I have a confession: I’ve been a rebel – probably all my life! God turned my rebellion around in 1980 so that instead of rebelling against Him, I began to rebel against societal norms that had led me away from Him.
I rebelled by having natural births, then home births, breastfeeding for years, questioning the morality of birth control, choosing to be a SAHM rather than pursue a career, turning off the TV, NOT watching the news, making my own from scratch, homeschooling, volunteering rather than seeking a paycheck, and most recently, not following nonsense rules…
Daily I praise God for His transforming salvation through Jesus Christ!
Rebellion can be so liberating! True freedom is righteous rebellion in Jesus! Rebels for Jesus need to unite. We are not such a small group. There are many who share our understanding. Compliance with tyranny and lies is NOT what following Jesus is about.
There is an enemy of our soul. Jesus was very clear: “the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy.” The enemy uses deception. The nature of deception is that you do not know you are being deceived. We have been blessed with a warfare manual that explains the conflict and gives us clear instructions on how to “wage good warfare.” For too long God’s people have tried too hard to be friends with the world, to follow social norms, and to ‘be nice.’ Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Our neighbors, colleagues, family members, etc are not our enemy. We have the belt of truth and the sword of the Spirit – God’s word – to expose the lies. We can stand firm in love. Standing firm is actually extremely loving. Bending to men is agreeing to lies and forsaking God’s righteousness.
We live in crazy times. We drown in information, but face a derth of wisdom. God’s word provides clear wisdom. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. He gives freely to those who seek Him. Fear prevails because of a lack of faith. Faith will lead us to wisdom. We seek a savior for our current life situation because we want to remain comfortable. God has not called His people to a comfortable life. He has called us to a life of fearless following.
There are some bold pastors keeping their churches open. Members attend unafraid. Here is one warrior pastor who has been a missionary to the preborn for decades. He boldly declares the word of God and applies it to our current circumstances. Matt Trewhella pastors a church in Wisconsin and seeks to equip the body of Christ on his website Defy Tyrants.
In this 7 minute video he challenges a popular view that many Christians hold. You might not change your mind, but watch what he says so that you can formulate why you disagree.
There are also a multitude of medical and scientific professionals speaking out sharing facts dramatically different than what you will hear on the news or from government organizations. They risk a lot to share. One sweet gentlemen has put together an excellent video sharing his wisdom and insight. His sole goal is to help people stay healthy, yet this type of direct information is often purposefully banned — like book burnings of long ago. Dr Hotze explains in detail why the experimental liability-free gene therapy labelled as a ‘vaccine’ being pushed on the public using fear, panic, and mass hysteria is all about control, power, and money by the government and big business.
Paul urged the church in Thessalonica to test all the prophesies – or information – that they received. Is the church today doing enough digging to get the truth?
Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
Compiled by Becky Hastings who collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
Do you know how many US children are being bombarded with psychiatric drugs?
Over 6 million children aged 0-17; Over 500,000 babies and toddlers aged 0-5.[1]
Data up to February 2020 reveals this is the number of children given prescription medications that WILL cause chemical imbalance in the brain, create addictions, and cause many other adverse side effects.
Are doctors getting our offspring hooked on addictive drugs at a far higher rate than the local drug dealers?
Why? Why are we drugging our children?
We can blame it on the medical industrial complex – children are an easy target for corporate profits.
We can blame it on doctors prescribing these medications.
We can blame it on insurance companies who reimburse for these medications.
We can blame it on agencies that receive government funding when children are prescribed these meds while in state custody.
We can blame it on parents who seek help and trust the system. Or parents that actually want an ‘instant fix’ to some behavior issues. Or parents that don’t discipline their children. Or parents struggling with their own addictions… So easy to blame the parents.
Or blame absent fathers.
Or we can blame teachers trying to control classroom behavior when all traditional measures of discipline are prohibited. Or an education system not designed to meet the needs and interests of children.
We can blame it on media exposure of children. Babies from young ages are given screens as babysitters. Or, media pushing drugs to parents. Or, media creating anxiety amongst the entire population.
There are so many people we can blame. There are very few who want to take responsibility.
The blame game rarely helps us personally solve problems. I urge all parents to inform themselves. I’ve had so many friends over the years that trusted their doctors and followed the agenda, giving their children psychotropic drugs. Often one drug leads to another. Behavior problems are not usually magically solved with drugs. Often behavior is still an issue. Side effects become an additional and far more long lasting and complex issue to deal with. So many families wish they could go back and change their initial decisions regarding accepting the very first psychiatric drug for their child – no matter what condition it was prescribed for, there are alternatives.[2]
The Bay Area News Group spent four months documenting the alarming use of psychiatric medications in California’s foster care system — and the impact on thousands of vulnerable children who continue to suffer the consequences. From Los Angeles to the Bay Area to Humboldt County, reporter Karen de Sá and photographer Dai Sugano interviewed more than 175 people, including dozens of current and former foster youth who were frequently moved and heavily medicated by a system that struggled to manage their complicated childhoods. Now, there’s a growing call for change among former foster youth, psychiatrists, public health nurses and youth advocates. The stories of lost childhoods and remarkable resilience provide compelling lessons on how California can better address their trauma and stop “Drugging Our Kids.”
What can we do? Here are some random ideas that pop into my head:
For one thing, don’t just take drugs for any and every condition. Understand that the industry that makes all your handy quick fixes – both prescription and OTC – is the same one that is drugging our children. Why do we support them? Why not boycott all pharmaceuticals? Only take them when it’s a life or death situation…
Learn how to live a natural healthy lifestyle. Help and encourage others to live an active healthy lifestyle.
Disinvest in pharmaceutical companies. Put your money behind your strong passions. Check your investment portfolio. Are you profiting from the deliberate harm of children by corporations that push addictive harmful drugs on children???? Place your vote with your wallet.
Spread the word. This situation didn’t develop overnight. It’s been a slow creep over decades. We need to speak truth boldly. Most people have no idea and need to be informed on how the pharmaceutical industry is exploiting children.
What else? If you have ideas to add to my list, please share them in the comments below. I read every comment and LOVE to hear your input.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved. Blessed with a husband of nearly 40 years, five precious babies, I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
[1] 6,726,189 children aged 0-17 years including 530,169 from ages 0-5 years prescribed psychiatric drugs. Data was taken from the IQVia Total Patient Tracker Database for Year 2019, extracted February 2020. https://www.cchrint.org/…/children-on-psychiatric-drugs/
I’m thrilled that you are bringing a new life into the world. As a mom of five and grandmother of eight, I see every pregnancy as a blessing and the birth of every baby a cause of great rejoicing.
There is something very important I would love to discuss with you. Something interesting has happened in the world, accelerating over the last few years. Topics that were once openly discussed have been castigated outside of ‘allowable’ conversation. Those who continue to try to discuss such topics with a viewpoint that differs from the ‘acceptable’ narrative are given pejorative terms and consigned to limited influence through a modern type of ‘book burning.’
Current events happening in our world may cause everyone to re-evaluate what is going on.
I’ve been exploring and investigating the topic of routine childhood shots to prevent ‘infectious diseases’ ever since I was pregnant with our first child who was born in December 1982. Back then it was via print publications, but with the advent of the information age I have been able to find innumerable resources on this topic. My goal is to uncover truth and share it with parents, grandparents, and anyone interested in the health of future generations.
I’ve written over 400 blogs spanning a variety of topics, but mostly related to health and babies. My website has had over 1.3 million views. I receive no remuneration for this work. God laid it on my heart to share what I have learned. Most of the time I include references to source material so that the topics I research and the facts I include can be thoroughly investigated. I don’t want anyone to take my advice, but I’d love to spark curiosity and investigation.
We ALL want healthy babies. Parents universally, with very rare exceptions, will do their utmost to give their baby the best start in life. Selfishly, having a healthy baby means a happy baby. Happy healthy babies are far easier to raise.
Western society is built on the idea that there are trustworthy experts in every field. We can’t all expect to know the finer details in every subject, so we rely on the experts who have studied and spent years refining their knowledge in their area of expertise. There was a time when this was a more or less safe strategy. The problem today is that there are a lot of conflicts of interests in the realm of information. Many highly respected doctors, scientists, parents and lawyers have investigated health policy and find many disturbing facts. They speak out with facts, evidence, history, court cases, etc. but are ignored because their revelations challenge the foundation of modern medicine and deeply entrenched public health policies. There is a religious fervor guarding and protecting certain policies that are pushed on all babies, children, and now even pregnant women, and promoted in the public arena as the only option.
Mainstream opinion is also heavily reliant on media representation. Investigation will reveal that nearly all forms of media are owned by a handful of companies and the information they present is tightly controlled. Advertising revenues depend on corporations whose primary obligation is to their share-holders and making a profit. The USA is one of only two countries in the world that allows direct to consumer advertising of pharmaceutical products. The pharmaceutical lobby is the largest lobby group and applies enormous pressure on all levels of government. A review of pharmaceutical revenue trends over the past 30 years is extremely revealing. Investigation of legal cases against these companies, and the fines imposed over the last 30 years will shock you.
I can’t cover every fact in this short piece, but I encourage you to find the information you need to understand this critically important issue. Your baby has been entrusted to you by God. You want the best for your baby. Question every routine medical procedure. Informed consent, by definition, requires that you know all the possible benefits and all the possible risks of every medical procedure. Don’t expect that you will receive full disclosure in a short office visit with a medical professional. They have been trained in a system and operate according to the beliefs of that system. Jesus told us that when a blind guide leads the blind, they both fall into a pit. Anyone who adheres with religious fervor to an orthodoxy that is not allowed to be questioned, is choosing to be willfully blind. Following advice that is not open to being questioned can result in extreme harm, but because of the protection in law, the full force of the decision lands squarely on the backs of parents alone. Companies that manufacture and distribute vaccines are shielded from all liability for any harm these products may cause.
There is no debate that vaccines cause injury and death. The facts speak for themselves: over $4.4 billion has been paid through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) from 1988 – 2020. A detailed analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) concludes that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.” They further found that possible reactions to routine shots given were around 2.6% of all vaccines given, not ‘one in a million’ as often claimed.[1]
My intent is not to bug you, annoy you, or ostracize myself from you. I would love to dialogue with you about this topic. In our crazy world I am tempted to just keep quiet and NOT share this vitally important information with you. But my conscience will not allow me to do that. I don’t claim that I am the only source of knowledge or that everything I say is 100% truth, but I have done my best to present information founded on truth. I urge you to explore for yourself. I’d love to discuss any aspect of this information that you feel I don’t fully understand, or have been misguided. I created a page to help those new to exploring this topic. I consider it like a “Table of Contents” for a book. The url is meant to be easy to remember and share: Journeyboost.com/vaccines
Below you will find links to the most popular blogs I’ve published with the date and number of views.
That is just a glimpse. I consider myself something of a vaccine apologist. I’m on a quest for truth.
As an aside, I started my quest for truth regarding infant health when I learned the powerful health impact of breastfeeding. Our Creator designed a brilliant way for moms to pass on health and immunity to their babies. I’ve dedicated much of my life to promote and help moms breastfeed their babies. While simple, it’s not always easy to succeed. For the longterm health of your baby, line up all the support you can in advance to ensure breastfeeding success. Perseverance and support are the biggest factors that will help you deliver the vital nourishment and immune protection you baby needs.
In every topic, the truth is harder and harder to find in the midst of so much deception and censoring. Parents face more pressure than ever before to conform to recommendations without asking questions. Parents don’t know they can refuse.
The undeniable truth I keep bumping into is the reality that non vaccinated babies, children, and adults – if you can find them – are generally robustly healthy. God designed a brilliant innate immune system that works very effectively when we have indoor plumping and adequate nutrition. Of course there are countries in the world where people desperately need clean sources of water and struggle with the food supply. The population may not be robustly healthy, but vaccines do not help them in those circumstances. A career medical researcher, Dr Peter Aaby, published his shocking results after decades of collecting data showing that some of the vaccines given routinely in an urban community in Guinea-Bissau actually caused more deaths than they prevented. His 2017 paper reports that all cause mortality more than doubled after the introduction of the DTP vaccine.[2]
We all want healthy children. Have we been deceived? What is the best route to health? I encourage all parents, grandparents, teachers, and health professionals to remain open minded and critically examine all the information you receive. Don’t blindly trust me. Don’t blindly trust anyone.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved and blessed with a husband of nearly 40 years, five precious babies, and now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
Please subscribe to my blog. I don’t post too frequently, but would love to stay connected with you. Complete the subscribe form on the left of the home page. I love comments and always appreciate editing tips – Journeyboost is currently a solo effort!
[1] Preliminary data were collected from June 2006 through October 2009 on 715,000 patients, and 1.4 million doses (of 45 different vaccines) were given to 376,452 individuals. Of these doses, 35,570 possible reactions (2.6 percent of vaccinations) were identified. This is an average of 890 possible events, an average of 1.3 events per clinician, per month. These data were presented at the 2009 AMIA conference. In addition, ESP:VAERS investigators participated on a panel to explore the perspective of clinicians, electronic health record (EHR) vendors, the pharmaceutical industry, and the FDA towards systems that use proactive, automated adverse event reporting. Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf
[2] “DTP was associated with 5-fold higher mortality than being unvaccinated. No prospective study has shown beneficial survival effects of DTP. Unfortunately, DTP is the most widely used vaccine, and the proportion who receives DTP3 is used globally as an indicator of the performance of national vaccination programs.
It should be of concern that the effect of routine vaccinations on all-cause mortality was not tested in randomized trials. All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis. Though a vaccine protects children against the target disease it may simultaneously increase susceptibility to unrelated infections.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5360569/
While natural remedies might not work for everyone, these tips were gleaned from a large number of women eager to share what worked for them. Some of the suggestions are repeated over by many women. I decided to include most of the repetitions… If you feel you have tried everything, maybe you will find a new idea to try. There is conflicting information so you will have to explore and discover for yourself. If you “have tried everything” perhaps skip to the end to TheMomentsAtHome article… I’d love to know what has worked for you. Please share in the comments. Thanks
Everyone says B6[1], and they’re right except that it takes time to build up enough B6 in your system, so you can’t expect quick results. A person should start taking it as soon as they find out they’re pregnant. The wrist bands work. I also liked a small amount (maybe 2 Tbsp) of lemon juice with salt. This works when nausea begins. Also, eating sweets will make it worse. Eat starch and protein, such as a bean and cheese burrito, right before bed.
Linum B6 just before bed. It is B6 ina flax based capsule. Works wonders!
Don’t drink fast. Take very little sips.
You won’t find many articles on it, but cannabis is very good for morning sickness and mothers that smoke it have babies that are more alert and start socializing sooner … God’s favorite plant.
If dehydrated, water can make it worse. Make an electrolyte drink with a pinch of salt, honey, lemon, and ginger. Sip that slowly.
Nux vomica is an amazing homeopathic remedy for nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness. It may also help with heartburn.
Organic apple cider vinegar with the mother. Ginger. Peppermint. Pickles. Lemon water.
Sour hard candy like jolly ranchers.
Constantly drinking sparkling water with fresh ginger. And popcorn was my staple! But popcorn made on the stove top, not microwaved.
Sour candy
Ginger tea
Sea band motion sickness bracelets.
Floradix liquid calcium and magnesium.
An apple helped, usually nothing else I tried did. I had HORRIBLE entire pregnancy long sickness with my second.
A very weak ginger tea. Sip it, and eat protein, or drink protein shakes.
The organic ginger Moscow mule simple truth Kroger mix! It’s perfect for so many reasons! (yes of course it’s alcohol free, it’s just an awesome thing to sip on!).
I made my daughter a rollerball using doTERRA essential oils for down her spine, back of neck and wrists I personally sucked on hard candy lemon drops, they were sweet on the outside and sour inside.
CBD oil [I highly recommend finding an organic full spectrum oil. I’ve found a great CBD oil with a 30 day money back guarantee].
Red jelly beans.
Hot caramel apple cider.
I have a friend who swears by apples and it has worked for most people that have tried it.
Dyclegis helped me so much this time! I know it is a med but I couldn’t function without it.
Saltine crackers.
Lots of good snacks around the clock… Till this fades.
I swear by Seabands.
This works: get a bunch of fresh ginger. Scrape off the peel and grind it to a pulp in the blender (very easy). Pack into a jar and add as much honey as you have ginger, half and half. Stir and refrigerate. Put 2 – 4 spoonfuls into hot or cold water and stir. Super yummy, honey is all melted in and mixes easily, the ginger settles the nausea almost immediately, and the ginger is good for you!
Baking soda water if it’s an emergency. Eat lots of alkaline foods. Nothing greasy for dinner. Take calcium and magnesium at night. And make sure to drink electrolytes at day time.
Ginger tea.
I used ginger chews.
Smelling peppermint essential oil.
Gripe water.
A lack of B vitamins, especially B6 has been shown in medical studies to be low in women with hyperemesis grad. Also, try a spoonful of activated charcoal or bentonite clay on an empty stomach. Morning sickness may be a sign of toxicity – the body trying to get rid of it – watch the foods you eat.
Prego pops worked really well for me … and REAL ginger ale.
Natural didn’t work for me. I tried ginger, B6, wrist sickness pressure bands, peppermint and prig pops, staying hydrated and eating small and often … crackers etc. I did diclegis third pregnancy and it was wonderful, just had my baby 3 weeks ago. Healthy and beautiful. Did Zofran second time and nothing first time. I believe you do the pills to stay out of hospital. I’m sick entire 9 months too. It’s a killer. Try diclegis if you are not totally against the drugs. It’s the less of 2 evils and will keep you functioning very well I might add.
Ginger tea & ginger candies worked so well for me and I had morning sickness something awful. I’d stay away from the Zofran if you can.
Ginger, peppermint, digestive enzymes are great, cannabis if it’s legal for medicinal use in your state? I hope you find relief momma! Maybe a tummy tea?
You can find cannabis tinctures and edibles that work great and have zero negative effects on health.
Try bitters. I got it on line. You put a few drops of bitters in soda water or a soda drink. Aromatic bitters, brand name is Angostura. A young family member suffers from nausea all the time and this works like a charm. The active ingredient is an herb called gentian.
Morning sickness, according to my nutrition doctor, is when a body in early pregnancy is trying to detox itself and everything gets tossed in the stomach overnight so you wake up ill in the morning. The best way to eliminate this is to help with the detoxing process by eating live food only for a few days. I personally would eat tons of fruit because fruit is a natural cleanser. I never had morning sickness with either of mine so I did not have to try this myself but it’s worth a shot?
Find acupuncture point P6 on the inner wrist area. Rub, needle. Wear a wrist band with a small bead attached to stimulate the point.
Magnesium is essential, obviously tablets won’t stay down, so epson salts baths and magnesium spray on the skin can help.
Magnesium spray for sure!!
You can also try natural progesterone cream, sold at natural/health stores [my personal recommendation is Progesterall formulated by Dr John Lee]. Rub a dime-sized amount on a different area of your body twice daily. DoTERRA’s peppermint beadlets and the DigestZen oil blend also work great for some.
I drank kefir a lot with morning sickness. That was the only thing that really helped.
Sniffing fresh lemon helped me. And eating boiled rice with a bit of salt and sprinkled with fresh lemon juice.
Raspberry tea. The morning sickness is due to the rising level of HCG (human choriogonadotropic hormone) in your body. It peaks around three months and then it falls off and you start to feel better again. Out of five children I only had severe morning sickness once. I didn’t do much but want to lay on the couch most of the day. It is just something you have to get through knowing it won’t last.
A high quality bio-active B complex such as Garden of Life Raw B, as well as magnesium. Hope it helps!
Magnesium, vitamins B6 and B12.
Cannabis oil or edibles.
Chinese medicine.
Try the Homeopathic nux vomica.
Try natural calm magnesium and acupuncture works!
Pedialyte pops.
Cannabis is safe and works wonders for nausea.
B6. Raw milk.
Sounds like hypermesis graviderum. Look into the hypermesis diet. Eat protein, smell fresh lemon for nausea, use the sea bands. I feel your pain. I was in hospital 2 times with my first child. It gets better the further along you are. Hang in there mama!!!!
Extra B6 helped me. I’m 5 days out from my due date and with number 2 and have had nausea and throwing up all 10 months with both pregnancies. Eating a little piece (like size of chocolate chip) of edible before bed helped me sleep without feeling like I was in a boat on days I was extremely bad. Peppermint oil on a sugar cube works, peppermint oil on wrists or neck, and peppermint tea works. Eating fresh ginger, or grating it and adding it to hot water with lemon and a tad bit of honey and sipping on it. Chewing on ice. And on certain days I will take vitamin water and dilute it with water. This time around I only had 2 IVs from dehydration last time it got to point that I was thankful for paramedic friends I have that would come give me them at home in my own bed.
Real fruit juice popsicles.
Go on YouTube and search “nausea pregnancy acupuncture”
Use SeaBands on your wrists they look like tennis bands but have small weights in them that press on acupuncture points for nausea.
Acupunture there are 2 points under the tongue when one has morning sickness. It is because the body has not accepted the pregnancy yet. One treatment should help it is in the middle of the 2 thick blue veins under the tongue if you are afraid of acupuncture you can stimulate the 2 points with clear crystal points.
Ginger in hot water with honey.
You can find cannabis tinctures and edibles that work great and have zero negative effects on health 🙂
[1] “Pyridoxine [vitamin B6} can be used as a single agent or in conjunction with doxylamine. One small study demonstrated that vitamin B6 in a dosage of 25 mg taken orally every eight hours (75 mg per day) was more effective than placebo for controlling nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.” Quinla JD, Hill DA. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Am Fam Physician. 2003;68(1):121-128. https://www.aafp.org/afp/2003/0701/p121.html
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace I was saved and blessed to bring five precious babies into the world, and now get to watch nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
I have absolute confidence in your body’s ability to grow a baby, birth a baby, and breastfeed a baby! You’re doing great! God created your precious baby and knows him/her well already! There was a divine spark that ignited life in you and is now growing in you!
I recently saw this list of questions to ask midwives and thought it was a fairly good list but got me thinking about the most important questions pregnant parents should ask. I would modify some of the questions so that they require more than a yes/no answer.
One question I would add – at the top of the list is “Describe the cord clamping process”. Many ‘standard’ practices of birth are widely accepted by midwives. Midwives were once the guardians of natural respectful birth but have become indoctrinated with medical training in a similar way as doctors. Not all midwives have the same outlook on standard procedures around birth which makes it important to know what to ask about. Some examples:
TDaP & flu vaccines routinely recommended during pregnancy have never been safety tested, yet because CDC recommends them for every woman for every pregnancy – no matter when they had the last shot – midwives go along with suggesting or recommending them. This recommendation has only recently been implemented – from around 2008 or so. Before that EVERYONE understood vaccines in pregnancy were a very bad idea. I’ve got a few blogs about these. Moms can absolutely refuse. Politely refuse.
Rhogam during pregnancy. This shot has caused a lot of problems for some individuals related through VaxXed story videos. Many times the blood type of the father is not even considered. If both mom and dad are rH – there is no need for a Rhogam shot either during pregnancy or after birth. I admit I haven’t fully researched the impact of refusing Rhogam for after birth when a baby is rH positive. I just accepted that when my first two babies were born, tested to be + and I got the shot – after the birth. The only ‘danger’ or risk of refusing the Rhogam after birth is going to be for the next pregnancy/baby. If mom is rH negative and baby is rH positive some of the blood may have mixed during the birth process which would cause mom to produce antibodies in the next pregnancy. It will not impact the current baby. There are health risks for mom that are generally not presented when the shot is recommended. Rhogam contains polysorbate 80 which is known to open the blood brain barrier.
During Birth:
What type of monitoring is done during labor?
What kind of movement will be possible for me during labor?
How do you encourage movement?
Under what circumstances would you want to restrict movement?
What type of water birth options are available?
At what stage of labor is a birthing pool encouraged?
What position do most of your moms give birth in? This is a good question because it reveals the reality of what happens – not just what they say they believe in. Standing, squatting, (my third baby) or kneeling over a chair (that’s how you, #4, were born) allow the fullest opening of the pelvis for easier delivery. Lying on a bed restricts the pelvis – my first two babies.
After birth:
Vitamin K. Most facilities routinely administer vitamin K nearly immediately after birth – sometimes without even asking the parents or thinking twice about it. I’ve got a few blogs about Vitamin K. Knowing what I know I would always refuse vitamin K injections, but staff are often misinformed and very pushy about this. If the staff are pushy I would have vitamin K drops on hand and assure them the drops will provide even better protection. I don’t think the drops are necessary to give, but they provide a great protection from pushy medical people. Dr Suzanne Humphries speaks to the details of vitamin K injections and drops in a video on my blog.
Hepatitis B vaccine on first day of life. This is one of the worst vaccines. I’ve written extensively about it. Hepatitis B vaccine is never necessary, especially when mom is negative for hepatitis B, yet so many medical people push it as if it is life-saving.
‘Eye goop’. Standard policy for all babies to protect against blindness possibly caused by STI in the vaginal canal. It burns baby’s eyes and causes them to keep them closed which can interfere with bonding.
Bath. Timing of the first bath. Many people feel delaying a bath is better for baby. The vernix is good to soak in the skin. Any mess can simply be wiped off.
Delayed Cord clamping is HUGE. Quick cord clamping greatly reduces baby’s total blood volume. 1/3 of baby’s blood is still in the cord. Some birth attendants think they delay because they wait one minute. The cord needs to be allowed to give all the residual blood and STEM CELLS to the baby. Some say 10 minutes, some say until the cord stops pulsating, and some do ‘lotus’ birth where they don’t ever cut the cord but keep the cord and placenta attached for days until it naturally falls off!
Ask ‘what happens to my placenta‘? That’s another good question. Many women want to keep their placenta. Some prepare it and capsulize it and find it a wonderful supplement for the months following birth. I never did that, but your SIL did.
All standard procedures can be refused – but navigating the process can be challenging depending on the staff, their beliefs, and their respect for you. Many babies ‘accidentally’ are given shots that the parents have expressly stated they do not want. The best approach for this is to keep the baby in your arms – mom or dad or baby body guard (BBG) – at all times while in the medical facility. If baby needs anything the nurse will sometimes say “I need to take baby to nursery for ….” a BBG must accompany nurse for all such visits.
Medical people hate to be disrespected. The hardest part of navigating birth is the need to be ultra respectful and polite while standing your ground! Information, research, and knowledge will all give you the kahoonas to manage this process. Having respect for ridiculousness is not my strongest character strength, but I keep trying to learn and put it into practice.
I highly recommend a very short booklet called Basic Needs of a Woman in Labor. Understanding these principles truly make labor go easier, faster and better. You can order an electronic copy with any small donation.
I repeat, I have absolute confidence in your body’s ability to grow a baby, birth a baby, and breastfeed a baby! You’re doing great! God created your precious baby and knows him/her well already! There was a divine spark that ignited life in you and is now growing in you! My hope is that you would not have any fear at all, but feel empowered for this process. Love Mom
Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.
36 doses of vaccines targeting 14 infections BEFORE 18 MONTHS, never tested individually for safety, or proven safe given in combination, yet recommended by CDC.
Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.
This is an anonymous true account of one mother’s experience. This story has received a huge amount of shares on my Facebook Page, so I thought I would make a permanent place for it on my blog. To be clear – this is not MY story. It was shared with me by a mom in 2016. She gave me permission to publish her story anonomously.
“This is my daughter. The first photo of her and I was before she received the Hep B vaccine. The second is the very last photo I got of her.
To me she looked almost sickly in the second photo. She passed that following morning between 6:50-7:20am 36hrs exactly after receiving the Hep B vaccine at 14 days old. She was only 4lbs 6oz which is contraindicated on the insert, no premature baby under 4.4lbs should receive this vaccine, no one with liver issues (she was still mildly jaundice). She hadn’t even reached her due date. I feel so robbed. My baby was stolen from me. My precious beautiful baby girl. My first daughter. I found out I was pregnant with her August 17th 2013. She was born at 34.5 weeks on 4/10/14. She passed 4/26/14. I was going to take her to the ER that morning if she was still lethargic like she was the day before. Unfortunately she never made it, because I TRUSTED her doctor. I called and he said she would be fine, it’s just from the vaccine. Yeah. It was from the vaccine. Little did I know it was causing her liver and heart to go into failure. I feel so much guilt. I think of all the things I COULD have done, all the things I SHOULD have done. I have a hard time forgiving myself, and accepting the fact it wasn’t my fault. But I feel like it was, I should have trusted my gut, because my gut was SCREAMING ‘don’t vaccinate her’, that’s why I had refused in the hospital, but they threatened me with CPS, told me I’d get my kids taken if I didn’t vaccinate. I’m not Hep B positive. Newborns don’t do drugs and don’t have sex. Why was it SO imperative to inject my preemie with the toxins that killed her? And the worst part is, I can’t even hold the doctor who forced it accountable! So moms, dads, and anyone else reading this, if you have any doubt, or if your gut/instinct is screaming ‘NO’, LISTEN. It’s there for a reason. Please listen to it, I wish I did, it may save your child’s life.” A heartbroken mother
Be prepared. Get the facts. Say NO to unnecessary vaccines. I’ve compiled information on the Hepatitis B vaccine to help you start your research. Don’t blindly believe me.But don’t believe those who push you to accept this shot for your precious baby either. Get the facts for yourself. You can always give a vaccine later, you can never ‘undo’ a vaccine once it is injected. Your child’s life is in YOUR HANDS. No one else will have to live with the outcome of your choice. I’ve collected more information for those interested in more information on vaccines here.
Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion! Becky writes, speaks, and shares information hoping to educate parents on the anomalies and contradictions in the vaccine debate.
Many parents blindly trust doctors. Others mistrust all of them. How can parents find a doctor who respects their parenting decisions even if they may differ from standard medical advice or experience?
Some parents are informed of true vaccine risks versus benefits prior to pregnancy and childbirth and are able to avoid vaccines entirely; other parents notice vaccine injury and decide to discontinue giving further vaccines. Parents who follow standard medical practice, and allow their baby to be injected with vaccines, whether bullied into it or not, often experience deep feelings of betrayal on top of the trauma of dealing with a vaccine injury. They never expected that such a ‘nice doctor’ could recommend such a devastating procedure for their healthy baby. Many parents with children injured or killed by vaccines are further traumatized by the denial of the real and obvious vaccine injury by the ‘nice doctor’. Some parents are kicked out of a medical practice for refusing to accept more vaccines for their baby.
Parents who understand the true risk of vaccines seek to find a doctor for their baby who will respect their decision, if not fully support it.
If you are searching for a doctor who will support your non mainstream ideas regarding parental choice, you might want to adopt a stealth approach. Use vague words when asking questions like, “I’m looking for a doctor who supports a more natural holistic approach to health for my child.” Many parents have found they need to keep their child’s vaccine status quiet in order to protect their baby/child from ‘well meaning’ but ignorant people who could cause unwanted complications. By keeping our family’s vaccine status close to our chest until we get to know people, we provide greater protection for our young children.
Ways to identify doctors who accept non-vaccinated children without ever pushing vaccines.
Firstly, I don’t have lists of doctors, but there are a lot of respectful doctors available. Word of mouth is probably the best way to locate a potential doctor in your area. Some good ways (not guaranteed) to find an open-minded doctor:
1) Ask on local FB groups that have a more natural/crunchy leaning.
2) Ask moms from a La Leche League or other breastfeeding support group/meeting
3) Ask about doctors at a local health food store or co-op
4) Consider finding a “family” doctor or “general practitioner” who often have a more accepting attitude of family choices.
5) Look for some labels that indicate a differently thinking doctor like ‘Integrative’, ‘Functional Medicine’, or ‘Physical Medicine’. Practices with this type of ‘label’ may include chiropractors and have a more of a ‘team’ approach to achieving health.
6) Many families find regular chiropractic visits are more beneficial than pediatrician visits.
7) One option is to skip well visits completely.
Good questions to ask:
How does Dr _____ encourage natural immunity and health in babies and children? (good answers include supporting/encouraging exclusive breastfeeding, delaying or avoiding vaccines, attention to good nutrition and avoiding processed foods, elderberry or other immune boosting supplements, good sleep and hygiene practices, etc.)
What is Dr ____ approach to fevers in babies and children? Fevers are beneficial and yet many doctors and parents rush to give fever reducers which could actually cause further harm.
What does Dr _____ think of using vitamin C in high doses? While this might not be a ‘deal breaker’, knowledge of the effectiveness of vitamin C in babies and children is an indication that this doctor has researched beyond the standard training of medical school.
A bonus question regarding childhood cancers. I’m not sure of how to approach such a question, but it is becoming an increasing concern to parents that if a child is diagnosed with cancer they have very few treatment options (radiation, chemotherapy, and/or surgery). Many parents have faced the threat or reality of forced removal of their child by CPS/DCF if they seek second opinions or alternative therapies to treat their child’s cancer. My children are now grown, but it would be wise to get an awareness of your child’s doctor’s opinion on the growing incidence of cancers amongst children, causes and best options for treatment. I pray you will never need this information.
The NVIC.org provides helpful information on vaccine requirements and exemptions for each state. There may be local vaccine truth activist organizations or individuals that you can connect with. Finding other vaccine truth activists near you can be a great resource in many ways.
Doctors are highly regarded in our culture and can play a significant role in our parenting decisions. It’s important to find a doctor who encourages you, respects your parenting instincts, and truly has your baby’s health as their top priority. Not all pediatricians have taken the time necessary to research the complexities of vaccines for themselves. They trust what their training and professional organizations tell them. I wish you well in your search for such a person. Here is an example of an amazing doctor.
Please leave a comment with your suggestions for ways to find a doctor, and good questions to ask in your search!
Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies, including which vaccines to choose. Becky loves mountain biking and appreciates donations, which mainly encourage her.
I’m not telling you what to do. But please research, read, and investigate what standard procedures will be done to your baby BEFORE you give birth. A vitamin K injection soon after birth has been recommended for over 40 years. Some nurses have been so indoctrinated into thinking it is ONLY good, and never causes harm, that they resort to secretly administering these shots to parents who refuse. The following Facebook comment is verified as being the actual statement from a nurse working in Labor and Delivery for over 30 years:
One not so obvious implication with this nurse’s ‘well intentioned’ action is that she does not record giving the injection into the patient chart. Imagine if another nurse on a different shift has the same mindset? What if baby were actually given 2 or more vitamin K shots because it wasn’t recorded?
Parents. Inform yourself. Make your own choices. But if you go to a hospital make sure you have a reliable baby body guard who 100% agrees to uphold your wishes. Don’t take any chances. A baby body guard should be incredibly strong – unbending – while very respectful, since medical personnel often get their pride wounded when someone disagrees with them. A baby body guard NEVER leaves baby’s side. It is important to designate someone to this position because a mom may not be able to perform this role in the first few hours or sometimes days, after birth. Dad, grandmother, doula, or good friend are possible choices for this important role.
Did you know….The United States Food and Nutrition Board established the adequate intake (AI) level for vitamin K based on consumption levels of healthy individuals for babies 0-6 months at 2mcg. The injection routinely given to newborns contains 1mg (1000mcg) of vitamin K1.
Vitamin K is promoted to ‘protect’ baby from very rare brain bleeds, but is the vitamin K shot completely safe?
Click to read the ingredient list directly from the packaging.
There are two versions of the shot commonly used in US hospitals. The ‘preservative free’ version is manufactured by Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and contains 10mg of polysorbate 80.
Here is the black box warning:
The other vitamin K injection, phytonadione by Hospira, Inc., contains 9 mg of benzoyl alcohol (as a preservative) which will target baby’s liver and often leads to baby developing jaundice in the first 2 days of life. Additionally, the impact on the liver may be exacerbated by the 250 mcg of aluminum in the Hepatitis B shot which is also recommended to be given to baby on the first day of life.
Does it make sense to inject every single baby with something that could harm them to protect them from something that occurs so rarely we don’t even keep stats on it?
For more information on whether the vitamin K injection is a good idea for your baby, several key aspects of vitamin need to be explored:
The role of injected vitamin K in thickening the blood which prevents the delivery of baby’s own stem cells to the vital work of repair, especially to the brain, of birth trauma.
The critical importance of delayed cord clamping (until cord stops pulsating, which may take up to 10 minutes).
The amount of vitamin K in the injection.
The other ingredients in the injections such as polysorbate 80 which is known to open the tight junctures in the brain allowing other ingredients to pass the blood brain barrier.
Repeated exposure of polysorbate 80 and its role in anaphylactic shock. This ingredient is in the DTaP combination vaccine given in five doses starting at 2 months. It is also an ingredient in the HPV vaccine, which has one of the highest number of vaccine adverse events reported to VAERS.
I’ve collected information with citations in previous blogs:
Are there alternatives to injecting vitamin K? Many moms are comfortable with increasing their own stores of vitamin K by eating lots of green leafy vegetables late in pregnancy. Breastfeeding is so important for every aspect of baby’s longterm health, and will also convey the right amount of vitamin K. If you still feel fearful of not giving your baby the standard vitamin K injection, you can choose to give baby oral vitamin K instead.
In 1992, the Netherlands eliminated the vitamin K shot in favor of administration of 1 mg oral Vitamin K at birth followed by daily doses of 25 mcg from week 1 to 3 months of age in breastfed infants (source).
In Switzerland, a slightly different oral vitamin K protocol is used, which consists of weekly 1 mg oral doses for 2-3 months.
The result of this change? No cases of Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding (VKDB) – even late onset!
Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of our lifetime. Once an injection is given, it cannot be taken back. Please research exactly what you want your baby to be injected with BEFORE you have to make the decision. Parents need to increase their intuition and decrease their reliance on medical doctors.
Why Are American Doctors so Clueless?
The infant mortality rate in the US is absolutely abysmal, ranking in 34th place after countries like Singapore, the Czech Republic, South Korea, Croatia, and Cuba. This despite having “the best” medicine in the world—and spending more than any other country on health care to boot. It’s quite clear that Americans have a lot to learn with regards to what makes for a healthy baby.
Long-term health does not at all appear to be correlated with getting an abundance of injections. We’re missing something, and I believe that something is really fundamental and basic. Many Americans do not trust their bodies to do what nature intended their bodies to do. The human body is imbued with the power to self heal, if given adequate support. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/08/12/vitamin-k-shot-newborns.aspx
All my love, Becky Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 25 years, Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. Becky loves mountain biking and appreciates donations, which mainly encourage her.
I highly admire the work of Forrest Maready. He lives next door, in North Carolina (I live in South Carolina). His family has been profoundly adversely impacted by vaccines, which he only realized AFTER he began to research the topic extensively. He writes with a passion to convey the truth about the benefits of natural immunity and the unintended harm caused by our widespread vaccine recommendations. As a former vaccine proponent, he understands how difficult it is to encounter and process new information that challenges your underlying paradigms.
I have watched many of the 100s of videos he has made. I also met him personally at a meeting in Atlanta and found him to be a very smart, outside the box thinker. The world needs more people fully informed and gently sharing truth. If you read his book, and share it with others, together, we will make an impact!
“If you always wanted to give someone a short, cheap, easy-to-read explanation of why you’ve chosen natural immunity instead of vaccines, I’ve got a new book on Amazon! Only $7 and will change the mind of even the most skeptical mother-in-law!” Forrest Maready
Why are more parents choosing natural immunity for their children? When I first heard that people were purposefully not vaccinating their children, I was shocked. Vaccines have been described as the most incredible medical invention of all time—a miracle of science and technology that has saved the lives of untold millions. I couldn’t believe that seemingly intelligent, educated parents were purposefully foregoing vaccines for their children, and in fact, were so convinced these medical prodecures were harming us, they would go out of their way to try to convince others. When a close friend of mine told me that his infant child was going to be unvaccinated, I thought he was completely insane. After much coaxing, he convinced me to do my own research and challenge him on his beliefs. A few months later, I had read things about vaccines and disease that I had never heard before. Things that no one—including our pediatrician—had ever mentioned. I was convinced there was a giant conspiracy to try and discredit vaccines, but after diving headfirst into recent scientific research seldom mentioned in the news, I eventually came to believe much differently about vaccines and the diseases they are supposed to protect us from. This short book will take you along the same journey I made as I transitioned from a dedicated vaccinating parent to someone who now questions whether any vaccines are actually worth the risk, even in third world countries. It barely scratches the surface of this, the greatest debate of our time, but if nothing else, will give you a clear idea as to why an increasing number of parents are raising their children unvaccinated.
I personally have seen the obvious glowing health of non-vaccinated babies and children. In fact, my husband recently commented that a non-vaccinated baby we know stands out sharply in contrast to other babies of the same age because of his bright perceptive eyes, and vibrant glowing health. While many moms are struggling with breastfeeding, struggling for baby to gain weight, and struggling with many other challenges in the first year of life – which may or may not be connected with receiving so many vaccines – the non-vaccinated babies I have encountered rarely have these issues. Moms who have personally vaccinated one child, but made a choice to not give vaccines to subsequent children, are often amazed at the difference. Doctors who have large numbers of non-vaccinated babies and children in their practise have come to realise they are by far the most healthy children.
Those who choose not to vaccinate are not endangering the world, or taking advantage of the risk and sacrifice of others (as I have been accused). The best gift I can give to the world is a vibrant innate immune system. I support the immune system with clean eating and natural supplements. I do not fear infectious disease for myself, my children, or my grandchildren. Our bodies are designed to have a strong defensive strategy to combat disease when we seek to cooperate with it, and not override it with injecting very questionable ingredients.
Those who convey a sense of shock and horror for “the children who are immune compromised and not able to receive vaccines” need to do a lot more thinking about the issue, which would take at least another whole blog to address.
Be well. Be healthy. Inform yourself. Share truth with love.
Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a life & wellness coach, Becky seeks to inspire and motivate others to find increased energy, joy, and longevity. Navigating information to achieve long-term health goals in every area of life is a passion!