Get ready. There is going to be a HUGE push this season for EVERYONE to get a flu shot. You will be told many different things to try and gain your cooperation. You may be offered money or other enticements from the stores pushing them. You will be facing this push everywhere you go! If you thought it was bad in previous years, I predict the push for flu shots will be much worse this year!
Many will imply that the flu shot will protect you from corona – and they’ve been pushing fear and dread of THAT for so many months that many may be pushed to accept.
Will the flu shot help you stay healthier during flu season? OR, could it possibly leave you even more vulnerable to sickness? My opinion is well formed, but I was very surprised to read that the British Medical Journal published a piece by ALLAN S. CUNNINGHAM on 23 February 2020 that draws some interesting conclusions:

…we have spent billions on a drug that possibly does more harm than good. (BMJ 2020;368:m626—February 19) The same thing can be said about influenza vaccines.
We hear so much about the vital importance of flu shots that it will come as a nasty surprise to learn that they increase the risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses. This has been shown in at least two studies that have received little attention from public health authorities:…To my knowledge, the foregoing risk figures have not been explicitly published anywhere. They will not be found in the abstracts of the articles, so you have to go to the tables and look at the numbers themselves.
What is going on? We are told year after year that influenza vaccines are 60% effective…30% effective…45% effective…etc. Does this mean that they prevent a significant proportion of all viral respiratory infections? No, these reports are based on non-randomized surveys known as “test-negative case-control studies”; they look only at influenza infections and make no attempt to look at the other 200-plus respiratory viruses. Furthermore, they make no attempt to look at any vaccine adverse effects such as seizures, narcolepsy, Guillain-Barre’ syndrome, or oculorespiratory syndrome. Tamiflu & influenza vaccines: more harm than good?
Keeping up-to-date on health information can be daunting. Contradictory information abounds. Who do we believe? The best question to ask is, does this person, sharing this opinion have something to gain? Are they profiting from the sale of this product? If so, they are not ALWAYS telling you the entire truth. Find unbiased sources for your health information. Did you know that Medical Care is the third leading cause of death in our country?
Vaccine injury is real. Injury and death occur far more frequently than we are told. All parties involved in promoting vaccines are 100% liability free. They face no consequences no matter how their products may cause harm.
If you are concerned about avoiding illness during the winter, one of the most critically important things you can do is maintain good vitamin D levels. Avoiding bad food and eating good food will also give your body the most help in staying healthy. God designed our body with a marvelous innate immune system. We support our immune system with wholesome living. Men have been trying for decades to by-pass God’s design with vaccines or drugs to ‘fix’ something. Huge markets have been created through blindly following those peddling their sophisticated ‘cures.’

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved and blessed to bring five precious babies into the world, and now get to watch nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.