The following is a verbatim account by Maureen Green who has given me permission to reprint her story.

I’ll never vaccinate again.
❤I’m a RN of 26 years.
-I’ve run flu vaccine clinics in the stores.
-I’ve run a vaccine clinic at a National Guard armory.
-My 3 adult children are fully Vaccinated (my youngest is missing 1 booster).
-I’ve worked in both adult care and pediatrics, hospital and home healthcare.
If I could do it all over again
I would NEVER vaccinate my children or myself.
💪In nursing school, I graduated Cum Laude from a prestigious Jesuit University with a 3.75 GPA. I was the last class of students who took the 2 day test for licensure and passed the first try. I’ve always been proud of myself in being a VERY conscientious nurse always doing right for my patients, guarding them from any and all harm, because I truly wanted to help them get better….as better as possible. I took my oath seriously!
🗣All we learned in nursing school was:
1) the schedule
2) side effects (the minor ones)
3) never, ever to give vaccines to anyone who is sick, feels like they’re getting sick or exposed to someone sick recently….or pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant
4) how to administer them…always pulling back on the plunger to make sure you aren’t in a blood vessel when injecting the solution. (I never see that being done anymore).

😱I never considered that vaccines had an ingredients list and truly beLIEved that everything I was taught about vaccines, was everything there was to know.
I naively thought vaccines contained:
1) viral/bacterial component
2) a small amount of immune stimulator (nothing harmful)
3) saline
I look back and think,
“How could I be so naive?”🤦
*I remember a time when we used to have patients sign the signature line ON THE INSERTS, rip them off and keep them and GIVE THE INSERTS to the patients. I don’t know when that practice stopped, replaced by a 8 x 11 sheet of paper, with minimal information.
*I remember holding down my children for the nurses to administer their shots so they could stay healthy. 😢
*I remember being so conscientious about their vaccines that I had them at their visits when they were due. 😞
*I remember 2 soldiers asking me why they always seemed to get sick after getting the flu vaccine and my robotic answer. They looked at each other almost as if to say “see, told you so”, and walked away.
*I remember, after recovering my health naturally with nutrition, and having already learned about Dr Max Gerson after my sister passed from brain cancer at 52yo, asking God what else don’t I know? 🤔

That was shortly after Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe came out.
*I remember the 3 months it took to finally watch it because I was horrified at the thought. 🙈
*I remember the sobs watching it. I remember the sobs many days and nights after that. 😭
*I remember the endless hours, days, months watching the Vaxxed stories while my kids were at school. 😭
*I remember the endless hours reading articles and comment sections, linking to research and more articles and posts and documentaries and videos. (Keep commenting – people are watching and learning in there – that’s where I found a lot of information to research!)❤
*I remember watching seminars and doctors and immunologists and researchers and….and….and…
So many nights up for 48 hours because I couldn’t put it away to sleep. There was too much to learn.
Sooooo much I wasn’t taught in nursing school.🙄
😞How could I have been so naive?
*I remember coming to the realization that my own children are vaccine injured:
Learning challenges
Auditory processing Delay
Severe Respiratory Distress
After 6 mos shots (DTaP)
Severe separation anxiety
Severe GERD
Gastrointestinal issues
Candida overgrowth
Not to mention my own issues:
6 autoimmune diseases
*And they didn’t have to have all the challenges they have.
😭Nothing is worse though, than the horror at the thought that, at my hands, someone could’ve been injured, or worst yet, died from a vaccine.
❤I became a nurse because I’ve always wanted to help people. I hate seeing suffering, I hate people being in pain. I want to alleviate suffering of any kind and that’s why I studied so hard, to know what I needed to know to help people. 🤦
That’s why I’ll always speak up now!
I’ve been the target of many trolls and troll groups. They don’t phase me. God has my back! He will protect me and my children. The armor of God will shield us from evil. I will honor God and all those I could be responsible for inadvertently harming by always being outspoken. I will do what I can to help others understand why I went from very much for vaccines to never consenting for another one again.

I had a dear friend and momma of a severely autistic boy ask me one time:
“How come you never said anything and stood up for us earlier in your nursing career?”
My answer:
“Because no one ever said anything to me. I seriously had no idea till 3 years ago.“
🙇Please, keep talking to medical professionals. Lead them to the information. Ask them questions and help plant seeds of curiosity in their brains. Don’t give up on us. My turning point was when someone in an article comment thread asked me if I knew what MRC-5 and WI-38 are and what those are in. That’s all it took.

You never know when something you say with love and compassion will stick and set them on their own path of education and awareness. You never know what warrior you’re waking up and activating. We don’t know more than you, help us realize that!❤
—and Please, forgive us for our attitudes in reaction. We ARE taught that in nursing school!

Journeyboost is maintained by Becky Hastings in the hope of assisting parents and others make wise decisions for the health and future of their families. Please find much more vaccine information starting here.

I work as a Carer for the elderly in the UK and I am afraid what is coming for those of us in the Health Care system who are waking up to the dangers of mandated vaccinations for all. What I am most fearful of is my daughter in Australia embarks on a Nursing career in a few weeks. I have tried to warn her of the dangers of vaccinations all her life. My daughter was not fully vaccinated as a child because I tried to limit and space all her immunisations after my son suffered a severe reaction to MMR, but I cannot influence her decisions regarding vaccinations as an adult. To continue to work in the health care system, I myself have to either provide evidence of immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Varicella, Pertussis and HepB or agree to having all vaccinations and boosters done. I am now 54 years old and very healthy. Despite having vaccinations as a child, I only have immunity to Mumps (probably from my mother who was infected by the wild virus as a child) so I would have to redo all vaccinations in order to carry on in my role as an Assistant in Nursing to the elderly. I do not want to compromise my health, or that of my daughters because of our career choices. Please can you help me with a way forward. Caring and compassion is foremost the reasons for our choices to want to work in Healthcare. Kind regards.
Hi Tracey
You are absolutely right to want to avoid any further vaccines for yourself. As a person of faith in Jesus Christ, I believe He will open a path for you where you are able to follow both your insights for guarding your health, AND employment to provide for your needs. There are so many people desiring alternative care that enlightened health professionals who refuse to align themselves to the rigid standard of care will be in demand. I encourage you to pray and seek God. He will reveal a way.
As far as influencing your adult children, that is something you cannot control. I encourage you to clearly and factually convey your concerns, but in the end it must be your daughter’s choice. You can pray that she will be given wisdom, courage, and strength beyond her training to find a way to help others and herself maintain health for her entire life. I wrote this years ago for my adult children.
We have all been entrusted with a body. Our duty on earth is to seek to understand and honor our Creator. Evil exists and there are greedy forces seeking to lead us astray. Some are deceived. Others purposefully deceive for profit or career enhancement. Seek truth and you will find it. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but wants us to have power, love and self control. He loves us beyond what we can imagine. His heart aches to see His dear people led so far astray. I pray you will find His peace and comfort on your path.
Hi Becky. How very kind of you to answer my concerns and so quickly too. I keep thinking that perhaps I should just stop working in health care, but I do enjoy aged care and envisaged doing this into my retirement. My daughter knows how I feel about vaccinations (although she thinks I am a bit paranoid) so thank you for sharing your heartfelt letter to your children, and with your permission I will give it to my daughter to read. I have felt very fearful and helpless moving forward, and was about to resign my fight and agree to the vaccinations. That was without really praying in earnest and leaning entirely on God for His guidance and protection where this has been concerned. So thank you for reminding me where my strength really lies, and for giving me the encouragement to refuse to be led astray. I am greatly comforted by your letter and feel God led me here to have this dialog with you as the answer to the groaning of my heart, that till now, only God has heard. Sincerely, Tracey.
God will be glorified as you seek Him and share with others. Thank you for replying. Your words will impact many more!