Do you know how many US children are being bombarded with psychiatric drugs?
Over 6 million children aged 0-17; Over 500,000 babies and toddlers aged 0-5.[1]
Data up to February 2020 reveals this is the number of children given prescription medications that WILL cause chemical imbalance in the brain, create addictions, and cause many other adverse side effects.
Are doctors getting our offspring hooked on addictive drugs at a far higher rate than the local drug dealers?
Why? Why are we drugging our children?
We can blame it on the medical industrial complex – children are an easy target for corporate profits.
We can blame it on doctors prescribing these medications.
We can blame it on insurance companies who reimburse for these medications.
We can blame it on agencies that receive government funding when children are prescribed these meds while in state custody.
We can blame it on parents who seek help and trust the system. Or parents that actually want an ‘instant fix’ to some behavior issues. Or parents that don’t discipline their children. Or parents struggling with their own addictions… So easy to blame the parents.
Or blame absent fathers.
Or we can blame teachers trying to control classroom behavior when all traditional measures of discipline are prohibited. Or an education system not designed to meet the needs and interests of children.
Some blame it on childbirth trauma. Or circumcision… Or vaccines…
We can blame it on media exposure of children. Babies from young ages are given screens as babysitters. Or, media pushing drugs to parents. Or, media creating anxiety amongst the entire population.

There are so many people we can blame. There are very few who want to take responsibility.
The blame game rarely helps us personally solve problems. I urge all parents to inform themselves. I’ve had so many friends over the years that trusted their doctors and followed the agenda, giving their children psychotropic drugs. Often one drug leads to another. Behavior problems are not usually magically solved with drugs. Often behavior is still an issue. Side effects become an additional and far more long lasting and complex issue to deal with. So many families wish they could go back and change their initial decisions regarding accepting the very first psychiatric drug for their child – no matter what condition it was prescribed for, there are alternatives.[2]
The Bay Area News Group spent four months documenting the alarming use of psychiatric medications in California’s foster care system — and the impact on thousands of vulnerable children who continue to suffer the consequences. From Los Angeles to the Bay Area to Humboldt County, reporter Karen de Sá and photographer Dai Sugano interviewed more than 175 people, including dozens of current and former foster youth who were frequently moved and heavily medicated by a system that struggled to manage their complicated childhoods. Now, there’s a growing call for change among former foster youth, psychiatrists, public health nurses and youth advocates. The stories of lost childhoods and remarkable resilience provide compelling lessons on how California can better address their trauma and stop “Drugging Our Kids.”
What can we do? Here are some random ideas that pop into my head:
- For one thing, don’t just take drugs for any and every condition. Understand that the industry that makes all your handy quick fixes – both prescription and OTC – is the same one that is drugging our children. Why do we support them? Why not boycott all pharmaceuticals? Only take them when it’s a life or death situation…
- Learn how to live a natural healthy lifestyle. Help and encourage others to live an active healthy lifestyle.
- Disinvest in pharmaceutical companies. Put your money behind your strong passions. Check your investment portfolio. Are you profiting from the deliberate harm of children by corporations that push addictive harmful drugs on children???? Place your vote with your wallet.
- Spread the word. This situation didn’t develop overnight. It’s been a slow creep over decades. We need to speak truth boldly. Most people have no idea and need to be informed on how the pharmaceutical industry is exploiting children.
- What else? If you have ideas to add to my list, please share them in the comments below. I read every comment and LOVE to hear your input.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved. Blessed with a husband of nearly 40 years, five precious babies, I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.
[1] 6,726,189 children aged 0-17 years including 530,169 from ages 0-5 years prescribed psychiatric drugs. Data was taken from the IQVia Total Patient Tracker Database for Year 2019, extracted February 2020. https://www.cchrint.org/…/children-on-psychiatric-drugs/
[2] The following article has links to many alternatives to drugging our children. https://www.cchrint.org/issues/childmentaldisorders/