Dr. LawrencePalevsky is a renowned board certified pediatrician, sought-after lecturer, and published author, who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness. He provides patients and their families with personalized, comprehensive consultations to address their children’s wellness at Northport Wellness Center, New York City.
Dr Palevsky gave this comprehensive overview of his medical training and his personal research and experience regarding vaccine safety before the Connecticut Legislative Informational Forum. This 18 minute presentation covers vital information that every doctor, parent and grandparent should understand before accepting the current vaccine recommendations of 72 doses by the age of 18 for every single child.
I urge you to 1) watch; 2) take notes; 3) learn some of the most obvious facts; 4) formulate questions to ask those who continue to believe that ‘vaccines are safe and effective’ and ‘the science is settled’; 4) share. Together our education efforts are making a difference. Educating the end user – families – seems to be the most powerful way of changing this narrative. As state legislatures continue to seek to pass mandatory vaccine laws we see how political this debate has become. Information will empower families to make informed choices for the best possible long term health of their babies and children.
Transcript, edited slightly for clarity:
“In 1983, when I started medical school, I was taught vaccines were safe, they were effective and I should give them.
But I was not taught about any of the science around their safety or any of the studies around how safety (studies) were done.
It wasn’t until 1998 that a mother came up to me and said: “Doctor, did you know that there’s mercury in vaccines?”
And I said no I did not.
As a medical student I was trained to critically think.
If you see an observation you go after it try and figure out if there’s a question to ask.
So, instead of just ignoring it I looked further into the vaccine ingredients and I found that there were a number of vaccine ingredients that in animal studies were proven to be very dangerous to animals.
And I didn’t understand why these same ingredients were actually in vaccines.
I was starting to hear stories from parents.
Not dozens, not hundreds but thousands of stories, from parents, who took a very healthy child into their doctor’s office and then found that their child lost much of their health.
Whether it was their speech, whether it were seizures, whether it was death, whether it was asthma, allergies, eczema…
Whether it was autism, whether it was learning disabilities, whether it was inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases …
And every one of those parents were told it had nothing to do with the vaccine.
Every single one.
And this continues today.
But yet, when I look at the ingredients that are in the vaccines, I have the science to
actually explain how these medical problems could be happening in these children.
Today, one in five children is learning-disabled .
In 1976 it was one in 17.
One in six, under age eight.
One in two in adolescence
And one in four, in young adults, is diagnosed with a mental behavioral or emotional disorder.
One in twenty children under the age of five have seizures.
One child in forty develops autism.
The number of cases of children and adults with autoimmune diseases is rising exponentially.
It’s one of the highest rising diseases in this country.
And the vaccine ingredients, if you are willing to look at them and understand how they work, when they are injected into the body, can be seen to be responsible for every single one of these cases.
So what are these ingredients?
Well when I was in medical school we were taught that the body has something called the blood-brain barrier.
The blood-brain barrier is like Fort Knox for the brain.
Some elements that are in the bloodstream can not get into the brain.
Those elements include: drugs, viruses and bacteria… among other things that are in the blood.
Drug companies were very concerned about being able to develop drugs. So, to get the drugs into the brain. So they used something called a nanoparticle.
A nanoparticle is a very small particle, bound to the drug.
They found that if they could put a nanoparticle onto a drug they could get that drug to go into the brain. It shows in animal studies that they were able to do this.
They then were able to take an emulsifier, which is something that’s good with water and fat (it can dissolve in both) and if they added the emulsifier to the nanoparticle that was bound to the drug, they could increase drug entry into the brain 20 fold.
This is right out of animal studies that I’ve found.
So you have a drug, you have a nanoparticle and you have this emulsifier bound together.
This combination gets quite easily into the brain.
Vaccines are constructed the same way.
You have the vaccine viruses and bacteria that are bound to a nanoparticle, called aluminum,
That aluminum (which is a nanoparticle) has, by definition, the potential to enter the brain.
Most vaccines also contain polysorbate 80 or sorbitol.
Both of those compounds are emulsifiers.
Emulsifiers bind very tightly to the nanoparticle aluminum which is bound very tightly to the vaccine antigens.
This raises a question: “If the vaccine model is the same model as the model that the drug companies are using to enhance the delivery of drugs into the brain. Then is it possible that vaccine ingredients are making their way into the brain of our children?”
That could explain why so many parents are watching their kids deteriorate after vaccinations, even though the doctors, the media and the government say: absolutely no connection.
Even though the science suggests that there is a connection.
You cannot find a single study in the literature that addresses whether the injection of aluminum into the body penetrates the brain, whether any vaccine ingredients enter the brain and whether polysorbate 80 enhances the delivery of any of those ingredients into the brain.
And when I could not find those studies… I was concerned, because I’m told and you’re told
the vaccines are evaluated and very very distinctly tested for safety.
Yet, you can not find a study that says if aluminum stays in the blood or gets into the brain of children.
Does aluminum take other vaccine ingredients into the brain that don’t belong in the brain?
Because when ingredients that don’t belong in the brain get across the blood-brain barrier, they cause inflammation.
And inflammation is what we see in one in five children with learning disabilities and one in 40 children with autism.
All we have to do is ask the guidance counselor’s at schools about what they see.
If you get honest pediatricians who are telling you what they’re seeing in their practice..they will tell you:
They’re seeing kids, one after another, with more and more brain disorders.
Now, as a medical doctor – who was taught to think – I went into the literature and said:
“Are proper science studies done?”
Safety studies like for example: Where you take a vaccine and you inject it into a hundred kids and then you give another hundred kids a saline placebo (meaning it’s inert).
No study exists to actually evaluate the safety of a vaccine compared to a placebo group. None !!
When vaccines are studied, the maximum amount of days that vaccines are studied is up to ten days to two weeks.
And unfortunately, the vaccine manufacturers pre select what side effects they will allow to be associated with the vaccines.
So, if a child has a vaccine reaction that is associated with the vaccine, the vaccine manufacturers will decide whether or not it should or should not be associated with the vaccine. And the public knows this and they’re learning it more and more.
So, if your child develops seizures five months after a vaccine, your child is told by the doctor that it had nothing to do with the vaccine.
But that’s not true, because there are no studies to prove it.
There is opinion… but there’s never been a study really addressing whether a vaccination at two months or even nine hours of age, could be related to an event that happened months or even years later, and yet we have some of the sickest children in our country.
In New York, we lost the religious exemption on June 13th, 2019, because the unvaccinated children with a religious exemption were blamed for a measles outbreak.
When I met with representatives in New York I told them that there is no study to prove that unvaccinated children have ever been proven to start an epidemic.
He was surprised and he said: “I will vote against removing the religious exemption if I can’t find a study like you say.”
He could not find a study, but he voted to repeal the exemption anyway,… because there are no studies.
There are no studies proving that unvaccinated children are responsible.
There’s consensus…”

Becky Hastings, wife, mother, grandmother, passionate follower of Jesus and truth. As a breastfeeding counselor for over 23 years Becky is devoted to helping parents make wise decisions for the long-term health and wellbeing of their babies. As a member of a Vaccine Safety Education Coalition, Becky writes and speaks on the topic of vaccine safety.