Estimates suggest 90% of infants are given Tylenol (aka acetaminophen). Pregnant women are encouraged that Tylenol is safe to take during pregnancy. Yet, there has been virtually no thorough investigation of the neurological consequences. There are 16 human studies which suggest brain developmental harm from use in pregnancy.

Why are pregnant women not being warned? Why are parents encouraged to give Tylenol to their babies? With impacts as serious as autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, and ADHD, surely pregnant women deserve to know that the little pill they take for pain or a headache might cause lifelong impact on their unborn baby.

Toby Rogers, PhD shares that “9 studies show an association between acetaminophen (Tylenol) use & adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes (Bauer et al., 2018). Avella-Garcia (2016) & Liew et al. (2016) found that males exposed to Tylenol in utero have significantly elevated risk of autism.”
Tylenol is not the ONLY factor to adversely impact the brains of developing babies. Other toxicants at vulnerable times are implicated. “Autism is both preventable and treatable. We have fairly good data that five classes of toxicants increase autism risk:
- Mercury from coal fired power plants;
- Plastics;
- Pesticides & herbicides;
- EMF/RFR; and
- Pharmaceuticals (Tylenol, SSRIs, & vaccines).” Toby Rogers, PhD
But are there clear signals about WHICH of these creates the greatest risk?
“In the debate over toxicants that increase autism risk, all roads lead back to vaccines. At least 5 studies show a statistically significant association between vaccines & autism (Gallagher & Goodman, 2008 & 2010; Thomas & Margulis, 2016; Mawson et al., 2017a & 2017b).” Toby Rogers, PhD
I encourage you to follow Dr Rogers on Twitter. He is providing a wealth of information on this critically important topic.
In this landmark conversation (starting about 52 minutes into this episode of The Highwire) Del Bigtree and Toby Rogers, PhD discuss the financial implications of the raging autism epidemic and question why this topic is being totally ignored by key role players. This reality is going to impact every member of society.

A starting point for more info on vaccines. Comments, questions, and suggestions always encouraged.

Becky Hastings collects information on health and tries her best to discover and share truth. “By God’s grace, through Jesus Christ, I was saved, blessed with a husband of 40 years, and have five precious babies all grown up. I now get to delight as nine grandchildren grow! Together we can help each other discover a healthy path in this crazy upside down world.“
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This infuriates me as a mom with a son with autism. I unknowingly continued each shot when he had reactions each time then received his mmr 15 months old and went into his own world lost all skills and quit eating all but a handful of foods. I spent the next 14 years leaving no stone unturned providing therapy after therapy any thing I could find that I could afford I did. Today he’s high functioning. I found Andrew Moulden a few years back and starting reading about the eyes showing signs of stroke after every vaccines and if you pay close attention you can see it in every baby child adult following vaccines. Every Vaccine causes harm. If you doubt that last statement then read their vaccine inserts or cdc’s possible but rare side effects list. I do not understand how people can really be so brainwashed when facts are presented. Let’s look at how many SIDS deaths there are. How can we say that many deaths there are no answers for. Come on people we have got to do better than this for our future. In my biology class I had to watch a video of this man whom contracted polio from a vaccine. He was disabled because of this and he and his family had to lobby to change the way the vaccine was made, so now it’s safe to get this vaccine. And we buy into this!!??!! The fact that this family had to lobby in 2000 to change a vaccine that damaged him, you just can not see the rationale in this…
At this time, there are 23 (out of 24) human cohort studies, involving over 220,000 mother-child pairs, which suggest prenatal acetaminophen exposure increases risk of adverse neurobehavioral outcomes including autism, ADHD & lower IQ. Lab findings are consistent with the human studies, indicating brain & behavioral abnormalities in exposed animals. Cohort investigation of infant use of acetaminophen in relation to autism has not been done. The relationship between vaccines (mainly MMR) and autism has been investigated in over 70 quality human studies, with not one finding a relationship.
Hi Ann
Thank you for your comments on the risks of acetaminophen. I believe your last sentence will require some research as the statement cannot be validated. The HHS admits it has not conducted safety studies of the current vaccine program. Aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines has never been studied for safety of injection. Dr Stanley Plotkin admitted the TDaP/DTap and DTP have never been studied in connection with autism yet babies today are recommended to get four or five doses. No vaccine has every undergone the placebo controlled gold standard of safety testing which is required for other drugs. Vaccines get a pass because they are in a class called ‘biologics’. The media wants us to think that vaccines are safe and have no connection to neurological impairment, but millions of parents and doctors who take the time to study the issue understand there is a connection. I hope you will take the time to review a wide range of facts before continuing to make this assertion. Here is a short explanation of the lack of safety studies. Dr Stanley Plotkin on the necessity of a double blind placebo controlled study.
Becky Hastings