While natural remedies might not work for everyone, these tips were gleaned from a large number of women eager to share what worked for them. Some of the suggestions are repeated over by many women. I decided to include most of the repetitions… If you feel you have tried everything, maybe you will find a new idea to try. There is conflicting information so you will have to explore and discover for yourself. If you “have tried everything” perhaps skip to the end to TheMomentsAtHome article… I’d love to know what has worked for you. Please share in the comments. Thanks

- Everyone says B6[1], and they’re right except that it takes time to build up enough B6 in your system, so you can’t expect quick results. A person should start taking it as soon as they find out they’re pregnant. The wrist bands work. I also liked a small amount (maybe 2 Tbsp) of lemon juice with salt. This works when nausea begins. Also, eating sweets will make it worse. Eat starch and protein, such as a bean and cheese burrito, right before bed.
- Linum B6 just before bed. It is B6 in a flax based capsule. Works wonders!
- Don’t drink fast. Take very little sips.
- You won’t find many articles on it, but cannabis is very good for morning sickness and mothers that smoke it have babies that are more alert and start socializing sooner … God’s favorite plant.
- If dehydrated, water can make it worse. Make an electrolyte drink with a pinch of salt, honey, lemon, and ginger. Sip that slowly.
- Nux vomica is an amazing homeopathic remedy for nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness. It may also help with heartburn.
- Organic apple cider vinegar with the mother. Ginger. Peppermint. Pickles. Lemon water.
- Sour hard candy like jolly ranchers.
- Magnesium
- Constantly drinking sparkling water with fresh ginger. And popcorn was my staple! But popcorn made on the stove top, not microwaved.
- Sour candy
- Ginger tea
- Sea band motion sickness bracelets.
- Ginger
- Floradix liquid calcium and magnesium.
- An apple helped, usually nothing else I tried did. I had HORRIBLE entire pregnancy long sickness with my second.
- A very weak ginger tea. Sip it, and eat protein, or drink protein shakes.
- Kombucha!
- The organic ginger Moscow mule simple truth Kroger mix! It’s perfect for so many reasons! (yes of course it’s alcohol free, it’s just an awesome thing to sip on!).
- B6 was magic for me. https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/tn9126
- I made my daughter a rollerball using doTERRA essential oils for down her spine, back of neck and wrists I personally sucked on hard candy lemon drops, they were sweet on the outside and sour inside.
- CBD oil [I highly recommend finding an organic full spectrum oil. I’ve found a great CBD oil with a 30 day money back guarantee].
- Red jelly beans.
- Hot caramel apple cider.
- Homeopathy.
- I have a friend who swears by apples and it has worked for most people that have tried it.
- Almonds.
- Dyclegis helped me so much this time! I know it is a med but I couldn’t function without it.
- Saltine crackers.
- Lots of good snacks around the clock… Till this fades.
- I swear by Seabands.
- This works: get a bunch of fresh ginger. Scrape off the peel and grind it to a pulp in the blender (very easy). Pack into a jar and add as much honey as you have ginger, half and half. Stir and refrigerate. Put 2 – 4 spoonfuls into hot or cold water and stir. Super yummy, honey is all melted in and mixes easily, the ginger settles the nausea almost immediately, and the ginger is good for you!
- Baking soda water if it’s an emergency. Eat lots of alkaline foods. Nothing greasy for dinner. Take calcium and magnesium at night. And make sure to drink electrolytes at day time.
- Ginger tea.
- I used ginger chews.
- Sleep.
- Smelling peppermint essential oil.
- Magnesium!
- Peppermint.
- Gripe water.
- A lack of B vitamins, especially B6 has been shown in medical studies to be low in women with hyperemesis grad. Also, try a spoonful of activated charcoal or bentonite clay on an empty stomach. Morning sickness may be a sign of toxicity – the body trying to get rid of it – watch the foods you eat.
- Prego pops worked really well for me … and REAL ginger ale.
- Natural didn’t work for me. I tried ginger, B6, wrist sickness pressure bands, peppermint and prig pops, staying hydrated and eating small and often … crackers etc. I did diclegis third pregnancy and it was wonderful, just had my baby 3 weeks ago. Healthy and beautiful. Did Zofran second time and nothing first time. I believe you do the pills to stay out of hospital. I’m sick entire 9 months too. It’s a killer. Try diclegis if you are not totally against the drugs. It’s the less of 2 evils and will keep you functioning very well I might add.
- Ginger tea & ginger candies worked so well for me and I had morning sickness something awful. I’d stay away from the Zofran if you can.
- Ginger, peppermint, digestive enzymes are great, cannabis if it’s legal for medicinal use in your state? I hope you find relief momma! Maybe a tummy tea?
- You can find cannabis tinctures and edibles that work great and have zero negative effects on health.
- Try bitters. I got it on line. You put a few drops of bitters in soda water or a soda drink. Aromatic bitters, brand name is Angostura. A young family member suffers from nausea all the time and this works like a charm. The active ingredient is an herb called gentian.
- Morning sickness, according to my nutrition doctor, is when a body in early pregnancy is trying to detox itself and everything gets tossed in the stomach overnight so you wake up ill in the morning. The best way to eliminate this is to help with the detoxing process by eating live food only for a few days. I personally would eat tons of fruit because fruit is a natural cleanser. I never had morning sickness with either of mine so I did not have to try this myself but it’s worth a shot?
- Find acupuncture point P6 on the inner wrist area. Rub, needle. Wear a wrist band with a small bead attached to stimulate the point.
- Magnesium is essential, obviously tablets won’t stay down, so epson salts baths and magnesium spray on the skin can help.
- Magnesium spray for sure!!
- You can also try natural progesterone cream, sold at natural/health stores [my personal recommendation is Progesterall formulated by Dr John Lee]. Rub a dime-sized amount on a different area of your body twice daily. DoTERRA’s peppermint beadlets and the DigestZen oil blend also work great for some.
- I drank kefir a lot with morning sickness. That was the only thing that really helped.
- Sniffing fresh lemon helped me. And eating boiled rice with a bit of salt and sprinkled with fresh lemon juice.
- Raspberry tea. The morning sickness is due to the rising level of HCG (human choriogonadotropic hormone) in your body. It peaks around three months and then it falls off and you start to feel better again. Out of five children I only had severe morning sickness once. I didn’t do much but want to lay on the couch most of the day. It is just something you have to get through knowing it won’t last.
- A high quality bio-active B complex such as Garden of Life Raw B, as well as magnesium. Hope it helps!
- Magnesium, vitamins B6 and B12.
- Cannabis oil or edibles.
- Chinese medicine.
- Try the Homeopathic nux vomica.
- Try natural calm magnesium and acupuncture works!
- Pedialyte pops.
- Cannabis is safe and works wonders for nausea.
- B6. Raw milk.
- Sounds like hypermesis graviderum. Look into the hypermesis diet. Eat protein, smell fresh lemon for nausea, use the sea bands. I feel your pain. I was in hospital 2 times with my first child. It gets better the further along you are. Hang in there mama!!!!
- Extra B6 helped me. I’m 5 days out from my due date and with number 2 and have had nausea and throwing up all 10 months with both pregnancies. Eating a little piece (like size of chocolate chip) of edible before bed helped me sleep without feeling like I was in a boat on days I was extremely bad. Peppermint oil on a sugar cube works, peppermint oil on wrists or neck, and peppermint tea works. Eating fresh ginger, or grating it and adding it to hot water with lemon and a tad bit of honey and sipping on it. Chewing on ice. And on certain days I will take vitamin water and dilute it with water. This time around I only had 2 IVs from dehydration last time it got to point that I was thankful for paramedic friends I have that would come give me them at home in my own bed.
- Real fruit juice popsicles.
- Go on YouTube and search “nausea pregnancy acupuncture”
- Use SeaBands on your wrists they look like tennis bands but have small weights in them that press on acupuncture points for nausea.
- Acupunture there are 2 points under the tongue when one has morning sickness. It is because the body has not accepted the pregnancy yet. One treatment should help it is in the middle of the 2 thick blue veins under the tongue if you are afraid of acupuncture you can stimulate the 2 points with clear crystal points.
- Ginger in hot water with honey.
- You can find cannabis tinctures and edibles that work great and have zero negative effects on health 🙂
- Coconut water.
- For severe HG you may find this protocol beneficial: How I Ditched Debilitating Morning Sickness (HG): https://www.themomentsathome.com/morning-sickness-relief-hyperemesis/
- These ideas helped: How to Avoid Morning Sickness https://wellnessmama.com/6065/avoid-morning-sickness/
- I found some great ideas here: Natural Morning Sickness Remedies: 10 Things That Really Work https://www.mamanatural.com/natural-morning-sickness-remedies/
[1] “Pyridoxine [vitamin B6} can be used as a single agent or in conjunction with doxylamine. One small study demonstrated that vitamin B6 in a dosage of 25 mg taken orally every eight hours (75 mg per day) was more effective than placebo for controlling nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.” Quinla JD, Hill DA. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Am Fam Physician. 2003;68(1):121-128. https://www.aafp.org/afp/2003/0701/p121.html

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. By God’s grace I was saved and blessed to bring five precious babies into the world, and now get to watch nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.