At some point in our life we all feel discouraged.
Discouragement takes different forms.
I confess I have fallen prey to the lies of our enemy who would like me to stay in discouragement. Once when I was there I wrote this:
If you are ever feeling similarly “wrong” here is a great antidote. A brilliant reminder we all need of who we REALLY ARE!
I am AWESOME. Not because of WHO I am, but because of WHOSE I am!
When you struggle with discouragement remember:
You are never too much
You are always enough
Regardless of who you think you are
Regardless of how you feel right now
You have world changing capability
Your responsibility is to find that world changing woman inside
and set that women free
Any voice that tries to tell you anything different
is from the enemy
So when you feel discouraged, say this
Not me Satan
I am a daughter of the living God
I am cherished, loved and adored above all things
By the Creator of all things
For the glory of Him who is greater than all things
I am awesome
Becky Hastings,wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter who tries to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I’m wrong and sometimes I get discouraged!