Which Vaccines are Safe?

Many young parents, after being exposed to some of the dangers of the vaccine ingredients, are still not completely able to shake the strong authority giving them advice. They may have a friend with a vaccine injured child. They may have read about vaccine injury and are aware that it is a true risk, but having been repeatedly told by their doctor, by the media, by family and friends, that vaccines are safe and effective, they seek a way to give the shot/s, yet detox from the poisons received. Maybe their thinking is something like this:

‘I know it’s bad. I know it has harmful ingredients in it, but I’m so fearful of the disease, or I am so bullied by people around me, that I still MUST give my child this shot. So, please tell me how I can inject this poison into my child, then make it all go away afterwards.’

The ingredients in vaccines, once injected, can never be completely removed (neuro-toxic substances are especially difficult to remove from the brain).The damage caused by injecting poisons can never be completely repaired (especially the damage to the gut and the epigenetic impact you create in your DNA). You and I will never know the level of health and wellness our bodies and brain might have achieved if we had never been injected with vaccines in our childhood, by our well-meaning parents. In the same way, when you inject your baby, you will never know what their potential for life and health would have been without those substances. Today, in the USA, babies receive 46 shots before the age of 6. This combination has never been tested for safety and is creating a generation of sick children unknown to any previous generation.

Before your  baby is two years old, the CDC says they need 36 vaccines against 14 different infections, delivered via 24 needles, and containing 91 different antigens.

Additionally, many people are completely unaware that a lot of vaccines are formulated using aborted human babies – their tissue and cells. There are many unintended consequences, known in science parlance as “non-specific effects” from using vaccines based on human tissue and the residual DNA that is present. The evidence for the inclusion of human DNA cell fragments in the vaccines we inject today in incontrovertible. Most Christians are oblivious to how aborted baby parts were critically important to the rubella, MMR, shingles, chicken pox, and hepatitis A vaccines.

Ask yourself, ‘Is there a way to protect my child from illness, to make sure they have a vibrantly healthy brain and body and reach their full potential without injecting them with poison before their brain is even fully developed?’

If the answer is yes, you owe it to yourself and your child to find that route to health. You might be bucking society, or the people you respect, but your journey will give you confidence and JOY.

My friend, Ashley Cates, added this insight:

“I want to add — do not fear the infections vaccines are supposed to prevent! Your child will have a much better chance at living a healthy life even if they catch measles, whooping-cough, and chicken pox… In fact, it gives them a lower risk of cancer if they do catch it. And these diseases are not dangerous for relatively healthy children living in the USA. If you still fear not vaccinating, you know you need to do more reading and more research because there are many highly intelligent parents and professionals who do not fear those diseases because we are well-informed. We’ve finally been able to see reality through research – even after being indoctrinated to fear instead of thinking critically about vaccination.”

“Again, once mercury and aluminum get into the brain and start destroying neutrons, that is not something you can just ‘detox’ from. You cannot just undo all of that damage. You are making a major change to the growth of the brain. And God-forbid the residual DNA from the aborted fetal cells integrates into your child’s genome. (There are studies proving these things happen.)”

If you find yourself forced to give vaccines for any reason, please read this carefully and take as many of the steps as you can to help reduce to negative impact to your baby or yourself of the vaccine ingredients.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below!

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Vaccine Truth Prevails

The tide is turning. Thinking people are waking up to the reality of the harm that can be caused by vaccines.

Christians, atheists, church leaders, medical professionals, scientists, and random people are beginning to understand that there truly is no scientific basis for injecting our babies with 36 vaccines against 14 different infections, delivered via 24 needles, and containing 91 different antigens before they are TWO YEARS OLD!

Parents, doctors, and nurses are learning that health does not come through a needle, and that the immune system is an intricate design that can provide protection and health when supported with appropriate nutrition.

More and more people understand that giving vaccines to your child actually provides no benefit to the population at large – the myth of ‘herd immunity.’

Recognizing that there are harmful and questionable ingredients in the vaccines and that the manufacturing process will never be able to guarantee safety, more parents are refusing to accept the mantra “vaccines are safe and effective” pushed by the medical system and the media.

Significantly, many Pro-Life advocates are learning about the use of aborted human fetal cells as a basis of vaccines, the existence of human DNA fragments in all vaccines, and the serious consequences of these fragments on the life, health, and brains of our children.

Christians, nurses, doctors, scientists, and people from all walks of life are waking up to the reality that injecting a newborn infant with a Hepatitis B vaccine makes no logical sense since the vaccine is only claimed to provide ‘protection’ for around five years for a disease transmitted through sexual contact or intravenous drug use.

People are waking up to the fact that while the CDC claims to safeguard our health, they have been the object of many Congressional studies, accused by Whistleblowers of conducting themselves in a fraudulent manner, cherry picking data, designing studies to get the outcome they desire, and changing study protocols in the middle of studies. Additionally, they promote scientific studies and even sponsored further studies from a former scientist, Poul Thorsen, a fugitive from the FBI for allegedly stealing $1M from the CDC. In April 2011, Thorsen was indicted on 22 counts of Wire Fraud and Money Laundering. https://oig.hhs.gov/fraud/fugitives/profiles.asp

People are waking up to the fact that doctors have not been trained to understand the complexities in the vaccination discussion, yet are pushing their patients to get the vaccines recommended by the CDC. They know any doctor promoting vaccines has probably not read a complete vaccine package insert, investigated the safety studies of giving ALL (six to eight vaccines at one time) the recommended shots in one visit or the studies showing the entire recommended schedule is “safe and effective” (because there are none), and probably derive financial benefit from promoting vaccines.

People finally understand that children are having more and more adverse reactions to vaccines; they are far more common than has ever been admitted. They are also understanding that when a reaction occurs, or when life-long damage, or even death occurs, there is no liability or recourse for the parents. The manufacturers, doctors, and CDC are all protected and indemnified from any and all adverse events following the administration of vaccines (and some only occur gradually over time). The only recourse possible is through suing – or applying to sue – the Federal Government in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and you can expect a long, hard fight with a small chance of success as you battle the government’s legal team. For instance, over 5000 cases in the Autism Omnibus were dismissed from this court and those families were not even able to present their case.

People are waking up to the reality that in many cases, when identified early enough, it is possible to reverse some of the impact from the vaccines, including autism. Children with severe neurological impairment due to vaccine damage are experiencing amazing recovery.

Parents, doctors and young people are waking up enough to investigate the reality of the devastation caused by the Gardasil (Merck) and Cervarix (GSK) vaccines that are promoted as a way to prevent cancer connected with HPV. They are taking the time to investigate the serious reactions around the world after receiving this vaccine that contains high levels of aluminum, yet was not safety tested using a true placebo.

So, if you know the reality of vaccine injury and the truth behind the ‘vaccine science’ you can be even more BOLD and BRAVE. The truth is on our side. We seek to protect future babies, children and families from suffering life-long disability, death, or chronic illness due to vaccines.

The tide is turning.

The truth is making a difference.

Be brave.

DSC_0062Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, seeker of truth and health. Facing a world quite different from the one in which I grew up, I seek to research and understand the very real dangers threatening the health and freedom of today’s parents, providing information to navigate towards joyful family living!  Posted 30 January 2017

7 Essentials for Sharing Vaccine Truth with Loved Ones


“Our oldest daughter, 20, just got engaged to a sweet guy. Unfortunately, it appears that his family is very pro-vaccine based on a recent FB comment. We have not met my daughter’s fiancé’s family yet as they live out-of-state. I am deeply moved wanting to have great relationships with them, not cause any polarization, and shed light on the truth gently. I follow many sources of info and have for over ten years. Unfortunately, I did not do the best job preparing my daughter on the subject so I have to help her see the truth. Do you have any suggestions as to where to begin? In an effort to show the facts, my analytical nature could literally fire-hose anyone with hundreds of videos, links, blogs, names of doctors, medical evidence, etc. ad nauseam but I want to approach this based on common ground first, which is wanting the best for our children and future grandchildren.” A reader’s question

As parents we long for our adult children to understand life and the risks they face. Specifically we want to warn them of lessons we may have learned the hard way. When our child meets or marries someone with a pro-vaccine point of view, we often panic, especially when our child seems to be teetering on the verge of rejecting all we have tried to teach them. What’s a parent to do?

Caring enough means making an effort to meet them where they are.

  1. Pray. God can open hearts and minds to truth. In Acts 16:14 God opened Lydia’s heart to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Colossians 2 Paul reminds us that in Jesus Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Sharing vaccine reality requires sensitivity to the awakening God wants to do in every heart. We need to pray and be sensitive that this is actually a spiritual battle; it is God’s work, not ours. God can use us to share truth, but we need to proceed with humility. Ask friends to join you in prayer for specific family members. Consider implementing a ‘Fast and Pray’ strategy. My parents fasted one day a week for 2 years for me to come to have a relationship with God through Jesus.
  2. Ask questions. Be more interested in the other person, how they feel, what has formed their views, their previous experiences, etc. than you are in pushing your information in their face. Determine what they know. Do they know how many vaccines the CDC now recommends for babies – and adults? Do they know how vaccines ‘work’? Do they understand neonatal immune development? Do they have fears about specific infections?
  3. Love & Respect. Often vaccine discussions can get heated. Don’t allow your intense desire to convince others to push your buttons. Leave your emotions out. Focus on loving. Show respect. This will take time. Seek to always leave a conversation with the other person feeling heard, respected and loved. Preserve the relationship even if your loved on makes decisions that you disagree with.
  4. Use Third Parties. There are great documentaries, YouTube videos, etc. with rational calm presentations. Determine which might be a good fit for the person you are trying to enlighten. Short respectful videos are a good way to start. Dr Moss is a man “in the system” who speaks very respectfully about the system, yet offers very good points on questioning vaccines [link below]. Since it is short, informed, loving, and has some story components, it could be a great place to start. Other doctors I admire: Dr Suzanne Humphries, 240+ Doctors speak out on vaccine truth. Documentaries: Vaxxed, Bought, Greater Good. Dr Sam Eggertson who was confronted by a patient regarding his pro-vaccine stance and decided to dig into the scientific information available. As a result he prepared this excellent lecture in which he calmly examines why parents reject the current vaccine schedule. This video is just over one hour long, but those who truly want to understand the science of vaccine safety will get a selective review of issues and studies that may contribute to parental concerns, including the “vaccine court”, the Omnibus Autism Proceeding, and accusations against Dr. Andrew Wakefield.
  5. Get Confident. Build your own credibility by learning and distilling facts accurately. Practice on Facebook, join a Vaccine Truth Facebook Group to learn more, or practice with friends. Focus on a few basic facts and learn them well, here is a list of vaccine objections I put together. Some good facts to review and be very familiar with: VICP compensation since 1988, table of injuries used by VICP, vaccine package inserts for different vaccines, CDC schedule, CDC Whistleblower, Aluminum content in vaccines.
  6. Stay calm. Don’t beat yourself up with guilt if you ‘mess up’ or it goes badly, but keep at it. Seek to be more accepting, more informative, and keep trying! If you have younger children, keep training them. Train your children to be adept at sharing vaccine/health truth with others. You are leaving a legacy of health. Never give up. The issue of vaccine safety is so huge that it is a deal breaker for many single people. It is something that needs to be discussed very early in the ‘getting to know you’ process, for anyone considering marriage.
  7. Don’t expect overnight success. Belief in vaccine safety is a deeply held philosophical concept, similar to religion, that will not be changed quickly. A good starting point is to get future parents to consider the ‘next’ vaccine decision they may face. For a pregnant woman, the risks/benefits of a flu shot or a TDaP shot. For newborns, encourage investigating Hepatitis B shots. Consider vaccine knowledge as a continuum. On the far left is an absolute believer in vaccine safety and efficacy. On the far right is someone convinced that all vaccines will always cause injury and are part of eugenic plans to harm people. Don’t try to push someone from one side of the continuum to the other, but allow them to move one step at a time, through various phases of questioning vaccines. Delaying and Selecting is what some will start with. Respect their journey. If they do decide to give any vaccines, try to get them to take these steps to reduce the negative impact.

Maintaining our relationship is the most important thing we can do. We will not convince everyone of the truths we have investigated, but we can keep trying to be more effective. By keeping the doors open we will build bridges for future discussions.

Take 15 minutes to watch Dr Moss describe his professional understanding of the vaccine situation.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Did You Know…

Please watch the video – especially the segment starting a around 6 minutes where a doctor shares some of these startling facts.

  • The USA has had only 1 case of polio in the last 40 years. There is virtually a zero risk of contracting true debilitating polio in the USA today.
  • 1 million people hit deer in the USA last year and 200 of those people died from the collision.
  • Only five people died from Whooping Cough last year, and only one was under 12 months.
  • You are forty times more likely to die from hitting a deer than from contracting WC!
  • 1961-versus-2016-shotsFour million babies are injected at birth with the Hepatitis B vaccine but only 37-100 of their moms have Hepatitis B but don’t know it.
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield pays paediatricians $400 per child when they maintain a specific high percentage rate of children fully up-to-date on vaccines.
  • If a Doctor deviates from the CDC recommendations and the “standard of care” they could be at risk of losing their medical licence.
  • A “mandated reporter” is required by Federal and State law to report to CPS anyone who injects a child with the ingredients that a vaccine contains. Yet vaccines are considered safe.
  • Vaccine ingredients include: formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, polysorbate 80, glutaraldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol. bovine extract, sodium chloride, calf serum, lactalbumin hydrolysate, neomycin sulphate, polymyxin B, yeast protein, animal DNA fragments, human DNA fragments from aborted human fetal tissue.
  • The characteristics of autism and mercury poisoning are virtually identical.
  • A doctor who supports vaccine choice and informed consent by parents could lose around $700,000 per year by NOT giving vaccines.
  • Any doctor who disagrees or questions CDC regulations is labeled as a “Quack.”
  • The entire vaccine schedule recommended by the CDC has never been tested for safety.
  • This is the only industry in the USA that you can’t sue for faulty products. Since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed by Congress in 1986 all vaccine manufacturers have been protected.
  • The current CDC schedule recommends three times the number of shots that were recommended before the NCVIA of 1986 was passed.
  • Children are now recommended to receive 33 doses of vaccines in the first year of life; 50 doses of vaccines by the time they go to school; and 76 doses of 14 vaccines by the age of 18.

Becky on stageAuthor: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

The USA/CDC Vaccine Schedule

newborn skin to skin

What shots are recommended for my new baby?

What shots does my baby actually need?

Start your research with the first vaccines suggested for babies and the illnesses that you feel most concerned about and work through them all.

The current recommended shots for newborns in the first few hours of life in the USA are:

  1. Vitamin K
  2. Hepatitis B (1st of 3 doses).

At 2 months it is recommended that babies be vaccinated with:

  1. Hep B (2nd of 3 doses)
  2. Rotavirus (RV, 1st of 3 oral doses)
  3. Diptheria, Tetanus, & acellular Pertussis (DTaP, 3 different antigens, 1st of 5 doses)
  4. Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib, 1st of 3 or 4 doses)
  5. Pneumococcal conjugate (PVC13, 13 different antigens, 1st of 4 doses)
  6. Inactivated poliovirus (IPV, 1st of 3 doses)

That is a total of 8 vaccines (±5 needles*) with a total of 20 antigens given to a 2 month old baby regardless of size (how much they weigh) or gestation period (preemies through full-term babies are all given the exact same dose).

At 4 months it is recommended that your baby gets a repeat of all of the above, except Hep B for a total of 7 vaccines (±4 needles*) with 19 different antigens.

At 6 months there is a little flexibility, but your baby usually gets a repeat of all the vaccines given at 2 months:

  1. Hep B (3rd of 3 doses)
  2. Rotavirus (3rd of 3 oral doses)
  3. DTaP (3 different antigens, 3rd of 5 doses)
  4. Hib (3rd of 3 or 4 doses)
  5. PCV13 (13 different antigens, 3rd of 4 doses)
  6. IPV (3rd of 3 doses)

A total of 8 vaccines (±5 needles*) with 20 different antigens.

At 6 months a flu shot is also recommended. Babies are recommended to have two flu shots, four weeks apart, and thereafter they are recommended to have a flu shot every year of their life.  Each flu shot contains approximately 3 antigens, including the controversial H1N1. All multi-dose flu shots contains approximately to 25mcg of mercury in the form of thimerosal. The thimerosal in the flu shot and the aluminum in the other vaccines can stimulate synergistic toxicity. Flu shots have been shown by the Cochrane Collaboration (an up to date, detailed look at all the scientific evidence and research) to be ineffective in protecting young children from the flu.

By 6 months a cumulative total of 24 vaccines (±17 needles*) with 62 antigens is delivered to most babies. 

Most parents are not aware of how many shots nor what they contain. Many doctors are not even familiar with the ingredients in the vaccines and the possible adverse events to be aware of, yet they confidently assert that they are all safe. The combination of all these shots has never been tested for safety.

At 12 or 15 months your baby could be given:

  1. His (4th of 4 doses)
  2. PVC13 (13 antigens, 4th of 4 doses)
  3. Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR, 3 antigens, 1st of 2 doses)
  4. Varicella for Chicken Pox (VAR, 1st of 2 doses)
  5. Hepatitis A (HepA, 1st of 2 doses)

A total of 7 vaccines (±5 needles*) with 19 different antigens.

At 18 months your baby could be given:

  1. DTaP (4th of 5 doses)
  2. Hepatitis A (2nd of 2 doses)
  3. Flu Vaccine (yearly)

A total of 5 vaccines (±3 needles*) with 7 different antigens.

Before your  baby is two years old, the CDC says they need 36 vaccines against 14 different infections, delivered via 24 needles, and containing 91 different antigens.

Between 4 to 6 years children are recommended to get repeat boosters for

  1. DTaP (5th dose)
  2. Polio (4th dose)
  3. MMR (2nd dose)
  4. Varicella (2nd dose)

A total of 8 vaccines (±4 needles*) with 8 different antigens.

In total, by the time your child goes to school they will have received 46 doses of vaccines (±29 needles*) with 100 different antigens. These injections bombard the immature immune system which is expected to recognise and mount a specific defense against each one. See further CDC complete recommended vaccination schedule chart.[1]

Children are recommended to get additional vaccines at 11 years old: Meningococcal, TDaP (the adult form of DTaP, a ‘booster’), and HPV vaccine (3 doses). Please research these shots carefully before accepting them for your children at this very sensitive stage of life.

Some questions you might want to ask your doctor or any older people who are advising you to give your baby all the shots on the schedule on time;

  1. Why have there been so many vaccinations added since I was a child?
  2. What were the results of studies looking at the combined impact of all of these vaccines injected at the same visit? (To date there have been no studies on the combined cumulative impact of all these vaccines).
  3. If my baby has a serious reaction, who is responsible? How will I get medical care if it is needed? (The CDC, your doctor and all vaccine manufacturers have zero liability in the event of any bad reaction to vaccines given. The parents are 100% responsible for the risk of vaccine injury.)
  4. What signs should I be aware of after a vaccine that might suggest a bad reaction?
  5. How have doctors been trained to recognize vaccine reactions?
  6. Do you know how to report an adverse reaction to vaccines throuth VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)?

One reason this information is overwhelming is because most of us got shots when we were children. We think the shots they want to give our babies are pretty much the same as what we had. We are not familiar with the current recommended schedule. Take some time to familiarise yourself with the schedule, with each disease, and the risks of having the disease versus the risk of the vaccine.

An additional factor to consider is that there have been no studies on the carcinogenic impact of most vaccines – i.e. is there a likelihood that this vaccine, or this combination of vaccines could increase childhood cancer rates? It has not been studied.

Additionally, vaccines have not been studied to determine if they will impact the future fertility of your child.

Hopefully this short summary has been helpful for you as you seek to navigate the maze of information to you on the BEST way to keep your baby safe and healthy. Many parents are shocked to realise the number of vaccines now recommended for children. Vaccines are NOT required for school attendance in 47 states. A religious exemption can be submitted by anyone regardless of your religious affiliation, or no religious affiliation. All states must accept a religious exemption in lieu of vaccines except CA, MS, and WV.

I know new parents need lots of sleep. They don’t need to be losing sleep because of fear about vaccinations. As you gain information on this subject, you will be able to make a confident decision so you can sleep peacefully at night! If you do decide to give your baby any vaccine for any reason, please read this first so that you can take some important steps to help protect your baby. Remember, the older the better, the heavier the better, the fewer the better.

Please post any questions below.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

*Sometimes vaccines are combined into a multiple combination such as PEDIARIX and INFANRIX, so the actual number of needles used could vary slightly.

[1] CDC 2016 Schedule copy

Choice & Belief

6 needles croppedThe overriding issue in the vaccine debate is choice. Many highly educated doctors and parents, who take the time to closely dissect the research behind ‘vaccine science’, develop deep concerns.

Anyone who desires the truth and wants to understand vaccines should start simply by reading the vaccine ingredient list. The ingredients of each vaccine can be found in the complete vaccine package insert (VPI) provided in the box from the manufacturers – not the “info sheet” that the CDC has prepared and that your doctor will have in his office. You can read all the package inserts on the FDA’s own website. Section 11 of every VPI contains the ingredients. Look up the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on each ingredient.

When discussing vaccine ingredients, many who are pro-vaccine repeat (ad nauseam) that the ingredients we eat (i.e. pears) contain more of these toxic chemicals than are in vaccines. This concept deserves deeper consideration. The FDA has standards for safety for the ingestion of many of the ingredients listed in vaccines. However, ingestion is inherently safer than injection because the gastro intestinal tract contains and eliminates toxins rather efficiently. Injecting toxic chemicals intramuscularly is exposing the body to far more harm. The blood system and lymph system is not always able to identify and eliminate harmful ingredients such as aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, mercury, and Glutaraldehyde.

Vaccines also contain protein and DNA fragments from the growth medium used which could include aborted human fetal tissue, dog tissue, egg tissue, monkey kidney cell tissue, etc. Apart from the ethical issues raised by these methods of vaccine development, especially for those who maintain a ‘pro-life’ or vegan standpoint, very little scientific study has been done to determine the impact of injecting these fragments of foreign material into the muscle of a small baby. One study on the elimination of aluminum by infants after receiving vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants showed that it was not excreted in the urine and was not measurable in the blood in the two weeks following the injection. Where was it? Since the researchers did not find it excreted by the body, the obvious question that one would think they would be eager to ask and answer is, “Where is the aluminum and what is it doing?” Further studies have not been published, so the answer is conjecture, but seems obvious. The aluminum must be in the tissue, brain, other vital organs, or bone since it was not eliminated into the blood system or urine.

The point is that we are regularly injecting babies with a host of harmful ingredients with blind faith that these vaccines will be safe and will prevent a range of “vaccine preventable disease.” What is the truth?

There is a risk associated with every medical procedure. The US Supreme Court has ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” Those were their exact words. Where there is a risk, there must be a choice.

The state of California passed a bill which made a significant change in the ability of families to have a choice in giving a potentially harmful medical procedure to their babies and children if they want to participate in schools.

The rationale behind this push to force vaccines on all children is hard to grasp. A healthy child who has not received the Hepatitis B vaccine (which is given in three doses and contains 0.25 mg of aluminum per dose) cannot attend school in California, Mississippi, and West Virginia, yet a child diagnosed with an active case of Hepatitis B can go to school and no one would ever know, because that child’s medical status is protected by law as privileged medical information – and rightfully so. But is this logical?

A further question that must be asked by those considering vaccines is, “Do vaccines even prevent the diseases for which they are intended?” Recent incidents of multiple outbreaks of various diseases in the mostly vaccinated populations in both the USA, India, and China demonstrate that the vaccines are not delivering on their promised protection from infectious diseases.

Most parents who find themselves strongly opposed to mandatory vaccines were once quite pro-vaccine. They have learned through a long difficult experience that sometimes what you think is good for your child can actually cause a great deal of harm. In fact, for some families who have watched their child die immediately following a ‘well’ baby visit where they received multiple vaccines given at one time injected into the thighs while they helped hold baby down, the guilt is enormous. They were not told that the CDC recommended shot schedule has never been tested for safety. Many vaccines have been added to the schedule without ever considering the combined impact of multiple vaccines on the infant’s body.

Other families have watched their precious baby regress in their previous abilities and become challenged with numerous physical symptoms demonstrating severe damage in the body. When they return to the same doctor who gave their baby the vaccines, and ask for help to understand and fix the host of symptoms, those same doctors deny any connection to vaccines and often dismiss them from their practice. The doctors are unable to address the myriad of physical symptoms resulting from vaccines, from non-stop diarrhea, constipation, neurological digression, seizures, tics, head banging, loss of speech, failure to thrive, etc. Parents recognize something is severely wrong with their child and are left helpless. They know their child is in pain and the severe gastrointestinal connection is obvious, but they don’t know where to begin to heal or fix the damage caused by vaccines.

Parents are left with the aftermath of a debilitated child and absolutely no support. The vaccine manufacturer is indemnified. No matter what happens after a vaccine, the manufacturer is not responsible. The CDC, who recommends nearly 80 vaccines to all children during their childhood, is also free from liability. The doctor and/or nurses who inject the vaccines have no legal responsibility for what happens, and further, are deeply indoctrinated that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ and thus often cannot recognize the overwhelmingly obvious impact of the vaccine on the overall health of the child in front of them. They do not want to see it, and they have no understanding of how to help heal the child.

Do you believe in vaccines? That’s an interesting word. It seems a word that should be connected with a religion. Perhaps it is. Perhaps the whole system of vaccination promoted by the western medical system is just a man-made religious system.

This information is not designed to make you feel guilty for what you did or didn’t do as a parent. 99% of all parents want the best for their child. Every action towards our infant is done from the depths of our loving hearts. We want the BEST for our babies. Sometimes we are misled by those we trust and respect. They may be misled because they respect the ‘experts’ who perhaps have undisclosed vested interests, or complete ignorance. Doctors are generally very busy and don’t have time to research each topic in depth. They trust “experts” to do unbiased analysis and evaluations. It is time for more unbiased science to fully examine all the facts surrounding the vaccine debate.

The point of understanding vaccines and the potential harm they can have on babies is to help educate those making this decision today. We can’t change the past, but we can warn the generations to come so that they make wise choices. It’s all about choice.

Here are some excellent resources to help you on your journey towards understanding the vaccine debate:

  • Dr. David Ayoub presents vaccine safety issues and autism causation to a group of doctors who support giving recommended vaccines.
  • Vaxxed the Movie: From Coverup to Catastrophe provides a detailed account of the confessions made by Dr William Thompson, the CDC Whistleblower, interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children, which reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.
  • Dr Suzanne Humphries has spent years and thousands of hours reviewing the science behind vaccines for herself after discovering that the information she received in her medical training was far from thorough. I’ve linked one of her videos here.
  • District Attorney Nico LaHood, with his wife, Davida, tell their story of vaccine injury and their journey to discover and share truth. As a district attorney he has great insight into the role of evidence in drawing conclusions.

Thanksgiving 2015Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth seeker. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

A Heartbroken Mother’s Story

13567065_517533088443503_4184410412180327738_n 13615384_517533165110162_6616417198109059937_n“This is my daughter. The first photo of her and I was before she received the Hep B vaccine. The next is the very last photo I got of her. To me she looked almost sickly in the second photo. She passed that following morning between 6:50-7:20 am, exactly 36 hours after receiving the Hep B vaccine at 14 days old. She weighed 4 lb 6 oz and was mildly jaundiced. She had not even reached her due date. I feel so robbed. My baby was stolen from me.

My precious beautiful baby girl. My first daughter. I found out I was pregnant with her August 17, 2013. She was born at 34.5 weeks on April 10, 2014. She received the Hepatitis B shot on April 24, 2014. She passed on April 26, 2014. She was just 16 days old.

I was going to take her to the ER that morning if she was still lethargic like she was the day before. Unfortunately she never made it, because I TRUSTED her doctor. I called and he said she would be fine, it’s just from the vaccine. Yeah. It was from the vaccine. Little did I know it was causing her liver and heart to go into failure.

I feel so much guilt. I think of all the things I COULD have done, all the things I SHOULD have done. I have a hard time forgiving myself, and accepting the fact it wasn’t my fault. But I feel like it was, I should have trusted my gut, because my gut was SCREAMING don’t vaccinate her. That’s why I had refused to give her the shot while still in the hospital, but they threatened me with cps, and told me I’d get my kids taken if I didn’t vaccinate her. I’m not Hep B positive. Newborns don’t do drugs and don’t have sex. Why was it SO imperative to inject my preemie with the toxins that killed her? And the worst part is, I can’t even hold the doctor who forced it accountable! So moms, dads, and anyone else reading this, if you have any doubt, or if your gut/instinct is screaming NO, LISTEN. It’s there for a reason. Please listen to it, I wish I did, it may save your child’s life.”

A heartbroken mother.

Be prepared. Get the facts on vaccines, especially Hepatitis B. Say NO to unnecessary vaccines. Hepatitis B is recommended by the CDC for all full-term infants on the first day of life. Preemies are recommended to get the shot at one month. Why? Get the facts on Hepatitis B, the true risk of the disease versus the risk of this injection which contains 250 mcg of aluminium and up to 15 mcg/mL residual formaldehyde. See vaccine package insert.

Protect your baby. Nothing is more precious than the life of your children.

Cumulative Aluminum by 18 mo

PS. This comment was added below, but is so significant, I decided to quote it here:

“Years ago Dr. Sears pointed out how easy it is to check online… to see how things don’t add up. He pointed out that the AMA’s own web site cautions that the maximum safe dose of aluminum hydroxide for a baby (not even a newborn!) is 25 micrograms; Then you could check the vaccine ingredients online and see that the Hep B shot by Merck, contains 250 micrgrams of Aluminum Hydroxide or 1000% of the (allegedly) safe dose. The truly egregious thing here, is that even if doctors are not aware of this information, which they ought to be, they have ready access to it. It is beyond unconscionable to administer a Hep B shot to anyone, with its aluminum content.. it’s criminal. Giving it to a premature baby.. should be viewed as manslaughter, or even homicide.”  V Christine Bingham.

Thanksgiving 2015 Becky Hastings, author, speaker, vaccine safety education spokesperson. And a wife, mother, and grandmother who is passionate about health and Jesus Christ, the Resurrected Savior and Lord.