A Nurse on Vaccines

The following is a verbatim account by Maureen Green who has given me permission to reprint her story.

I’ll never vaccinate again.

❤I’m a RN of 26 years.
-I’ve run flu vaccine clinics in the stores.
-I’ve run a vaccine clinic at a National Guard armory.
-My 3 adult children are fully Vaccinated (my youngest is missing 1 booster).
-I’ve worked in both adult care and pediatrics, hospital and home healthcare.

If I could do it all over again
I would NEVER vaccinate my children or myself.

💪In nursing school, I graduated Cum Laude from a prestigious Jesuit University with a 3.75 GPA. I was the last class of students who took the 2 day test for licensure and passed the first try. I’ve always been proud of myself in being a VERY conscientious nurse always doing right for my patients, guarding them from any and all harm, because I truly wanted to help them get better….as better as possible. I took my oath seriously!

🗣All we learned in nursing school was:
1) the schedule
2) side effects (the minor ones)
3) never, ever to give vaccines to anyone who is sick, feels like they’re getting sick or exposed to someone sick recently….or pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant
4) how to administer them…always pulling back on the plunger to make sure you aren’t in a blood vessel when injecting the solution. (I never see that being done anymore).

😱I never considered that vaccines had an ingredients list and truly beLIEved that everything I was taught about vaccines, was everything there was to know.
I naively thought vaccines contained:
1) viral/bacterial component
2) a small amount of immune stimulator (nothing harmful)
3) saline

I look back and think,
“How could I be so naive?”🤦

*I remember a time when we used to have patients sign the signature line ON THE INSERTS, rip them off and keep them and GIVE THE INSERTS to the patients. I don’t know when that practice stopped, replaced by a 8 x 11 sheet of paper, with minimal information.

*I remember holding down my children for the nurses to administer their shots so they could stay healthy. 😢
*I remember being so conscientious about their vaccines that I had them at their visits when they were due. 😞
*I remember 2 soldiers asking me why they always seemed to get sick after getting the flu vaccine and my robotic answer. They looked at each other almost as if to say “see, told you so”, and walked away.
*I remember, after recovering my health naturally with nutrition, and having already learned about Dr Max Gerson after my sister passed from brain cancer at 52yo, asking God what else don’t I know? 🤔

That was shortly after Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe came out.

*I remember the 3 months it took to finally watch it because I was horrified at the thought. 🙈
*I remember the sobs watching it. I remember the sobs many days and nights after that. 😭
*I remember the endless hours, days, months watching the Vaxxed stories while my kids were at school. 😭
*I remember the endless hours reading articles and comment sections, linking to research and more articles and posts and documentaries and videos. (Keep commenting – people are watching and learning in there – that’s where I found a lot of information to research!)❤
*I remember watching seminars and doctors and immunologists and researchers and….and….and…
So many nights up for 48 hours because I couldn’t put it away to sleep. There was too much to learn.

Sooooo much I wasn’t taught in nursing school.🙄

😞How could I have been so naive?

*I remember coming to the realization that my own children are vaccine injured:
Learning challenges
Auditory processing Delay
Severe Respiratory Distress
After 6 mos shots (DTaP)
Severe separation anxiety
Severe GERD
Gastrointestinal issues
Candida overgrowth
Not to mention my own issues:
6 autoimmune diseases
*And they didn’t have to have all the challenges they have.

😭Nothing is worse though, than the horror at the thought that, at my hands, someone could’ve been injured, or worst yet, died from a vaccine.

❤I became a nurse because I’ve always wanted to help people. I hate seeing suffering, I hate people being in pain. I want to alleviate suffering of any kind and that’s why I studied so hard, to know what I needed to know to help people. 🤦

That’s why I’ll always speak up now!

I’ve been the target of many trolls and troll groups. They don’t phase me. God has my back! He will protect me and my children. The armor of God will shield us from evil. I will honor God and all those I could be responsible for inadvertently harming by always being outspoken. I will do what I can to help others understand why I went from very much for vaccines to never consenting for another one again.

I had a dear friend and momma of a severely autistic boy ask me one time:
“How come you never said anything and stood up for us earlier in your nursing career?”
My answer:
“Because no one ever said anything to me. I seriously had no idea till 3 years ago.

🙇Please, keep talking to medical professionals. Lead them to the information. Ask them questions and help plant seeds of curiosity in their brains. Don’t give up on us. My turning point was when someone in an article comment thread asked me if I knew what MRC-5 and WI-38 are and what those are in. That’s all it took.

You never know when something you say with love and compassion will stick and set them on their own path of education and awareness. You never know what warrior you’re waking up and activating. We don’t know more than you, help us realize that!

—and Please, forgive us for our attitudes in reaction. We ARE taught that in nursing school! 

Journeyboost is maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.

Targeting Children

Should children be encouraged to lie to their parents by authority figures?

You are allowed to lie to your parents if it's the only way you can get the information you need to protect your health
link to full article https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Vaccinated-Without-Parental-Consent

The forces promoting vaccines are ramping up their efforts and targeting children. Many of these children may have been spared from vaccine injury by their concerned parents. Some of them may have experienced a severe reaction to vaccines in early childhood giving parents reason to not continue vaccinating. Yet authorities are seeking to encourage these children to go behind their parents backs and find a way to get themselves vaccinated.

Forewarned is forearmed. Parents who have researched the true risk of vaccines need to take the next step and educate their children on the reliability of this information. This process can provide challenges because a child naturally trusts and they will have to choose whether to trust their parents or trust the authorities trying to lead them.

Imagine if your teen was having a severe reaction to a vaccine they received without your knowledge or consent and wouldn’t tell you about it.

The article gives the expectation that a vaccine is going to give you a reaction and you won’t feel good, yet says that is the way the vaccine works.

What do you think? What are some of the best strategies to help our children recognize truth?

Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods.

Hospitals push flu vaccines

Most people are unaware, but something significant changed when Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010. Nurses in hospitals are now required to ask every single patient upon arrival – for any and all reasons – if they have had a flu vaccine already this year (September – March) or a pneumococcal vaccine. If they report that they have not received these vaccines, it will be noted in the computer records and an order will automatically be generated to give the patient these vaccines. No doctor is consulted. It is the “Standard of Care” hospital policy. Since the CDC and most state Health Departments recommend flu shots yearly for all ages, this impacts everyone. Pneumococcal vaccines are promoted to those over the age of 65 and may also be offered to babies/young children since the CDC includes them in their recommendations. If you are at the hospital for elective surgery, a broken limb, or anything else, you will be targeted to get those vaccines.

How do you protect yourself?

  • Never sign an electronic signature pad when admitted to a hospital – the information in these ‘forms’ include giving permission for the administration of “biologics” which means you have just signed permission to be injected with vaccines.
  • Ask for a paper copy. Write clearly “No Biologics” and “No Vaccines” above your signature. I have heard of patients being told they cannot provide paper copies. In this instance you may continue to refuse to sign the electronic signature pad and see what they are able to come up with.
  • Some people aren’t willing to take any chances and suggest using a Sharpie permanent marker to write on both arms before elective surgery: “No Biologics” and “No Vaccines” so the nurse will have no doubt of your refusal! There have been too many cases of a nurse ‘forgetting’ or giving vaccines even after refusal.  Take a photo of it written on your body – as proof of refusal!

The view point of most hospital facilities is that even if someone already received a flu vaccine earlier in the season, or if their vaccine status is “unknown” IT WON’T HURT TO BE VACCINATED TWICE. So, if you are admitted to the hospital and you can’t remember if you have had a flu shot this season, as long as you don’t refuse, you will get a flu shot on admission. Nurses can also get permission from family members and give flu shots while the patient is recovering from surgery.

It’s important that you make sure every family member knows your desire to avoid all vaccines.

Also, patients admitted for trauma will get a TDaP in the ER when they arrive UNLESS THE PATIENT OR THE FAMILY REFUSES at the time of the trauma. Hospital “standard of care” policy for nearly all injuries, especially those with a point of entry, is to order a TDaP/DTaP (depending on the age). So even if you cut your hand washing dishes in soapy water, expect to be offered a TDaP.

Vaccination is nurse driven. Hospital policy dictates that nurses should be vigilant in regards to vaccines for all admissions. They are instructed to assess vaccination status of all patients admitted to hospital. The guideline used is that ALL PATIENTS GET A FLU SHOT on the second day in the hospital from September – March (sometimes longer). Vaccines will be administered unless REFUSED by the patient.

The key is that THE PATIENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE. But sometimes it requires extreme vigilance to exercise your right!


Smart doctors, smart nurses, and informed humans all REFUSE flu vaccines. Read the story of how one smart doctor figured out – after 3 years of getting sick after flu vaccines – that it was time to do some REAL RESEARCH. The information she found out after contacting the CDC flu division is profound. Flu vaccines don’t work. The CDC admits it.

Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods. Wife, mother, grandmother, life and health coach.

Please share your experience in the comments! Thanks

Warning Signs

Every parent wants the best for their baby. No rational parent seeks to harm their infant. The tragic death of Evee Gayle Clobes reminds us that not all babies can safely receive the one-size-fits-all vaccine schedule.

Catie Clobes describes how she missed the warning signs after each round of vaccines Evee received. The signs of adverse impact on Evee are clear in hindsight, yet Catie was given no information on what to look for. She trusted the CDC schedule recommended by her doctor. Evee tragically died 36 hours after her 6 months shots. Like many parents, Catie didn’t make the connection when it was right in front of her eyes. Please don’t ignore the warning signs. If you know anyone that continues to give vaccines, at least share this information so they can be aware of the signs.

Here is an introduction to the very short life of Evee Gayle Clobes:

“On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, Catie Clobes of Howard Lake, Minnesota brought her happy, healthy, well-developed 6-month-old baby girl Evee Gayle Clobes to her well-baby checkup, whereupon the pediatrician declared her to be in “perfect health” with no problems or concerns. After Evee was examined by her pediatrician, the nurse administered her shots according to the CDC recommended schedule – 6 doses total, via Pediarix and Prevnar.”

36 hours later Evee was dead. Please learn more and share this important story. https://www.justiceforevee.org/eveesstory

Go to Catie’s website to see a list of all the warning signs.

Science is clear that there are risks to the many routine procedures performed on babies as a “standard of care” practice in the USA and many other countries.

Vitamin K

  • “The form of vitamin K known as vitamin K1 might lower blood sugar levels.” https://www.emedicinehealth.com/vitamin_k/vitamins-supplements.htm
  • Vitamin K is injected into newborns at birth with the intention of increasing coagulation of the blood to prevent hemorrhage.
  • Hematocrit is a measure of the percentage or proportion of red blood cells (erythrocytes) of the total blood volume.
  • An increase in hematocrit is associated with increased blood viscosity and increased adhesiveness of platelets.
  • High hematocrit is associated with hypercoagulation / hypercoagulability.
  • “…erythrocytes are the main suppliers of phosphatidylserine-exposing membranes needed for coagulation…” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed…
  • “…vitamin K aims at rapid lowering of the international normalized ratio (INR) into a safe range to reduce the risk of major bleeding and therefore improving patient outcome without exposing the patient to the risk of thromboembolism due to overcorrection…” (Evee’s levels were sensitive to being “overcorrected”.) American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs https://link.springer.com/article/10.2165/00129784-200404010-00005
  • “Parenteral vitamin K1 (phytonadione) is used for anticoagulant reversal, and a boxed warning exists with intravenous and intramuscular administration due to the possibility of severe reactions, including fatalities. These reactions resemble hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis, including anaphylactoid reaction, and have led to shock and cardiac and/or respiratory arrest.” https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1076029616674825


  • The title of a study from 2007 makes it clear that there are adverse impacts: “Primary Immunization of Premature Infants with Gestational Age <35 Weeks: Cardiorespiratory Complications and C-Reactive Protein Responses Associated with Administration of Single and Multiple Separate Vaccines Simultaneously.”
  • 16% of infants in the study experienced immunization-related cardiorespiratory events, and 11% required oxygen therapy.
  • “…infants were asymptomatic before immunization but had episodes of apnea, bradycardia, or [oxygen] desaturation after immunization…”
  • “[Cardiorespiratory event] level is expected to be elevated in the 48 hours following immunization. In a minority of infants immunized, cardiorespiratory events were associated with presumed need for intervention.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022347607001850
  • “Possible Predictors of Cardiorespiratory Events after Immunization in Preterm Neonates.” Neonatology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2013, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/23887711/

Cranial nerve impairment

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

  • Simultaneous sudden infant death (SIDS) syndrome. “Twin girls (3.5-month-old) were found dead by their mother in their crib, both in supine position. The infants were identical twins and delivered at a hospital by cesarean section. Both infants were healthy and did not have any serious medical history. Two days prior to the incident, the twins had received the second dose of oral polio, DPT and the first dose of hepatitis B vaccines and they had fever on the first day of the vaccination and been given teaspoonful of acetaminophen.” “Simultaneous Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.” Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2007, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/17654772/
  • One example of an award of compensation for sudden infant death in the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP): https://ecf.cofc.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc?2013vv0611-73-0

I acknowledge most of this list was compiled by Ashley Everly, Toxicologist, Mother, Activist, Science Writer. Author of Vaccine Guide.

Previous blogs on the topic of vitamin K:

Becky Hastings, passionate about Jesus, health, family, truth and healing foods. For more vaccine information you can start here.


Is the current vaccine policy rational?

Vaccines currently recommended/mandated for school attendance:
Tetanus: a disease that that is non contagious;
Hepatitis B: a disease not spread easily in a school setting and for which children with active cases of Hepatitis B are allowed to attend school;
Pertussis, Diphtheria, Polio: diseases for which the vaccine is not capable of preventing transmission of infection;
Rubella: a vaccine that has never been studied for clinical effectiveness;
Mumps: a vaccine not efficacious enough to impart the required threshold of herd immunity;
Measles: a vaccine not durable enough to ensure long-term protection of the majority of vaccinated students from developing a modified form of the disease;
Chickenpox: a vaccine not utilized by other developed countries for mass vaccination.

If you look at it this way you see how unreasonable this policy is. The current CDC vaccine policy is not grounded in medical ethics, is not grounded in understanding of what vaccines can and cannot achieve, and cannot be claimed to be founded on ‘science’. Vaccine education currently discounts inconvenient FACTS and protects a multi billion-dollar industry peddling a liability free product. Why?

In this talk Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD uses the CDC’s own studies and other accepted peer reviewed scientific data sources to prove these claims.

Posted by Becky Hastings in the interests of education for parents.

Cars are Dangerous!

You might have heard this response from someone seeking to rationalize giving vaccines “It’s a gamble every time you get in the car with your children. In fact, car accidents are the leading cause of accidental death for children. Do you plan to stop driving them? Considering cars are 1000 times more dangerous than vaccines, I sure hope so.”

If the car seat and car makers were given immunity from lawsuits and no safety testing had been done for 30 years, then your comparison would be more accurate. Over $4 billion has been paid to compensate vaccine injury & death since 1989. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), charged by Congress with safety testing, recently admitted it has done NONE. No vaccines have been tracked for safety since the companies manufacturing them were given indemnity!! NO combination of vaccines recommended to babies and children have ever been tested for safety – even though we know that multiple drugs can have an overall negative impact. Vaccines are a far bigger gamble than you were told.

Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study.Hewitson L1, Lopresti BJ, Stott C, Mason NS, Tomko J. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20628439

Parents, please research vaccines as if your babies life depends on it. Not all babies can safely receive vaccines as currently recommended by your doctor and the CDC.

The Highwire’s ‘Ex-Vax Files’ Series highlights Catie Clobes, mother of three. Catie followed the #CDC’s recommendations, listened to her pediatrician, and less than 48 hours after her 6-month-old daughter Evee’s vaccinations, lost her baby. Refusing to accept a SIDS diagnosis, Catie shares her heart wrenching journey from “pro-vaxxer” to “ex-vaxxer.”

Compiled by Becky Hastings

What’s up in California?

It’s a sad day for California. And it’s a sad day for our country.”

To the democrats holding office in California: “Why in the world did any of you get into politics if it wasn’t about protecting children?”

Did you see any news reports of Robert Kennedy Jr’s Occupy Sacramento Press Conference on 9 September 2019? The legislative bodies suspended rules to rush through two bills (SB276 & SB714) despite thousands of concerned parents who showed up at the capitol to express strong protest against these bills. Some highlights from Bobbie Kennedy’s speech:

If we can give government and big industry the right to inject untested medical products with zero liability into our children coercively, where does the power of government end? What else can they order us to do? Abort babies for the good of society? Euthanize people for the good of society? Where is the legal rational boundary? Our country has signed multiple treaties stating that force cannot be used for any medical procedures without informed consent.

“Where are all the auto-immune diseases coming from? If it’s not the vaccines, where is it coming from 12% of my generation had chronic diseases (prior to 1986). Today 54% do. From HHS. The long list of epidemic chronic diseases amongst American children are also listed on the vaccine inserts.

All of these legislatures here – we went from office to office and talked to every single one of them. We answered every single question. We showed them in black and white the truth. This state is doing something horrendous.

Environmental issues. A war between large corporations who are trying to treat our planet as if it is a business in liquidation, convert our natural resources to cash, have a few years of pollution based prosperity for themselves and our children are going to have to pay for their joy ride with de-nuded landscapes, poor health, and huge clean up costs which are going to amplify over time and they will never be able to pay. That was my life’s battle. These corporations were commoditizing our landscapes.

“When I got sucked into this issue I saw something a 100 times worse. Not just oil companies trying to pave and commoditize our landscape, but big pharmaceutical companies – the most evil companies on earth – who are commoditizing our children. Who are giving our children this tsunami of chronic diseases and then making money. Telling us they are getting rid of infectious diseases like measles and chicken pox, but trading that for rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes and autism and ADD and ADHD. All of those infectious diseases are treatable and curable yet none of the chronic diseases that they are causing are treatable or curable. They are making $50B selling our kids these mandated vaccines that are untested and liability free, but they are making $500B a year selling them the epi-pens, the seizure medications, the Prozac, the Albuterol inhalers, the rheumatoid arthritis medications, the diabetes medications, that our children are addicted to for life because of these vaccines.

And we went through this with all of these democratic legislators. They knew what they were doing.

Compiled by Becky Hastings

Crucial Conversations

A Q&A by David Maxfield from Crucial Skills: How to discuss immunizations with reluctant parents inspired me to write my own Q&A. I have a high regard for their work even though I hold an opposing view on this particular topic. His answer to a question posed by a vaccine promoting health care professional provides valuable insight on how to converse instead of argue. I pose a question from a vaccine informed parent and edited the wording he provided in his answer. If you visit the link please read my comment, and take a minute to leave your own respectful comment!

Dear David, 

With the recent rise of hype in the media promoting vaccines and looming mandates, I am concerned children will be harmed as a result.

With 36 yrs exploring this topic, I am troubled by how many ‘experts’ are not more curious about vaccine safety. Has the belief that “vaccines are safe & effective & save millions of lives” been challenged with personal research review by those who hold this view? I don’t understand how they can push a point of view without a thorough examination of what exactly parents are objecting to and why. Parents who witness injury know the case for vaccines is extremely flawed. Many have become experts on vaccine risk, yet may find it difficult to hold a conversation because of their passion.

Public health officials seem more committed to getting vaccines into children than looking into the possible harm. How can I converse about this topic so that all parties involved can discover truth?

Concerned mother, grandmother, researcher, and writer

Dear concerned mother, grandmother, researcher, and writer,

It’s not just vaccines that cause communication breakdowns. We see breakdowns across our culture, which makes your question especially relevant. Some tips that may help your discussions:

You Can’t Win an Argument. It’s a paradox that it becomes harder, instead of easier, to convince someone when you are supremely confident in your own point of view. Many of us have firsthand experience with this reality. Dale Carnegie expanded this insight, “You can’t win an argument.” Here is how a conversation can turn into an argument:

  • I ask the parent/doctor/nurse why they want to give vaccines or question a vaccine promoter about vaccines.
  • Reasons are given in support of vaccines.
  • I attack their reasons and try to add information on vaccine harm.
  • They attack my points and defend theirs.
  • I attack theirs and defend mine.
  • Rinse and repeat.
  • No one wins

In trying to win an argument I’ve fallen into what’s called the Persuasion Trap. I have become the champion for my cause and pushed the other party into being a champion for the opposite cause. The result is an argumentative cycle no one seems to win – in fact, each person could finish with a strengthened view of his or her own position.

Motivational Interviewing. Motivational Interviewing is an approach that is designed to avoid the Persuasion Trap. Instead of taking sides, it helps the pro vaccine pusher explore and resolve the ambivalence they must feel regarding vaccines. It conveys respect while maintaining and holding the position that it’s the parent who will make the final judgment. The goal is to engage the vaccine promoter with his or her own intrinsic motivation. Below are a few principles you can use:

Ask for Permission. When you are told “It’s time for vaccines” or someone is providing pressure for you to give vaccines, don’t launch into an argument. Instead, ask permission to discuss it further. This helps avoid an argument and conveys respect. 

Explore their Ambivalence. Most thoughtful experienced vaccine promoters must have some thoughts about the reality of vaccine injury. Make it safe for them to voice their possibly deeply hidden concerns. This establishes your role as educator, rather than opponent. Below are how these first two elements might sound in a conversation with a healthcare provider. You can imagine using a similar approach for family or friends:

YOU: Your said my child is due for a _____ vaccine today. Would it be okay if we discussed it? 

PARENT: [I have no idea what they will say! Let’s go with] Okay. 

YOU: Many of your peers feel vaccines are entirely safe and totally effective. Your training has launched your career as a health care provider and you see that vaccines play an integral part of providing that care. You are concerned about parents who refuse vaccines and worried that it will cause specific risk to that child and perhaps to a larger population because of one child not receiving vaccines. These are valid concerns. If I were in your shoes, I would probably share your views. What do you see as the pros and cons of a person not getting vaccines? 

Perhaps draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and write the pros on the left and cons on the right side of the line as they provide them. This helps the person turn their vague feelings and fears into a finite number of specific concerns—concerns that can be addressed.

Paraphrase to Ensure Understanding. Summarize each concern. This makes sure you understand it and also demonstrates that you are listening. “So, correct me if I’m wrong, but you are worried that a child who does not receive a measles vaccine will be at risk of death? You are concerned that if a few children don’t get the measles vaccine a widespread outbreak will result in many people getting sick and perhaps many dying? You have concerns that parents do not understand the gravity of their decision to avoid vaccines and that they are unnecessarily putting their child at risk? Is that right?”

Address Each Concern with Facts. But first, ask for permission (again), “Would you mind if I provided you with more information about the risk of vaccine injury from recently published sources?” Have a few salient facts memorized and offer to send the papers. Provide all clarifying information in a nonjudgmental way.

Consider the Messenger. Ask yourself whether you are the right person to provide the facts. If you are a parent who has personally witnessed vaccine injury, a person who has received compensation through VICP, or a person who has spent thousands of hours researching the topic, you may consider yourself credible, but beware that your listener may not see you as credible. A health professional will generally value information provided by other health professionals. If you have had multiple children and some are vaccine injured and others who did not receive vaccines are vibrantly healthy, you may want to share your own personal observations. It might sound like this: I understand my small data sample is not science, but after my first child was vaccine injured I didn’t give vaccines to my others. The thing that astounds me every single day is the vibrant health of my non vaccinated children. I am absolutely certain that health is not the result of getting an injection of so many chemicals on a regular basis.”

If you don’t think the person sees you as a credible messenger, then use information that comes from more credible sources. Provide a handout from Learn the Risk, Informed Consent Action Network, Children’s Health Defense, or NVIC. You may also encourage the person to investigate recent studies by Dr Aaby on long-term health after vaccines, Dr Theresa Deisher on DNA fragments in vaccines, or Dr Chris Exley and Dr Chris Shaw on aluminum in vaccines. Another resource for someone truly interested in exploring the topic is a video presentation by Dr Sam Eggertsen from Washington state focused on helping health care providers understand vaccine hesitant parents which answers the question “Why Do Parents Refuse To Vaccinate Their Children?” https://youtu.be/8LB-3xkeDAE

Final Affirmation/Acknowledgement. “I applaud you for having this discussion with me. I am happy to discuss anything further. I’m sure I don’t know as much as you. I don’t have your training and haven’t read all your medical textbooks, but I am 100% committed to finding the truth. I also want to help parents have healthy happy babies – which I am sure is also your goal. I believe we achieve the best health, as individuals and as communities, by boosting the innate immune system and the body’s own defense against infectious disease. Avoiding chemicals in our food, air, water, and what we inject into our body – all of which burden our natural detox system – seems a wise approach in the pursuit of health.”

Consider Multiple Influences. You asked how to have a conversation with a vaccine promoter. These conversations are important, but they’re only one aspect of a comprehensive influence strategy. If your mission is to inform the public and especially new parents of the reality of vaccine injury you could employ a combination of strategies at the Personal, Social, and Structural levels. These would include conversations, but also involve community leaders within schools, churches, and sports teams. They would also include discussions with lawmakers and policy makers. I pray this information will be helpful in getting people to thoroughly investigate the truth on this issue. Let me know if you try any of these suggestions, and how they work for you!


Vaccine Truth Seeker

Time for Shots?

As your child approaches specific milestones – usually in age, you will hear from family, friends, your trusted pediatrician, that it is now “time for “11 year old shots”.

Most parents take this in stride. They understand their child may have some hesitancy, and help them psychologically prepare for the procedure in advance. Since the CDC has been recommending vaccines since most parents were children, we accept that they are a normal part of life.

Should parents ask any more questions about these “recommended 11 year old shots”? What about the new additional ‘off to college’ shots?

Your child may feel a little anxious about it. You may even feel a bit nervous about the visit. But have you taken a little time to ask some questions about these recommendations?

Firstly what shots did you get when you were 11?

What shots are being recommended for your 11 year old?

What diseases will they prevent? Is the protection from these diseases 100% guaranteed?

Is there any known risk of adverse reactions to the shots?

Has the combination of shots recommended for my child been studied thoroughly and tested so we can be confident that it is harmless to give multiple shots at the same visit?

Are some shots relatively new?

What has been the safety track record so far?

What are the ingredients in the specific vaccines recommended? How was the vaccine manufactured? Where was the vaccine manufactured?

As a parent you are probably fairly careful about what your child eats. You are also careful about your child’s friends, environment, and general safety. Injecting ingredients into your child’s body is actually a lot more serious than we have always thought: We got vaccines, our children get vaccines, no big deal. There are so many developments in science since the time we were children that we need to take some time to explore a lot of issues around the vaccine discussion.

The most important aspect of life is health. We want to guard and treasure our child’s health. I encourage you, as a loving dedicated parent, to take some time to learn about:

  1. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which serves to protect vaccine manufacturers from all liability for the products injected into children as recommended by the CDC.
  2. Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS). A registry of voluntary reporting of vaccine injury.
  3. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The compensation system set up after the 1986 Act as a means to compensate families who experienced death or injury from vaccines. As of 2019 over $4 billion has been paid out for vaccine injury through this closed court system.
  4. Study the actual diseases and learn how you can treat them safely and effectively.

Just think about it. There is no other product you use for your family that the manufacturer is 100% liability free. Experts admit that some children will be harmed from vaccines. The exact percentage of children is routinely stated as very low. The reality of vaccine injury is a topic IGNORED and hidden rather than studied. Too many families have learned the hard way that vaccines cause injury far more frequently than expected.

Information is power. When you know the facts in this discussion you will not be led by fear. Fear has been the primary motivating factor in selling vaccines to the public. Should we fear these diseases or should we fear those who profit from selling a liability free product virtually mandated on the entire population?

As a Christian, I have a responsibility to warn you about what I have discovered from thousands of hours of research, reading, and studying this information. You owe it to your children to become informed. I am happy to provide more information.

Previous blogs exploring Vaccine Questions.

Becky Hastings, avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant.