28 Essentials to know BEFORE vaccinating your child

All parents considering vaccines for their baby/child or for themselves, should be fully informed of these facts prior to giving the shots. This is not a complete list. I am sure there are many more things that could be added. Please add your additional points to the comments.

1. I understand that the pharmaceutical company who made this vaccine has NO liability if it injures or kills my child, or the recipient of the vaccine. Neither the doctor who administers the shot nor the government agencies recommending this vaccine can be held liable for injury or death.
2. If a recipient is killed or hurt by a vaccine in the USA, and I am able to prove it in The Office of Special Masters of the US Court of Federal Claims, popularly known as ‘vaccine court’, the HHS will allocate funds via the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), acquired from the public through a ‘vaccine tax’. This process requires legal representation and may take several years. In Canada very little payment is paid for a dead or injured child.
3. I understand that many vaccines contains neurotoxins such as aluminum in amounts that far exceed “safe levels” deemed by the FDA and EPA. Aluminum is also osteotoxic (toxic to bone development).
4. I understand that this vaccine may contain known carcinogenic ingredients and all vaccine package inserts clearly states “This vaccine has not be tested for carcinogenicity”.
5. I understand that cancer rates in children have been skyrocketing, yet no studies have been done to determine if vaccines are connected with early childhood cancers.
6. I understand that some vaccines are made using cell lines developed using aborted fetal cells and that these vaccines contain residual amounts of DNA fragments from both aborted baby boy and girl cells. Studies of the impact of injecting human DNA are extremely concerning.
7. I understand that some vaccines are derived from animal and insect tissue, or grown with eggs and contains fragments of these foreign proteins.
8. I understand that getting this vaccine does not guarantee protection from the disease and that many vaccinated children contract the infectious disease it was intended to prevent.
9. I understand that my child could be a carrier of the disease s/he was vaccinated for and spread it through “shedding” (from live virus vaccines such as MMR) or as an asymptomatic carrier (DTaP) for up to six weeks.
10. I understand that my doctor may get monetarily rewarded for having a high percentage of his/her patients who are fully vaccinated.
11. I understand that if my child is injured by a vaccine, most doctors are not trained to recognize and treat such an injury, are not aware of the process to report such an injury to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), nor understand how to properly document the injury to prove such an injury in ‘vaccine court’.
12. I understand that my doctor has no incentive to acknowledge vaccine injury or spend the time necessary to complete the paper work required to report an injury, or assist me in making a claim for an injury.
13. I understand that according to a study by the NIH, vaccine injury is severely under-reported.
14. I understand that while all medical professionals employed to inject vaccines are required by law to report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths and serious health problems following vaccination to VAERS, it is estimated that less than 10 percent, of all vaccine-related health problems are ever reported to VAERS. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, or technicians administering vaccines have had little training in recognizing a vaccine injury and little incentive to report a child/infant injury/death caused directly by the vaccine. Additionally, many medical examiners purposefully hide vaccine involvement in death evaluations.
15. I understand that pharmaceutical companies have no incentive to make their product safer because they hold no personal liability regarding any damages the vaccine does to children or adults.
16. I understand that pharmaceutical companies spend up to 4x more on marketing and advertising than they do on research.
17. I understand that corporate media gets 70% of their advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies.
18. I understand that corporate media does not want to lose revenue, certainly not 70% of it.
19. I understand that when pharmaceutical companies conduct a study (on their own product) it is in their best interest to have a favorable outcome and that not all data discovered during trials is published.
20. I understand that the current vaccine schedule as recommended by the CDC has never been tested for safety.
21. I understand that even one vaccine could cause injury or death in some cases, and my child could be one of them. I understand that vaccine injury or vaccine induced death are often listed as side effects on vaccine package inserts (VPI) and that most medical professionals have not read the full VPI and do not supply it to parents prior to administering vaccines. All VPIs for every vaccine are available online from the FDA.
22. I have not had full informed consent unless my doctor has informed me of all the risks and side effects and has reviewed the VPI with me.
23. I understand that if my child dies from this vaccine and I am able to prove it, I will be awarded no more than $250,000. This will involve a lengthy process and will require legal representation who must prove that the death was due to the vaccine while arguing against a legal team working for the Department of Justice in a secret ‘Vaccine Court’ decided on by a ‘Special Master’.
24. I understand that from 1988 up to March 30, 2018. $3.9 billion has been paid out by the NVICP for vaccine injuries and deaths. Many other claims made to the NVICP were denied, including 5,000 in the autism omnibus case, despite the fact that the NVICP has paid out many cases of diagnosed regressive autism due to vaccines. “A law professor, Mary Holland from NYU School of Law, then published a detailed analysis of the NVICP data and found that about 86 other cases matching the diagnosis of autism have been paid by this ‘vaccine court. Interesting. The lawyers and judge must have been convinced that the vaccines caused their autism symptoms.” from here.
25. I understand vaccines have NEVER been proven to improve immunity or health as compared to not vaccinating and that this one study, which would cost very little time and money to conduct, is the ONLY study our government and vaccine makers REFUSE to do: vaccinated versus non (never) vaccinated.
26. I understand that because no research exists to prove vaccines improve immunity, I’m vaccinating my child based on factors, other than the proven research. Although many reasons can be cited for vaccinating, from blind faith to not having enough time to get informed, having research to prove that vaccines are safe and effective can’t be a reason to vaccinate because that research simply doesn’t exist. I understand I’m vaccinating for reasons having nothing to do with the research.
27. I understand that I’m placing my trust in an industry that has pleaded guilty in many cases related to the safety of their products (drugs) and have been ordered to pay out billions of dollars as compensation to their victims.
28. I understand that many doctors who have spent time analyzing the vaccine safety research are now speaking out about the known harm that vaccines can cause.

If, after knowing all this information, you still choose, or are forced, to vaccinate your child, or yourself, please read this blog, Preparing to Vaccinate, to prepare. There are some measure that may reduce the potential harm from vaccines.

Please share. Parents will generally not receive this information via their doctors or media outlets. Parents need ALL information in order to make an informed decision about vaccines. I have no ads on my page and receive no money in any way by researching and compiling this information; it is a labor of love.

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Shots for Babies

These are the actual shots that were prepared for a 16 month old who was “behind” on her vaccines. She was given all these vaccines on the same day: DPaT (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), Hib (Haemophilus influenza type B), IPV (Inactivated poliovirus), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Varicella (chicken pox), Hepatitis A, and PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate).

Parents unquestioningly line up their children to receive this many shots. It is routine for the doctor’s office staff to inject this many needles using both arms and both legs of baby while holding them down with force. Some babies and children actually die within hours or days after this chemical assault injected into their body. Many have serious immediate reactions which may have lifelong negative impacts. Other children seem to be ‘fine’ but return to the pediatrician’s office over time with ADD, ADHD, autism, diabetes, and various other illnesses, and they continue to be injected with yet more vaccines – all on the CDC schedule – but no one connects the dots. Referrals are made to occupational and speech therapy, and children are diagnosed with speech or developmental delay, and autism and many other auto-immune conditions or allergies.

Rarely do parents, or doctors, stop to ask WHY?

Please educate yourself, and all the pregnant or potentially pregnant people you know – BEFORE they face this many injections for their precious baby at one time. This schedule has never been studied in combination and US children are sicker than ever.
Read more about Navigating the Vaccine Information.


Becky Hastings, a wife, mom, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus, health promoter, breastfeeding counsellor helping moms for 22+ years, and someone who seeks to research, understand and share truth so people can make wise choices in our crazy mixed up, deceived world! Sometimes I share recipes and homespun teaching videos.


Death From Measles?

Every day parents are told by their health care professionals – both doctors and nurses: ‘if you don’t vaccinate your children, they will die.’ Parents also hear variations, such as ‘I’ve seen babies die from measles’, ‘children die from measles’ and ‘if your baby catches measles they will die.’

Physicians and pediatricians, whom all parents revere as being the ultimate source of knowledge of such things, often repeat these statements.

I have a very good friend, whom I respect a lot. She is a medical doctor, a mother, and a grandmother. She probably graduated in the late 1970s or so. She said this exact thing to a group of mothers when some raised questions regarding vaccine safety. In fact, this friend actually said “I have seen babies die from measles and it is horrible”, with the strong implication that the measles vaccination is essential to prevent death via measles, and because the conversation was very limited, the additional inference was that ‘all vaccines are needed’.

Her remark about actually having seen a baby die from measles stuck out in my brain. Since then I have heard or read many doctors who say the same thing, and it really makes me wonder. Have these doctors provided personal medical care to a baby who ended up dying from measles, or have they seen a case study, presented in a lecture with a picture of a baby that died from measles? Doctors are generally not open to being questioned about their claims, so I have not had my question answered.

Marcella Piper Terry is an intrepid researcher of vaccine safety and vaccine history. “When we bring up the fact that in developed nations like the U.K. and the United States, the death rate from measles had decreased by 98 – 99% before the vaccine was ever introduced, we are often accused of being calloused and not caring about the babies in Africa, because ‘everyone knows measles is deadly in Africa, right?'”

“Well, let’s take a look at what measles was like in Africa, way back in 1979…” (You Cannot Be Pro-Life and Pro-Vaccine, http://vaxtruth.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Pro-Life-printer-friendly.pdf)

In a talk given by a doctor from Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) he describes measles as a rather benign illness – even in Africa.

“In summary we know that under-nourished children suffer severely from measles, whatever their race.”

“Altered immunity, brought about by malnutrition, is the most likely explanation for the severity of measles in Africa today, and this also explains why the disease was so severe in Europe in the past.” J. H. M. Axton The Natural History of Measles, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Rhodesia, Zambezia (1979), VII(ii)

I am not saying that babies never die from measles, but that babies rarely die from measles, and that the way doctors represent the information about measles deaths is FALSE. In most cases of infant death associated with measles anywhere in the world, the prevailing cause of their death should more appropriately be attributed to nutritional deficiencies. In fact, there is ample evidence that vitamin A can significantly reduce the impact of measles infections and vitamin C in high doses can reduce the impact and duration of all viral and bacterial infections.

To routinely and categorically say that a child will die if they are not vaccinated against measles is an outlandish lie. All parents need to investigate this information for themselves. Doctors have been given a lot of information, but that doesn’t make it true. They believe what the CDC and the AAP tells them. They believe the pharmaceutical rep who is pushing vaccines. They think there is strong scientific evidence that shows vaccines are safe and effective. They have not taken the time to find out that NO SUCH SCIENCE exists.

Author: Becky Hastings is a wife, mother, grandmother, and passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety. From time to time Becky shares easy recipes that can help you have a healthier life!

Which Vaccines are Safe?

Many young parents, after being exposed to some of the dangers of the vaccine ingredients, are still not completely able to shake the strong authority giving them advice. They may have a friend with a vaccine injured child. They may have read about vaccine injury and are aware that it is a true risk, but having been repeatedly told by their doctor, by the media, by family and friends, that vaccines are safe and effective, they seek a way to give the shot/s, yet detox from the poisons received. Maybe their thinking is something like this:

‘I know it’s bad. I know it has harmful ingredients in it, but I’m so fearful of the disease, or I am so bullied by people around me, that I still MUST give my child this shot. So, please tell me how I can inject this poison into my child, then make it all go away afterwards.’

The ingredients in vaccines, once injected, can never be completely removed (neuro-toxic substances are especially difficult to remove from the brain).The damage caused by injecting poisons can never be completely repaired (especially the damage to the gut and the epigenetic impact you create in your DNA). You and I will never know the level of health and wellness our bodies and brain might have achieved if we had never been injected with vaccines in our childhood, by our well-meaning parents. In the same way, when you inject your baby, you will never know what their potential for life and health would have been without those substances. Today, in the USA, babies receive 46 shots before the age of 6. This combination has never been tested for safety and is creating a generation of sick children unknown to any previous generation.

Before your  baby is two years old, the CDC says they need 36 vaccines against 14 different infections, delivered via 24 needles, and containing 91 different antigens.

Additionally, many people are completely unaware that a lot of vaccines are formulated using aborted human babies – their tissue and cells. There are many unintended consequences, known in science parlance as “non-specific effects” from using vaccines based on human tissue and the residual DNA that is present. The evidence for the inclusion of human DNA cell fragments in the vaccines we inject today in incontrovertible. Most Christians are oblivious to how aborted baby parts were critically important to the rubella, MMR, shingles, chicken pox, and hepatitis A vaccines.

Ask yourself, ‘Is there a way to protect my child from illness, to make sure they have a vibrantly healthy brain and body and reach their full potential without injecting them with poison before their brain is even fully developed?’

If the answer is yes, you owe it to yourself and your child to find that route to health. You might be bucking society, or the people you respect, but your journey will give you confidence and JOY.

My friend, Ashley Cates, added this insight:

“I want to add — do not fear the infections vaccines are supposed to prevent! Your child will have a much better chance at living a healthy life even if they catch measles, whooping-cough, and chicken pox… In fact, it gives them a lower risk of cancer if they do catch it. And these diseases are not dangerous for relatively healthy children living in the USA. If you still fear not vaccinating, you know you need to do more reading and more research because there are many highly intelligent parents and professionals who do not fear those diseases because we are well-informed. We’ve finally been able to see reality through research – even after being indoctrinated to fear instead of thinking critically about vaccination.”

“Again, once mercury and aluminum get into the brain and start destroying neutrons, that is not something you can just ‘detox’ from. You cannot just undo all of that damage. You are making a major change to the growth of the brain. And God-forbid the residual DNA from the aborted fetal cells integrates into your child’s genome. (There are studies proving these things happen.)”

If you find yourself forced to give vaccines for any reason, please read this carefully and take as many of the steps as you can to help reduce to negative impact to your baby or yourself of the vaccine ingredients.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below!

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Helpful Tips for Treating Chicken Pox


[This is an excerpt from a previous blog in which I wrote about our family’s experience with chicken pox.]

If your children do develop chicken pox, here are some tips:

  • Give high doses of vitamin C (powdered sodium ascorbate). A good guideline is 1 gram per year of child’s age per day, spread throughout the day, up to the age of 10 years (thus a 2 year old would get 2 grams). Over the age of ten years, 10 grams per day, increased up to 20 grams when experiencing an active infections or any symptoms.
  • Avoid scratching. You can put mittens or socks on baby’s hands to prevent scratching. Older children could also wear socks on their hands at night when they may be prone to scratching. Clip fingernails.
  • Avoid ibuprofen as it has been implicated in causing a more severe reaction in chicken pox and may increase risk of necrotizing fasciitis, a serious skin infection.
  • Avoid TylenolTylenol depletes glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is very necessary in helping the body rid itself of foreign substances.
  • Avoid aspirin which is know to be implicated in Reye Syndrome.
  • I never used any essential oils to treat my own children when they had chicken pox, but if I was treating a child with chicken pox today I would research which ones to use. Lavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Naouli Oil, Roman Chamomile Oil, Clove Oil, Rosemary Oil have all been suggested.
  • Oatmeal baths, baking soda, Epsom salts, brown vinegar, honey (applied topically), aloe vera, basil, ginger have all been suggested as useful ways to reduce itching and aid healing.

This is an excellent article about chicken pox and a long list of helpful home remedies, but I highly disagree with their statement “The best way to prevent chickenpox is to get vaccinated.” http://homeremediesforlife.com/chickenpox/

There are more risks in getting the chicken pox vaccine than are admitted by those promoting this shot. “Reported complications from chickenpox vaccine include shock, seizures, brain inflammation (encephalitis), thrombocytopenia (blood disorder), Guillian Barre syndrome, death and infection with vaccine strain chickenpox or transmission of vaccine strain chickenpox to others;” (see more at http://www.nvic.org/Vaccines-and-Diseases/Chickenpox.aspx)

Chicken pox vaccine is manufactured by Merck and is supplied in a frozen or refrigerated form either on its own, or in the ProQuad, which is a combination shot that includes MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines). You can read the complete information from Merck on these vaccines from the FDA website. I encourage you to especially read section 11 which always contains the detailed description. In the case of the varicella vaccine (chicken pox) the most troubling fact is that “the Oka/Merck strain of varicella-zoster virus propagated in MRC-5 cells.” MRC-5 cells were derived from aborted human fetal cells.

“Each 0.5-mL dose of the vaccine nominally contains 20 mg of sucrose, 11 mg of hydrolyzed gelatin, 2.5 mg of urea; 2.3 mg of sodium chloride, 16 mg of sorbitol, 0.38 mg of monosodium L-glutamate, 1.4 mg of sodium phosphate, 0.25 mg of recombinant human albumin, 0.13 mg of sodium bicarbonate, 94 mcg of potassium phosphate, 58 mcg of potassium chloride; residual components of MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein; 5 mcg of neomycin, bovine serum albumin (0.5 mcg), and other buffer and media ingredients. The product contains no preservative.”

Notice that the vaccine contains residual components of MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein. That means, when we inject this vaccine, we are injecting human DNA from an aborted male baby. The Rubella vaccine contains residual DNA from a female aborted human baby. There has been no scientific exploration of what the consequence of injecting our babies with both male and female DNA. The package insert of all of these vaccines clearly states in section 13:


That means we do not know if this vaccine could be implicated in future cancers, DNA mutation or teratogenic (relating to, or causing developmental malformations), or to the impact on your child’s future fertility. This same statement is found on nearly every vaccine package insert I have investigated.

Vaccines are a huge gamble. Chicken pox is a brief inconvenience.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.

Chicken Pox

chicken-poxShould I give my child a vaccine to prevent this mild inconvenient infectious illness?

Should I purposefully expose my child to someone with an active case of chicken pox in the hope of them gaining natural immunity?

Opinions on chicken pox, caused by the Varicella Virus, abound.

I do not claim to be an expert on chicken pox, but this is a recount of my own experience and the opinions I have formed about this well known childhood infectious illness.

When my fifth baby was 10 months old her next two older siblings, age 7 and 11, were dropped off at a very good friend’s child’s birthday party where they spent about two hours. There was another child there who soon afterwards developed chicken pox.

Approximately two weeks later my two children developed spots and a mild case of chicken pox. Their illness was not particularly noteworthy and didn’t cause too much stress, other than reminding them NOT to scratch. I may have encouraged them to have more frequent baths and put oatmeal in the water.

Meanwhile, they really loved their baby sister and continued all the normal contact – kissing and cuddling – as usual.

leah-cp-small-versionAbout two weeks later baby was miserable and started developing spots. Her spots kept coming and coming. She developed two extremely large spots (a virologist said they are known as a “herald”) on her face and hip. Her bum and diaper area were covered. She had a slight fever. Fortunately she was still breastfeeding and we continued breastfeeding even more frequently. In addition, she had more frequent baths with oatmeal added, and we did all the usual methods of trying to comfort a sick baby without drugs. Having older siblings was helpful because there are more people to take turns holding or entertaining a miserable baby. It took a few days for her to return to her happy self and a few weeks for all the spots to heal.

At the same time, one of my older sons also came down with chicken pox. He was fifteen at the time and had a fever, lots of spots and was pretty miserable. He basically went to bed for a few days.


Baby with her older brother five years later. Both had CP at the same time.

Everyone ended up healing. We never needed any medical appointments. I did not use high doses of vitamin C, in the form of sodium ascorbate, at that time because I didn’t know about how effective it is in reducing both severity and duration of all viral illnesses.

An interesting aspect of this story is that my oldest son, 17 at the time, never came down with a rash or fever, despite the same exposure as his 15 year old brother. When he was a toddler he had been exposed to a child with chicken pox, but he never came down with an obvious case himself. His experience is similar to my own. I was exposed at close proximity as a child when my three siblings came down with chicken pox, but I never got sick. When my four children had chicken pox I never got sick. My conclusion is that my oldest son and I somehow developed natural immunity without ever having had an active case of infection. We have never had our titers tested, but I would guess that we have antibodies.

My conclusion? Chicken pox is not that big of a deal, but could possibly be of concern if a pregnant women were to become infected.

I personally would never risk the dangerous ingredients in the vaccine for any reason ever.

If you want to expose your children to chicken pox by visiting someone who is sick, that is your choice. I would not go so far as to rub active blisters on my child. Most of the time the infection can be passed before a child is feeling ill. There is an infectious period prior to the spots forming.

If you do choose to expose your child to someone who is ill with chicken pox, I would limit the time. My second set of children both had a higher exposure dose because of being around their siblings constantly in the infectious state, and thus had worse symptoms than the two children who had very brief, limited exposure.

It has been stated that many children develop chicken pox despite having been vaccinated against it, so the vaccine is not 100% effective. Also, a non vaccinated child may become infected with chicken pox by exposure to a child who has been recently vaccinated, whether the vaccinated child experiences illness or not. The vaccine strain of the chicken pox is known to be different from wild strains.

Breastfeeding provides protection from every illness and is always highly recommended! All my children were breastfed for well over two years. The baby was ten months old and breastfeeding when she developed chicken pox. Sometimes breastfeeding babies do not develop an infection, but mine did.

If your children do develop chicken pox, here are some tips:

  • Give high doses of vitamin C (powdered sodium ascorbate). A good guideline is 1 gram per year of child’s age per day, spread throughout the day, up to the age of 10 years (thus a 2 year old would get 2 grams). Over the age of ten years, 10 grams per day, increased up to 20 grams when experiencing an active infections or any symptoms.
  • Avoid scratching. You can put mittens or socks on baby’s hands to prevent scratching. Older children could also wear socks on their hands at night when they may be prone to scratching. Clip fingernails.
  • Avoid ibuprofen as it has been implicated in causing a more severe reaction in chicken pox and may increase risk of necrotizing fasciitis, a serious skin infection.
  • Avoid Tylenol. Tylenol depletes glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is very necessary in helping the body rid itself of foreign substances.
  • Avoid aspirin which is know to be implicated in Reye Syndrome.
  • I never used any essential oils to treat my own children when they had chicken pox, but if I was treating a child with chicken pox today I would research which ones to use. Lavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Naouli Oil, Roman Chamomile Oil, Clove Oil, Rosemary Oil have all been suggested.
  • Oatmeal baths, baking soda, Epsom salts, brown vinegar, honey (applied topically), aloe vera, basil, ginger have all been suggested as useful ways to reduce itching and aid healing.

This is an excellent article about chicken pox and a long list of helpful home remedies, but I highly disagree with their statement “The best way to prevent chickenpox is to get vaccinated.” http://homeremediesforlife.com/chickenpox/

There are more risks in getting the chicken pox vaccine than are admitted by those promoting this shot. “Reported complications from chickenpox vaccine include shock, seizures, brain inflammation (encephalitis), thrombocytopenia (blood disorder), Guillian Barre syndrome, death and infection with vaccine strain chickenpox or transmission of vaccine strain chickenpox to others;” (see more at http://www.nvic.org/Vaccines-and-Diseases/Chickenpox.aspx)

Chicken pox vaccine is manufactured by Merck and is supplied in a frozen or refrigerated form either on its own, or in the ProQuad, which is a combination shot that includes MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines). You can read the complete information from Merck on these vaccines from the FDA website. I encourage you to especially read section 11 which always contains the detailed description. In the case of the varicella vaccine (chicken pox) the most troubling fact is that “the Oka/Merck strain of varicella-zoster virus propagated in MRC-5 cells.” MRC-5 cells were derived from aborted human fetal cells.

“Each 0.5-mL dose of the vaccine nominally contains 20 mg of sucrose, 11 mg of hydrolyzed gelatin, 2.5 mg of urea; 2.3 mg of sodium chloride, 16 mg of sorbitol, 0.38 mg of monosodium L-glutamate, 1.4 mg of sodium phosphate, 0.25 mg of recombinant human albumin, 0.13 mg of sodium bicarbonate, 94 mcg of potassium phosphate, 58 mcg of potassium chloride; residual components of MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein; 5 mcg of neomycin, bovine serum albumin (0.5 mcg), and other buffer and media ingredients. The product contains no preservative.”

Notice that the vaccine contains residual components of MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein. That means, when we inject this vaccine, we are injecting human DNA from an aborted male baby. The Rubella vaccine contains residual DNA from a female aborted human baby. There has been no scientific exploration of what the consequence of injecting our babies with both male and female DNA. The package insert of all of these vaccines clearly states in section 13:


That means we do not know if this vaccine could be implicated in future cancers, DNA mutation or teratogenic (relating to, or causing developmental malformations), or to the impact on your child’s future fertility. This same statement is found on nearly every vaccine package insert I have investigated.

Vaccines are a huge gamble. Chicken pox is a brief inconvenience.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.


7 Essentials for Sharing Vaccine Truth with Loved Ones


“Our oldest daughter, 20, just got engaged to a sweet guy. Unfortunately, it appears that his family is very pro-vaccine based on a recent FB comment. We have not met my daughter’s fiancé’s family yet as they live out-of-state. I am deeply moved wanting to have great relationships with them, not cause any polarization, and shed light on the truth gently. I follow many sources of info and have for over ten years. Unfortunately, I did not do the best job preparing my daughter on the subject so I have to help her see the truth. Do you have any suggestions as to where to begin? In an effort to show the facts, my analytical nature could literally fire-hose anyone with hundreds of videos, links, blogs, names of doctors, medical evidence, etc. ad nauseam but I want to approach this based on common ground first, which is wanting the best for our children and future grandchildren.” A reader’s question

As parents we long for our adult children to understand life and the risks they face. Specifically we want to warn them of lessons we may have learned the hard way. When our child meets or marries someone with a pro-vaccine point of view, we often panic, especially when our child seems to be teetering on the verge of rejecting all we have tried to teach them. What’s a parent to do?

Caring enough means making an effort to meet them where they are.

  1. Pray. God can open hearts and minds to truth. In Acts 16:14 God opened Lydia’s heart to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Colossians 2 Paul reminds us that in Jesus Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Sharing vaccine reality requires sensitivity to the awakening God wants to do in every heart. We need to pray and be sensitive that this is actually a spiritual battle; it is God’s work, not ours. God can use us to share truth, but we need to proceed with humility. Ask friends to join you in prayer for specific family members. Consider implementing a ‘Fast and Pray’ strategy. My parents fasted one day a week for 2 years for me to come to have a relationship with God through Jesus.
  2. Ask questions. Be more interested in the other person, how they feel, what has formed their views, their previous experiences, etc. than you are in pushing your information in their face. Determine what they know. Do they know how many vaccines the CDC now recommends for babies – and adults? Do they know how vaccines ‘work’? Do they understand neonatal immune development? Do they have fears about specific infections?
  3. Love & Respect. Often vaccine discussions can get heated. Don’t allow your intense desire to convince others to push your buttons. Leave your emotions out. Focus on loving. Show respect. This will take time. Seek to always leave a conversation with the other person feeling heard, respected and loved. Preserve the relationship even if your loved on makes decisions that you disagree with.
  4. Use Third Parties. There are great documentaries, YouTube videos, etc. with rational calm presentations. Determine which might be a good fit for the person you are trying to enlighten. Short respectful videos are a good way to start. Dr Moss is a man “in the system” who speaks very respectfully about the system, yet offers very good points on questioning vaccines [link below]. Since it is short, informed, loving, and has some story components, it could be a great place to start. Other doctors I admire: Dr Suzanne Humphries, 240+ Doctors speak out on vaccine truth. Documentaries: Vaxxed, Bought, Greater Good. Dr Sam Eggertson who was confronted by a patient regarding his pro-vaccine stance and decided to dig into the scientific information available. As a result he prepared this excellent lecture in which he calmly examines why parents reject the current vaccine schedule. This video is just over one hour long, but those who truly want to understand the science of vaccine safety will get a selective review of issues and studies that may contribute to parental concerns, including the “vaccine court”, the Omnibus Autism Proceeding, and accusations against Dr. Andrew Wakefield.
  5. Get Confident. Build your own credibility by learning and distilling facts accurately. Practice on Facebook, join a Vaccine Truth Facebook Group to learn more, or practice with friends. Focus on a few basic facts and learn them well, here is a list of vaccine objections I put together. Some good facts to review and be very familiar with: VICP compensation since 1988, table of injuries used by VICP, vaccine package inserts for different vaccines, CDC schedule, CDC Whistleblower, Aluminum content in vaccines.
  6. Stay calm. Don’t beat yourself up with guilt if you ‘mess up’ or it goes badly, but keep at it. Seek to be more accepting, more informative, and keep trying! If you have younger children, keep training them. Train your children to be adept at sharing vaccine/health truth with others. You are leaving a legacy of health. Never give up. The issue of vaccine safety is so huge that it is a deal breaker for many single people. It is something that needs to be discussed very early in the ‘getting to know you’ process, for anyone considering marriage.
  7. Don’t expect overnight success. Belief in vaccine safety is a deeply held philosophical concept, similar to religion, that will not be changed quickly. A good starting point is to get future parents to consider the ‘next’ vaccine decision they may face. For a pregnant woman, the risks/benefits of a flu shot or a TDaP shot. For newborns, encourage investigating Hepatitis B shots. Consider vaccine knowledge as a continuum. On the far left is an absolute believer in vaccine safety and efficacy. On the far right is someone convinced that all vaccines will always cause injury and are part of eugenic plans to harm people. Don’t try to push someone from one side of the continuum to the other, but allow them to move one step at a time, through various phases of questioning vaccines. Delaying and Selecting is what some will start with. Respect their journey. If they do decide to give any vaccines, try to get them to take these steps to reduce the negative impact.

Maintaining our relationship is the most important thing we can do. We will not convince everyone of the truths we have investigated, but we can keep trying to be more effective. By keeping the doors open we will build bridges for future discussions.

Take 15 minutes to watch Dr Moss describe his professional understanding of the vaccine situation.

Thanksgiving 2015

Author: Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counsellor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.