Is Rebellion Ever GOOD?

I have a confession: I’ve been a rebel – probably all my life! God turned my rebellion around in 1980 so that instead of rebelling against Him, I began to rebel against societal norms that had led me away from Him.

I rebelled by having natural births, then home births, breastfeeding for years, questioning the morality of birth control, choosing to be a SAHM rather than pursue a career, turning off the TV, NOT watching the news, making my own from scratch, homeschooling, volunteering rather than seeking a paycheck, and most recently, not following nonsense rules

Daily I praise God for His transforming salvation through Jesus Christ!

Rebellion can be so liberating! True freedom is righteous rebellion in Jesus! Rebels for Jesus need to unite. We are not such a small group. There are many who share our understanding. Compliance with tyranny and lies is NOT what following Jesus is about.

There is an enemy of our soul. Jesus was very clear: “the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy.” The enemy uses deception. The nature of deception is that you do not know you are being deceived. We have been blessed with a warfare manual that explains the conflict and gives us clear instructions on how to “wage good warfare.” For too long God’s people have tried too hard to be friends with the world, to follow social norms, and to ‘be nice.’ Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Our neighbors, colleagues, family members, etc are not our enemy. We have the belt of truth and the sword of the Spirit – God’s word – to expose the lies. We can stand firm in love. Standing firm is actually extremely loving. Bending to men is agreeing to lies and forsaking God’s righteousness.

 If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Messiah.

We live in crazy times. We drown in information, but face a derth of wisdom. God’s word provides clear wisdom. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. He gives freely to those who seek Him. Fear prevails because of a lack of faith. Faith will lead us to wisdom. We seek a savior for our current life situation because we want to remain comfortable. God has not called His people to a comfortable life. He has called us to a life of fearless following.

There are some bold pastors keeping their churches open. Members attend unafraid. Here is one warrior pastor who has been a missionary to the preborn for decades. He boldly declares the word of God and applies it to our current circumstances. Matt Trewhella pastors a church in Wisconsin and seeks to equip the body of Christ on his website Defy Tyrants.

In this 7 minute video he challenges a popular view that many Christians hold. You might not change your mind, but watch what he says so that you can formulate why you disagree.

There are also a multitude of medical and scientific professionals speaking out sharing facts dramatically different than what you will hear on the news or from government organizations. They risk a lot to share. One sweet gentlemen has put together an excellent video sharing his wisdom and insight. His sole goal is to help people stay healthy, yet this type of direct information is often purposefully banned — like book burnings of long ago. Dr Hotze explains in detail why the experimental liability-free gene therapy labelled as a ‘vaccine’ being pushed on the public using fear, panic, and mass hysteria is all about control, power, and money by the government and big business.

Paul urged the church in Thessalonica to test all the prophesies – or information – that they received. Is the church today doing enough digging to get the truth?

Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22

Compiled by Becky Hastings who collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

What did Jesus say about His return?

Lightening flashing across the sky

A few reflections. A mini devotional. I do NOT possess all the answers!

My son and I were discussing Biblical prophesy. In light of world events many are seeking to figure out what is going on in the world, and what is coming. I don’t claim to know, but I keep going back to the Bible and I ask myself, What is clear?

In Luke 21 Jesus predicts the temple will be destroyed and the disciples ask Him, when?

Does His answer cover only the destruction of the temple, or does it also cover His return, the event we know as the ‘Second Coming’? I don’t know.

Either way, we can take His words to heart, “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21: 34-36

Earlier, in Luke 17, the Pharisees asked Jesus WHEN the kingdom of God would come. Jesus said it’s not something you will see, it is something within you.

Jesus says “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed” referring to the days before the flood and the days before Sodom was destroyed. Both acts reveal God’s judgment, but people were just living life and unaware of the big change that the world would experience. 

Jesus is conveying urgency. Don’t go back to your house to get your possessions. Flee from the judgment. Don’t be like Lot’s wife – attached to the material comfort she had gotten used to.

Jesus says clearly, “Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.” Luke 17:33

This is clear. The next verses have been interpreted many ways. What are these words of Jesus supposed to mean? Leaving all my preconceived ideas, or previous teaching, what do they say?

“I tell you, on that night” [which night? His Second coming? The destruction of Jerusalem?]. Bear in mind that the original question was when the kingdom of God would come.

“Two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding corn together; one will be taken and the other left.” Luke 17:34-35

“‘Where, Lord?’” they asked.” Who is the “they”? Disciples or Pharisees? Were they asking where those who are taken would be taken to? Somewhat unclear.

Jesus’ answer is wide open to interpretation. “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.” Luke 17:37

Wow. What does that mean? One thing is clear to me, Jesus didn’t intend to be clear! If Jesus is not clear, should we seek to force clarity?

What is clear from these words, this teaching of Jesus? The kingdom of God is not what we expect. We need to be ready and watchful. We need to loosen our attachment to the material world. We need to grow our faith and trust in God and His provision. We can pray (from Luke 21:36) that we may be able to escape (with our loved ones) and that we will be able to stand before Jesus. This makes me think of the parable of the talents as related in Matthew 24. We have all been entrusted with life and blessings and one day we will stand before our Creator and give an account of how we used what He gave us.

One thing more, verse 24 says “For the Son of Man in His day will be like lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.”

It is unclear what “the Son of Man in His day” means. But it will be evident and obvious. Could this be a reference to when the curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom, unusual darkness had been over the earth, and people came out of their graves at the time of Jesus’ death? This is possibly inferred from the next verse, “But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.”

Think about all the people living in the time of Noah and Lot. We are told that wickedness abounded. But there were perhaps many other people who were just tolerating the wicked, and just trying to live their life the best they knew how. They knew the wickedness happening all around them was evil and perhaps some chose not to participate, but they didn’t hate it enough to point it our or separate themselves from it. They tolerated it. The angels visited Lot. People, innocent bystanders, could have joined Lot and his family to flee the corruption. They either didn’t believe judgment was coming, or didn’t believe Lot offered a legitimate safety option. Noah spent 80 years building the huge structure we know as the ark. During that time he preached and warned. There was ample room in the ark for all who could see the coming judgment and would put their trust in God’s provision to escape it. Yet except for Noah, his three sons, and their wives, all stuck steadfastly with the culture. They stayed with the material life that they knew. They may have been victims of evil. They may have been observers. No doubt there was a wide range of response to the evil and wickedness happening at that time. But only those who fully trusted God and demonstrated it by the action of walking into the ark were protected. 

How do I apply Jesus’ teaching on future events from these passages to my life? Should I have absolute confidence that God will rescue me out of judgment and I’ll sail away before it happens? Did Jesus promise that those who follow Him will avoid all suffering? Most of us recognize the proliferation of evil around us. But do we separate ourselves from it? What does that even look like in 2021? 

The people living during the time of Noah and Lot were just doing the best they could under difficult circumstances, but failed to dig into the heart of God, understand the world from a spiritual perspective, believe His word and warnings, and look to Him for deliverance. Jesus’ death and resurrection ushered in the kingdom of God. Everything changed for mankind from that time forward. This is clear from what Jesus said about John the Baptist, “I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” Luke 7:28.

I cannot fully fathom God’s mysteries. I don’t understand the many references to future events, but I can respond with gratitude. 

Thank you, Lord Jesus, risen Savior, that I have been washed. I am forgiven. I have been ‘taken’. I have been ‘released’ from the power of the god of this world and You will deliver me through whatever trials may come. Help me to offer light to those still in darkness and to love them enough to warn them of the coming judgement. Help me to rightly discern Your word and world events so that I can walk boldly in the provision and protection of Your Holy Spirit. I do not know the future or understand fully how everything will transpire, but I trust in Your provision and protection. Help me to stand strong before you in the strength You provide.

by Becky Hastings who collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Should I get a CV Vaccine?

Which way will you choose...

We’ve been through a year like none of us has ever experienced in our lives. Fear, lockdowns, masks, illness, quarantine, testing, .. so many things seem to have changed drastically since this time last year. We’ve been bombarded with information from many different sources. Somehow a vaccine has arrived and many have high hopes that this will be the ticket to get ‘life back to normal’. If it were true, that would indeed be wonderful. That is something that most would happily welcome…

But, just because we desire something, does that mean it’s going to be a reality? Is the vaccine what we hope it will be? Will it protect me from getting sick? Will it allow me to ‘get back to normal’? Will it prevent me from being contagious?

Overwhelming fear is another reason people are grasping the idea of a vaccine that will ‘protect’ them. The reality is, the vaccine has not been thoroughly tested for safety and could result in an adverse reaction that may be far worse than the illness that you fear.

God laid something important on my heart to share with you. I am concerned about the health impact of those who are considering accepting a rushed, experimental. liability-free vaccine. I know state Health Departments are following CDC guidelines. There are many voices confidently promoting vaccine acceptance. Is the eagerness for a ‘solution’ causing us to overlook critically important safety investigations?

I began earnestly researching vaccines twenty years ago after learning the story of a mom in our church in Cape Town whose son suffered a tragic life-long severe reaction to one shot he received as a baby. Not everyone is aware that there are serious risks to every vaccine, even ones that have been on the market for decades.

There are multiple points of view on the current vaccine and I urge everyone to be fully informed before you accept any medical procedure. Don’t blindly follow my words. Don’t blindly follow the recommendations of anyone, no matter what their title.

I am happy to correspond or speak with anyone who would like more information. There are thousands of medical professionals who are questioning the wisdom of a widespread campaign with this rushed, experimental, liability-free product. I am happy to report that while many have suffered severely from this illness, there is more and more awareness of effective treatments. I wrote about some of those here. And the really great news is that . The survival rate is reported to be well over 99% for all age groups!

You can find vast amounts of information available on both sides of this debate. In our information age, wading through so much information can be a daunting task. I just wanted to express my concerns and let you know that boosting your immune system may provide much greater protection than any rushed, experimental, liability-free vaccine.

I’ve deliberately repeated three words several times. Take some times to think about it:

  1. rushed
  2. experimental
  3. liability free

We all want to make wise choices. We want those we love to make wise choices. Perhaps one of the best things we can do might be to turn off the news sources, eat healthy foods, and spend as much time as possible outdoors! Spending time reading and studying God’s word has brought great comfort to my heart. The Bible is filled with wonderful promises we can hold on to. If you are new to reading it, I often suggest the book of Mark as a great starting point. Mark uses 16 chapters to relate the life of Jesus on earth. In chapter one he records that Jesus started off by saying, “the kingdom of God has arrived. Repent, and believe the good news!” Following Jesus brings confidence, never fear. He designed our immune system. He has prepared a future for us. Those who choose to follow Jesus Christ have no reason to fear.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

Here are some links to information exploring facts that are not generally being covered in the mainstream media:

Everyone needs to be personally responsible for their own health and should research the COVID-19 vaccines in development carefully before making a decision whether or not to vaccinate. Children’s Health Defense and the Informed Consent Action Network have been following the science closely and are good resources for everything COVID. They can be followed at and

For an explanation of the various types of vaccines in development, please see

You can learn more about the mRNA vaccines and the PREP Act, which will shield COVID-19 vaccine makers from all liability here

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity ( Dr. James Lyons-Weiler April 2020

A thorough presentation by Ashley Everly, toxicologist and vaccine researcher
13 minutes
6 minutes
<2 minutes

Some thoughts on mask wearing…

Yoda (from Star Wars) wearing a mask

If you think you are helping others by wearing a mask in public, you aren’t.

You are not helping. You are stoking the fear of others and perpetuating a deception. You have fallen into a trap. 

You are not a biohazard. Your body, in its normal healthy state, is not a danger to others.

You are a child of the most High God, Creator of all things. God’s children honor God by respecting the innate immune system. 

If you are sick, stay home and eat healing foods provided by your Creator. If God made it, go for it. If many hands have touched it in processing and mass production, avoid it. Think carefully about any pharmaceutical product you accept for your body, God’s temple.

How can I write on such a controversial topic? As a Christian, saved by God’s grace, called to love others, avidly researching health topics for decades, I feel it is my God given duty to call out deception and the devil’s schemes.

Many say I must show love to others and wear a mask. They see me without a mask and conclude that I can’t be bothered with the inconvenience. They say “people should be willing to take precautions for the benefit of the community even if it’s not fun.”

Fun is not my priority when I think about masks.

Be on your guard; Stand firm in the faith; Be courageous; Be strong. Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Christians demonstrate love for others by demonstrating bold faith in God

God reveals His plan for humanity in the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is received by faith and results in faith. “The righteous will live by faith.” (Romans 1:17)

How do we protect and nurture our health? Seek to know Jesus, the source of salvation and all power. God desires His children to have strength. He wants His children to trust Him and have faith in all His provisions.

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." Psalm 14:1; 53:1

Are we following fools?

Those who refuse to honor and thank God are futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts are darkened. Professing to be wise, they are fools” because they reject God. (see more Romans 1:16-25)

God has revealed Himself to all. Most (the broad road described by Jesus in Matthew 7) do NOT honor God or give Him thanks. People who do not honor God or give Him thanks become futile in their speculations and their foolish hearts are darkened. They think they are wise. They may even have multiple degrees and a lot of respect in our culture. They are still fools. Are we following fools? Are we trusting fools? Are we committing our health to fools? 

A brief review of the contradicting information supplied to the public should confirm that there is chaos, not wisdom, in the recommendations on what is good for public health.

Have you investigated the health impact of wearing masks?

  • Masks significantly reduce oxygen input to the body. God designed your body to function by breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide. Masks reduce oxygen intake and cause in-breathing carbon dioxide. This is dangerous. Look up OSHA guidelines for mask wearing in different occupational settings.
  • Mask wearing results in an accumulation of bacteria and a moist environment that you continually rebreathe. 
  • Mask wearing interferes with communication. People are misunderstood because their words are incoherent.
  • Mask wearing reduces understanding between people because so much of our communication depends on reading the cues in the face.
  • Wearing masks can cause feelings of isolation and helplessness.
  • Wearing masks can bring harm both physically, mentally, and socially.
  • There is no solid science supporting the push to make healthy people wear masks in public.
  • Mask wearing can increase infections and ill health – especially among the general population who touch the mask frequently, re-use masks, and are not able to replace, wash or dispose masks properly.

Masks are a divisive issue that the enemy is using to lead many astray. Above all we must love others, but love does not mean following fools and harming myself. Love is seeking the truth, following Jesus, and living without fear as God’s beloved child. 

Be bold. Be strong. This is the calling for all God’s children. God is with His children. Your bold confidence will inspire others to take off their muzzles and break the mask spell.

I’ve got so much more information. Perhaps there will be more on masks to follow…

What about the immunocompromised? What if my employer mandates masks?

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and expose deception. Formerly I was deeply deceived, followed the lies of the enemy, and learned firsthand the lies of the enemy. By God’s grace I am saved and seek to bring glory to Jesus Christ, my Savior, and another point of view to all God’s children. All respectful comments appreciated. Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.

This Corrupt Generation?

In one of his very first messages delivered to a public audience not long after Jesus’ death, resurrection, appearance, and return to heaven, Peter proclaims this timeless warning: “Save yourself from this corrupt generation.” Acts 2:40

Peter’s words, recorded 2000 years ago, ring very true today.

Sinners sin. Power corrupts. Leaders and governments control through any means possible. Why are we surprised?

Because we’ve been presented with a veneer that our country, our government, our leaders, our health care system, even the UN and WHO, have only good intentions for ‘we the people’. 

A facade. We believed lies. We were deeply deceived. Programmed from birth through many sophisticated methods available: entertainment, media, news, education, medical standards, ‘science’, etc. 

God is not surprised by current circumstances. His Word has timeless answers and will lead to wisdom and discernment – exactly what we need to navigate our current culture. 

“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.” 

With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. Acts 2:38-41

Read the whole chapter – Acts 2. I read God’s word every day, and these days the ancient writings seem more applicable than ever! As you seek God, He will answer. He promises that ALL who seek Him will find Him.

I don’t have all the answers. While there are many helpful theories about history, world operations, the route to health, I don’t believe any person alive understands all the background information needed to provide a comprehensive explanation. Any person who ignores God, His Creative work from the beginning of time, and His current explanation for world events, will miss out on huge portions of truth – even though they are sincerely seeking truth. Seeking God will lead to finding truth. I keep seeking. May I never hold on so tightly to my opinions that I miss seeing what God wants to show me. I have been deceived. We are all currently deceived about something. Jesus warns in Matthew 7, “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inside are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will know them.”

If you are ready for a challenge, I have found an incredibly helpful method of exploring the collection of ancient documents joined together in the book we know as the Bible.

Becky Hastings, avid follower of Jesus Christ, wife, mother, grandmother, health seeker and reporter. Seeking truth can be challenging, and sometimes confusing, but far more rewarding than staying ignorant.