The CDC schedule is clear. Add them up for yourself. They want every child to receive 36 doses targeting 15 different diseases by the age of 15 months — in the hope that these injections will prevent illness in your baby. But, will following this recommendation produce a healthy baby?
I can’t show the entire schedule at once because it is so large, but take a look at this segment!

To inspect the entire schedule, as published by the CDC, go here.
Please note that the number, 36, is reached by
- counting the DPaT and MMR as THREE because both of these shots contain 3 different concoctions added together.
- does not include the number of injections recommended by the CDC for children in the hope of preventing influenza (aka flu). If you accept all of those (most parents do not) add three for a total of 39 by 15 months. After that, the recommendation is for an additional shot each and every year.
- This chart only shows injections recommended up to the age of 15 months. There are plenty more the CDC recommends to get after that time. For the next portion of recommendations, go to this link and scroll down.
Studying this schedule creates many questions in my mind. How did children survive before receiving such a barrage of shots? Prior to 1986 there were far less shots being promoted. See the following chart comparing shots given in s1962, 1983 and 2018.

Another important question – and one that should be OBVIOUS: Has anyone ever studied in detail how this combination of shots will impact a baby? Has each shot added been tracked and followed in its entirety since it is given in combination with so many others? Searching for this information on-line has become challenging. Every search I tried brought me to yet another page by the CDC. The following diagram shows that the testing of every vaccine is based on the assumed safety of a vaccine that was older. Each vaccine added was not tested against a true placebo, but was tested against an older vaccine. When challenged by ICANdecide.org the CDC was unable to produce any safety trials showing that vaccines were tested by a true placebo. Additionally, CDC was unable to produce any evidence that the entire combination schedule of shots had been tested and proven to be safe.

Another critically important question: Has the total amount of aluminum and other potential neurotoxins been considered in this bloated schedule? Aluminum is just one of the ingredients. There is no evidence of safety of aluminum in shots because it has never been tested for safety. Aluminum has been added to vaccines because it enhances the body’s response. It is called an adjuvant. From early days it that has been “GRAS” meaning, generally regarded as safe, despite no testing or evidence to support this categorization.
And finally, as a parent that is most concerned about a healthy happy baby who grows up to be a healthy teen and adult: Has there ever been a longterm thorough study of fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated and non vaccinated children in regards to total health outcomes? Does accepting the vaccine schedule by the CDC lead to a longer, healthier life? Since we live in a time with skyrocketing allergies, neurologic disabilities of many types, and other serious health issues in childhood, this is a vitally important question to consider. It would be very easy for the CDC to do such a study — if they truly wanted to know the results.
Here is an idea to consider. If I offer you a milkshake — in your favorite flavor — how many rat turds can I put into it before you will reject it? If I put in one rat turd, and you can easily remove it with a spoon, will you still drink the milkshake? What about a handful of rat turds, mixed around? At what point will you refuse the milkshake?
The milkshake represents the CDCs credibility. Maybe they made a couple mistakes in the past. But how can they continue to recommend so many shots TO HEALTHY BABIES to this day? If any of their recommendations cannot stand — and the Hepatitis B shot for newborns is a great example – can I trust ANY of their recommendations?
You decide. Your baby’s health is in your hands. The most important part of your baby to protect is their brain.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.