Believing Lies

Are you open to re-thinking some things you thought you knew?
One strong signal of indoctrination (aka brainwashing) is extreme emotion surrounding a particular topic. If you find yourself unable to discuss or explore a topic, you may have been an unwitting target of propaganda and programming. In order for all of us to make sure we have not been deceived, we must be alert and open to examining every strongly held view we have. What we are searching for is evidence for all claims. Propaganda is dispersed through appealing to emotions. When our emotions are triggered we have a difficult time accessing our frontal cortex and using our valuable thinking skills.
We all hold strong views about particular topics. We can disagree without being enemies. All facts can bear the weight of examination. When we have been programmed through fear we can struggle to set aside that fear long enough to explore facts, read information on all sides of a topic, and seek to make a fully informed wise decision.
Recently I was thrilled to learn that an acquaintance I met several years ago, who continues to be a friend of a good friend, recently confided to my friend, that she has done a 180 reversal on her view of childhood vaccines. This is absolutely remarkable because she was a pediatrician for decades and engaged with me in a somewhat heated debate on the safety and reliability of vaccines on my good friends Facebook page! I must admit I was a bit rattled that a ‘doctor’ was challenging me! But I remained calm and did my best to react with grace and provide research and evidence. She quit responding with a bold statement of her absolute commitment to vaccines for herself, her children and any future grandchildren.
So you can imagine my surprise to learn that she had indeed taken the challenge to thoroughly explore the topic of vaccine safety and efficacy – and concluded she had been lied to! WOW.
My belief is that we have all been lied to. We’ve believed lies. We currently might be believing lies, but we are simply unaware of it. Believing lies in regard to many topics isn’t that big of a deal. But when parents believe lies about what will or won’t help their child to enjoy a life-time of health – that is a big deal to me! So I continue little by little to try and press people to examine their beliefs.
Perfect Parents?
Despite our best efforts, will we ever be perfect parents? What does a ‘perfect’ parent do? We are told that the best mothers will make sure to get frequent prenatal care from medical professionals. A typical pregnancy may result in 10-15 visits. OB/Gyns encourage additional procedures such as ultra sounds, glucose testing, blood tests, and vaccines in the hope of ensuring health for both. This is somewhat ironic if you think about certain tests that are done to determine if the baby may have a ‘problem’ and the mother is encouraged to terminate a pregnancy – hardly a healthy outcome for the baby. But I digress.
We are told that ‘perfect’ parents take their baby to up to 8 well baby visits in the first year of life, Good parents will OF COURSE follow all standard medical procedures advised by their doctor and government.
Is following standard medical recommendations really the best strategy for giving your baby a life time of health? Events around the world since 2020 have caused many people to question how health authorities come to adopt policies that are promoted for “health”. Many of us have been shocked at the recommendations made by health authorities and by the general acceptance of such by the public at large. Many are asking more questions. It is time for every parent to ask more questions.
Below is a typical schedule for Well Child Visits. As a mom who raised five healthy children and been involved as eleven grandchildren have arrived on the scene, I can tell you very confidently that healthy children do not need that many visits to confirm their health. I can count on one hand the visits I made to a child specialist medical professional. Medical professionals promote the well baby schedule because it insures a steady income stream for them. Young naive parents think they are obligated to attend every visit as recommended – not realizing that the medical professional is only a consultant to be used as they desire or need. Any doctor that insists on this number of visits should probably be avoided. These visits could be a method of ‘entrainment’ that keeps parents dependent on a system and unable to develop their own inner parenting wisdom.

What does a baby need? The best gift you can give your baby is a well informed parent, devoted to nurturing your instincts to protect and nourish your babies. Bonding in the early days cements into place a fierce protective instinct. This is one critically important reason you want to protect your baby during birth and immediately afterwards. Whether you choose a home birth, a midwife attended birth, or a hospital birth, you want to ensure the best possible introduction to the world for your precious baby.
A well informed parent will fiercely defend their baby from all attacks – no matter how well intentioned they may seem. New parents are bombarded with advice and information. How can you discern what is the best path for you and your baby? Are the ‘experts’ trustworthy?
We live in a world that is exploding with information which can make it difficult to discern what information to trust. How do we cope? Question everything! Look for wise, happy parents or grandparents that have wonderful families, good health, and good relationships. Learn from role models you see around you. In order to learn how to breastfeed, find a mom who has successfully breastfed several children and LOVED the experience! Most moms have some struggles at some point in the first few months and there are many ‘experts’ that want to give advice. The best advice will come from someone who will listen thoroughly, and share facts on the extreme importance that breastfeeding will play in the lifelong health of your baby. The absolute best protection you can give to help your baby avoid illness is to exclusively breastfeed. You will find many books written on the benefits of breastfeeding. The fact is undisputed – breastfeeding is worth your serious commitment. Get help early to get it right. A birth as close to natural as possible will give mom and baby the best possible opportunity to get breastfeeding right. I personally know of moms who have overcome phenomenal obstacles to succeed at breastfeeding. You CAN DO IT!
Are you ready to begin a journey and really explore standard of care procedures that you’ve been told repeatedly “are safe and best” for your baby? Please explore my website for information on which shots might be necessary for your baby. Every parent needs to Know – AND CALL – The Shots.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.