time anymore. I just remember waking up just before 8 am. I went to move Izabella from the position she was in when I noticed her eyes and lips were purple and skin was overly pale. Her body, limp. I screamed for my wife to wake up when the realization hit.

We called 911 and started the resuscitation procedures. To no avail. The ambulance arrived and they continued to do CPR on the way to the hospital – over an hour away. We rushed to the hospital and watched them in the ER trying to bring our dear Izzy back to life. They finally called the TOD at 11am. We were destroyed. Our world fell apart.

We miss Izabella Jayde Reimer every day. We had her cremated when we got her back from the Medical examiner for the autopsy. The entire time we were waiting I was pushing the investigating Sheriff for the toxicology report as well as the Coroner and Medical examiner because I knew it had to have been vaccines. She wasn’t herself since that day. After the funeral we were finally able to get the toxicology report and the investigation on us was closed. The report itself contained no information that was of any value, and the autopsy report was absolutely gruesome. By then it was too late for a second opinion.

Please research and trust your gut about vaccines. If you get them and your kids are fine, kudos. But many of us have suffered immensely and aren’t so lucky.

Samuel Adam Reimer


Vaccine injury and even death after vaccines is a reality experienced by far too many. The only question is: How often does it actually occur? What is the true rate of injury/death from vaccines? Please spread awareness. Not all babies can handle the many vaccines that have been added to the schedule.

Compiled by Becky Hastings, avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant.

Vaccine Ingredients

You’ve been told – probably many times – that vaccines are safe. So, what exactly is in that syringe being injected into the body of someone you love? Do you know? Does your doctor know? The following is a list directly from the CDC of the ingredients in all vaccines. The color coding will help you determine which vaccines contain human cell derivatives such as aborted fetal cell debris (including male and female DNA fragments), animal proteins, possible allergy irritants, and antibiotics.

Orange: Animal-derived 💗 Pink: Derived from humans cells 💛 Yellow: Toxic to humans 💚 Green: Allergy irritant 💙 Blue: Antibiotic

I always urge parents to double check all information – regardless of the source. Don’t believe me, but be sure to spend more time researching vaccines than you do any other item you may purchase for your baby – such as a car seat. Your baby’s health is too valuable to take any chances. Too many parents have learned the hard way that the risk of vaccines is actually quite high.

If you do decide your baby needs a vaccine, please research whether a Hepatitis B vaccine on the first day of life is a necessity for YOUR baby. Is YOUR baby truly at risk for Hepatitis B – an infection primarily shared through sexual promiscuity and the sharing of needles?

Before giving any vaccine at any time, take 3 minutes to read through these steps you can take prior to getting vaccines to help protect your baby. One of the biggest things you can do is to be aware that giving Tylenol (acetaminophen) in conjunction with vaccines greatly increases the risk of a vaccine reaction.

I have no vested interests in this topic. I write to educate and share information to empower parents to make wise choices for the life-long health and wellbeing of their family. Vaccine makers are 100% liability free. If their products cause any harm for any reason you cannot sue them or make any claim against them. Pause. Think about that.

Compiled by Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant!

Medical Tyranny?

David and Collet tragically lost their 18 mo son Ezekiel in 2013. I’ve been aware of this case and read everything I could find about this family. In this latest report by David Stephan, he shares facts never before publicly revealed about their experience of the death of their son and the judicial nightmare they have undergone since then.

Unbelievable is the only way to describe this family’s experience in Alberta, Canada. Evidence of coverup and collusion between medical personnel, pharmaceutical interests, law enforcement, the legal system, and the media abound. I truly believe most people will not believe the details in this case no matter how much proof is provided, because it will rock their view of the world too profoundly. I encourage everyone to read this updated report by David Stephan. Please watch the 8 minute video below.

…there are people with strong beliefs who will do anything they can to force others to comply. Even if it destroys the lives of innocent children and families.”

We all need to take a bold stand for medical freedom. We need to learn to speak LOUDLY in a spirit of LOVE. The medical and personal freedom of everyone is at stake. This is a slippery slope. It is David and Collet’s desire to help other families – and there are many – who are suffering wrongfully in a wide range of similar cases. Please share, donate if you are able, but most of all stand in prayer with this family.


Compiled by Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, truth activist. Navigating health information can be confusing. Becky writes and speaks because of her faith in Jesus Christ and her desire to warn parents of potentially harmful modern medical recommendations. Becky receives no renumeration for this work! While there is a ‘donate’ button on https://journeyboost.com, it has yet to be tested!

Is Measles a Threat?

With all the measles hype, I needed to compile information so parents can have confidence in the decisions they make for their children.

Worried about Measles?

Did you know 10-13 people die each year from a falling vending machine?? 

Or, that 450 die each year by falling out of bed??

Your chances of dying of measles symptoms in America is miniscule. There has been less than 1 death per year from complications arising from a measles infection in the last 8 years.

Furthermore, in 1960 prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine, the rate of measles deaths in the US population of 179,300,000 was .0000021, hardly a threat.

If you have adequate Vitamin A, your chance of dying from a deficiency is ZERO.

A healthy well nourished baby/child with adequate vitamin A levels may contract measles, but it will result in a mild infection which will then provide life-long natural immunity. Even Dr Paul Offit had measles!

Watch this 8 minute video of “Measles Back in the Day” to understand how society viewed a measles infection.

Before the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, even doctors and scientists considered measles to be a mild, mostly benign illness. Read a description of measles from 1959, published in the British Medical Journal.

Did you know that historically there has always been opposition to vaccines? Parents, please do your own research. Why is the media pushing us to fear a measles infection? Why are we not told about the risk of harm from the vaccine? Some groups of children are more susceptible to harm, yet the public is not informed. Find a list of Pubmed articles at the end of this blog showing measles autism associations. http://vaccinecommonsense.com/2016/03/15/back-in-the-1870s-this-battle-for-medical-freedom-is-ongoing/

Did you know that there is a wealth of scientific papers demonstrating that Vitamin A protects against measles and reduces the impact of the illness? A list is provided at the end of this blog. Studies also show that having a measles infection as a child can have a protective benefit against certain types of cancers.[1]

Amidst all the hype about the danger of measles, what is the message pushed on the public? GET YOUR VACCINE. Yet, very little to nothing is said about the real risk of vaccine injury. The following graphic illustrates the actual reports of injury and death in the USA from the MMR vaccines as reported to the VAERS – a system which is estimated by a Harvard study to receive between 1-10% of actual events occurring after vaccines. Compare these statistics to the risk of death from measles of .0000021.

To be fair, those who receive a MMR vaccine – which contains a live virus – may receive some immunity for a limited amount of time, but the immunity wanes requiring ‘booster’ vaccines. As the data from VAERS clearly demonstrates, there are many risks associated with the MMR, MMRII and ProQuad vaccines – all routinely given to our babies and children. There is a link to the Merck MMRII vaccine package insert at the end of this blog. I always encourage parents to read the complete vaccine package insert for any vaccine they are considering giving to their baby/child.

There are serious concerns about the human DNA fragments in the MMMR vaccine because the virus was grown using aborted human fetal cell lines. This is both an ethical, religious and medical concern. Other vaccines that contain human DNA fragment debris are Hepatitis A, varicella (chickenpox), Pentacel, Rubella, and shingles vaccines.

So what’s your best strategy to help your baby/child stay healthy and avoid a serious measles infection? Boost your immune system and pay attention to vitamin A!

Boost your natural sources of vitamin A like sweet potatoes, grass fed organic (if possible) liver, and other foods high in vitamin A.

We all want healthy babies. We need to be extremely careful that we are not deceived and fall into the traps of those who seek to profit from our children.

I’m 76. When I was a child, people knew what to do when someone got the measles. Stay calm, preferably in bed in a darkened room so your eyes wouldn’t be harmed. Definitely stay out of the sun – anyway that is what my parents and grandparents did with us. We all got measles. No harm at all came to any of us, to our cousins, or to our friends. J Storey

Compiled by Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, truth activist. Navigating health information can be confusing. Becky writes and speaks because of her faith in Jesus Christ and her desire to warn parents of potentially harmful modern medical recommendations. Becky receives no renumeration for this work! While there is a ‘donate’ button this website, it has yet to be tested!

[1] The Unreported Health Benefits of Measles http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/unreported-health-benefits-measles

A short list of papers on Vitamin A and measles infections:

Vitamin A reduces both morbidity and mortality in children 6mo – 5y

Vitamin A reduces pneumonia symptoms in measles cases of Zambian children (2002)

Low vitamin A IMPACTS severity of measles – known since 1992. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/516043

Complication rates are increased by immune deficiency disorders, malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency (2004) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/15106083/

A 25 yo man with severe measles improved after IM vitamin A administration. Vitamin A deficiency is a known risk factor for measles. (2017)

A study from Africa showing vitamin A deficiency associated with increased mortality, with a greater effect in boys than in girls. (2012)

“Measles is a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality. Vitamin A deficiency is a recognized risk factor for severe measles infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends administration of an oral dose of vitamin A (200,000 international units (IU), or 100,000 IU in infants) each day for two days to children with measles when they live in areas where vitamin A deficiency may be present…two doses were associated with a reduced risk of mortality and pneumonia-specific mortality in children under the age of two years.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16235283

Malnourished are most at risk for fatality from measles infectionshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9345118

More information on the actual rate of measles http://vaxtruth.org/2012/01/measles-perspective/

Measles overviewhttps://www.nvic.org/vaccines-and-diseases/measles/measles-detailed-overview.aspx

We hear repeatedly ‘there is no science that shows vaccines cause Autism’, yet we can read these government published studies which implicate vaccines as a cause of Autism:


Merck MMRII vaccine package insert https://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/m/mmr_ii/mmr_ii_pi.pdf

Vaccine Risk Awareness Goes Mainstream

Due to the tireless strategic efforts of many vaccine risk aware truth tellers, the truth about vaccine risk is beginning to hit the mainstream media and the mainstream public. More people are questioning vaccines than ever before.

Watch this 10 minute mainstream video report by Sheryl Attkisson with bombshell revelations of fraud by DOJ attorneys in the ‘vaccine court.’ This report was aired on mainstream television on January 6, 2019. The supporting information is verified by the Dr Zimmerman’s affidavit, linked below.

You can read Dr Zimmerman’s full sworn Affidavit here. Dr Zimmerman is the world-renowned pro-vaccine pediatric neurologist specializing in autism. As an expert witness for the government defending vaccines in vaccine court in 2007, he told the government that vaccines can cause autism in “exceptional” cases, but says the government later hid the information and misrepresented his opinion. His affidavit is signed September 2018.

There is a lot to this story. In the case in which Dr Zimmerman was scheduled to appear as an expert witness for the government, there were 5000 families represented in what is known as the Autism Omnibus Proceedings. The Department of Justice lawyers ignored Dr Zimmerman’s statements that he had changed his mind and now believed there was a connection between vaccines and autism for some susceptible children. Rather than share this information, or have him testify again, they fired him to prevent his opinion validating the representative case and thus blocked 5000 families from receiving justice and compensation for vaccine harm.

This information is critically important for everyone, but especially for anyone charged with making decisions for new babies. Please share. We will not be getting an announcement from the CDC any time soon, but Dr Zimmerman is one expert who once believed there was no connection between vaccines and autism. Then he began to listen to many of his patients and review the scientific information. He realized his former position was wrong. He changed his mind based on the scientific reality. The government does not want parents to hear his findings.

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, avid reader, health promoter, and seeker of truth through Jesus Christ. Navigating health information can be confusing. Becky writes and speaks to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in many aspects of modern medical recommendations.

For more information:

“A world-renowned pro-vaccine medical expert is the newest voice adding to the body of evidence suggesting that vaccines can cause autism in certain susceptible children.” https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/425061-how-a-pro-vaccine-doctor-reopened-debate-about-link-to-autism

Children’s Health Defense describes specific Action Steps you can take to share this information.

This one hour video contains a discussion with key role-layers in this case. Del Bigtree interviews Robert F Kennedy, Rolf Hazlehurst, JB Handley, and Jenny McCarthy on some of the details of how the government hid the vaccine/autism link and sought to bury the information from public knowledge.

2 Doctors: Who Do You Trust?

Watch this 3 minute video. Listen to Dr Offit answer a question by a pharmaceutical student who is concerned about protecting her customers from flu vaccine harm. Then hear Dr Moss report on actual flu vaccine injuries. 60% of all vaccine related injuries compensated by the VICP are for flu shots. A total $4Billion has been paid since 1988 for vaccine related injuries and death.

2 Doctors, two points of view. One doctor has been mentored by the ‘godfather’ of vaccines, Dr Stanley Plotkin. Both Dr Plotkin and Dr Offit received many millions of dollars upon the sale of their rota virus vaccine, although the exact amount has not been publicly disclosed. Dr Offit has ongoing ties to pharmaceutical corporations such as Merck. His livelihood is founded on his belief that vaccines are “safe and effective”. They are certainly safe and effective for him. Since vaccines are 100% liability free, he’s been safe from any claim on either the vaccine he designed and brought to market, or the vaccines marketed by his sponsor. They have also been very effective – effective at giving him a lifestyle, notoriety, and platform for pronouncing his message supporting vaccines.

Is that the kind of safety and effectiveness you are looking for in a vaccine?

Dr Moss took his personal time to speak before the West Virginia legislature. He donates a lot of time to try to help people understand that there is a risk with every vaccine injected. He has studied the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program payouts and injuries listed. He has studied the VAERS data base for reporting vaccine adverse events which was shown by a Harvard study to contain between 1%-10% of actual adverse events after vaccines. Most doctors and families are not aware of this reporting system and do not report adverse events.

Here is another brief video of Dr Moss giving testimony on hospital vaccination incentives and flu shot requirements at the West Virginia Education Committee the morning of Saturday, March 18, 2017. He might not be the most eloquent spokesperson, but you can feel the compassionate heart of this doctor. He has 34+ years of experience in providing true care for his patients.

I’m surprised to say I 100% agree with Dr Offit’s final statement in the following short video clip:

“It’s always the most vulnerable among us who pay for our ignorance.”

Have truer words ever crossed his lips?

I strongly disagree with many other statements Dr Offit makes such as this one, Paul Offit literally just said, “A scraped knee is a bigger immunological challenge than a vaccine” for a child!

As a parent, your most important job is to protect your child. There are forces in this world that want to devour your child. You might not believe this could happen in 2019. Get the facts. Research. Since 1986 vaccines have been 100% Liability Free. No entity is held responsible for any vaccine harm or even for death. Think about that. If there were 5 car seat manufacturers, and you are forced to accept their products, yet their products are 100% Liability Free, how would you feel? Do you think those car seat manufacturers are going to be motivated to higher safety standards?

We live in a corporate dominated world. Corporations rule most aspects of life in the USA. Corporations exist to make a profit for their shareholders. They are the largest force in the media. They dominate Congress in the USA and many other countries. The only person responsible for your child’s longterm health and well being is you. Research vaccines.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion! Becky writes, speaks, and shares information hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in the vaccine debate.

CPS for Refusing Vaccines?

One of my readers shared a powerful example of how to respond when a medical professional threatens you with a call to CPS for not accepting vaccines:

If a doctor or nurse threatens to file a CPS report when you do not want to vaccinate your child.
1) Start recording the conversation immediatelyand tell them “I am now recording for your safety and my safety”.
2) Then say, “Excuse me, I want to make sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that if I agree to let you administer those vaccines today [more powerful if you list the specific vaccines that have been discussed], that we will walk out of here with no problems, but if I refuse the vaccines, that you will call CPS and file a report?” [[let them answer]]
3) Next: “If you call CPS or file a report with them, exactly what are you going to be claiming in the report?” [[let them answer]]
4) “Are you aware of the informed consent laws for our state?[1, 2] Are you familiar with the Nuremberg Code [3], and what it says about informed consent, and do you understand the implications of your statement and what it means for a medical professional to use methods of coercion & intimidation to get consent for a medical procedure?”

At this point you may be quite shaken and emotionally distraught. If you are still rock solid and confident – congratulations! My reader concluded with this approach:

“5) Then you say, “We’re done here. I am under duress and I will not be threatened or manipulated to consent to any medical procedures, nor will I be signing any documents, and if you do not let me leave, and if you file a CPS report with false claims, I will call my attorney, and report you to the medical board of our state for attempted coercion which is ILLEGAL.”

I agree that you need to leave the office ASAP. However, at ALL TIMES you need to be confident and respectful. Doctors have been through such rigorous training that they have a hard time listening to patients and are quick to interpret any disagreement or questioning as ‘crazy’. Being right about your rights no longer guarantees your freedom from harassment in our country. You do not want to be unnecessarily adversarial. You need to be absolutely STRONG and careful about how your actions and words will be interpreted by a thoroughly indoctrinated medical professional. Perhaps an exit strategy like this may be a better option:

“We need to leave now.” (stand up, get yourself ready to follow through on those words immediately). “I need to speak to my partner (if your partner is with you, say, “We need time to discuss this.”) “I/We need to consult with my/our lawyer about legal requirements in our state. I’m/We’re going to think about what you have advised.” If you are receiving pressure to sign any type of waiver or form, say “We cannot sign anything right now, but we can take the form and read through it.” Walk out.

Save some emotional energy because at this point you probably have to stop by the billing desk to organize the payment of your office visit. Be strong. Be prepared. You CAN protect your children!

Too many parents are facing wrongful removal of their children. You do not want to unnecessarily harm your children by consenting to give vaccines through fear, pressure and coercion, but you also do not want to necessarily ‘poke’ a vindictive medical professional!

Of course, if you do not take your baby to wellness visits you will not be faced with pressure to give them vaccines. Many parents are able to find respectful medical professionals for their babies/children. I hope you never need this information, but if you ever find yourself facing CPS officials at your door, this blog outlines how to handle such a situation.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion! Becky writes, speaks, and shares information hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in the vaccine debate.

  1. “For an individual to give valid informed consent, three components must be present: disclosure, capacity and voluntariness.
    • Disclosure requires the researcher to supply each prospective subject with the information necessary to make an autonomous decision and also to ensure that the subject adequate understands the information provided. This latter requirement implies that a written consent form be written in lay language suited for the comprehension skills of subject population, as well as assessing the level of understanding through conversation.
    • Capacity pertains to the ability of the subject to both understand the information provided and form a reasonable judgment based on the potential consequences of his/her decision.
    • Voluntariness refers to the subject’s right to freely exercise his/her decision making without being subjected to external pressure such as coercion, manipulation, or undue influence.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informed_consent#Valid_elements
  2. Take some time to review the laws for your state in advance.
  3. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Code#The_ten_points_of_the_Nuremberg_Code


Hep B Vaccine Killed this Baby

This is an anonymous true account of one mother’s experience. This story has received a huge amount of shares on my Facebook Page, so I thought I would make a permanent place for it on my blog. To be clear – this is not MY story. It was shared with me by a mom in 2016. She gave me permission to publish her story anonomously.

This is my daughter. The first photo of her and I was before she received the Hep B vaccine. The second is the very last photo I got of her.

To me she looked almost sickly in the second photo. She passed that following morning between 6:50-7:20am 36hrs exactly after receiving the Hep B vaccine at 14 days old. She was only 4lbs 6oz which is contraindicated on the insert, no premature baby under 4.4lbs should receive this vaccine, no one with liver issues (she was still mildly jaundice). She hadn’t even reached her due date. I feel so robbed. My baby was stolen from me. My precious beautiful baby girl. My first daughter. I found out I was pregnant with her August 17th 2013. She was born at 34.5 weeks on 4/10/14. She passed 4/26/14. I was going to take her to the ER that morning if she was still lethargic like she was the day before. Unfortunately she never made it, because I TRUSTED her doctor. I called and he said she would be fine, it’s just from the vaccine. Yeah. It was from the vaccine. Little did I know it was causing her liver and heart to go into failure. I feel so much guilt. I think of all the things I COULD have done, all the things I SHOULD have done. I have a hard time forgiving myself, and accepting the fact it wasn’t my fault. But I feel like it was, I should have trusted my gut, because my gut was SCREAMING ‘don’t vaccinate her’, that’s why I had refused in the hospital, but they threatened me with CPS, told me I’d get my kids taken if I didn’t vaccinate. I’m not Hep B positive. Newborns don’t do drugs and don’t have sex. Why was it SO imperative to inject my preemie with the toxins that killed her? And the worst part is, I can’t even hold the doctor who forced it accountable! So moms, dads, and anyone else reading this, if you have any doubt, or if your gut/instinct is screaming ‘NO’, LISTEN. It’s there for a reason. Please listen to it, I wish I did, it may save your child’s life.” A heartbroken mother

Be prepared. Get the facts. Say NO to unnecessary vaccines. I’ve compiled information on the Hepatitis B vaccine to help you start your research. Don’t blindly believe me. But don’t believe those who push you to accept this shot for your precious baby either. Get the facts for yourself. You can always give a vaccine later, you can never ‘undo’ a vaccine once it is injected. Your child’s life is in YOUR HANDS. No one else will have to live with the outcome of your choice. I’ve collected more information for those interested in more information on vaccines here.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion! Becky writes, speaks, and shares information hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in the vaccine debate.



Choosing Your Baby’s Doctor

Many parents blindly trust doctors. Others mistrust all of them. How can parents find a doctor who respects their parenting decisions even if they may differ from standard medical advice or experience?

Some parents are informed of true vaccine risks versus benefits prior to pregnancy and childbirth and are able to avoid vaccines entirely; other parents notice vaccine injury and decide to discontinue giving further vaccines. Parents who follow standard medical practice, and allow their baby to be injected with vaccines, whether bullied into it or not, often experience deep feelings of betrayal on top of the trauma of dealing with a vaccine injury. They never expected that such a ‘nice doctor’ could recommend such a devastating procedure for their healthy baby. Many parents with children injured or killed by vaccines are further traumatized by the denial of the real and obvious vaccine injury by the ‘nice doctor’. Some parents are kicked out of a medical practice for refusing to accept more vaccines for their baby.

Parents who understand the true risk of vaccines seek to find a doctor for their baby who will respect their decision, if not fully support it.

If you are searching for a doctor who will support your non mainstream ideas regarding parental choice, you might want to adopt a stealth approach. Use vague words when asking questions like, “I’m looking for a doctor who supports a more natural holistic approach to health for my child.” Many parents have found they need to keep their child’s vaccine status quiet in order to protect their baby/child from ‘well meaning’ but ignorant people who could cause unwanted complications. By keeping our family’s vaccine status close to our chest until we get to know people, we provide greater protection for our young children.

Ways to identify doctors who accept non-vaccinated children without ever pushing vaccines.

Firstly, I don’t have lists of doctors, but there are a lot of respectful doctors available. Word of mouth is probably the best way to locate a potential doctor in your area. Some good ways (not guaranteed) to find an open-minded doctor:

1) Ask on local FB groups that have a more natural/crunchy leaning.
2) Ask moms from a La Leche League or other breastfeeding support group/meeting
3) Ask about doctors at a local health food store or co-op
4) Consider finding a “family” doctor or “general practitioner” who often have a more accepting attitude of family choices.
5) Look for some labels that indicate a differently thinking doctor like ‘Integrative’, ‘Functional Medicine’, or ‘Physical Medicine’. Practices with this type of ‘label’ may include chiropractors and have a more of a ‘team’ approach to achieving health.
6) Many families find regular chiropractic visits are more beneficial than pediatrician visits.
7) One option is to skip well visits completely.

Good questions to ask:

How does Dr _____ encourage natural immunity and health in babies and children? (good answers include supporting/encouraging exclusive breastfeeding, delaying or avoiding vaccines, attention to good nutrition and avoiding processed foods, elderberry or other immune boosting supplements, good sleep and hygiene practices, etc.)

What is Dr ____ approach to fevers in babies and children? Fevers are beneficial and yet many doctors and parents rush to give fever reducers which could actually cause further harm.

What does Dr _____ think of using vitamin C in high doses? While this might not be a ‘deal breaker’, knowledge of the effectiveness of vitamin C in babies and children is an indication that this doctor has researched beyond the standard training of medical school.

A bonus question regarding childhood cancers. I’m not sure of how to approach such a question, but it is becoming an increasing concern to parents that if a child is diagnosed with cancer they have very few treatment options (radiation, chemotherapy, and/or surgery). Many parents have faced the threat or reality of forced removal of their child by CPS/DCF if they seek second opinions or alternative therapies to treat their child’s cancer. My children are now grown, but it would be wise to get an awareness of your child’s doctor’s opinion on the growing incidence of cancers amongst children, causes and best options for treatment. I pray you will never need this information.

The NVIC.org provides helpful information on vaccine requirements and exemptions for each state. There may be local vaccine truth activist organizations or individuals that you can connect with. Finding other vaccine truth activists near you can be a great resource in many ways.

Doctors are highly regarded in our culture and can play a significant role in our parenting decisions. It’s important to find a doctor who encourages you, respects your parenting instincts, and truly has your baby’s health as their top priority. Not all pediatricians have taken the time necessary to research the complexities of vaccines for themselves. They trust what their training and professional organizations tell them. I wish you well in your search for such a person. Here is an example of an amazing doctor.

Please leave a comment with your suggestions for ways to find a doctor, and good questions to ask in your search!

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies, including which vaccines to choose. Becky loves mountain biking and appreciates donations, which mainly encourage her.

Death via vaccine

Every baby who dies is a heartbreaking tragedy. But I find it especially disturbing when a healthy baby is given a ‘preventative’ round of vaccines and dies.


Aviana passed away 12 hours after her 4-month vaccines. Her death is now being investigated by the federal vaccine court – which has paid out about $4 BILLION since it was established in 1988 to provide compensation to families when a child is injured or killed because of vaccines. The number of injuries reported to VAERS is estimated by Harvard to be only 1-10% of the accurate number of children injured.

Listen to Aviana’s story as told by her mother in this short video:

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. Becky loves mountain biking and appreciates donations, which mainly encourage her.