Urgent Update: I had the opportunity to chat with Enoch and he emphasized to me that it is VERY IMPORTANT to simmer the ingredients in a glass saucepan. My apologies for getting that wrong!
Enoch DeBus defied his cancer diagnosis with a juice he calls Kick ‘Um Juice. His website is https://www.enochdebus.com/kickum-juice/ and he provides videos describing some of the benefits of this juice, as well as his approach to food that helped him cure his cancer.
This is my version of his recipe. The juice really lives up to its name. My son met Enoch DeBus at his church and his vitality and health defy his age and his previous cancer diagnosis. The original recipe can be found here in video and is written in the comments on that page. I read through all of Enoch’s comments, watched his video and compiled it for myself so that I could make it easily. I like to store my best recipes on my website so I won’t lose them! I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you make some!
Kick ‘Um Juice
The first step is to make a concentrate from which you make a daily drink (instructions below). The concentrate is stored in the refrigerator once cooled.
- 1 quart good water
- 1/3-1/2 pound of chopped up ginger
- Bring water to a boil and simmer in a glass saucepan, covered, for 30 minutes.

After the 30 minute cooking time, add the following chopped peppers to the pot with the ginger (seeds and all). I was not able to find all the peppers locally, so I used what I was able to find.
- 3 habaneros
- 3 jalapeños
- 3 Serranos
- 3 Hot Red Tabasco (optional?)
cook for another 10 minutes at a light boil.
Remove from heat. Add the following chopped ingredients to the hot mixture, but do not cook. Allow to cool.
- 4 turmeric roots, chopped
- more chopped ginger
- 3 garlic cloves (optional)
- 2 teaspoons of black pepper pellets (ground up in magic bullet)

Once cool, blend everything in a powerful blender twice, like a Vitamix or Ninja blender. You now have your concentrate. Do not filter. Enoch says he can store it for up to 7 months in the refrigerator. Mine was used up much quicker than that. Shake before using.
Daily Juice Recipe:
To make a daily juice, combine in a quart glass container:
- 1oz. from your concentrate blend
- 1.5 – 2 fresh squeezed limes or lemons,
- 1 – 2 Tablespoons of organic maple syrup or to taste
- clean filtered water to fill up the quart glass jar
Shake. Ready to drink. Store in refrigerator and drink throughout the day. If it’s too strong just add more water, if too weak, add more of the concentrate blend. This potent juice provides a boost and support for your immune system and has been used by many to reclaim health.

Compiled by Becky Hastings who collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.