Stop ALL childhood vaccines?

I was thrilled to hear Dr Peter McCullough – a thoroughly mainstream cardiologist prior to the great covid reveal thrust upon the world beginning in 2020 – advise parents to forego all childhood vaccines.

This a a great step forward for medical professionals to be able to discuss the conflicts of interest long-held by regulatory bodies. The entire Covid event has overwhelmingly showed the world that there is a problem with vaccines, the regulatory bodies, and the companies that manufacture them. These facts have caused many extremely reputable doctors, like Dr Peter McCullough, to investigate the actual safety studies supporting the entire vaccine industry.

 It’s a wake up call.

“Growing international concerns about vaccine regulatory processes and vaccine safety have emerged following the widespread regulatory failure of Covid-19 vaccines. The Covid-19 crisis has demonstrated that regulatory bodies, once public watchdogs, are now at best incompetent and at worst have been deeply corrupted by pharmaceutical industry interests.”

You can read the well formulated statement by the World Council for Health here. You can watch the interview with Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Tess Lawrie here. Both doctors agree that ALL childhood vaccines should be halted. Dr McCullough is clearly NOT an ‘anti-vaxxer’ as he considers himself like a pin cushion – having received 69 vaccines in his life, including 40 flu vaccines! I don’t think he’ll be getting any more vaccines for himself.

Now many may say – ‘but who is the World Council of Health?’ You can expect that they will be attacked. But can anyone provide coherent arguments against their statement? All personal attacks are signals that there is no logical way to debate; no rationale to support their ideas, so they attack their opponents.

There have been many hundreds of doctors who have spoken out revealing the dangers of vaccines, but there is a huge tide overflowing to a greater number than ever before AND giving those who have researched the topic for many years ever greater validity.

A big win for truth. Let everyone you know with children, or soon to have children. You can bet this will not be on the news!

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

36 by 15 months?

A picture of a baby edited with needles sticking into it, illustrating how many shots a baby receives.
Evee Clobes

The CDC schedule is clear. Add them up for yourself. They want every child to receive 36 doses targeting 15 different diseases by the age of 15 months — in the hope that these injections will prevent illness in your baby. But, will following this recommendation produce a healthy baby?

I can’t show the entire schedule at once because it is so large, but take a look at this segment!

Birth to 15 months vaccine schedule published by CDC

To inspect the entire schedule, as published by the CDC, go here.

Please note that the number, 36, is reached by

  • counting the DPaT and MMR as THREE because both of these shots contain 3 different concoctions added together.
  • does not include the number of injections recommended by the CDC for children in the hope of preventing influenza (aka flu). If you accept all of those (most parents do not) add three for a total of 39 by 15 months. After that, the recommendation is for an additional shot each and every year.
  • This chart only shows injections recommended up to the age of 15 months. There are plenty more the CDC recommends to get after that time. For the next portion of recommendations, go to this link and scroll down.
skeptical baby

Studying this schedule creates many questions in my mind. How did children survive before receiving such a barrage of shots? Prior to 1986 there were far less shots being promoted. See the following chart comparing shots given in s1962, 1983 and 2018.

Doses of Vaccines for US Children from Birth - 18 years

Another important question – and one that should be OBVIOUS: Has anyone ever studied in detail how this combination of shots will impact a baby? Has each shot added been tracked and followed in its entirety since it is given in combination with so many others? Searching for this information on-line has become challenging. Every search I tried brought me to yet another page by the CDC. The following diagram shows that the testing of every vaccine is based on the assumed safety of a vaccine that was older. Each vaccine added was not tested against a true placebo, but was tested against an older vaccine. When challenged by the CDC was unable to produce any safety trials showing that vaccines were tested by a true placebo. Additionally, CDC was unable to produce any evidence that the entire combination schedule of shots had been tested and proven to be safe.

Placebo Pyramid Scheme
‘Safety’ trials for all the vaccines added to the schedule built on supposed safety of previous shots

Another critically important question: Has the total amount of aluminum and other potential neurotoxins been considered in this bloated schedule? Aluminum is just one of the ingredients. There is no evidence of safety of aluminum in shots because it has never been tested for safety. Aluminum has been added to vaccines because it enhances the body’s response. It is called an adjuvant. From early days it that has been “GRAS” meaning, generally regarded as safe, despite no testing or evidence to support this categorization.

And finally, as a parent that is most concerned about a healthy happy baby who grows up to be a healthy teen and adult: Has there ever been a longterm thorough study of fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated and non vaccinated children in regards to total health outcomes? Does accepting the vaccine schedule by the CDC lead to a longer, healthier life? Since we live in a time with skyrocketing allergies, neurologic disabilities of many types, and other serious health issues in childhood, this is a vitally important question to consider. It would be very easy for the CDC to do such a study — if they truly wanted to know the results.

Here is an idea to consider. If I offer you a milkshake — in your favorite flavor — how many rat turds can I put into it before you will reject it? If I put in one rat turd, and you can easily remove it with a spoon, will you still drink the milkshake? What about a handful of rat turds, mixed around? At what point will you refuse the milkshake?

Delicious milkshake

The milkshake represents the CDCs credibility. Maybe they made a couple mistakes in the past. But how can they continue to recommend so many shots TO HEALTHY BABIES to this day? If any of their recommendations cannot stand — and the Hepatitis B shot for newborns is a great example – can I trust ANY of their recommendations?

You decide. Your baby’s health is in your hands. The most important part of your baby to protect is their brain.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Buyer Beware

Have I been impacted by LIES?

If car seats had warnings about causing my child encephalitis, anaphylactic shock, SIDS, febrile seizures, chronic illness, lifelong neurological impairment, etc., I wouldn’t use them.

If my doctor told me to use the same car seat for newborns, toddlers, older children and adults, regardless of size or medical status, I would remember we don’t treat other products or medications as one-size-fits-all and I wouldn’t try to put an infant into a seat too large for an adult.

If my doctor said the exact compilation of harnesses, the direction the car seat is facing, and the type of car it fits into, all make the car seat not only safe and effective but necessary to prevent death, and then I found out they’ve NEVER studied the multiple factors together, AND that the car seat manufacturers had no liability WHATSOEVER for their products, I would question the knowledge and loyalties of my doctor and not follow the recommendation.

If I asked for more information on the car seat and my doctor gave me two pages that said the car seat works great, but failed to give me the full data sheets that showed the car seats were actually quite dangerous, haven’t been studied in babies, and have contraindications in many of the groups doctors use them in, I would at the very least find a new doctor.

If I knew the U.S. Supreme Court clearly declared car seats ‘unavoidably unsafe’ I would wonder why they aren’t making car seat manufacturers accountable for injuries and death, and I certainly wouldn’t make usage mandatory.

If I knew car seat manufacturer whistleblowers had come forward to expose data manipulation that implicated the manufacturers and the government agencies that recommended them, I wouldn’t use them and I’d call for a federal investigation rather than allowing the complicit parties to ‘investigate’ themselves.

If car seat ads accounted for 85% of mainstream media ad revenue, I would understand that they can’t be impartial with their reporting, I wouldn’t blindly trust their recommendations, and I would question all information supplied by mainstream media.

If car seat manufacturers continually paid out billions in civil and criminal fines for manipulating safety data, injuring and killing people with their products, yet the products were not recalled, I wouldn’t use them.

If car seat manufacturers used aborted babies in their manufacturing process, I wouldn’t use them.

If car seats caused the accidents they were meant to protect against, I wouldn’t use them.

If my child had a worsening reaction and decline in health every time I put them in a car seat, I wouldn’t use them.

If my doctor got paid an additional $400 every time I used a car seat, couldn’t tell me anything specific about the car seat, and saw these negative reactions following car seat exposure, but said it was ‘just a coincidence’, I wouldn’t use them and I’d get a new doctor.

If the available car seats used ingredients and schedules that were​ banned in other safer/healthier countries, I wouldn’t use them.

If I knew that after using a car seat my child might seem fine at first, but that car seats may cause infertility, cancer, mutagenesis, neurological damage and autoimmune diseases, I wouldn’t use them.

If people who didn’t use car seats were consistently healthier, I would at least do my own research.

If we weren’t allowed to do actual thorough standard scientific tests for car seat safety or ask ANY questions about them, if all dissenting views on car seats are censored — even personal accounts from parents who are direct eye-witnesses to the car seat damage — but the public is still urged, coerced and/or forced to use them, I would think maybe I should do some digging for myself instead of blindly accepting the research of the companies profiting from products known to injure or kill and for which they face no liability at all.

You can bundle the healthiest ingredients with the best of intentions, wrap them in poison and they’re still just poison. When you make an extremely profitable product liability-free, the result is that there is no incentive to make sure the product is safe or effective.

Don’t exchange liberty for a fallacious sense of security, especially at the expense of our children.

Based on writing attributed to Kristi Miller

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Ginger Ade/ Tiger Water Demonstration

Meet my friend Danielle who started a Youtube channel about her homesteading because she needed another thing to add to her long list of accomplishments on her homestead: Chickens, beekeeping, goats, a greenhouse in the making, fruit orchard, growing veggies… all while providing loving childcare to a friend’s baby everyday, and volunteering at a few different organizations!

Ginger Ade (AKA Tiger Juice)

Ever need a special ‘punch’ or drink for a party? While we might think we need to stop at the grocery store and buy a juice or a jug of something to serve to our guests, here is another option.

Recently our youngest daughter and I hosted a baby shower ‘tea party’ for our older daughter who is expecting her second baby. Since it’s always nice to have a cold drink to offer in addition to the hot tea, I thought about what options I had in my kitchen. Last minute is often when I get my best ideas, and the result was enjoyed so much that I received many requests for the ‘recipe’. I didn’t really follow any recipe but combined ideas I’ve learned over the years*. Here is what I did, with a few suggestions for variations.

Basically, you are making a ‘tea’ with fresh ginger and jalapeño. You can make it strong, sweeten it with honey, and dilute it to taste.

  • 1 inch fresh ginger grated. Vary the amount according to your palate. More ginger will equal more ‘burn’.
  • Several slices of jalapeño or other hot peppers (OPTIONAL, but has great health benefits!). Test your pepper for the hotness level. You can use more slices of a mild jalapeño. Adjust based on how ‘hot’ you or your guests can handle!
  • Filtered water
  • local honey (add as your tea is cooling)
  • fresh squeezed juice of one lemon, lime, or orange (optional, add to cooled tea to give a natural vitamin C boost)

Combine ginger, peppers, and water to nearly fill a sauce pan. Glass is best. Stainless steel next best. You can also use a slow cooker if you have the time. Adjust the quantity of ginger to the size of your pot and the amount you are making.

Bring to a gentle boil, cover, and allow to simmer for at least 1/2 hour (can go for an hour in the saucepan, or use a slow cooker for a few hours, or overnight).

Allow to cool. While cooling, pour through a filter to strain out the ginger pieces. Alternatively, if you aren’t in a hurry, you can blend the mixture, and then pour into the strainer, using a rubber spatula to push the mass through it. I think I prefer blending – it feels like you get more ‘good stuff’ that way.

Add honey to taste. Stir. Add a lot of ice (made with filtered water). The ice will not only cool it, but will also serve to dilute it. Add more water as desired.

Ginger could be the best “flu shot” EVER!

Why Ginger? A quick internet search reveals many fabulous benefits of ginger:

  • powerful antibiotic properties and is able to effectively target some ‘antibiotic resistant strains’
  • calms nausea
  • soothes sore muscles
  • eases arthritis symptoms
  • curbs cancer growth
  • lowers blood sugar and may help with weight loss
  • eases menstrual period pain
  • boosts bone health
  • strengthens the immune system
  • may help lower cholesterol
  • may help improve brain function and protect against Alzheimer’s disease

Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger and is responsible for much of ginger’s medicinal properties. Gingerol has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy to fight various ailments. Now, new research is showing that ginger may also be effective in fighting harmful bacteria and viruses.

A recent study found that ginger extract was able to kill several types of bacteria, including some that are resistant to antibiotics. The study’s authors believe that the compound responsible for this effect is gingerol, which has potent antibacterial and antiviral properties.

…Modern science is now discovering that this humble root may have powerful anti-cancer properties. One study found that ginger contains over 40 antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. These substances work together to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and stop them from spreading.

Note to self: Make Ginger Ade more often!

*This is a simpler, tastier version of Kick ‘Um Juice, a powerful concentrate many have used in their victory over cancer. Another variation I experimented with is Kick ‘Um for Kids a great immune boost to give to children during cold and flu season.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Non Refusal

IF YOUR EMPLOYER THREATENS YOU WITH FIRING for NOT accepting the experimental liability free gene therapy product being pushed as a “VACCINE” perhaps this is your best option:


The secret is NOT to refuse the jab and do not sign anything! 

Consider how you can adopt this Information from a lawyer: If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great way to handle it, called Conditional Acceptance.

The secret is NOT to refuse it.

“I write with regard to the matter of potential covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead with this medical procedure. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements:

1. Can you please advise the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?

2. Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups as well as the subsequent outcomes of those tests?

3. Can you please advise the entire list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?

4. Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since it’s introduction?

5. Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT experimental mRNA gene altering therapy?

6. Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?

7. Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery?

8. Can you please advise me if the manufacturer will be held liable if I were to experience any adverse reactions after receiving the injection? If the manufacturer isn’t liable, will the company I’m currently employed with with be responsible and liable as it is at their request that I have the vaccine in order to carry on my employment?

Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:

1. You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm.

2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.

3. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result.

I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.”

The point is that if they CANNOT provide that information you have NOT refused. The reality is that there are no government authorities who are willing or able to provide this information. The products are promoted as “safe and effective” yet there is no sold proof that this is the case.

This approach can be utilized with any shot your employer may want you to accept: Hepatitis B, annual Flu shots, etc. This approach can also be used for anyone ‘requiring’ any shots for your child for school, camp, travel, etc. Many have received religious exemptions, but Conditional Acceptance may offer stronger protection. You could possibly be fired or terminated, but if you have documented your interactions, you may have a legal case for wrongful dismissal.

Please note: This is not legal advice. Please consult a legal expert in your state who is a proponent of personal freedom.

More on liability. If you are experiencing strong pressure to accept this experimental medical procedure, your best approach is to be fully informed and find others who agree with your choice for personal medical freedom. May God grant us all wisdom and strength to KNOW how to navigate these days, and the courage to act out our faith in Jesus Christ – for His glory.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Flu Shot for Employment

CDC picks flu strains for this year's flu shot. Overweight scientist in a white lab coat with a blindfold aims a syringe at a target and says "How am I doing this year?"

Hi Becky, My husband and I work for a health care system which requires, as a condition of employment, that we take the flu shot annually. So far, I’ve been fortunate to not have an adverse reaction to it — though I usually put a baking soda compress on the injection site immediately afterwards (take it with me and go to the restroom right away after getting the obligatory injection.) My husband developed a heart condition after his last shot 4 years ago and has a permanent exemption signed by his cardiologist. I have two questions: 1) Do you know where I could find examples of well-written Religious Exemption statements? and 2) Do you have a recommendation of where to buy or a recipe for a “drawing salve” that I can purchase or make, to use instead of a baking soda compress — should my Religious Exemption request be denied? Thank you for your website. I’ve shared it with many pregnant women and parents in hopes of sparing their children the consequences of blindly abiding by the vaccine schedule. My youngest son became moderate-to-severely effected [ASD?]after his DPT shot at 19 months. By the grace of God, who guided us through understanding the root cause and working with many providers and therapies over the past 17 years, our son has recovered a great deal and loves Jesus and us today. Thank you again.

Thanks for getting in touch, and thanks for sharing my website with others. My work is a passion and I am not remunerated for it in any way. God has placed this topic on my heart and I appreciate all efforts to extend the impact. Since there is so much information available (a blog I wrote for my mom in 2013) on the ineffectiveness and the risk of flu shots, it is beyond belief for me that large medical establishments mandate them for all employees. Since the vaccine manufacturers are 100% liability free, my only conclusion is that this policy is driven either by GREED, or is diabolical in origin.

I do not recommend voluntarily submitting to their jabs just to keep a job. There are other ways to earn an income! Be strong. God will guide you. However, if you are ever force vaccinated, you also need to take vitamin C before and after. In a previous blog I discuss “Preparing to Vaccinate“.

Dr Russel Blaylock makes additional recommendations and various supplements to take to assist with detoxing after forced vaccines here.

RATHER than voluntarily submitting to any vaccine, I strongly urge you to either get an exemption or find a new job!  

Vaccine exemptions: Go to this website for help in getting exemptions. Alan Phillips, whom I have met personally, is a vaccine rights lawyer who has helped hundreds of people get exemptions.  

“Alan Phillips, J.D., provides educational products and services to the general public and legal consulting services to attorneys regarding exemptions to vaccines required: 1) at birth; 2) for daycare, grade school and college enrollment in public, private and military schools; 3) as a condition of employment; 4) for military members, families, civilian contractors/employees, National Guard members, and other military persons; 5) for immigrants, including refugees and foreign-adopted children; 6) for children of parents in child custody disputes; and 7) in other situations in the U.S.

You have seen what the vaccine did to your husband. You have been entrusted by God with a healthy body. As a guardian of your body, protect yourself from the evil scheme by any means possible. To accept the shot and then try to help your body detox seems diabolical. Will you also accept the mark of the beast? God will open doors for those who follow Him and refuse to participate in the beast agenda. 

My friend was able to get a religious exemption which I wrote about here.  However, all employees who have any exemption are required to wear a mask for the entire ‘flu season’. Of course, now everyone is required to wear a mask all the time. In fact, when they go back to face to face work, they want to mandate masks and face shields for everyone! He is now looking for a new job! He counsels teens and children and feels that when they go back to face to face meetings, he will not be able to connect with his clients AND abide by the nonsensical requirements. We are praying for God to open a door for a job near to where we live!

Many prayers for you – protect your health – once it’s gone, it’s very difficult to rebuild. The truth is, we don’t know WHAT is in the vials they want to inject us with. We don’t know where they are made, what safety standards are followed, etc. Allowing a flu shot is an act of BLIND FAITH in an industry KNOWN to put profit over the health and welfare of their end users. Additionally, all parties involved in the manufacture, promotion and deliver of flu shots are 100% free of any and all harm caused by these untested products. All vaccines are 100% liability free.

Becky Hastings

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved and blessed with a husband of nearly 40 years, five precious babies, and now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Flu Shot, or Not. 2020

Yellow diamond warning sign with "flu season ahead"

Get ready. There is going to be a HUGE push this season for EVERYONE to get a flu shot. You will be told many different things to try and gain your cooperation. You may be offered money or other enticements from the stores pushing them. You will be facing this push everywhere you go! If you thought it was bad in previous years, I predict the push for flu shots will be much worse this year!

Many will imply that the flu shot will protect you from corona – and they’ve been pushing fear and dread of THAT for so many months that many may be pushed to accept.

Will the flu shot help you stay healthier during flu season? OR, could it possibly leave you even more vulnerable to sickness? My opinion is well formed, but I was very surprised to read that the British Medical Journal published a piece by ALLAN S. CUNNINGHAM on 23 February 2020 that draws some interesting conclusions:

Tamiflu & influenza vaccines: more harm than good? | The BMJ

…we have spent billions on a drug that possibly does more harm than good. (BMJ 2020;368:m626—February 19) The same thing can be said about influenza vaccines.
We hear so much about the vital importance of flu shots that it will come as a nasty surprise to learn that they increase the risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses. This has been shown in at least two studies that have received little attention from public health authorities:…

To my knowledge, the foregoing risk figures have not been explicitly published anywhere. They will not be found in the abstracts of the articles, so you have to go to the tables and look at the numbers themselves.

What is going on? We are told year after year that influenza vaccines are 60% effective…30% effective…45% effective…etc. Does this mean that they prevent a significant proportion of all viral respiratory infections? No, these reports are based on non-randomized surveys known as “test-negative case-control studies”; they look only at influenza infections and make no attempt to look at the other 200-plus respiratory viruses. Furthermore, they make no attempt to look at any vaccine adverse effects such as seizures, narcolepsy, Guillain-Barre’ syndrome, or oculorespiratory syndrome. Tamiflu & influenza vaccines: more harm than good?

Keeping up-to-date on health information can be daunting. Contradictory information abounds. Who do we believe? The best question to ask is, does this person, sharing this opinion have something to gain? Are they profiting from the sale of this product? If so, they are not ALWAYS telling you the entire truth. Find unbiased sources for your health information. Did you know that Medical Care is the third leading cause of death in our country?

Vaccine injury is real. Injury and death occur far more frequently than we are told. All parties involved in promoting vaccines are 100% liability free. They face no consequences no matter how their products may cause harm.

If you are concerned about avoiding illness during the winter, one of the most critically important things you can do is maintain good vitamin D levels. Avoiding bad food and eating good food will also give your body the most help in staying healthy. God designed our body with a marvelous innate immune system. We support our immune system with wholesome living. Men have been trying for decades to by-pass God’s design with vaccines or drugs to ‘fix’ something. Huge markets have been created through blindly following those peddling their sophisticated ‘cures.’

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved and blessed to bring five precious babies into the world, and now get to watch nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Is ‘Science’ Trustworthy?

Corruption is rampant in government controlled regulatory agencies. Trust in the ‘science’ supporting vaccines at your own peril. The public has been repeatedly betrayed by those charged with preserving ‘public health.’

“Recent medical history overflows with other examples of the brutal suppression of any science that exposes vaccines’ risks;”… “Our corrupt medical officials have systematically disgraced and silence” all who seek to expose the true harm possible from vaccines. Robert F. Kennedy

Here are just a few examples taken from Robert F Kennedy’s foreword in Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Judy Mikovits, Kent Heckenlively, and Robert Jr. F. Kennedy published in April 2020. [1]

  • Dr. John Anthony Morris, employed as a bacteriologist and virologist by the NIH and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), from 1940-1976, spoke out against the flu vaccine program in the 1970s. “Dr. Morris irked his superiors by arguing that the research carried out by his unit demonstrated there was no reliable proof that flu vaccines were effective in preventing influenza; in particular, he accused his supervisor of basing HHS’s mass vaccination program for the swine flu primarily on a scientifically baseless fear campaign and on false claims made by pharmaceutical manufacturers.” [p18] His desire to protect the public led him to continue to speaking out against the flu vaccine and against those who promoted it despite many attacks and career pressure. He was finally fired in 1976.
  • “FDA used the same playbook in 2002 to isolate, silence, and drive from government service its star epidemiologist, Dr. Bart Classen, when his massive epidemiologic studies, the largest ever performed, linked Hib vaccines to the juvenile diabetes epidemic. FDA ordered Dr. Classen to refrain from publishing the government-funded studies, forbade him from talking publicly about the alarming outbreak, and eventually forced him out of government service.”
  • “In 1995, the CDC hired a PhD computer analytics expert, Dr. Gary Goldman, to perform the largest-ever CDC-funded study of the chickenpox vaccine. Goldman’s results on an isolated population of 300,000 residents of Antelope Valley, California, showed that the vaccine waned, leading to dangerous outbreaks of chickenpox in adults and that ten-year-old children who received the vaccine were getting shingles at over three times the rate of unvaccinated children. Shingles has twenty times the death rate of chickenpox and causes blindness. CDC ordered Goldman to hide his findings and forbade him from publishing his data. In 2002, Goldman resigned in protest. He sent a letter to his bosses saying that he was resigning because “I refuse to participate in research fraud.””
  • “Dr. Waney Squier of the Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford [England], testified in a series of cases on behalf of defendants accused of inflicting shaken baby syndrome. Squier believed that, in these cases, vaccines and not physical trauma had caused the infants’ brain injuries.” She was struck from the medical registry, but later won her appeal before the High Court of England.
  • “Professor Peter Gøtzsche cofounded the Cochrane Collaboration in 1993 to remedy the overwhelming corruption of published science and scientists by pharmaceutical companies. Over 30,000 of the world’s leading scientists joined Cochrane as volunteer reviewers hoping to restore independence and integrity to published science. Gøtzsche was responsible for making Cochrane the world’s leading independent research institute. He also founded the Nordic Cochrane Center in 2003. On October 29, 2018, pharmaceutical interests, led by Bill Gates, finally succeeded in ousting Professor Gøtzsche. A stacked board controlled by Gates fired Gøtzsche from the Cochrane Collaboration after he published a well-founded criticism of the HPV vaccine. In 2018, the Danish government, under pressure from pharma, fired Peter Gøtzsche from Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen. His findings about the HPV vaccine threatened the pharmaceutical industry’s earnings.”

As parents most of us desire more than anything to protect the children we have been entrusted with. We want to raise healthy happy children – maybe that’s even a selfish desire, because we know that a healthy happy child is far easier to raise. Whatever our motivations, we are faced with many decisions and a lot of pressure to conform. Experts pressure us and often demean us. In this day of rampant corruption, well-crafted propaganda, and wolves in sheep’s clothing, we need to move away from blindly trusting in authority and learn to trust our own parental instincts. God created a divine spark to create our precious child. We need to learn to follow His guidance about what is truly healthy for our children.

I’ve gathered information to help you explore the crucial topic of what vaccines are helpful and necessary for my baby.

Becky Hastings, avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant.

[1] Mikovits, Judy. Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science (Children’s Health Defense). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition. 

Assaulting Babies?

Think about all the assaults impacting a newborn baby today:

  1. Vitamin K given ASAP at birth;
  2. Hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of birth;
  3. 36 doses of vaccines targeting 14 infections BEFORE 18 MONTHS, never tested individually for safety, or proven safe given in combination, yet recommended by CDC
  4. Circumcision for many. A study following 342K boys for 9 years: Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark,
  5. Tylenol given for pain with vaccines and circumcision;
  6. A mom who receives flu or TDaP vaccines in pregnancy;
  7. Multiple ultrasounds in pregnancy;
  8. Poor latching and trauma that leads to lack of breastfeeding and receiving breastmilk substitutes which lack immune boosting and stem cells;
  9. Quick cord clamping reducing the blood volume and stem cells;
  10. Giving Tamiflu to children when they are sick;
  11. Birth trauma diminishing bonding opportunity with mom.

Boy’s have it particularly bad because of #3. All these “standard of care” treatments induce trauma and unnaturally stimulate the immune system.

Any wonder there is a ASD/ADHD epidemic?

More collections of information on longterm healthy choices for our babies:

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.