Before you make your decision on whether or not to give your child a CV vaccine, here are some questions you may want to consider:
- What risks are there to my child from actually getting a natural CV infection?
- What is the risk to my child of receiving a the product marketed as a Covid vaccine?
- If one child has an adverse reaction, will my other children be at an increased risk?
- What is myocarditis? Is it true that myocarditis is happening in young people after a vaccine? What is the long-term or short-term impact of myocarditis? Can a person heal from myocarditis?
- How many boosters am I willing to receive? How many boosters will I be willing to give my children?
- Can I take the time to read information that does not support my point of view and ask if there is validity? Or must all information I am exposed to agree with my preferred narrative?
- Are there other ways to help my child boost their immune system and optimize health other than vaccines?
- How many cases of myocarditis have been reported to https://openvaers.com/covid-data?
There have been 837,593 reports of adverse events after the experimental liability free CV vaccine through October 22, 2021 in the USA. Each report takes time and detail to complete and there are specific warnings about providing false information on these reports. A Harvard study in conjunction with the CDC estimated that VAERs under reports so that all numbers could be multiplied by 10 – 100.

- 17,619 deaths
- 86,542 hospitalizations
- 94,163 urgent care
- 130,795 doctor office visits
- 7,706 anaphylaxis
- 10,465 Bell’s Palsy
- 2,712 miscarriages
- 8,656 Heart Attacks
- 10,956 myocarditis/pericarditis
- 27, 277 permanently disabled
- 4,014 Thrombocytopenia/low platelet
- 19,584 life threatening
- 32,305 severe allergic reaction
- 9,987 shingles
This father experienced tragedy when his son experienced an unexpected adverse event after receiving the jab that was supposed to provide ‘protection’ from harm. He thought he was doing the right thing, but his life was dramatically altered after his sons death shortly after receiving the shot. He speaks out to help other parents avoid his pain.
Can we actually trust government recommendations? Research Tuskegee. Investigate how vaccines have been tested on orphans and the infirm. Find out how those who have experienced vaccine adverse events have been treated.
Many pro vaccine people stepped up to get the vaccine and have experienced devastating life altering adverse events. Senator Ron Johnson held a Round Table event in Washington DC and invited the heads of all the major relevant government agencies and the media. The Department Heads did not accept the invitation. The major media outlets did not cover this event. But you can listen to medical and legal experts discuss the facts. You can also hear directly from Pfizer and Astra Zeneka trial participants and early recipients of this experimental injection. They have been shocked to find themselves experiencing serious adverse events and totally unsupported by trial organizers. You can find more of their stories here.
Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world. Please subscribe (below) so you don’t miss any future blogs!