We’ve been through a year like none of us has ever experienced in our lives. Fear, lockdowns, masks, illness, quarantine, testing, .. so many things seem to have changed drastically since this time last year. We’ve been bombarded with information from many different sources. Somehow a vaccine has arrived and many have high hopes that this will be the ticket to get ‘life back to normal’. If it were true, that would indeed be wonderful. That is something that most would happily welcome…
But, just because we desire something, does that mean it’s going to be a reality? Is the vaccine what we hope it will be? Will it protect me from getting sick? Will it allow me to ‘get back to normal’? Will it prevent me from being contagious?
Overwhelming fear is another reason people are grasping the idea of a vaccine that will ‘protect’ them. The reality is, the vaccine has not been thoroughly tested for safety and could result in an adverse reaction that may be far worse than the illness that you fear.
God laid something important on my heart to share with you. I am concerned about the health impact of those who are considering accepting a rushed, experimental. liability-free vaccine. I know state Health Departments are following CDC guidelines. There are many voices confidently promoting vaccine acceptance. Is the eagerness for a ‘solution’ causing us to overlook critically important safety investigations?
I began earnestly researching vaccines twenty years ago after learning the story of a mom in our church in Cape Town whose son suffered a tragic life-long severe reaction to one shot he received as a baby. Not everyone is aware that there are serious risks to every vaccine, even ones that have been on the market for decades.
There are multiple points of view on the current vaccine and I urge everyone to be fully informed before you accept any medical procedure. Don’t blindly follow my words. Don’t blindly follow the recommendations of anyone, no matter what their title.
I am happy to correspond or speak with anyone who would like more information. There are thousands of medical professionals who are questioning the wisdom of a widespread campaign with this rushed, experimental, liability-free product. I am happy to report that while many have suffered severely from this illness, there is more and more awareness of effective treatments. I wrote about some of those here. And the really great news is that . The survival rate is reported to be well over 99% for all age groups!

You can find vast amounts of information available on both sides of this debate. In our information age, wading through so much information can be a daunting task. I just wanted to express my concerns and let you know that boosting your immune system may provide much greater protection than any rushed, experimental, liability-free vaccine.

I’ve deliberately repeated three words several times. Take some times to think about it:
- rushed
- experimental
- liability free
We all want to make wise choices. We want those we love to make wise choices. Perhaps one of the best things we can do might be to turn off the news sources, eat healthy foods, and spend as much time as possible outdoors! Spending time reading and studying God’s word has brought great comfort to my heart. The Bible is filled with wonderful promises we can hold on to. If you are new to reading it, I often suggest the book of Mark as a great starting point. Mark uses 16 chapters to relate the life of Jesus on earth. In chapter one he records that Jesus started off by saying, “the kingdom of God has arrived. Repent, and believe the good news!” Following Jesus brings confidence, never fear. He designed our immune system. He has prepared a future for us. Those who choose to follow Jesus Christ have no reason to fear.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
Here are some links to information exploring facts that are not generally being covered in the mainstream media:
Everyone needs to be personally responsible for their own health and should research the COVID-19 vaccines in development carefully before making a decision whether or not to vaccinate. Children’s Health Defense and the Informed Consent Action Network have been following the science closely and are good resources for everything COVID. They can be followed at https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ and https://www.icandecide.org/covid/.
For an explanation of the various types of vaccines in development, please see https://lozierinstitute.org/a-visual-aid-to-viral-infection-and-vaccine-production/.
You can learn more about the mRNA vaccines and the PREP Act, which will shield COVID-19 vaccine makers from all liability here https://informedchoicewa.org/news/fast-facts-on-covid-19-vaccine-concerns/.
Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity (nih.gov) Dr. James Lyons-Weiler April 2020
I am a Christian, have read some of your info and don’t agree with your very strong stance on vaccines and masks. In fact a lot of the info seems like Trump and many of the right-wing crazies conspiracy theories and confuses people.
Can you comment on this article please ?
“Some people think face masks are dangerous. Can that be true?
In a widely circulated video clip from a hearing last week on mandatory mask wearing in Orange County, Calif., an angry woman told officials she feared that masks made her re-breathe her own carbon dioxide, a waste product when we exhale.
“You’re telling me that I have to breathe in CO2 when God gave this body the ability to extract that from my body, and now you want me to put it back in my body,” she said.
After the hearing, the county changed the requirement to a recommendation. Then the state on Thursday required masks in most settings outside the home.
Donna Lea Merritt, a Berks County, Pa., woman who attended several protests against Pennsylvania’s coronavirus lockdown earlier this spring, also worries about CO2 and masks. She wears a mask only when she has to and even then “forces the issue.”
“It decreases your oxygen intake,” said Merritt, an alternative delegate at this summer’s Republican National Convention. “I think it increases your toxin inhalation.” That, she said, puts her immune system under stress and increases the odds of infection. She said she gets her information online, including from a medical Facebook show called The HighWire With Del Bigtree.
Initially seen as a nonpartisan way to fight the coronavirus, masks are now part of this country’s culture wars, a focal point in battles over the balance among safety, personal freedom and economic well-being. The president resists wearing them and so do some Republican lawmakers. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday required that masks be worn during committee meetings after some Republicans refused to do so.
Some who oppose masks downplay the dangers of the new virus, which causes mild illness in most but has also killed over 120,000 Americans. Others, though, raise medical concerns. Henry Fraimow, an infectious disease doctor at Cooper University Hospital, said he heard of health-care workers who were worried in March and April about breathing problems from mask use. “It’s picked up a life of its own,” he said.
Shiva Ayyadurai, a biological engineer who is running for Senate as an anti-“deep state” Republican in Massachusetts, says the cloth and surgical masks most of us wear are too porous to stop the virus. He says we’d be better off strengthening our immune systems with good diets, time outside (for vitamin D), and, if necessary, vitamins. In a video, Ayyadurai, who is one of Merritt’s information sources, also said that masks are antisocial and hamper relationships that strengthen immunity.
Russell Blaylock, a retired Mississippi neurosurgeon who now does nutrition research and edits the Blaylock Wellness Report, has written that masks can affect intake of both oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as immune functioning.
Infectious disease experts said masks are an imperfect defense against the coronavirus but evidence has mounted that, when combined with social distancing, eye protection, and frequent hand washing, they can slow its spread. Their primary benefit is not to an individual wearer, but to others. When a mask wearer coughs, sneezes, or simply breathes, the mask acts as a barrier that blocks the flight of virus-laden droplets. “A lot of the droplets never make it out, and then the ones that do don’t go very far,” Fraimow said.
This is especially important in a disease where people without symptoms can spread the virus. Without symptoms, there’s no way to know when to stay away from others, so, the thinking goes, we should all assume we might be sick and wear a mask.
As Pennsylvania’s health department is fond of saying, “My mask protects you, your mask protects me.” Infectious disease experts said this has been a hard concept for many to understand.
It has not helped, experts said, that public health messaging on masks has changed radically since the early days of the pandemic and has remained inconsistent. When the virus first arrived in the United States, protective equipment like masks was in such short supply that health-care workers couldn’t get enough of it. Experts then argued that the masks wouldn’t offer much protection to the rest of us.
Ravina Kullar, a spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America and an infectious disease consultant to Los Angeles nursing homes, was among those who initially recommended against masks. She’s changed her mind. “The way this virus is behaving is nothing like other viruses we’ve seen,” she said.
As for oxygen and CO2, infectious disease specialists said there’s no evidence to support the idea that cloth and surgical masks—the blue rectangular masks typically worn by nurses and doctors—lead to breathing problems. They don’t fit tightly enough to impede air flow or trap carbon dioxide.
“We don’t have ERs full of people who wore a mask and became sick because they were wearing a mask,” said William Schaffner, an infectious diseases specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
They can be uncomfortable, though, and they make some people feel a little claustrophobic.
“It’s cumbersome to have a mask on, and that’s what people notice,” said Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease doctor at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
Kullar said Americans aren’t used to wearing masks. “I think that people are trying to find reasons not to wear masks and questioning everything,” she said.
N95 masks are more complicated. They are better at filtering tiny viruses than the other masks and fit tightly against the face. There has been a shortage of N95s, and they have been reserved for medical workers who use them around coronavirus patients who are coughing or getting procedures that can force virus into the air.
There is some evidence that N95s can lead to changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels when used for long periods, especially by people who are obese or have chronic lung issues. Adalja said they are not meant for long-term use, and doctors try to take breaks from them. They have not been recommended for the general public. However, any breathing issues related to the masks do not lead to serious health problems, he said.
Fraimow said medical workers have been wearing N95s for longer periods than in the past without experiencing health problems. Some even cover them with surgical masks. This can make it feel harder to breathe or do things like climb stairs. They can also be uncomfortable.
Schaffner said CO2 is not the big issue with masks. “The big issue with masks,” he said, “is that people aren’t wearing them.”
Your ‘article’ provides no substance whatsoever. If you are a Christian, seek truth. God designed our faces to reflect His glory and our immune system to protect us from disease. I am apolitical. It’s laughable that you think I’m a supporter of a specific politician. I read, study and seek to apply God’s word on a daily basis. I seek to discern truth from lies and would never follow the advice presented in your article or similar propaganda pieces. We are under attack. What do you think about the hard sell through fear of the rushed, experimental, liability-free product labeled as a ‘vaccine’ currently causing a lot of serious adverse events in previously healthy people? One day we will all stand before God and give an account of our lives. I seek to warn those who are ready to receive a warning. I purposefully try to keep my tone gentle because most of us have undergone such serious mind engineering throughout our lives, that we are not even aware of it. May God bless you with eyes to see and ears to hear what He wants you to know. “Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.” I Peter 1:17