Questions about the Bible

Question marks OrangI saw a sign on FaceBook with questions about who were the people of the land of Nod that Cain went and settled with. Honest questions deserve honest answers, but I find other passages in the Bible a lot more troubling. Like the passage I read this morning in Luke 18:

…won’t God bring justice for His chosen people when they cry to Him day and night? Will He be slow to bring them justice? Mark my words: God will intervene fast with vindication. But here’s the question: when the Son of Man comes, will He find anyone who still has faith? Jesus

Later in the same chapter Jesus asks a blind man: “What do you want me to do for you?” and when the blind man says he wants to see, Jesus responds, “Receive your sight, your faith has made you well.”

I believe Jesus is at work in the same way today. If you are seeking honest answers to honest questions, ask Him. He won’t be embarrassed or put on the spot. He can handle your questions. He wants you to receive sight and have a clear view of everything.

He hates deception. He wants you to be whole and integrated in every area of your life. I dare you to ask Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself and show you His ways and lead you to answers that will bring life and justice in your life.

I pray that God would grant victory to innocent victims – those injured when given ‘modern medicine’ that they thought would lead to life, but it has led to suffering. I pray that God would answer the cries for help of soooooo many families who are suffering due to medical misinformation.

I pray for you, if you are reading this post, that you will be healthy and prosperous, body and soul. We all serve someone. I have chosen to serve Jesus Christ. I don’t always get it right, but I try to share all He has done for me with ENTHUSIASM!

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Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Navigating our present day world can be challenging, God’s timeless truths in the Bible are my guide.

Answers When Tragedies Weigh us Down

DespairThere are bad things that happen every day; tragedies. We read about them. We hear about them. Children dying and lifelong suffering are some of the worst tragedies imaginable. Avoidable tragedies seem even more tragic and can leave us riddled with guilt, especially if they happen to our children.

However, death is not actually the worst tragedy that could happen to us. While most of us seek to live a long healthy life, we will all die at some point.

When Jesus was on earth some of His followers asked Him about a local tragedy. Jesus said that death apart from God is THE WORST tragedy of all.

If you do not consider God’s ways and truly change, then you should prepare to face His judgment and eternal death. Luke 13

Many of us have been the unwitting victims of lies. We have experienced suffering due to many things: toxic drugs, debilitating illness, disasters, wars, tragic suffering. Any tragedy we experience without the presence of God in the midst of it can only be exponentially worse.

We don’t know what tragedies or disasters might be ahead. Many people try to plan and prepare as much as possible avoid them. The families with loved ones on planes that have crashed were not expecting to have to live through such a tragedy. Can we actually prepare and be ready to face tragedy if it were to happen to us?

Some people live in fear of everything. I don’t want to live like that.

Our best possible preparation is to think about Jesus’ words and daily “consider God’s ways.” As we grow in our knowledge and confidence in God we will understand that

  • His eternal protection is absolute.
  • His presence in our current crisis brings unparalleled comfort.

Truly, seeking God and finding Him is our only real hope and security.

This does not bring me to a place of complacency in the midst of our current world situation. The Apostle John, who was blessed to spend time with Jesus, and lived a long life sharing all he learned about Jesus, wrote this:

Have confidence in the fact that we belong to God, but also know that the world around us is in the grips of the evil one. We also can be sure of the fact that the Son of God has come and given us a mind so that we may know Him.

When Jesus was on earth He healed every imaginable illness. He set people free of oppressive bondage. He even raised the dead. He Himself rose from a cruel, agonizing death. He demonstrated power over death. He gave His power to His early followers who also performed healing. Jesus wants to share His power with you and me. He wants to offer healing and hope to the world.

Welcome Jesus. Open the door. Invite Him in.

Through the resurrected man, Jesus, forgiveness of sins is assured to you. Through Jesus, everyone who believes is set free from all sins. In light of this, be careful that you don’t fulfill the words of the prophet Habakkuk:

‘Look you scoffers

Be shocked to death.

For in your days I am doing a work,

A work you will never believe,

Even if someone tells you plainly.’ Paul, Acts 13

God had a plan for the tragedy of Jesus’ death. He has a plan for your tragedy. Find your safety in Him.

Even if we feel surrounded by corruption, war, and suffering, we can live in the truth that Jesus desired to bring us: Hope in the midst of suffering; light in the midst of darkness. I seek daily to be part of His answer.  He has answers for the world. You are an answer. I am an answer. Let’s live to be fully and completely the answer to all those in our sphere of influence TODAY; and everyday. As we surrender, Jesus can bring hope and healing to those in need through us.


Timeless Truths regarding Conspiracy & Conflict?

IChess pieces read a passage in Isaiah today and was startled by how relevant it sounded. Apparently
Solomon was pretty accurate when he wrote in Ecclesiastes “there is nothing new under the sun.”  We think the world is a very different place, but things that have worried people in the past, are worrying people today. Conflict over borders and possessions, greedy power brokers exploiting the vulnerable, and deception for profit have all been with us since the beginning.

One obvious difference seen today is that through technology we have the ability to be made more aware of what is going on all over the world. Technology also offers the opportunity of manipulating large numbers of people more easily.

The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does! ‘Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don’t live in dread of what frightens them. Make the Lord of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life. He is the One you should fear. He is the One who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe… Look to God’s instructions and teachings! People who contradict His Word are completely in the dark.’ Isaiah 8

The human condition is much the same as the time that Isaiah wrote these words – 2700 years ago! We are messed up and we need God. God gave us Jesus to fix our messed up condition. When we surrender to Him, He transforms us and helps us to truly love. That really is the only hope to fix any of the mess in our world.

Surrender is the key to ending conflict. Not surrender to tyranny or deception, but surrender to the Lord Jesus and His power available in and through you. He will lead you to do His work in our broken world. Don’t fear. He is with you. You are part of the answer to this world’s chaos.

God is raising up an army to share His truth. He is looking for warriors who are not easily manipulated and misled. In Jesus Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and He wants to make them freely available to you!


Myths & Physics of Marriage

Happy Grandparents June 13 croppedJohn and I were privileged to present a 3 part series called The Myths & Physics of Marriage at Longleaf Church. We used our real life struggles over our thirty-three years of marriage to talk about common myths about marriage that can often bring unexpected challenges. You can listen to three 40 minute audios below.

Everyone entering a meaningful relationship wants it to endure and be happy, but it seems like only a few are finding success. Perhaps the secret is found when you discover the “myths and physics” of it. Myths are things that many people understand but are not true, and Physics is all true but few people understand it! Join us at Longleaf for the 3 part message series, Myths & Physics!

Part One: It’s all in the MIND

Part Two: He Wants, She Wants 

Part Three: For Better or For Worse

Ten Lists

BibleI was introduced to a Bible reading method called Professor Grant Horner’s Bible Reading System in 2008. It is often referred to as Ten Lists. I continue to be blessed through this exposure to God’s word on most days.

The basic concept is books_of_biblethat the whole Bible is a library and the 66 different books are allotted to different lists. Every day you read one chapter from each of the 10 Lists. I have only slightly modified Prof Horner’s lists. It might seem complicated at first, but stick with me! I’m really trying to make it easy for you!

10 Lists for blog

There is a pdf version of the lists below so you can print out your own bookmarks to use in your Bible.

This is how I use these lists:

  • On my best days I will read one chapter from each of these 10 Lists.
  • On other days I might only finish 7 chapters, or 5.
  • Some days I only manage 1 chapter.
  • No matter what reading I’ve completed on the day before, I start again the next day with List 1 and work through as far as I can.
  • Every day’s reading is completely different, no matter how long you continue.

Prof Horner Challenge verticalThis method prioritizes spending time reading through the life of Jesus from four different author’s perspectives (the Gospels) and visiting the history of the early followers of Jesus (Acts) very frequently. There are so many benefits from regularly exposing yourself to such a variety of God’s ancient manuscripts, but don’t take my word for it, I challenge you to do your own 30 day challenge. Read one chapter from each list every day for 30 days and look for the difference it can make.

Here are some guidelines encouraged by Prof Horner:

Try to complete the reading in one sitting (at most two). At the end of one book (i.e. Matthew), go to the next book (i.e. Mark). At the end of the list (for List 1 it would be John), go back to the first book on the list (i.e. Matthew).

Read fairly quickly in order to get the overall sense. There are different kinds of reading: super-quick skimming, careful moderate-paced, studying the text, deep meditation. You should aim for between the first and second kind. Shoot for 5-6 minutes per chapter. At the end of a chapter, move immediately to the next list.

GET THROUGH THE TEXT – no dawdling, back reading, looking up cross-references! [Contrary to Pro Horner’s recommendation, I confess, I sometimes take notes in my journal and find amazing connections in the passages!]

Most people find that they decrease their time spent reading and increase their retention after just two to three weeks of following the program.

Don’t look up anything you ‘don’t get’ – real understanding will come through contextualizing by reading a LOT of Scripture over time. Get through the text!

If you miss a day or two – it is ok! Get over it, then keep going. Just start at where you left the bookmarks.

If you are wondering why you should read Acts (or Proverbs) all the way through every single month, then – you’ve just shown that you NEED to read them that often!

The goal of this system is simple and twofold: To know Scripture, and to love and obey God more!

In order to become proficient in any subject, we need repeated exposure over time. This system will enable you to become confident in knowing, understanding and sharing God’s word. Jesus said:

Those seeds sown into good soil are people who hear the word, accept it, meditate on it, act on it, and bear fruit – a crop 30, 60, or 100 times larger than the farmer dropped to earth. Mark 4:20

So consider carefully the things you’re hearing. If you put it so use, you’ll be given more to wrestle with – much more! Those who have listened will receive more, but those who don’t hear will forget even the little they’ve failed to understand. 4:24-25

What else is more important than allowing your heart to be the field where God can work, as you expose yourself daily to a feast of His Word?

Here is what the kingdom of God is like: a man who throws seeds onto the earth. Day and night, as he works and as he sleeps, the seeds sprout and climb out into the light, even though he doesn’t understand how it works. It’s as though the soil itself produced the grain somehow – from a sprouted stalk to ripened fruit. But however it happens, when he sees that the grain has grown and ripened, he gets his sickle and begins to cut it because the harvest has come! Mark 4:26-29

ChallengeHere is a copy of the bookmarks I use. I usually print and laminate them. They make great gifts.

10 Lists US Letter

Are you ready to take the 30 day challenge? I’d love to hear about your adventure in reading God’s word and any modifications you make to this Bible Reading Plan. Please let me know in the comments below.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate about Jesus, health and truth.

Land of the free?

FlagWarning political rant…with religious conviction.

Following on from some political rants I saw around the 4th, these thoughts came flooding to me all at once as I was walking into church! I had just read my big chunks of the Bible, saw that the sermon topic was Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness, and bam – all of this spilled out. Warning: you will encounter religious content at the end of this post which describes my faith.

Land of the free?

Where large corporations are free to poison for the sake of profit…

Where government agencies and mainstream scientists are free to corrupt science in their effort to bolster their position, court esteem in the public eye, ensure personal job security, not to mention attract cushie research grants.

Where everyone (especially pharmaceutical companies) is free to spread their misinformation through marketing so no one can recognize truth.

Where corporations are free to have 3 lobbyists for every political representative in Washington to ensure they are free to continue their operations with no obstructions by minor facts like the health and well being of our children.

Where medical schools are free to churn out more heavily indebted doctors, indoctrinated by the pharmaceutical industry, while offering no training in natural healing, nutrition (less than 10 hours), respectful birth and beginnings, and true health.

Where doctors are free to give poison instead of helping people understand where true health comes from.

Where people are free to treat their bodies without care or knowledge because it leads to greater profits and sustaining the foundation of the sickness system.

ChainsThe fear (as in knowledge, respect, awe) of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Surrendering to Him will lead us into Truth in every area of our lives. The truth can set us free, if we can identify it. 
Deception is rampant in the land of the free and the home of the brave. The nature of deception is you don’t know what lies you are believing. All the enemies of Jesus seek to devour us. Many of Jesus’ enemies when he lived on earth were the MOST RESPECTED people in the community. They looked good, smelled good, and most people were in awe of them. The battle is real. In Jesus are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He is the Divine Creator of every aspect of our great earth, including our highly complex body. As we seek Him – we seek the fullness of God. Jesus is head over every power and authority and wants to guide you to wisdom in all areas of your life for His glory for your ultimate freedom.

I don’t claim to know everything, but I continue learning all the time. My heart aches for injustice perpetuated on young families today. It has become acceptable for everyone to be sick. It is time for us not to be complacent in the face of the onslaught we are experiencing. People are getting sick – unnecessarily. We need to realize what we are doing to our bodies, and CHANGE! We need to vote with our wallet for clean food, healthy products, and healthy alternatives to the sickness system. We can be the change this country needs.

saltJesus said, ‘You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men.’ Let’s get salty. The world needs our flavor.

Jesus came to earth to show us God, forgive sins, and heal our hearts and our bodies. Our life can help others find this true healing as a light shining in a dark place.


Modern Lies

AthensI try to read chunks of the Bible everyday. Today I read about Paul’s trip through Athens and thought about my recent return to the USA after spending 30 years living in another country. I noticed some similarities.

Paul felt deeply frustrated about the abundance of idols in Athens.”

I get deeply frustrated by the abundance of toxins people take for granted in their food, water, air, and their attempts to ‘fix’ their problems with drugs (aka pharmaceutical products). I get deeply frustrated when I hear of innocent children and good people suffering unnecessarily because they base their actions on deception.

Paul would wander around the marketplace, speaking with anyone he happened to meet.“ I try to engage anyone I can to look a little more deeply into some of these things! My family will verify. I like to engage in debate on all sides of the spectrum. My viewpoint is that Jesus is our Creative Designer and the Source of all healing. Living in harmony with His design brings freedom and balance.

Paul noted that the Athenians had a strong and diverse religious ethos. I notice that amongst health proponents there is a strong and diverse religious ethos.

Amongst supporters and participants in the Western medical model, there seems to be an outward form of allegiance to Christianity. Conversely, many, if not most Christians, seem to endorse the Western medical model.

In doing so, supporters and participants in the Western medical model often make some underlying assumptions about many things based on a value system that they are surrounded with from an early age. Unfortunately, I have learned that some of these assumptions are dangerous.

  1. All “Scientific” information is based on truth and can be trusted. I wouldn’t lie about important stuff, so of course others don’t lie either.
  2. All products sold in the USA are safe. We have government agencies that ensure the safety of everything and all government agencies tell the truth.
  3. I can trust my doctor. S/He’s a really nice person. His/Her training and knowledge is far beyond mine, and s/he would never advise me to do something if it weren’t good for me.
  4. We live in the healthiest, most modern of all countries, and our health is better than ever because of so many great technological advances.
  5. Processed food and fast food isn’t that bad. In my busy life, it is essential.
  6. Childhood wouldn’t be good without sugary treats, candy, soda, pizza and happy meals. It would be cruel to deprive children of these things. When I participate in giving these things to children it shows I love them.
  7. Tylenol, Motrin, ibuprofen, Tums, etc are all essential, sometimes.
  8. Sometimes people need medicine to cope with loss, insomnia, or extreme anxiety. It’s all safe, as long as you take it only when needed.
  9. Cancer just happens. There’s not much you can do to avoid it, and cancer research is so advanced, the doctors really know what they are doing and can help you.
  10. Alzheimer’s – ditto for above
  11. Diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. see #9.
  12. Eating organic is a fad that makes some people lots of money because it’s so expensive.
  13. Health foods are all a big gimmick.
  14. I don’t eat that much sugar.
  15. My current weight is not a problem.
  16. Exercise is over-rated – it just makes you sweaty, then sore the next day. I’ll be fine because I walk and move a lot.
  17. Television ads can be trusted. No one is manipulating me. In fact, the TV ads for new drugs are really educational.
  18. Tap water is tested – so it is safe.
  19. Air fresheners, laundry scent, all things that smell nice, are nice.
  20. Something is going to get me, so it really doesn’t matter what I eat or how many poisons it contains.

DespairUnfortunately, deception is rampant in the world, including the great US of A. I’m probably more sensitive to all I see because I have recently returned after spending 30 years living in a foreign country, with only limited exposure during brief vacations.

Americans love the ideas of truth and freedom. Unfortunately there is a lot of truth that is suppressed and believing lies always limits your freedom. Accepting what people say is an admirable quality, but blind faith in people who do not share your values for Truth and Justice is never wise.  What will you do to examine the foundational truth in our modern culture?

Paul pointed out the illogical premises of the Athenian culture. Are there any logical fallacies you base your life and wellbeing on?

God Himself has given to humans everything we need – life, breath, food, shelter, etc. God has made us in all our diversity from one original person allowing each culture to have its own timetable to develop, giving each its own place to live and thrive in its distinct ways. His purpose in all this was that people of every culture and religion would search for this ultimate God, grope for Him in the darkness, as it were, hoping to find Him. Yet, in truth, God is not far from any of us. For you know the saying, “We live in God; we move in God; we exist in God.” And still another said, “We are indeed God’s children.” Acts 17

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Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus Christ and truth seeker, especially in the areas of health and children. Navigating our present day world can be challenging, God’s timeless truths in the Bible are my guide.



Anger Part 2

Hey!Anger is a difficult emotion to understand, witness or experience. We see the devastating results of unleashed anger all around us (war, family feuds, road rage, etc.).

Anger gets our adrenaline going and we get all worked up, but we might not even understand why. We are churning inside and feel the need to do something. The easiest thing we often do, is strike out at those in our immediate environment. For instance, we might get disturbing news and suddenly become all snarly with the people around us. A young child whose toy gets snatched out of his hand by a playmate, might retaliate with physical aggression. Watching children over many years, it is easy to see that this type of response is gut level and automatic.

If we want to have a different response, or if we want our children to have a different response, it will require understanding and training.

It is important to note that anger is most often a secondary response. That means that if we stop and investigate, there is a feeling lying underneath our gut response of anger. It often involves a feeling of hurt, loss or injustice.

Sometimes there is a clear source of our anger. For instance, if someone criticizes us, laughs at us, or tries to bully or abuse us, we can easily understand why we feel anger.

Other times the actions provoking anger may be more subtle. When someone makes a statement that disregards important points I’ve made, or values I hold, I can feel hurt, insulted, or invalidated and then I get angry. When someone spills something on my freshly mopped kitchen floor, I feel disregarded and taken for granted. I don’t feel the work I have done is being respected and I can easily get angry.

Exploring the underlying causes of our angry feelings is a very helpful step towards working towards a more mature response to anger.

Sometimes, as parents, we witness a young child’s anger, and it causes us embarrassment. Anger in children is so basic, and can be loud and poorly expressed. To save ourselves from the critical opinions of others, we can try to shut down this immature expression of anger – immediately. While this may save us momentary embarrassment, training our children to ignore their feelings and shut off their anger is not helping them to understand their emotions and learn to control their actions. And, as I mentioned here it can lead to serious health consequences for them later.

Finding other parents who understand the process of growing emotionally mature children is a great help on the parenting journey. If every parent around you shuts down their child’s anger, you can be regarded as a very poor example of a parent, when your child flies into a raging tantrum.

Showing respect for our children’s emotions does not mean pandering to them and allowing our children to always get whatever they want. It does mean allowing them to feel strongly and help them to understand where those strong feelings might be coming from.

AngerAn interesting and complicating factor is that angry children have a way of pushing our parenting buttons in just the right way to cause us to have a deep angry response. We need to stop and ask ‘what is that about?’ Does an angry outburst by your child feel like personal rejection to you, especially in light of all the great sacrifices you have made on behalf of the child – like sleep deprivation and hours of selfless toil? Do you feel like all the investment you have put into your child should result in a perfectly cooperative little person who shows you respect 100% of the time?

Sometimes we need to stop and work on our own issues so that we can grow in our own maturity in dealing with anger. Some of us might have been trained to stuff our anger which makes it very difficult to understand our raging emotions. Growing in our own understanding will help us to be much better at guiding our children in handling their strong feelings.

I have learned most of this the hard way, through the grace of Jesus Christ. These are not easy things to learn or recognize in ourselves, which is one of the many reasons I seek the power of God practically applied in every area of my life.

My web-site stats show a lot of people read Anger Part 1. I’m glad this information is being shared and found to be helpful. I’d love to hear your stories and dialogue about this important topic. Feel encouraged to leave your comments below. If for some reason the comment feature doesn’t work for you, please post or send me a private message on Facebook! I’d love to hear from you.

IMG_0423Becky Hastings, wife, mom to five, MIL of two, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counselor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to understand interpersonal relationships!


AngerEvery parent is challenged by anger. Many are totally surprised at their own capacity for anger towards the children they love more than life. Many are surprised by their child’s emerging anger when (not if) they begin to exert their personhood. The perfectly behaved one-year old seems angelic. Then one day, out of the blue, you see a glimpse of anger.  What is a parent to do?

I certainly don’t have all the answers.  For one thing I don’t know you or your child so I wouldn’t begin to give you advice or instructions.  Handling anger is not really as simple as one, two, three….

But we all need to spend some time thinking about anger. Whether we are being intentional or not, we are teaching our children about anger. Our primary method of teaching is how we model our own anger in front of them. What do we do when they do something that brings out anger in our hearts? How do we respond when life situations make us angry? Or what do we do when we face repeated frustration?

Some of us had great parents who modeled a healthy way of dealing with anger. Many of us were told that it was unacceptable to be angry and that when we felt anger, we were wrong. This approach to anger forced us to learn to ignore or stuff anger. Now as adults we may stuff, store, store, store, then BLOW! Have you ever experienced or witnessed a volcanic eruption of anger? Where did it come from it? Sometimes an angry response seems totally out of proportion with the provocation, giving a clue that there were many pent-up co-factors behind the eruption of anger.

ladderDr Ross Campbell has written many helpful parenting books. In How to Really Love Your Teen, he has a chapter in which he describes “The Anger Ladder.” This is a powerful illustration that gave me a lot of insight in parenting five children. Many parents I have shared it with over the years have found it beneficial.

Dr Campbell describes rungs of the Anger Ladder with the bottom rung being the lowest level of dealing with anger, and each successive step up the ladder represents growth. This visual picture helps you to understand that progress and  improvement in handling anger is possible. It also gives a clear guide and step by step goals to help our children (and often ourselves) reach maturity in handling anger.

1.  The absolute bottom rung of the ladder is stuffing.  Stuffing happens when anger is not acknowledged or dealt with, but it is stuffed internally. This method of dealing with anger comes at a great personal cost. The negative emotions we feel, but do not have the freedom to express, end up being turned on ourselves. Bottling up anger over many years can lead to serious illnesses, such as cancer, auto-immune disorders, depression, and other chronic conditions. It’s as if the body has to attack something when angry, so by forcing ourselves to stuff anger, we end up attacking ourselves.

2.  The next level is passive aggressive behavior. It is not always intentionally thought out, but if you know someone who deals with anger in this way, there always seem to be little things that happen which seem attacking – just not directly. A person who is operating with passive aggressive behavior is not always aware of their need and desire to “get back” at the person they are angry with in this subtle form. It can be a serious challenge to recognize and deal with this sort of learned behavior. Sometimes passive aggressive behavior is very difficult to spot in the mirror. It involves having an overall negative attitude or reaction to someone without addressing the specific issue that has provoked a negative reaction.

3. The next level of anger is undifferentiated physical abuse to anything and anyone nearby.  While this is not a great way to manifest anger, it is an improvement on step 1 or 2!  If this is where your toddler or child is at, don’t try to stifle it! That would be working backwards. Rather, try to help your child understand their rage and seek to move them UP the ladder, perhaps one rung at a time. Sometimes, as parents, we want them to jump right to the top rung with perfect control of themselves while addressing the issue that is bothering them.  How many adults do you know who manage anger that well? How often do you manage it? Lowering our expectations of our children will allow them to learn to deal with their anger in a more healthy way. It takes patience and wisdom.

4. Level four is characterized by a physical attack on the object of the anger. This is never good. But the good thing to recognize is that even this demonstrates improvement and growth in handling anger. Instead of just a general overall feeling of anger, the anger is being targeted towards its object. As a parent, sometimes we may need to physically restrain our children by holding them, as we help them understand their emotions and guide them towards higher levels of managing anger.

Dr Campbell goes on to describe various other manifestations and levels of anger. You might rank them differently from him, or from me. The point is there is a progression:

5. emotionally destructive behavior;
6. verbal abuse;
7. destroying property;
8. throwing objects;
9. expressing unrelated complaints;
10. becoming angry at someone else who is a bystander instead of at the source of the anger;
11. cursing;
12. unpleasant and loud behavior;
13. thinking logically and constructively;
14. holding to the primary complaint, not to peripheral issues;
15. focusing anger on the source only;
16. seeking resolution to the conflict while maintaining respectful behavior.

So, if you or your child is angry and expressing the anger with unpleasant and loud behavior (12), you can reassure yourself that they have actually progressed quite high on the anger ladder. Yes, there is room for improvement, but recognizing the progress towards maturity can provide freedom to develop that maturity.

Anger can be extremely awkward. Everyone exposed to anger can be impacted. Children exposed to parental anger at a young age can be emotionally bruised and suffer damage.

God gave us all of our emotions. Anger is a way we have of protecting ourselves. God can also use our anger to accomplish great works through us when it is directed and controlled by His Spirit.

Parenting gives us the opportunity to learn to grow in maturity in how we handle anger, so that we can provide an example of the process of being angry in front of our children. Modelling mature behavior is by far the most powerful teaching device we have available. Additionally, we have the opportunity to help our children recognise their own feelings of anger and frustration, help them identify and understand the source, and explore the response options available to them. Understanding this process and committing to it will ensure that our children can grow in maturity in their ability to handle this powerful emotion.

If you discover that you might have been stuck on rung 1 or 2 of the anger ladder, you might want to work at discovering the sources of your anger using a method like EFT. If you’ve been trying to get your child’s anger to ‘go away,’ you might actually be inadvertently encouraging them to stuff anger in a very unhealthy way. It can be scary to help our children come to terms with their anger, but the lack of obvious outward anger is not always good for them in the long-term. A perfectly controlled child does not always mean all is well. God has given us ALL our emotions. Tuning in to the source of anger can give us insight into the passions God has put in our heart.

What has been your biggest challenge in training your children to express anger appropriately?

Next post… Anger Part 2

IMG_0423Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mom to five, MIL of two, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counselor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to understand interpersonal relationships!

Why I Question Everything

magnifying glassOnce I was an undercover non vaccine giver. That is, when my children were born I was non-compliant with the standard recommendations for that time by my doctor, the CDC, and society at large. As a strong follower of Jesus Christ I wonder at my determined rebellion in this regard. Two other factors make this strong bold stance even more unusual.

Firstly, my father was a career employee of the CDC and spent his life researching, understanding and developing ways to work with viruses. He was part of the emerging science of virology in its earliest days, having started at the CDC in about 1965. He was a fantastic man. He feared and honored God and it was his recommendation to me personally that while there might be a very small chance of a vaccine injury to the individual child, the overall benefit to public health made the vaccination program worth that small risk. We had many non-heated debates over the years and he respected my opinions and my choices. We would share papers with each other that supported our respective viewpoints. This was before the internet when access to information was much more difficult. Mothering Magazine with its very well referenced articles was a lifeline.

My father passed away in 2003 at the age of 68, suddenly and unexpectedly while enjoying great health. I have so many questions I would love to discuss with him now. I think if he evaluated all the current scientific information, he would be forced to conclude that the position he held earlier had been wrong and that he had been misled and misdirected. If he were able to read the transcripts of the Simpsonwood Conference 2000  where the most significant role-players from all government agencies along with pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers’ representatives met to discuss the problems they were having with their data, I feel certain he would be alerted to ask a lot harder questions than those attending the meeting asked. I feel confident that had he been aware of the discussions at that important meeting where they all agreed “there is a strong signal between thimerosal vaccines and autism,” but the main thing we must do is figure out how to save our vaccine program and not let the public lose confidence in our recommendations, he would surely have been alarmed at their questionable plan to “massage the data” so it would deliver a different conclusion.

The second fact that seems odd in my determined rebellion against established authority in the choices I made regarding vaccinating my children, is the fact that I had become a wholehearted 100% surrendered follower of Jesus Christ. Now, rebellion would have been my normal mode in my late teens because at that stage I was wholeheartedly rebelling against most of the wise advice I had been blessed with throughout my childhood. But God, in His grace and mercy, did not leave me in my rebelliousness which resulted in self destructive actions and heartache. He rescued me and allowed me to see that the only way I would find happiness and fulfillment in my life was to understand the Creator’s design, and seek to live in harmony with Him. He revealed Jesus to me and I began my genuine relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In every single area of my life I seek the wisdom and counsel of Jesus. I’m not saying I am perfect, but having once been deceived into thinking right was wrong and wrong was right, I now question everything with vehemence. Married to a marvelous man, expecting our first child, I basked in the fullness of God’s grace and sought to seek His wisdom in every single decision I made. I read about the benefits of a natural whole foods diet, natural childbirth, breastfeeding, etc. and sought to implement every truth I discovered into my life. I was hungry for Jesus and I was hungry for His truth.  While studying the values of breastfeeding based on the knowledge and understanding available in 1982, I was astounded by the immunological aspects of breast milk – all part of our Creator’s magnificent design.

This caused me to question and ultimately reject the idea of injecting toxic ingredients into my baby who was designed to receive all the protection he needed from my breast milk. I didn’t throw out the idea of vaccines altogether, but I firmly decided they had no business being injected into my precious exclusively breastfed infant.  From that choice I continued to research and read everything I could find based on true science, not just opinion pieces, on the risk of various diseases and the risk/benefit ratio of injecting toxic ingredients into my children with the idea of ‘protecting them from something terrible.’

I was not outspoken beyond my family about my choices.  It was a time where very few people had enough confidence to speak out against vaccinations.

In 1986 the US government passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act because they had concluded that vaccines were unavoidably unsafe and they wanted to find a way to compensate families that experienced vaccine injury without endangering the vaccine program. The vaccine manufacturers had threatened to stop making vaccines because all the claims for injury were negatively impacting their profit margins. The US gov considered vaccines essential, thus establishing this protection against liability for the corporations.

Recomended Vaccines 83-2015Since 1986 the vaccine manufacturers have had to face zero liability for the products they make – no matter the cost to human life through death or suffering. Vaccine manufacturers have been shielded from any harm their products might cause for nearly 30 years. There is no other product in the US market that is protected from all liability. This action has also caused the most amazing surge in development of more vaccines and more players getting into the game – they have a free pass!  NO LIABILITY. Why not? In the last thirty years the childhood vaccine schedule has tripled. Most parents today have no idea of this increase.  They think – I got shots, my baby will get shots.  They have no idea how many more toxic ingredients their baby is going to be exposed to.

The result is that to date you can read the data on payouts for vaccine injuries which amount to over $3.1 Billion dollars.[1]  Some of this money has gone to families. Much to lawyers, as the system that was intended to be a simple way for injured families to get redress, has turned into a complicated machine requiring amazing resolve and years before you ever get an admission of injury and compensation. There are many interesting facts associated with this system. One is that only about 25% of claims are given monetary payouts. So 75% of parents whose child has died or been severely injured through vaccines – so much so that they are willing to spend years trying to prove it – are turned away because they are thought to be ‘frauds’?[2]

Another interesting fact is that 90% of the vaccine injuries are never reported and no claim is filed. There are many reasons proposed for this sad fact. One is that most families have no idea of the existence of such a claim mechanism and often find out after the 2 year cut-off time. Another reason is doctors will routinely disregard obvious vaccine injury.  They have been trained and taught that vaccine injury does not exist, so they cannot see it when it is right in front of them.  It often takes parents years to realize that the strange onset of illness immediately following their child’s shots were actually a reaction to the shots.

Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe, acknowledged by the US Supreme Court, yet most doctors continue to maintain that not vaccinating your child is one of the most dangerous things you could do. I wonder about this. I ended up having to give some vaccines to some of my children mainly because we moved from one country to another and there was a vaccine requirement to get in. My two boys were much older, so I didn’t feel too awful about giving just a few vaccines, but knowing what I know now, I would never give any baby any. It is amazing how strongly parents can be pressured into giving vaccines. Fear is usually the main motivating factor.

I have mothered five children over 31 years.  We have experienced chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough and rotavirus among the usual childhood illnesses of coughs and colds, etc. All of my children were breastfed exclusively for six months and continued breastfeeding until at least the age of two. None of these illnesses were life threatening. As I have read numerous accounts of children who have significant brain dysfunction and illness as a result of vaccine injury, I decided I can no longer be an Undercover Vaccine Refuser. My desire is to encourage and completely support parents who choose health through respect for their design rather than relying on some sort of false sense of health through a toxic vaccine injection. There are currently thousands of families who are learning how to heal autism and other vaccine injuries through understanding the damage that has been caused and using a bio-medical approach to healing. Healing is possible, but avoiding injury is even better.

It is tragic that more doctors won’t take the time to dig deeply into the science to find the truth. There is a huge industry providing vaccines.  The Department of Health and Human Services is itself a patent holder of some vaccines!  Those who benefit and prosper from the distribution of vaccines hold on to their viewpoint at the cost of children’s health. This is such a huge system, it has been in place for so long, and there are so many whose livelihood is directly tied to the maintenance of the current system, that very few are willing to take a risk and re-think the impact of vaccines on health and our understanding of the immune system.

It’s time for parents to think and learn for themselves.  We have to help and support parents to make wise decisions for their family.  Don’t trust everything you are told.  Ask a lot of questions.

How are you making sure your journey leads to health?

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

[1] Official US Government website on National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – HRSA

[2] Video explaining NVICP by the Canary Party