You read food labels, or you have. You recognize a few ingredients on packages and may try to avoid some.
The LAST thing you — the parent or grandparent — want to do is harm your baby. People — many who work in professions we feel we should trust — tell you that babies NEED injections with certain things in order to “keep them safe”. They can relate many horror stories about WHY these injections are ABSOLUTELY and URGENTLY needed. Trust me, I’ve been told by many medical friends these same stories. But is that the whole story?
Can we give our absolute trust to the people telling us to inject ourselves and our babies? Have the people promoting these injections taken the time to look into the ingredients of the injections? Have they discovered what the ingredients can do once injected? Or, are they just following the line of their training, most of which has been directed and paid for by the massive pharmaceutical industry.
If you are a label reader, do you know the ingredients in the shots that are recommended for you or your child?
Learn The Risk has a great page on ingredients. You can check it out here
The following is a glimpse of the webpage highlighting the DTaP vaccine which is commonly given to every baby in the USA at 2, 4, 6 and 15 months as per the CDC. This is a shot that is pushed in the hope of preventing diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus. One of the main problems with this shot is the amount of aluminum.

Pregnant moms are pushed to receive a TDaP injection FOR EVERY PREGNANCY – regardless of when they had a previous shot. Grandparents are PUSHED to get the shot in order to have contact with their grand babies. There is a lot of fear used to manipulate parents into compliance. The full facts of the impact of the aluminum on the developing brain of both in utero and very young infants are not shared by the myriad nurses and doctors that urge acceptance of this potentially harmful procedure.
Parents, please look further. Find out the impact of aluminum on the brain. Our society is experiencing far too many neurological harms both in the elderly and in the very young. Here is a short video explanation on the role of aluminum in the body and brain by Dr Chris Shaw who has researched aluminum in detail. Aluminum is not a part of any biochemical process on earth, but when injected causes a wide range of unusual biochemical processes that are not beneficial to the body..
Now no parent wants their baby to be sick with diphtheria, pertussis or tetanus, BUT, is there any way of avoiding these illnesses that doesn’t deliver a high dose of aluminum to the body and brain? This is the type of question new parents should be asking and searching for answers. Can I reduce or avoid the risk of diseases without injecting my child with so many toxic ingredients?
Other blogs I’ve collated discussing aluminum:
If I could get vaccine proponents to read just one thing..
Questions Every Doctor and Parent Should Ask About Aluminum
Is anyone investigating the safety of aluminum in vaccines? YES!
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of over 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as ten grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.